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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1915)
Tl'liHDAY, NOVKMMCll 10, 1015, i "1H PAGE II1BEE, 'MM i MM )ddovU river bikwicfc ENGLISH; WORDS.,, ,v Thsy Art, Asserts a Critlo, Both Ugly and Unmuiloal. ' "On Urn whole, owing partly cmIii enoruiuii propoitlou of immonyllnblt. jmrtly to the pieviiUmeu of alhlliiiit mil dHittil sound, tin wold df Uiu Kim I...... ...........I. ..I. ..I.. ..I., I in ii iiiuk'ii'H" V vi n m'liiunuijr uh) ami iiiimiili'iil." An proof of tliia as aertlon. t'luirlea IMiimrd More Hd duces tit "hiiM'iiw mill IfoiiiH-liiHiii" a long Hat of commonly uttwj uumtn at tblnut Unit In mir Immunise urv rather bad tint a good. H0inn" U liinihliy iinitiili niliug ami plhoilitl, lint "eu" U Ignoble, "iilr" at IciiM tiiiitiiinutili. "Nky" weak and tlilu. The ilbMyllnulu "heaven" . la declilwlly iior "r'lrmnmont," how. ever. I mnimlhVeiit and "piiradW tine "Earth," 'ami." "alar" art ttirfO low. inUlun symbol for the total )n dura of the visible vorkl. Turn to tho words doseriulng mnn'a own immoii. "iii" "t'j." "none,' . "mouth," "lcu." Mr. Moore tttltiks a tmplo commodity of vile nninra. Aa fur tunu'a MMiNlnn, It la to bo hopod that A tin in liml better lnto tlmii to call lila cave a ioiih." "Maiialim or "palate" uihrht do Utirdcu.' iilly,r "forei" tin- uo ul ( .;Mim ropol.irnnf Una ami gave Krai an excellent Itne "t'pou Hit unit! flotilla iiH'troMilltnuM but "city" la affwtiHl and "town" In tolerable. , For tb aoitud of woat of our verb Mr. Moore baa a criticism aa harsh, and, It Ja only our adjective,, ttwt be praise,, and Men nenp.ilouly.' u ?4 . gust," "splendid." "uoi)le.H "gorgeou; roatfiilflwut. "graceful." "Imloralta bl"-the be tbluka really patrician among tbe vulgar rabble of our other word - U".' .in ii m , II I f A Wele Heaa. . , Rabelala, being out of money, once tricked tbe police lute tukng blm front Marseille to I'arU 'on i cburg' of treaaon. lie made up eotue package of brkk dual and labeled them "Polaon for tbe royaf fatuity." Tho officer took Rabelala 700 miles, only to be told at tbe end of their Journey" that It waa April 1 and tbe affair waa a hoax. Of cow, aa Rabelala was tbe privileged wit of the royal family, be waa for given. ' An Old Proverb. . Tlx familiar proverb "Fine featbera make on blrda" baa been traced away back to tbe time of tbe pyramid build era. It t found In blerogtypblca aa early aa the reign of Klna Cheop.- It baa alao been found In very early Chi nese document. It la a I moat aa old aa tbe human ruce,-Ntw York Ameri can. Legal blanks, Coarier fflee;" CARRY STOHACH JOY IN YOUR VEST POCKET C. If. Dmmmy Ha Kuril Faith In thla IyaifpNla Itanerty that He . ... . .... auanuita It '' , - One of the greatest . aucceaaea In the aale of medicine . baa been achieved by Ml-o-na, the atandard dyaiwpala remedy, and Ita aale la In creasing ao rapidly that C, H. Dem aray. the popular druggist, haa bard work to keep a stock on hand. . It Is very popular with bankers, mtn latere, lawyers and . others whose buslnese or profession keepa them closely confined, while those who have brought on Indlgeatlon through Irregular eating, worry, or other causea, have found relief In this re liable remedy Ml-o-na cornea In tablet form and ra som in. a metai ox especially ae- algqed for convenience In carrying the medicine In th. pocket or puree. it is Dieasa&t to take, giyea quick re lief , and should help any caae, no matter of how long a atandlnic, This remedy has uniformly ,auc oeaafu .that C. H, Pemarajr,,wlll In future sell Ml-o-na under , positive guarantee to refund the money It It should Pot Prove entirely satlsfac toryi " ." 