WKONKfttltY, OtTOIIKU 0,, 1015. ' h. . . - r I ' ; f v " i . ?i i- r ... 3 liot them have. BROWNIE The" children always enjoy taking plcturealt adds to th pleasures of the day's outing; besides, taking them la clean, educational fun. With every -Jiodak or Brownie purchased free jer's subscription to uKo dakery" Monthly mag, tine for the amateur pho tographer, - Stanton Rowell AMUSEMENTS TOXICHT 4 ' ,"". . r.y- ':;'.- Bijou ". 4 "The Working of a Miracle." ; TYPHOID FEVER CLAIMS .j ' MltS. P. K. WKI&JENFlX n Prances C wife of '-JR w$isst!fcj flah, died at the flood Samaritan lkOJ - tki ,.'t. - T.'i ... .1- ' J! fc- (".: , m j num riruiiuii October after Buttering for a.bcn)t two fre.n. trntafM lAsar i iiPh ;j-;oodrjwinbe taken to. Portland to- "' '.afght.' antQjra'titavervlces will ir AT-xi STlta decease wssi'tfie daughter of C and, V r frJohn Weaver, ,of ' 'aodjtbregonr: having fteen bora on ;f?n 25. T889.V Her age at the Ume i of her death. was 26 years 3 months J. and 10 days. On September 17, 'I"""""" 1909, she became the wife of P. E. V i Weissenfluh, and two children, boys , ; now 4V and 3 years of age reepee V ' tively, were born .to the union. The I ; family removed to Grants" Pass in ' J( 191$, Mr. Weissenfluh becoming f f manager of the Rogue Valley cream- ; c ery, a position which he still holds. Besides her huabaad and two little .Tboys, Mrs. Weissenfluh is survived ..by-he parents and by two' Bisters an.fi ' Kbretner. The sistera, ar Mrs. Lena; .Testch and Mrs. Martha Higsbf. both of 'Portland; the brother res! ilnjf at !snd; the brother resiilnjf at " Sandy; LAINCII ANTI-BOOZE f CAMPAIGN IN CALIFORNIA United Press Leased Wire.) Los AngkaOct. 6. Another dry campaign is to bVlaujnbhed October 81, according to announcements today at the Los Angeles headquarters of the Anti-Saloon league. Twenty-five thousand copies of two different peti tions will bo circulated through churches everywhere in the state, These petitions ask that the two con stitutional amendments be placed on the ballot at the next general election One of the amendments provides for , absolute" prohibition of the liquor traffic except for sacramental, scien title, medicinal or mechanical pur poses. The other amendment pro hibits the sale of liquor except in pharmacies or places obere it is manufactured." VANCOUVER CHILDREN DIE FROM PTOMAINE POISONING Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 6. Pto maine poisoning is beileved today to have caticcd the death of Donald and Roger Caldwell, aged three and., five -respectively, at Glenwood. Several v other children of the Caldwell family are ill. COMING EVENTS. ' 4 Oct. 5, Tuesday Meeting of Music club. Oct. 6, Wednesday Reception to teachers of the public schools. Oct. 7, Thursday Parent-teachers' meeting at Central acbool, at 3:30 p. m. Report of federation meet ing and election of officers. . Oct. 9, Saturday Children's atory hour at the public library at 11 a. m. MIbs Eaton, story teller. -Oct. 15-16, Jrlday and 8aturdSy Rummage sale by Presbyterian ladles. We sre all born for love. It Is tb principle of existence and Ita only end DIraell CHICHESTER S PILLS SOLD BK DRUGGISTS EVRVWKRC I nr. vtn im 19 IIHAMI, . " I' "I ' I Uuli melalllcVr A e M-l I l ii oilier. Ility f rntir " I lit a . f-t i ii 1.4 in .Tr.n"S It- .IV 'MSli! MIAMI HI.!. f,M(i PER52N1L Dr. Bestul returned this morning front a visit at GKMidale. Arrow collars at Bishop's. 40Jtf C. E. Call, who spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Estea, returned to Medford this morning. Phone 322 for milk and cream. 504 Misses Bolle Letcher and Clara Calhoun left this morning for San Francisco to spend two weeks at the exposition. Mrs. Ben Mensch returned last night from a seven mouths' visit with her daughters at Winters and at VacavlllJ, Cal. Why buy other butter when you ran get a chance for S3 in gold with Alpine butter? 