jj "C ' "D" T TO i-C AlvVJUO County Official Paper. I-SUF.D EVERY THURSDAY BY The Argus Publishing Company. subscription fricb. Singlo copv five cciiUi. One year, $1.00. Six months 60 cents. Thwe months 35 cent. Entered at the Post-omce at Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clas mail matter. THURSDAY, MCH 14, 1S95. THEY fcEE IT. The spirit of unrest and the fi nancial depression are not confined to the United States alone. With an exception or two, which pr ves the rule, every existing nation is passing through just such condi tions. It is not reasonable to ally this universal disease entirely to the restrictions which are placed upon the coinage of silver. The trouble is here, but the causes are many and hard to discern. But chiefest of these causes are laws, which for years and years, in this nation particularly, have granted capital privileges all out of propor tion to its rights. The civilized world has looked on astounded, at the multiplying of millionaires in our country since 1865. These enormous gains, when not made by the development of natural re sources, represent losses of few people, or of many, as the case may be. There are those however who maintain that nothing but a dem ocratic administration could have brought such business stagnation over our land, and that time and prospects were excedingly bright, before the change. This contention is unfounded, illogical, and smacks of blind partisanship But, people are lieginning to see things as they are. Republicans are at variance on the money ques tion and thoee who favor silver in the least do not hesitate to declare that these times are.due to the na tional financial policy. This is a htinging rehuke to those who are 1 CiMiiinually talking of the "change" and "what it brought." The mon etary laws have suffered no change by the administration with the ex ception of the repeal of the Sher man law. This position taken by ablest republicans, clears the clem ocratic party of all charge made by the gold and protection wings of the opposition, for the faction now crying for free silver hut admits the unsoundness of republican money principles, and their loose treasury methods. ,; t Cleveland has appointed a com mittee for foreign conference the majority of which favors free coin age. Tlii: will mean much to the dunocratic party, although the president has no leaning to silver, unless it be thai an international agreement can be effected, and it is palpably evident that free coinage would better be sustained under such a treaty than to carry it alone. Whether or not free coinage will, if it p?ss, give us a return cf pros perity remains to be seen, but -there is good reason to assume that it will. Our treasury must lie pro tected from such assaults as it has undergone and is now undergoing, before time, jvill thoroughly adjust themselves, however. Now is the time for residents to clean up their yards and back allies. Gather the refuse and bum it. It will kill the germs of disease, and remember that 25 cents invested in 1 . 1 ,. cmonue 01 11 me may prevent a twenty-five dollar doctor's hill. This is not intended to hurt the bnsiness of the medical profession, but. it is intended for the general welfare. Hillsboro has teason to be proud of its public school. Good school facilities and a good corps of teach ers, with a nine months school, give the town prestige, and its citzens can point with pride to the fact that, parsimony is not indulged in at the expense of youthful minds. It is time for the press of the t-tate to give the recet t legislature breathing spell. It certainly was j ot so bad, us the republican legis latures go, but one would think the republican press might stop at can dor, and not make it appear worse thim it really was. PcbATio? DAY will be here in short time. There should be enough sentiment here to at least CAUSA A , movement of some kind in jMneeibratic-o of the 'Voldter dead." I SrsDAY is St. Patrick's Day. Uf vou are an Irishman, honor it. If you are not, honor it anyway. " All. of our citizens should en-! deavor to get to unity in the mat- J ter of a celebration. Hillsboro! must maintain its reputation for I ... . progression, and being the best:.. . . ' i .i town in the county. Do not give your town and coun ty a black eye. If you want to mi grate, and can't, get in and work until you can, and then you will appreciate industry and reward. If you can't get work to get away, stay and make the best of it, and he firm in the conviction that it is the best place in the Northwest anyway. A place generally is what its population makes it. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington', D. C, Meh. 9, 1S95 President Cleveland certainly had cause to be glad when the fall of the gavels of Vice President Stevenson and Speaker Crisp an nounced the legal end of the Fifty third Congress. It is not believed that any other President has ever had as hard a physical task im posed upon him as has been per formed by President Cleveland the last 48 hours of almost continual work of t he most wearing sort. Up to Saturday only twoof the thirteen regular approniiation bills had be come laws an unprecedented slate of affairs and eight of them were still in conference. Since then they have all lieen acted upon. To get an idea of the enormous amount of work the President had to perform it must be remembered that the more iuiH)rtant of these appropri ation hills consist of hundreds of pages of itemized appropriation, and that President Cleveland never signs his name to anything without knowing just what it is, although he had in this case to sign bills containing items and amendments that were decidedly objectionable, because the bills containing them could not be vetoed without making an immediate extra session necess ary, something that he had no desire to do. lfit could possibly be avoided. t . .1 1.1. Later on there may have to be an extra session of Congress called, but there is at present a good prospect I 11F PACHnitiir it. pntirilv linli.cu thar 8,all be another run o'n the treasury for gold. It is fashionable to abuse congress but when one takes the trouble to go carefully over the work of the Fifty-third Congress, it will be seen that there is little cause for abuse from anybody and none for abuse from democrats. True, this con gress did not meet the expectations of the President as to financial legislation, but why was it? The democratic party has always taught that the first duty of a Senator or Representative was to represent his constituents. Well, that is precisely what the democrats in the Senate and House of the Fifty-third Con gress did, and that is why t here was no financial legislation. President Cleveland realized this, and he has had no word of abuse for Co igress mm who stood by the views of their constituents, although he has not hesitated to express the opinion that those views were wring and that time would convince those who held them of the fact. It is not often that members of the opposition party pay as high a tribute to the ability and patriot ism of a member of the cabinet as Snators Aldrich, of R. I. , and Lodge of Mass., did to Secretary Herbert in their speei lies in the Senate against a reduction of Secre tary Herbert's estimates for the na val appropriation. Secretary Her bert has every right to feel proud of such compliments, deserved though they were. One of the surprises of the last week of congress was that Senator Chandler,("Little Billy") of N. H. should have dared with his record, final cial and political, to have at tacked the honesty of other Senators. It may have been uuparliamen tary for Senator Hill, who gave "Little BiJIv" Mich a tongue thrash-1 ins. to refer to . him us a "hvemi". but its aptness excused its use in that particular case. Senator Mart in after saying that he had beard it said thatit'Chandler had his deserts he would be in the penitentiary in stead of the senate, referred to Chandler as a "buzzard", who sat in the nest of an eagle and vomited forth its filth on every occasion. While a dispute was going on as to whether Senator Martin's words should be taken down he said that he would withdraw the objection able words from respect to the Senate, but his withdrawal of them would not change his belief in their truth. President