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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1915)
DAILY ROQOB RIVSU OOl'IUKH MONDAY, NOVKMHKll I, IBIS. PAG2P0CB S All the music of all the world nil most of the fun of It, too, is at your command If yon own m BUI F OIQLA Prices $17.50 Vp Easy Terms November Record just out The Music and Photo Home tJ w5 STAXTOX ROWELL : PER52NdL ; 25 LOCAL : 4 AMTSEMEaTS toxight ' Bijou "Seal of the Navy." . Star "The Sign of the Cross." HEW TODAY WANTED 6 or 8 h. p. gasoline en gine. Mast be In good serviceable condition. State location and terms. Address No. 1919, care Courier. 687 FOR SALE Three lots and a com fortable house. Cheap for cash. , Might consider trade, or sell for part cash. If you have faith in the future of your city, this is a good chance to invest I am a non resident and want to dispose of sbove property. Value about 8 50. Address No. 1920, care of Courier. CITY REGISTJtATIOX The annual general city election for the City of Grants Pass will be held on Monday, December 6, 1915. All electors of the city desiring to vote at this election should register. The registration books are open in the auditor's office in the city hall. Special attention will be given to registering from 2 o'clock p. m. to 5 o'clock p. m. each day of this week. You haven't registered. Yours truly, 586 H. H. BASLER. Auditor. Mining blanks. Courier office. Attorney A. C Hough went to Port land this morning. Kenneth Williams left this morn ing tor Eugene and Portland. S. V. Moser vent to Oakland, Ore gon, this morning for a short stay. Murphy dance, 9 till 2, Novem ber 6. 588 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Clemens are in San Francisco, taking in the exposi tion. Tyrrell Carner returned last night to Eugene, after spending a few days at home. , Mrs. T. S. Townsend, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Woodward. Phone 233 for best milk and cream. Delivered at any time. 5S4 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmidt left this morning for a visit at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wood are on a trip to tbe San Francisco exposi tion, leaving this morning. Miss Edna Cornell returned from Corvallls last night and will spend a week at home. Kellogg's orchestra. Murphy. No vember 6. 683 Mrs. Fannie Borchert and Miss Ida Robertson left Sunday tor a trip to the San Francisco exposition.. Mrs. M. A. Brtggs returned this morning from a visit with her daugh ter at Hugo. Mr. and Mrs. James Ott, of Indiana, spent a few days here with Mrs. Carrie I. Ott and Miss Nellie Miller. They left north this morning. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 40Stt C. C. Gillette, wife and two chil dren, arrived yesterday from Modesto, California, after an absence from the city of several years. The Misses Annette Prltxkau and Marguerite Heyer and Dr. Elliott and Gail Hamilton spent Sundsy In Ash land, making the trip by automobile. J. M. Holowell, of Gladstone, Ore., on his return from San Francisco, stopped off here to spend a day with his brother, leaving this morning for his home. There are absolutely no strings tied to the sliver dollar given away every week with Alpine butter. Insist on getting It. 587 Mrs. J. T. Tuffs and Mrs. E. C. Dixon left this morning for the San Francisco and San Diego expositions. Mrs. Dixon expects to spend the win ter in San Diego. Rev. Chss. Hsyes, Presbyterian Sunday school missionary for the Portland district, who spent a few days in southern Oregon in the in terests of Albany college, stopped off here Saturday night to visit his daughter. Miss Grace Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brady leave to day for a trip to Wetser, Idaho. Mrs. Eva Coe went to Rogue River this afternoon to spend the week. Miss Katherlne Don noil spent Sun day with her parents, returning to Mod ford this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ounnell left this afternoon for San Francisco to spend two weeks at the exposition. Prof. John Rutland, piano player for the Gaiety company for the past eight months, left this afternoon for Cblco, Cal., and will later go to Los Angeles. Mr. Rutland's music hns been one of the drawing features of Gaiety and Bijou picture shows. Attorney Wnrtsbaugh Moves Attorney J. D. Wurtshaugh Is to day moving his law office from the Josephine County Dank building to the Howard block, with entrance on G street, near Sixth. Port Union At Kinney A Truax grocery you can buy genuine Port Union bananas. 683 Hunting Season Clows The season when deer, squirrels and quail could be legally hunted closed Sundsy, and a number of nlm rods wero out for a final hunt. The season for tbe catching of trout under the 10-Inch limit also closed Sunday. Opening Dunce At the Waldorf dance hall, former ly Sklllman and Lawrence hall, Wed nesday evening, November 3. Wylle Blackburn orchestra, four pieces. New management. Tickets 75c. James Browno, manager. 