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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1915)
HA1LY ttOGl'K 1UVER COURIER FRIDAY, NOYKMHKIt ID, lim. PAGH TWO Dally Rogue Eiver Courier. A. B. VOORHIE8, Pub. and Prop. WILFORD ALLEN. Editor V Entered at ths Grants Pass, Ore gon, Postoffice ss second-class mail matter. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $5.90 Six Months ...... Three Months One Month . J.00 -1.50 ....50 KIIJG KTmiTlliE" T DETERMINE AT MUS KEjnslTIOX FOR MAJT ' . ' WANTED AT MKDFORU E ONCE Parable in Advance. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1015. V ... . . '.. OREGON WEATHER '- Tonight and Saturday occa- slonal rain west, rain or snow eastern portion; southerly winds. ! . CANDIDATES ARE APPEARINQ. i 'Things politically ! have been de veloping pretty rapidly the past 24 hours, and nominating petitions are seen en about' every street corner. , For mayor the twteet Is about to "resolve ltseil Into a battle of ballots between Dr. J. P. Truax and Council man' G.'M. Caldwell Petitions tor 'each are in circulation, and It Is un derstood that each, has agreed with .his sponsors to make the race. . Mr. Caldwell's term as councilman from the 'first ward Expires en the first of the year; and becoming a can dldate for mayor leaves an opening there for a new candidate. Petitions for two; A. L. Edgerton and W. A. Taddock, are out for Caldwell's seat. ' Councilman Herman Is the holdover In this ward. In the second ward Councilman Demaray Is to be a nominee for re election. Fred Isham Is also being brought forward tor the office. Atchi son holds over in this ward. ' Councilman Davis is seeking re election in the third ward, with the place being contested for by Wm. Bunch. Burkhalter holds over.'. The term of office of Wm. Trimble expires in the fourth ward, and a petition for his renomination Is in circulation.' Otto J. Knlps b also be ing placed In nomination by the peti tion route. Councilman Burke holds over from this ward. v No burning Issues seem to have developed over the campaign as yet. though there promises to toe plenty of "pep" Injected Into the election 'regardless. ' The time for the filing of nominating petitions will close Saturday night. Paris, Nov. 19. King Constantino of Greece will be given but little more time in which to decide wheth er to cast his lot with Germany or with the allies. . Unless he openly allies himself on the allies' side in passive of active co-operation and gives desired assur ances that he will not intern any al lied ' refugees, the allies will take speedy action- against him, it was believed here today. Not only is Constantlue's present attitude regarded aa dangerous to the allies' campaign in the-Balkans, but there are disquieting reports of a Graeco-Bulgar agreement, together with a possibility that Roumanla also will Join the central powers. In these circumstances officials are not inclined to temporise. Delay and uncertainty are merely hindering the Balkan operations and If Greece re fuses to give-: the non-interference guarantees the allies' plans and suc cesses will be admittedly greatly Jeopardised. To prevent such an outcome, strong pressure Is being brought to bear against King Con stantino, presumably wtth a threat that action of the most drastic sort will follow any attempt to evade the allies' demands or to swing into the Geraanio alliance. v THE END 13 NEAR. Any day now the projectors of the sugar beet factory may call upon the people of the valley to lay their cards npon the table. They will say that the time has come when they1 must know whether or not the necessary '6,000 acres are guaranteed.' When that time arrives it will depend upon the acreage represented In the con tracts whether or not the factory will be bulR at all, .and also upon the location If It U to be built. There can be no more delay, for the con struction of a factory representing nearly a million of dollars Is not a ' matter of a few days. 1 That the Im portance of the condition is thorough ly realized by the people of this dis trict la made evident from the inter est all are now taking' In the' cam paign. There is yet a long way to go before Grants Pass is assured half . the required acreage in the entire valley, it being up- to this district to ' get at least half if we wish to be counted a factor when the selection of location is considered. The min utes are now valuable. ALLIES UNABLE i . . .. -.