Cleveland and Secre tary Carlisle, who have been for quite a while two of the hardest worked officials of the government, will this week start on a hunting and fishing trip along the Carolina coast. They have certainly earned a vacation, and everybody hopes they will enjoy it and return with renewed strength to their ardous duties. . Among those who extended con gratulations to Postmaster tlener al Wilson, who succeeds Mr. Hissell, was General John E. Mulford, of New York, now visiting hia old- time colleague in the arrangements for the exchange of Union and con- j federate prisoners, Representative' j Hatch, of Mo. It was the first! ! time that Mr. Wilson had met Gen. Mulford since the war. Grasping him warmly by the hand the new M CJeiulai Mitl. eiwr, I HI- overjoyed to meet again. You had m in charge as a prisoner of war. J hllv m'yr forgotten from that hour to tins vonr solilicrlv lieniiiiw kindly interest you took in every prisoner on your boat on that occa sion. I greet-you with the greatest kindness and respect. Commissioners' Court Reports county clerk, sheriff and recorders examined and approved. In re inquest T. F. Dant: report examined and fees allowed at $ 34.00 the same to be retained out of fund found on person of said deceased person, and deposited by coroner with county treasurer; said fund deposited amounting to$44 the bal ance ordered paid to deceased's legal re) resentatives. County Judge ordered to investi gate in matter of application of .Mary I aylor, for transportation to Baker city, Oregon. Commissioner Todd to investigate and report in matter of syndication of assistance for Jos. Harper. P. Vandehey awarded contract to repair Staley bridge at $19.45. T. C. Johnson was awarded con tract to put in 40 foot span and re pair Kirtz bridge for $79.50. In matter of application of Denny et al for aid in road district No. 9 ordered that $2S0 to be allowed at the July term or thereafter. Ordered that the Western Wheel Scraper Company send 12 drag scra ers for county road work, the same to cost !f8 each. Ordered that Sheriff he required to furnish a $ 10,000 bond as tax collector for year 1895. Several transcripts of cost bills from justice courts were continued; ditto constable fees. CLAIMS ALLOWED. S B Crow trial fee remitted L K Adams dep dist attorney James n Sewell roads J 12 oo ! 38 sol Forest Grove Door & I. Co roads Perrv Watson drawintr instir-o ii- m Chas Staley r. . b J ' ' J J 00 2 00 beorge McGraw m iii'ii .110 n , i W Portland bub R E Co roads 15 00 . 1 luuuoiuuic siauonery 42 00 v. c uetenman assessor 75 ooitne tence; thence east u.'Jl chains 10 the E L McCormlck sal self and dep 175 00 E L McCormick stationery 4 15 N A Barrett bridges 2 50 Hillsboro L & W Co light and wat er (2 nios) 67 96 J W Sappiugion salary 50 00 J W Sappington stationery 50 1, A Whttcomb janitor 30 00 Augusle Meyer state cases 7 60 Fred Meyer state caes 7 60 John Northrop state cases 2 20 L A Rood bridges 1 60 h E Wilkes surveyor 8 50 T C Johnson bridges 59 00 Hillsboro I'nb Co stationery (f 50 H P Ford sal self and dep . 275 00 H 1' Ford stationery 2 00 U B Uooilin sal sell and dep 2,50 00 H B lioodm stal'ry and freight 7 SO V- W Hermans roads 28 85 T O Todd " 2 2S Argus Pub Co stationery 5 00 C F Weber desk and stool 3j 00 II P Ford keeping prisoners 81 W Wm A Bond sal Jan and Feb 84 00 " " teachers' examination 12 00 Mrs E Tiffany " " 0 00 J H (Stanley " " 8 00 Jidith Tongue " " 15 00 H P Cornelius freight on road men 4 50 J It Alavs & Sons relief of Wier 5 00 Kose Frost relief of Beal boy 5 00 John Northrop relief of Warren boy 10 00 Lester Al Bell relief for self 5 00 Western Wheel scraper Co road scraper D B lieasoner Cumin and mileage T (i Todd conitu and mileage Louis Wilcox supervisor dist 24 A A Nichols . ' "48 Geo Alexander damages on road No 319 300 00 10 00 7 80 20 00 18 00 05 00 Real Estate Transfers. Lucas Stewart to E C Brown, part block 3, Hillsboro $550 John Armstrong to O C Hiatt part blk 8 Walkers Ad Forest G. . . 