u THE ARGUS THURSDAY, JUNK 20, llSOfc A. M. Sanders visited Mc Minnville over Sunday, returning Monday evening. The College at that jjace conferred the degree of A. M. upon Mr. Sauders at the cnmenonient exercises the other day. "Bert," K. H. Greer's delivery horse lias been enjoying a lay off for several days. For some time he had been scheming to get a va cation and as It. H. wouldn't give it him freely, he bruised Irmself up in his null, thus getting his much needed rent. All who know the horse think he did it purposely, of course. -Mrs.Geo.8chulmerich, who was 1 uite indisposed last week has con- siuuramy recovcrou. - -T. II. Tongue gives the informa that very few are breeding their mares to fast stock, the public an nearine to think that the day of speedy horses is fust sinking to ob livion. This IB where they art mistaken and a good index to this is the race meeting just held at Portland. W. T. Andrews, the Mountain dale Mill man, and S. L. Hollen- beck of the same place were in the city Saturday last. R. Chrisenger can sell you wall paper for 6 cents up on white blanks; '"' 25 cents, embossed, per double roll. Borders, 6 cents per yard, lineal. In some respects Yamhill county is entitled to recognition. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson are the . proud parents of a healthy baby ' boy, born on the 12th. Mr. John son is now 50 years of aire while his wife has seen 48 summers -u They are the parents of Mrs. J. A. Crmpbell. well known here and live near North Yamhill. The general laws, joint resolu lions and memorials of the 1895 session of tho legislature have been published, and this office is iu re ceipt of a copy. The post office store keeps con stanlly on sale a line of stanbard periodicals, magazines and month lys. Anything not on sale will be ordered for you. Inquire of J. M. Brown. Hon. S. B. Huston was a Port land visitor Monday, attending le gul business. As yet The Argus is about the only newspaper in the state that I wis not tried to perpetrate some pun, on the "bloomers, it has no joke and is willing to let them '"bloom." A tastily printed letter or bill : head will do a great deal to adver tise your business. When you want letter, note or bill heads, on job work of any kind, come to Thk Aiutus office. Prices away jdywn and neat execution. Hie strawberry season is on the wane, but few varieties yet not ripened and gone. Shortcake will goon lie but a dim memory of the past. Wes. Boscow has purchased a young coyote which was recently caukht by Lou Perkins, and it is expected that he will present it to one of the orders of which he is a member. Miss Alice Mulloy, of Laurel, spent several days of last week with Mrs. Frank Cota of this city This office Is publishing a very meritorious little poem on Pythian ism, written by a local K. of P., T. M. Kelso, and every member of the order in the city should have one. j If you want to see the grandest ' celebration ever held in Washing ton county, come in on the Fourth and hear the eagle scream. Come everybody. II illsboro can take care of you, and you will realize the full importance of Independence day as never lielore. Be sure and come and. bring all your patriotism with you. , Quite a number of our towns people have been attending com mencement exercises at forest Grove, which commenced Saturday last. Business conditions prevented Hon. T. H. Tongue from attending the National Republican Club meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, this week. H. Weinhard, Portland's old time and wealthy brewer, was in the city yesterday. The Philharmonic Glee Club, of Portland in the opera house, Fri day, June 28th. Doorsopen at 7:o0 P.M. Admission: adults, 25 cents; children 15 cents. Proceeds for the benefit of the Evangelical church. Come and enjoy a musical treat. The Hillsboro Light and Water Forest Grove Suffers a Very Severe Loss Sunday Morning Last. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. theTeacheTs' Institute which con vened today and -which will son- tinue until. Saturday evening, A; .Bernard Krebs war-rernined iroru 1 ntaraaf 1 rir noaairiit la nrnm ' 1 . . . - . . 