-n TO AID SERBIANS r NOV HEAR DEFEAT . Athens. Nov. 19. Allied troops bravely tried today to distract the Bulgars from their southeastern Ser bian campaign, . where they are sweeping everything before them. ' The French hurled strong groups against the Bulgars on the Vardar river. Already they have been some what successful,, but it la feared here that they are not numerous enough to follow their advantage. They have' repeatedly requested that rein forcements be sent them. Numerous forces were reported to be at Sal onikl, but the problem of getting them to the scene of the fighting In time makes the situation dubious. The Vardar river contest is raging desperately. The Bulgars have been driven across the stream by French artillery, which more than offset the question of numbers. Meantime the British are still hammering at Strumnltza in a stub born battle. ' While these struggles remain in doubt, Serb refugees are streaming over the Grecian boundary. Throughout Serbia the defenders' forces are hard pressed. The central powers and the Bulgars are sweeping the defenders rapidly out and cap turing them in fresh thousands daily, "(By United Press Leased Wire) Salem, Nov. 19. Oovernor Withy combe today issued a requisition on the governor of California for Al bert HaftYy, alias George McConkey. and Thomas McDonald, who are un der arrest lu Los Angeles charged with stealing a Ford automobile from W. H. Lydlard. of Medford. NEW VpRK tiAS THE ',. WORST STORM OF SEASON (By United Press Leased Wire.) . New York, Nov:il .Rocked by s 70-mile ' gale, the metropolis today experienced the fiercest wind storm recorded here this year. Two per sons were fatally Injured, according to police reports,i while s number were slightly hurt 'by falling slgns Among' "the 'east side poor there was unusual suffering. , Old newspapers, five and ten cent bundles, at the Courier Office. We fight the Trust Step! Look! Listen! SATURDAY ... ' 3 n t; t a i.i el? SPECIAL For Cash )l V ' 'I i i- 1 At the Independent place (. Pure Lard, Urge cans f 1.00 Pure Lard, Medium Cans.. ..60c Pure Lard, Small Cans 80c The are- only a few of oar specials, i .... i- ... .( i - ' ,. Come and see what we are offering for cash. Largcwt stock of Freeh and Cured Meat la town. Poultry, Fish, Oysters and Salmon Eggs. ' ''Phone' 52 for Qukk Delivery CIIY MI1EI ' 'GRAT rfARBECK ''Proprietors' ' Ws have mors than ISO cans ' of this Par Lard tor.selLsti , Saturday, ths ,29th. Only, om . can to each family. "' GOV. SPRY TO D1UVK I. W. W. FROM ITA1I Salt Lake City, Nov. 19. "I'm go ing to drive the I. W. W. out of the state," Governor Spry announced to day, following the execution of Joe Htllstrom, I. W. W. "if the police don't do it. I will myself." Mrs. John Morrison, Widow of J. G. Morrison, one of the men Htll strom slew, said: "I want to thank Governor Spry and other officials who have done very nobly. I am well satisfied." ; NOTICE TO VOTERS Notice Is hereby given that an Ini tiative petition was. on the 17th day of November, 1915, filed with the undersigned, Auditor and Police Judge, asking that a certain proposed charter amendment be submitted to the legal voters of the City of Grants Pass for their approval or rejection at the regular general election to be held in said City , on the 6th day of December, 1915. a brief statement of the tenor and effect of said petition being as follows:- AN ACT To propose an amendment to the charter of the City of Grants Pass by adding thereto Section , ICS, which said amendment pro vides for the purchase and ac- ' qutsltion by the City, of the Rogue River water Worke sys- ' tern, under and pursuant to an offer made to the City therefor, which said offer by said amend ments expressly accepted, and , to authorize for the purpose of , the purchase and acquisition of said water works system an Is sue of bonds of the City in the sum of one hundred twenty thousand dollars (1130,000.00), as provided in said amendment, which said bonds shall be known as City of Grants Pass Five Per Cent Water Bonds, providing for the form of said bonds snd the coupons attached thereto, and authorising the council to levy such an additional tax each year in an amount