FAGR TWO DAILY 1UK31K 1UVKH COUUKlt nudav, ocroiiKit i, . Daily Rogue River Courier. Aa Independent Republican New. Paper. United Press Leased Wire Telegraph Service B. VOORHIEB, Pub. end Prop WILFORD ALLEN. Editor Entered at the Grants Pass, Ore con, Postoffice as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear Six Months Three Months One Month $5.90 3.00 1.50 FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1015. OREGON WEATHER . Occasional rain tonight and 4 Saturday; cooler; southerly winds, strong near the coast. CABINET OFFICERS IN CONGRESS There has been some agitation in the United States toward adopting the English system and giving nienv hers ot the cabinet seats in congress. Secretary Lane does not think the system would prove advisable in the United States, and has recently given his views upon the subject to a cor respondent ot the United Press. "Speaking lor myself." said Sec re- re Ury Lane, "I would not have the time to use my seat In congress if I had one. Cabinet positions m America are purely administrative positions as opposed to those in Eng land, where the supervision of the various departments Is mostly car ried on by nnder-secretarles. "As the situation is now, we cab inet officers have all the opportunity desired to make clear our Ideas and wishes 'to congress. In the first place, the recommendations In our annual reports state our positions to con gress as clearly and forcibly as we could state them If we addressed the members from the floor of the cham ber. In the second place, we have ample opportunity to appear before the congressional committees and speak on any measure within our province. "In addition to that, all bills con cerning our respective departments are submitted to us as soon as intro duced for the purpose of getting our opinions on them. During the last session of congress I wrote reports on 3,000 bills thus submitted WALL STREET IS EXCITED E TRADE IN STOCKS cheap, it Is usual!)' because a second grade article Is being sold. It looks j very handsome In the catalogue cut, which reveals no defects. But you would not buy it In a store. chant a chance, he would tell you that he could sell the same article But he would not want to do it. b-jWOnt luaa ovof ,uecui-tion In war Is cause It would not give satisfaction,! sues again today. Steel Commou led and the sale ot second class goods ,tbe skyrocketing. A freualed mob -n,.M hurt hi. business refutation. I th 8teo1 ucfor . . the close the figures soared to Even If articles are sent postage . . , . . . . r Tho curb market, too. was lammed or express paia, xne consumer pays dn,Ue tno tlat Umbrellas had no these charges Indirectly by getting the poorer quality. It Is a case ot going farther and faring worse. RUSSIANS TAKE HEART FROM THE ALLIES' VICTORIES (By United Press Leased Wire.) Petrograd. Oct. 1. Fired by the victories gained along the eastern i front in the past few days, the Rus sians are striking fiercely at the Teu ton lines from Riga to Gallcia. Allied gains, too, along the western front are having the effect of freshening the Russians' courage and their bat tling has taken on a ferocity un known in the days when the Ger mans were pounding their way east ward, almost unhindered. The war office today claimed that the Slav morale is Increasing bet ter, while the Teutons are manifest ing a nervousness amounting in many cases almost to a panic. It was claimed that the Teutons In re cent days have shown a tendency to abandon their wounded in re treats and to throw away arms and projectiles. The Germans in the Riga region have weakly attempted an offensive but the official statement claimed this had been broken down under the vigor of the Russian defense. Russia claimed success south of Lake Narotche, south of Lake Boguinskl and on the Viliya tolow Smorgon. In the middle Stry region, where the Germans In the past few days have been somewhat more success ful than elsewhere, the statement claimed continuance of terrific bat tling around Ciartorisk and Koikl. The Galiclan struggle continues heavily. "Despite the large amount of data showing the present favorable situa tion of the Russian armies, the gen eral staff prefers to abstain from con- elusions until the situation is detln- YoucanMtely elucidated," said an official realize that I would have hardly had statement at midnight. "Neverthe tinie ' to make three thousand leS8' the pneral R,a,t announces that , ' . (engagements now progressing show a K favorable turn. Our morale is lush as "Looking at the proposition from L resuU of rect.nt flerce hand-to-hanl the point of view of the congress-1 combats and tho successful offensive tripn and senators themselves. I do on the Svcntslany-Osmlana line, In not believe they would favor the plan. I believe that the distinction 'between administration and legislation as now recognized Is what they would con tinue to favor and Insist upon." contrast to the