1 ;wf "v"B before Co. judge uorneiros, oir a ura mii uiese annua! nnngs are( chage 0f insanity and he was held Will make the Season of 1895, at the Fair Grounds, at Hillsboro, Ore- - Prices to Suit the Times. PLANTER and DUKE OF PORTLAND Promi nent teachers w ill take part in the program. Full particulars will be given next week. WAREHOUSE AND MILL DESTROYED ' I fur treatment." - D. Rankin, well known here as one of the incorporators of our city water works whs in town the first of the week, on business, and circulating amongst his many The Chautuqur.ni. The Chautauqua Association in- l tends leaving no stone unturned to make their meet at Gladstone Park. iCiuc when it was building and was ratronage, tbe sire And the l ots Goes Way no in Jie Thou- near Oregon City, in July, a great i connected with such work for sev- Queen Alix 2:03 3-4 gon, upon the following terms: Single service, 1 10; Season, with privilege of return, 120; Iusuranre, 125. PLANTER. Sire of Pandora, 2:27. Pauline (3) 2:29 25-100. Is a horse of ftiidsExpi-ets Offi:e in This City nobbed in B -or A Df y!ight-M -a. Young's Children Cared Fo. Onf Piouet h Vinit Port!, .nd KJt "Reminibce" ou Ye "Olden Dayes." Expensive Blaze. Early Sunday morning the resi dents of Forest Grove were awak ened by an alarm of fire, coming from the direction of the depot. It was discovered that the ware house owned by A. L. McLeod, and the Forest Grove Flouring Mills were ablaze. Being so far from the heart of the city, the fire had so advanced by the time the hre de I success, talented men will ad I dress the concourse, appropriate games and amusements will be held and everything possible has been done to further the comfort and pleasure of those attending. Col. R. A. Miller and Mrs. C. II. Dye have labored unceasingly to this end, and Oregon City should be proud of the eft'orts of these two of their townspeople. Railroad rates on S. P. for one and one-third rate have been procured. Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus, of Chicago, and other divines and educationalists will be there, an J on one of the days, the Supreme court of Oregon will be in attendance. Severe Accident While Jos. Hickenbottom, who nnrtmnnt. arrived, that little could lives near f hai Brook was riding company have been arranging tobedone) an(j the structures were i on a load of Lay the other day, in brick a portion of the smoke stack, ! goo,, jn UBhes. It is reported that some manner the wagon upset, about 5000 bushels of wheat were throwng hi;u to the ground, break stored in the mill, and that the in two of is ribs and otherwise warehouse should have contained severely b uisiiis hno. A physi in the neighborhood of 15,000 bush- cian f..m this c;iy dressed his els. The wheat pile in the ashes w-unds and he will De alright in of the mill luins was quite large, , several weens. but a conservative estimate of that master and have made other substantial improvements around their plant. Art Shute, of the First Nation al bank, has the Fourth of July subscriptions for collection. J. W. Jackson, a prominent Glencoite was in town yesterday looking hale as ever. The Liiurel ball nine crossed bats with the Reed vi lie team Sun day last, and came oft' victorious. Cornelius is quite a lively little burg these days in event of the Tie Preserving works now located there. Deputy District Attorney Ad ams attended a law suit, in which the state was a party, in the lower iiart of the county Tuesday the de endant being one, W. Helm, who was tried on charge of assault upon a 14 year old girl. The prisoner was admitted to bail, and will ap pear the next term of circuit court. E. G. Hagey and J. C. Her, two prominent Sherwoodites were in this city Friday last, registered at the Tualatin. W. H.Greena will take a limited number of nunils for instruction on . r . . . . . : piano, and stringed instruments, visiting this city each Saturday. For information address w. H. Greene. Forest Grove, or call at. Tun Argus olhce. Marriage license has bee'" granted to S. W. Her Jr. and Ada May Cox. Mr. Her is the junior farther of the firm of Lilly & ler, doing a general mercantile business at Gales Creek, and Miss Cox is one of the fair daughters of that vicinity. Henry Hotrrefe, who has been a resident ot Cornelius tor several years past, and Mrs. Emilie Behling of Blooming, three miles south of Cornelius, were married at the rest- X Derd Le. e List. Bulman, Christ The following is the list of letters re. maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Brown, Mrs Nettie E Smith, Mrs J M. All letters not called for by June 29, i"V)5i will be se.ii to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged ou each letter called for. S1py A. Brows. P. M. in the ashes of the warehouse is placed at perhaps 5 or 6 hundred. McLeod, the owner of the warehouse was in eastern Oregon at tbe time of the conflagration, and those who; had wheat stored there are natural ly very anxious to find just what the