THE ARGUS THURSDAY, FEB. 2H. IMS. T. It. l'erkiim und fiunily will now ttccomu residentH of IIilMoro uguin, liaviiiR tukcn uj tlu'ir ultlr in tins L. I. Whiteomb remrtence. Rev. Jiih. A. Campbell 1hh iic! cnptel ii )iitorato at McMiiiiivill) mid Iiiim moved liU fuirtily thitlier. His many fiieniln here will b plenwid wIihii li again returns. Smokers will tiluiiHe note Hie diHplay "ad" of tlieCiraml Republic; ciimr in another column. Then? I... n IiiihiIkciiik' iiresent in it for you. ArrnngementH have been made whereby Kubneribers cn now se wire Tim Ahciuh and the Portland Weekly Sun for l..r() per year, -nli iii advance. SubHcribers in nrrearH can also take advantage of thin offer. The Sun in trictly an ti-inonoiiolv and has made a win ning, as greatly to its efforts is conceded the defeat of J. N. Dolph. Connd'SchuImerich left Mon day morniim for an extended trip to Germany. All his friends wis!; him a hannv visit to his boyhooii home and a safe return when he has made the circuit W. H .Greene will take a limited number of pupils for instruction oii piano, ami stringed instruments, visiting this city each Saturday. For information address W. 11. Greene, Forest Grove, or call at The A wins office. Frank Kane has been under the weather for reveral dayB but is now able to resuim his duties in the county clei k'B office. A gentleman representing the GambriiiUB Brewing Company was in llillsboro recently taking orders for tho juice of the hop. Judize Humphreys did busi ness at Oregon's metropolis yester-1 day. G. Hickethier, the Portland marble man, was in the city the first of the week and put up two monuments in the cemetery, one to mark tho resting place of W. 0. Crandall, son of Kenyon Crandall and wife, and one for Henry Deui inn. Wilson Taylor is again able to take in the tine upring weather af ter a wrestle with the mumps. Nick Stevens has been caring for the equine at Wiley & Dennis' during his illness. C. W. Meek has good oat hay and chop for sale. Hay sells at 6S.00 per ton. J. C. Her, H. Slarrethe ami G. II. Sehlichting were in tho city from Sherwood Saturday lust. J. A. Bailev was in the hub ifow-HHKn laht Friday. t)r. Bailey have secured the anti-toxin, a renowned Fpecitic for diphtheretic trouble. This is one of the most valuable acquisitions of the medical ae, and tho toxin is given by hypodermic 1 treatment. The Dis! sav they have no patients troubled with this disease in llills boro. and that our city is signally healthy. Go t ) Rub Greer's for seeds. II. P. Ford made a business trip to Portland Tuesday, looking after matters connected with the shrievalty. A T. Phillips can shave you so easily that it seems a joy. Try him and see for yourself. Ben Patton, one of Raleigh's substantial citizens was in the city recently, registered at the llillsboro House. .1, W. Wall returned Monday morning from n weeks visit to Salem among the law-makers. Geo. W. Wilson, from Portland npent the past week in llillsboro and vicinity. Seeds! Sends!! Timothy, clov er, onion sets and in fact every- thing in seetls Kept in n. u uicci in bulk. --Rev. F. J. Strayer will begin a series of revival meetings at the Leisy school house next Monday evening. A cordial invitation to all. Hon. W. D. Hare and wife were passengers on yesterday morn ing's t rain to I'oriiaiiu. Kenyon Crandall leaves to day for an extended trip to California and way points. Mr. Crandall has been a resident of this county for over forty years. 1). W. Dobbins and William Pointer have returned from Salem, where they had clerkships during the late legislative session. It is pleasant to have them back aeain. Miss Nettle Belle Ranesand J. t nfTmi wem married Sunday, Fob. 24th, at the home of Mrs. Mary Brugger, J. I. Knight, J. P., offici ating. -Go and hear Rev. J. F. Stiv er's lecture on the many phaseB ot human character, entitled "As you like it." March 9th, at the Grange Hall, commencing 8:00 P. M. Ad mission 15 cents. Laidlaw has disposed of $4000 , worth of his largo stock, assorted at his own discretion and he now has th nlflanest. neatest line of mer chandise in Washington county. New goods are constantly Demg ! j -...i !.. ,ni hpnnharriei -February 21, 18!W, b. i..g