Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1895)
THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Paper ia Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PBIC1 Single copy five cents. One year, Ji.'M). Fiix mouths tilt cents. THre mouths 35 cents. Entered at the Post-olrice ut Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clas mail matter. THURSDAY, AUG 8. 1895. Thfkk ill be no quarrel in the nr. It of democracy when the con vention meets. This gre: t dissen sion exists only in the republican press reports, which always are dis covering trouble in the opposition jKirty. Whilst the democrats are Fomewliat divided on the silver question, when they come together in convention each following will listen to the other, and then will les!iid"tl)!8 is democracy; what ran we best do to serve the whole j .tuple's interests?" They will get together and form a plan of action that will satisfy both followings and preserve the whole party in tact As it now stands, perhaps, both are asking too much, and by next spring so much capital will litive emerged from its seclusion that there will be hardly a vestige of the hard times, which prompts so much of this speculation. So far as the sound money cry is con cerned, everybody wants sound ni'tnev. No man wants a dollar that, is not a lOU-cent dollar, and1, ' the contention that those who want silver ask for a debased currency, is erroneous. The democrats will meet the question and meet it fair ly and squarely. If you will but notice, it is the republican j ress which is so eager to tell you about the great division in the democrat ic party. The Daily Sun, of Portland, shines no more. Financial em barrassment forced the publishing company into the hands of an as signee, and under order of the court a small 4-page paper is being published daily. The most impor tant stage of the Sun's existence was when it was fighting the re election of Ex-Senator Dolph . The little paper then had many friends, and apparently thrived, hut for the past several months its editorial staffhas been rather weak. Anoth er thing which the little paper can pass to its credit is that it caused I he Oregoiiian to come down to 15 cents per week. The paper was published on the co-operative sys tem, and as failure after failure has marked such procedure the sus pension is not much of a surprise to level headed business men. There is a field in Portland for a good deru ocralic daily, but it must have ac cess to the telegraph in order to print the news. Nothing short of , a special wire from San Francisco can accomplish this, which of course would I very expensive. It is to lie honed that some good company which can handle a good telegraph ic news service will buy the plant and give the Northwest metropolis a second morning daily. Thk 'Twins," it of the Search light, and it of the Forest Grove Times, are greatly exercised over the ''mudslinging" and "black guardism " of this benighted dem ocratic paper. The first named is possessed of an insane idea that he i-t a political Moses, and has tired the people with his rantings while the second, the smaller "twin" of the two, it who has the collegiate edu cation, ami a whole township of g'ainniar at his command, bus been Inh g to lie into favor with its own low 11, the majority of which, being composed of gentlemen and gentle-women,- look upon its vnporings illi a degree of mingled sympathy and indifference. A whining sy cophant, a petty, nauseous liar, with n soul inlinitesinially small, it is lilmost a libel on it of the Search- J.L'hl lo be compared with the lesser i ii'ol the Times, and The Argus ImniMy begs the Searchlight's par- () hi.. I'.r so doing. It being caught jii 11 lie, ilio Times thing, of course liiiist squeal, it being eminently j-r.ipi.-r. 1 ' " ' TiiKRF is nothing like employ ment 1,0' dispel discontent. Occii pation always tends to keep a per son's mind from evil intent, and 1 .(-It of i', has ouused rnore crime than any otllT social condition . . 