Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1895)
r use the "Royal." It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome. "We recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior to all others." United Cooks and Pastry Cooks' Associ ation of the United States. WEIGHT OF BIRDS' HEARTS. They Are Heavier In Proportion Than Those of Animals. Most people will be surprised to learn that the hearts of birds are far heavier proportionately than the hearts of ani mals, including man, but a little ex planation will show that this is quite natural. The more the body works the greater the demand upon the heart, upon which falls the duty of driving the blood through the body; hence the heart develops and becomes heavier. Every- ooay knows that birds are anions the most active and hard working of living creatures, lue swallow oan overtake an express train. The falcon will carry a load weighing three pounds in the air without hindrance to its power of flight or its speed. In short, they have a tre mendous capacity for work. The celebrated ornithologist, Marey, states that a sea gull weighing 1 pounds is capable of performing in one second work equivalent to raising weight ol nine pounds one yard high. A man weighing 130 pounds, to be equal to the sea gull, would have to lift 780 pounds one yard high in one second. If a man becomes an athlete or carries heavy loads, his heart grows propor tionately. No wonder, therefore, that the hearts of our active feathered friends are strikingly heavy as compared with tue Dum oi their bodies. I he average weight of the human heart in normal circumstances is five- one-thousandths of the total weight of ine Doay. ur. Jarl Carrot has lately weighed the hearts of various animals and birds and has found the averages to be as follows, the figures representing me one-tuousandtn parts of the total weight: Pig, 4.52; ox, 4.59; sheep, 6.01; horse, 6. 81. The domestic animals thus come fairly close to man. The wild roebuck has an exceedingly heavy heart u.o. Most birds are a long way ahead of animals. Tho carrier pigeon comes out at 12.25; the common sparrow. 16.22: the hobby, an extremely active species oi laicon,, and tho sons thrush. 25. The heart of the last named is thus live times heavier than that of man in comparison with the total weight f lttsDurg Times. Many hundreds of manuscripts have oeen recovered at fompeii. They were charred rolls, but by the exercise of pa tience auo ingenuity some have been unrolled and read. Nothing of impor- wtuue una Deen discovered in their con tents. Carnivorous animals seldom produoe more man two young at a birth. WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. QNCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast ON TRIAL.. They absolutely cure SICK HEADACHE, Biliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite, Dyspepsia and kin dred derangements of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said p be just as good, The substitute costs the SS. ft costs you ABOUT the same. nib profit is in the " just as poa." WHERE IS YOURS? dress for Free Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Association, ATe. 663 Mala St, BUFFALO, N. Y. mta'rh caused- hoarse I t and di fficulty in sneak I also to a great estent f, nearmg. by the use oj i'l Cream Balm droi- ' a of mucus hat ceased we and hearing haw f itly improved. J. W J. iid on.Juarney-at-Lav ' imouth,lU, CATARRH - T'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses . Nnsal ra-sagee, Allays rain ana inuumma t Healu thi Sores, Protects the Membrane imlrii. Hesiores the He uses of Taste and I. The Balm is quickly absorbed and gives 1 a. once. alcle li applied into each nostril, and Is D. In. KAn.n.. a. Tlrt, Viriiitu n, hi- . ; ELY BROTHERH, ' " i ; M Warren Street. New Ynrlc. 