Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, May 09, 1913, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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IVEK (01 HI Kit.
ili word or less two limes, S cental l timet, 50 iciiWj 1 month, $1.50.
Ml words or less two time, 00 cents) l time 1.00; 1 mom", $3.00, In MtlvMtnr. Any deviation from the above lakes Hie regular rate
of 5 cents per lino mt hmu l Issues for the rlc of five.
FRIDAY, MAY V, 1013.
for nLK.
rOlt BAI.K-Modern 8-rouin house
on North 7th Ht, Tw0 acres In
pear mid spple of best variety.
I'nder ditch. Inquire Monro Huk
ery. 716-tf
oi'i'OltTl'NITY for ' Investment in
elty property. Very desirable rn
Idenre lot on A street near 4th,
(Oxt33, with splendid shado trees,
1300 (-null. balance on time, In
quire "No. R8," caro Courier.
MALI, hnuso, with lot 60100, In
front of high school, (or sale, cash
or I it m t u 1 1 in fit t . Iiniulro A. K.
Voorhtes. Ursula Pass, Oro. 719-tf
COl'ltlKIl prise piano Mr sale, lu
ilr Klva I'rovolt. Phone 4 3 on
I'rovolt lino, Hep pluno si llowtU'ti
mimic- store. 7fi7-if
FOIl HAI.H - f l'.'O.OO buys h brand
new f 150.00 Aroiiiotor gusottno
engine. Wo Iimvo only olio at thin
frlii'. Cramer Hros. 771-tf
46 ACUK8 fruit liuid adjolulag the
lownslte of 'I'll r f I'Iiumi, 1:0 acres
cleared, butaneo easy to clour;
nil tillable laud, 'j-nmuicd shark,
aero garden fonced, some fruit,
fur mil i lump; term. Inqulra of
owner, Frank J, Williams, Three
Pines, Oregon. Ml
TWO 6-nrrt tracts on lino -of North
9th St., for sale, all Rood noil, sub
Irrigated. Cheap for cash. In
vestigate. Cull Mr. C. E. Caul
field, phone 602-F-3. SOf.-lf
RANCH FOR BALK-One mllo from
city 1 1 ii 1 1 m . In blr.h school district,
new nod modern bungalow, run
iiIiik water, Kood barn and poultry
hoiiHu. part of land lying below
north lde dltrh. and part above
Inquire of owner, A J. tjreen,
phone 614-F-2 828-
A GOOD PAYINO small buslnoas for
tale hero. Health of w-ner neres
Itatea change. A. N. Parsons,
real Mtata. 831-
FOR SAl.K-Ten burros, with park
outfit Inquire of or write to
Chn Tabor. Dj ban. Oregon.
West Fork Station. 833-
LOT FOR SALE Sightly lot in
beautiful Laurel Crest for sale at
160. A good Investment. For
particulars address No. 913, care
Courlor. 36-tf
WHITE Minorca eggs for hatching
13.00 per sett Inn. A. K. A'oorhles.
201 11 Bt. 762-tf
FOR SALE 6 acres, 2 1-2 sub-Irrigated,
family orchard, tiood aoil,
2 1-2 acres In crop, four-room
bungalow, store room, wood shed,
barn for lour cows, three wells,
two with running water, throe
chicken bouses for 600 chickens.
$20 monthly Income from milk,
two miles out on North 6th "St.
from postofflre. one-quarter mllo
north of city limits. A bargain.
Terms. Joe Martollcttl. box 69.
R. F. D. 1. Grants Pass. 4-ll-4t
WILL 8BLL my four or five foot
mineral bearing ledge for cash. S.
Meyer, Merlin. Oregon, M0-
FOR, BALE RwnTngton 22 Cal.
rifle, rear peep and gold beai front
eights, In good ehape. Price l60.
Inquire R. C Plumloy. Cramer
Broa. Hdw. 81f
FOR SA1.K -16 h. p. motor I&U.
27 1-2 h. p. motors $75 ench. Can
furnish transformers and other
equipment at low prices. A. W.
Moon. Central Point.
rllESH COW nnd heifer calf for
sale. Calt at 713 Bridge St. or
phone 823-Y. 819-
" you will bo surprised at the qulca
esults of a classlflod want ad.
WANTED Your watch, clock and
Jewelry repair work. Mr. Bort
nnrnes harlng assoclatod himself
with me, we are In a position to
promptly handlo your work. En
tire satisfaction guaranteed In
vory ense. H. P. Tracy. J3;
WANTED Desirable slnglo mnn to
occupy a house free of ront. A. N.
