r 1 THE ARGUS TIIUIISDAY, MAY !) l,H!),r.. Miles Everitt has leased Hum., land and in now trying his mi,,l t diversified funning. Many are the applicants for tenehcrs, wrlilinilcfl in town Teachers' examination is on, itiul will last until Saturday. Ah thiB Vit-.v Iiiih in the neighborhood of uiU'iistriets it requires a plenti tuilt! of th pedagogio element, - IlfliMi M. M:Eldowiny has heel! appointed Administratrix of the i-slHiH (if T. L. .McEldowney, deceased. --.iidios, do not fail to go und see (liver's immense stock of glass ware; jus, arrived from Bridgeport. Ohio. ' Pure White leghorn eggs for sain hy (J S. lleidcl, 50 cents per Setting, Dr. J. 10. Adkiiis icturned Tues day from a trip to the Heppner Country. He says times are not Very lively up there at present, and thinks llillsboio qui le good enough for any one. The school tax levied for this district for the year 181)1, wan $2, JJI52.7I, being in excess of Forest Grove's levy, $;!")(). Chan. Truo and Stewart Vaughn, two prominent citizens of Middleton were in the city the first . ufpifii week on business, and each 4 reports crops as looking fine down in their section. This is house-cleaning season. Taper your house with patterns se lected from the samples of H. Chris eJ,;er. Ho can sell you better qual ity for les." money than you can buy in Portland. .'J Mrs. C. H. Kindt and family were in the city the first of the week, the guests of relatives. It is reported that C. E. Hicks, of this city, has enlisted with the regular United StateB army at Van couver barracks as tuba bandsman. -It. 11. Mitchell, of the Vernon ia Journal, has been spending a day or so in this county, having at tended the I. (). U, T. district lodge nt Forest drove. Bring your Northwest policies to J. I. Knightand he will give you n first class Company for it, pro. rata. ' Horn, May 7, 185)5, to tin wife ofdeo Miller, of Hillsboro, a son. A gravel train has been lately engaged in hauling earth for a switch being laid on the south si le of iLe new depot building. (inindnia Stewart, who sus- 1 iii iim! a seven; fracture of the arm w IT TWt week is reported by her at'end j. ing phvsieiari to ho gutting along I fairk well. Kresh bread, cakes, pies, nnd fmilK of all kinds at the City luWy, at prices that defy com petition. Otto HoirHACjr, Pnp. It. II. freer. Hillsboro's gro eoryiiiaii, made the metropolis a business visit the first of tho week. I'M Cornelius, of Glencoe, was in the city Tuesday, transacting business. R. Cbrisengfr can sell you the newest styles of wall paper cheap er than any one else. J. C. Lamkin, who lias been llillsboro's popular tinner for many yeai has moved bis shop from tho building occupied by A. ,C. Archbnld's store, and if! now wifortablv located in the building on tin) con;'!' of Main and . Third streets. Monday of this week he 'urned out a large amount of piping for the fruit dryer. Hon. S. B. Huston attended court at Portland Monday of this week. 1 Mrs. Samuel Burn's returned recently from a several days' visit to relatives and friends at The Dalles. Mrs. Lucy Moscow, of East I'ort- land, Rpent several days in the city s last week visiting relatives. G. T. Led ford keeps constantly Jon hand a staple line of tobaccos i cigars and confectionery. Patron ize an old landmark, lie always satisfies his customers, Jj The, Oregon State Grange will bold 'its anual session at Oregon City, May 28 to the 31st inclusive, iveral from the Hillsboro Grange will attend. Arragaments have yen Iniido to procure a reduced rate over all lines of rail. The landlords are having the sbase of the walls in the post office 'painted, and when completed the apartment will look considerably Jimproved. 1 Indian War Veterans of 1855 "and 1856 will, learn something of interest to tfrem ny calling on J. I. 1 Knight, Hillsboro, Oregon. Jaok Lousignont was again , brought in Monday and placed in ' the county jail to answer on a charge of complicity in the Dilley robbery. It will be remembered that he was tried on a similar chasvge at the last term of Circuit Court but acq ui ted from lack of evidence, New facts have been brought to light and he will again , have another twist with the majes- .ot tne law. T-Bruce Wilkes spent Sunday i out on the farm above Greenville 4fct's what he says, at least. WH"rH'!.,"on N,"""I'I rail on Til r A R- i lOiuun, for piitoH on bills, uud oum. Dr. f rang, of Forest (i rove will neeiipy the pulpit ( tho First! Congregational church of Hillsboro : next Sabbath nf 11 :(K) a. m. the' pastor, J. M. Dick, having gone to! t oruami to attend tho State Sun day School Convention, and will go from there to Siilein to attend the State Endeavor Convention, which will convene there this Tlmrndv evening and continue over Sunday. Land plaster for sale at R. II. G reer's. Born. Mnv 5. 