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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1915)
DAILY IUXJCK IUVKR COURIER WKDMMDAY, OCTOHKIl BT, 1010. iir PACK FOUR 10 cents Eac W can promiM our customer good treatment and their money's worth In anything bought in our store. This ia certainly true . now ot "Century Edition" Finest Sheet Music Ot which we carry a full line. It is the most beautiful edition of nearly 2.000 ot the standard classics and favorites, both in rocal and instrumental music, possible to find, and we otter it at a standard price ot 10 Cents a Copy Come In and get a catalog free: The Music & Photo House STANTON ROWELL, Prop. . 4 1PERS2NAL LOCAL j AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT 4 Bijou "J. Rufus Wallingford.- 4 Star "The Lost House." 4.4-4444 44444 JAMES VHITCDMB RILEY PROGRAM AT BAPTIST CHURCH Tuesday night, at the Baptist church, the Grants Pass Music clib entertained a large audience with a Riley program, the greater part ot the numbers being from the writings ot that greatest ot living poets, Miss Mildred Churchill and Mrs. Laura Thomas Gunnell each giving a group of three readings and Miss Cox giving one of his poems set to music. Mr. Rowell supplied a Viotrola and sever al records in Riley's own voice. Miss Pritzkau, in a paper, gave an account of the celebration recently In In dianapolls of the poet's birthday, and Miss Harris told the true story of "Little Orphan Annie." Piano numbers were given by Mrs. Vater and Mrs. Veatch in a duet, and a solo by Miss Wolke, and Mr. Marsh entertained with a baritone solo. Miss Lydla White returned last night from a stay ot several weeks at San Francisco, Miss Florence Compton, who has spent the past five months in Grants Pass, left last night tor Glendale, to be with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Colrlg loft this morning for the San Francisco exposition. W. A. Wllkron and wife left south this morning, the former for the San Francisco exposition and the latter. for Milpitas, Cal. Osborne DeVarilla, ot San Fran clsco, who spent the past six weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. S. Ham- ( mill, left this morning for his home. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 403tf C. Wlnslow, of Oregon City, who spent the past week with Mr. Muller at the Consul orchards, left last night for Oregon City, his home. Watch tor fa in gold in Alpine butter. 578 Jack Campbell, who spent several days in the city taking an exaniln tlon at the forestry office, left last night tor West Fork on his way to the forest station. , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Strohecker, af ter an absence from the city of 18 years, are spending a few days with friends and relatives. They hare been residents ot Garfield, Wash., since leaving Grants Pass. J. T. Love, former resident ot Grants Pass and tor many years own- er of Lore's station, on the Crescent City road, with his son, J. T. Love. Jr., and grandson. Forest McGregor, came in yesterday from their place on the Smith river near Crescent City. The two Loves left last night for a few days at Creswell, and Mr. McGregor left on the same train for Portland. SunniMTs Shilling Cockcrtds John Summers, of the Square Deal poultry yards, this morning shipped one ot his high grade barred rock cockerels to Ashland. Uk Hallowe'en Dunce In the Moose hall Friday night. Good orchestra. Tickets 50c. No dance Saturday night. 5 SO Sou v tile Again Winn Scortlle'a team In the whist tour ney "repeated" Tuesday night at the second session, again defeating the Fox team by IS points, giving Sco vllle a lead of 26 points. Develop Gaitce Mine D. U and Alex Johnson returned on Tuesday from Qallce, where they spent the past two months In devel opment and assessment work on the Golden Pheasant quarts mine, about AM miles from the Gallce post ot flee. They retlnVbered 165 feet ot tunneling, built a cabin and did much other work. See Dr Moore, Oculist For all eye and "glass" troubles. The Oxford. Grants Paas. tt Rebekahs at Central Point Sixteen members ot Etna Rebekah lodge ot this city went this morning to Central Point to attend a district convention, those in attendance from here being Mesdames Terwilllger, Burke. McCarthy. Hlldreth. Mc- Cracken, Ryan, Huntley, Good- now, Nixon, Smith, Dickinson, Cleveland, Misses Fay 8tlnebaugh, Blanche Wile and Flora Schmidt. Wear-Ever demonstrator at the Rogue River Hardware Thursday and Friday ot this week. Don't miss it. More Hogs Are Shipped Another car load ot hogs was ship ped to Portland Tuesdsy by Knox & Armentrout The Portland market Is showing some Improvement, even in the face ot a slump in eastern pork markets, indicating that the SEATTLE P. O. SITE UNDER buyers there are taking a tumble to 8 FEET OF SALT WATER I themselves. The present Portland quotation is seven cents, the local EXPORTS TO SOUTH AMERICA INCREASING (By United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Oct. 27. Exports to South America as well as to Europe increased since the war started, ac cording to figures made public today by the department of commerce. Washington, Oct 27. