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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
- 1 imurrr'm'rMrrTri Tlll'ItSHAV, OCTOIIKH 8H, 10IA. DAILT ROamO IUVER COCKIER PAGE TBREH QUEER AFFINITIES, Love Plays Somo Curious Pranks With Human Hearts. i" ' ROUSSEAU AND HIS THERESA. lory of a Genius Who WtdiUd an lg neranl Kltohon Mld and Never Re gretted It Bulwsr Lytton's Tragi Union Tsehalkowsky and Fate. Somo.atttultles really defy explana tion. Take Rousseau aa nit Instance. A dlatlngulahed writer has said: "In the wbulo atory of tlto human race X qtioatlou If there la'nuythlitg wonderful Am tlia iirolmtuvU affection of Rousseau for Theresa." Hero waa una of Ida outstanding lit erary geniuses of lila Mui, a umn who coultl talk on junl teruia at U-uat wltb tba tuoat brilliant women of bla day. marrying kitchen inald. wbo never could be taught to read wltb eaae, who could not follow the order of the twelve moot ha of the year or count a autn of money or reckon the price of a thing Even a moiitb'a Instruction b-rt bcratlll unable to read tba boura on tbe clock Tbervaii la Vaaaeur could never bare jt'ven llouaacau one hour of trua com iilouabln. She could neither bave read bla book uor have understood blm when be explained thew. She waa even without beauty and grace, . Yet tula mighty aplrlt cboae ber. loved ber , and went on loving Iter. Tbe alliance lasted happily, for by aoute mysterious apall aba bold blm, and after twenty Ore yeara Itouaaeau could write to ber: "I never bad, my ileoreat, other than one single aolnce, but tbnt tbe sweet at It waa to pour out all my heart ' in youra. My every resource, my whole , conQdenra la In you. and tu you only." . Hero waa a wyatery Indeed. Bulwer Lytton. tba novellat. provid ed another of tbe matrimonial myate rlea. Lytton waa one of tbe aaneai mm In ordinary mattera, but he waa foollxh euougb to marry a vulgar girl. Koalna Wheeler, who proved to ta wasteful, Improvident and n wretched housekeeper. Tbe uiarrlnKe ended nil embly. and all through her life Lady Lytton puraued her husband with the fiercest raucor. thv publlNhed book after book in which aim beld blm up aa a mounter and did cvcrytbluic In ber power to render bla life unhappy. She made herself the "heroine" of a mot extraordinary episode on the day when Lytton. then colonial secretary, waa re-elected by bla Hertfordshire constituents, lie was In the middle of hla address when there advanced a' female with routed Tare and ,'dycd hair, braiidlahlui: o yellow 'umbrella.' Mounting the buatlnga, l-ady l.ytton for It una die- saluted ttie jip ly mailt nilnlater with: "r'leud, villain. uioiiHier. cowardly wretch, outcaat! limn told you lune been aeiit to the colonic. If they knew na much about yon ns I do tlie.v would have sent you there Ions new!" For once Lytton'a presence of mind lulled htm, or, rather, he Tainted, und knew no mora till he found himself buck at Kncli worth In bed.- Husband and wife bad not aecn each otbur for tweniy-two yeara before thla, aud they never met again. Probably tbo moat myaterioua of all marriages waa that of Tacbalkovaky. tbe great lluaalan composer,- wboae "Pathetic" aympbony la aucb a favor ite In the concert room today. Tacbal kovaky waa a moody, pcaatuiletlc. aby, reserved man. Aa be aatd bimeelf, be had lived for thlrty-aoveo yeara -in antipathy to marriage" and then waa "made a bridegroom by abeer force of clrcumatance without being In tbe leant charmed by tbe bride." It la one of tbe queercat atorioa imaginable, aa told by Tacbalkovaky himself. lie auya that oue duy be received a letter from a poor girl 'whom be bad known for aome lime. She doclurcd ber love for blm In the moat paaalonate teruia. He went the next evening to ace her and told her that bo could give her uothluK but sympathy and groll tinlo. Later when he Imd thought It 'over he feared ihut Antotduii might make way with herself, ho he went HOPOKS TRAVEL , km Amai-Uun Praaa AsaoDiatioll. ' Uvm Bisda Ilow,; the roWUnalre mventlc n.lvw.1kirss to ao ber again, pleaded bla Irrltabll tly, hla um-ertaln financee, bla antipa thy