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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1915)
DAILY ROGUS lUVKH 'cot IUEllT' W f TVMkiY, NOVKMIIE1U0, 1MB. n i mim' Mm mi i ss i i PAGE TWO fc $Wf ff K ) H," -ii ull' x li-i Daily Rogue River Courier. Independent Republican News Paper. United Press Leaaed Wire Telegraph Service B, VOORHIK8, Pub, ud Prop. WILFORD ALLEN, Editor Entered at the Grants Pass, Ore- Postofflce at second-class mall Con, matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear Six Months Three Months .. One Month $5.60 .1.00 1.60 ... 50 Aim ATLANTA WHITBY. C(?L LA R S Payable ta Advance TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ltt, 1915. OREGON WEATHER Tonight and Wednesday , oc- 4 casional rain west, fair , east 4 ' portion; colder tonight east 4 portion; southwesterly "wthda. 4 MR. ROBISON SPEAKS BIS PISCE. Recently the Portland Chamber ot Commerce sent a couple ot its boost ers down Into southern Oregon to ex tend the ollTe branch ot peace, , The pilgrimage was to create a sentiment In favor ot exhibition and attendance at the Land Products show. One ot these emissaries ' of peace spoke at the'meetlng of1 the' local Commercial club,' and laid the "blame for the bad spirit that has been built up between Portland.' the big sister of all the ether cltJe of th state, and south ern Oregon, upon the "Portland moss lacks now. fortunately about all dead." He bravely acknowledged the corn, and spoke tor a completer eo-operaticja between the two por tions "of Ike state.' Evidently Mr. 'Robison has learned his' lesson well, for on his return to his home city he Is still striking the note that will lead to harmony, even It it has something of a rasping tone at present In an ( address before" ' the ' Portland ; Com mercial body,' Mr. Robison spoke as follows: , r '. , , ' v "Until you are ready to extern! the helping hand to southern Oregon and they need cooperation and construc tive assistance ydu ' will never re ceive anything but scornfrbm that part of the state. It Is up to Port land to send their best men down there and show them that we are willing to help and co-operate with , them in every possible way." Yes, brother, It is Portland's move. a od planet is drying up. Why go so far from home, gentlemen? Keep those tears till after the first ot the year, then shed them for the chok ing brethren out in Oregon. The people ot Portland were In troduced to the "Rogue 'Tokay this year through the medium ot the Land Products show. Next year It is hoped that they will continue the acquain tance through the medium of the grocer from whom the housewife or ders her supplies. v The public press tells ot a fellow who shipped whiskey in cofflns. ' Cof fins have long been used to a house the finished products ot boote, hut not often the raw material Itself. ..' ' . .' Needed Invention. ' A rockhur chair, that, will .murmur Step to. the rtshtr when you,, are about to fall over it in the dark. , , :, An electric -ottar button that will au tomatically liu'ir . up when It escapee you and disappear under the bed. - A latchkey wtn - a magnet attach mept that will invariably And the key noH V.j h I JkiM4 jitl- A..eiuare brimmed straw hat that may blow off. but will not roll away. 1 ! t i t It I ft IMdPe Wejeopfr ' "J set ybostaie that a certain cld sen.was clnetj jrars old today.",. jfWeUr said the editor, 'i !' WI . that Item o' anv great, impor tance?; f , it! J JiU;i-.i "Maybe cot. But It Is a sort of re lief from the casualty news."-Pitts-bnrgb Post ' "'' '''''-The Proper Place.' .-: -Applicant I've trot a head full of Ideas, sir. that would come in bandy In the management of , your .business. Bos (to nearby clerk Here. Jack, take this chap down to tbe unloading department Judge. '" The battle is weak tbat to waged with one band. Rortplrtet - 1 Cynical Advice. Actor 1 am tbtnkinit of tourtna 8outn Africa next year ' 1 Best Frlend-TaUe my" advue aud don't An jHtrlcli weighs two or three pouudH. yuu kuow. Pblludelp&la ledger AMERICANS SEEK ,V, MM REMEDY TO AID THE SUFFERING Now York,' Nov. 1C Scores ot Americans are dying, thousands are , suffering untold agonies, aud millions of others are racked with anxloty be cause it Is almost impossible to ob tain the tiermau remedy, salvarsan, to battle virulent blood diseases. " This became known today when It was learned the state department had begun negotiation iu an effort to ob tain the alltea permission tor Gor mauy to ship some ot the remarkable dlsc-overy. '' Congressman Meta of New York, Importer of this cure,' as well as Im porter ot various German dyestufts, has been working tor months to se cure a supply. But the English block ade' cut oft the remedy,' which comes only from Germany. Since January 3 not a single gram has been received excepting a small shipment which the British permitted to pass six. weeks ago. Thla was quickly used. ; i Unless relief Is obtained within a tew weeka many deaths will result, according to physicians, while thous ands of cased in the early stages will become aggravated; ,-v "8omcthfng must be dont imme diately;' said Dr. Paul Hersog, who handles the product, in (America. 