660 John Blxby and Don Hood left this afternoon for Oakland, Cal, the former to attend the Polytechnic In stitute and the latter to do electrical work. Mrs. Jack Allison, who has been at the hospital for a month, is so far recovered that she was taken to her home on West J street yesterday. The Club Cleaning works is now under the management of Mrs. E. J. Bafley, who will continue the busi ness at the same old stand, 401 G street Phone 2I-R. 660 L. L. Patterson, of N'orth Eighth street, has leased tne J. L. Green farm at the Griffin ferry and Is now erecting a house and preparing for moving. l:. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shade, who ame to Grants Pass on their honey- Hi Ann anA anpnt Ota wppkft with Mr. v Shade's brother and family, left this morning for their home at Brook vllle, Kansas. 800.000 ARMENIANS HAVE BEEN SLAIN BY TURKS (By United Press Leased Wire.) London. Oct 6. Information reaching the government is that 800, 000 Armenians have been extermln ated since May, the Marquis of Crewe today told the house of lords. Viscount Bryce, commissioner, col lected this information, showing that practically the entire Armenian race has been wlpd out "Our only hope of saving the rem nant rests with the neutrals who may exert their influence on Germany," said the marquis. ."Uistory shows no? pViJifL'tor this crjem "- England ia'Mtrotfra at- ywsent., govera- mnt jkQows that an appeal to the Saltan would pv ?te!es, , " NtWC FIT POU JUROR Los Angeles, Oct 6. Dr. Cecil Reynolds, an alienist, was called into Judge Willis' court today by attor neys for the defense in the murder trial of M. A. Schmidt, alleged Ms. N'amara dynamiting accomplice, for the purpose of examining Arthur N. McBurne;', prospective Juror, and as certaining whether his memory was normal or weak. The prosecution vigorously ob jected to this examination. After Reynolds had gone on the witness stand, Judge Willis halted the pro eeedings and himself tested the mem ory of McBurney. This examination convinced Judge Willis that Mc Burney was too forgetful to serve as a Juror, and he was excused. De fense attorneys hailed this as a vie. tory for their side. ROCKEFELLER PLAN ' GETS MINERS' VOTES Denver, Oct. 6. With only a few camps to be heard from, returns from the referendum on John D. Rocke feller's new industrial plan of "unionism without the union," in dicated this afternoon that It had been adopted "by the Colorado Fuel & Iron company's miners by a ratio of 15 to 1. A similar ratio will be maintained, it is expected, when all returns are in. NEW TODAY FOR RENT Modern flve-room house with all modern conveniences, also gas connection.' Close In, corner Seventh and H streets. Rent rea sonable. Inquire at 203 Burgess street. 560 MONEY to loan on Improved farm property, haac Best. 564 DON'T TAKE CHANCES Insure your household goods and your dwellings with L. A. Launer. 9-ltf l'XR SALE Four nearly new 28x3 automobile tires at one-half the price of new tires. Address No. 1754, care Courier. 61G FOR SALE One golden oak buffet and kitchen cabinet table. Call at 631 North Third street.. 661 FOR SALE) OR EXCHANGE One five or seven passenger American Underslting, in good order, CO h. p. Inquire at Cramer Bros.' hardware store, Qranti Pass, Oregon. COS LOCAL County Court Busy . v .The county court is In session to day, it being the regular monthly meeting. Bills occupy the attention today. New Hampshire Tourists An auto party from New Hamp shire spent last night in tht city while en route to the exposition. Hesitation Walt At dancing school, Moose hall, Wednesday, October 6, at 8 o'clock. Lesson 60c. Mrs. Goettsche. 660 Eastern Star Tonight - The regular meeting of the East em Star will be held tonight and a full attendance of the membership is desired. To Medford Saturday The High School football team will go to Medford Saturday, where It wltl meet the team from the school there for the first inter-scholastic game of the season. The Jackson county team will play a return game here Ion the 2Srd Inst. Salway Peaches la Market A good many Salway peaches are now finding their way into the local market, and shipments are made by express daily. The price here Is now 45 cents per box, with a good mar ket at coast points, but means of transportation, are limited, the stage being able to carry but part of the shipments ready for It Former Resident Her W. B. George, of Oakland, Califor nia, la in the city, having driven up in his automobile, a (big American. Mr. George was formerly a resident of Grants Pass, having been employ ed as master plumber for the firm of Cramer Brothers at the time the ori ginal sewage system was Installed some 16 years ago, and doing much of the plumbing about the city at that time. Specials Shrimp meat Kippered! salmon. Fresh halibut. Fresh oysters. Smoked; baUfeut. Grabs. " ' Spiced2 herring. Fresh salmon eggs, preett.bohe, ground. Grants Pass Meat Co. Temple Market. 