to matrimony, and then aaked ber If, after all thla. abe atlll wtahed to be bla wife. Her anawer waa "yea." Tacbalkov aky bowed before tbe Inevitable, a be regarded it 1 "My conscience la clear," bo wrote, "If I marry without loving It I be cause circumstance have forced thla upon me. I couaolo myaolf with the thought that no one ran cacaN hla fate, and my urn-ting with that girl waa fatality." . , i The marriage took place In 1877, ami the pair lived toother barely three week. Tachullii'vaky got into a atate. of iiervoua collapse, and hla mliid waa more "r leaa unhinged. The doctor de clared that a complete .change only chance, and the poor wife never aaw liliu or heard hla voice ukuIii after ho an Id hoarsely to her at (he rullway nt ii t ton : "Now go! God lie with your Need we wonder that the "Pathetic" eyuiphony a ho unlietk?-J Cuthhert llrtddeii In Iudou Family Herald. Dawn From Confuolus. The seventy-fifth lineal descendant ol fonfuclua la living In the Chinese town In which the founder of the Chinese religion waa born and where he wuh burled twenty-Ore ceuturlea ago Bleep, rlcbea and bealtb are only tru ly enjoyed after tbey bave len inter ropted.-Rlchter MEANING AND SAYING. , Line of Oood Writers That Mangle the Lawa of Qrammar. Tbe lato and delightful Profeaaor Tom Lounabury of Yale alwaya main tained that usage made language and bla contempt for critic wbo were edict conatructloniata waa far from conceal ed; be rather rejoiced in It Preautu ably, therefore, be would Bay that a couple of sentences, which we are about to quote, were all right Tbey are Juatlfied by bla atandnrd-tbey con vey to tbe reader tbe Idea tbe writer bad In mind For what elae ia an article writteul . Here are the caeca, accidentally hap pened upou in cnaual rending- Arthur Cbriatopher Benson In hla acrlea of eaaaya on "Fear." writing of Ham John eon. aaya, "No biographer like, and aeldom dare to." etc. Now yon know what be meaua, but what be aaya ia that "uo biographer aeldom darca," aud. untying the negative, thla mean that a blogrnpher uaunlly dure, aud that ia exactly what Mr. Beuaon didn't mean. The other quotation la from Ueorge A. Ulrmlnghnm'a clever travel aketch. "From Dublin to Chicago." In thla. telling of the alowneaa with which ao many American hotel and roNtaurant (111 the order for meala. be aaya the guest could aumko a cigarette "be tween each course." There, too. the render knowa what la menut, but in fact you cnn;t get "between each." It imiHt U Wtwecn ench and aoincthiug elae. Can you get between n atoue wall or It! ween noon, or between l'f In the ahnde, or. Imleed. between the aoupf What he should have tMild to complete hla Engllab waa "lMtween each cotirae and the next" In both luatancea every render knew whnt the writer Intended to convey. Would the profeaaor bave pronounced theae breaka JuatiflableT Tbey are far from being exceptional. You can And tbcm In the atandnrd authors. Hartford Couraut She Know Bettor, extensible Head of the Family Ma ria, there waa a canvaaaer at tbe of fice today who wanted to sell me a work on etiquette and good behavior. Teacbea It in six leaaona. 1 told him I'd aak you if yon thought we want edit Real Head It'a all humbug, John. It can't be taught In six leaaona. I've been trying to tench it to you for six teen years aud haven't eucceeded yet Exchange. Location notlcea, Courier office. Big Field For Notre Dame. Notre Dame university will lay out modern baseball, track and football section on Onrtler field. . - FAR TO BE RICH PAL'S GUESTS hobo, ulitOt fueaU summoned from TELLS WHAT New York, Oct. 28. Tbe cabinet crisl In France may bo the beginning of the end of the war. It la an acknowledgment of dis satisfaction on the part of France with the proKit of the war, and tbo final effort to put things at right, particularly In the tialkans. If the new mlulHtry doe not im prove the military and diplomatic situations, France then may consider peace. The immediate cause of tbo crisis la the a I Hob' diplomatic defeat in the Dalkans. But deeper than that Is the growing despondency at the In nMl I ty to drive