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo's inspection yesterday ot the Seattle post office site under eight feet of salt water at high tide, today developed some interesting facts regarding Its sale. Congressman Humphreys of Wash ington state recommended the pur chase and was the chief promoter of the site. Tbe cost was $169,500. Humphreys, according to treasury records, ridiculed the suggestion of Seattle bankers that the site was not worth the price the government paid for it. Thursday, the 28th, Mr. Menden hall will cook a whole meal in a Wear-Ever aluminum roaster and will bake a cake in a Wear-Ever aluminum tube cake pan on top of tbe stove. Don't fall to see these stunts at the Rogue River Hardware. STARir Tonight MUTUAL MASTERPICTURE The Lost House I!y Kit hard Harding Davis The Celebrated Author and War Correspondent A four-reel play that will keep you on edge from start to fin ish. Featuring Wallace Reld, Lillian Glsh and P. A. Turner. And one of those roaring KEYSTONE COMEDIES run Patches to Pkciy 7:15 and 8:30 5 and 10 CenU market being about a cent under the price at the northern center. Mrs. Myers Executrix The will of the late J. L. Myers was filed tor probate yesterday, and Mrs. Alice Lee Myers was named as the executrix. The property is left to the widow and tbe three children and Is listed at a value of $9,600. In cluded In Mr. Myers' estate Is the brick building on G street, which was occupied by the barber shop; a resi dence in the city, 22 head of cattle on the ranch In Douglas county, and other personal effects totaling tho The New Adventures of J. Rufus Uallingford ) Aim The Nowest, Cleverest, Breeziest 2-Hoel comedy subjeots ever shown in this city NEW Direct from the National, largest theatre in Por tin nd Clever Burr Mcintosh, Lolita Robertson, and Max Figman Greatest east ever in a single picture. Breezy millions have read the Wallingford stories, and know. Koftd Orogonian Oct. 12, and see tho picture A Bungalow Bungle BIJOU -:- Tonight Two-Reel Drama, "WHERE THE TRAIL LED" PATHE NEWS A, Big, Smashing Program, ad a Lire One. World series, Red Sox vs. Phillies. Bon sational war film, showing trench fleht- President Wilson and Mrs. Oalt. ' 5c and lOc COLORADO BEET FARMER " FOR SUGAR FACTORY PLUGGING Ladles: If you are having trouble! amount of the appraisement, of any kind with your aluminum cooklnz utensils no matter what Lomnuuees .ire uy make come to our store either Thursday or Friday and talk It over with Mr. Mendenhall, who Is an au thority on aluminum ware sent out by the Wear-Ever factory. He will be glad to give you any information possible along this line. Rogue River Hardware. 578 rmifVfJ KVEXTS. 44444444444 44 44 Oct. 29, Friday Illustrated lecture by Prof. A. L. Peck, of O. A. C, on "The City Problem In Land scape Gardening," in Commercial club rooms. Auspices of civics de partment of Ladles' Auxiliary. Oct. 30, Saturday Pomona grange at Frultdale. Nov. 6, Saturday Reception to meet Bishop Sumner and the Rev. C. W. Baker and family In St. Luke's Guild hall. NEW TODAY DON'T TAKE CHANCES Insure your household goods and your dwellings with L. A. Launer. 9-ltf WANTED Girl for general house work. Mrs. Jack Allison. Phone 220-R. 6S3 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wishes place to help with housework for board and room. Phone 291-L or in quire at 424 B street. 578 Order Now Dry Blocks, Kindling and Sawdust from Box Factor, also winter wood. Popular prices. A. N. Parsons Rati Estate 614 FBt. Phone t-R 101 I 8t PkoM 11141 Committees of citizens are today in the Rogue River and Gold Hill districts lining up acreage for plant ing to sugar beets. Committees have already been at Wolf Creek, Leland, Glendale and the Grave Creek dis tricts, and the sentiment Is found to be extremely favorable In each, with the prospect of getting the largest possible land planted this coming sea son. The Wildervllle country Is es pecially Interested in the project and will supply a heavy tonnage to be loaded on the cars of the new Twohy road. The subject will bo a live one at the Pomona grange meeting to be held at Frultdale Saturday, when farmers from all parts of the valley will be present. 