8 VkMM 111 HSF MUX. Best Cough Srrup. Tastes Good. Cue in tun. BQiq oy urasKiwa. I gnSTsOJ T N EVERY Re- A , VMUW lit? for baking powder CATARRH OF STOMACH INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THIS PECULIAR DISEASE. A Well-Known St. Louis Blan Relate! HI Experience and Tells How lie Succeeded in Getting Keller. From the 81. Louis, Mo., Chronicle. No one knows except myself the amount ol Bunenug I endured for up wards of four years', from what Iwas told was catarrh of the stomach." The speaker was Mr. J. P. Kox, one of the best known professional swimmers in st. .Louis, now at Frof. Clark's Natatori nin, 19th and Pine. Prof. Fox's occupa tion necessitated his being in the water several hours every day. He contracted a severe cold which he neglected, then another and another and finally he Droke down, the etiect of these colds seemed to debilitate and finally disease ma sioinacn, and he had such svuid toms as stinging pains in his head, an lnhammation oi the membranes of the tnroat and air passages, which filled witn a slimy substance, his appetite laiiou mm, ne oecame guant and thin anu excessively nervous all of which denoted Catarrh of the stomach. An attack of vertigo one day rendered him unconscious for half an hour after which he was confined to the house and scarcely able to walk across the room. He was Sleepless, bad violent pains and indi gestion of the worst kind. Mr. Fox said w our reporter: Uften I would be seized with a feel ing of suffocation. This went on one day a friend insisted that I trv Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pwinl. and he read to me a paper wherein sev eral cures of cases similar to mine were reported, i determined to give them a trial. My mother threw the doctor's medicine awav. and ai'tnallv hatnr l had taken half of the contents of the nrst Dox i began to feel a marked im provement. 1 began to sleeD well, with my returning appetite I began to take a ueuer view oi me, the gnawine sensa tions in mv stomach dixanneurml T ceased to belch up gas and had no feel . r . r r i ings ot votiming alter eatine, the sore ness in my throat went away, and, well, within a mouth, I ventured out of the house. I kept on with the pills, and well you see me now. I feel as well a ever I did and I don't suppose there is a sounuer man physically than myself in me country, i am in and out of the water three and four times a dav. liv ing swimming lessons, and I certainly attribute my present good health to Dr. v imams- rinK mis. Xou can use mv name if you want to, and I shall be pleased to tell of the great benefits I have derived from the use of the Dills at any time." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pain Pro. pie are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Comninv. Ki-l,eno.. tady, N. Y.. and are sold in boxen I never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shamo at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or di rect Dy mau irom ur. Williams' Mrl . cine Company. He Won't Be Expelled. Mouldy Mike By all tb' saints, has yer lost yer mind? Wot you carryin that saw for? Ragged Robert It's all ri-bt. later. at houses an offer to saw wood fer me dinner. "You'll be expelled from the Travelin Gentlemen's union." "No, I won't. After dinner I tell 'em I can't work till I file me saw. Thnv lend me a file an tell me to go way off where they won't hear me filin. MoRt my saloon will give a drink for a good file." New York Weekly. Forgetting One's Children. 1 left my children standing there. exactly there! It was in one of the stores m Temple place, and the mother who had lost her two little cirls pointed with absolute decision to the place where she was certain she had told them to wait for her while she went to another commotion of inquiry and search at once buzzed through the stor. Proonti one of tho head men stepped to the door ana looked up and down the street- to see if the lost children had strayed out of doors. In front of another store a few doors up the street a small crowd was collect ing about two little girls who were ask ing piteonsly for their mother. Thev were still standing in the doorwav of the store exactly where she had left them when she went away down to the other to look up a bargain. And when she was brought unto her own she "remem bered that she had forgotten" where it was she had left them, and added. "I de clare, I don't see how I came to do such a thing!" Boston Transcript. Fishing by Electricity. The success which attended the use of the electric light in fishing off the Cali fornia coast has led to the devising of various improved apparatus for that pur pose. One of these consists of a large iron frame interlaced with netting, which can be opened and closed at the will of the operator. An