the I -If you want to sell your place, high, his many friends hoping that first annive ary of the wedding of or any thing you have, come to the coveted position would fall to !fi Crandalf Id wife . the follow-1 Tn. A,u:s office and get on his honor owever, Jj, hop, was inn friends celebrated lift occasion i ailveriising. lumemuer mm nn , n.,.. ....... ......... vE . ..nd were roy-' paper iB one of the lest advertising I lots showed conclusively that the a ly e t rfS by Mr. ami Mrs. ! iue'liun.B in this county and it will Dolph men would not suppor .. th "'v ."l 'l . ' . . .... t . i.r.., n.o .,...i,ia ir Fulton or loneue. Alxiut ten without, breakina vou. minute s U;fore midnight it was an- . ... - u J There will be morning services at the Christian church next Sun- Crandall and wife. Messrs. and Mesdames. W. R. Craig, lhos. Humphreys, (i. W. Sehulmench, A. M. Carlisle, J. I. Knight; Misses Bird and Pauline Brown, hva and Jennie Archbold, Minnie and May Willis, Lizzie Bowser, Lulu Man, Rose Wilcox, Mae Clark, and Alta jinikin: Messrs. John Brown, JameB Cave, Miles Kverett, Manly day at 1 1 :00 a. m., by Rev. Shelley, pastor. Subject: "Foreign Missions." J. W. Morgan says the sena torial election is all right even if he did not get his man. J. V uuva Wiiulimotnn coll lit V will be ill Kverett, E. L McCorniick, Calvin j ,i c llt two voarg frolll noW. Jack, Jr., Bruce Wilkes ami W. .oev. shellv. the newlv elected Boscow. All enjoyed themselves i ni)liHlcr of llie'C,lriKtian church of with games and partook of a sump-j . .. . tendered a welcom- uoim lunch and at a late Hour iuok , '',: , ,ilfi r(.Hi(lence of nounced that both sideB had united on and elected Geo. W. Mcitride as a compromise. Senator McBride is a native Oregonian and a broth er of Judge T. A. Mcltnde, of this judicial district. jus election, while not exactly wnat w asning ton county republicans wanted, is satisfactory to them inasmuch as Dolph waB defeated. ceived, and prices will be no barrier to purchasers. All competition will be met and gone one better, rr.u linoa ni itrpns oroods are not ex celled in the city arid he has tho quality to BUit all classes. Remem ber the placw. W, A. Iwdlaw s. their leave, wishing Mr. Crandall and wife many happy returns of the day, Rev. Strayer will preach at Laurel next Sunday. G. T. Ledford keeps constantly on hand a staple line of tobaccos cigars and confectionery. Patron ize an old landmark, lie always satisfies his customers. The colored minstrel troupe came in this morning in a special car from McMinnvillo where they played to a largo house last night. H. Wray, -representing the Portland Publishing Company was in the city Monday, soliciting ad vertising for a new hotel register which he will place in tho llillsboro Hotel. Last Saturday night George Schulmerich u) on arriving home and findimz all lights extin guished, supposed that he had made a miscalculation on time, wn buik ing a match in the dining room he discovered a table laid for refresh ments, and upon entering the parlor he found a score or more ot nis friends who had called to spend the evening in honor of the host's birth anniversary. A very pleasant even ing was spent. For a nice clean shave go to Miller Bro's. shaving parlors. Hot and cold baths at all hours. D. T. Phillips and family have moved to his farm near Cornelius and A. T. Phillips and wife are now domiciled at the homo residence in this city. t The Washington anniversary hall at C. W. Meek's was well at tended by the pleasure leving youth, and about 75 couples were present. I hey never iau w have an excellent time at Courtney's. Why buy old dried out can dies when vou can buy fresh home- imiilii innds lor less money, at the Home Bakery, The sale at the Col. Cornelius farm last Tuesday was well attend-' d and if the price tilings were sold at is a criterion,, twits are nut so hard as they might be in Washing ton county. Cows sold from 25 to 30 dollars per head and it is report ed that all other articles went at the same ratio. 