560 Receives Highway Book Dr. J. F. Reddy has received a copy of a de luxe edition of a public&tisn entitled "The Columbia, .J2ierica's Great Highway," aen nlni with the compliment of Samuel Hill. The book was issued In an edition of only 1,000 copies for distribution among the friends of Mr. Hill, and in auto graphing the copy sent the doctor, Mr. Hill notes a pioneer good roads meeting held in Spokane many years ago, when Reddy and one other man were the audience. CRAMPS IX)W BIDDER FOR NEW SUBMARINES Washington, Oct. 6. The Cramps company of Philadelphia was the lowest bidder today on torpedo boat destroyers numbers 69 to 74. Their offers were $852,000 each for ' two and $842,000 each for three. Other bidders Included the Union Iron works of San Francisco, which bid $915,000 for one boat, and the Seattle Construction & Dry Dock com pany, $885,000 for one and $870,- 000 for two. The specifications call for delivery at Mare Island and that all the vessels must be finished with in twenty months. WANT STATE OPERATION OF THE CLIFTON MINES Tucson, Ariz., Oct. 6. The state federation of labor, In convention here today, considered a resolution calling on Governor Hunt to take over the Clifton mines and operate them. It Is probable the resolution will be adopted. Ths Appian Way. The fainoux Aiiplnn wny wti con structed by digging two parallel trendies, three reel In depth, nt the bottom of which were placed two lay ers of Hut stones in iiioitur. upon which a layer of cublileHioiicH wits plnced, nlso laid In niortiir, Tlien cntim eonraa of pebbles In coiicroto. over which were placed largo, lint hlo lx of smooth lava well Joined together, forming im even. uniform surface. It was primarily n military nuuj mm extended from Rome to Ki'tiiuluHlum, i distance of 350 miles. So perfect was the ctumi ruction of this celebrated mud Hint It Mini nTlxtn In pliiee u good as ever, notwithstand ing It was iimiio more than twenty n n. tui lex win Mining blanki7 Courier offlot. IT SALE SCHILLING'S STORE T( The Merchants' Adjustment com pany, which haa charge of the affairs of Schilllugs' store, will open Its doors tomorrow morning at 9 a. m. The store haa been closed all week, and Mr. Dace, of, the adjustment com pany, statea that all Is In readluess for the big money-saving tale, as every article In this big store haa been marked down and everyone at tending will find each and every article -has been reduced' from its regular soiling price and the-e reduc tions range from one-third to one half off, and In tha broken Hues to even greater reductions. The management requests that ladiea do not bring baby buggies Into the store during the opening days of Thursday, Friday and Saturday. All especially reduced articles will be open aud in easy reach for the earliest (buyers. Remember tomorrow morning, at 9 a. m. MERCHANTS' ADJUSTMENT CO., 60 in Charge. ' COURT APPOINTS TO ADMINISTER ESTATE San Diego, Oct 6. Death ted scenes of the late A. G. Spalding, father of baseball" 'and one-time candidate for the United States Ben- ate, which occurred, by strange coin cidence at th ninth hour on the ninth day or the nine month of the present year, were described by his widow, Ellxabeth Churchill Spalding. on the witness stand In Judge Guy's court here today, when she asked to be appointed administratrix of the estate. Pale, and admittedly worn from the strain of the past few week, Mrs. Spalding protested against being questioned on subjects so painful at this time, but she was forced to tell who was present at