5S2 Waldorf Hall Sklllman & Lawrence ball has been taken over toy Messrs. Ed Baerlocker and James Browne, the latter being manager, and will now be known as the Waldorf hall. On Wednesday evening, November 3, there will be an opening dance. Sweet Tuesday special at Ktnney & Truax grocery: 10 pounds extra fancy sweet potatoes for S Sc. 583 1W Your LI v Inn Itoom A 100-watt type C electric lamp. New shipment came today. Call and see them. Bush Electric shop. Buy electrical goods at the electric shop. "Xenl of the Navy" at Illjon The second episode of "Neal of the Navy." the Pathe serial, will be shown at the Bijou tonight. Ulllam Lor raine and William Courtlelgh, who appear In the leading roles In this picture, appear for the first time in this episode. The Pathe News In i this program features tho late fall 'fashions for women. A v l r nnwnr - 0 See Dr Moore, Oculist For all eye and "glass" troubles. The Oxford, Grants Pass. tt Funeral Held Sunday a The funersl of Worthtngton Kelly, the little iboy drowned last week, was very largely attended at the Presby terian church Sunday afternoon. Touching features were the juvenile pall bearers, the tribute of song by his classmates in Miss Pettlbohe's room In the public schools, and the kindly words by Captain Marshall of the Salvation Army. More Fisherman's Luck Joe Wharton says there are more kinds of fisherman's luck than that most commonly quoted. He had one of the kinds Sunday. After going several miles to his fishing grounds he got a magnificent specimen of the steelhead family attached to the busi ness end of his tackle, and was hav ing all kinds of sport. The fish was showing all he had in the way of acrobatics, and with a final rush took off all but about 20 feet of Joe's new $7 tapered casting line and started tor the sea, leaving the fisherman with the rod and palpitation of the heart. The remnant of the line la going back to the makers, who bad guaranteed It. Thirteenth Dlrthday 8unday, October 31. being the 13th birthday of Miss Carmellta Pool, she on Saturday entertained the follow ing guests: Vernetta and Lynetts Qulnlan, Marlon Sabln, Ragna Anen- son, Veona Williams, Amanda Steele, jCharllla Tetherow, Hortense Hough, , Dorothy Donnell, Josephine Smith, Eva Bratton and Larry Gentner. Many games were , played and at 4 o'clock refreshments of doughnuts, cider, grapes, apples and fudge were served. jltnt-k From lUptwtltlon I Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mclntyre, Mrs., Dolly and Miss Blood returned Sun day from a trip of several weeks by motorcycle and sidecar, visiting the San Francisco exposition. Complete camp equipment was carried n the machines and sufflctent time taken on the way both going and returning to make the trip a really enjoyable one. Weather conditions were most favor able, both en route and at San Francisco. STOP THIS FLIGHT of Oregon Dollars Small Pilfering I Sometime between Saturday night and Monday morning the Courier of fice wss entered by unknown persons who helped themselves to small ar . tides, amotiff tho lot being a pair of tweezers and a cigar box full of small ; nails and brads of various sizes'. At (other times a Yankee strew driver, 'a Yankee drill, several keys and Ismail amounts of change have dlsap jpeared. It appears to be the work of children who entered the offlcc by removing a small window In the rear. PARAMOUNT PICTURES - ' 04am Tlinnvn oiui Mica lie -v-v Daniel Frohman Presents WILLIAM FARNUM In Wilson Barrett's 'The Sign of the Cross" "The 8Uii of the Crow." derived from the yubol which to scores of millions has for many centuries borne so profound a slgnincance, haa been filmed by the Famous Players Film Co,, with an extravagance of scenic and spectacular effects and a faithfulness to the original settings and atmosphere seldom seen lit motion pic tures. Everything has been doue to give the unt sumptuous and lavish production to a play which lends Itself admirably to epeeta eular effects, and the result Is a dim which rivals In splendor any of the classical productions yet presented to the public. It would he Impossible to overestimate the emotional power or the film. In the role of Marcus Superbu. William Fsritum la noble and dignified, both In the tender love passages with Marcla or when turning In fierce wrath upon his enemies and calumniators. The production will undoubtedly be conceded tho foremost Mm classic over produced In America. Performances 7 :15 umi 8 :15 Wylie Blackburn Co. Preaent "FROM RAGTIME TO GRAND OPKILV The Wyltt Blackburn Co, Is -well known through the east, having played all tbe larger Chautauqua platforms and the Lyceum courses. Mr. Lloyd Blackburn, late of tbe big Empress act entitled "Seven Xyolophone Fiends," In both e asstcal and popular numbers. A rare