Parsons, real estate. 814-tf
WANTED Four-hole stove, two
bod springs nnd bicycle. Address
No. 732 care Courier. 819
PERLIN DYi" WORKS Everything
In cleaning and pressing. Lot us
make that old oult of yours look
like new. 617 O St., Grants PasB,
TrVVn'adloTln"tiio classified col
umns of the Courier.
rURNTsiiKDroomrwUn" holaud
cold wate., heat and 4ctrlc
lights, fur mnt. Mrs. N. f. Dodgo,
211 WcmI A Bt. 634-tf
FOH RENT Partly furnished cot
tsge, Ave rooms and bath. In
quire 603 North 8th St. 738-tf
FOR RENT Furnished hoiuckwip
Ing rooms, splendid location, two
blocks from postofflce. Prices
reasonable, Call Cor. 7th and O
8ts. Opposite Ilaptlst church.
Mrs. T. E. Howard. 7GH-tf
FOR IIICNTTlio Cauinoid place,
one-half mllo east of County home;
also for sale horse, harness and
btiKxy harrow, cultlvutor, garden
tools, spray pump, Jersey row and
4-monthsold ralf, tools, graphs
phone and records, child's rocking
horse, Blxty laying hens. Inquire
at the pla-e. Phone (502-F-3.
FOR RENT - Cheap, fine new bunga
low, seven rooms, bath, outdoor
sleeping room, two fln porches,
very conveniently arranged, fur
i) lulled or unfurnished, close In.
Robert Hiick, f.27 North 3rd St.
FOR RENT a" nice cottage, five
rooms, pantry and bain, on A
street, one door from fith, low
rent. For particulars call at 621
A streot. 819-
FOR RENT Furnished house from
June 1 to September 1. Inquire
at 647 North 2nd St.. or phono
Hf.J. 820
TO EXCHANGE -At fiue curb, hun
dred blooded While Leghorns,
cocks alone worth $2.",, fer cow,
wood or anything I can uko. Ad
dre.nn 11. O. Marshall, 917 Orchard
M. C. FINDLEY. M. D.. Practice lim
ited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
OIiiskvh fitted and furnished. Of
fice hours 9 to 12; 2 to t; and en
appointment. Pbonea 62 and 166.
8. LOUOHRIDGE. M. D, Physician
and Surgeon. City or ronntry oalls
attended day or night. Re.
phone fiP-J; offlee phne 182.
Sixth and TufTs building.
jTiaAX, Mi)., i'byairlan and
Surgeon. Phonea: Offloe. 326;
Residence, 324, Calls answered
at all hours. Country rails attend
ed to. Albert Block.
W. T. TOMPKINS, D. S. T.. "Wlt
mer Methods." Every known dis
ease treated without drugs or sur
K, . Office room 2. Olaus
Schmidt building. 3tJ South 6th
St. (if fire hours 9 to 12 and 1 to
4. Thono 267-R.
Pass Iodge No. 676,
meeta every Thurs
day night Id VV.O.W.
hall. Visiting Moose
Invited. B. L. Co-
burn. Diet.. Arthur L. Wlble, 8ecy.
GRANTS PASS Lodge No 84, A.F.&
A.M. Stated communica
tions 1st and 3d Tuesdays.
Visiting brethren cordially
invited. Isaac Best. W.M.
Jose X. Nelson, Sec'y,
State Convocations 2d and
4th Wednesdays. Visiting
Companions cordially In
vited to be present. Alfred
Letcher, H.P., James Hol
man, Secy.
kinds of drayage and transfer
work carefully and promptly done.
Phone 132-R. Stand at freight
depot. A. Shade, Propr.
: i)K(x)iUToit8 "and" ivuntkrsT
C. W. 1IUNTON, contracting Painter
and Decorator. Paper Hanging,
draining, Kalaomlnlng, Enamel
ing, etc. References nnd estimates
cheerfully given. Rev. 714 N Oth
St. Phone 254-Y.
PAPERHANG1NG, graining, paint
Ing, for best work at lowest prices
phone 296-J, Cv G. Plant, South
Park St. ' . tf
(CRYSTAL SPRINGS water, put up In
5-gallon glass Jars and delivered
at your door, fresh, pure, sanitary.
Telephone 10fi-Y- and water wagon
will call. 664-tt
II. I), NORTON, Attorney-at-Law.
Practice In all State and Federal
Courts. Office Opera House Bldg.
st-Uw, Banking and Trust Co.
building, Orants Pass, Ore.