electric light incased in a lantern is lowered Into the net. the electricity being furnished by a motor in the bow of the boat. As the boat moves along the network is thrown onen. and the bright light of the lamp, which is seen at a great distance in the clear water, arouses the curiosity of the fish, which readily swim into tho trap. This is the modern variant of the old method of destroying fish from a canoe by torch- ugnt. lucnange. WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE PROMINENT PERSONAGES FROM FAR AND NEAR. reople Who Have dallied Distinction In Their Particular Sphere In Life, Both In This Couutry and Abroad Lieutenant-General Sehotteld. The bill passed bv congress for the benefit of General SchoHeld and which revives the grade of lieutenant-general of the army, was signed by President Cleveland on February 5th. General t.:,A. Seliofield is now 64 years of age. He graduated from West 'Point with Sheri dan, MePherson and others who after ward distinguished themselves in the Civil War. He served two years with the First Artillery and five years as as sistant professor of natural philosophy at West Point and then left the army and became professor of physics at Washingten University, St. Louis. With the beginning of the Civil War, how ever, he rejoined his old regiment, and in 1801 was made its captain. A brave and brilliant soldier, he particpaled in many engagements, was rapMly pro moted, and in 1804 was assigned to the Army of the Ohio. In 1808 he was breveted Major-General United States Army for meritorious services in the battle of Franklin, Tenn,, in 1876 ap pointed superintendent i f military acad emy, West Point, and August 24, 1888, assigned to the command of the armv of the United States. General Schofield was married in 1891 to Miss Georgia Kilbourne of Keokuk, la. M. Gernult Richard. The immediate cause in bringing about the resignation of M. Casimer Perier is said to have been M. Gerault Richard, who until recently was an ob scure Socialist journalist. He was the author of an extremely insulting article aoout rresuient uasimer-fener. which so annoyed the president, whose tem perament is extremely sensitive, that a government prosecution was instituted against turn which resulted in his being sent to prison lor one year. This only increased his importance among the radicals, who elected him to represent tne lnirteentii Arrondisseinent of fans in parliament. This followed immedi ately upon the election of M. Brieson to the presidency of the chamber, an event which M. Cassimir-Perier regarded as a personal affront to himself. A clamor was at once set np by the Socialists for M. Gerault-Richard's release, claiming tnat nis detention in prison after his election was a blow on universal suff rage. The government successfully re sisted the demand for his release, but among those who voted for it were var ious friends of the president, notably M. Bourgeois, to whom was given the reins of power after the fall of the Dupuy cabinet. Bell Hilton. Forced by poverty to earn a living for herBelf and family and in order to save her titled husband from bankruptcy, Lady Clancarty, nee Bell Bilton, has decided to return to the stage, and will probably visit America to "kick" for the amusement of Americans and to fill her pockets with Am -rican dollars. She resembles Lillian Russell and is a nat ural blonde and distinguished beauty, The Growth of Shipbuilding-. Ten years ago there was no plant in the country lor making ship armor and mod ern guns of the highest power, and the ship yards and navy yards alike were unpre pared to undertake work of the highest class. Now everything is changed. All the complex naval industries have been in troduced. A great shipyard like that of t ne cramps cru build in the course of three years a pair of battleships of tho highest type. The nation not only has a modern fleet of which it has no cause to be ashamed, but it has also facilities for rapidly increas ing its naval resources in an emergency. It is immeasurably more secure against the danger of foreign war than it was a decade ugo. New York Tribune. Why the Fight Was Put On. "We always have fought at this season," said the Mussulmans and Hindoos of Luck now in 1851 to tho then acting Residen'. Major Hayes, "and we cannot