pack four DULY ROGUE IUVKU tOlMlUt WEDNF.8DAY, OCTOBER M, 1915. The Artist s Tone is the Edison Tone There is no such thins a a "Edison Ton." IThere ,- in th New Edison, a Bond Ton, a Spalding Ton, a Rappold Tone, an Anna Case tone each separate and distinct; -each faithful to the distinctive char, aeter of the artist. But the New Edison has no tone of its own. There is no foreign sound, no "talking machine" tone. Mr. Edison has eliminated all these. The music of the New Edison is nothing but the pure, unaltered, life-like tone of t the original artist. Come in and hear your favorite record today on the New Edison Amberola. We will be glad to play it for you with out obligation. ' The llcsic&Photo House STANTON ROVTK1X, Prop, f AMI'S KMEXTS TONIGHT .. . Bijov ' "The Only Way." f Star "A Child of God." ALLIES PLAN TO KEEP KAISER'S ARMY BUSY III THE WEST Amsterdam, Oct. 13. A new drive by the allies in the Artols and the Champagne regions of the western front, and perhaps elsewhere, is mo mentarily expected, as it is under stood here that the allies plan to keep the kaiser too busy oa the west ern line to push far into the Bal kans (before reinforcements from the allies can reach Serbia. ENGLISH SUBMARINE GETS ANOTHER GERMAN' London, Oct. 13. Giving the crew time to take to the boats, a British submarine dynamited the Ger man steamer Walter Leonard In the Baltic Tuesday, according to a Copen hagen dispatch today. British ships in the Baltic hare recently sunk four or five German steamships. It is be lieved all crews were saved. ' Order Now Dry Blocks, Kindling and Sawdust from Box Factory, also winter wood. Popular prices. A. N. Parsons Real Estate 614 F St Phone 9-R SOS I St Phene 101-R SCHILLING'S SALE BOOMS CROWDS THRONG STORE Tomorrow, Thursday, Is Special Day for the Ladies Following is a list of extra specials for these 2 days : l. A P. CoaU Thread, 8c; 2Kc Carlson Currier Buttonhole Twist, 1 M c Sc Dexter Knitting Cotton, 8c; 5c Carlson Currier Art Silk, 8Mc; Sc O. N. T. Em. broidery Cotton, 8c; 2Mc Prin cess Embroidery Floss, lHc; 12 Me Royal Society Embroi dery Floss, 8c; 15c Barbour's Linen Crochet Thread, 11c; 18c Fleischer's German town Tarn, 0c; 20c Fleischer's Wool Tarn, 15c; 85c D. M. C. Ferle, 19c; 5o FleUcWs Knitting Worst ed, 84c; 15e Ribbon, 10c; Be Handkerchiefs, 8c; 05c Em broidery Flouncing, 82c 15c to 85c Velvet Grip Supporters for Children, 11c; 25c Nazareth Walnte for Children, 17 He; 25c rnrklsh Towels, 10c; 25e Oil Cloth, 19c; 25o Onyx Hose, black, tan and bine, lie; 50c Lisle Hose, 89c; 75c Everweer Hose, 45c; $1.00 Onyx Hose, 75c; $2.00 Onyx Hose, $1.20; one lot 25c Infanta' Hose, 9c; Friday will be special day good'. Sliop early PERSSNflL ! W. r. Gloeokner went to Almeda I this morning. . ''" Be sure and send your answer on the "AlTtn" contest to Letcher's be ifore Saturday, October 30, U'l 'tree. 566tf j Mrs. Clifford Jenkins and baby, ot Ashland, are visiting Mrs. Jenkins' 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Han son. R. L. Anderson arrived this morn ing from Denilng, New Mexico, and will spend some days in looking over this section. Why buy other butter when you can get a chance for $5 in gold with Alpine? ' 566 Ernest Banfleld, wife and baby, who visited relatives here for some days, returned to Portland this morn ing. Mrs. J. R. Bailey went to Port land today to visit for a few days, after which she will make a trip to Baker City. Beautiful Oregon agates in brooches, scarf pins and cuff links at very moderate prices at Letcher Son's. 666tf Mrs. Julia Pernoll left this after noon for San Francisco and Ios An geles and will probably remain in the latter city during the winter. Mrs. N. E. Christie, who spent the summer with her brother at Gardner, returned to Grants Pass this after noon. P. W. Crockett, of Pasadena, who spent several days here with Dr. By- water, left this morning for his home. Mr. Crockett is an enthusias tic fisherman and has fished in Rogue river every fall for some years past. Mr. and Mrs. Andy McCarthy and son returned last night from their California trip, having spent three weeks visiting the expositions and various cities of the south. Tbey were accompanied ty Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright who continued their Journey to Roseburg. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 403tf Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Elliott stop ped off here this afternoon to visit the former's brother, Dr. Bert R.1 Elliott They are en route to the expositions and other California points of interest later returning to their home at Dallas, where Mr. Elliott is an extensive fruit grower. NOTICE, LICENSE FEES DUE Proprietors of picture shows, bil liard parlors, ice cream parlors, soda fountains, restaurants, soft drink par lors, eating houses and dining rooms are hereby notified that all , licenses for the third quarter 1915, expired September 30th, 1915, and that pen alties attach for engaging and con tinuing in business without license. All license fees are payable at the office of the undersigned, in the City ball, and without notice. Grants Pass, Oregon, H. H. BASLER, Auditor and Police judge. Octdber 13th, 1915. 669 Lithographed fruit box labels at the Courier office. 1 lot $2.00 Children's Shoe, 75c; 1 lot 85c Children's Slip pers, 48c; 1 lot $8.50 Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, 89c; 12.60 Ladles' Shoes, $1JW; $3.00 Ladles' Shoe, $2.15; $4.00 Ladles' Shoes, $2.95; $3.50 and $4.00 Pumps and Slippers, $1.05; Men's 150 Linen Collars, 9c; 25c Silk Ties, 17 He; Men' 10c Hose, 7c; 10c Handkerchiefs, 5c; 15c Handkerchiefs, 7c; 50c Work Shirts, 20c; BOc Special Work spenders, 29c; 10c Canvas Gloves, 5c; 85c Hoys' Overalls, 19c; 50c Men's Overalls, 89c; $1.00 Overalls, 69c; 0Oo Outing Flannel Gowns for Boys and Men, 49c; $3.00 Men's Shoes, $2.15; $1.00 Men's Shoes, $3.15; $5.00 Men's Shoes, $3.05; $9.00 Yukon Red Sole Extra neavy Waders, first qual ity, $6.05; Men's $1.50 Hal, 11.15; Men's $2.00 Hat, $1.45; Men's $2.60 Hat, $1.95. in silks and wool yard to avoid th rush. LOCdL : looked Food Kale Saturday By South Methodist , ladles, at Barnes jewelry store. : 666 Illinois Valley Couple Wed Grovor Cleveland GrltumoU and Vivian T. MoVay, ot the Holland dis trict, were married Tuesday evenlug, at the home of M. 1 Opdycke, 716 D street. County Judge C. 0. Gillette officiating. " Visit Grants Paaa Friends -' Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mangts, of Crestou, Washington, and niece, Mrs. 0. W. Qolllug. ot Chicago, are here visiting their old friend, Mrs. Sadie Crawford, while on their way to the exposition. Mrs. Golllngs says there Is very noticeable . improvement in Grants Pass since her visit here ten years ago. Clothing Wanted The Salvation army la in need ot clothing for poor families. On Mon day of this week they gave out over one hundred garments and ten pairs ot shoes, and are entirely out ot clothing. The Army would greatly appreciate any help along this line, Please notify Cpat T. H. Mitchell. 1003 Riverside avenue. Hoyt-Condart Wedding " Samuel Hoyt, aged' 76, and Mrs. Emma L. Condart, 4T, were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride, Justice James , Holman offi ciating. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt left tor Portalnd, where their honeymoon will t pass ed, after which they will make their home in Grants Pass, Music Club Meeting At the meeting of the Music club last night Mrs. W. W. Walker enter tained those present with a soprano solo in her pleasing manner and Mrs. Francis Fauver told of "Opera Houses and Operas" she had seen and heard in this and other countries, giving a most entertaining talk. The remainder of the evening was de voted to practicing on muBlc for a future concert ... RERI-BERI HITS CREW OF PERUVIAN' HARK (By United Press Leased Wire.) Seattle, Oct. IS. Every man suf fering from berl-berl, the entire crew of the Peruvtan barkentlne Stella is under treatment today at the United States marine hospital at Port Town- send. When the vessel passed in at Cape Flattery, she signalled her dis tress and a tug was sent to tow her to dock. The Stella is under charter by W. R. Grace & Company. HOLD FUNERAL OF DEAD AVIATOR FRIDAY (By United Press Leased Wire.) San Diego, Oct. 13. Funeral ser vices for the late Lieut. W. R. Talia ferro, ' who fell to his death In San Diego bay Monday, will be hold here Friday. VTaliaferro's body was found late yesterday, after a search of more than 25 hours. STAB Tonight A Drama of Lore and Regeneration "A Child of God" By Cyrus Townscnd Brady Another wonder Mutual Master piece, featuring Miss Fran cells BiUington and Sam DeGrasse Also a Keystone Comedy entitled For Better but 7orse Shows 7il5 and Si 15 , ADMISSION, Bo and 10c WILL OPERATE THE OSCAR CREEK MINE ON LARGE SCALE 0 ' Iu the year 1876, when the Cen tennial was celebrated back in Phila delphia, A. II. Carson, then younger by years, but certainly not fuller ot eucrgy and Industry than now, lo cated a placer claim in Oscar creek near where he la now picking Tokays and Malagas by the car load. Later locations were made along the same creek by Messrs. Uurkhalter. Jewell nj Dr. Moore, and tho nuggets that have been takeu from the property since have added to tho fame ot southern Oregon placer Holds, The locations named have now been brought together and are now held by the Oscar Creek Consolidated Mines company, and this year will be" operated upon a most extensive scale. Messrs. B. R. Miller ot Portland and Geo: K. Hogg of New York, both min ing engineers of long experience, have taken over the property and are now here preparing it tor maximum operation as soon si the winter rains set in. Two pipe lines are belug in stalled to carry the waters of Oscar, Board Shanty and Wild Cat creeks to the giants, and entire new placer mining equipment Is being Installed under the direction ot Messrs. Miller and Hogg. The properties Included In the consolidation comprise 238 acres, upon which there is an estim ate of a million yards ot gold bearing gravel. The first work to be prose cuted this winter will be upon the claim originally located by Mr. Car ton, the last test of which showed psy dirt going 11.70 per yard. The Oscar creek ground has yielded many of the show specimens of the district snd some of tho nuRgets that it has produced are now Included lu tho exhibit at the Panama-Pacific exposl tlon. Mr. Hogg, the New York man who becomes Interested with Mr. Miller In the mine, nas just returned from a visit to the exposition, and he speaks most highly of the southern Oregon display. He says that K must Impress mining men with the variety and extent of the mining resources of this district. BIDS WANTED Tho undersigned will receive bids up to October 18, 1915. on the ma chinery and equipment ot tho can nery. Bids will be received lor the whole or any part. Bids will also be received for the building as it is, ssme to bo torn down and removed. Mr. E. W. Kline will be on premises to show property. S69 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ANCHORAGE HAS BOOZE SELLING SCANDAL (By United Press Lessd Wire.) Seward, Alaska, Oct. 13. Anchor age, the base of construction of the Alaska railway, la in a state of ex citement today over the return of ten indictments by the federal grand Jury at Juneau against ten owners of lots at Anchorago charged with