'V1 . i ,lr with a wlli. eXtailt. Go tO WOrK WHO a Will, t out ot debt; keep OUt of debt; don't be afraid of doing your neigh- l ... . . : II... Dor 11 service ncciiHiiiiuuy , iiiiiiiv twice before you form aconcluion; always give a man the benefit of a doubt; lei charity begin at home; pay your bills aa you go along, and remeinlier hat the publisher of a newspaper must live. Follow this advice and you will le surprised at your opinion of this world. How it must have injured the estheticism of the Times to publish the article which the Mist took from The Akufb, relative to the water supply and tire department of St. Helens. The article appeared in this paper one week prior to the time the Mist published it, that paper simply substituting St. Hel ens for Hillsboro. The collegiate leather head of the mugwump or gan, the Times, found nothing wrong with the grammar, and quoted The Argus yes, second handed too. What will the twin do next? State Came Law. Senate bill No. 213 which was passed last session of legislature and is now a law, embraces practically all the restric tions surrounding the hunter and fisher man s amusement. Following is a syn opsis of every section, except such por tion as relates to the duties of the fish and game protector; Elk, moose or mountain sheep cannot be hunted or killed trom December I to August I, and must not be killed at any time for skin, hide, horns, etc. Spotted fawn must not be killed at any time. Deer must not be killed from Decem ber 1 to August 1, nor at any time dur ing the year at night time between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. Elk or deer must not be pursued with hounds. No person shall take, kill, injure or destroy grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant , quail or partridge from Decem ber 1 to September 1. Prairie chicken niav t, tillil TnK- Anmict mid SpTitpm ber. Mongolian pheasant must not be killed at any time east of the Cascade mountains. Game birds must not be killed for sale, except from October 15 to November 15. No person shall kill in one day more than 20 birds, and no person shall sell or offer for sale, or have in cold storage more than five days after the open sea son closes any elk, deer, trout, grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, geese duck, or qnail. Common carriers are made liable for carrying out of the statute, or having for shipment, except for breeding or exhibi tion purposes any game birds No person shall trap, net or ensnare any quail or "bobwhite," prairie chick en, grouse or pheasant, or hive them in possession except for breeding pur poses. No person shall remove ' egs from the nests of wild ducks of any kind, or other game birds or wild fowl, or have them in possession No person shall have in possession any male or lemale deer, tawn, elk, moose, or mountain sheep, or any game birds. or any mountain brook or lake trout at any time when it is unlawful to kil) the same No person shall from November 1 to April 1, catch, kill or have in possession any mountain, lake or brook trout. No person shall take said fish at any time with seine, wire net or other device ex cept hook and line. No person shall use a sink box for shooting ducks, geese, swan, etc , or aiiy battery or swivel gun. Nobody shall build or use any blind or other structure in any public waters more than 100 feet fiom shore for the purpose of shooting water fowl. No person, after night, shall fire off any gun or build any fire or flash any light or burn any illuminating substance on lake or river margins, by the aid of which to shoot water fowl. (Curry coun ty exempt.) No person shall kill or have in posses sion or offer for sale any wild swan or wild duck between March 15 and Septem ber 15. No person shall use drugs, charms or powders or explosive material ot any kind for the purpose of killing or destroy ing hsh Dams or streams freauented bv food fishes must be provided with fishways. Saw nulls and the like must not dump sawdust in streams or where high Water will carry it into hsh streams. No person shall kill or destroy or have in possession, except for breeding pur poses, any nightingale, skylark, thrush, linnet or other song bird ; or remove from the nests or destroy the eggs of said birds. The seagull must not be molested. No person shall enter growing grain not his own for hunting purposes, nor permit his dog to do so, without proper consent; no person shall shoot upon or from the public highway. Violations of the foregoing provisions are declared to be misdemeanors and are punishable by fine of $25 to $200 and costs, or imprisonment in lieu thereof. Eastern Oregon Prospect's. S. M. Blamlford, acting director, has the following to say of eastern Oregon, in his report of August Gth: Cloudy and threatening weather with light sprinkles of rain were the features of the weather during the first portions of the week, while during the latter part no rain fell and the weather became de cidedly warm. The few sprinkles of rain occurred in widely