-s i TTEftHAY, OCTOHKR , WIS. PAGBTWO AlLY ROOVB RIVER COURIER ' Daily Rogue River Courier. At Independent Republican Newa Paper. United PrN Leased Wire Telegraph 8ervtoe A. B. TOORHIE8. Pub and Prop. WILFORD ALLEN. Bdttor Entered at tbe Granta Pass, Ore gon, Postofflce as second-class mall natter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 15.00 Bix Months ..00 .1.68 .-50 .Three Months One Month Payable ta Advance. TUESDAT, OCTOBER 20, 1815. OREGON WEATHER , f Tonight and Wednesday oc- casionai rain northwest, unset- f tied, probably rain, south and 4 4 east portions; southerly winds, 4 reaching gale force near the 4 north coast i. ' , EXPERIMENTS IN BEET CULTURE ' Knowledge of the adaptability of the Rogue River Talley to the growth of a sugar beet high in percent of saccharine matter and In parity is , not a recent matter. As long ago aa . Is 1891 experiments were being con ducted and tests then made proved toesentially the same as the tests made during the past season, so that ' conditions that go to the making ot ; a perfect beet are known to be con . slant The Med ford Mail in its Issues during the year 1897 contained the ' following extracts from a report made by Prof. G. W. Shaw, ot the state Agricultural college, concern- . lng experiments conducted in this : valley: "In 1891 I began experimenting with sugar beets In Oregon, believing that we had within our state the t- m of tMeB mwh W0TW than oulsite conditional for the production 9 officials admit." said P. Hinner, of beets rich in sugar and with high third officer of the steamer Columbia, purity. In 1892 the experiments were which arrived from Panama today. again conducted, beets being grown j fflc,a, t0,d offlcrt of tne .... , ,, vessels that the tie-up would last on- by representative farmers In differ-,,y & fw months when ,n mmy ent sections of the state. The TJ. S. win ibe fortunate if traffic is resumed agricultural department also con- by another year." , ducted Independent experiments! Hlnnier claimed that shipowners along the same line. The results ob-nl captains protested angrily to the . , . A. . . m , ! Panama canal officials, talned in the experiments made In, . Jackson county interested me Par STEEL CORPORATION ticularly, inasmuch as the sugar con-j CUTS ANOTHER MELON tent and the purity of the beets ana-J New York, Oct. 26. Directors ot lyred were high, and other econom-:tn Vn,ted statea Steel corporation . , .... , , , I today declared their regular quarter leal conditions, Including fuel, lime- ...,..,,, , ly dividend of 1 per cent on pre stone and water supply, seem espe- ferred 8tock( but took 0 act,on re. dally favorable to the development ' gardlng the common stock. Of this Important Industry. I The quarterly statement showed "that yod people will have a bet-. wrings of 138.710.644 for the aJL . -, 'period ending September 30, against ter understanding of this matter, u-j .27 950055 for tDe qnarter ending low me to say that good sugar beet. June 80 tnd 22,276,002 for the should contain 14 per cent sugar and quarter ending September 30 last have a purity of 80 and should nave year. long tapering root without branch- ARMED SQUATTERS HOLD lng rootlets. DIPERIAL VALLEY LANDS "The beeta from Jackson county Imperlftl Cal., Oct 26. Hundreds analyzed previously to this year, gave(0f contestants for claims on a 7,000 an average of 17.92 sugar; purttj acre tract of government land in the 81; the report of the chemist of the j Imperial valley are holding down U. S. department of agriculture show ing sugar 18.94 per cent, purity 94.9. Analyses made tbe present season (1897) have also shown mature beets to carry a high per cent of sugar content and purity. , "A glance at the temperature con-: r dltlocs would indicate, a priori, that such results might be expected. "The season for the growth of beets may be