9 Great Serials : and srnd It ot the name of this iwper) with 2.00 for Tbe COMf ANION for'Ml,aftdewlllfid' ' rprr Anw. imaA.ii thk com. riFF the Companion home MW 4aupab.w ilt, 1 ElCJl t mCOMf ANION tar uia ; winU.awdcdviiK,' tha very best reading in ., ,1 II 7 iOBSCRIPTIOrS " RCClV0, AT. THIS OFFICE ; MASON TELLS WHAT i E5 New York, Nov. lfl.-i-A audden and iini'Xn" ted develiiuient In the Unlluna, to which I'rotrt 1t Aiiiltb inysfVrlouxly nttrltnitM Karl Kit! li enor's trip, haa boen, revealed as King ConHfantlno'a rsolve to Intern the allies If they retire to Urcnce from the Malkan fronts. While Orwi'O conmrntod to the landings of allied forces at Balonikl, she does not want Grwco to become a battlefield. Appareutly, she has notified the belllgorents that if they curried the fighting Into Greece they would be Interned. Tho situation tbua developed is the result of unprincipled men trying to run alternately with the bare and Jhe hounds. Greece at first desired the allies presenco because she feared a Bul garian attack. Yet, now ah wants to keep out of war. Hence iboth she and tbe allies find themselves tn a dilemma. " Until louba'aa to tn"e"'i1erilB'v8- lenc" of Oreec are cleaned away great danger will attend tbe develop- ment of any major offensive In tbe Halkans ly1 the allies with Oreec as a permanent base. The allies can not well fore op eration! on' tf bfV; scale running at tjie same time tbe chance of reverse which would - torsi them back to Greece and' i tbe samr time fade the risk tbsVlf to turning, they would be Interned. Tavter'a Lena ftentenee. t No widely known English " writer cowes 'anywhere ;'uearj fclie record of Mm,e, rguy and ftutuna In the matter of long aenteucea. Oltibon baa some rather long and Involved ones from wblcb one emerge wltb ft gasp, and Dr. Johnson built. np some Bounding lenprmltlea of Urn kind. There la a sentence in Jeremy layiora "uay or Judgment" that runs to 302 words. Tbta must approach. If It doe pot reach, the record In our tongue. . Ne Two eyaa tee Alike. "There Is an old saying that aeelng'a believing." In ordinary mnttera, thla may be so.? '.'write Trofcsaor John. Alt keu In a letter to Nature, ."but the be lief Is not neceaaarily true and In que- tfoua of color In full of pltfalla.. No two pair, of eye we colore alike.- Tola doc not refer to color. ncclng and col or blind eyes pul.t. but thore .Is reaaon to believe that all eye differ more or leaa In tbolr perception of color." Answered Quettlena. ' "Now don't talk too much when you go to call on our m'luhWir. . You may anawer uueatlone. of course. . , , "Tbst Is all ever do." aald tbe child "And they ask a Kreut many questloma. Last time they asked bow. much salary papa got ami If be ever iiuarreled wltb you ."-Kaunas City Journal Hew He Got Even. Mtsa EhliTU'sb lanawerfng ' Pfo- poanlKI am very aorry. Mr. singleton, but I can be unfiling more to you than , .. , Blt.ivl.mtitlt (i.tAmmittlmist f aMai I .iiin7i"ii , utiatrs u'iiibi vit ajajTfjr I mind: . It's uselesa to say the rest I have two Ennidmothcra nlrcadv. Bo (on Transcript . - , ' .. . -. Defined. ' "ra. what la a dctectlvef "A detective, my son. la a man who pokes his tioae Into other eoplc'a af fairs while minding his own . buslneM. An ounce of mirth Is worth a pound of aorrow.