0. W, Patterson, of Heppner, was in the city yesterday registered at the Tualatin. Mr. Patterson is a bright young newspaperman, be ing one of the publishers of a semi weekly, the Hevipuer Gazette. He is a member of the Oregon House of Representatives and is noted tor tiiu nnti-Dolnh proclivities. He thinks Washington county is hard to beat, but you can't convince him that it beats the bunchgrass region. W. T. Andrews was in the city from Mountaindale last week. A. T. PhillipB will shave you for 10 cents. Give him a trial. Shop on west side Second street. A. T. Palm has just closed a successful term of school at Corne lius, where he has held the position of principal for 2 years. I. B. Darity was in town from Glencoo Monday, doing business. ,T. A. Shepard, one of Green ville's citizens was in the city Mon- .lav recistered at the llillsboro j n House. When vbv want a shave call on Miller B'ros. They will make a new man of you for 10 cents J. L. Carter, of Union. Oregon, h,.H her-n in the city for several days, and left last evening for As toria. W. S. Elkins, of Dallas, was in town the first of the week Manv are the life insurance men going the rounds these days and every one has the finest policy, of course. Quite a little family alterca tion occurred last evening just be fore the bus pulled out from the llillsboro hotel for the 4:22 train. One of tho guests at the hotel was a lady who had with her a little ifirl. Apparently she had left her husband, who lives at or near Beaverton, and when she was auoui tn tnkfi the carriage he put in an appearance and took forcible pos session of the child. To this the lady violently protested, Bnoweimg a few blows in the gentleman s face. She then appealed to mine host Northrup who took a hand in the affair, telling him that she was .. at rf his house until she was safelv delivered , at the train. At 1,11 Biit serene until the depot was reached, the husband going i in the same vehicle. hen at the depot he made another at- i nnBSPssion ot the tempt i" r" . , ..j uii.i nnt. was attain frustrated .1. J. Morgan last Friday t veiling. Over one hundred were present and it was one of the finest social affairs held in llillsboro for some time. I rof. Geo. Hall, who has been teaching in the Tigardville schools, has been spending a few days in the city after closing a successful term. The G. A. R. will meet here July 4th. Now is the time to make arrangements so that llillsboro can celebrate in grand style. The ratification meeting at the court house was well attended last night. J. A. Allison made a business trip to McMinnvillo. Tuesday, ac companied by C. D. Kimberlin. J. A. Raid, the Gaston mer chant, was in the city Monday. The closine exercises at the Cornelius school were well rendered, teachers and pupils alike cordially endeavoring to make the day a suc cess. The numerous recitations were attentively listened to and.the full program was excellent. One of our popular young men recently perpetrated a joke in passing a bronze nickel over one of Hillsboro'a many counters, just for a "iosh." ot course It was taken for a "five" and he received his change with a serene smile, went out and told his many friends about it. telline them he would go around after a little and show his hand. The man who had been so successfully worked discovered his mistake, and sprung another joke on the boy which cost the cigars. This one worked both ways. The weather is simply immense and boys will soon be going bare foot. Oregon is all wright when the buu shines, and all right when it rains. W. A, Laidlaw visited Portland today on business. Mr. Laidlaw has " ru'ontlv disposed of $4000 worth of his mammoth stock and will lay in now lines. The band boys are getting a great move on and getting in line praelice. This is the right spirit. They have the material to hold the reputation they now bear, as the best band in this man's county. We are requested by Dr. Link later to state, in justice t Dr. Rob inson of Beaverton, that the oper ation mentioned in hist week's issue of a tumor being removed, was chiefly performed by Dr. Robinson, it being his case. The tumor was a large ovarian one, and the patient is convalescing most satiiaeiornv. A philanthropic gentleman of this city recently stated he would liberally donate toward replacing the court yard "whirligiggers" with a latter day invention. He thinks