separated sections, and were so light as to be unimportant. Special fruit report: Fruit shipment" from Walla Walla, The Dalles and Hood River are the largest ever known: this is considered the index of the situation. Flattering reports come from many see tioits concerning the increase of acreage, care of the trees, amount and quality of the product and increase ot shipments or the demand. Our correspondent at ine Dalles writes: "All kind ot truit is in a No. 1 condition; apples are nearly, if not quite, free from codlin moth atid are large and nice for export; fruit pests nave practically been destroyed through the agency of the spray pump." Peach es, apricots, apples, plums and prunes are very good crops and of superior quali ty. In many sections the new orchards have commenced to bear; this is especial Iv so in Union county, and in that coun ty the fruit crop is placed slightly below the average, with the exception of the prune crop, which will mature a full yield. Peach plums are ripening and are in market. Ther Wallowa county grape promises a good crop. Owing to the drouth complaints come from some sections of fruit failing to mature and talliug trom the trees, in Malheur coun ty the shipments of fruit are lighter than I any other sections. It is likely in this -J flrm(ld will ronnnni. most of th crop. While fruit pests are tl! tS l!v i i i .!. t t reauceu ami iruu nits noi materially ui- fered by them. The cherry crop has been harvested. In Wasco county the fruitgrowers are setting out many straw berry plants; the acreage of strawberries will be greatly increased. Wheat, oats and barley are being har vested with progress, and many fields are completed. Harvest of spring grain will soon commence, but in many sec tions of Umatilla, Morrow and in sections south of the Blue mountains spring grain if cut at all, will be used for hay. The Walla Walla valley and portions of Was co and Sherman counties will produce excellent yields of good quality. In other sections of the Columbia river val ley there will be much small grain ami some badly shriveled. So far there has not been a great amount of threshing done. In all of the streams the water is lower than is usual at this time in the season. Pastures are still drying and grass is becoming scarce; for this reason stock is getting thin. Grasshoppers are still numerous and destructive. COUNTY NEWS CORNELIUS. The Pioneer Soda' works man was in town Tuesday. Deputies Bradford and Morgan passed through Cornelius Monday night with the supposed robber of Lee Williams' store. We learn from Mrs Keim that her hus band has greatly improved in health since he went to the coast. Victor Brown of the Grove shipped a car load of straw from Cornelius Tuesday. Austin Watson of Mountaindale was doing business in Cornelius Monday. Chas Dodd has moved his effects to the south side. We saw Ed Lyons and E E Colestock on our streets Monday eve. Pete Jacquot has a pet black bear about 2 months old. A J Wilkes and family returned Tues day front the Upper Nehalem. They re port a good time. Quite a number of our people attended the funeral of Mrs Goodin List Suudav. Mr Goodin has the sympathy of the en tire community as Mrs Goodin was well known and had many friends. Gus Siedleman and wife came out from Nehalem last week and returned home Monday. D Mcrherson of Buxton was in town Monday on business. J D and A A Phillips took a trip to Greenville last Sunday, Charley Hancock and wife visited Port land last Monday on business. C W Neep, Web Phillips and Al Bun ning went up on Upper Nehalem last Saturday. Harmon Wilcox of Vinton, Iowa, came in on the morning train Monday to visit relatives and friends. Our city council met in regular session last Monday eve. SCHOLLS. The thermometer registered loo 3 5:00 p. 111. Monday, at this place. at Very smoVy, and some dust. Mr. Dennis of Portland, was out to Scholls Monday, looking after business interests. t Mrs McErvine has returned to Portand after a brief visit with her father, Mr W W Truesdale. Marion Griffith, of Laurel, was a visi tor at Goodluck bend Sunday. 