If I;. J. THE ARGUS L. A. LONG, Editor. J, A BOWEN, Manager. UNcaiFTiox raio. Single copy five cent. die rear, fl.OO. Six month 80 cents. Time months SS cent. BttMiiess Cards, Per Yemr.. 112.00 Contract Col., per inch per month, SO Special Advertising, Special Rules. Published weekly evirr Thursday even lug, Raul tide of Second St., Hilloboro, Or Entered at the Post-oftice at Hillsboro, Oreon,as oecond-clas mail matter. THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1895. ;took another tack. Tt is paid that while the legisla tors were gnthering in a hotel ut Saloin the other day, one of the free filter candidates was engaged in conversation with an Eastern Oregon legislator, discussing on the point of blooded race stock. One nf the candidates friends called him to one side and whispered that the legislator was " a preacher. "That's alright,'' said , and re turning to the first party he opened fire with, "Well, how is the Y. XI. (!. A. coming on up in your sec tion?" Veiling the strength until the last moment, the silver candidates may overcome the gold "only" by surprise. Bnt if any think that Joe Simon is not a foxy coon they are "off their Nannie." The fight has not begun yet. There are six "Smiths" in the legislature, one among them being "John," and by the way lie is a democrat, and a senator. J. H. Smith is also another democratic senator, while the other four are in the lower house. Here's to the Smiths ! There is no Jones and bat one Johnson there. Harvey Scott, "Joe" Simon and H. V Corbet t have invaded the "Portland One Hundred" field, gone them one better, are going it alone, and now poor old "Hun dred V occupation is gone. By the way it is about time the com mittee said something about the silver question, as their latitude seems boundless. The anti-Dolph men wisely re frained from making a fight on the presidency of the upper house. They had no intention of opposing Simon, an had a skirmish ensued, H would have shown conclusively what the silver strength was. The 'fight will come, perhaps too quick, but 'not until tlieJ.'anti-Doiphs" . are through, proselyting.. , , This paper believes there should be moie silver coined, and that sil ver should have rights not subser , vient to gold. But the papers which are trying to make capital out of the Oregonianian's "several bastardy"quotations, are advancing point not well taken. The Ore gonian, knew what it was about when its astute editor penned those lines, and the metaphor was all right. No one with a grain of per ception or judgment will say that any "mother's good name" was questioned. Such a position is ab surd. Scott knows a thing or two, nd did, if reports 1 true, years go, when he ran into camp when his comrades were fighting Indians. While republicans were claim ing the fear of fice trade as ore, and the greatest cause, of hard times, they boomed protection in their numerous organs. This is all different;, now. The. republican press has about stopped the rant as they have discovered that they were at sea. Once in a while, how ever, you will find a back number republican editor who inserts pro tection poetry in his columns, and fvrn the Oregonian has discontin ued printing his article 011 the 5 "Change" which he decreed. Of cour?e the Oregonian knew what times were when the assumed prophecy was made and it. was v ry easy, to predict. Just as eatft as it is to predict a a rain when it commences to sprinkle. No governor has run the gaunt let of abuse that has Pennnnyer. The republican press has heaped QWufrobrium boundless upon his t head. He has been heralded from the I'acifio to the Atlantic as the king of cranks, yet no one can say but what he has been a good execu tive officer He has watched state xpineKluret sealously, and has maintained the credit of the state jji an able manner. True, he has - Bad some mistakes iij the execu tive eiyseHybut they were n6t ir;:r.sivii net. Tbo pardoning power, he has, perhaps, used to ex treme, but in these days when the attorney who prosecutes, and jur ors who sit in judgment, together with influential friends embracing entire communities, sign petitions for pardon, the