divided into three periods: That ot germination; that of plant formation, and that of sugar storing. The following Is a compari son of tbe temperature averages for Germany end southern Oregon dur ing these periods: Periods of Av. Tem. Av Tem. Growth Foreign So. Ore. First 49.1 Second 63.3 Third 66.3 "Thus H may foe seen S3.3 64.5 64.8 that your section of the state has all the re quisites of temperaturo for the In dustry." AGED SEATTLE MAN TAKES OWN LI I'M , i Seattle, Ort. 26. Ono of Seattle's ' tost known men for 35 years Is dead here today. ' Judge Thomas II. Cann, police GOTHIC rat new ARROW COLLAR IT riTS THE CRAVAT CkUCTT. Ft AOOV CO.. Im ! judge here for years, is dead by his own hand. He committed suicide yesterday afternoon by taking car bolio add. His .body was found last night 200 feet from his home in West Seattle. ; He was SI years old and for a long time had been worrying over failing health and financial diffi culties. On an envelope found in his coat pocket he had written: "Worse this morning, October SS; no chance for recovery." Two letters ot farewell, one to his wife and one to a friend, were found in his pockets. As wss his custom, Judge Cann went for a walk shortly after noon Monday. When evening came and he had not returned, a search was instituted. Neighbors found his body by means of lanterns. TO ALL WATER USERS M. L. Opdycke, water master, will not be in the office of the county clerk to give information relative to the adjudication of the waters ot Rogne river and its tributaries after Octo ber 28. It therefore behooves you to be here not later than the above date it you want any help from him, otherwise you will have to get the information yourself. ' 577 E. L. COBCRN, County Clerk. SAYS PANAMA CANAL MAT BE CLOSED FOR YEAR (By United Press Leased Wire.) j San Francisco, Oct 26. "Condl- nna In fho Panama fsnal flu the their respective areas today, jnany with rifles ready to repulse trespass' ers. if ;flINE j Jjy EVERY Black Silk Stnva Pollnh dry out; can h ttMd to th lost drip: liquid and pwia ana quslitri atiaal'ltely no rat4; nadust ortllrt. Yua tt our noun' wartfa. Black Silk 1 Stove Polish ( not anlr moat amnomkal. hat It (trie brilli ant, Hlbylmtn that ennnot tMioblaitiad with aif aiiwr jKiliin. illruk bi k btora Hulinlt vm nt rub off-it laata luur liaiaa aa long aa ordinary agllik-w It aavaa yua tiUM, work and vtmn. uonl loft at Whra roo arant atnva poli,h,baiiv ta aakforUlackSllk. Ifltlan't tlia boat tropoiiah vol aver uard-rourdaajar wUlraf uad jrvurBMnar. Black Silk Stora Pallth Work. SUrllna, IlliaoU. Uaa Bl.rk Kltk Air Prying Iron Bnamalnn rrulra, r'tf lUTa,a(.ivappa,Btia auii. rnoliHa lira tiim.a 1'ravaota Malinir. Try It, Um mark AUk M.iai fn. hh ruriiivirwara,nirb'H,iln war or brnu. It work tMl-kty. anal y and rav a brilliant aiirlnan. II. hna no aqua! f or uiMoufUi loin uUlua, IlLAdC SILK STOVE POLISH For "n, Bt nwilE ItlVEIt HAltDWARE Tlio lllg Red Front DROP" I S- 1 f at k.1 jsutfiiA VJ to sjsaElfoivfr 1iirV W itmi Lay-to for and swing You'll start an old-pal-party la a pipo or a makin's cigarette quick as a flash, as coon as you realize it's a live bet to let your good money rub up against some Prince Albert tobacco. Why, it's like beating back to the bushes for old-home week, P. A's so friendly, so chummy-itfce. You see, Pr - Albert lets you hear the song of the joy us jimmy pipe and the makin's cigarette all the day long! The patented process takes care of that and cuts out the bite and parch ! "a the national joy smoke ; Just hands you home-made questions like these were you ever pipe- Vinrwit 3 a.m rir.f vv4 ISC n W fl hranA tha Jtict " MM J a. jTvV pushed pleasure against -Sr an. a . Z your paiaier ine tana thflt wirt rf trnrv1 vruir smoKeappcute lor some more fire-up, then cr.