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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1915)
DAILY ROGTJH 1UVKR COURIER TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Id, IM. PAGE Pont New Edison Diamond Acbercla Phonograph You can not realise what a musical triumph Mr. Edison, has achieved until you hare actually beard the new Edlaoa with M wonderful diamond reproducer; hs fcu mad of the phonograph a real uaalcal is atrcment. Call and haar the. New Edison. New ItoooiOaJUui' Oat W hare Just received the lat est moathly list ot New Edison Amberola Records. This month's list contains aome ex qulsite , music Hear . these beautiful numbers on the New Edison today. It will be a re relation to you. You will not be urged to buy. The Music&Photo House STANTON ROWKLL, Prop, AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT Bijou "Seal ot the Navy." Star "ratty- Arbuckle. COMING EVENT -f t "Not.' 16. Tuesday Study section of the Music club meets In Commer cial club rooms at T:J0. Chorus practice at 8:15. Ncv. 24, Wednesday Thanksgiving cooked food sale at the public mar : ket by ladies of the M. E. church :, south. Dec 3, Friday Chicken pie supper and sale by M. E. ladies. Dec 3, Friday Miscellaneous sale ' by St. Luke's guild. "r ' Dec 10, Friday New England imp- , per ana oasaar oy ladies oi tne Baptist church. OREGON'S COAST TOWHS ARE SWEPT UV UkAUV V U . ui i u i ui nil 'i'-' - v'" ' Portland, Nov. 16. -The storm which swept Oregon west of the Cas cades yesterday was subsiding today. No great damage was reported, and ss far as has been learned shipping did not suffer. At Seaside the plate glass windows were blown from a business house by a gale that at one time reached 70 miles an hour. The Marconi wireless station at Astoria was struck by lightning and the in struments burned out. Ben Hamil ton, the operator, was rendered un conscious for a few minutes and he was scorched about the arms and breast . , Torrential rains fell at Portland, Eugene, Salem, Albany and other western Oregon towns. Floods were threatened In east ern Oregon as a result of a Chinook wind melting the heavy snowfall. Tonight and Tomorrow Mutual Masterpiece The Darkening Trail Featuring Wm. S. Hart A four-reel story of the North west. The land of merit and clear-eyed men of action. Fatty Arbuckle In a One-Heel Comedy . "Fatty's Chance Acquaintance" ADMISSION, 5 and 10c . mm : PER52NdL J. V. Lucas spent the day In Med ford. Hay Crump went to Chico today to remain Indefinitely. Samuel Parsons went to Weed thts morning to remain. Mrs. H. O. Marshall, ot Leland, spent the dsy In the city. E. E. and C O. Johnson left thts morning tor the exposition. Mrs. Ben Spalding left last night on a trip to River Falls, Wis. Sara Eggers Is In from Waldo to spend a tew days with his son, H. P. Eggers, Edward Parker left this morning tor a trip to the San Francisco ex position. P. H. Walters and family arrived this morning from Seattle and will spend the winter at their mining property on Josephine creek. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Goodnow left this morning for a stay ot ten days or more at the San Francisco expos! tion. They will also visti their daughter,' Mrs. Looney, at Marys- Til!. Harry J. Sorrels, of Williams, ar- riTed this morning from Tillamook, where he spent the put two or three months working a dairy. He returns to Williams tomorrow. O. C. Culy. ot Phoenix, Ore., ac companied by Mrs. Culy's sister, Mrs. Cpham, and her son. A, D. Upham, of Middleton, Mich., arrived this morning and will visit the Culy fam ily at WlldervUle. Arrow collars at Bishop 'a 403 tf Eastern Star The Eastern Star meets tomorrow evening. Initiation and refresh ments. Benefit Society Meeting The Ladies' Benefit society of the Presbyterian church meets thla week on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, In the church parlors. 