180 Herman Ounschke to D H Willers 4b a a 1 c f Hart . . .900 John J Sax et al to G J List 10 a sec 29 1 2 s r I w 250 J G Sax et al to Peter Beck 10 a sec 29 1 2 s r 1 w 250 T J Foster Jr to Thos T Foster lot 6 subd'n sec 21 t I s r 1 w 300 Ladd & Reed F Co to R Koehler i-j a sees 10, 11, 14, 15 t 1 a r iw 1 C M Keep to W P Via, part of block 2 Forest Grove 1 Wm Reldt et ux t0 Guido . " XJ " " "1 ' " w . . . J? . .IT Vinson, pt blk C Fairview addi Hon to Hillsboro. George Cypher et ux to Elizabeth 35 Mack & husband, n yi 11 e and n n w sec 12 t 2 n r 3 w. .800 Willis H Miller to F L Swan 10 a of sec n t I s r 3 w. 300 G H Baker to Louisa C Wendorf loo a sec 24 t 1 n r 4 w. . , 2500 R U Howard to Minnie Oppenland 45 a J B Robinson d 1 c t I n r 3 w.900 Clemens Pontius to T C Meehan 40 a sec 30 1 1 s r 1 w 1000 T H Tongue et al to Mary Lane lot 1 blk s Oak Grove addition to Hillsboro. 200 Thos Conncl to P H Baugbman ex ' 01 a sec 36 t 1 r 3 w .800 Henry Obershulte to Hanna Ober- schulte, lots 7 & 8 blk 1 South Park ad to Forest Grove 400 Also 10 a in town of Dilley 600 E W Haines to R W Lansfield lot 1 blk 9 Walker's ad to F G. . . 1300 Norman L Thatcher to the same j 40 a sec 14 1 I n r 4 w ..... 1400 B FPurdy toj H Stephens, lots 4, 5,6 & 7 blk 2 Purdy 's ad to Dilley , 130 ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Successor to C It Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland 011 Mondays, Wednesduys, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All bushies entrusted to him Will 1)6 OrOIMOtlV and raiml'llllv llttunrlarl to. Freight and express rates reasonable. T . ' r IM(wV Will And decision are neccessary nowdays to make a man suc cessful. If He Would get and hold trade ho must be as ready to Strike Bargains as Schulmerieh and Son are. The scret of their ac tivity is that It Is caused by their offered bar gains based on close buying and profit sharing. Have you seen the new stock? Administrator's Notice TVJ0T10K i3 hereby given that the un dersigiied administrator of the estate of David Hears, deceased, tins tiled his pe tition in the county court of the Mute of Oregon for Washington county, nskirg lor the tinul settlement of the atl'airs of said estr.te, and that said court hits tixed Mon day, the 4th day of March, 1KB, at the hour of 10 o'clock u. in. of said dural the court house in Hillsboro as the time ami place of hearing ohjtctions to said account and the Heal settlement of said estate. Dated January 20, Itntt. 46-5 Samuel C. Shahs, Administrator of the estate of David Scars, deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE. Bit VIRTUE OK AX EXECUTION, decree and order of sale, issued out of tire Circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Washington county, in favor of Ken yon Crumlall and against J N Fisher and Delia 0 Fisher for the sum of $l;, costs, and for the further sum of $140, U. S. gold coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 percent per annum from the llth day of August 194, and for the costs and ex penses of sale and of said writ. Now, therefore, by virtue and in pursu ance of said judgment decree ami order of sale, 1 w ill, on .Saturday the 9th day of March, 1895, at the south door of the court house in Hillsboro, Washington county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the following described real property to-wit: Lying being and sit- nuru i . t)A .....tnttr i.f tt ....I. .......... .....4 stale of Oregon, and more particularly known und deserined as follows, to-wit: la 3iM.ommcncing at the southeast corner of; 6 2 lot 10 in Steel's addition to Beaverton in I ' "aid Washington county. Oregon, and 1 riiiminir Mtfiien tinrrh O o. olmin. t.. i-l.u ! northeast corner of lot 10; thence south ; SB" west 2.02 chains to n stake by the plank west i.vi cnains 10 astuke ny tne iilai ! fence; thence smith t.W west eightchai 10 me souin line 01 said lot 10 ! a stake by place of beginning. The above descrip- i .... :i 1 1 ..11 .... 1 .. ... ' . .mi is iiiieimeu 10 rtiiuraee 1111 01 101 11 10 .Steel's addition to lleaverion not Include, 1 in I lie deed to .las. S. Huntington to satis fy the hereinbefore named sums, and for the costs and expenses of said sale. Said property will be sold subject to redemp tion as per statute of Oregon. Witness my hand this tli day of Febru ary, 18 5. H. I'. FOIID, Sheriff of Washington county, Oregon. 