true status of the case is. The flames first started in the ware house and afterward communicated to the mill. So far as is known hut one man who had wheat Btored in the warehouse carried insurance. Messrs Breeder, Brown and Albert the owners of the mill had but recently newly equipped their estab lishment and as they had but $2800 insurance, it is a severe blow, the mill being iierhaps worth six or seven thousand dollars. Besides i the building and wheat, there were $400 worth of new sacks destroyed, and 50 bbl. of flour. It is said on reliable authority that T. G. Totid. county commis sioner, had in Mcl.eod's warehouse, over 2000 bushels of wheat, besides a few bushels of oats. The loss of both buildings and grain and ma chinery contained therein, IS a Mrs F M Robinson and daughter Nel severe one to the college town, and : He were at Holbrook, Oregon, last week 1 1 . l . . .. : .. , l. - 1 c' .... 1 .1.1 me III B aggregates uwity up ill me viait-ug relatives aim iricuus. nicy re thousands. P01' having had a pleasant trip and lots o irrsn mountain air. Mm Hobert is vhi'Jng friends near Cooper Mountain this week. Mi -3 Hannah Anderson, of this place, left for Alsea Monday morning where she will spend the summer months teaching school. Ne'&e Nelson, who has been sick for some time, will start for the coast this week in search of health. BEAVERTON. The Eeaverton school had an enjoy able time in the way of a picnic last Fri day in honor of the last day of school for the term; and the commencement exercises will be Friday, June 21. An excellent program has been arranged. Jessie Mitzell, who was living with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs Jamie on, died Friday, June 14th. friends. Mr. Rankin was in charge rich color, good size, good trotting of construction on the Oregon Pa- action, and is a brother in blood to of trotting His sire, eral years before embarking in the Pancoast, a trotter, was the son of water and light business. a trotter, and is the sire of trotters J. M. Brown, our deputy post- Lucia, the dan, of Planter is the ler has left for a two week's dam I Dr?am 4 . 2:21. 3.4 . . . . . land I ;hfinwonri z-.Zrt 1-4 ann in sojourn to his mountain ranch , j ,, - . ffherehe will wrestle with baking n no V mm view iu3 ucbuucd ui uaiuic in i m .i ii e m lipr anlitnn 1KUSTY, ine seconu uaui oi a mil- ler, is nie uaui ut uucauuu, Oliver Holmes, son-in-law of Scotland Maid. 2:28 1-2. and Pres. Jackson, was in the city the John Love. 2:28 1-2, and grand other dav with his family prepara-1 dam of Day Dream, 2:213-4, lory to a summer's outing over in and Sanborn, 2:26 1-2. the iNetarts country. Dr. J. H. Freeman, A. B. Bailey and W. H. Burns returned Monday from their 1 hree Kivers trip. They report a fine time although Free man says that potatoes are hardly far enough along for successful foraging. Mrs. J. R. Beegle returned Monday to her home at St. Helen's after a fortnight's visit with her relatives here. Born, June 17, to the wife of Chas. Cawree, of Cornelius a daughter. John and Jas. Sewell and families left Monday for a fort nights outing over on the lilla- mook coast, and they anticipate a very pleasant time. Born, to the wife of Geo. Tre land, of Hillsboro, Oregon, on June 13, a son Herman Sehulinerich has been rusticating for several davs, and says there's "nothing like it." Jas. Lamkin has been busily engaged in getting out furnace pipe for the numerous hop dry houses which are being built in this vicinity. He has just completed piping for Andrew Jack's building near Farmington. Dr. F. J. Bailey did business in Portland Monday and Tuesday. feter Jacquot has opened a saloon in Cornelius and will en DUKE OF PORTLAND. Is a remarkably handsome horre. Stands full 16 bunds high. Weighs 1,200 pounds and is half brother to the great A xtel, record of 2:12 at three years of age, and to an old style sulky. His sire, William L; is a full brother to Guy Wilkes, one of the greatest sires of race horse in America. His fisst dam is by Manibrinrt Star' 2:28. His second dam by Volunteer. Duke of Portland is a young hor-e and has had but little ppor tunity in the stud. What few colts he has are large, band tome, and good gait, etc. Little Julius Gassner, of Cooper Moun-i j.,. ..i::i ..uui. Ain. h? 1 or watt iprbM nnwn wni p lead. I - . ing a calf last Saturday night, breaking I henceforth in that little City. his arm and bruising him somewhat. Dr Robinson reduced the fracture and thinks the little fellow will be well soon. Dr Robinson was in Portland a few few days last week