'There la no saltarsaa in the United States except a little in the hands of some physicians. . Other doctors' t desks . contain stacka of letters and telegrams beg ging for a bit of the remedy. . "My son Is in a very bad" way," wrote one man. '.'We know your I supply is very limited, but for God's sake send Just a little." . "Cases are desperate," and "pa tients are In agony," scores ot doc tors reported, enclosing checks for shipments. ' ' " "But .what can be done? com mented Heriog. "Letters and hor rible stories arrive daily, but we are helpless. " 'r '' 'After the war started the 'allies cancelled 'German patents on 'the product "and turned' to making it themselves. But under' treatlea'wlth Germany the United States could not ; Use the allied product even If it I could be obtained, and France said her supply is being used at home. Efforts thns far to ' get shipments past the British blockade have met with failure. GdlSen Rule's Extra Special Sale of- ' It 1 1 n me and 0 resses 7'i ii sj . 1 A This sale includes all the very latest fur.tnmmed, suits and coats, fancy braided and semi-tailored suits; in fact every suit, coat or dress in our entire stock will be included in this great end-season sale. A! I We have divided these garments into six different lots and will be sold at 3 ff Ctl WW) 1 ftlfW peCa T6; Prf-" -jienojM hA-wiol u Lot I-All best WOOLTEX GAB- MENTS selling up to $370 special end of the season sale Q Q C A 1 price, your choice 1mi4A'AmU , Lota-All WOOLTEX OABMENTS selling up to $28.50,' special end of ' the season sale price, a f J your choice - ; tpl O 4 D '' ' ! . .ling upto425 special li ." r' ?.it Vtij t ". t Lot 4 Garments sel- &1 A Q f ling to $23.50. special tplf .O Lot 6In -thtt ;iot;y6u will 'find the ; greatest bargains ever offered. There are suits that sold up to $22.50, in all the wanted "colors' and mo3Uall siies.f Special end of cj 1 1 ftf" the season price.w.-WT-.K- 1f)T I ;t: Lot B-ln this'lot are suits that 'Sold , ODJ season t8l&rA(uMw$aSDM (" m -. . ..... ... . Special Pfe.lWTOW. In our Linen Department you! will find liitia at the old prices not a single ad vance in any of our table linens, while you all know that linens are higher than for a long time.--But not so here. These: goods were bought some 18 months ago, at old prices. Here you can save fully 25 per cent on your linens. THE HYPHENATED CONGRESS- , MAN. Hyphenated congressmen are a new political genus, in the midst of widespread propaganda to de-hyphenate Americans. Official directories of the new senate and house being pre pared how over a dozen hyphenated statesmen, according to our Wash ington correspondent.' They are list ed either as "republican-Progressive" or "Progressive-republican.'. -:- The bull mooie movement and suc ceeding amalgamation of progres sives and republicans Is responsible for the arrival of the hyphenated congressmen. "At the' last election these candidates got either nomina tions or endorsements of both par ties. , Now, In the official directories, they are forced to Indicate their bi panison amnauon witn tne "un American hyphen." Lest year there were nearly a score of straight out progressives. The hyphen is absent from the sen ate; also the bull moose. The lone progressive, Senator Poindexter of Washington, is understood to have returned to the unhyphenated repub lican fold. ' ' ' . . Simon-pure progressives are so tew In the new house that it is doubtful U the Oull tnoose will form a party working organization." A bull moose from tbe rock-ribbed state'of Loulsl ana is a new wrinkle in politics, how. ever, a result of Louisiana's protest against reduction of the sugar sche dule.' iftntKnrttiH ft i ' Soma Of the scientists are wasting gallons of sympathy upon tbe poor Martians' who are thirsting while the WILLIAM OF vffED. Fet-mer King f Albania New Fighting With Gsrmans. Till IITLOCK IS WILSON so " ' ' ltyjf 1 1 1 ) f' f' 1 f e . t-u. t"iM.