-naxter. . , 250 Short Stories Rase-, ArticW f)Jlur eiul5o!ne, , ExqeptlonsJ WuorM rg, Family . Page, Boy? Page, Qrlt'tW Oil. dren's Psga. AU agee libendly piaedfor.A'',E ( iVln Twice at rmicV a any 'magane gtvet In a year. Fiftjr-tww time fear not t waive. .. , SmJ to-Jay to. The Youth' Com pejiloiv 0KdrWaVIaas4 forv THREE. CURRENT tSJUUrHCg, ' .'if". ' WAR if IA I HEABTJS,: CAUSE,, OF . DEATH OF PORTLAND MAN (ily Unlted'l'rcis Leased Wire) Portland. Nov, I . -There was mourning in Portland today over tbo death of James N. Sutton, one of the oldest and most popular railroad men In the northwest, "Jim," as he was affectionately known, died In a Jit ney late yesterday whllo en route-to bla rooming bouse. Although tbe coroner Bald that Sutton's death was caused by hard ening- of the arteries, combined wltb high blood pressure, he told his land lady only a week ago that be was dying of a broken heart. - , 'W'ben he left his office yesterday he had a premonition of doath and told his associates that be waa not coming back. - . , t In recent years Sutton's life, has been filled wltb misfortune. In 1907 his son, Lieut. James Sutton, died mysteriously at the Annapolis naval academy. A government investiga tion held that be had committed sui cide, but his relatives contended that be was murdered. . . .. ; Early this year 4fton' wife ae- cured a dl'orcej and a , few months later another son, Lieut.. R. B. But ton, of th aerial corps, United States army, fell from an aeroplane at Fort Sill, 'Oklahoma. , A companion was killed and he waa seriously Injured. , Sutton waa Joint freight agent of the Southern Pacific, and O.-W. R. ft N. at the Portland East Side sta tion at the time of his death. Ah'-i-ilseeMn Cun. '- -4 ! Macbln gu&s are rwn- nne ;' mechanical feed, wbi-.(t .uiipll;; ti ' rapidly with rartrliluia , 1" i ih -w patterns tbey ar aninunith- Ip ii-tion Th gaB produced by bt exi"wi.rM or shock of tbe' nx-oll oh ii' ilif ln-4 b. ejects tbe aient cMni1l.-e. intuU tin rifle, cloaca tbe lirevcli anil tltva tue Charge. These compllnittHl mtrutlom are carried out Uh , extmordlnarj speed. To give no example-' Tbe Max im can in nt least rouudx a uiln ute. or more than Wvi'ii'liir- i'h w ond. and if In exwptloiiuIlT vinm! order and clereny orjerated an . dim-barge 000 rounds a tnlQnte.-LumPm Tit Hits. . ' Tttaa ttiwaaan Tinnai "' '. Tbe river Tlurin apiH-nra lii ttie boo of GeneNta nit lllddckcl. one of tbe four "beads" info which the river of Edeu Was Mrted Tbe uame" by whicb we know It doea not exactly "mean" tiger, for the vorpcot way or putting It la that both "tlcer" and "Tlgrix" mean In Persian awlft asau arrow. "Cupbrates" la a Greek" verilou' of tfiip I ernian Uu frat. which alimtflea "the good abound ing and represents tbe old Asiatic Bu rnt or Pnrat. aktn to our verb "pour." Long tivtd Tennysona.. ,, , The Tennyson family waa noted for Ita longevity. Miss Matilda TennVaon died In ber ninety-ninth year: COflrlee was seventy-one' at the time of bla death: Mary, serrnty fonr: Kinilla. aev enty-vlsht- Alfred, ixiet Inurvate. eighty-three; l- rfderlck. ulnety-mie: Arthur. elgbqr-tJve: Uoratlo. etgttty. and Ce cilia, ninety-two . . All Wrena. The popular actor had become a sol dler. If n ,hotly contested skirmish be dlstlngiifabed btmaelf by his. .courage and gallantry. J7 " ? " ;.',,!, "WeO. well." said be at tbe end of th action, "what do yon think of that? Not a aoul'a applaud!ng.n-New York Poet ' ' . William a:sr6fr Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee In Unlttd States Senate. BROKE! te"-"" I. a , -. : ymw-' i i I i ft h ' FOit 8 ALP, sLAD WOOD -Williams Wood Yard. Ask for price. 