the Cermane from France and penetrate Alsace Lorraine, the coveted. Because the situation waa so un satisfactory at borne the general pub lic did not approve tbe Balkan ex pedition which fbe French undertook. The French "believe that tbe Eng lish ought to assume entire respon sibility for checking the Germans In the Balkana. Beyond doubt there la a feeling that the British have been guilty of hesitation and incom petence and bave not aided the allies aa much aa they ought. , The German threat against Egypt and India, in tbe wake of a success ful outcome In the Balkans, makes the British for tbe first time depend ent for assistance. However, the Balkan situation may eventually work out favorably for France, and tbea she will be more able to ask a new basis of under standing among the allies. Tbla basis must relate to the kind of peace acceptable to them. Wheat Club, 8891; bluestem, 91H93. Oata No. 1 white1 feed, 14.25 34.75. Barley Brewing, 27.50f 29; feed, 26.26 27.60. Hogs Boat live, 6.9007. Prime steers, 6.75; fancy cows, 4.70ft 4.75; best calves, 7&7.50. 8prlng lambs, 7.25 7.35. Butter Cubes, ZIM. Eggs Selected local extraB, 41 43. - ' Hens, 13 KG1 14; broilers, 13; geese, 8. . Curious Cold Nugget The nn'isi Uliy xlmpcd void miKget ever found hum Unit dlw-mcred nt tbe Mldlma mine, ou Sulky cully, near Mel bourne, Alisiialhi. hi; Tbe uu'el waa tin t und utmost the exact counter part lu contour of a colinsal bumau baud beld open, with the exception of tile thumb and forethiKcr. which were closed together lu u maimer ho us to make It appear that the thumb waa holding the tinner lu place. Ita great eat length waa twelve and a half Inches and Ita greateat breadth eight tuebes. It waa of the very pirreat gold, with but a little of foreign substance ad hering. moHily between the "flnifera." and weighed til7 ounce FORGET YOUR GRUDGE. Gel rid ol thai grudge you are nursing. The rankling of a a ngle ok grudge is suflicient to poison a life. We must get rid of it in some way, not simply prune il down to a decent condition of resentment, but cut il out altogether, as a sur geon would remove a growth, if we are ever to know mcnt J health and peace. aUover tbe oeontry to fttlect ts bobeetf MASON WAR MOVES MEAIi PORTLAND MARKETS ,1 . , , FOM HALF, 8 LAB WOOD Williams Wood Yard. Ask for prices. 475tf FOR SALE Alfalfa bay. Sleepy Hollow Farm's warehouse, former ly Dreamland rink. 486tf FOR BALE OR RENT New and slightly used pianos and orgr.ns. Easy terms and rent applied on purcbasi price. Portland prices met Howell's Music House. 582 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 18 97100 acres In Merced county, Cat., water right paid, full bear ing peaches, alfalfa, grapes, fig nursery, almonds, berries, build ings, windmill, 1H miles from two railroad towns. Price 18,000. Mlgbt accept residence and part cash, balance on time. Write for particulars to owner, W. S. Brown, Route 1, Wlnton, Cal. 689 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL CALF Good individual, well bred, high record ancestry, price low. Registered Berkshire . pigs by Laurel . Champion, world'a record sire. F, R. Steel, Winona Ranch, Grants Pass, Ore. tf JONATHAN APPLES, orchard run, at 25e per box, at tbe Cousul Orchard. Phone 609-F-ll. 582 Envelops, 5c per package, 20c per 100. Courier Office. ! TO KENT . FOR RENT Seven-room house on B street, with hot and cold water and bath. Wired for electric lights. Moderate rent A pleasant loca tion. Inquire Mrs. N. P. Dodge, 211 West A street. Phone 148-R 481tf FOR RENT CHEAP Large, commo dious bouse two blocks from post office. O. S. Blanchard. 568tt WANTED WANTED Sub-agent for Ford car to take limited territory. Apply at once. Joseph Moss, 204 North Sixth street. 575tf HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes place to help with housework for board and room. Phone 291-L or in quire at 424 B street. r ' 678 VETERINARY Rl'RGKON DrTR. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. Office in ' Winetrout Implement Building. Phone 308-R. Resi dence phone 305-R. GIBSON, THE DWARF. Thla 8ovontoonth Century Midget Wen Fame as an Artist Purveyors of side show amusements are agreed, it is said, that dwarfs no longer may bo counted upon to draw audiences, no matter bow gifted these Lillputians may be. In Charles Strst ton, known tbe world over by his psen donlm of Tom Thumb, thla country furnished tbe moat attractive dwarf that ever exploited bla accomplish ments and j who, as stated by his spon sor In whit was considered tbe moat "stunnlng'j advertising of the day, was "the delight of all tbe crowned heads of Europe" as well aa of tbe uncrown ed sovereigns of America. Great as Tom Thumb was In his time, there were dwarfs percedlng blm that made most enviable reputations. Among these were Richard Gibson, age seventy-five at bla death, July 23. 1000, and his widow, who died nine teen years later at the advanced age of elghty-nluc, Gibson was a minia ture painter miniature in every sense of tbe phrase as well as court dwarf to Charles I. of England, and his wife, Ann Shepherd, was court dwarf to Queen Henrietta Maria. Her majesty prompted n mnrrlngc' between these two clover but diminutive persons, and the marriage proved a hoppy one. The little couplo bad nine children, five of whom lived to years of maturity and were of ordlnnry stature. Gibson's works were valued, and oue of them wus the Innocent cause of a tragical event. This' painting" repre sented the pnrable of the lost sheep and was highly prized by tbe king, who gave it lu charge of Vandervoort, thukccper of the royal pictures.. One day the king asked for thla picture. Afraid or OHhamed to any that be mis laid It, Vandervoort committed suicide by hanging. A few days after his death the picture was found in tbo spot vhoro ho bad placed It. Gibson and bla wife bnve, however, been excelled In brevity of stature, as tbo united height of tlio two was about seven feet. Indianapolis News, ' The Dear Friends. Maud You any Jack onco proposed to you. I don't believe It lie said I waa the only wpmnu4 be ever loved Ethel Yea,, uVar. but he didn't clnaa me iimMHt wumtMi. lie iied to call iu htMisuiiPt ' '';..'!?'.' .-, Classified Advertising A68AYKRS ' E. R. CROUCH, sandy r, ctiewui, metallurgist. Rooms 201-202 Pad dock Building, Grants Pass. CTME CARD California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company (Tbe Oregosi Csvm llonte) Effective Monday, October 18,1915 Train No. 1 I v. Grants Pass 7:00 a.m. Arrives Wilderrllle 8:00 a.m. Train No. 2 lr. Wilderville 6:00 p.m. Arrives Grants Pass 6:00 p.m. Every day In the week, lacludlng Sunday All trains leave Grants Past from tbe corner of G and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Public Ser vice building, or phon 138-R for same. Train will step on flag at any point between Grants Pass and Wilderville. Paasengt. service every day la the week. REAL ACTORS ON THE STAGE. Hew They Would Sown Now if Mevioe Had Come First We can well imagine that a genera tion brought up exclusively on moving pictures would hall tbe sudden Intro duction of tbe actual performers as a great Invention. ' So simple and logical a step would seem to them truly mar velous. At first tbe bodily presence of the actor might seem to tbem almost too oppressive, as we now feel it to be when we sit close up on a Shake spearean platform stage, but they would soon wonder why they bad been so long content to blink at animated photographs.' '; Tbe effect upon the actor would be most aalutory. He would soon find that be was making himself laughably obvious. Tbe astonishing calisthenics wltb which be has been accustomed to wring our withers would no longer serve bis purpose. He would bave to abandon tbe 'irascible look, the "revenge Is sweet" look, the "Jealousy look, tbe "lovey dovey" look and all the otber looks wltb which be now so Impudently holds' the camera in order to convey to us that be is feeling something, ah. so profoundly. - He would bave to unlearn all his looking glass grimaces and try to regain tbe natural mobility of bumau expression. Tbe hlstorlau of tbe drama would also give us u moat Instructive chapter on the emergence of the actor from tbe machine. He would bail it as a revolutionary step in tbe development of tbe drama, 'without which. In bis opinion, the Hamlet that he worships would never have been possible. Knowing nothiug of our pre-macbine drama, be would uot be tempted to draw the conclusion that with tbe rise and decay of moving pictures the drama has gone backward In order to go forward again. New Republic. A Difference. Ton told me Jones bad become an actor." "1 didn't any anything of the kind. I told you he had trmie on the stape."