R. O. SMITH, Attorney and Counsel
lor. Practice In all Federal or
State and Interior Department.
J, I). WURTBHAJ'OH, Attorney at
Law. Practice In all state and
United States courts. Office
rooms. 8 and 9 Flanagan Blk,
K.8. VAN DYKE, nttori.ef, practtma
In all roi.rts. Offl-f opera ho'isa
block, phonrf 141 -J.
E D W Alt DH,RICHARd7 a UoMieyat
law, office Masonic Tcmplo. Orants
Pass, Oregon
V. A., attorneys and rounsotors-at-law.
Practice In all state and
federal courts; offices, Schallnorn
building. Grants I'bbh, Oregon.
C. MAY. t. M. P.. first-lass dsnt
iRtry. 10f 1-2 Uouth rh street.
Orsns Psps. 'Jregon
. L. JOHNSON, Asaayor. Rooms
c. and 7. Onr Pruisn nik.. north
eiNGINQ Vocal Technique, Toao
Placing, Artistic Slnrlng, Song Re
citals. J. 8. MarMnrray. Studio.
Hall's Bldg.
PIANOFORTE and theoretic branch
es. Studio Hall's building. Fri
day and Saturday, flary E. Young.
Former Miss Ethel Roosevelt.
Who Wedded New York Doctor.
'iafiv. ..
Ig) by i nch Uroa.
How to Fresno Air.
To freshen the uir of a sickroom
jrround (HilTce should he sprinkled on s
shovel or coal scoop prevkmsly hented
1ii the lire. A match shoald then be
Md to a earn II piece of camphor gum.
and when this is alight 1t should be
pliited in the center of the shovel. The
burning coffee gives an aromatic aroma
to the room iileh Is very refwhlng.
Igal blanks at the Courier.
Eismann Potatoes
65c Hundred
White House Grocery
Grants Pass
Transfer Co.
MKN. ;Office in
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I H II I f,
It all inme nlxnit while four
lious(!keeMrs were liilklng over
thi! extra viigimcH find work iim
nected will' entertaining iiml
how the true spirit t hospitality
H'emeil to lime lieen nvcrloolied
in Ilia mud null iitul einleiivor of
each bostccK to tin vt il little
more or tliliiK" little different
In comparison with others.
Then It whs agreed Hint each
nut. would give n luncheon, the
cost for the four not to exceed a
dollar; that they would wear
wiish gowns not to exceed $2 lu
cost-tlmt Is. the iiiiiteriiil-iind
Hint they would bring their sow
ing, while one of the number
would rend aloud for no hour,
mid ench one was to tell some
current news Item or Interesting
Ihrlilent, GouMlp, In the strict
y seiixe of the word, whs to be til-
X honed, mid meetings were to be
held owe in two weeks. This Is
; i ertnlnl.v a step In the rljiht dl
rectloii. Would there were more
!! economy clubs!
tn- I I P I H H 11 I I I I 1 I I 1 I M'
How to
Maks an Attractive
Healthful Lawn.
There surely nothing mote lieiiuti- '
ful than it Hue green ln"n and reully i
ixt wMllilli nlt ii thins: to otituin If gone
alifiut Ui the light way. The pror '
way to start Is lifter the lawn has been
Kriided to put. In It a tup "oil of at J
lenst six Inches and hnve a gradual j
ul.n.inir i. f..l.. ttr ilrntniiL'e. or if the '
ground Is low on.1 diiimt it w ill -e tet
to Ir.y ilmlnilier freai two or new
fci't IsMienth the wirfuce.
Siil that Is rich is very often aid,
whic h can le corrected b.V allying
nlr sliiked limp In ut!lclent qunirtlty
to i-orriH-l the aridity. With sandy -soil
the iUesiion r fcitlilty Is of prime 4m
iMirciiicc after the -grading. Tlie en
tire area sltoiibi be covered with well
rotted immune. Wliere this Is tu po"
fllble n ebemleal fertilizer shud be
os-d. After this fertilizer has thor
oughly mellowed ttie soil and a raootb
surface bus le -se'Ured It Is then
lime to sow.