'Mrs. Gloeckner will give an illustrated talk on "Weaving." Also an open parliament on holiday Sifts and gift- making will be featured, and some musical numbers rendered. A cor dial welcome la extended to all who may be interested in the society's welfare. FORMER PORTLAND LEAGUER SKILLED WHILE HUNTING (By United Press Leased Wire.) , Portland, Nov. 16. News of the accidental death while bunting near Blnghampton, N. Y., ot Ote John son, who played shortstop for the Portland Bearers In 1907, 1903 and 1909, wa3 received here today. He was shot in the abdomen when, in stumbling, he discharged the shot gun he was carrying. Johnson was known as one ot the hardest hitters in the league. LINER ROCHAMBEAU HAS ARRIVED IX PORT Bordeaux, France, Nov. 16! The liner Rocbanibeau, afire a few days ago at sea, arrived here safely today. Captain Juham expressed himself as undecided over the cause of the blaze. CONSCRIPTION NOT YET NECESSARY IN ENGLAND London, Nov. 16. Conscription in England is not necessary yet, Premier Asqulth today told the house of com mons, at the same time expressing the hope and belief that this forcible measure will never be required to get men into England's armies. Mccormick visits teddy at oyster bay New York, Nor. 16. Rumors that Medlll McCormick, of Chicago, ask ed ex-President Roosevelt to permit his name to be presented to the Illin ois Rtate primaries In April followed McCormlck's visit to Oyster Bay to day. THREE GOVERNORS AT ANTI-SALOON CONVENTION Portland, Nov. 16. Governors Lister of Washington, Alexander of Idaho, and Wltbycombe of Oregon are here to attend the state conven tion of the Anti-Saloon league which will open tonight. Former Congress man Richmond P. Hobson of Ala bama will also be In attendance. This Is the first time that the gov ernors of three states have assembled it a conference of this character. In cidentally, they represent states that will go dry January 1. Envelops, 5a per package, JOo per 100. Courier Office. i2 LOCAL : An Inch ot Rainfall The best rain ot the season oc curred Monday and Monday night, the tall during that period being more than an Inch. The ground is now in excellent coudttlon tor farm work. Legislative Club Friday The Josephine County Legislative club tor women will meet at the court house Friday afternoon, at 3:30. The subject will be ."Juvenile Court aud Child Labor." Judge Gillette ex pects to be present All are invited. Pure Milk from Healthy Cows- Phone 222, Englewood Dairy. $1.80 per month per Quart. 600 W. C. T. l Thursday The W. C. T. U. will meet Thurs day afternoon, at 3:30, at the home ot Mrs. C. G. Gillette, East A street All are Invited. The following pro gram will be given; Vocal solo, Mrs. Walker; reading, Vlda Fitsgerald; instrumental solo, Mrs. Cora Cou- tant; address, E. E. Blanchard. Rogue Valley Hogs Shipped Five car loads ot hogs from the Rogue valley arrived in Portland Monday, two ot the cars being ship ped by the Leonard Orchards com pany, the other going from Medtord, Central Point and Glendale.. Bo ads Mining Property W. E. Rutherford is spending a few days in town, coming up from his mine 1? miles down the river from Galloe last week. Mr. Rutherford has been working on the Crescent placer property for the past six years and now has a mining property which has Interested capital and is now under bond. Thorough prospecting is being, done on the extensive sec tion of old channel which has been discovered. Youth In Juvenile Court- Travis Reynolds was In the Juven ile court this morning upon his plea of guilty to having taken the boat belonging to J. L. Given. Judge Gillette fined blm $3, the same as Justice Holman bad fined Luther Ruth for the same offense. In his statement before the Juvenile court Reynolds said that Ruth was not with him at the time the boat was taken, but that another boy was his assistant. Ruth pleaded guilty be; fore Justice Holman Monday. Money Orders Stolen In a robbery ot the Glendale post office Saturday night or Sunday morning, besides the small amount of money and the stamps taken, the robbers got 800 money order blanks, upon which It Is expected they will attempt to realize. These blanks are numbered from 37,201 to 38.000, and the general public is warned against taking money orders of Glen dale Issue without full Investigation as to the number. . More Grain's Were Wanted Some weeks ago the Carsons at Redlands vineyard received an order from a lady stopping at San Fran cisco for a number of crates of grapes of the