47&tf UEOISTiiUED HOUTEIN DULL CALF Good individual,! bred, high record Ancestry, price low. Registered Iierkshlre pigs by Laurel Champion, world' record sire. F. R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Oranta Pass, Ore. U FOR SALE: At a bargain price, or trade for beef cattle, extra One registered Poland China boar, sows and pigs. . Also sit milk cows. Grave Creek ranch, Leland, Ore gon. .696 ALKALKA HAY First, , second. third and fourth cuttings, f 14.80 per ton. Sleep Hollow ware house, opposite 8. P. roundhouse. Open Saturdays. -'':! SB&tf JIARLAY, pure bred Percberon stal lion, registered, state licensed, will stand ' for late " fall , breeding' at Brownie' Livery barn, Grant Pass, Oregon. C. 8. Etnler. owner. K.f !;' fn-614 ONE BARREL spray pump tor Bale ' cheap, t'aed one season. In good ' order." Phone 368-J. v' ' 697 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN )ne trusty family driving ,and work . mare, on aurrey, one 8 b. p. Fair- bank ft Mora gasoline engine, one touring car with delivery body, in good, shape, and eight pigs. George. A. Hamilton. Phpne ..... r. 58 603rF-i. : CARROTS 16.00 per ton, and first cutting loose alfalfa $12.00 per ton at barn. Lathrop Bros., three miles below town. ..i .698 FOR SALE CHEAP Four hundred fifty dollars buys new house with lot 60x100. Easy term. ' See Joseph Moss, 204 N. 6tb St. 593tf HOG3 for sale.) Inquire H. H. Mc- Clung; Wonder.: '- '-j i't 595 FOR ' SALE Thoroughbred light Brahma cockerels. ' H. JT. Webb, 105 Central Ave. Phone 29-J. 598 WASTED WANTED Sound farm team wrt harness, about 2,400 pounds. De scribe team, state cash price, and , tell where they can be seen. 'Ad dress No. 1968, care Courier. .593 WAiSTEU Competent single man tor ranch work. M. H. Wllcoxon, Murphy, Ore., Phone 601-F-24. tf WANTED Position as chambermaid or waitress, " Experience In eastern - city. ' Address Kathleen Greene, West D street, City. 595 TO RENT FOR RENT CHEAP Large," commo dious house two blocks' from poet office, O. 8. Blanchard. - 668tf v: VETERINARY SURGEON., ,, DR. R. Office J. tn BE3TUL, Veterinarian, Wlnetrout Implement Phone '113-J. Resi Building. dence phone 305-R. LOST LOST On ' Crescent City road be tween Solma and WlldervlUe, 25 high-power Stevens rifle in canvas : case. Finder leave at Courier of ' flee and receive liberal reward. 97 LOST Friday,' one bar brooch,' die- mond In center. ' Finder please no tify' Mrs". C. L. Cole, 744 South " Sixth atreet". Phone 246.' ' 695 MISCELLANEOUS THE1 WORLD MOVES: so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone "15-1L"5 ""?"'' "'u ,"'" -tui Bef ora tha Gasoline Ago. v It la curlouM to recall Hint wiue m- enty.yenrs,,RKo DerlH-iTt Spcmcr w i .-. '....- ..... . ' Z1.... nuymu in inae oui a I'nieiif ror a ( ny bia mnchlui'.""' Only be':hii(l''Kiveu lie aa b'onelea t(ievpnbii'ui sii'u-e solved by the horoplmie. recnrtllii It a Im possible to carry.' tbe nmlor onitne lurid motor power rcmlred for long fllgbt Hs Idea was auKgemed by the prlncl- pie, of t,he kite and iivolyed the draw ing llroh ,,the alrf of ( an nc,lliii'd nlaue ll.v iron wlre coftln' huiu-IuhI to ah 'eKdleas Wire 'ripe' nitlv'ed' In' at'a- uuiiiirj UK'oi'i t uw mini niw wan we ImpMMcable VeWHrotlhe 'wire rope, and the one good frutnr oft be acheme was that It would bare been of little or no os for -war-London Globe. - ,, ,n.,in,t..p.-rrJi(r-t5r! A ' Teacher Wbkr la' the moatSlhgof the word -lprodristlntr ropllTo "phi off. 'tTeacher-RigtiU'- Illusrrat" it In' a aeqtence. Pupll-I tried to ateal a ride on a atreet car yesterday, but 1 was procraetlnated. ' t . . .. ' "' """'iVf v.7.,VV'f' Old newspapers, fir and ten cent bundle, at the Courier Office. Oregon mining laws, 40c, Cuuri' Gassmea Advertising TIME 'CARD if .t . California and Oregon Coast Eailroad Company . (Hie Oregon t'aves Route) Effective Monday, October 18,116 Train No. 1 I v. Grant Paaa 7:00 a.m. Arrive WlldervlUe 8:00 a.m. Train No. 2 It. WlldervlUe 8:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass........ 6:00 p.m. Every day in the week, Including Sunday : , . All trains leave Grants Past from tbe corner, of O and Eighth streets, opposite tbe Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger aervlce call at tbe office of tbe