Germans' breakdown, shown by abandonment of slightly wounded, their method of retreat, and their nervous firing. "The well regulated offensive, broadly conceived and methodically carried out by our alllse on the western front simultaneously with our above mentioned successes has given fresh strength and Inspiration to the mutual confidence of the allies In their power and warlike quail ties." D MAIL ORDERS NOT ECONOMICAL. The person who buys from distant mail order bouses rather than pat ronize stores near home overlooks certain items ot expense jtpat be has to pay for In buying from catalogues, says the Ashland Tidings. Usually an extra transportation charge has to be paid In buying of the mall order bouse. If you buy of your home dealer, who buys of tho manufacturer, there Is but one freight charge to pay, from tho fac tory to the store. j But If you buy of the mall order 1 ."nlted Press Leased Wire.) hotiBO the goods must be transported Sacramento, Oct. J. Judne John ,ott lt . ,1'. Chllds of Del Norte county Is run- to the mail order wan-rooms and , , , . , , , .. ,, Inlnjr roughshod over his enemies then shipped asaln from the mall ttl(.H0 y,, order house to you. That makes also J Toduy he won another victory over two extra charges for cartage to bo! them by the decision of the Third E J, L. CEOS LEGALLY ELECTED T DEII paid, and often for packing and un packing. Furthermore, sending Individual articles a long distance Is tho most district appellate court that the "write-In" ballots by whb h Chllds was elected over Robert ". Miller were legal. Chllds' name was not on the Iml- costly way of shipping them. When lot. HIh friends simply wrote his the borne dealer buvs them, he orders '"n"10 on tho Dnllots and ho whs a lot to come in ono shipment, which makes the transportation charges of elected. Miller contested tho election on the ground Mint Chllds made many promises unbecoming a 1ml ire ench article a very small Item. If j ot.(l,.r t (yMutl VolHi you pay to have It sent Individually, At the luHt session of the leglHln cither by express or pnreol post, from jl"r" 11,1 it'empt was made to Impench a distant place, much more must be,"'1"' Ln,pr ho R"nt fl lnW5'nr paid Jail for contempt, Chllds' action was unhfld snvernl If the mall order price seems ,iy fll,0 uV lno f,Khrnt court, chance with the jostling wild throng. Wall street began to show signs of "cracking under the strain" of Its unusual business . Severs! commis sion houses suggested a vacation to morrow in order to permit clerks to catch up with clerical work result ing from several million share days. The governor of the exchange said, however, that it Is Impossible to close, as tbe whole world Is trading there. Henry Clews, noted banker, de clared the market Is booming be cause "everybody wants to buy stocks and the demand Is making prices soar." People, he said, believe that after the war America will see a big in dustrial 'boom. "The big interests," he continued, "are in a strong position. New bank ing laws have been set up to safe guard against panics and banks are bursting with deposits. People are spending less. This has made money for Investors plentiful. "Merchants are beginning to rea lize that we are on the edge of an era of prosperity. Exports are now larger than at any time In our his tory and the halt billion allied loan will increase these exports." MESSAGE OF 7000 WORDS SENT PRES. WILSON BY CRANK San Francisco, Oct. 1. After hav ing bowled over two women, appar ently purposely, with bis electric wheel chair at the exposition today, a man giving the name of J. C. Dolansky was taken into custody for Investigation. "Why did you do it?" he was asked. "Oh, I only wanted to give them an object lesson In 'safety flrst,' " said Dolansky. Officials .then thought Dolansky would bear further Investigation. They round he had tiled a 7,Oio-word nictiHagOi to President Wilson this morning and had paid for It In ord"r tii advise the chief executive not to allow the ullled bonds to be sold in this country. Dolansky was quite chummy with presidents, it appeared. He was bending himself for China to have a talk with Yuan Shi Kal, he de clared. He seemed to have plenty of money, which Is thought was willed to him by bis father. MASON TELLS WHAT WA MOVES MEAN New York. Oct. 1. It can no longer bo doubted that tho allies planned to have their present opera tions on the western front develop Into tho long-expected major offen sive. Otherwise so careful a diplomat as Senator Ptchou would not have stated, as he did In an exclusive In terview with tho United Press, that France has sufficient munitions to carry the drive to a conclusion. The allies must have realised that the Germans will claim they have shot their bolt" If tho offensive falls. The French and British announce ment that private cable messages to neutral countries are subject to a two days' delay Is an Indication that Important movements