some people can be satisfied witn the present ones, but woe betide the man with a "jaybird" heel, tor ne loses some of his cuticle every tran sit ho makes. Real estate has been moving a bit lively the past month, and Re corder McCorniick and his deputy, Cal Jack Jr. have been very busy filing instruments. Circuit court will convene on the 18th inst , and litigants will be able to have all the law they want. Lawing would, were it not for the fact that only one side can secure a verdict, be one of this life's luxuries. Wheelmen are taking advant ages of the nice weather, and getting out on their wheels. Quite a number are making purchases this season. An Ovation. Last Monday morning it was expected that Washington County's legislators anil Senator wouiu re turn on the morning train from Portland and an assembly whb at the depot with the band to greet their return. When the train pulled in Senator Huston was the only one of the ouartette aboard, at.d the band escorted him to the band stand, where after a few selections, the Senator delivered a short ad dress touching on the last day's ses sion, which was eagerly lu tened to. The evening train brought Itepre- sentat ve Gates, and he, in turn, was met by a large concourse of citizens. Ex-Senator lhos. n. Tongue and Senator Huston were the first to greet Mr. Gates, after which general handshaking ob tained. The band again enliv ened the scene by music, marching to the band stand in the court vard where Mr. Gates made a short and te ling address. , tie was 101- lowed by Senator Huston in a few appropriate remarks. Hon. T. H. Tongue then spoke a few moments, after which Hon. W. I). Hare com mented on the fitness and firmness of the Washington county delega tion. His remarks closed the ova tion and the aseembl retired to again meet last night at the court house, where several happy address es were made. CORNELIUS. Rod Clark is improving his property in the south part of town by building an addition to his residence. Frank l'omeroy lias the contract for moving Mr Keim's building to the lot north of the church. Our Road supervisor is doing some good work on the base line road. Bump Fowler was m the city Tnes.lay, enroute to Portland. Carrol McN'utt was in town from Ver nonia Tuesday, returning WeUneslay. Len Walker, of Gaston, was in the city Wednesday shaking hands with friends. Mike Henderson has secured a con tract to build a barn for Mr Wagoner, over south in the mountains. Uncle Jo I'hillips came down from the Greenville vicinity Monday to visit rela tives and friends for a few days. Our Conelius agent, Chas Carey, left Thursday last for Independence where he has accepted a position with increase of salary. His friends misshim. Jacob Keim will soon erect a handsome residence on the lot easi oi ine cnurcii, now occupied by the little house. Chas Johnson has purchased Henry Hoirefe's interest in the saloon and we I hear that Mr Hogrefe will go to Southern Oregon tor asnori ume. Miss Stella Miller ha9 secured the Hayward school for the ensuing term. Constable E G Shanahan, of Vernon ia, was in the city last Saturday after C S McNult as a witness in the case of the State of Oregon vs W W Allen. W V Wiley, of llillsboro, was in our city Tuesday. lwis Weidewitsch. of Gales Creek, I came down Monday after a load of sup plies for his saw mill. He reports busi ness on the boom. T R Cornelius received a car load of lumber Tuesday from Gales spur. Chas Johnson did business in the Grove Tuesday. There is to be a dance at Frank Pom- eroy's next Saturday eve, so we are in formed. me Weekly Argus a AND- Portland Weekly Sun; Both Papers for $1.50 per Year. I Cash in - Advance, WILEY & DENNIS, CITY LIVERY STABLE" Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, D. W. Porruncc, Secretary. W, TJAndrews. President. ANDREWS LUMBEE CO. (Incorporated June 8, 1893.