TVHAY. Koviaiui.u a, ma. DAILY ROGUE RIVER COURIER FACE THREE fllvo a brilliant ff1o itilns Hint Uoo n tub iff or ilu( nit tm nniioaU to llm Iron-lhitl four lluiot m lunf sup ulli. Black Silk Stove Polish In In rln by tiMlf, uiof f ii r I In iio' lo rn mail I mill crr tmiliHali. Tr It an (Mrinr (If fUf n rtttliTM, UyoatariAniirt tirlwr ur f-rr U lr 1 mikullMHl lal inRil r i ... . 1 1 inrm HLACK BILK STOVE POLISH. For sale at BOOTH IUVFJI HARDWARE The Big IW Front BATU LAID TO PVtWOKK FOR LAND SHOW'S SUCCESS - (My llQltvil .press, Leased Wirs.l Portland, Nov. a, j, Kingsiey, 46 ytmri old, pr.vMldant of the Oregon Chair company and president of the Manufacturers fend Land Products show, which Is In progress horo, dlod early today following a tirlof illness. KUiKHk-y was also a director of tlio chamber of commerce uud was iden tified with every movement la Port land for ilvlo betterment, The illness whlub resulted In Kings ley'a death in believed to have bon brought : on by Incessant' work la inaktnK tho land products allow a auocoss. OREGON TEAM PRE!' Alt EM FOR MIX WITH LOS ANGELES Eugene Nov. 2. The University of Oregon toam went through Its final scrlmmsge today in preparation for the game with the Unlveralty of Southern California of Loa Angelea next Saturday. With the exception of Bpeelman and Montelth who have water on the knees the aquad performed with speed; eqd accuracy. The team will leave for Los Apgelee tomorrow. Beautiful brown Japanese, !i)skf fpr flowers, fruit or sandwiches, have just bfsn Vppivpd. Japanese yet lacquer trayi are on display in our windows Pemaray c . Drug and O Stationery Store .V like the gnuu it la everywhere. You can't grt away from ford service for Ford owner to be found In practlrally every buslne renter of rtvlliwtlon. Ford re pairs are aeldom needed but are alwaya at hand nd coat but Utile when required. Touring Car 8506.60; Runabout 1456. CO, laid down In Oranta Paaa, complete with equipment, including speedometer. On sals at Ford Garage. No. 304 N. fth St. JOSEPH MOSJ, 4f eut aninawnwnjiBi l"lnf f MW 14 I"'I'W 1 I6HTS GQ PUT ' toon at the dream city 1 ' ' ' In San Franclaco, tor the vv' ' Ranama Pacific : -v close ' ' : " December 4, 1915 ' ' Tou cannot Afford to put off any longer your California 'trip. If you are interested In aoientlflo farming, In mining, in horttcul- you inj a'flnancial wy. Low Ra.a ar? f ec o b Shasta Route Write for our Illustrated ' booklet "Wayside Notes" SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Pasa, Agt. 1 Portland, Oregon 4 f , ' STOMACH MISERY QUICKLY VANISHES Your money back if you want It is the way in which C. H. Dnmaray, the popular driiRKlat, Is soiling Mlona, the groat dyspopala remedy. Tins Is an unusual plan, 'but Ml-o- na bus so much morlt and Is so al m out Invariably suceesaful In rellov Inic all forms of lndlintlon that he runs but little risk in soiling under a guarantee of this kind. Do not bo mlaorablo or make your frlonds nilneraMo with Your dyapep- nla. Ml-o-na will help you. If it do'n't, toll C. H. Ut-maray that you want your money back and he will ehpcrfully refund it. ' A chnnne for the better will be seen from the first few doses of Ml-o-na and Ita continued use will soon start you on the road to perfect dilation and enjoyment of food. Ml-o-na baa been so uniformly suc cessful that every box is sold under a positive guarantee to refund the money If It does not relieve. What fairer proposition could (be made. C. Ii. uemaray glvea nis personal guarantee or "money back if you want It" with every box of Mi-o-n that he sells. A guarantee like this speaka volumes tor the merit of the remedy.'. PD BRITISH TROOPS (Continued from Pag 1 ) p Classified Advertising I, ' -- .. . 1 FOH SALT. SLAB WOOD Williams Wood Yard. Ask for prices. 