company, Public Ser vice building, , or phon .138-R for Train will atop on flag at any point between Grants Pass an it Wilderville. Passengt. service every day In the ClTl BEGISTIUTIOX ' The annual general city election for the City of Grant Pass will be held on -Monday; December 6, 1915. - All elector of the city desiring to vote at thiB election should register. The registration books are open In the auditor' offlc In the city halL - Special attention will be given to regiBterfag from 2 o'clock p. m. to & o'clock p. m. each day of thla week : Tour truly, ' 59tl ' H. H. B ABLER, Auditor, ' , .Mi iHif i - TURNED THET TABLES. One Doctor Who Found a"Way U Beet tfay I ,-' r-nt Bil, cltera.? 1 1 "Several rear ago," said " a ' -New York physician, "there waa a physi cian in thla city, dead now, whose greater fame was aa a chemist, but be bad, flne medical practice. Like a good many others wbo bavq mooeyjjo pay their bills, the doctor waa extreme ly slow par? and collector had hard times getting to' him.' Invariably when on called th man on' the door would ask if be wished to see the doctor pro feaslonally, aad if the caller aald be did . not wm?!.!Dr?1y ejp not in. . ,f .. . . , ; "FJcally one of them went at It right, and when the man on the door asked If he wished to see tbe doctor profea slonally be said ne did and waa po litely passed into the waiting room. A doxea , mor , patients , were ahead , of hin .bat be was inside at last and on hi way to the doctor, and he waited patiently. When' he reached the doc tor and said be had come wltb a bill 'there waa a great row at once, and the doctor lndltmanOy berated him. However, being honest enougb, be paid U bitt. . i-v.,.., ..-',,it ,-,u-i ; The collector didn't care ao long aa he got the money and Btralghtway told bow be bad done ft. Then anoth er one tried it and waa ancceeaful, but no more were. Th third collector got in with a bill for about 813. but he didn't get out with that amount. The doctor charged him, 810 for bis profes sional call and handed, .over the bal ance. One or f wo others. were treated the, same way on , their, professional visits, 'and tbe word soon got around amoqg the collectors, with the result that their professional calls were aban doned, after which . collection were made any way tbey could be made ex cept tha way." New York Suij.. AS SEEN BY A CHINAMAN. t Hia Quaint Commenta on Foreigner '. I ul i ' "imi heiCuetoma. An American teacher In Peking ask ed his Chlne8e8fudents to write a com-' position 6a '' their 1 Impressions' -'of for eigners., particularly Americana Thla Is one student's effort,, printed. In tbe World Outlook: ;( '., ,.,..,. . "Japanese kcubtomn are .nearly the aame as our country, but they lov cleanness, and also fond of, swimming. The German people so love their mus tache that every' morning tbey do nothing but comb their mustache. The English soldiers pluy ' football every day but the well educated people are fond of tenuis, , .The American are a country of, much Interest. , , They are famous for, (heir baseball, and duucbig Turka., Fluus and LnplaJKU-rs all. have dirty' clothes on iiiid ure not Vo Wise as French, etc'tbut they nre hired for waiter aud' Mate ' i - '1;:" "The Aiuerlcana are quite clean like the JupnueBe-and eat clean food, so they biive-i little:, time , to cfttcblll. t I. t. ....... ...I... l.fct n. .t...n....H :tZ.ZZrlAX.?Z2 H Jl ilUIVIi MVn US Uv MUIVHU bitve beardn, but the Americana shave every day -" w j "Women df America bind their walsta very tightly ao that the abort circum ference appear; - There, are twq very Vonderfu). customs, that, la the Chines women binding their foet and the for: elgu women binding their waleta, Each of these cUBjoms is very bad. nd Chinese' and foren Women kbandon these customs.' ''Also Anierlcln men have atrang bosfoni to go' ttlgh tinder the. chin with Very , hard cloth which hi. called collar..,,. -v.;' ,y.i.k-ni, ""Dressc and ornamenta art, exceed' Ingly nice Jn., America. ...The English have no cieans to that but their good eating is much i mor expensive than the Americana" ' " v's'"'" '.''