40-5 By V. D. Buadforu, Deputy. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the tute of Oregon for the county of Washington: Albert Verboort, Plaintih". Thus R Cornelius, Thos R Corne lius, assignor, J J Morgan and P B Cornelius, assignees, Alex Chal mers, Casper Jaspers iloucy inau DeHart A Co, a private corpor ation, Win Corbitt, Donald Mac leay and Kenuelt Jiacleay, copart neis under the firm name of Cor bitt & Macleay, James Moore, K W Ferguson, K F Hobson , copartners doing business under the-tirm name of Moore Ferguson iVs Co, G G Wickson, doing business under the name of G G Wickson & Co. W C Noon, G Jl Bryant, F A Naville and C M Osborn, copartners under the tirni name of W C Noon & Co, T J Armstrong, trustee of the said linn of W C .Noon &Co, A Vander vel.leu, M Susbauer, II Susbauer, Bradley, Metcalf it Company, a private corporation, Defendants. To James Moore, K W Ferguson, and E F Hobson, copartners do doing business under the linn name of Moore, Ferguson & Co, G II Bry ant, F A .Naville and C M Okborne, three of the copartners doing business under the tirm name of W C Noon & Co, and Brad ley, Metcalt ife Co, a private corporation : IN THJO NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of you are here by required to appear in the above enti tled lourt and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit oil or ueture the 18th dayol March, 1805, that be ing the lirsl day of the regular term of court neat after the publication of this numinous, once a week for six weeks, and you are hereby notilied that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in his complaint, lor the foreclosure of a mortgage lor the sum of $7000, with interest thereon, at the rate of seven percent, per annum, from the iiGth day of December, 1890, less the sum of $400, paid on the 20th dav of December, ish, ano tne iurtnersum ot $50 paid on : tiie Uth day of .November. 1801. and for the sum of $600 as attorney's fees 111 this suit, 011 the following deserined property being and situated in the county of Wash ington, State of Oregon, and more particu larly described as follows, to-wit: Fust parcel: Buuudcd by beginning at a point 011 the north line ol the Donation Land Claim of Thos It Cornelius and F lor entine Cornelius, his wife, in township one (1) north, range three (ii) west of the Wil lainetteMeridiau, said commencing point being north neventv-six degrees (7in west, and eighteen and 7.V100 chains (18.75 chs trom the north east corner of said donation land ciaim, and running thence south thirteen degrees (UJ") west on a line parallel with the east line ot said claim forty chains (40 chs) to the south line of the north half of said claim ; thence north seventy-six de grees (70) west, of the line between tho north and south halves of said claim sixty and 50-IUO chains (00.50 chs) to the west line of said claim ; thence north thirteen degrees (13) thirty minutes (30") oust of the said west line, forty and 11-100 chains (40.11 chs) to the north west cornnr of suiil donation land claim; thence south seventy-six degrees (70) east on the north line ot said claim, sixty and 50-100 chains (00.50 chs) to the place of beginning, containing W0 acres. Second Darnel: I.nts mimVwril In-,, ,,,,,1 three (2 and 31 of section thirty-live (35) township numbered two (2) north range Hum (oj cs ui nie w inatuutie meriuian, containing eight and 21-100 acres; the sev eral tracts thereby containing &4 and 21-100 acres ; and for a decree of sale of said property to pay said sums and that defendants and all persons claiming under them may be barred and forever foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of redemption in said described propertv, and every part thereof, and for his costs and disburse ments herein. And you will also please take notice that this summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Thomas A. SlcBride, judge of the above entitled court, dated the 25th day of January, 1895. Wm. Folev, -6 Attxirimy for Pinintiff, SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNE YS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work ami Conveyancing. Kooius U &. 