help fight ing." "But I shall fire at you both if you do." "Then we will postpone the light foi this year." They did, and it has not been fought ever since. London Spectator. mi i TUK FOPl'LIST. Why shouldn't there be a third party? It is true they disturb the smooth running of the regular organizations and soimtimes overturn elections, but what is popular Is founded on merit: As for instance, among all the remedies used for sprains and bruises, St. Jacobs Oil is the most p.ipular ii-;au-e u is Known to ne the nest; hence it is the Populist in nit-ilii-iiie. The more be cause it cures 8t promptly and surely. There is no crippling from sprain where mis v't.i renirtiy is usea. it imparts new life and strength and the pain vanishes. iruijr 11 is a ropuust. THE WOMEN'S CONGRESS. In mute astonishment we bend. With all oar male interior raee. Before the Indies yto r.ttend In great Chicago, wondrous placet Who scoffed before are now become Discreetly still, profoundly dumb. 6evcn days they met and then dispersed. With nothing further to bo dono, Forovery question, last and first. They'd wholly settled, oue by one. In comprehensive view they saw Philosophy and civil law. They spoke of fchools, of charity. And science found its proper part. Religion and philanthropy Were Joined with literature ntui art. No theme too great, and none too small; They simply Mulshed one anil all. O politicians must effete. Whoso unceasingly debate. These ladies in a week could treat Tho past and future of tliestatel Philosophers, who truth pursue, A week suitlred todeul with youl 6o, acting on this noble plan. Henceforth be government resigned To sway and alter as she can To fair, omniscient womankind. On every point prepared to speak And pass her liitlgment In a neekl An KageF and a Nipping Wind, A continuous down pour of rain, inclem ent weather, genera ly in winter and spring, are tin'avorable to all classes ot in valids. But warmth and activity inlused into the circulation counteracts these in fluences and interpose a defense against them. Hostetter's titoniach Hitters, most thorough and effective of stomachics and tonics, not only enriches the blood, hut. accelerates its circulation. For a chill, or premonitory symptoms of rheumatism and kidney complaint, particularly preva Itnt at the e seasons, it is the best possible remedy. It is also Invaluable for djspep- sia, liver complaint, constipation and ner vousness, fieversot out on a 'vinter or spang journey without it. Elderly per sons and the delicate and com alei :ent are greatly aided by it. "Do you RO to Chinch to hour tho lurmnn nr the music, Maude J" "Igofonhe tiluiB," aild MaU'.e. EXPOSURE TO CHANGES OF 1K. PEKATIKE. Public men are constantly liable to dan ger arising from sudden changes of tem perature j sometimes from heat to oold, sometimes the reverse. Henry Thome, Traveling Secretary of the Y. M. C. A , writes from Exeter Hall, Strand, London, February 2J, 1S88: "1 desire to bear my testimony to the value of Ali cock's Porous Plasters. I have used them lor pains in the back and side arising from rheumatic and other causes never without deriving benetit from their application, ihev are easily applied and very comforting. Those engaged ai I am in public work whiuh involves expo sure to sudden changes of temperature, will do well to keep a supply of Am.cock'k roKous r L-At-TEKs in their portmanteaus." Bbanubhth's Pills act upon the whole OJSbUlUt . He (a hnmnttat) I'll send tou one ol mv J kes or a valentine. Si.e But 1 want a comic vnieiiuiic. StOO ItEWAKI) lOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that I here is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the mtdical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby Uestrojing ti,e foundation oi the disease, and giving the patient strengih by building up tue constitution and assisting nature tu doing its work. The proprietors have so much fa tb in its curative powers, that they otter One Hun dred Dollars tor any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Addresj, F. J. CHENEY & Co.,Toledo, 0. oold by Druggists, 75o. NEW WA KA8T-NO DUST. G.i East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla via 0. K. & N. to LSnnltane and nt ii ormerii tiauway to Montana, Uakotas, Ht, Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, ot