'Mrs Millard, of Jerusalem Bend was the guest of Mrs Carrie Miller the first of the week. Miss Mame Slahlneckerof Hood View is making an extended visit with Mrs LaRue. One of Scholl's youths run his wheel against a picket fence between Scholl's and Farmington the night of the A P A lecture at the latter place where he hung for some hours but are informed that he received 110 serious injuries. The hum of the Thresher is heard ear ly and late and will soon be a thing of the past. The A P A lecture at this place Sundav evening was attended by a full house ard attentive audience. The Laurel, Farmington and Scholls singing classes taught by Prof French, met at Farmington Sunday at 3:00 o'clock p m to try their merits. As a result, Scholls' class wears the laurels, which is quite an encouragement to our young people. C R Adams of Portland, spent Sunday with his family at this place. C H Brooks has purchased a new buggy. BEAVERTON. On August 1st, while Wm Tucker Jr was trying to extinguish some sparks on the barn, he had the misfortune to fall from a ladder, which gave way while he was taking up a bucket 01 water, and fracture his right forearm mst above the wrist, and crack the bone in his left wrist. A surgeon from this city attend ed the young man and he is now resting easy. f he sparks came trom a slashing near by. A R Fanno and L Morelock, with their families left on the 7th for an outing of several days in the Tillamook region. John Henry, our veteran seed raiser, has gone to Clatsop Beach, where he will join his family in a few days' recreation. Deputy Goo Hagley passed through this place Monday evening enroute to a vic inity south'of here where he hoped to nab Holm, one of the Hillsboro juilbreakers. Forest fires are raging fiercely In sev eral places in this end of the county. N Duvies' mill near Tigardville has been in great danger for four days. Misses Alma and Emma Olds, of North Yamhill, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs 0 Lavengootl. II G Davies and family- have' gone to Newport lor a tow days. Born, Aug 1st, to the wife of M Jesper son, of Garden Home, a son. FOREST GROVE. The Hallett hridue. leading to the John son farm is in an unsafe condition, has been condemned and will be rebuilt this summer or autumn Mrs A U Marsh is visiting her parents, Mr ana Mrs J a names 01 this city. Mr and Mrs Ward Swope, Misses Dal las ana Christian, Mrs Bonson and aiiugn ter Mury, Mrs Anna Rice and Mrs Chris tian and family loft Tuesday for Pat ton's creek, whore they will camp for about a fortnight, Harry Wescott went to Wilson river Sunday to visit his family, to be gone ten days. A J Hill returned Friday from t he gold country in Southern Oregon whence ho was called by the serious illness of his wite, who. however, is now much Better Mr Hill and brother have six claims, one 01 which was recently bonded torSin.OOO. There appears on the surl'aco sufficient of tne yellow metal to warrant putting in a lou stamp mill W W Marsh of Contreville, was in the Grove Friday Thos Cornelius Jr. of tilenooe, visited this city Friday, ami says his town-is all there and every body serene. Green Hale, a prominent farmer resid ing iieHr Hillslioro, did business here the last of the week, A large audience will attend the sum mer theatre this Friday evening, to hear the production, "Hots and Kiley." Vlv another week's close the new Col lege building will be completed and in readiness for the fall term, CENTERVILLE. Mrs Rosa Cook, wife of Asa Cook, gave birth to a toM pound girl Saturday July 27. Mother and child doing well. Miss Daisv Fowler is visiting with friends at this place. The team of John Delplanche becom ing thirsty one day last week, decided to go to Hillsboro and get a drink. They went, and left the wagon along the road. It is not known whether they got their dram or not. Mrs Kenecht went to Hillsboro Satur day last on business. .Albert Murphy und Will Green drove out from Portland Sunday. Joe Cawrse threshed 18 acres of timo-1 thy seed Tuesday for which he expects ft' " 7 " I GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. Room 13, Morgan Block, HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Royal Insurance Company. Notary Public. . . Loans, Collections, FIRE - - AND - . ACCIDENT : INSURANCE. : J. I. KNIGHT. General Fire Insurance and Loan Broker, HILLSBORO, OREGON. SOCIETIES. Phoenix Lodge No. 34, K. of P. meets in Odd Fellow's hall on Mon day evening of each week. Montezuma Lodge No. 50, 1.O. if.5P0. F. meets Wednesday oven-V'St-" ingsatS o'clock in their hall. A Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M. meets every Saturday night on or Aufter full moon of each month. ,"ftf'CourtTualatin,No.7974A.O.F.ofA. ij.f meets every Tuesday evening in j Odd Fellows hall at 8 o'clock. 