1H!)5. to the wifJ of 11 cruiHii K trunk, of Cornelius, a' laughter. A narrow escaiie from what! might have been a serious conflagra tion was averted at Cornelius thi other day by timely discovery of the 11 allies. I he buildlinr was the one which is occupied by Miller in the hotel business. A detective flue was the cause. Damage, about $20. W. Holmes, the tailor will open repair ami cleanini: shon. First class work done. Leave orders at Schulinerich it Son. J. II. Van Lum. a iirominent Centervillei'.e, was in the county seat Monday. District Attorney Barrett re turned home Saturday, after sever al weeks of attending court at oth er points in this circuit. Hair outline. 25 cents: Shav ing 10 cents, at the City Shaving rarlors. Open Irom 7:00 a. in. to 8:00 p, in. Hot or cold baths Phillips and Colestock, Main street, opposite Tualatin Hotel. His Honor Judin McBride and court i cporter Runyan were out Sat urday last and decrees were entered in several cases, ft is understood that tho Judge will again be here tho last of this week or the first of next. Mrs. It. B. Gondii) is somewhat improving in health. Ira Purdin. a nroniinont citizen and democrat of Forest Grove was down Saturday last interviewing his many friends. If you want any cahhatre. to- niatoorred pepper "plants call on A. T. Phillips where vou can nro- cure them cheaper than at any oth er place. Fred Siiienthaler. who is a son of the Cedar Mill creamery man, nan me mislortune to sustain a very severe accident recently. Last Friday Dr. Tainiesie went down and set an arm for him. The pa tient is getting along nicely. The now depot at the. station i'1 rapidly neimiii' conmletioii. With tl lcse accommodations, and then the construction of a motor line, Hillsboro will bo alright. A' fresh supply of French candies always on hand at the City Bakery. Otto IIoubach, Prop. Miss Alta Lamkin has been on the sick list for several days. John Dennis is taking a vaca tion for two or threo weeks and will put his time in making gar den, fishing, and various other diversions. "Jimmy Burgess" makes mel ody daily on his famous Stradi vir us violin, for the delectation of the inmates of the county bastilo. W.H.Greonowill take a limited number of pupils for instruction on piano, and stringed instruments, visiting this city each Saturday. For information address W. II. Greene, Forest Grove, or call at Tub Altars oflice. The poHt ollice store keeps con stantly on sale a line of stanbiird periodicals, magazines and month lys. Anything not on sale will be ordered for you. Inquire yf J. M. Brown. All breeders of gotid hortes will he pleased to learn that the company recently organized at Port land to can horse flesh for the Eu ropean markets, will soon have theirtjant in operation if indica tions go fur aught. The Climax Milling Company is paying 42 cents per bushel for wheat. Thos, Dilley was convicted on a charge of larceny of meat from a ForestGrove butcher shop.and taken to Salem to serve a sentence of one year, Saturdsy evening by Sheriff Ford. Ed Bowen visited Forest Grove Tuesday as a delegate to the I. 0. G. T, convention, Q. N. Allison was also a delegate. --I. E. Ik-rst, the Main stieet meat man, was a Forest G rove visitor Saturday last and his time coming home was divided between riding a bicycle nnd a horse, Why buy old' dried out candies when you can "buy fresh home made goods for less mono;, , at the Homo Bakery. Stockwell and Wilkes, the pro prietors of the Greenville creamery, are doing a nice business this spring and their efforts are appre ciated if reports of their patronage be true. Dr, M. II. Parker, of Greenville telephoned in to Sheriff II. P, Ford one day last week that lie thought Brady, the Caliiomia train robber and murderer - had beon through that place. It was a false alarm. Wohn Hansen, of Gales Creek, was in the city yesterday, transact ing business. Do not write to any postmast er for the address of a person. He is forbidden by law to comply with any request ot this nature. Three young men were brought