are in pro gress. This move means that the allies devised this scheme to prevent Germany from learning through In genious code telegrams to neutrals Just what Is proceeding. Indications are that a new allied movement Is developing between Roye and Solssons.. with LaFere and Laon, supply centers, aa the ob jectives. ROAST FOR ROCKEFELLER BY "MOTHER" JONES Washington, Oct. 1. John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s "personally con ducted" welfare trip through Color ado drew a fiery comment today from 'Mother" Jones, "angel of the min ing camps," who luvited him to mske an inspection of conditions. "He Is making a bigger fool of himself than ever on this trip through Colorado," she said. "More over, I'll tell him sbout It. too, the first time I see him. I told him to go there alone, call the miners to gether and hear their grievances. Instead he la surrounded with his satellites. W. Markenalo King and the rest are having him see only what they want him to see. "Dancing with a mine boss' wife and borrowing a mine superintend ent's nightgown, ss he did on his tour, will not put more food Into the stomachs of underpaid miners, their wives and babies." Use Good Paint A coat of painty good paint; savea ten timet its cost by protecting against weather and decay. Paint your house, porch and lawn fence with Acme Quality House Paint. They will stand between the wood and the weather and protect and beautify j .ur property better than any other paint. ACHE" QUALITY our trade mark on any paint or finish means that it's the best that can possibly be made for the purpose. We have paints and finishes for all surfaces houses, barns, roofs, (ltors, carriages. In fact, if it's a surface to b painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. We will be glad to show you colon whether you buy or not. Rogue River Hardware Co. Grants Past, Oregon III MOIIKD THAT KOHKA HAS SrilMAIUNE PARTS AHOAItl Washington. Oct. 1, Humor reached here from San Francisco to day that the liner Korea, Europe bound, took aboard submarine parts off the Taclflo coast after sailing from San Francisco. While customs offi cials had uo verification of the report, they saw In such a move no violation of law, except In case the parts were taken on within the tbrce-inllc limit without a manifest. Submarine parts are contrand and vessels carry them at their own risk. CHAIRMAN 8TOXK OI'l'OHF.I) HALF IIIMJON ALU KM' IXIAX St. Utils, Oct. I. Chairman Stone, of the I'nlted States senate foreign relations committee, w on 1500.000 006 llleil loan now tmlnc floated In this country, Suuator Stone declared the loan endangers American neutrality. Hondholdvrs, he believed, might be come partisans, particularly If this one loan led to others, and In this way a large part of the nation would become unneutral. cawTioM s nn jwn Mwteiftei I II I There Is Nothing in the Venison Barbecue That can surpass the fresh, dainty, attractive moot prod ucts exhibited every day In the year at tho City Market. It will pay you to come In and seo for yourHClf. Every dollar you InveHt hero will pay you dividends. A I'i;V OF OCR LKAUKItf? FOR CASH I'oi k Shoulders He lb, I'oi k Hiuimiko 10c lb, I'ork Ktciik 1 2c II). H''f I'ol K011M....MM: (o 12c lb. I lolling ItiN'f He lb. C.ol llccf Hteuk liiHclb. lftiiililil'KT SI cull lii'iclb. Venl Stew lot: Cixxl Venl NU-iili I2'Uclli. (ioH Veal lloiwt 12 54c ll. IW'Ht Huron IHc to 20c lb. Huron lliwkN l"c lb. NiiKnr t'liwsl Ham 17c lb. I resli Chinook Salmon. ...loc lb, Don't liny I JHCwIicro When We Will Have Vou Money I'lionn fJ2 for Quick Delivery CITY MARKET 10:1 (i Street fJllAY A: IIAKIIIX K rropl'letol'lt 111 site I Z fc q 7"o""lg T"gT1 e . - III NS mum the ontatriAL MALTED MILK THE FOOD-DRINK FOR ALL AGES TAKE A PACKAGE HOME OqTNO SUBSTITUTE IS "JUST ASOOOD" What Are They Saying? What would you say if you had received such a chest of stiver. For the most clever answer in fifty words or less, to this question we offer a chest of AW SILVER The Long-Life Plate shown In our window today. See there, also, conditions of the contest which clones October 30th, The winner will be chosen by the Alvln Mfg. Co. Come, look and try. Letcher & Son Automobile Bargains 1 Heron (1 hand Ford tonrlnt car,' In Kood condition $:i()0 New Ford runabout body, com. plete $!W .rost :t'ii shiks .'101 North Sixth Street .'108,21:1 Ford earn Merc sold lnt year. "The I nlvrrHal Car." Votir iHcelt.v. They nerve everybody, plea cvcrylmdy, hhvo money for everybody ,by reliable sen Ire, economical op eration and maintenance. Why experiment '.' U'atcli tbe Fords tn by! Talk with the own ers of Ford ram. Invent luale for youmclf. Runabout $456.00; ToitrlnK Cur, $r.(itl.t;o, laid down In (irauts 1'uhn, complete with Hnedomc ter. On unle nt Ford (Jaruce, SOI North Sixth Street. .lONFI'll MOSS, AkciK New and second hand School Books Com plete lino of Sohool ion , Demaray's Drug and Stationery Store