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDALE, OREGON. BEAVERTON. Rev Brown, who left here quite sick, returned one day last week considerably improved by a few days quiet. Mrs M Mever. of Portland, was in town Monday and Tuesday visiting friends. Nathan Robbins, of Tualatin, who was reported to be dead, is on the high road to recovery under the efficient treatmeut of Dr Cusick. Th nile driver which has been at work on the new turn-table, left Tues day morning after completing its part of the work. Miss Alice Kelly, who has been in Portland for some time past, returned Tuesday evening. On February 20th Dr Robinson assist ed by Dr Linklater, of Hillsboro, and Dr CusicK, 01 luaiaiin, removcu mics and one-fourth pound tumor from Mrs Gaufinan, of Tigardville. The patient is now in excellent condition ana mas iair to make a speedy recovery, Miss Ella Tucker is still quite low. Whooping-cough seems to be prevalent in the vicinity ol Progress. Hon Thos Paulson, of Progress, was in town on the 26th inst. Mrs David purser, who has been quite sick for some time, is considerably im proved at this writing. Helen Fauuo is quite sick with, scarla tina. City election is uow 011 hand. There are two tickets in the field and the elec tion will be hotly contested. The Tax payers' ticket have nounnatea tne 101 lowing: Mayor, John Henry; conncil C L Mitzel and L C Hughes; recor der, H Martin; treasurer, H C Watts; marshal. A I Fvans. On the Peop'es' Protective Ticket the following names have been reported: Mayor, Dr t m Robinson; councilmen, uavm rurserauu Edward Stone; recorder and treasurer endorsed; marshal, W'in King. The di vision was brought about by the present council sending a list of amendments for town charter to the legislature for pas sage, in order that more efficient work might be done in the way of improving the streets and thereby in crease the business of the town by niak ina it nnssihle for people living outs de to get their produce to the depot for shipment; but the so-called tax payers could not stand to see so much progres sion and accordingly they "kicked." GRAND REPUBLIC CIGAR For Sale by W. A. LAIDLAW, Best 5 Cent Cigar in the Market. Each cigar lias a label wrapper and the party bringing in the most labels by March 1st will be entitled to and receive a fine Meerschaum cigar holder. W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. -INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON- BLOOD SVRUP. Is your blood at all out of order, or in the least degree contaminated with any poisonous ingredients? Such a thing is always liable tu happen to any one. The blood is constantly subjected to insidi ous attacks, and to maintain its purity you must be ever on your guard. A blood tonic is as necessary to the system as a tonic for the nerves. To neglect the precaution of its use is to incur the risk of the blood becoming so far con taminated that the general health will become seriously if liot dangerously im paired. Blood tells. Make your blood always tell a story of good health by us ine our Fruitilaxi Blood Syrup. We also have Oregon Blood Purifier and byrup ot Figs, at Hillsboro Pharmacy. The Organ, Piano, Violincello, And daironet ADDRESS: W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. TERMS MODERATE. Lost by the Subscriber. ONE CERTAIN promisory note given by T F Brown to J P Looney, dated January 6, 1893, for the sum of $71. I am the owner of said note and take this means 01 cautioning any son from purchasing the same or paying the same, except to myself. Any person finding said note will be suitably re warded upon delivery of the same to me. Dated this February 25th, 1895, at Hillsboro, Oregon. SCHULMERICH &, KOCH, MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hani Second street, Hillsboro, Oregon. 49-4 W. Bronson. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. E BERST, Prop Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hogs Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO, OREGON. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY! Administrator's Sale of Real Estate at Private Sale. UNDER authority of an order of sale smiinH hv the countv court ol Wash ington county, stute of Oregon, dated the 2bt day of January, 1895, I will sell at pri vate sale the following described realestatc, situate in t he said county of Washington to- wit: Commencing at the section corner on the south suie ot section iil, ip. 1, . n 1 II,; for nf piimit.v mad : thence 8. 