the hour the famous sporting goods man died within the walls of thr Tneosophlcal homestead at Point Loma. 1 At the conclusion of her testlnionvj Mrs. Spalding was appointed, special administratrix of the estate under bond jftt, 150.000. The estate la worth, according to the testimony presented by the widow, less than $1,000,000. although Keith Spalding, the son sad contestant, will endeavor to prove that It Is worth over $2, 000.000. Under cross examination by At torney Barrett, acting for Keith Spalding, Mrs. Spalding said" that at the time of Spalding's death his valet and Dr. Woods, a physician, were with him. Keith Spalding's attorneys are to day preparing to contest the will, which left the bnlk of the estate to Mrs. Spalding. Young Spalding re fused to discuss the case today. EMPLOYES MUST JOIN UNION OR LEAVE TOWN Morencl, Ariz., Oct. 6. All mine employes in Morencl today were given 24 hours in which to Join the union or leave town. Many are leav ing. Others are Joining, with the consent of their superiors. ADJUSTMEf OPENS IMQRRQV IS SPALDING BIJOU -:- Tonight The Motion Picture World says: "Rarely does a director ever produce a picture of higher quality than The Working of a Miracle A Wonderful Three-Keel Edison liroudway Star Feature, combining ., Iove, Humor, Romance, Pathos All-star cast, Including Edward Karlo, CJIwlys Ifulotte and Carlton . King Ileginnlng today, watch tills space for liroadway All-Star Features, especially selected from the Immense list of releases of the pioneer General Film Co. the oldcat and largest Dim producing company in the world, and Including the Vltarftili, Edison, Lubin, Essanaf, Sellg, Illograidi and Kalem companies. Ham and Bud in Raskey's Road Show" , A Roy L. McArdell Comedy, "Mr.Jarr and the Ladies' Cap" Admission 6 and 10 cents Dotft Be ii : a H wry 100 Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses 'Ton Display at Josephine Hotel FRIDAY, ALL DAY Wait and see those garments, . Every One at a Saving fhe May Co. AGAIN POSTPONE TRIAL OF PORTER C Como, Italy, Oct 6. Nervous and depressed, Porter Charlton, youthful slayer of his wife, the handsome Mary Scott Castle, of California, is back today In his cell. His trial tor mur der has been adjourned to October 18 upon request of his new counsel, Mldhepe Plcardl, who asked tor time to study the" records. With Hps twitching, Charlton rattled the bars of the prisoners' iron cage in the courtroom and begged that the case be not postponed. The wearisome preliminaries were disposed of yesterday. An Italian attorney harangued the court with a long plea for damage! for Ispalatolf, a Russian; falsely accused and Im prisoned after Mrs. Charlton's bat tered body was taken from the mur der trunk fished out of Loko Como. Still another attorney asked for dam ages for Mrs. Legnazzl, owner of tho Charlton honeymoon villa, In which Charlton hammered his handsome bride to death. He declared the place has gained the reputation of (being "haunted" since the tragedy and that no tourists will rent It. Both claims were dismissed, however. 8tthovtn's Lett Days. " Beethoven hud troubles besides the scourge of deafness. Throughout bis life the conduct of his brothers Irked and grieved him. uml when on the death of one of them he adopted bis urphuued son Unit nephew's uutiugeous conduct broke his heart Then he felt the sting of poverty. Dying, be would have lacked the very necessaries of a waning life had R not been for the Phllbarmnulc Society of England. The society has never boosted of the fact, but a fact It Is that a douceur of 100 sent by It to Beethoven at his last gasp made ileuth less a martyrdom to the famous iiiiiHlrliin than It otherwise would hnre Im cii -IhkIoii Crnplilc, CHARLTON AT 1 ' ACROSS THE PACIFIC. Influsnce of the "Grot ClroU" en the Jeurnty to Manila, If you wanted to go from the Pans ma cnuul to Yokohuum which of these two would be the shorter route! First, across the ot-euu to Hawaii nud from there to Yokohama, or. second,' up long the cvtiNt to 8u l''mucloo aud then directly across I ho Pad lie to Asia? Nearly everybody would answer In favor of the