- oiner ana so on, ngnt to the pillow-period I Well, that's P. A, no matter how you hook it up pipe or cigarette. It just-jams-joy into your system I You nail that met hot off the bat, because it's case-cards intormation! And handed out to youfor personaand immedia to attention as being about as real and true as you've heard since Hector was a pup I P. A is sold in the toppy red bag for the price of a jitney ride, 5c; tidy red tin, 10c; pound and half-pound tin humidors and the classy pound crystal-glass humidor with the sponge-moistener top that's not only a joy'us thing to have at home and at the office, but it keeps P. A in the highest state of perfection, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Win.ton Salem, N. C PORTER CHARLTON IS ITALIAN VERDICT (By United Press Leased Wire.) Como, Italy, Oct. 26. Sentenced to a term which, counting the am nesty, means only a brief Imprison ment, Porter Charlton, wlfe-elayer, is already planning his return to America. Tbe verdict was no sur prise either to Charlton or to bis counsel. The Italian attitude toward the youthful American bad been un friendly, and bence an acquittal was not expected. Tbe evidence of early epilepsy, coupled with the showing as to the treatment of bis wife, tbe farmer California woman, however, made the extreme penalty of life Im prisonment unlikely, Charlton was In better mental and physical condition at the end than at the beginning of the trial, and be manifested satisfaction with the ver dict. When be Is released Charlton ex pects to meet Signor Servadlo, form er Italian consul at Denver, whose wife and family are his friends, and to accompany Servadlo to Rome. Thence be will go to Naples, then alone to New York and later to Porto Rico to start life anew. Dally be prays tbat he may see his father again. WILL PUIOtlT RACING OX THK JUAItKB TRACK (By United Press Leased Wire.) El Paso, Oct. 26,--If Gonoral Car ranza takes Juarez, across the (bor der from here, he will not Interfere with rnclni?, Consul Garcia said to day. Two hundred horne nru expect ed from San Francisco tomorrow to enter the meollnir opening November 5 and a sperlnl train will l?ave IOtonln, Ky., Sntnrday with 1 50. Garcia snld, however, that Car ranza would stop all othor gambling apldo from bookmaldng. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, it tbe Courier once. SATISFIED WITH - - ' ' i A nH Willi M if i fmmU li i in' i ill W HWIalfct.hfo a spell on this: HEAD OF U.S. ARMY WITNESS AT-TRIAL (By United Press Leased Wire) San Francisco. Oct. 26. American army aviators are developing tem perament and are afraid to get their bands dirty, Captain Arthur Cowan, bead of the United States army avia tion corps at San Diego testified to day at the courtmartial of Lteut, Colonel Louis Qoodler, accused of altering specifications In charges against Cowan, Through association with the civi lian aviators at the San Diego Cur Ubb school, Cowan stated, army lieu tenants have come to regard the real machine work upon engines and planes as a Job for hired mechanics. Also, the captain testified, the Wright machine used by the army was spoken of as a "death trap," and regarded as unsafe by the army avia tors 'because of their association with the CurtlsB and other schools. COIiOXKL TICK Kit WANTS ItmSTATKMKNT IN ARMY (By United Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Oct, 26. Whether Lieutenant-Colonel W, F. Tucker, former husband of "Dolly" Logan, daughter of General John A. Legan, will ibe reinstated In the United States army will be decided soon by an examining board headed by Col onel H. S. Wallace of this city. The former head of the paymaster's do partment lias applied for reinstate ment and the board will moot at Van couver barracks, The Tucker case wus ono of tlio BriuteKt Herniations In army history. MrB. Tucker, In 1007, begun to at tack her liiiBliuiwl, writing to the war department and