treat for every on. Hsar MISS HOLCOMB, that pleasing violinist, In "Twenty Minutes of Tuneful Harmony" NOTES. This Is guaranteed attraction Prices 10 and IS Coot STATE LEADER OF AGRICULTURAL WORK YOU ARE HELPING TO CUT DOWN SALARIES TO MAKE MORE UNEMPLOYED TO MAKE TIMES HARDER GENERALLY Temperance Hunday Olntcrved An unusually Interesting and prof itable platform meeting closed the celebration of Temperance 8unday yesterday evening at Bethany Pres byterian church. The exercises were in charge of the Christian Endeavor, President Earl Best presiding. The young people's choir, rendered two splendid selections, and the speakers of the evening quite excelled them selves in their much appreciated ef forts. Rev. Charles W. Hayes, of Portland, who occupied the pulpit In the morning, spoke on substitutes for the saloon, and Prof. R. R. Turner, of Roseburg, upon prohibition "Watchman, What of the NlghtT The Morning Cometh." VISITS III THE CITY M. 0. Evans, Jr.. of the, extension division of the Oregon Agricultural college, spent a few hours In this city yesterday, a guest of Mayor McKln stry. Mr. Evans Is acting state leader of county agricultural work and was on his way to Jackson county to visit County Agriculturist Itelmer at Tnl cut and his assistant, Mr. Centner, at Medford. Mr. Evans states that there nre al ready eleven counties of Oregon em ploying county agriculturists, al though the work hus been under wny here only two years. Tho grangers. farmers generally, and the commer cial clubs are working hard In several other counties to secure appropria tions from the county courts to meet one-half tho expense of maintaining county agriculturists. If one half the amount Is appropriated Uy tho county court or raised In any other manner It Is duplicated from state funds, such duplication not to exceed 12,000 an nually, except In counties containing areas of G.00O square miles or more. Over 1,000 counties In the United States now employ county agricul turists. They are proving of great benefit to the rural population In a number of ways, among which the following might be mentioned: Organizing and carrying on co operative marketing of farm pro ducts; Conducting co-operative meetings with fsrmers In different sections of the counties to demonstrate both cheaper and better methods of land Order Now Dry Blocks, Kindling and Sawdust from Box Factory, also winter wood. I'opuUr prices. A. N. Parsons Real Estate S14 F St Pnons -R SOS I St. Phono 101-R for yourself and other Oregonians when you send money out of the state for anything that is produced within the borders of this Commonwealth Life Insurance Premiums paid to other companies drain Oregon of more ready cash annually than any other commodity: SERVE YOUR OWN INTEREST BY INSURING IN 0 Tfo AArfAM CiiAAAfful IIIa Ineii INVESTS ALL FUNDS IN OREGON SECURITIES EXCLUSIVELY FURNISHES SUPERIOR SERVICE TO POLICYHOLDERS Best for Oregonians Home Office Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Oregon A. L. MILLS PraacW L. SAMUEL GmmmIMw A, B. CORNELL, District Manager, Grants Pass, Oregon C S. SAMUEL KLAMATH FALLS FOOTBALL TEAM HERE WEDNESDAY Wednesday afternoon, the 3rd, the pcoplo of this city will have tho op portunity of seeing the best football gnnio of tho season on the local grounds, when the teams represent ing the Klamath Falls and Grants Pass high schools will moot. The Klninatli team was defeated lust Sat urday by Ashland by a score of 20 to 0, oliroiit the so mo score as that In the Ashlond-Grants Pass gamo, Indi cating that the locals and the Klam ath teams are pretty well balanced and that the contest between them should be an Interesting one, A re turn game will probably be played at Klamath later In the month. preparation, seed!", cultivation, ro tations, etc,, of crops already grown and In aome cast: superiority of other varieties than those In generaf use; OrKanlzIng and conducting cam- palgns fur better seed selection, bet ter live stock and the organization ot breeding and cow testing asaocla- tlons; (living Individual advice on farm problems and leading the fight against outbreaks of Injurious Insets, plant and animal diseases. Continue Work on llrlde More of tho 4-Inch .timbers having arrived, the work of putting a new floor upon the steel brldgo over the ltogue Is again progressing. It Is now completed about half way across. T. Y. Doan went to Riddle last night to spend a few days with his father. CAIU OP THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all for their kindness and sympathy In our Into bereavement, and especially to the Woodmen, class mates, those who helped In recover Ing the body and for the many "beau tiful floral offerings. T. D. KELLY AND FAMILY. BIJOU Tonight I v m - . jm m xt 1 -li&A I Cartoon 'dSSsi 8 Comedy EALOF THE ilAVY AM 'Jms Pathe News PATHg SERIAL PRODUCED BY BALBOA l-Reel IComedy 5c and 10c 1