selling liquor and permitting gambling. When the government sold the lots it was stipulated no liquor or gam bling would be permitted. This agreement, It Is alleged, was Ignored in the sew town, which has grown in a few months from & few cabins to more than 3,000 population. NO JAPANESE TROOPS IN BALKAN CAMPAIGN Paris, Oct. 18. The report that Japanese troops as an aid to the Bal kan struggle are being considered was discredited here today. High officials said that It was felt such a step would have bad effect on neu tral public opinion. FCW TODAY FOR BALE Practically new cornet, B flat with A crook. A real bargain. Phone 372-J. ' 666 DON'T TAKE CHANCES Insure your household goods and your dwellings with L. A. Launor. 8-ltf LOST Saturday evening, between North Sixth street and Bijou thea ter, solid gold brooch, with wo man's bead surrounded by wreath. Finder please leave at Courier of fice or phone 291-L. 687 TO LBA8H) for one year, furnished hotel, 13 guest rooms. Price rea sonable. Address Box 84, Mor lln, Oregon. 671 ELDERLY Woman, strong and ac tive, want work at light house keeping. Good home more desir able than wage; Call or addrtas cook, 616 II street. 667 Uniform BREAD Is same today, tomorrow, yesterday and every day. No one appreciates this more than the housewife who is used to baking Her own bread. Uniformity of our products are due to our thorough knowledge and our modern methods. Eat Nurmi's Butter-Nut and Pan-Dandy Bread Bread ot TodyNot of Yesteryear I HUNTERS MUCH GAME IN HUNTS ON COLUMBUS DAY Many quail, squirrels and other game birds and animals fell before tho Ore of the allied hunters on Col umbia day, t the birds and animals undoubtedly regretting that one Christopher Columbus ever found America. Tho heads, clerks and gen eral factotums of the offices of the county clerk and the sheriff went out to the Applegate and brought home a One bag of mountain quail from the hills. Assessor Etius Pollock reports one of the most vsrled bags of the season, having brought In his legal quota of silver gray squirrels as well as quail, blue grouse and native pheasant. Other hunters wero suc cessful with squirrels and valloy quail, whllo the Waltons took msny pounds of steel heads from the Rogue. One party, consisting of County At torney Miller, Attorney Johnston and Joe Wharton, went below Hell Gate for a day with the dsn and game, and at last reports had not returned. WATCH FOU BIJOU - Second of the Broadway All Star Features "THE ONLY WAY With JOHN INCH WALTER LAW, FRANCIS JOYNER and R08KTTA MUCK V. A Drama of today, strong In motive and thrilling to the end. It tells of tho attempt against a woman's honor and the moans her bus lmnd took to shield her good name. A strong photoplay, Two Rowing Comedies "WHEN SLIPPERV SUM BOUGHT THE CHEESE" and 1 ' . "FOVND A FLESH REDUCER" Guaranteed to Core the Blues S and WATCH FOR LAllg (1MIN(J KV1CN1H. Oct. 16-16, Friday and Saturday Rummage sale by Presbyterian ladles. . Oct. 13, Tuesday Mualo club meets at Commercial club rooms, at 7:30. TELIA IIOW TO BE A Hl'tt'KKHFU L V N DKIITAK Ell San Francisco,' Oct. IS. fhoao Jolly fellows, tho funeral directors, in convention here, have been told by Fred E. Pierce, of Los, Angeles, Just how they should act and dreas If they wojild be successful In their profes sion. 'They should be, he says: Sertous, but not gloomy. Dignified, but not morose. Gentle, but not fawning. Self-possessed, hut . not self conscious. ' ; Quietly masterful, but not "bossy." Sympathetic, but not lachrymose. . Neat, hut not gaudy. Avoid vulgar display of Jewelry, Incidentally, Pierce paid bis com pllments to the "cloth," when he com mented: "I have observed that some preachers would spoil anything and that they are adept at spoiling fun erals." FRIDAY'S AD : Tonight 10 Cents FRIDAY'S AD