'I came from a sugar beet coun try and I know that the growing of beets spells prosperity for the entire community, and I am going to stsy right here In Grants Pass and either buy or rent land and grow beets It that factory Is built." That was the remark of L. S. Lam bert, who, with his family, arrived n the city last week, and who this morning was seen In a local bank opening up a checking account and arranging to stay hero during the winter and "plug for that factory,") as he eloquently put It. Mr. Lam- bert used to rtow sugar 'beets down j In Colorado, and be thinks thut the Rogue valley should be an Ideal place for their production. In Colorado. he said, the Industry Increased till from the hill tops the smoke from eight factories could bo seen, and the farmers were satisfied to Increase acreage rather than to plant only what had been originally contracted for. "The population of the valley will double, and with a continuous stream of money being paid out for labor in field and factory and the cash ready' I ai i aiigt u iu van miciiwiuu u mo ur AMERICA N KXGINK KIM CAPTIKKI) AT I'HKl'Il (By United Press Leasod Wire.) Washington, Oct. 27. Lady Ralph Paget and a number of American sanitary engineers are believed to have been captured by Bulgarians at Uskub, but the authorities here to day felt they are in no danger. The engineers include Doctors Ralph Mendelson, Stanley Osborn, Edward Stewart, Theo. R. Schoonmater, Ralph Bates, E. H. Magoon, Charles Fox, C. W. Bakoman, Elliott Gage, Charles Buck and Hobart Brink. This regular 90 cent WKAIt-KVKU HTKW PAX can be had for Only SO CenU during our Wear-Ever Demonstration Thursday and Friday ROCiUK RIVER ILUIDWARK The Big Red Front (Tl d ti aKr wo Nights, Commeno VmSUUgtty iag Friday, Oct 29. Frank Wolf Presents Punch Jones Rag Time Opera and Minstrels 15 COLORED ARTISTS 15 With Band and Orchettra Entire Change Each Evcnbtg Matiwe at 2 p.m. Evening show, 7 :ti and 9 Prices, 25c and 35c. Street Parade and Concert at Noon PORTLAND OIIATOU HUH his address, Chairman Kdward Cook A DISCORDANT Norn' Inabam good-naturedly remarked 'that it would never have been de- Portland, Oct. 27. The manner In which William D. Wheelwright, prominent business man and orator par excellence, "spilled the beans" Hvtred had an advance copy of It been submitted to him. However, tho advocates of pre paredness had their say. Dr. James, for tbe farmer when his crop grown, there will be a wonderful Im provement In business conditions. A sugar beet community Is a prosper ous community." Mr. Lambert is backing his words up with work, and has already rented a bouse In town and will not return to his farm In Jefferson county If the factory Is assured. He returned Tues day night from a trip through the Evans creek country, where he was looking for land for sale or lease that was suitable for beet culture. Me said that he saw some beautiful country In the Evans valley, Ideal for beet culture. "The farmers up there all realize the value of the beet Industry," said Mr. Lambert, "but some of thorn are afraid of the transportation question. I told thorn to go ahead and raise boots and that the transportation problem would solve Isolf. If they get Into the business right somoono will build a railroad up the valley, as they will be built up evory valley where beets arc grown. Grow beets and the other good things will come." at tho Security Leaguo banquet Inst B. Bullitt, field secretary of the Navy night by advocating International league, declared that everything disarmament when the function was; within renson should bo done to In sure and organize national safety. After characterizing the song lion's lamentable unpreparedness for war, was the talk of the town today. Wheelwright eloquently opposed the preparedness program of the ad ministration been n bo "It Is unwlso and Immoral to get tho people to prepare for war as the only way of preventing It when the theory has been so absolutely disproved by events In Europe." When Wheelwright had concluded I Did Not Raiso My Boy to be a Sol dier" as despicable, Governor WHhy combo snld that preparedness was tho nation's guarnntee for a continu ance of peace. One hundred prominent business and professional men attended the banquet. I .oration notices, Courier office. mA SENATOR CHAMllKItLAIN TO SKH THM PHKHIDKNT Washington, Oct. 27. A standing army, ot not over 160,000 men, plus training of youths In schools and col lege for active service, somewhat as In Switzerland, are the leading rec ommendations of Senator Chamber lain ot the senate military commit tee. II was slated to confer with President Wilson this afternoon or tomorrow. Wear-Ever Aluminum Ware Thursday and Friday KVji of Mils, week in our store '; In nn iiiithoilty on nlumlii M(n WICAH-KVIOU factory. V can from lilin. , w For tlii'Mo two days we will DO Cent Wear-ICver Hlcw I'm Rogue WEARIVEUK m , , TRADIMARH y Mr. Memlenlmll, who in ware Hcnt out by the oino In mikI lent il nil you River w n . , it 111 sell you a regular W$ tin for 0 (Vnts $M Hdw. JJ Front