sufficient to pay the annual Interest of said bonds nd the principal thereof as same mature, and authorising . and Instructing the mayor and recorder to sign same tod affix the seal of the city thereto and to do any and all acta necessary to carry into effect the provi sions of said amendment;. said proposed amendment will be printed in pamphlet form by the City aad copies mailed to every legal voter within the city whose address is known, not later than ten (10) days before said general election, and can be had at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge thereof upon appli cation. Dated at Granta Pass, Oregon, this 19th day .of November, 1915. H. H. BASLER. Auditor and Police Judge. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF , GRIXTS PASS BANKING . , COMPANY at Grants Pass, in the State of Ore gon, at the close of business Novem ber 10, 1915. Reeonrces Loans and dlnrnimti IMS 110.82 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . 11.47 Bonds and warrants 22,029.76 Stocks snd other securi ties 10,269.18 Furniture and fixtures.... 6,000.00 Other real estate owned 18,074.69 Due from 'banks (not re serve banks) 50.00 Due . from . approved re serve banks 25,319.81 Checks and other cash Items, ... 256.15 Exchanges for clearing , house . 479.0 Cash on hand 14,599.77 Gold dust ..; - J68.42 Total .f246.893.77 Liabilities Capital stock paid in. $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund . -.. 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 1,456.90 Undivided profits, less ex penses .and taxes tpsld 1,459.33 Due to banks and bank ers , 1,885.67 Individual deposits sub ject to check...... 114,608.38 Demand certificates of . deposit 2,443.41 Certified checks , 275.99 Time and , Savings De posits , .66,847.30 Tot! ;...;..;..;..... $246,393.77 County of Josephine,) '' 8tate of Oregon, j ss. . ' L Marshall Hooper, Cashier of ths above named bank, ds solemnly swear tost the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , ' MARSHALL HOOP6R, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to Wore ms this 18th day of November, 1915. " , " GEO. P. JESTER, Notary Public. i-fiCMy Commission expires April Correct Attest: , '. . J. T. TUFFS, ' CLAU8 SdfMlDT, G130, R. RIDDLE, -Directors. KOYAL JMH'IKTY ART GOODS tM tV "li M - T1 - T tVH ,tX A Mi WM.V ONVX IKWIKUY Thanksgiving bargains SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week A Sale of Suits, $10 Values from 323.00 to 135.00, in sites 40. 42 and 44, to be thrown ou the bargain counter Sat urday for $10.00. Style craft Suits for large wo men, in black, navy, and Kreyj hair-line striped surges, poplins and ga berdines. Other sites In Coats, Suits and Dresses one-half price. 25c Fancy Ribbon 18c 15c Hair Bow Ribbon 1 ioc ." 25c Cretonne 1 19c '4 $1.50 Skinner's SaUn w..fl.lS $3.00 Bath Robe Blan kets ... II.W3 $3.00 Coroforta.1.05 $1.90 Felt Slippers ...Me ' Thanksgiving Sale of Fine Table Linens , ,. ' w . ....... T- j ' a ' i Our linens, purchased at before-war prices, were bargains at the original price, but we have reduced them for 4 days of fast selling. $1.25 Linen Damask, 72-Inch, for....--. Mk' $1.85 Linen Dsmask, 72-Inch, for......?- ft.SM $2.00 Linen Damask, 72-lnrbf for BRING TUB CHILDREN TO SEE THE TOYS Young Mens Suits & Overcoats $15.00 Valuei All Suits it ml Overcoat (or young men In 33, 34 and 33 go on sale Saturday al ouo-lialf prl'-e. $20.00 vnlues for $10.00. t 7-50 Boys' Overcoats, Half Price i .25 $8.50 Values for Hoys Overcoats, sliss 1 J to 18 years, $7.50 to $15.00 values all ro at half rtoe Hturt!y. , Men's Shirts jB9c $1.00 Ideal Shirts ...u..UM.7Se $1.25 Tajamas $1.50 I'nton i Sleepers . $1.1S $3.00 Boys' Shoes 12.23 ; $5 Boys Suits 53.75 Two pair of pants guaranteed . all wool and to give, satisfactory wear IlKIMl THK t HIUHIKN TO HKK ; THK TOYS REPORT OF THK C05WTIOX OF THK JOHEl'HIXE CO'XTY BANK at Grants Pass,' in the State of Ore gon, at the close of bisjlness Novem ber 10th, 1915. Resources Loans and discounts $109,216.93 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 133.03 Bonds and warrants . 9,574.02 Stocks and other securi ties -- 200.00 Furniture and fixtures.... 