Hawnllnu route. Hut the navigators tell us the Journey I WU miles shorter by way of Han Francisco. Tho "great circle" dtvs It Its in tin ence on dlntum-e sends ships from 8uii Krauclsco to Manila by way of iho Aleutian Maud. Actually our vowels would go miu b farther iioiiti tlinn they do but for the dUcoiiniuemeiii uf Hi, United Stale tiydnKlphc bureau "I WxlliiKlMi. wlili Ii Hdvt"es it eniriil route, more than '. iuIUm imik'er ili.ui the great circle. In order to emui the fogs nud Ice of the fur tenth The Hawaiian inland ure fre"entljr described as "I he em-'aroiul of the I'u c lOc.' Their pimple are naturally look lag forward to wonderful tiiimiicrclnl development. - They wltl duollleM en joy sulwluutlal progmw as a t-omiuur-clnl center larauso uuiiiy condition In ocean currents and In prevailing wind and In fuel comu favor Honolulu u a wny station route, lint It I well to re member thai these Mlnpd were plant ed a little loo near the equator to be crossrouds of the north I'uclflc-Bo ton Herald. Wondsrful Names. The seventeenth ccntiiry Jurymnn bad one disadvantage to contend with from which hi succexsor Is hupplly free. He wu frequently burdened with an Intolerable name. J.tme Broomo in bis "Travels Over Knglfliid. Scotland and Wales." a work publish ed In 1700, gives a copy nf Ma Jury Return made nt Itye. Suei. In the late Rebellious. Troublesome Times." Here ure the mimes: "Staud fast on blgh Slrluger of Crowhurst, ICnrtli Ad ams of Warblcton. Klllsln Pimple of Wlthnm, Graceful Harding of Lewes, Weep not Rilling of the same, He Faithful Joiner of Itrltllng, Fly Debate Roberts of tho same, Flgbt tho good Fight of Faith White or Ernes, Return Spolmnn of Wntllng, Meek Brewer of Oakham, More Fruit Fowler of Eust Hodley, Hope for Bending of the same."-London Chronicle. H 8vsd the Patsnt Office. When In the wnr of 1S12 the Ilritlsh, who bad taken Washington, trained their guns upon the patent ofllce Dr. Thornton, throwing himself directly be fore the guns, cried: "Are you Englishmen or Ootbn and Vandals? This Is tho patent olllee-n depository of the Ingenuity nnd Inven tions of tho American nation In which the whole civilized world Is Interested. Would you destroy It? Thou lot the charge pass through my body." And the btiTldlng was spurcd. Twe'i ty-four years afterward, however, It wus destroyed by fire, together with everything lu It Couldn't Forgst It, "Saturday night some miscreant Jug ged off a whole cord of my wood, nnd somehow I can't forget about It" do dared Silas. "Have you tried to forgot It 7" .In quired bis friend, . "Yes. Sunday morning I went to church, hoping I could get It off my mind, and before I hod been there Ave minutes the choir started lu sliiglivr The Lost Chord,' to I got out" Judge . -i,":t.. Honduras. Honduras Is at present nn almost undeveloped country, The only high way In the country that can bo usod by automobiles Is the roud lending from Ban Lorenzo, on the Pncinc side o tho country, to Tegucigalpa. All tho other means of lulund communication are narrow, mountainous roads or trolls, most of which cannot be traversed by any kind of vehicle. MQfef PORTLAND MARKETS Wheat Club, 92; hluestem, f5. Oats No. 1 white reed, 23.75. Barley Feed, 2 11. Hoii Dent live, O.l&tl tl.30. Prime steer, fHf 6.H5; f.nu-y t ows, 4.7541 5; best calves, 70 h. Spring lamb, 6 if 7. Butter Cubes, SI. Ei! Selected local eniras, 9 2. Hens, llil3; broiler, 14tl&; geese, 8 09. What Are They Saying? What would you say if you had received such a chest of silver. Por the most clever answer In fifty words or less, to this question w offer a chest of 4 SILVER The Long.Life Plate shown Irt our window today. See there, also, conditions of the contest which closes October 30th, The winner will be chosen by the Alvin Mfg. Co. f Come, look and try. Letcher & Son Order Now Dry Blocks, Kindling and Sawdust from Ilox Factory, also winter wood. Popular prices. A. N. Parsons Heal Estate B14 rst. Phone 9-R SOS I St. Phone 101-R Automobile Bargains 1 second hand Ford touring car, In good condttlou $000 New Pord runabout body, com Plot : S JOSEPH JVfOBS 804 North BUth Street