. Old paper, Be pr package, at th Courier oSe. pnrsiaANS L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye,' ear, nose and throat, O lasses fitted. Offlc hour 9-12,. 2-6, and on ap pointment. ' Offic phon 62; real dence phone 851-J. f 1 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D Pbyalclaa and surgeon. City or country call attended . day .or nlghL . . Re, phone 269; offlfce phone 182, Sixth and H. Tuff Building. , J. P. TRUAX. M. 0.. Physician aad Surgeon.' Phones: Offlc, 226? residence, 224. Call answered at'' alt hoar.'' Country call at tended to.: Lundeburf X F. H. INGRAM, D. C, D. O. Mental Spinal, Nervcu and Chronic Dis eases. Office: 215 North Sixth street. .Hours: 10 to J2, 2 to S. Other boors by appointment. Phon 7. Ret., phone 248-J. , DR. ED BYWATER Specialist on diaeases, wf "eye, ear. 'nose and throat; glaese" fitted." Offlc hoar iolt at m.Ztd 6 pC : m. PBoietf: Re., 224;'offl'ce.'25t-J. Schmidt Building;' Gran"tPas. Oregon. DsvnsTs b. C. MACY,,p.0M. D.t. flrt-elaa . dentistry.' MM,-. .South i.Slxtn a , fir. nl. Pm Clrmmn BERT R.' ELLIOTT, D. la. D-Med-erif dental work. Harguerlt B. Heyer, dental assistant Rooms 4 - i an4 -6, .'Goideil Rblf bnlldlnf. Grants PaaaOre Plion 26S-J. M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist ' Room' 2 and 2, Lnndbarjf bnildlngopposlte post 'office. ' Hoars 9 a. In. to 12 m.; 1:26 to 6 p. m. Saturday I a. m. to 12 m. ' ' " ATTOMfBTS r. t ,i r H. D. , NORTON,; Attornev-t-Law. PracUc ln'airsuVe'and 'Tederal pourtjC ' Pint .VUona. Bank; Big. COLVIG' A' WILLlAidS ittorney I f at-Law,- Grant- Pass Banking Co. j Building Qrant ftl Ore. E. 8. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice v in all court. First National Bank EDWARD H. RICHARD. Attorney , at-Law. -Office Masonic Temple, ti Oranta Paaa,t Oregoau W.; . T. 'jMlLLERV Attorney4t-L;a. , County attorney "tor ''Josephine , County. Office Schalbom Big. ' O. S. BLANCHARD. Attomey-at-Law, Grant Pass Banking Co, buUding. Phone 37.' Grant Pass, Or. ( DESCORATORB AKD PAEKTERS PAFERHANGrNOV graining,' paint ing. For best work at lowest price phone 2954. C. G. Plant, "South Park street ' DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMEhCI AL. . TRANSFER CO. All kind' of "drayage "and" tranafer work carefully and promptly done, Pfione 1S2-R."' Stand at freight . depot.; A. Shade, Jropr. - i F G. ISHAM, drayage and tranafer Safes, piano 'and furniture mpve$, peeked, - shipped and' stored. , Phone Clark ft Holman, No. 68. Realdenc pbon 124-R. "f I . MISCELLANEOUS j CRYSTAL 8PRINGS water, put up tn ff-gallon glass jar and delivered at your deor, fresh, pure saaitax Telephone 298-R and water wagon will call (I4tf PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial test as sure that thla water la pur. De livered in' flv-gallon bottles, 26c 602-P-S. 21. 459tf. LODGES GRANTS PA3S Lodge No. 84. A. T. A. I'M Stated eomtaSnlck Uoas 1st 'tat ii tueadaji oVlslBg vDrethren cordially lnTlUdc.r f. "tW. Russell W. If. Bdw. O. Harris. 3 OOLDN RULE LODGE, NO. 78, l.. JllJi.'' 6.1ft .''m.!;. every Wad- nesday ava, In I.O.O.P. "l baltr'colrrJth and H Stp. vmiioij ua(i roiiows coraiauy invit ed to be' pr'eaeat. W.' H Ryan, N. O.r Clyde Martia; Secwtary. " ARMAYKIta E. R. CROUCH, aaaayrr, ohemlst, tnetallurgUt' Rooms 201-202 Pad dock BnUdln. Grant Paaa vvTJr aa aJs.