attending the medi cal socielv. Robbery in the City. Last Saturday evening th store of L. L. Williams was robbed of about $90.00 It is suid that the money was in the till when Mr.: Williams went to supper. Upon coming back to the store he entero-!, and wivh him, Geo. Ireland, who is If vou want the news, step and subscrilie for this paper, will be one dollar well spent. Robert Imbrie went to Salem on the Conductor's excursion and from there went to Cottage Grove to visit his daughter, Mrs. Benson The contractors commenced laying the planking on Main street Monday morning and the entire street will probablv bo .ut in shape by Saturday night. Am closing out my entire stock of clothing consisting of boys' knee rants and suits. Knee pants from 4 to 14 yrs., 25c to 75c; suite from 4 to 14 yrs., $1.00 to $5.50. Am also making a great reduction on other articles. Hillsboro Bazaar. Whenever an alarm of fire is Bounded in this city the firemen - always start for the apparatus first, and the fire afterward. Then, when they arrive at the blaze they have something to work with. It is re , ported that at the Grove, Sunday morning, three men pulled the hook ana ladder wagon to the burn ing building the rest of the de partment going without giving them a hand. Our June weather has not been all uncomfortable with heat after all, many days being so cold that tires were kept in several offices Ontjon for diversified weather as well as farming. Gip Wills visited Portland Monday, to meet a North Yakima party on business. Mr. Wills re por'"',& Yakima country as pro gressing very rapidly, and that it will he one of the finest sections in the northwest as soon as its irriga tion enterprises are complete. T. B. Perkins Intends leaving for Southern Oregon in the near future, to embark in lotne business enterprise. He expects to take his family. , : . --E.C. Hughes spen t last week in Portland, on business. an ola rfsidnrr ot thin nlAc.e. denceofthe bride, June 14, Rev.; Mr. Williams stepped out to pro- raui ouiciawng. iuoir mniiy , cu,.e son,e fcmdhng and upon re friends in Washington county wish I ming Mr. Ireland had departed, bride and groom much happiness. I Shortly thereafter, having occasion The O. R. & N. Co., always to go to the register to get some alert to the welfare of their patrons, change, be found that the money have placed on sale at principal ' nr-u aisapea ea. a wanani was stations, a llXJUmile ticket at the" sworn out anu toe p-ennses ot wr.,naud and will not be able to i rate of three cents per mile, good J ' e'anu we"e seaicneu ana ne was place ;n tne scbooi exercises. one year from date ot sale and : oiouni ueiore jus, ce j. i. jmgni May Rglfe wh0 has been havin? good for passage over the Kan and ! wno reieasea .ne prisoner on dmi. j a siege wiu Lypaom lever, is now con It is a hard hearted man with neither principle nor feeling that will take the ..r m Uor.A .r i.:. For further information address, THOS. H. TONGUE Hillsboro, Washington Co., Oregon. WILEY & DENNIS, ZZCITY LIVERY STABLEZZZZI Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. ETEBYTHIHG FIRST-CUSS. GOOD TEAKS, 600D BUGGIES ud DR1YEBS, W. T. Andrews, Prenident. D. W. Dorrance, Secretary. ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (Incorporated June 8, 1893.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDALE. OREGON. SCHULMERICH & KOCH, MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hand. Seeoad street, HUUboro, Oregoa. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET? I. BERST, Prop Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Matket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : aud ; Hogs Cash Paid for Poultry. Highest MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO, OREGON. The acreuee of hops does not seem to be growing any smaller in this couniy even if prices are not very satisfactory. Many new yards have been planted this year. County roads are now getting in good condition although the dust is very plentiful Scarlatina is said to be in town in a mild form, and physicians are taking the necessary precautions to prevent its soread. It is hardly likely to be epidemic this time of venr. however. l w. mm mm Our office boy recently started Tha flrOrOTI PlSHM V1M1TMA lA. to read an editorial from the Ne- w V6WU) v, . w, V 1 1 Al 12 W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. INSTRUCTIOK GIVKH OH of which were: "Some time ago I was taken sick with a cramp in the roof from oyer the heads of his own.gtomach followed by ." The cmtaren, ana even leave xnem 