L.0U18, &astand Mouth. Hock hallam. trunk hue scenery ; new equipment; Oreat North ern Palace fleecers and Diners; Family tourist Cars; Bullet Library Cars. Write i. u. .Donovan, Ueneral Agent, Portland Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, O. P. & T. A. St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in tormaiion aDout rates, routes, eto. PIANOS-HsTdmiin-Chickerini--Fliicher. Low prices; easy terms. For mle by WILKV H. ALLKN Co. (the oldest and Largest music store), m F.rat St., Portland. Tby Gkrmea for breakfast. Use Enameline Stove Polish ; no dust, no smel ONU ENJOYS Both the method and rpqiilta non Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshinir to the taste, nnrl nt gen'Jy yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nud cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the cnly remedy of its kind ever pro luced, pleasing to. the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in '3 action and truly beneficial in its .Tects, prepared only from the most lealthy and agreeable subLnces, its uany excellent qualities commend it o all and have made it the most popular remedy known. ftyrup ot J?igs is for sale in EOo ind 1 bottles by all leadiner drutr- 'lsts. Any reliable drum-ist who nay not have it on hand will pro- uio ii pronipuy xor any one who vishes to try it. Do not accept any uusuiuie. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FHAHOISQO, 01. Loumiue, nr. ml K0W( r, Iviarcli April May Are tho IVst Months in Which to Purify Your Blood And tho IV'st lUootl Purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla Which Purifies, Vitalizes At this season everyone should take a good spring medicine. Your blood must be purified or you will lie neg'ecting your health. There is a cry from Nature for help, and unless there is prompt and sutisfiiotory response you will he liulilo to eerious illness. This demand can only be met by the purifying, enriching and Btood-Vitallzing elements to be found in Hood's Sarsa parilla. "My mother-in-law, Mrs. Elixaleth Wolfe, at the age of 72 years, whs at tacked with a violent form of suit rheum j it sprvad all over her body, and her lunula and limbs were dreadful to look at. At the same time, my little daugh ter Claia. who was just one year old, was ai tucked by a similar disease, like scrofula. It apjiearvd in 0'S AND ONLY Anairrofable Laxative and N EHVE TON Id. Bo,?.hyJPr,1'r'rl"",or ont by mull, 25o.,60e ndtl.00 per package. Samples free, im Tfft.The Favorite I00T8 P0WM1 MXM llWfor the Teeth andLroath.aiio. WORLD'S-FAIR ! I HO 1 1 KHT AAV AI tP X SUPERIOR NUTRITION THE LIFE! MED I Ctl 1ST AL Has justly acquired the reputation of being The Salvator for Invalids The-Aged. An Incomparable Aliment for the Growth and Protection of INFANTS and CHI LDREN A superior nutritive in continued Fevers, And a reliable remedial agent In all gastric and enteric diseases j often in instances of consultation over patients whose digestive organs were re duced to such a low and sensitive condition that the IMPERIAL GRANUM was the only nourishment the stomach would tolerate when LIFE deemed depending on its retention ; And as a FOOD it would be difficult to conceive of anything more palatable. Md by DRUGGISTS. Shipping Depot, JOHN CARLE & S0N5, New York. MEN DR. LIEBIC & CO., Special Doctors for Chronic, Private md Wasting Diseases Dr. t.leblK's Tnvtgorator the arraitefit rpmpdy for Hemlnal Weakneim, Loss or Manhood and Private DiHMlHttK. OvHrnnmpR Pr0matnrann1.11 unH n.una.A.,,.'.,r, ""' I""' duties, pleasures and respnii sibilates; It trial bottle given or sent iree to any onedescrlhlniiHymutoins: calloraililr'sH4nniii.r t.. private entrance 405 Mason Mt Man Francisco. I WALTER BAKER & CO. Ine Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HICH CRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On this Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARD8 from the greet and F EXPOSITIONS TJnliVnthe Dutch Vwm. tin Alba. lienor other ChemicuU or )? are iicii uciii.ii.ub unuaa r ln i LULUA II USUI U WIT pun ana toluble, mud costs leu than one cent a cup, OLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. fte.les AMlZT. nnrilfVlllil nVaV.A I f. lA I . WALTER BAKER & CO. D0RCHE8TER, MASS. AMERICAN HPE FOUNOEflS'CO PALYER A REY BRANCH Cor. Sooond and Stark Sts., Portland, Or. IMPROVE YOUR SIGHT. KVKS fitted by mall. Write for our horns sys em ol a ttlng the eyes -FREE. REED & MALCOLM Ktnbllshtd 1881. Oreoo Ian Bld'a. Portland. Or. j MALARIA! UO YOU ache? Doea MOORE'S 1 TfPUft SB HOW TO SAVE MONEY Buy your GROCERIES and PROVlRfnvani a'. ...u m m wods and deliver lree to trains or bosls. T buT and 1 rol 1 to sooV na?h .1, h"ndie the than any other flrm In the country. Send ni 1 vouTine B. M "i1,1, g00d' eheper new price list, which will be out soon We o" Vda?' CHm tnh,Cd 7? 