476tf FOR SALE -Alfalfa hay. Sleepy Hollow Farm's warehouse, former ly Dreamland rink. 48Gtf cabinet upheaval, the premier com mented: "I will not shift the burden o( office from, 'my own abpuldcrs upfll 1, am satisfied I can no longer bear' it. I am not here to apologise for the govern mept! whn to pe best'ot its ability has controlled operations with the copfldence of the great mass of lfa WW"' AllUtlU HUUVUnvoiuvu Mr promised statement of the war situa tion created a profound Impression in the house of commons. Concerning cabinet differences over conscription, the premier said: "In my opinion, it ia a question of purely practical expediency. I do not rule out compulsion, but I hold It should be resorted to only by mutual conaent. As long as I enjoy the con fidence of my sovereign and the com mons I will not surrender the task, great as it Is. I am confident, as I wss 16 months ago, that we will carry our rlgbteoua cause to a trium phant conclusion." The British . force now in France aqd Flandcrjl .jnumbej-a.OQjLjlOP, Asqultn naia. T&ese ngurea were rather higher than had generally been thought. While admitting that the Brltlsn casualties have been 677,000 along their front In Flanders. Asqulth off set this with the cheering news that two German or Turkish battleships, five gunboats, one torpedo boat, eight transports and 167 supply sbipa had been sunk or damaged by British sub marines In the Sea of Marmora, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 18 97100 acrea In Merced county, Cal., water right paid, full bear ing poaches, alfalfa, grapes, fig nursery, almonds, berries, build ings, windmill, lt& miles from two railroad towns. , Price 68,000. Might sccept residence and . part cash, balance on time. Write for particulars to owner, W. S. Brown, Route 1, Wlnton, Cal. 689 REGISTERED IfpLSTEIN BULL CALF Good individual, well bred, high record ancestry, price low. Registered Berkshire pigs by Laurel Champion, world's record sire. F. II. Steel. Winona Ranch; Grants Pass, Ore. " tf TIME CARD ' California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (The Oregon Cave Route) Effective Monday, October 18,1916 Train No. 1 lv. Grants Pass 7;00 a.m. Arrives Wllderrille 8:00 a.m. Train No. 2 lr. Wfldervllle 6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. Every day In the week, Including Sunday All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner of O and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For , all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of tbe company, Public Ser vice building, or pnon l.68-R "for same. . Train will ston on Dai at any point between Grants Pass and Wllderrille. Paasenge service every day In tbe eek.S- ' "" FOR 8ALK Three lots and a com fortable house. Cbeap for cash. Might consider trade, or sell for. part cash. If you bare faith In tbe future of your city, tbis is a good chance to Invest I am a non resident and want to .dispose of atoove property. Value about I860 Address No. 1920, care of Courier EnTlPJ. 5c per package, ?0c per lJ00'.pourjer. Office. "TO BKNT FOR RENT CHEAP Large, commo dious bouse Jwo blocks from post office. pi. S. Blancbard. ' &f8tf WANTED WANTED 6 or 8 b. p. gasoline en gine, uust oe in good sernceaoie condition. State location and terms. Address No. 1919, care Courier. 687 VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE3TTJL, Veterinarian Office in Winetrout , Implement Building. Phone 108-R. Resi dence phone. 806-R. THE EXPOSITION CITY BAB DAY OF ITS OWN 8an Francisco, Nor. J. "San Fran cisco knows how," the 78 turnstiles at .ne f anama exposition seemed to assert as san Franciscans, aiaea oy adjoining bay cities and towns, troop od .through the Exposition gates to day to celebrate their "day" at (he tair. As early as 8 o'clock, with the gates opened, the rush for the exposi tion grounds began, and steady streams flowed toward the exposition thereafter, without interruption. From the early morning attendance it appeared, that t08 slogan of three hundred thousand attendance would come close to materialising. . Special schedules are in effect on all ferj.les fading into San Francisco tcom cities across the tay. and in the lt3r. o.Y.ory. car was pressed