in from the Shady Brook vicinity th(! latter part of last week and ar raigned before Justice Knight, on a charge of disturbing a religious meeting. They pleaded guilty and were lined each $25 and costs. It appears that the boys were not at all maliciously iiu lined, doing what they did in a spirit of thoughtless ness. It is also said that there was some bad feeling on the part of some ot the intormiug witnesses and that the prosecution was not altogether a matter of fealty to pub lic welfare. Commissioners Todd and Ueas oner are registered at the Hillsboro Hotel while Bitting with Judge Cor nelius on commissioners' court. Mr. Todd reports grain looking ex cellent in bis vicinity above Forest Grove, and a fine prospect for a large fruit crop. J. Teuseher Jr., principal of the Sherwood public schools was in the city yesterday, doing business. Mr. Teuseher has held his present position for four years. Yesterday Dr. Robinson of Beaverton, Dr. Linklater of Hills boro. and Dr. A. C. Smith of Port land, removed a 'tumor from the person of Mrs. Walter of Cedar Mill, who of late has been a great sufferer from this trouble. School district No. 7, gets out of the apportionment just made, $545.'.)0. The entire list will be in these columns next week. A Mr. Dixon, of Glencoe, is in the city today, to undergo an am putation of the right hand, owing to disease of the hand. Dr. Link later attends. J. I. Knight has money to loan or buy notes. The officers picked up a va grant in the south part of town this morning. He wns-relieved of a very ugly looking knife. M. M. Bridges has a very fine specimen of Texas mocking-bird on exhibition at Brock's drugstore and he is a very melodious whistler. Two and one-half pounds of pie plant at Greer's for 5 cents. All kinds of plants at Greer's, such as toniat ies and cabbage. Sweet potatoes, cheap. All parties indebted to the un dersigned are requested to call and settle at their earliest possible con venience. E. J. Lyons. Edwin Sinellz'T was found guilty in J usticeGeish-r's court yes terday of tho larceny of some bridles, spurs, etc., and was sen tenced to serve six months in. the county jail. The sentence iias sus pended so that Sincltzer could be taken to Washington county, where a charge of grand larceny awaits him. If he is not convicted on the charge of grand larceny he will be returned to this city to serve his time. Wednesday's Sun. Walter McKinney returned re cently from Eastern Oregon, much improved in health. A private letter from Kenyon Crandall, an old resident of this county,, contains the following which might be of some interest to our readers. He writes from Los Angeles: ''The city was crowded with visitors during "Fiesta" week. Great local interest was shown and the many features made the time a constant holiday. There was some line racing here, some of the fastest burses in the United States being present. Crops of grain look well, and barley will he ready to cut by the middle of May. There are a large number of brick blocks and many residences being built in the city and there seems to be but little evidence of local depression. The orange trees are loaded with fruit ready to drop and hanging full of bloom at the same time. Forty carloads of this fruit were shipped from Riverside one day last week." J. W. Sherwood, connected with the Brownsville Woolen Mills, and one of its incorporators, was in the city last evening, in the interest of the Knights of the Maccabees. Deputy Sheriff John McNamer and Mr. Matlock, of Forest Grove, recently found some more of the stolen goods which wero taken from the Dilley store some time since. They were located in the woods back of the old Lousignont place. While some young men were working on a roof at the College Dormitory at the Grove Saturday last, a large section of rooting fell on three of them, one having his right leg broken in three places. The other two escaped with some severe bruises. Last Tuesday while C. C. Soeh ren, engineer of Carsten Bros', saw mill, at Manning, was engaged in working around a shaft, he was caught in some manner by the belt, and carried around the wheel sever al revolutions terribly bruising him self, breaking an arm in several places and sustaining serious other injuries which may prove fatal. Lodge Notes. Simonules lodge, K. of P., of Cornelius, has recently fitted up its Castle Hall with elegunt furniture manufactured out ol birds -eye ma pie. Invitations have been received by local I. O. 0. F. to attend the (irand Lodge of that order, soon to be in session at Salem, this state. Dclphos lodge, K. of P., at Forest Grove, had work in the Esquire and Knight ranks Saturday even ing last, and a large visiting at tendance was noted. Among those who attended from this lodge were: Knights W. J. Piirllow, W. W. Williams, J. II. Smith. L. W. House, J. W. Wall, Geo. Sehulmer ich, and E. L. James, About 17 members were down from McMinn ville and several attended from Si monides and Glencoe lodges re spectively. From the Knights of Glencoe lodge it was learned that the boys will give an entertain ment in the near future. A large number of A. F. and A. M. went from this city to Forest Grove Thursday evening to assist in conferring the 3d degree on sev eral candidates. The I. 0. 0. F. of this city are pleased over the prospects of a new hall, and the pride of ownership is apparently quite gratifying. The ladies are quite well repre sented in civic societies in Hills boro. The lodges of Eastern Star, Rebecca and Phoenicia Temple of Rathbone Sisters are all thriving and they do say that the "Coming Woman" is but a question of time. Tho A. 0. U. W appears to be getting along nicely. This is an order which seems to catch mem bers who have families. Oregon has a jurisdiction of its own. A. 1.., Tent Instituted. ' . Viola Tent, No. , Knights of the Maccabees, was instituted at the Masonic Hall last evening with a strong membership. The new tent will again meet Friday night to close its charter. Supreme Dep uty Commander Sherwood, of the Portland Tent, installed the follow ing officers: Past Com., G. H. Wil cox; Com,, L. A. Long; Lieut-Corn.. F. G. Mitchell; Record Keeper, Ben ton Bowman; Finance Keeper, J. H. Carslens; Chaplain, J. H. Smith; Physician, W. D. Wood; Seargent, E. C. Humphries; Master at Arms, Calvin Jack, Jr.; Masters of the Guard, C. B. Brown, 1st. and W. It. Craig; Sentinel, A. M. Carlile: Picket, J. B. Wilkes. Council Meeting. The city council transacted the following business at the regular meeting Tuesday evening: Bills of C. W. Redmond for $28. and II. W. & L. Co. for $124.80, al lowed; bills of same parties for the month past, referred. Ordinance regulating sale of liq uors entered on its final passage. Petitions of W. E. lirrck for tel ephono franchise; of citizens for ex tension of Railroad street; and pe tition relative to S. P. R R.. were referred to Stieet Committee. Tho City Altv. v. as instructed to draw an ordinance regulating the amusements of the city. Liquor licenses for a period of 6 months were granted W. V. Wiley and E. J. Lyons. For Sale. A good corner lot on Main and Third streets, 75x175, with good building thereon, suitable for "any kind of business. Building in ex cellent repair. Will go at a bar gain for cash. Will sell for part payment, balance on time with se curity. Enquire at The Argus office. Census Matter. The people of this city have the kindest feeling for the bright little college town of Forest Grove, for the reason that both towns are rep resentative of Washington county. There are, however, once in awhile, some people who strive to work up an antagonism between the two places, saying many things in favor of one town at the expense of the other. One of these uersonaiies -is the publisher of the Times, who has been claiming time and again that. Forest Grove was the leading town in point of populatim in the coun ty. 1 ho assessor has exploded the gentleman's assertions and the rec ords show that Hillsboro has a nop- uiauon oi nearly iwu,wnne the col lege town has a total of only a triflo over 1000. Figures can he relied up on when assertions fail. Sad Drowning. Last Saturday night, Clarence Pomeroy, it sou of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pomeroy, of Cornelius, left his boarding place at Astoria to go to a tie in rig trap to make a lift. As he did not return at the accus tomed tiniH, beareh whs made, re sultinc; in finding the young man drowned in the trao. His watch had stopped at some time after 2:00 o'clock a. m. His body was brought to Cornelius and interment took place Tuesday, a large concourse of mends and relatives attending. The family is deeply distressed over the sad accident, and have the sympathy of the entire com munity. Entertainment. Invitations are out for a entertainment nnd supper, grand to be given