A day should e selected when the
n-lnd will not tilow the stn?d. In an or
dinary open Iswn a good mlxtnte Is
I Pml iirnteitHls mrxed with Agnostui
acnmnii. For under the trees where It
fa dlltlcult to secure any kind of a lawn
; the ground shonld be covered with
has laen sown tlie ground should be
mkiil nnd gone over witli a heavy j
roller until erfeeTry level j
Wheu the gra is three to four
Inches hlirh It should be cut with a
. . ......
scvtne until strong enougu io near ine
mower. Should any bare spots appear
these must tie made mellow and again
-sodd iil down
The host seasou for mk-
ing a lawn Is Immediately after the
spiring rains and liefore the heat of the
nminer tends to dry out the ground.
Mow to Take Proper Care of 8par
Tubes and Eiwelopes.
Tlie average motorist bas learned by
experti'iice to take proper care of the
imi-hanlsui of bis car, but he too often
ni'glwtH his tiros. Ordinary eaiy ae-
corded spare envelopes and tubes is
good Itwuranco nnd will save tbe mo
torist much trouble anil money. A few
suggestions at this time regarding tbe
proHr eiire of tires may benefit the
Never carry spare tubes unprotected
In the tool box. They will Inevitably
come lu contact witn sharp tools ana
greasy suhstntiees. resulting In their se-
Hons Injury. It Is a well known fact
that olla and grease are deadly ene
mies of rubber.
Kximsure to strong light and varying
degrees of temperature Is also very In
jurious to rubber, robbing It of Its
elasticity uud making It brittle. All of
these dangers are overcome by the use
of waterproof cloth bags made espe
clnlly for carrying spare Inner tubes.
These are supplied by all accessory
Motorists sometimes carry spare
tubes In tbe origtnnl cardboard boxes.
The Jolting of the car In motion causes
the tulies to chafe against the sides of
the boxes, eventually weakening or
wearing away tbe rubber. Unless the
tubes are to lm stored In the garage
they should always be taken from the
piiglnnl boxes and placed In tube bugs.
Frank Johnston's
the ram Hint have solved the problem of rich man's car at a
price any one run afford, ( all and get a demonstration In the new
Ktudebuker "25," for It Is the qnletet, easiest and most powerful
tar for It weight on the market.
G. G. Allen
Oarstnen Getting Into Trim For
Coming Bowing Regattas.
Varsity Eight Men Will Average 175
Founds Columbia Not Any Too
Strong Penn Weak Yals Has Vet
rans Left Other Crews.
Nothing out wtiiry dujs of toll at the
tweeM reunillui tK-fore the college oars
.lien w ho have illrendy l,uu the long
crintl or tniiumu that will know no
tlnlsl, Hue Iws leen cross
t-d at l'oughkeesle. .V .. or New lon
don. Coon . as the case uay b The
inst few weeks have aeen nearly every
rew o the water, and from the pre
ent indications there aeetns reason to
tu.iiHVe ttiat the crews 4n the big re-
gattas of 1913 will be the best that
have ever been turned out ty Ameri
-an cot lege or universities.
The mild winter and the early spring
nave aadet possible for the crews to
set ae earlier start than bas been the
case n yean, aud If they are favored
with good weather ail through the
spring there will be no excuse on that
account for not doing as well aa ex
lieetetd This will aiW.v particularly
to Cotatnbta and Yale, which have to
row on unprotected tbeete of water. In
the colleges -there seems o have been
i marked eivnl In enthusiasm, for
this year, wiub one jr two exceptions.
0Hne men hare turujed out for rowing
lhau tn years, ano tne ceat-Des are vr
rjcularly svell pleased.
Jim RW. at Columbia. Is oe of the
uufortunsies. tor It seems no matter
how he tris not I bow well Ids crews
,.r tiu ,.r. uli lie t-enr hare done he Is
, --
"Iways fav to fce with the old buga
ben. of too few sen to fill the boals
I n ( . J aulil.
i a iiau .i uir i,
ty nod tblrtr-tive rresnmeu. ana ue
will lie lucky if be gets more than ve
elghths on the tvater altogether
(olnmhhi. net to Wisconsin, was
the lust of tbe Potiphkeepsie crews to
begin oiitdiHtr work Cornell has been
I on Cayuga for suine time, and Penn-
! ,jj-vi,,ij, h-id sevenl weeks' train
; tll! ,,e S'-luiylklll Syracuse, too.