10 paicn ;j;.i.i" iMyi v.: ,,n nH nii n th. r,n ft, hi. a,, i foreman immediately storped htm, Darture with the same: not considerine ; and the article is yet unread. This TERMS MODERATE. ADDRESS: W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. the damage done by cattle having free access to unienced property. Miss Delia Burbank is sulcring from a telon on the index nnger of her right er Water lines of their system. R. Chrisenger wants your or ders for wall paper. Get your pat terns through hint and you reach the wholesale dealers direct, and dont pay the profit of middlemen. Go and see the work 8n E. frown's house, the Luke Stewart property. John Zimmerman was tried before Justice Knight Saturday last for assault on Mrs. Jas. Jack son. Zimmerman was fined $20 and costs, but has filed a bond for SmKhey'i Case. The children of Mrs. Young, who lived with the man Smithey, near Beaverton, have been taken to the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society at uieu n uunu lor . D m;i , , . ; i . i , . i . i i urbtaiiu. micro tuc uiiiuiaio aiu & Z ,takethe: endeavoring to orocm, proper The Westchester Insurance Company through their local agent J. I. Knight, has paid S. Rosenthal 190.00, damages sustained by the recent fire at his residence. Hair cutting, 25 cents; Shav ing 10 cents, at the City Shaving Parlors. Open from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Hot or cold baths Phillips and Colestock, Main street, opposite lualatin Hotel. J. I. Knight has money to loan or bay notes. i homes. It is sajd that the house in which they were living was a pitiful scene of squalor. The nec essary requisition papers are on the way from California to take the man and woman back although the woman denies having anything to do with the crijae. Oregot Pioneers. The Oiejro.i Pioneer Association and Cone No money wan found on his person , valescing. or on his premises, and there are i Children's Day exercises at the M many whe believe nun gimlless of the charge. Ireland has had his request for hearing deferred, until Friday morning, when the matter will be tried before Justice Knight. is a sad predicament, but perhaps it had something to do with Mitch ell 8 shifting political views. Hon. W. R. Ellis, of Heppnor, Congressman from the 2nd district of Oregon, accompanied by his wife came in on yesterday morning's train, on a visit to this city. Ihev are euests of Prof. J. H. Stanley igr?gauonai cnurcnes were large-1 an(j wjfe (fed and the oroerum was excel : lent. The children are to be highly! John Hansen, Gales Creek's commeded, as are also their leaders who prominent populist was seen on took much mterest in the affair. of the v J DeLeUs has had another b.d spell of heart trouble and is confined to the house a a'ti. E PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Here Tt . t Are I Twelve acres; half cleared, balance in grass. Good lioiue of four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. l ine orchard of 50 trees and various other small fruits. ISO chicliens io ducks. 1 -horse waeou. 2 deti si,i-:le harness, good cow, 3 heifers . Kinney, on 2ml sireet. 1 norse anu larm implements. Every thing goes for I650.00, cash in hand. In quire at Thk Argus oSce. The Adventists have been hold ing a camp meeting at Cornelius for several days, and a good atte.id ance is reported. Meuitiiiis has moved his res taurant and lunch counter from Main street to the boildine next door to tho residence of Chas. Mc- WITH IT8 ASSOCIATE SCHOOL jTualatin Academy Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the state. Its work is characterized by breadth and thoroughness. Besides the regular college courses, which are equal in ex tent to those of the better class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those desiring to perfect themselves in the common Eng lish branches, the Academy presents every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information address thomas McClelland, Forest Grove Oregon. i For Sale. A good corner lot on Main and streets, 75x175, with good Third The many Mends of Ja. Cave will be pleaded io know that he is ajaui able to ie 011 the street. -One ot Alcuinnville s cigar mamr.acturei's was in the city yes- teida soliciting onieis. lliiscitv While Western Oregon's crop j lived over iiieu youi.ii. Next yea.", prospects were never brighter, j peroape, some that we e pese.' , Eastern Oregon is in trouble with, will be sleeping v,he sleep o: i ie the general outlook for harvest.. Fall grown grain is only average, while spring grain