- ELMER A. SPERRY. Inventor ot Gyroscope Sslsetsd aa Mombor ot Naval Advisory Board. -' Grants Pass , Transfer Co. ... f IMJOMI'T AN - RELIABLE WOliK BY CAREFCL DRAY. MF.. It AGO AGE SERVICE IIY AUTO, T"RUCK DAT OR NIGTIT. OFIJICKIN WGLLaVFARsX) RLIKD. II B . PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Office hours 9-12, 2-5, and on ap polstment. Office phone 62; resi dence phone 859-J. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or nlsht. Res. phone 269; office phone 182. Sixth and H. Taffs Building. J. P. TRUAX, M. D., Pnyslclan and Surgeon. -t Phones:' Office, 826; residence, 224. Call. ' answered at ail hours. Coua'ry calls at tended to. Lundebarg Bldg. ' F. H. INGRAM,' D. C, D. O. Mental Spinal, Nerve us and Chronic Dis eases. Office : 2 1 6 North Sixth street. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5. Other hours ' by appointment. Phone 7. Res. phone 241-J. ' DR. ED BTWATER Specialist on diseases vf eye, ear, nose and throat; glasses fitted. Office hoars 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res., 224-J; office, 267-J. Schmidt Building, Grants Pass, Oregon. DEXTISTS E. C. MACT. D. M. D., first-class dentistry. ;, 109 South Sixth street. Grants Pass. Oregon. BERT R. ELLIOTT, D. M. D. Mod ern dental work. ' Marguerite E. Heyer, dental assistant Rooms 4 and 5, Golden Rule building. Grants Pass, Ore. " Phone 215-J. M. R. BRITTEN, Dentist. Rooms S and 8, Lnndhnrg building, oppoait post office. Honrs a. m. to 12 m.; 1:80 to 6 p. m. Saturdays I n. m. to 12 m. '''' ." ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-Law. Practice In all State and Federal Conns. First National Bank Big. COLVIG" e WILLIAMS Attorneys-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. Building, Granta Pass. Ore. E. S. VANDYKE, Attorney. Practice in all courta. First National Bank 'Bidg. :. ;, J; y;v EDWARD H. RICHARD, Attorney-at-Law. Office Masonic Temple, Grants Pass, Oregon. A. C. HOUGH, : Attorney-at-Law. Golden Rule Building. Grants Pass, Oregon. W. T. MILLER. Attorney-at-Law. County attorney tor Josephine . County. Office Schalhorn Big. O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law, Grants Pass Banking Co. building. : Phone 270. '. Grants Pass, Ore. ' DECORATORS AND PAINTERS- PAPERH ANQING, graining, paint ing. For beat work nt lowest prices phone 295-J. C. G. Plant, 8outh Park street. . a DRAY AGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinda of drayage and transfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 132-R. Stand at I eight depot ' A. Shade, Propr. F G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, pianos and tnrnltnre moved, paeked, shipped ' and' stored. Phone . Clark ft Holman, No. 50. Residence phone 124-R. MISCELLANEOUS CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up In l-gallon glass jars and delivered at your 'door, Ireah, puiesanHary Telephone 29S-R and waterwagon will call: . Mitt PURE MOUNTAIN WATER Clear and refreshing. Bacterial testa as Bure"that thla water is pare. De livered la five-gallon bottles, 26c. W. E. Beckwlth. Order by phone, 602-F-8. 489tf. LODGES GRANTS PASS Lodge No. 84. A.'F. A. M. Stated eomntunlca- tlons 1st and 2d Tuesdays Visiting nrethren cordially Invited. ' F. W.. Russell, Jr.,,W. M. Edw. G. Harris. secretary. GOLDEN. RULE LODGE, No. 78. I.O. O.F., ' meets every Wed- ' 2 fi nesday eve. in I.O.Q.F. hall.' cor. fitH and H Stl. Visiting Odd Fellows cordially incit ed to be present. W. H. RyanN. 6.; tlyde Martin, Seoretary. Legal Matiks.-eeurler effice. ....taiwiftaMiM uH M.JJf" Nan-' -M,-M wtnt-t, W'V