nainlnt? ns IiIh affin ity Mrs. Myrtlo riatt, widow of an army lieutenant. She alleged deser tion and had Tucker arrested once for non-support, Slio later obtained a divorce and Tucker was retired, AVIATION CORPS ftlfa. illta.laafcw'wiiawl.jM 1 1 if ' V A. YOUTHFUL PAIR TO ELOPE IS ARRESTED (By United Press Leased Wire.) Seattle, Oct. 26 Mrs. Wllraot P. Stewart, wife of the Bothell dairy man, whose daughter, Martha, eloped wltn Penfleld Peabody, 17-year-old son of Charles E. Peabody, Seattle millionaire, Friday, has disappeared and was bolleved today to have join ed her daughter and son-in-law, who are In hiding from bis parents. One of the latest developments In the case occurred today when a de puty sheriff from Chehalls, where the marriage license was Issued, ar rived here with warrant for the arrest of Wm. J. Flannery, of West j Seattle, said to have been a witness to tno marriage or young reaDoay and the Stewart girl Saturday. Flannory la charged with perjury, It Is alleged be swore falsely as to the age of the young couple. The girl is 19, and the license- Issued shows that both were of "legal age." The warrant was Issued on the demand of Attorney John 8. Robinson, repre senting Charles K. Peabody, the lad's father, who hm opposed his son's matrimonial venture from the (be ginning. '. i . !j , i ; , "If Mr. Peabody Insists upon prose cuting this case against me," de clared. Flannery after his arrest, "I shall give him a lesson In humanity that he will remember." nitlNKH WITHOUT "KICK" AT THK 101 A II A It (Dy WnHed Press Loosed Wire.) Portland, Oct, 26. Patrons of the "1016 bar" at the Manufacturers ami Lund Products show aro today hov Ing a tntfto of what they ore up against when the state goes dry next year, Tho bar Is of the regulation variety, brans foot rail and all, and threo white coated (lliipensors, whoso faces aro fomlllar to Portland tlp- j piers, do tho honors, i But thero Js ,p,flt q, bit of "kUk" la any drink served. MtfomkU&S,M&iLv a fever - avv tirii; Hf .a CaamVr WT " ' -'d. JrariaJOaawrao-, - X Ci ,? ji I I .' rAofcvMMVVayaonWnks i ( Jft fRtarrTwAn-V ,''a MSa3 j', Ca.MoWaraanaraM -T jj jy.8fli'Me ' Aftlrill& uwmorr am cJaariV ra "' I if If ImSMSlt i ifJauSrlf ill P: call ffa arar in Sp'n in if T?.?yu fwif I fl aHaraafa,Hl. vr; W MWt-f tyl lif I' ' oVr Aa aa. nothvt. no , Mf ..... I rL lUMlfl ! Jmnynpt. iratfa naa Aat I riWi I ' 1 VVI ill 6n.f a mam fr.ro7r- I flf 1 W1 I 1 I'i'wlf ' PrlneoAlbmrt'oU'Uom I KJ V I f 1 MM "j MAN 1 AIDED j.?r v iV WW i V V I J 1 Wi ili III llltY'H IXSAMTV K.ll TO UK ONLY L.UINF.SH l lly I'nltcil Press Leased Wire.) 8cattle, Oct. 26,Mrs. Klla Hunt, wlfo of Georgo K. Hunt, a cook, Is demonstrating today her ability to cure the "Insanity" from which hor husband has been suffering. Mrs. Hunt declares his malady is latlness. Hunt was ordered out of tbe Stell acoom asylum Monday by Judge Mit chell Gilliam, when Mrs. Hunt de clared ' ber ability to "curt" her spouse. "He Is only Insane on the subject of work," she said, "and I am con fident I can completely restore hjs sanity, or have him sent to tbe stock ade. I'm sure tbat will cure him." AMERICANS ARK TORTt'RKD HY MKXIOAN INDIANS San Francisco, Oct. 26. "They took off all their clothes and walked them for miles In the broiling sun. One by one they died my brother went last." Thus did Mrs. Dr. J. Lambert tell today, upon arriving from Mexico, of the tortures Inflicted by Mayo .In dians upon Americans, She vowed they must pay for it, If It takes her wholo life to got retri bution. To this end she is going to Washington to tell the department. Coffee There is coffee so full of satisfaction that the day takes care of itself I You will like thedw of Schilling's Best; you will like its economy t goes further. It Is packed evenly , ground anil ready for use, In airtlijlit tins, Schilling's Best i