6,000.00 Other real estate owned 9,802.27 Due from banks (not re- ' serve banks) 96.74 Due from approved re serve banks 15,001.08 Checks and other, cash Items . - 108.83 Exchanges for clearing house 1,097.09 Cash on hand 8,228.49 Gold dust 476.83 ' Total $169,935.91 Liabilities Capital stock paid In $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund 2,500.00 Dividends unpaid 146.77 Individual deposits sub ject to check 79,660.86 Demand -certificates of , of deposit, 2,443.41 Certified checks 108.00 Time and Savings De posits .. 23,593.07 Other liabilities 27.40 " ' ' : $15 9,93 591 8tate of Oregon, ' ) Connty of Josephine.) " I, Sam. H. Baker, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear thst the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. SAM. H. BAKER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1915. GBORQE5 R. DICKINSON, r :.. '. Notary Public, Correct Attest: ;, CHARLES BURKHALTER, , T. B. CORNELL, STANTON ROWELL; ..... ..r ,. .Directors. MONTENEGRINS FIGHT IN ' DRIVLVC SNOW STORM , (By United Frsss Leased Wire.) , 1 . , -Paris,, Nor. l.--inhtlng. In a driving; snow. storm, that frose men's faces, Mestenegrln forest found tbslr let terrible. In Tuesday's Stating, sc. eordlngita word from ths Montene gr war. oflVce, ,Larger forces of: Aus trian troop compelled them on that day to fall back to the principal posi tions on ths rlvsc-Priq. w , .',t ; Location attloss, Cesrter oSes. Ria'OItT OF COXIHTION OF y ' THE FIRST NATIONAL IIAXK OF HOITHKRX ORMJO.N at Grants Pass, In the 'State of Oregon, at the close of business on November 10, 1915. , RESOURCES Loans and discounts (except those shown on b)....$2S0,847.H Totalloana , $280.47.24 Overdrafts, unsecured, $191.50 191.60 V. 8. Bon da deposited to secure circulation (par value) ... 12,600.00 Total U. 8. bonds 12,500.00 Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledged to secure pot- tsl savings deposits 10,000.00 Securities other than U, 8. bonds (not Including ' stocks) owned unpledged. 40,606.97 Total ibonds, securities, eto 50,806.97 Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank , $4,500.00 : Less amount unpaid 2,250.00 2,250.00 Value of banking home (if unencumbered) 20,000.00 Furniture and fixtures - , 3,500.00 Real estate owned other than banking house 7,468.60 Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank 9,303.82 Net amount due from approved reserve agents In New York, Chicago, and 8t Louis....... 5,165.84 Net amount duo from approved reserve agents In ' other reserve cities 23,886.68 28,662.62 Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than included In 10 or 11) 4,869.83 Other checks on banks in the tame city or town as reporting bank 1,760.00 Outside checks and other cash Items 625.96 Fractional currency, nickels and cents 72.65 698.61 Notes of other national banks M 1,600,00 Coin and. Certificates, (lawful money reserve In bank) 24,827.80 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 6 per cent on circulation) and due . from U. S. Treasurer ..., 626.00 Other assets, if any; Gold dust... 422.69 Total '. $449,288.88 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 60,000.00 Surplus fund '. 26,000.00 Undivided profits , 81,098.94 . Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid 5,576,78 25,522.21 Circulating notes 'outstanding 12,200,00 Due to banks and bankers (others than Included In M 28 or 29) .........;..: 8,810.98 Demand Deposits: - Individual deposits subject to check 216,722.11 Certificates of deposit due In leis than 30 days 29,113.87 . Postal savings deposits 7.126,45 Total demand deposits, Items $2, 33, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, and 89 381,961.98 Tims Deposits (payable after 30 days, xr subject to .30 days or more notice); . t Certificates of deposit...,..,... . j 457,09 Total or time deposits, Hems 40, 41, and 42.... 74,457 09 ' Rediscounts with Federal Resorve Bank " 1,886.67 .TftUI r L $449,288.88 State of Oregon. County of Josephine, si. . . 1 , ' ' lu . kH" . 0Uke Cashier of, the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement, Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.. ; , ' , K.. L, GlLKtoT, Chfeh v Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of Noverobor,( ll'6. ' ,- ... :.n'u U ' . ' , . M. NORTON. Notary Public. CorrefltAtteBt' commission expires March BOth, 1117.) GEO. E. LUNDBURQ, , j ''H, D, NORTON,'1' '' JOHN D. FRY, ' 1 ' ., ,, , ; y; Wreetori. , .1 1