0 Hillsboro, Lodge No. 6i,A.0.U.W., fOjfiiiDots every second and fourth Tuee day evening in the month. X Washington Encampment No. 24. I. O. O, F. meets on second and fourth Friday of each month. Hillsboro Lodge No. 17, 1. O.G. T. neetsin their hall Saturday 8 p. m. Juvenile Temple, Sundays, at 3 p.m. 5" Hillsboro Grange No. 73, P. ot H. Jh meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12 111. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54, I. O. O. F., meets in Odd Fellows' Hall 1st, 3rd Saturday evening of each month. Washington County Rod and aaMii Gun Club meets in Morgan Block 2nd Thursday of each mouth at 8 p. m. Viola Tent, So 18, K ) T M, meets in Odd Fellows' Hall on Second and Fourth Thurs ilavcveiiinif" of each month. Vi iti:ir Knights cordially invited to attend. Xlnis in North M.le addition at fr Mir month. Kniiiiie at this ..tin v. rno liFXT. A nice little cotlasM within JL one block of the husinces part of town at, ,jw per month: KiKjnre ut tins Dice or ol Vt . I'.. I norcc. Morgan & Berdan EXPRESSMEN. Do a general freight and express business between Hillsboro und Portland. Leave orders at 11 Cave's hardware store or at Thk Annus office,. Leaves for Portland Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. ANDERSON & TUPPER, (.Successor to C R Head) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning 011 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All mistness enirnsieu u nun will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rates reasomimo. Leave orders witn a aim, or at Ledford's, or at Thk Aitous. Sealed Proposals for Wood. SEALED proposals for furnishing 80 cords of rirsi-class'lir wood will be re ceived at the otlice of the Shrievalty, at the County court house in Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, until August 10, 1H92. Said wood to be delivered at the Court House on or before the loth day of September, 1895. II. P. FoRU, Sheriff. Fhoa, F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. House, I'.ociever. m ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. u N Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS D'JLUTH FARGO TO 1 GflAND FORKS CH00K8T0N WINNIPEG HELENA ind BUTTE TICKETS-. 10 CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPH1A NEW VORK 10STON AND ALL rt'lttTS EAST SOUTH I" .r Information, lime cards, instps and i -i ti, mil on or write A., p. CBiRlTOH. Asst. Conl. Tass Agen) 1-OU7LAN0 0 255 Morrison Street. i 40SXAUK CI' The five and unlimited coinage of silver, the product of American mines, at the old ratio of 16 of silver to 1 of gold, h the only solution of mil remeiiy for the disturbed and unsatis factory condition of trade, manufac ture and general business of the coun try. The surreptitious act of 1873, div rtirn; silver and gold in our mone tary system, was a crime of untold ni,V' idc. It was the rankest kind of class legislation in favor of the wealthy against the producers of wealth, and hostile to the prosperity of the United States. It was an act of treason because done at the instance of .1 European syndicate and for bribe money, "giving aid and comfort to our country's enemies." To shivh. the guilty parties, the well anther.: cata ,s 0ften published, have vigorously denied. The Enquirer will continue to cs poso this unpardonable crime unti right and justice are done the people by the full restoration of silver to its old companionship with gold. We need the assistance of the people in disseminating the truth, to which end sve invito all in your selection of pa pers fcr the coining season to include '.he Enquirer, that costs only $1.00 a car. (Issued twice a week.) Liberal commissions and cash re wards given to club raisers. San'pL copies free. Enquirer Company", Cincinnati, Cl IV 9,1 Wndi'lnn I ILthAllA I I A fill A ". lib NORTH R UP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . , , TAILORING AND REPAIR SHOP. Cleaning and Repairing neat ly done. Charges reasona ble. Leave all orders at Sclutlmerich &. Son. Fine Clothes Do not make a man. But tbey go a lniifi way towards keeping a man's reject for himself and that of others for him. It Doesn't Cost Any More To dress neatly than it does to go with an ill-fitting coat or baggy trousers. All You Have To do in to deal with a first class firm like. Schulmerich & Son, Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Oregon City.Oh.i Aug. 8, 1M)." NOTICK is hereby glvnn that, the I'ollow-ing-umiied aetticr lias liltd nutlio ol his intention to make linal proof in sup port of his eliiini, and that said proof will be made before the Coiintv Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on