May 15, under the auspices of Glencoe Lodge Xo. 22, Knights of Pythias, of G lencoe. This is one of the stronger lodges in the state and is composed of a membership 'of which any civic society might well take great pride in 1 he bo v a are hospitable entertainers and it is not necessary to state that a large number will be present. It is ex pected that over 200 covers will be laid, and the exercises will he an appreciable feature. The entertain ment will l)e concluded by a ball, with the best of music. Taxes Collected. Sheriff Ford has already turned over to Treasurer Sappington. f,.r the collection of taxes, cash to the amount of $40,188.8(5, which is about one-half of the entire levy. Some warrants have been received in lieu of money, which will swell the total a trifle more. Every day, however, people come in and pay up, and the stream hi'S not in any degree abated. The total levy for the year 18!)4 is $81,493.45. But a little over $12 has been collected on delinquent taxes. Epizootic Epidemic. Epizootic in rather a mild form is appearing in this county, sever al hundred head of horses on the west side now suffering from the epidemic. The disease is the same as that which appeared here about 20 years ago. From a gentleman who is locally well informed on this question, an article will appear next week. Home Talent. The " Deestrick Skule," render ed by our local talent at the Opera House Tuesday evening was very well appreciated by a house packed to the doors, with no available standing t&h?,. I- "a" home af fair, and the efforts of local artists were to he honored. The different casts were presented ably and that the audience was pleased at t-very move was very apparent. It is a good ad verti-ement for a city to pat ronize a local attempt. Decoration Day. Why wn'iM it not be a good idea for our Hillsboro pp.mle to zo to Forest Grove .nnd assist it) the ser vices Decoration Day? They could go up in the forenoon, and get back herein the aftemo-jii in time to properly observe the spirit of the day. No doubt the band would go along, and the mutual honoring of our sleeping soldiers by the two towns would show that there is a realization that, the los3 of the de fenders of our country is a univer sal sorrow. The day will be plenty lengthy to commemorate in both places. School Report. The following is the report of the Keedville school for the month end ing May 3. 1895: Number of days taught, 20; number pupils enrolled, 58; number of day's attendance, (J2G; number of day's absence, 167; number of limes tardy, 14; average daily attendance. 47. 1 he follow ing named pupils were neither ab sent nor tardy during ths mouth: Robert and Grace Imlav. M.,tiie and George Johnson, Lizzie Siiat tuck, Alice York, Paul Thing, Ar thur Oakerman, and William Bor- wick. II. A. Bam,, Teacher. BEAVERTON. Wru King, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, has once more made his ap pearance on the street and feels quite lme mmseit again. We greatly mourn the loss of our Beaverton Butcher Shop since its doors have been closed. What is the reason? We hope soon to see it reopened as there is certainly need for one in a town like ours. The little 3-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Wicklin was drowned the 4th of this month by falling into Fanno's Creek. Born, To the wife of August Rosa, May ist, a girl, stout and healthy; moth er and child doing well. A daughter was born to the wife of Elmer Briggs on the 4th inst. The new Beaverton Pharmacy is al most completed and will soon be in readiness for use. F ain one day and sunshine the next, so goes ( 'regon Weather. TAILORING AND REPAIR SHOP. Cleaning and Repairing neat ly done. Charges reasona ble. Leave all orders ' nt Scliulmcrieh, & Son. BLOOD SYRUP. Is your blood at all out of order, or in the least degree contaminated with any poisonous ingredients? Such a thing is always liable to happen to any one. The blood is constantly subjected to insidi ous attacks, and to maintain its purity you must be ever 011 your guard. A blood tonic is as necessary to the system as a tonic for the nerves. To neglect the precaution of its use is to incur the risk of the blood becoming so far con taminated that the general health will become seriously if not dangerously im paired. Blood tells. Make your blood always tell a story of good health by us ing our FrultUaxi Blood Syrup. We also have Oregon Blood