governor should have all the extenuation liberal minds are credited with. In t gubernatorial capacity he has per formed his services well and his enemies as well as his friends know it. When Mitchell was a candidate for the United States Senate some years go he was the caucus nomi nee. The Oregonian then claimed a caucus vote not binding, and op posed to republicanism. Now, the managers of the Dolph campaign "tolerate" a caucus notion and the dictator of republican politics in Oregon doesn't accuse them ot ''sev- eral bastard v. tie now asserts a caucus is simon-pure republican method. Ingenious, gutta-percha Great Scott 1 IIo.v. S. B. HrsioN has been appointed a member of the Senate Committee on Judiciary. His is a judicious appointment, and he is peculiarly fitted for to attend to the duties of such a bod v. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, Jan. 11, 1894. Democratic skies are brighter just now than they havo been for a year. The much talked about and much hoped for getting together f democrats seems at last to be in a frir way towards becoming an ac complished fact. The example of Senator Hill in going to the White House and resuming pleasant re lations with President Cleveland is being followed by lesser leaders of the party in congress. It was no ticable that a better nnd more re conciliatory spirit was shown by all the speakers at the democratic caucus held today than has been exhibited at any similar gathering for a long time, and consequently democrats are looking forward to future party success with more con fidence than the nost sanguine of them have felt sine the opening of the present session of congress. One of the most important fac tors in uniting the democrats of the house was the unprincipled j fight which a clique of Wall street bankers have been making upon Secretary Carlisle because he would I not allow them to use him. Secre tary Carlisle is deservedly popular with democrats in congres and out of congress, too, for that mat ter and many of them determined to stand by him. Some of the republican leaders are indulging in a line of talk that they will regret inside of " six months. They are saying that the only trouble with the treasury is that caused by a revenue insuffic ient to meet the expenditures of the government, and that the deficit is caused by the new tariff law. That is just the talk to suit the demo crats, who know that a? soon as the treasury begins to realize from the duty on sugar, which is just beginning to come in largely, and on the income tax, which will sonn be collectable, the receipts of the government will be in excess of the expenditures. It will be amusing to see these republicans when con fronted by their present talk a few months hence. There is much talk of the attempt that is expected to be made in the senate to render the income tax in operative by dropping the appro priation for its collection, which is in the urgency appropriation bill which has been passed by the house; but Senator Cockrell, chair man of the senate appropriation committee, says it is nothing but talk and that be is confident that the appropriation will be made. Secretary Carlisle is so confident! that the appropriation will be made that he is now sending in come tax blanks to the internal revenue collectors. Some of the numerous men who are always going off half-cocked were probably responsible for the rumor which was current a few days ago and was widely tele graphed from Washington, to the effect that the administration had withdrawn the demand it had made upon Spain to cease discrimi nating against American flour ship ped to Cuba, under penalty of hav ing the sugar of Cuba and Porto Rico shut out of the United States. The originator of that rumor got his facts exact ly reversed. Instead of having withdrawn its demand unon the Spanish govermentthe admin istration has reiterated it in stronger language, and accompanied it with a notice that a prompt reply must De given or the President would without further warning issue a pro clamation against the sugar of Cuba and Porto Rico. It has been informally decided bv the Senate Finance