Into, ser- Tice. Passenger trafflo men estimated that fully 100,000 visitors' had ar rived n San Francisco from all parts of thf state, as veil as many bun dred the east. Leaden, sk early t4y caused some apprehension as to the weather. The heavy ttaftyo on the ferrjes Indi cated that Alameda, county's promise that IP.0,,000 of her cltliens ' yjould help Sa.n Francisco celebrate would be fulfilled. m TELLS WHAT WAR MOVES MEAN (By United Press Leased Wire.) New York, Nor. 2. Lord Kitchen er's powers aa minister of war are being broken by the organization of a new general suit! In London which will control the future direction of Great Britain's part In the war. Lord Kitchener's control of the British army has been much more complete than the kalser'a control of tbe German forces. The Iraiser Is subordinate to the German general staff, wjille Kitchener has been vir tually supreme. 'Criticism of the blunders of the British war office lately has (been so empbatie that London is really against Kitchener. The government's decision to appoint a general staff with large powers has "heen aa ef fective' as' It' would have been If It bad been accompanied by' an' open onslaught on Kitchener himself. His failure , to develop Into a military genius was the cause of tbe new gen eral staff's appointment. , Kitchener will be made to realise by the new more that autocracy must be eliminated. FAIL TO RECOVER BODY . OF DROWNED STUDENT Hoqulam, Wash., Nor. 2. No trace of the body of Edward Neff, 19 years old, the high school boy who fell from tbe launch Sylvia while on a pleasure cruise of the harbor, has yet been tdund. . ' Old newspapers, five and ten cent ounaiee, ai me uounar uunii, 'trespass notice, 'printed en cloth. A88AYEIU E. R. CUOUCH, asaayer, cUeiulitt. metallurgist. Rooms 201-203 Pad dock HulMlnir. Grants Pass. PHYSICIAN'S L. O. CLEMENT.' M. p. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Classes fitted. Office bours 9-12, 2-6, snd on ap-' polatment. Office phone 62; resi dence phone 3R9-J. -S. LOLCHRIDOE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or nisbt. Res. phone 8C3; ofT. phone 182. tilxth and H. Tuffs Building. J. P. TRUAX, M. D.. Pnynlclan and Surgeon. Phones; Office, 226; r.ecldence, 224. Call, answered at ajl hours.' Copry calls at tended to. ' Lundeburg Bldg. PORTLAND MARKETS blue- 24.25 Wheat anb, 91 93; stein, ?4 097. Oats No. 1 white feed, 25.. " ". Barley Brewing, 28.76 30.50.; teed, 2,1.25 28.6.0. HQgs Best live, 6.65. Prime steer, 6-60 6.75; fancy cows. 4.755; best calves, 7 7.60. Sprng lambs,-7.25 7.3.5, . Butter City creamery, 814. Eggs -Selected local extras, 40 41. " Hens, 14; broilers, 12012V4; geese, 8. BULGARIAN GRAIN TO BELIEVE GERMANY (By United Press Leased Wire.) Sofia, Nor. J. In an f ffort to re lieve Germany's food shortage, Ger- msa officials here are arranging for export of Bulgarian grain through northeastern Serbia. MONARCHY ENDORSED j. .AT CHINESE ELECTION (By UnUeTpress Leased Wire.) Shanghai, Nor. 2 Election returns continued today to Indicate that China bad registered overwhelmingly for a monarchy to replace the present repuftxHc. ' Northern China accepts the result as fair; southern China threat ens disorders. Tbe government is taking precautions. CONVICTS OFFER LIVES . ' " " AND GAIN PARDON P. H. INGRAM, P. C, D. O. Mental Spinal, Nerrcus and Chronic Dis eases'.' Offlcef '215 North Sixth street-. Honrs: 10 to 12, 2 to fi. P.tPSC h.WU fey . IRPOUtme&L Pbone 7. Res. phone 248-J. PR. EX BYWATER Specialist on diseases f eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hours 9 to 12 a. 2 to 6 p. m. Phones; Res., 2,34-J; pfflce, 257-J. Schmidt Building. Grafts Pass. Oregon. DENTISTS " E. C. MACY, D."M.D.; first-class dentistry. ''109 South Sixth street. Grants Pass. Oregon.' BERT R. ELLIOTT. D, M. Mod ern dent! work. .'MiweTjtf. E. . Beyer;, Rental 8U?tnU Rooms k an.d. 8, Go.Wct "BllWMt. Gcwta Pass, Ce. Phone 2,6 .. M. 'fc BRITTEN, Pentlirt" Rooms 1 and 3, Lundburg building, opposite post office.' "Hours '9'a. m 'tovli in.; 1:80 to 5 p. in. Saturdays' a. m. to 12 m. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, ttoroey-at-Laf. 'Practice' in' all ' Stat Wd Federal Courts.' First !Qni W'is-. COLVK3 ft ' WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pasa Banking" Co. Rullding, Grants PassT Ore. ' " E. S. VANDYKE, Attorey, Practice In ail eourtf ..;Flr,st National Bank Bldg. EDWARD - H. ' RICHARD, Attorney ' at-Liw.' Office Masonic Temple, ' grants Pass, Oregon. ' . ;.'' A. C:- HOUGH, -Attorney-at-LaTr. Golden Rule Building. Grants Pass, Oregon. " W. T. MILLER, Attor.ney-t:Law. ": County" attorney, "for '' Joeepblpe County- -Office Schaihora Big.' Jackson, Miss., Nor. 2. Eleven conrkts, six of them "lifers" serving murder terms, were free today under Governor Brewer's pardon because they offered tbelr lives for pellagra experiments. Six of them are af flicted with tbe dread disease FRISCO 8ALOONMAN ' ; , " Lp" f?3 TO, ROBBERS San Francisco, Nor. 2. G. Kukler, a saloonman fas still shaking' today nd not foe tie drtnto 'eiherHM s. result of it bold hold-up last night at his place. In fact Kukler was so frightened when two masked men pushed a' "cannon" in his face that be stood stock still for an hur be fore notifying the police. The rob- Ihers got 25. ' BRITISH FLEET LOSES v TORPEDO BOAT No, M (By United Press Leased Wire.) London, Nor. 8. 'British torpedo boat No.' 96 was sunk In a collision at the 8tralt of Gibraltar, the admir alty announced today. Two officers and nine men are be lieved to hare (been drowned. DARIO UESTA WINS RACE AT, SHEEPSHEAD BAY Sheepeoead Bay, L. I., Nor. 2. Dario Resta, in a Peugot car, dash ed over the line, victor In the 10,0- mile auto race here this afternoon. His time was 66 minutes 65.71 seconds, an average, of 105.86 miles an hour a new American record, for the distance. Burman was second and Rlcken bacher third. By his feat Resta won tn Hr noss gold challenge cup fix starters.. , .DePalma went out t toe 4(0th mile with a broken connecting rod Old papers, (e per package, t the BALLAINES Vnp TITLE Seward, Alaska, Nov. 2. The dis trict court yesterday rendered rer dict In faror of ' Joim E. and Frank Ballaine. defendants In the eult tor the ownership of th townslte pt Se ward, Brought py .Jhe Alaska Mortn ern railway. The Ballades paid 14,00.0 for the land, which is now. valued at considerably more than $1,000,000.' . . Old newspapers, fire and ton cent bundles, at te Courier Office. Grants Pass Transfer Go. PROMPT AND REMABLE WO&K BY CARErUL DRAY MKM.1. BAGflAGB ' . 8KRVICQS RV AUTO TRUCK AY OR NIGHT. : : OFFICV IN WrXM-FAReJO BLDG. mbxR-iovn mvmi ,i. n 0. S. BLANCH A RD, Attorney- t-Lew. Grants Pass Banking Co. building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Ore. D3C0RATSR8 AND PAISTSI3" PAPERHANGING, training, pilnt " Ing.' For best work At lowest prtcer phone 95-J.v C. G. Plant. South Fark salreet. ' DRAY AGE 'AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds of drayage an transfer work" carefully and" promptly done. Phone '183-KU !"fc4t"'Vt.;,tfiltM depolT A. Shade, Propr. f. .0. SHAM, drayage jnd transfer. packed, shipped and atored. Phond4 Clark 4b Holman, Nol 60. Residence pfcone llt-t' ' umcKUMXBsm CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, pjat up in 6-gnuoa glass jars and aeurered mi ten Terephone 393-R and water wagon wjll caH. .- 1 '.664jtt PURE MOUNTAIN fATf R Cler and refreshing. Baeterlal testa as sure that this water is pure. De livered In flrergallen battles, 25c W. E. Refkwlth. 'fatm y phone. 60I-F-3. 45t. OBGBS GRAFTS PASS Lpe Ve. If, A. F. A. M. Stated coinmunlca- kleas Jet and Id Tuesdays Vlsltitg Brethren cordially lasted: t.' W." , Russell, sa. saw. q. tiarns. ...,.. 1 A GOLDEN, RULE LODpE, No. 78, 1.O. O.F., oee.ts every Wd f nesday eve! In I,O.OfF. haJH, sor. 6th and H Sts. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially Incit ed to be present'.'" W. H. RyanN. S.; Clyde Martin, Secretary. it the Coirler olee.' ' Courier ofJUe,. .