7 Morgan Ulk., Hillshoru, Ore. JTjos, F. Oalow, Homy ( l';iyni, Henry f. itniiso, Iteolevere, IBORTHERN ill PACIFIC R. R. N Pullman Slosplng Cars E!ac'.ant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars $T PAUL Mlf NFAT0LI8 OULUrH l fWUU TO CH00KST0N VtNNIPrtl MFLENAid BUTTE 10 .,,MNCT0l Mi'.ADEU HiA sT.V VOKK 3 3STiVt AND ALL rTINTS EAST end SOUTH I' n- inf'innutioti, 11:11" cards, m-ip 1 ! irkcl. euli on or write 4. D. CuARiTO!!. As:t, Ken!. U;.:;;., 255 .Morrison Street. THK CURONIOI.F ranti wlu th mat uwpirln Ihe Unlle(JStt. THK OHRONICLK ha. no iil en the PkIOi ' ' ' MHtr, tnterpriw and newt THf. t'UMO.NICLK'HT.frai,UIO Rportt nn Mi IMMt and mt rlutl, Its Local Newi thl nm and aplrlrM, and Ita Editorial from llu bleai pana tb country. TH K CH KONICLE hu alwaya bean, and alwayi III b. the friend and chanuion of th people at ualnrt oumbiuatluna, cliques, oorporatlone or op, preaalona of any kind. It wlu ha uulepaudanl ta mcyttoios, MMtal la aotiUuf. THE DAILY ONLY Q.TO A VEAR The Weekly Chronicle -THK Greatest Weakly in the Country. THE WEEKLY C1TBOSICLK. th most brll '.iant and complete Weekly Nimspappr '11 th world, prints renularty 7ueolumitH. or eilit if Kawfc, littarature and Oeiipral riifitmiitiloni dsn a mayiitricent Agrtcuttural Dppurlmeut- $1.50 For IE MR .jHctiirU'if postjyjt) tc my pnrt of the Untied fititwi, Canada and Mexico. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You Want Any OF THU r GREAT PREMIUMS READ THE LIST: full IMM Jportlng Outfit and Weekly one year ..... 14 7fl Aewlnt Mwhine and M eekly one yenr........ '2'2 01) Wlnche ter It-CAllher Itlflts and Weekly one yenr 14 60 l'nreet IlIHe, 2'2-caMlier, and Weekly oi.t ypur ................ 4 PO Pistol and Weekly on yenr....., 9 M' Map of the Vnlted BUles. Caimdn and Metlco, and Weekly one yenr. 2 CD l'iket Allna and U'.H-kly i mouth 8.1 Kuifu anil Weekly three mouths... "The aliova Kales Inelinle the l'rupiy tnrnt f rnatnge on th I'nper. AUDKKMM M. H. d- VOUVtt, tmpnetorS. I'. h u ilrie, A FRANI'I .. CM, The Circulation of tlie CH K X I ( ' I, V is eqithl to Hiat of ALL THK OTHFli San Friinci.teo Mf"intr t'liirn Com v'wd-. ilEADinS PAPEfj TheNewChronicIe Building The Weekly Chronicle? I'm. 'M ttVn'Inn iiisDoro 11 I. NORTHRl'P, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . . The New Way East. Great Northern Ry AND 0 H it N Co's Lines. THE SHORT ROUTE TO I'OISTS IS Waslihnrlon Idaho Montana Dakota Mlnnt'Mita and the Kast. THROUGH TICKETS OS SALE rCHICAOO ST. LOUIS WASHINGTON IMIILADKI-PIIIA NKW YOKIv To and Froiii BOSTON And All Point in the United Statrt, Canada and Europe. The Great Northern UaiUay Is a new transcontinental line. Huns lliiffcl-l.i-brnry Observation Cars. 1'alaeo Sleeping and dining cars, Family Tourist bleeH'rs and Kirst and Smmd-i.'lass Coaches. Having a I'nck Ballast Track The Ureal Northern Hallway is free from dust, one of the chief annoyances In transcouliiient al travel. Round Trip Tickets with stop over priv ileges and choice of return routes. For further information call upon or write C C DONA VAN, (ieneral Agent, 122 Third St, Portland, Oregon. F J WIIITNKY, O I A, UN Rv Nt 1'aul, Minn. K. Mi .NKll,, Receiver. TO THE EAST Oives the choice of. . . . TWO Til A SSCOSTISESTA A ROUTES Gnat n n fi n iiifi'ii liy. -1 aciifc lij'. SPOKANE- DENVKK MINNEAPOLIS AND ST PAUL OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY LOW ItATKS TO ALL KASTEKN CITIES Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every Five Days ... FOR ... SAN FRANCISCO IV r full details call on or address; W JI IlL'KLbLRT, Oen'l I'ass Agent, Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Washington county. Mary E Birdsell, l'laintiil', v L L Whitconib, JOIizabeth Whit eoinb, ,1 A Ueid, Herman Bchul nierich and U Koch, partners as Hebuluiericli & Koch, Mary Krl liber, John Kellihor, V I' Hokuc, l.en.,rit lloaiie, J C Hall, O W Collins, John 1) Ooyle and Mary i'oyle, IJelundants To John I) Doyle and Mary Doylo, two of the above iiained defendants: TN THE NAMK (IC TllliI (itatk