I tWH ii,rn nut for several w"eks
! ftntli Harvard and Yale, the factor
! (, (he regatt:i ut New I-nnrion tbe day
j H.t,(ie the J'oughkeeiisie nice, are well
cm the way Harvard has bud consld
erable training on tbe waters of the
Charles, while the Yale squads hare
beeu ou the New lluven harbor pre
paring for future events
The preliminary plana, of the Har
vard crew are as ambitions as the
Crimson has ever nttempted. and If tbe
cnmnniige men snouia nnppenrocome
j through victorious they will certainly
be hailed the university champions of
America In addition to the annual
race with Cornell, the Crimson will
figure In a four cornered race between
Pennsylvania. Princeton. Columbia and
Harvard Yale, on the other hand, has
no early season races, and It seems
that the policy or the New Haven row
lug Instructors, la to keep away from
anything that savors of actunl comne
tltlon before the biff day at New Lou
Tbe other early season races that
nave been booked for this year are few
and far between. Syracuse has refused
to row the Navy for the first time In
ten years, nnd the Orange will have no
preregatta races on Its schedule this
rear. Cornell will have only the Har
vard race at Cayuga, while Columbia,
in addition to being Included In tbe
Harvard regntta on May 17, may get a
place In the proposed race between
Princeton nnd tbe Navy on Lake Car
negle the week before the race on tbe
Pennsylvania will nave the Harvard
regatta and will nso figure In a mile
uprlnt with the Navy crews, and that
about ends tbe college racing program
tn the east Wisconsin may get a race
on with tbe St. Paul boat club, but as
yet It Is rather doubtful,, so that the
Badgers will probably have to take the
long trip east again wttbout having bad
a chnnce to try themselves ont on their
home waters . ..
So far as veteran material goes, Co
lumbia seems to be a little better off
than anv of Its rivals at Pooghkeepsle.
and at New London Yale has an edge
on Harvard, with only one man out of
the 1012 varsity crew Cornell and Wis
consin, however, have some excellent
materia! to draw on from the 1915
freshman crew while Columbia wOl be
Incky if It gets more than one or two
men from the rreshmen eight that fin
Ished Inst Harvard's freshman crew
of last yeni was one of the strongest
that the Crimson has ever dad, and
there will be little wonder if V7ray Alls
bis varsity hont up largely witn men
from the 1!tl.". first year comblnatloa
Penn na lost several of last years
men. hut 'he t!)13 freshmnp crew was
a scrappy one inn may uny
gyrnense has nil but two of last years
boat left
Cornell nirsitj crew ts a mighty
comhtmitlmi and averages nearly ITS
pounds rmirrney's freshmen are bet
ter looking than usual, and the opin
ion si-euis m he prevalent a! Ithaca
that TorneM will have another cracking
good freshman crew.
Golf In 1916 Olympio Games.
The 1016 Olympic games at Berlin
will Include golf
Conservatism In Cutting Awsy
Limbs and Branches.
How should bearing trees be pruned?
First, cut out all dead limbs. They
are a menace to the living paru as
iong as they remain on tbe trees,
breeding rots and often parasitic dis
eases. Never allow dead branches or
stubs to stay on a fruit tree at any
Second, where branches crowd, crosst
and Interlace, making in summer a
dense mass of foliage which the sunt
cannot penetrate, do a little .thinnings
Large, highly colored and fine flavored
fruit cannot be produced In a tangle
of branches nnd beneath a curtain of
leaves. This Is Just where the fruit la
covered with fungus also. The germa
which cause it cannot grow without
moisture, and if the sun bus a chance
to dry off the foliage and fruit there
is sure to be less scabby and rotten,
fro It.
Thin out. but lie careful. The most
desirable quality in a man who prunes
Is conservatism. Think twice before
taking off any limb. See If you can
not save it by taking off another small
er limb which Interferes with It. If
a tree Is pruned carefully from tbe
time It la set there should be no neces
sity for cutting oft very large Hmbss
when It Is old. A careful man goes
over his trees, yonng and old. several
times during the growing months, rub
bing off nnd checking shoots which ha
sees will make trouble later. Husband
the energies of your trees by prevent
ing. instead or coring, overcrowaing
In the top.
In regions where there ts liability of
serious Injury to fruit trees from son
scalding the tops are not thinned a
much as In more humid sections. It
ts necessary to keep the fruit trees of
tbe western plains of Nebraska and of
California much thicker topped than
tbe trees of the Atlantic states.
How to wash Woodonware
Do not wash wtxulenwure In
water aud it will not turn black.
soak aud lukewarm water and rinse In
clear cold water.
Office stationery at the Courier.
are these shoes with low rubber heels,
soft cushion soles and the finest kid
upper! They are dressy, too. Coe's.