1 m11 Jn ' Dry granulated suirar in 100-lb. sacki for....Vl 76 I Best Hos I "if ' oaia ' eUt" Vom.'1 Bentbrandi of flour per barrel a is irhnovii.. ' '2!. ?s.""""-v II 80 l. vOHft t CO- 14a and Enrichoa tho Blood. Large Soroa tiin'errnoh side of her neck ; hud the at tendance of the family physician iin I oi her doctors for a long iime, hut seemed to grow worse. I read of many people cm i" I of tcrufula by Hood's S-trs ipiiiilln As soon us we gave Hood's SarHitiiarilla .-. 'L.-rt 1... 1 - A.. I .... ' 1 More the tlrst boti le was uone. the soies entirely healed ud and there has never been any vign of the disease since. She is a Healthy Robust Child. Her grandmother took Hood's Sarsapa rilla at the same time, and the salt rlii'tim decreased in its violence and a perlect cure was soon ellected. It took about three months for her cure, and she aecribt'S her good heall h and strength at her advanced age to Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It has certainly lieen a Godsend tmy family." Mas. goniu Woi.rg, tt ui'BKi, unto. HOOD'S W.L. Douglas C3 GUAsT IS THE BEST. WW nVbriTFORA KINO. . CORDOVAN. FRENCH . CNAMlllCD CALF. 4.3& Fine Calf aKAnoamki 3. 4P POLICE,) SOLES. 2.i.boys'SchiiolShoei 'LADIES Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes ah our shoes are equally satisfactory ny ive me di voiuc tor me monev. They equal cuetoni (hoe In (tyle and fit. Thslr wenrlnK qualities are uniurnaiied. The prices are uniform, tamped on aole, From $i to $ i aived over ether maket. It your dealer cannot supply you we can. R. HALL'S PULMONARY BALSAM Th3 Bent M'lIK lor Cough, Cold and Hold ty all HniKKltii. Prli e.fiOce -ta. i. tt. UATKS A '0.. l'r(ii,rl,.lor. 417 i-ainomc HI., 8. F. CHiGKEN RAISIXQ PAYS If y.ui use the Pctalura Ificuhatori Broudere. Make monev. while others are wasting Cataioirtellsall almiit lllUC UVUIUDnXtHRfB. It, and describes every article needed for the. poultry business, T-1- .,nr,in i ne CKIC I mechanically the lent .wheel. Prettiest model, f' we are racinc Coantf luirue. ltlAllpd'fr,. trivMuL K.'.B. Ull'Vl'IC CH1U..' i'1?rl!r,.l'i!LJ,i'C,' ',c- AO"- WAWTEO. b5T1LH raBATOCO.,retaliimi,CsJ. ... 1 M"'" W.i W Angeles, j FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. AXLE CREASE Itweirin(triialitle are unsurpassed, actually ontlavtlnif two boxes ol any other brand? til irom Animal Oils kt tllK GKNUINK FUK BALE BY ORKOON AND ' tea1-WASHINGTON MKKCHAMTS-W and Beaten gone ally. Manhood restored. Night Kmimions, Weak memory, Atrop y, Sexual Weakne.Hi, etc., Surely cured by POLLEN ACME Tha lila germ and vital force ol plant and flower it girea vigor, power and elze to the vital organa o man. POLLEN ACME The most won derful achievement in Medical Science. The only acknowl edged permanent cure guaranteed, New York address 115-117 Fulton St. F.osy to carry In vest pocket, prica fi. oixloraj, Sent in pla wrapper, or M Druggists. . I Co isttu. waaH P0. OSaSTBSANSH N. P. N. TT. No. 586 -8. F. N. U. No. 603 FEEL BAD? 111 ivu vno evervstpn iwm hi,.j..i v... V . I REVEALED REMEDY. I - Front StrMt, Portland. Or. f I!,,.. 