nw X Oregon you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the plaintilt's com plaint in the above entitled court and eaube by Monday, the 18th dav of March, l!to, the name being the Hist day of the next regular term of said court following the expiration of the tune prescribed for the puoli jutlun of this summons. And If you tail so to appear and answer the plain till will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the summons, to-wit: i-'or a judgment against the defendants, J A lieid, I, I, W hitconib and Elizabeth Whitcoinb, for tho sum of fIJo with 10 per cent interest thereon siuee November 15, 1WJ'.', and for a judgment against the de lentlant, J A Keid, lor the. sum of till..) with 10 per cent interest thereon since Jun uary idtf, 1804, and lor tne sum of 75 attor ney's fees and the costs and disbursements of tliiH suit; and for a decree foreclosing two certain mortgages, one of which was execute! by the defendants, h I, Whit comb and Elizabeth Whitconib, on Sep tember 15, 18H8, and which was recorded on page 283 of book "Q" of 11 ortgage re cords of Washington county, Oregon, and the other of which said mortgages was exe cuted by the defendant, J A Keid, on Oc tober 14, lMtt, and recorded on page 62 of book "Z" ol mortgage records of said coun ty and state, and that the land described ii oiuu mortgagee, to-WIt: Uelug 111 gee tions 84and 36 in 1 1 11 r 3 w of Willamette Meridian, and being part of the donation claim of 11 H Hendrix ami wile and bounded by beginning at the Northeast corner of the William McLin donation claim in said section 36 and running thence south 4,83 chains; thence east 9.60 chains; thence north 4U.MJ chains to a post on sec tion litie 19.N4 chains east of the northwest corner ol said section 35; thence west 5.57 chain to a post on the east line of J B Kobinson's donation claim ; thence south lw"t m said line 13.U8 chains to stump of 1- lr line tree in south edge of rwamp; thence south 3" east 15.26 chains to S li corner of said Hobinson donation claim; thence north H8 0.7 20 chains to a post on 8 boundary of Baid Hobinson donation claim ; thence H 7.05 chains to N boundarv Ot aboV tllp.tlt.tnm.H IMf.f.l. nlnI..un E 21.74 chains to place of beginning, con- ....... yp Tt.uw items, ue sola in tne manner provided by law and the proceeds applied to the sutiflfue.f lrm .if t,lu!nlH' ..M Lj. , , .. a sniu 1 hum- nents, and tor such other and further re- pil r court may appear equitable, I This summons is served upon you by publication hv order of ih tr,n Ti,.,.. A. Mcliride, Judge of tho filth' Judicial UlStriCt llf Or0!in AataA .1 1U I Oregon City. Oregon, on February 7th, 1895. i , d. a. nrjBTOH. W At(ornj' for Plaitdiff, S. B. HUSTON, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, AN l NOTARY PUBLIC. liiMiinS Union Block, Hlllaooro,0f. BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTOR NEYS-AT-LAW. ... Itoomnti and 7 Central rtloi k, H .iaboro, Or. l" T. H. TONGUE, ATTOR N EY-AT-L AW, In Morgan block., Ililluboro, Orogon. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofllce in Chenetto How. Rmidsno corner Kirst and Main slroeU, Hillsboro, Oregon, S. T. LINK LATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast of Court lloua. r. K. BAILKT, M.D. ' r.l. BAILIT, .I.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Ollleo in HillNlioro Pharmacy. Resi dence sontn-wiwt corner llasellne and he'Kind. AU calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PHILLIPPI TAkOESIR, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Burgeon Houtlmrn I'acltle Railroad Co. Consultation in Kronen or English. Offlc and residence south of Main near Sd at.. Hillsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. Lindsay Block, two don 11 north of the postolllce. Saoondat,, Ulliaboro, Or. C. B. BROWN, KNTIST, I11LL8II0R0, OREC.OX. UOLD CROWN and 1JRIIM1E work specialty. ALL WORK Uuareiiteod. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan lllock, Oi'KtfK Hoviim: From 8 a. m, to 4. r. M. rpo UKNT.--A larte cottaKe with three A lots in North side addition at $5 pur month, inquire at tins ottlcu, rpo HKNT.