fancy pack which she had seen on exhibit at the Panama Pacific exposition shipped to friends In the far east. A duplicate of the order has now come from the lady, she stating that all of the grapes ar rived at their destination in the best of condition, and that the recipients were delighted. She asked that nine more crates go forward at once. It was Impossible at this late date to duplicate the original order for fancy pack, the Malagas now being gone, but crates of fancy Tokays can still be sent. Assessor Return from Salem Eclus Pollock, assessor of Jose phine county, returned this morning from Salem, where he appeared be fore the state tax commission In an effort to get the ratio of assessment to value as fixed by the commission raised. The rate was fixed at 09 per cent, and to this Mr. Pollock demur red, presenting much, data to show that there was not that variance be tween the assessment as placed by him and the real values of the prop erty. . It is not known what effect the protest will have. Treasuref Kay, a member of the commission, proposed that the ratio be raised to 74 per cent, where It was last year, but Governor Tyithyeombe, another member, proposed a compromise be tween the two figures, and no action was yet taken. The commission will decide the matter later. BOMB PLOTTERS TO JURY INDICTMENT New York, Nov. 16. Counsel tor' Robert Fay and Walter SchoU, al leged bomb plotters, demurred to day to Indictments against the pair Ion the ground that statutes cited at tempted to legislate regarding for-' ctgn ships at sea. Fay, following his five-hour con fission ot yesterday, announced that he would not plead guilty, as he un derstood that he would only get two years' sentence tf he confessed, where he Is now Informed that he might, get 13 years. ' " ' - New York', Nov. 16. Officials had before them today a typewritten eon fesston, gathered in Ave hours' quee tftming yesterday ot Robert Fsy, con ftissed bomb plotter. It was admitted the were disappointed. II did not lead', to any' high Oer'tnaa ok Aut- tylan -diplomatic feflMals as fellow Plotters, nor did it divulge any "higher ups" as financial backers of Fay's plan to destroy munitions slps bound for the allies. ' 1 Meantime officials are Investigate log further stories that have tended to Implicate high foreign government officers In plana to check American production ot munitions for the ene mies of the central powers. " Lack of Flee trio Power Delays The Courier Is somewhat delayed in delivery to its city subscribers this evening because ot the shutting down of the electric power for a ttme during the afternoon. Ilwkley la Hospital Fred Brockley, of Murphy, who had his eyes 'badly Injured in a de layed dynamite blast last Saturday, is at the hospital In this city, and every effort that science can advance Is be ing used to save his vision. The eyes are now at the worst stage of their Inflammation, and It Is not yet pos sible to tell what the outcome will be. ClirUtian Science Lectu A most Interesting address was de livered by William D. McCracksn, C. S. B upon the subject of Chris tian Science, at the opera house, Mon day evening. The full text of the address will be published In ' the Courier tomorrow, Its publication be ing prevented today because the elec tric power that makes the wheels go! 'round at the Courier office was off part of the day. Inexcusable. Sold the waiter to a noisy card party in a hotel licdrooiii: "I've been seut to ask you to make Icms noise, gentlemen. The gentleman lu the ner.t room ssys be can't rend." . "Tell him." was tlie icply of the host, "that lie otiafcr to I i !i:iivu,d of luuir self. Why, I could r;..d when I vn flv yennt old "- I'litshiiis'i I 'rem. Mining blanks. Courlc- office. Location notices, Courier office. BIJOU Tonight Neal of the Navy The great naval serial. Now Is the time to begin this thrilling film story. Pathe News Panama Canal Slide -Late Fashions Current News Events "COLON KL UKK7A LIAR" , Cartoon Comedy "TOO MUCH BILL" Uproarious One-Keel Comedy Beautiful Norwegian Scenic Nature Study ot Bird Life A Splendid Program ' ' ,' ' S and 10 Cent Die GRAND Mike Is & The big rooster in the Bartlett window dis posed of 249 