will hardly be worth the cutting. Still, a little moisture falling would make a wonderful change. Umatilla and Union Counties seem to have better had a great i-me at Potdand lasi gam lor cash. Will sell for part week. Hoaiy heaoed pioneer Payment, balance on time with se- from all points of the sUite met p..t- comity. Enquire at The Argus reviewed olden iiues, and t'a office. hnSlHino I.Unn mlhl fnr ! COUl WU a Ito-u BUCtl an lOSUtU- kind of business. Building in ex-'Von. 11,1,1 keel' l,ll'"e' e,M'n8 to naiiant wmaii. will . . a w J i' eiti' vifvei to such articles at People A'l fii'w a1 landio'iis recieve lusv, ant! each yen? marks gow lesser io jiiiiv'je , Hillslwi-o was renreseined by J. S, Griffin, who came hee ia '49 a.: lienry Wehrung, a 'o2cooie.. A'l nioiul Hill, '43: a resident of Gs- ton, made an addiens at ne ct-mp- (o'' should) their reward in heaven. Our lanitl'tids ae putbig up a i porch in ftopt of Thk Argus build Public SJ'.. jing, and this couoled wiih the fact nieuudevnedwiiueiut ,,-bii., 0a.e , nave placed waier inside i he o!r) lair1 Ion Satm-day jtvae 29. le. at tiw Hue- the offiot makes lue for uie force wen's saw mm a wiivervnie. t-e io'low- one long, happv, bliKSfu". lllldsum ingdesci' ied pvope.tv, vo w t: . -, 6 1 U ii 40 'ead of hoii. ' dl'f ani- Mft-V ou' venfc ever i 8 milch cows. ba ne s j paid when due. ; SOME BARGAINS! Looking for Bapns iii Heal Estate Without paying commissions to middle men . will do well to read these advertisements. Anyone Having Property for Sale Can have their places advertised in this column, aud place their wants before the people without taking a fortune. Call and see us and get terms.. propects than other inland counties. ! fire. Others from this count v were: --T. G. Todd, county commis sioner from Forest Grove vicinity was in the city Wednesday. Mr. MoNult, the storekeeper at Cornelius returned last week from la trip up the west side, driv ing overland. He reported crops of all kinds looking very fine, and the fruit prospect brighter thnn for many years. 1 icam hoiseb (9 yr olv) luOO lbs each, w'.th 1 .' ovse, 6 yr oM: 1500 lta. 1 saddle pony. ' 1 wmon anil track'. oO.C'.i) fee. i'OKjh lumber. o !?.. 6 1'Oie-jjower ww lniH In s,ood ...-Uiiiiii)" TEH.US: Hum' uiKler $10 net uu-.h ; all -T fl Pnnnall an,l R P fin-, n- .. . vy wii.iv. v .. . , ..it. .. ...:u 1 .- aun.. 1 ltd. U.ll m 1 - iiuiciuvr" uver timt BiHuunt M-ii uw yvon oiiotnuiivi, u, umu iui-..'i aeredit or n'oiHlis on npui-oveit , o e. 1 Divcorni of Sue-: '-e-it fo- u, . Sule to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. C. W. H vjisn,, 'oli; W. IS. Sciiolls, oholl8 Fer y '49; Ira E. Purdin, Forest Grove, '54, and Thomas Cox, Forest Grove, '52. Teachers Institute Washington County's delegation of school Ma'ams is in the city in TO KE S r.A ooe b'otik of i at i I.- .voi) ofVV.JS TJ-o el-, ,-e )t-' JS iq.- e no '. -.'i.-.i r- v. o' ow.i a ol' eoi' a goodly number attendant upon nio.iih X lots Iii Kou'i bii p a. iif.e wiih five Enqii'.-e ut -his o.lke. . . . Di J. H. Freenia'- went to McMinnville this moi ning vo again resume his pvofession. N e for Final Se lement. NOTICE in hereby given that the nn dersliriied has filed his final account las administrator of the estate of Patrick McQuade, (loceaect, in the County court of the State of Oregon, for WasOlngton County, and that said Court has appoint ed Monday, July 22, 1895, at the hour of 10 a. in, as the tune ror nearing ODjeouong 10 such final account and tor the settlement thereof. Chas. J. O'Reilly. Administrator of the estate of Patrick MuQiiHilo. iloceascnl. Dated at Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, this ami any ot June, iwo. For sale, 10 acres; one-half cleared; one acre of which is bea- verdam. Rest slashed and sown to grass. No buildings. Goes for $65 dollars per acre. Within two miles of Hillsboro, Oregon. Terms, $400 down, balance in 3 years, at 10 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which, above is a part, at same price per acre. In this 40 there are nearly 15 acres of beaverdam and swttil jleared. Inquire at the Argus Office. 128 acres. Highway , running through center of place; 50 acres in cultivation; 2 acres in orchard, ap ples, pears and plums; 6-room house; log bam; good well of water; 30 acres of beaverdan, easy to put in cultivation; place well watered bv springs and creek; 100 acres an tler fence; about If miles from post office, daily mail; one mile from school houje. Six miles north W county seat of Waihingtod county Oregon. Goes cheap for cash, ,