Purifier and Syrup Fiits. at Hillsboro Pharniarv. Prices to Suit the Times. t : : ' PLANTER and DUKE OF PORTLAND Will make the Season of 1895, at the Fair Grounds, at Hillsboro, Ore gon, upon the following terms: Siugle service, $10; Season, with privilege of return, 120; Insurance, 25. PLANTER. Sire of Pandora, 2:27. Pauline (3) 2:29 25-100. Is a horse of rich color, good size, good trotting action, and is a brother in blood to Patronage, the sire of trotting Queen Alix 2:03 3-4. His sire, Pancoast, a trotter, was the son of a trotter, and is the sire of trotters. Lucia, the dam of Planter is the dam of Day Dream (4) 2:213-4 and Chancewood 2:25 1-4 and is the grandam of Wyatt, 2:27, Monta ViUa, 2:28 1-4. Nida Wilkes 2:12 3-4. Trusty, the second dam of Plan ter, is the dam of Ducalion, 2:22, Scotland Maid, 2:28 1-2, ar.d John Love, 2:28 1-2, and grand dam of Day Dream. 2:21 3-4. and Sanborn, 2:26 1-2. For farther information address, THOS. H. TONGUE, Hillsboro, Washington Co., Oregon. WILEY & HZC1TY LIVERY STABLE Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-ClSSS. COOD W.'T. Andrews, President. ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (.Incorporated June 8, 1893.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDALE, SCHULMERICH & KOCH, MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hand. Second street, Hillsboro, Oregon. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. ' I. E BERST, Prop Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Mai ket : Price : Paid : for Cash Paid MAIN STREET, W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. -INSTRUCTION The Organ, Piano, Violincello, And Claironet TERMS MODERATE. ADDRESS; W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY! WITH ITS ASSOCIATE SCHOOL jTualatin Academy Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the state. Its work is characterized hy breadth and thoroughness. Besides the regular college courses, which are equal in ex tent to those of the better class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those desiring to perfect themselves in the common Eng lish branches, the Academy presents every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information address thomas McClelland, Forest Grove Oregon. yOlfiL People Looking for Bargains in ileal Estate Without, paying commissions to middle men Mil; wall, to read Anyone Having Property for Sale Can have their places advertised in this column, ntid place their wants lel'ore tho people without taking a fortune. Call and sea us and get terms. z For sale, 10 aces; one-half cleared; one acre of which is bea verdam. Uest slnshul and sown to grass. No buildings.- Goes for $65 dollars per acre. Within two miles of Hillsboro, Oregon. Tonus, $400 down, balance in ;) years, at 10 per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of which, above is a part, at same price per acre. In .this 40 there are nearly 15 acres of beaverdam and svv.tit .deared. Inquire at the Argus Office, Any on desiring to rent a stood comfortable ft-room house, located near public school, with both well tuiu Mil wv?-i y in ti flu ii-n, nut 1 1 - garden spot connected may find of, M1CU tl pnee by enquiring at this ,... 'e ,,r n .1. DUKE OF PORTLAND. Is a remarkably handsome horse. Stands full 10 hands high. Weighs 1,200 pounds and is half brother to the great Axtel, record of 2:12 at three years of age, and to nn old style sulky. His sire, William L, is a full brother to Guy Wilkes, one of the greatest sires of race horses in America. His fis?t dam is by Mambrino Star' 2:28. His second dam by Volunteer. Duke of Portland is a young horse and has had but little oppor tunity in the stud. What few colts he has are large, handsome, and good gait, etc. DENNIS, BEST TEAMS TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIEhtTDIlIVERS, D. W.Donance, Secretary. OREGON. : Fat ; Cattle, : Sheep and : Hogs for Poultry. -..-..ij HILLSBORO, OREGON. GIVEN ON- these advertisements. 128 acres. Highway running through center of place; 50 acres in cultivation; 2 acres in orchard, ap ples, pears and plume; 6-room house; log barn; good well of water; 30 acres of heaverdan, easy to put in cultivation; place well watered by springs and creek; 100 acres un der fence; shout 1 miles from post 0IK00, daily mail; one mile from school noujo. Hix miles north of county seat of Washington co .ntj ne in .1 Irairnn Goes cheap for cash. B