grains of corn in 10 minutes, and three people guess within one of the correct number. Prize Winners lst-H. H. Allyn 2nd--Peter Pan Van Hauvel x 3rd--Hazen Britten Each of the prize winners guessed the same num ber, 250, and were eaoh given a pair of rIiooh. This wonderful shoe sale continues with many rare bargains To Early Christmas Shoppers BARGAINS IN BOOKS-Odd books of different lines, values up to OS-r $1.00, to close out . . . e&rts C See our window Bemaray's S RESOLUTIONS SWAMP LABOR CONVENTION (By United Press Leased Wire) ' San Francisco, Nov. Id. Dele gates to the convention ot the Ameri can Federation of Labor today faced the problem of disposing ot HZ re solutions In the five' remaining days of the convention. Fifteen commit tees, to which the resolutions have been assigned, are working early and late preparing recommendations on tho forms of action to ibe taken. Delegates from Washington, Bal timore, Buffalo, St. Louts and Pro vidence are campaigning for the 1916 convention. Selection of a conven tion city will be tho last matter to come before the convention. Action looklug toward advance ment or tho eight hour day move ment will be taken soon. t Forty of the largest International organiza tions already enjoy tlie eight-hour day. M.k wants government TO 111 !!,! OWN WAIWUirs Portland, Nov. H. "I favor a navy, If you will pardon the slung, strong enough to knock the block off any other nation." This statement today shows where Senator Harry Lane, of Oregon, stands on the preparedness question. In an address bofore the Jackson club, a democratic organization, last night Lane advocated a defensive navy, but not the building of one to go to war against any other na tion or to grab territory. The sena tor, however, declared the armor used in dreadnaughts In the United States was obsolete and that he would have to be shown that it will resist the high explosive shells of the present day before he would vote a cent for more battleships. The gov ernment should also build its own warships, Senator Lane said. f H00.000 GOLD SINKS WITH THE ANCONA i Home, Nov. 16. Gold to the amount of $800,000, to pay the ex penses of the Italian exhibits at the Panama exposition, at San Francisco, was lost when the Austrlans torpe doed the Italian liner A neon a, bank ers here announced today. I HUGHES NAME MAY APPEAR ON NEBRASKA II ALLOT Washington, Nov. it. Justice Hughes of the supremo court is not ready to announce his action toward the petition of Nebraska republicans to place his name on the ttate prim ary ballot, It was stated at his borne today,,. Only a court injunction can keep his name off the ballot. Old newspapers, lite and ten cent bundles, at the CourW 6oe. . ' Good Eater Store v, J-; v 4 i.-vry The Corona Typewriter Will do anything any standard type writer will do and do It as well. Does fln rarhon and stencil work, has nil the features such as two-color ribbon, back sparer, etc. Better than any other typewriter for at least TiD iter rent of niters been use It Is on the Job where needed. Weighs 6 potmiln pounds In rase.' will nut-wenr inv nneralor. Will hold small labels better than most of the Mt machines, Unlit like a fine watch. .Any style of type or any special characters can ibe had, DKMAItAY will show you the Corona. CALL Hill STATEMENT FROM NATIONAL BANKS Washington, Nov. 16. The compr trollor of the currency today asked for a statemont of condition of na tional banks at the close of business November 10. NEW TODAY $5,000.00 TO LOAN as a whole or In part. See W. B. Sherman or J. W. Lucas, office corner Josephine Hotel building. Phone 100. 596, FIVE! PASSENGER, thirty-horsepower automobile for sale at a bargain, or will consider' trade. See W. B. Sherman or J. W. Lucas. 596 KIMBALL ORGAN for sale at a sac rifice If taken at once. Call at 4 SO West Q or phone 230-R. C96 FOR SALE Hall's safe, In good condition;' dollvored at Merlin, $50, Box 233, Ashland, Ore. 600 FOR RENT Furnished three-room : cottage with sleeping tent and ' piano. Ed II. Allen, 246 West J street. Phone 235-R. , 1 600 WANTED TO RENT Four or five room house. 'Give location, price and description. Address No. 2006, care courier, at Ones.; 69f I 4 1