-A nice little cottano within X one block ol the Inisiimss part ol town ut $7 per month: lOuqure at this "Mice or 1 of W. Ii 'I home. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Ilrs, 8 T i.iuklater and V A Hailny. in the drug business, under the style and name of "I he Hillsboro I'hariuacy" is by mutual consent dissolved. All liersous In debted to the late linn either liv note or I account are expected to settle the name as soon as possible. Kaied at Hillsboro, Oregon , this 22d day ol January , IHtiA, 4 S NOTICE. A I.I. p?rsons Indebted to the lute firm of IV illiunis A Newell ai respectfully i,jK ".1 to call at the ol!h 0 in the old stand and settle 11 1 once. Hillsboro, Oregon, September 20, 1804. -CI f WlM.lAMSit Skwru, SUMMONS. : In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon lor Washington county, II Weiirung, W II Wchrung and O A Wehrung partners its il Well rung tV, Hons. I'laiittilis. vs Julia L Dennis, John Dennis, Es ther Dennis, lien I, Dannie, Rich ard Dennis, Eail Dennis, Vesta Dunnis, Mary A Wellman, C W Wellinun, Julia L Dennis, atlniin istratrix of the estate ol 1' M Don iiih, deceased . Dnfoudiints. To Mary A Wellman and C W Wellman two of the above named defendants: . IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OK Oregon you are hereby commanded to anpe.ar and answer the plaintiffs' com plaint, 111 tho above entitled court and c ause, by Monday the lath day of March, 18115, the same being the first day of the next regular term of said court 'following the expiration of the timo prescribed for the publication of this summons. And if you fail to so appear and answer the plain tills will apply to the court for the reliol demanded in their con, plaint, to-wit: Kor a judgment against you, ami each of you, for the sum offMOuwitli Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an mini since November 2, Nil, and the fur ther sum of foiii.58 with interest thereon since .inly 22, 181W, at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum, and for the sum of 1135 attorney's foe, and for the costs and dis bursements of tliis suit, and for a decree foreclosing two cei tain mortgages executf t VlU V"nms 1,11,1 J"l L Dennis, one nuu uiumi irongiiges was executed on November 2, 1HW9, and was recorded on page 80 of book "IS'' of records ol Mortgag es of Washington county, Oregon, and the other ol which stud mortgages was execut ed on l-ebruary 1,1893, and was recorded on page 85 of hook "2tt of records of mortgages of said county and state, and that the laud described in said mortgages to-wit: Lots 5 and 6 in block 20 of and in the original town of Hillsboro, Washing, ton county, Oregon, be sold in the manner provided by law and the proceeds applied to the satisfaction of plaintitrs said judg ment, and for such other and further relief as to the court .nay appear equ.tablo. lhis summon is served upon you by publicat ion by an order of the Hon. Thorn, us A McBride, judge of the fifth judicial district ol Oregon, dated in open court at, Hillsboro, Oregon, on January 28, 1893. 45 8. B. Huston, Attorney for plaintiffs. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the under signed has been by the county court ol Washington county, Oregon, appoint 1 administrator of the estate of Anios H. 1 helps, deceased, and has duly qualified uU0 . .A" l'6"""1? having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me with proper vouchers at my residence one mile south of Dilley, Wash ingtoii county, Oregon, within six months from this date. aiRdiMai Hill,uor', Oregon, this Janu, ary 10, 1895. .... Okobge H. Phlm. Adlllimatri.fr.1. nf .1 PhLl... j j eotote Ol AmoS It, - .t(o, UCUCBSCU, 4-6 Notice For Publication. Land Orni K jt Orkhon Citt, 0a.( MOTICE is hereby given thX'tMoL i-1 Itig-named settler hat filed noticeof bis ntention to make final proof in support of befo e"?L'' th?t W ""I Kd before the County Clerk of Washinston wis, Hi"sb0c 0r- " hB ia Joseph Htolnman, wH&xNvKvwrR84a,wV-sw,v .prove his coiitiiiuousresi.leneenponfand cultivation of said land, vlf : Joseph Dolp, of Haywstd, Vincena Dofp, 't ' Oregon-, Nicholas Bothn.Bn, " 4fl Rosr;iiT AiMHVss, ReisWr.