Hcpt. 10, IH05, viz: Daniel Pat ton, If, K. No. "(ill, for the N K Sec 21 T N It 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: N. Goodwin, of Olenwood, Oregon. J. F. Goodwin, " " Willis L. Trowe, " " James S. Stephenson, " 2U-6 Robert A., Register. Notice for Publication. I,.ni Offick at Ojieoon City, Oh.i Aug. I, IHH5.1 "T0TI0E is hereby given that the follow Ill ing-nained settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the He.gister and Heeeivcr V. 8. Land Office ut Oregon City, Ore., on September 20, 1805, vis: William 8. Gordon, H . K. No. 8473, for the 8 E Sec 1, T 3 N K 5 W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A.V.Brown, of Forest Grove, Oregon. Henry Huber, " lluxton, " F, M. McOiuiiel, " " H.H.Kibby, " , " 2(M , Kobebt A. Miller. Register Notice For Publication. Land Offick at Orkoon City, Ob.i Aug. 8, 1805. f "IVC-'LlE is hereby given that the follow ll ing-imnied sett ler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver 11. 8. Land Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, on September 14, 1895, viz: Jacob Conrad, II. E. No. 7304 for the W S W Sec. 12, T 2 N K 2 W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. S. Keller, of Portland, Oregon. C. N. Frond, " llolbrook, " O.C. Frick, " " CM. Waltman, " , " 20-6 llo:.?.HT A., Register. M it Pays fi Trade -lit with J J. u.s. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY THKKK (OIXUGK COl'HSKS . . . Classical, Scientific, Literary. THE ACADEMY prepares for College and gives 11 thorough Eng lish Education; the best preparati-.n for Teaching or UusinesH. All expenses very low. Hoard and rooms at the Ladies' Hall, M to if I per week, including elect rie light and beat. The College Dormiloiv, under excellent maniicemeiit, fur nishes bonr.l und room nt 2.2" per week. Hoard al"l room in private families. $2. fit) and upwards. Many stu dents rent Mums and board theuifelvcs at a total cost not to exceed $1.. Ml per week. The fall term begins Septem ber 18. I'Vr full particulars address, thomas McClelland, Kit rest (iiove, Orejjnli. Iklll't !)IIJ' !! Ill a Coast Carriages and linggies pjcf nil TPJltH' are best value for least money; J-J tO I kJXL A-iCH . Disc-Hint on Prices but no Discount on the (ioods. Particulars of Williams Itros., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M. D.ivis, Assignee Coast Carriage Wagon Co., Corvallis, Ore. SMITH & BOWMAN, I ATTORNEYS. AT. LAW, ! Notarial Work and Conveyancing. I Rooms 0 A 7 .Morgan Illk., IlilM.oro, Ore. S. 3. HUSTON, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, --ANU NOTARY PUBLIC. Kooint) Union Illock, Hillsboro, Or BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Itiioiiis 1) ami 7 Central Tilock, Hillsboro, Or T. H. TONGUE, AITORHEY-AT-LAW, In M-..i'aii Bhvk, Hillslioro, Orgon. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oflleo ill Chonctto Itow. Residence, corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Hxsidenco lCast of Court Utilise. C. B. BROWN, JJKXTIST, niLLShOi:;"), r.i:i;ox. CUoW.N and lili! ! T " " specialty. ALL WOHK w-.n.-.-i.toed. Homos 1 and 14 Moiuvn iiioi k. Oi-'Kicio 1 loi'ivS! From 8 a, ,u. lo l. v. M. Ft A BAIIiRY, M.D F.J, BAILKY, n.S.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchcrs. Office In Hillsboro Pharmacy. Pesl- donee soutn-west corner liasminti mid Second. All calls promptly attended d;iy or nigiu. JAMES PniLLIPPE TAM1SSIB, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation In French or English. Office and residence south of Main near 3d at., Hillslioro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and flno map work pocialty Lintlsay Block, two doors north of the posloftiue. Second st,, IlilUboro, Or. i 11 W 1W K. MeXKII., Hece ver. TO THE ... .Gives the choice of JiVO TltANSCONTINENTA L ROU TE S Northern Hy. - Pacific Ry. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS-CITY LOW KATH8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every Five Days FOR..., SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address: W II HUKLBURT, Goii'l I'uss Agent Portland, Oregon. Administrator's Notice. "otice is hereby given that the under 1.1 signed has been duly appointed ad it tin ippoi M. ministrator of the estate ol W. M. Dudney, deceased, by the County Court of Wash- ington county, Oregon, and has duly quuliticd us sucb administrator. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the law office of 8. II. Huston, in Hills boro, with proper vouchers within six mouths from this date. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day of July, lKW. It. K. Purdy. Administrator of the estate of W. M. Dud ney, deceased, i(-6 EAST Until vou have seen a Coast Steel (bar M .mii'V.1 l.v (!o:ist Can iaire & Wnnon Co. 1 TK DELTA .: DRUG :: STORE (Nct Ioor llrynn Liiidluw Co.) Main Street, - Hillslioro. A tine line of Toilet Articles, Ilnishcs, Combs, Fert'iuncH, Patent Medlelnes and specbtl attention given to tiiiallty and Accuracy. Notice for Publication. I.ANU Omen AT OilKU'iN ClTV, OH.I Aug. ft, INffi.f NO'ITCK is hereby iriveii that the follow-iiiK-imincd scaler bus lilcd noli. 10 of his intention to make lliiul proof In sup port of his claim, und Unit mid proof will lie nmdc I iv fore tlin County Clerk of Wash innton enmity ut llill-linio, Oregon, on Sept. at, ls!',. viz: Wil lani Tolke, II. K. No. "Till, for the S S V, K, N W i S K S K !4 S V S See ill T N, It 4 W. lie 1111 the loilowiliK u itlici'scs to prove his -in 1 1 1 11 in nts roi.H'iiee uioii and culliviilion of i-uid Inn. I, viz: William M. siephciiK, ot Itnxton, OrcKon. Clark Whliehcr, .1. W. Suxtoii, llennan Hunger, " " SHI Uomuki' A. Mn.t.KK, Renter. Notice for Publication. l.NH DI KI. K l I. annus CllY. Oil. I Aug. .1, 1-Hl.i. i VTlVni'lC i- I.eiTl.y iii thai tlief.illow- iliL'-l.lliii. li Scill.'l lias tiled noliei. ot ,11' 1 : . I 1 , t i is to uiiik.-. nii:il proot ill slip poil 1,1.-. ebiiin, ami iliut -uiil proof will lie ina.le Ir l'orc 1 lie ivunty Clerk ol Wnsh n.fiton county al Hill-Loro, urnoii, on t. .11, .8.1.1, 1.; .1. 10. rai', H. K. N".7i'l, lor ilic N V i Sec H. T N It it W. I He iinniit 1 1 1 fillowin: wilnesses lo I'loVC l)i. eonl IIIU..U, n-.l.icnoe Upon .Old cultivation ol waul luml, u: OeorgeHehiiHider. "I Or iville, Onvon John Wasteimeker, " '' Y,w," ..' ' .. . r reu t iivoa, 20-0 linimitr A. Mii,i,i,r, liegistcr. Notice for Publication. La nii Omen at oaitiioN Ch-y, Ob.( Aug. ."1, inn.) 1 NOTICE is hereli given Unit liie follow. InK-iiiiniedMittler bus tiled notice of his inlention to make linul proof in nuji port of bin claim, anil that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington oonnty, at HilWinrn, Oregon, on Sept. 21, Mfi, vm William Tliui-atoii, 11 t.. x-.. uiii i.. i. ., ic 1 v r,' 1 e 1 ! H j,; y St,' j' s X, It 4 W.' He iiuiues the billowing witnesses to prove his coin iniious residence upon and, cultivation of Muiil land, viz: Ailhiir Knox, of lluxton, Oregon, E. E. Slacker, II. T. Hnxlo.i, " C. A. Peterson, " " aw! lloiip.KT A. Mi 1.1 KH, Itegister. Notice for Publication. Land Offick at Ouf.hon City, Oii.I Aus, rt, IMIa.f NOTTCH is hereby given that thcfollow-ing-iianied seiilcr has tiled notice of his intention to make tiuut proof in sup port 01 ins claim, anil nun wuii proot win be made before the County Clerk of Wash inirtoii county, at Hillslioro, Crei'oi. 011 Hcpteiiibei-21, lKD.'i, viz: Aitliui' Knox, II . E. No. 7512, for the X W W Sec. 27, T 3 X, R4 W. lie miim-H the lollowlng witnesses to nrove bis continuous residence 1111011 and cultivation o'.'said luml, viss: William llurston, ol lluxton, Oregon. E. E. Htucker, " " II. '1'. lluxton, " " C. A. Peterson, " " 20-6 U011KRT A. Millkr, Uegistor. Notice for Publication. La nii Offick at OaitfiiiN City, On.). Aug.-fl, 180'),) NO'ITCK is hereby given that the following-named settler has II Ind notice of his intention to make linul proof in sup port of Ais claim, and that said proof w ill lie miifle he.lorn the Coimlv t'lerU of WumIi ington county, at lllilsboro, Oregon, on September 21, 18H5, viz: Fred Wilcox, II. K. No. 7097, for the 8 W Sec. 8 T i N U W. He names the following witiifsses to prove biscontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said .laud, viz: Edward Mizen, of Greenville, Oregon. James 10, I'urmley, ' George Schneider, " ' John Wiistcnucker, " " 20-0 ltoiiUKT A, Mii.i.kb, Register, Notice for Pablication. Land Officio at Oiucoon City, 0r. Aug. 5, 1811."). I "VTOTICE is hereby given that the follow- I. 1 iiiK-nained settler bus filed notice of i intention to iniike linal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made before the County Clerk of Wash, ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on September 21, 18115, vi,: Henry B. Hollenbeek, II. 10. No. 704H, for the K 8 W A and W 8 E yA hec. 22 T A N Range 4 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. 0. J. Menilenhall, of lluxton, Oregon. A. H. r. Wolf,. " John Harms,"' " " Carl Grifner, " " 20-0 lloBititT A, MiLLi'.B Register,