46 15' W. 8 87-100 rods; thence east parallel to tho above north line 12 50-100 rods; thence south 3tf W. 42.50 rods to the south i;o f soptum M: thence east along! said section line, 8.75 chains to the place of be ginning, containing six acres, more or less. Tho sale will be made from and after the 1st day of March, 1895, at the office of W. J. Robinson, Garden Koine Washington W.; thence north 10.00 chains to a stake, lenee X. 07 30" W. 5.34 chains to the A Call 1 A Call 1 I Every citizen of Hillsboro and vicinity is requested to be present at the court house, Saturday even ing, March 9th, to perfect arrnnge ments to celebrate the Fourth of July in a patriotic manner' All of the'bUBiness men are requested to turn out and show the proper spU I rit. The G. A. R. will be here and they must be honored as only Hills boro can. The gallant old veterans will appreciate our hospitality and interest, and readily participate in a urogram. All our sister towns should be invited to help display national pride and love of country. Let all turn out and help to organize. Finally the wile got . the little one and the drama closed. Horsemen should call on This Ab fJSLoOT, forprrces on bills, and cards. The Election. The benatorial election was eag erly watched at this place last Sat urday night, arrangements having been perfected whereby telephonic communication witn baiem wouia report the ballots. A bulletin board was put in E. J. Lyon's and quite a number waited until the election was announced. When the vote of 32 was announced for Hon. T. H. Tongue, excitement ran 2 ''SEE COUf AWE OF SILVER. The free and unlimited coinage of silver, the product of American mines, ;vt the old ratio of 16 of silver to 1 ot ;old, is the only solution of and remedy for the disturbed and unsatis factory condition of trade, manufac- ire and general business of the coun ty. The surreptitious act of 1873, averring silver and gold in our mone ury system, was a crime of untold .lugnitude. It was the rankest kind jf class legislation in favor of the wealthy against the producers of wealth, and hostile to the prosperity of the United States. It was an act of treason because done at the instance of a European syndicate and for bribe tnoney, "giving aid and comfort to our country's enemies." To shield the guilty parties, the well authenti cated i'arts, often published, have bee. vigorously denied. The Enquirer will continue to ex pose this unpardonable crime unti. right and justice are done the people by the full restoration of silver to its old companionship with gold. We need the assistance of the people in disseminating the truth, to which end wc invite all in your selection of pa pers for the coming season to include the Enquirer, that costs only $1.00 a ear. (Issued twice a week.) Liberal commissions and cash re wards given to club raisers. Sample copies free. Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O countv, Oregon, upon the following terms, to-wit: For cash, 1050; on time, $1200, payable as follows: 4U0 at time of sale, 400 in six niontlis, 4UU in one year; ue- ferred payments to be secured by note beating ten per ueni niicicni bcuiw, wj first mortgage covering the said premises. Dated llillsboro, Oregon, Jan. 28, 1895. JSJl L'has. J. O'llKILY, Administrator of the estate of Patrick McQuade, deceased SUMONNS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor Washington couiiiy. -WITH ITS ASSOCIATE SCHOOL Tualatin Academy 1 Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the state. Its work is characterized by breadth and thoroughness. Besides the regular college courses, which are equal in ex tent to those of the better class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those desiring to perfect themselves in the common Eng lish branches, the Academy presents every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information address thomas mcolelland, Fore3t Grove Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 Tilt VIIUTN oITaX HXKCITTION.! Jj dcree and order of sale, issued out 01 rhoa, F. Oake. Henry C. Payn-. Konry O. House, ReelTi S. B. Huston, Plaintiff. John K. Davidson and W. F. Hollenueck, Defendants. To John E Davidson one of the ubove named defendants: IN THE NAME