-nr.s oh TEUTOII RETREAT FORCED BY SLAVS E RIGA F KIXO OF THE 1IOI.HE OV DAMD tX)LOXV TltOinLED ONTH ROUT V' V (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Nov. 16. Friends of President Wilson discussed today tbe possibility ot having Brand Whit lock of Toledo, American , rep resentative to Belgium, as the pre sident's running mate in 1916.' , With this discussion arose further suggestions' that .Vice-President Marshall will be out of the running. Tbe president himself Intends to make no campaign for re-election, relying upon his record and upon the representations of able cam paign speakers. : If Whltlock. given strong support to the Issue ot national military pre paredness, his friends believe ne would make an ideal vice-presidential candidate. As "a" campaigner, democrats say, be would be ner. ' ' 'A radical progressive, . Whltlock, the politicians said,' would be likely to attract bull moose votes to the democratlo party. ', Moreover, campaign experts ex pressed the view that he would be, able to swing Ohio to the democrats. Photo by American Prtaa AMoclatJo& f win- Petrograd, Nor. 16. Vigorously pressing their advantage, Russian forces on the Riga front swept the Germans bsck three to four miles In the struggle north of Kanger, the war office claimed today. Above Riga, on the Dvlna,' adance guard Anirnenmtnta ' continue. In the II- loukst district the Russians ' ripped away the German entanglements and AccuDled a sort on of tbe iuouksi cemetery. "' "' Admission that the Germans had shelled the Cxartorysk, region and advanced fast of Podgacle was made bv the war office, ;' i ' '.; 1 ' As to the' victory claimed by Ber lin, in the Styr river section, the off! clal announcement said merely that the battlV for' the 'crossings con tinues, with, calm .marking tbe re mainder of the Gallclan front. Nearly 60,000 menand more than 600 officers, along with considerable munitions and guns, were captured during the put month by the Rus sians; , . t. r ' r St. Joseph, Michigan.' Nov.' 16. Benjamin, "King of the House ot David" colony near here, and his flock of more than 100 Israelites may sell their fertile acres in Michigan's fruit belt, close op "flhUoh," "Jsru salem the "Ark" and tha "Inner Court," and move to California. The cult Is angered at the recent decision against tbe king's son, "Prince Noy," charged by a former , "Shiloh" In mate with slander. BERLIN REPORTS CLASH" OF FRENCH AND GREEKS j . Berlin, via Wireless ip Tuckerton, N.' J., Nov.' 16.Greek arid' French forfes baye clashed At.8MQ.'lW..the point of debarkation for allied troops president. en route to 8erbla, according to Vienna advices today. The French trlod to occupy a Greek ammunition tower, but were forcibly prevented. Later the French authori ties apologised. In their apology the French "pre tended" tbat the affair was a mis take. . , . ' TURNER HEADS AMATECK ATHLETIO UNION OF V. S. New York, Nov. 16. George J. Turner, treasurer of the South Atlan tic association, today is president of the Amateur Athletic union of the United States. 8eward 8Imorids, ot the Southern Pacific association, who was' mentioned for the presidency, but who refused to consent to the use of his . name,. . Is,,, first, rlce- ss r s Ufa 7 0v ' .7 2?' IKK'KH AT ITALIAN ' ' IORT ARK DESTROYED 01 a San t4oy frmsi rw trwre r mr r eetyslealerr'i.'f (r jrM 1(1,1 1', Berlin, via Wireless to Tuckerton, Nov. 16. Damage Of 11,000,000 re sulted from a fire at Rlvarolo, Italy, which destroyed tbe docks and is still iburning, according to advices re- 1 1 celved here today.. , , ' ' . i ' .1 ' FRATERNITY INITIATE " ' 18 MINUS ONE FOOT BLACK BILK STOVE POLISH For sale at ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE , Tb Blf Red Froat " Moberly, Mo.; Nov. 16. Abolition of fraternity initiations in the Uni versity of Missouri, seemed likely to day to result from the fact that Fielding J. Graham Is minus a foot because he stole a ride on the "blind',' baggage, as directed by his fraternity brothers. Coffee ;1 , , ; Push those clpuds way steaming flfyojt Schil ling's Best Coffee. ' . What a blue sky I And how the birds sing I - i '.' Schilling's" ' ' . ,) r You ran buy a ton of ateel fur twenty-eight dollars; i " Hot a ton of steel made Into waU h eprings la worth twenty-clght tlioua-' and. The difference? , A matter of refine ment. ; JFord Vanadium is Umj most liltfli ly refined steel used In automobile con struct Ion UhtettrongeHt4if out. t ; '. ' ; Touring' Car $506. 80; Runabout' 1446. 60, laid down' In Grants Pass, complete with' equipment Including speedometer, On salt at Ford Garage, No. 304 N. 6th fit JOSEPH MOSS, Agent