14 ft xn S"!llWNl'lt yj Kvcrywhere.V I Jr Sold Everywhere. X Grown Everywhere. V 1 rTEMYs Seeds m Ask your d"nter for them. Send tatM I l''err' Seed Anniinl for 1N05. ft lk Invaluable mall plantersand lovers ml of Klne Veuptstil and llniutlrul m I Floivern Write inrlt-Pree. f I v rRBRV CO., S f X Oetrelt, Wok. r,m m IDS. WINSLOW'S 8Cpm I "FOR OHILDREN TIITHINO TERRIBLE A&ULTERATION. amplea or Varloiia Klnda of Coffee Thai Won Not For Dale. "While thtii-e la more or leaa iwlnclllng la all orU of food and drlnka nowailaji," ankl a travulliiK man In the reading room of a Detroit hotel the other evening, "th way In which coffee drinker ara cheated I noth ing ihort of bold faced robbery. How much pure coffee do you suppose you got to th pounilr" "Thry wouldu't dure put in over four ounces of chicory," autwered on of th group. "Wouldn't, ehr It Itm't a question of dure, but da You apeak a if chicory wa the only thing tiaed, whereaa It I only on of a down Ingredient. Chicory isn't harm ful, hut it has become too drnr to be ex truvngnntly used. I'm in the coffee trade, as you know, and I shouldn't giv away the scemts, but let me tell you that where you get four ounces of real coffee to th pound you are In luck. The rest I mad Bp of adulteration." "Hut that's prepared coffee." "Just so, but If you Imagine there i no swindling In the berry you are sadly mis taken. Hold on a minute till I bring you down a few samples." lie went to his room and returned with three or four anmplus and spread them out on a pnper and said: "It Isn't fair to the trade, but I depend on you not to give me away. Examine these roasted berries. This Is a sample of our Old Government Java. See anything qucerf" "No," answered two or three voices after a brief Inspection. I dmn t expect you would. About one berry out of five Is the real thing. The others are Hio, which have been fed through a machine and clipped to resemble Java. It s eoxyenouuh to deceive the publlo la firepnred coffee or berries ready for grind ng, but how about the green burrleaf- I'lcase examine them closely. All th same size and shape, aren't they f" Yes." 'Take 'em all for genuine Mocha, ehr" 'Yes." 'Of course you would I That's why w wax fat and grow rich. One-third of those berries are made in a machine out of a cer tain paste. Another thinl are pure Klo. It's what you might call a two-thirds swin dle ou a conllding public, but please don't give me away. I could sell that coffee for H cents n pound and make big protlt. What do you think of itr" This question wus addressed to an old De troit grocer who bad been attracted to the group mid was testing some of the berries between his teeth. "Did you say 14r" asked the grocer. "Yes." "Please take my order for half a million pounds." "W-wliatl" "Make It an even million while you are about It and telegraph to your house to begin shipping at once!" 'Uentleinen, ' said thecolTee man a be carefully put away his samples, "I believe there is a bar In this bouse, 1 believe we are all thirsty. Suppose we all take adrlnk at my expense." Hut what about the orderf" asked th grocer, with a smile. "Nothing. These chaps were hungry for a yarn, and I was giving 'cm one, and you were a mighty mean man to come along and let me down in this fashion." Detroit Free Press. A Cement For Iron and Slona. ljavanlil is a cement For Iron and stone that is now being Introduced by a Vienna llrm. The Austrian aut horities apeak of the com pound In the hlghewt terms. It consists of sulphur, Iron, silicic acid and alumina, and It Is used In a molten condition. Its amill- cntlons lu Iron and stone work are stated to be numerous. It serves also as an elec tric insulator. It melts at 125 dem-eea(J. and cools quickly. New York Telegram. 'Please bother nsl Bother us I Both- or ns!" ia the earnest request which ap pears on the title page of the catalogue nd price lint of an entenjrisina firm of retail grocers in a southern city. 'Til a bright idoa. They oan well afford to be pestered with inquiries as to onalirr price, eto. The only thing that they fear Is to be let alone. Merchant.' Review. The elephant Is commonlv snnnnaH to be a slow, olnmsy animal, but when exoited or frightened can attain speed of 80 miles an hour and keep it dp for half a day. MLOim PRIZE TOEM. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAQG ORQANO Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artlitle r.. materials and workman ship of highest grade. ATAiaoUS N APPLICATION Pttm CHICA60 COTTAGE ORGAH C3. OHIOAQO. ILL. UBtEST MANUFACTURER np tilHI M nun ! TUP wn.f iCanata. and T4u..i . .. "1 (Our ornei it Owoeiri U. Atimt b... laid wscaasKintntVlM Si.?K0.t'l! (rem WithC t.. U,0M raf r rtoto.. vita tWH. Sa "tMSJJfSr!! '.';. ii . - " ,TV. Pieai laaecured. least ofsaeiili'llii E I2"elir,TL.!'J,n atat fraa. lib. """ C.A.nrjotvA an -mm sr w Wee tJi TIST Omil. WaaiHiau.. a '"" " " 1 1 1 mT".rLi:tJ