Ol' THE STATE OF Oregon you are commanded to appear and answer the plaintiff 's complaint, 111 the above entitled court and cause, by Monday the 18th day of March, 1895, the liehiL' tho first dtiv of the next regu lar term of said court after the expiration f the linifl orescribed tor the iiublication ol this summons, aim 11 yu p- pear ami answer the planum win appiy to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-witt rr B lUllgnieiu ugumsi j uu mi u of 100 with interest thereon since Novem ber 2, lHftJ, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and the sum of 40 attorney's fee and the costs and disbursements of tins suit and for a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage executed by you on November 2, ltiyz, wnicn saia iikimkukb " page iW5 of book of records of mort gages of Washington county, Oregon, and that the land described in said mortgage, to-wit: lieing in the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty in TSN R3 W ot the Willamette meridian in Washington county, state of Oregon, be ,,i,i in thn Dimmer nrovided bv law and the proceeds applied to the satisfaction of plaintiff's said Judgment and lor such oth er and further relief as to the court may u,t,,Ar Anllihlhln. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, judge of the Fifth judicial dis trict of Oregon Dated at HillBboro, Ore gon, this January iil, 1895. Benton Bowman, HI Attorney for Plainllfl'. n,o rircnit. court of the state of Oregon, for Washington county, l'i f.i or ol ken yon Crniulall and imiinstJ N Fisher and Delhi C Fisher for the sum of Itfl. o,oK .,.,.1 r,. thn further sum of SU'1. II. 8. irnld coin, with interest th;ivo.i at the rato of; 10 per cent pi'i-a uiM-u fiM'ti t.lie 11th day j of August. 1801, and for the costs und ex- j penses of sale and of said writ. JNOW, uiereiure, utv ... .o- ance of snid judgment decree and order ot j sale, I will, -a Saturday the 9th day of Marco, 18W5. nt tne sontn unor 01 uie uum house in Hillsboro, Washington county, Oregon, at the Hour of 10 o'clock a. in. ot said day, sell at public auction to the high est b' Uer r ir ca h. the f illowing described real property to. .vit : Lyin? beii g mdsit uate i.i the countv of N'.-fhin v. n and stnte of Ore'ii, and nun particularly known nn 1 diMcrineu as toilows, to wit: (.'online. icing at the southeast corner of lot 10 in 8teel's :i Uliti t- B .tverto.i in o..iri Wnqhinf'.m c. I'.i'itv. th-iron, an I running tiicneu north 9.0.) chains to the noiiiieasl corner of lot 10; thence south 56. west 2.02 h.iiiri to a stake by the pltt ik " a .vimi eigne ciiiiiMs CRTHERN PACIFIC R. R. u N Pullman Sleeping Cars Cbgant Dining Cars Tourist fo,,nA fhmu south 1 to the south line of sai t lot 10 to a stake by the fence: thence eat iil chains to tha place of beginning. Thn above descrip tion is intended to em' all of lot 10 u Steel's addition to Be-iv- Moo not Inclu b(l in the deed to Jas. 8. it I oliugton to sitl -, fy the hereinbefore named suois, and for ! the costs and expenses ol' hsiUI sale. Said j property will be sold subject to rudemp- j tion as per statute of ; mmi). j Witness my hand this oth day of Fcbru-, ary, 18115. H. I'. FORD, Shupitt' of Washineton countv. Oregon. 1 . D. BiWDiroBi), ueputy. . Slse ping Cars ST PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH. FARQO TO 1 GRAND fOHKS I CBOOKSTON 1 WINNIPEG 46-5 By W. I HELENA in BUTTE Airshiitratar's Notice. NOTICE is herebv i-ivon that the un dersigned administrator of the estate nf llnvlfl Wenrs. deceased, has tiled his ie- titiou in the county court of the state of Oregon for Washington comity , asking lor tne nnai settlement oi mu aiiaus m mm unit that, snld court has fixed Mon day, the 4th day of March, 1895, at that 13iT hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the j N b court uouw in iiiusooi-u ' w place of hoaring objections to said account and the 11 nut settlement of said estate. Dated January 26, 1895. 45-5 Samukl 0. Sbabs, Administrator of tho este of David Bears, doceilfit'tl. 10 ;iCiO VA:;HINGT'l''1' PHIUatLPH'A .'0 ALL LA3r ind SOUTH i f,,r infoi million. ilm '"rds, inii nu il' Uols; H on or writ V o CB MITCH. Ak. Cenl. Taa PORTLAND. C.