committee that' no tariff amendment of any sort should be taken up at this session, and the administration is thrown upon its own resources in dealing ., I with the retaliation and threatened retaliations of European nations because of the differential duty on sugar, which everybody admits ought to be repealed". COURT HOUSE NEWS. COMMISSIONERS COI HT. The following claims were allowed at the January, 1895 term of said court: V V Annans, State cases, W H Wehrumr. Grand iurvexnert $7-50 55-co 44.00 5- 26.34 14.88 I V E Brock, hred Dung Roads C W Hendricks " Tigardville Lumber Co. " J R Mays a Sons Paupers 5.00 W B Brock, Stationery and Medicine 9.30 F J Habcock Post G A R Indigent 14.99 J W Sappington, one month 's salary 50 to J W Sapping ton, Postage stamps .50 Forest Grove Times Printing 5.00 V A Bond, Snpt. & Asst. Sal. 117.50 V A Lamlaw Paupers &c 10.25 Hillsboro L & V Co, Light & water 47 16 W Pointer, Repairs in jail a. 75 I, A Whitcomb Janitor 30.00 R Vincent Roads 24.22 Nelson a Clendenning " 25 .55 B L McCorniick Recorder & dep'y sa lanes 17500 McCorniick Postage stamps 2.50 j Patterson, carpet tor Co court room 7025 Hue lies & Williams, carriage for County court insp't'g roads & for Grand jury 8.50 jo L sears state cases 4.05 A V Sexton Paupers 397. 10 Wm Benson repairs C. H. & J. 3 00 w A Uoodin Bridges 15.00 Ambrose Porter Roads 50.34 H P Ford Sheriff & dep'y sal. 275 00 HP Ford, expenses outside county 28.35 Boge & Ennes Roads 12 65 B P Wells State cases 4 35 Bailey & Linklater St't'y & Medicine 9.00 L Janin, Bridges 110.00 M L Vincent, drawing jury list 3.00 G M Hinies, drawing ury list 3. J F La Bert y drawing jury list 2. J I Knight drawing jury list 3. T S Weatherred drawing jury list 2. L A Whitcomb drawing jury list a. W S Hudson drawing jury" list 3. S S Lenox drawing jury list a. C W Hudson drawing jury list a. Hillsboro Pub Co Printing &c 16.50 John Northnip State cases 3.20 John Nortnrup Circuit court 15. John Northrup Paupers 10. B P Cornelius, Judges sal I quarterns. B P Cornelius, Postage & telephoning 2.90 H P Ford, Prisoners' board 85.28 R BGoodin, Clerk's and dep't sal 250. R B Goodin, P'fge st'ps&expres'ge 3.75 Kosa rrost, fail per s 5. D B Reasoner, county commissioner: 5 days attending court $3 dy 15 00 I day inspecting roads 3.00 I day for horse on road 2 00 Mileage attending court 4.00 T. G. Todd, county commissioner: 5 days attending court tx V dy I 00 2 days inspecting roads 6.00 2 days for horse on roads 4 00 Mileage attending court 1.80 The following minims were con tinued: Geo P Barnard fe Co, chair 9. " B C Irwin & Co, canvas covers 5. Glass & Prudhome letterpress 45. J C Hare, Koads 28.22 C E Deicliman, assessing and col lecting revenue 102. Hughes & Williams, livery bill 7. S B Crow, rebate on trial fee 12. H P Ford, rebate 35.67 Claims disallowed: H P Ford, expense account 52.00 li B Goodin, assistants during cir cuit court 63.00 MISCELLANEOUS. The December reports of Clerk Goodin, Recorder McCorniick, Cor oner Wood and Sheriff' Ford were examined and approved. The request of the Alliance Trust Company, presented by T. D Hum phreys, for rebate on mortgage tax es, was disallowed. Veiwers were appointed, and Co. Surveyor Wilkes was instructed to survey and report on the advisabil ity of vacating a portion of county road no 319. E. H. Godwin was granted a free scholarship in the State Agricult ural College. PROBATE, The bond of G. H. Phelps, a ad ministrator of the estate of Amos H. Phelps, Dec'd., was approved, and letters granted. SUPERVISORS APPOINTED. Road supervisors were appointed as follows: E A Eddy, Dist. No 1 ; Fred Langer, 2; John D Howell, 3; Moses Dillaboy, 4; F M Hill. 6; John WTigard, 7; J D Hite, 8: A Johnson, 9; G W Stitt. 10; Hans Rasmussen, 11; P Peterson, 12; W Nelson, 13; Jacob Reichen. 14; John Josb, 16;SamMoou,17; J BMcNew, 18; H F Gordon, 19, I) C Stewart 20; W Crow'ther, 21; John Heister, 22; A B Todd, 23; Harry Ball, 24; James Cuinmings, 25; W C Kert son, 26; H Diloeigcr, 27; Jasper Clark, 28; H F Johnson, 29;TECor nelius,30;V H McCormit k,31 : Fred Durig; 32; H T Buxton, 33; Charles True, 34; Adam Hergert, 35;E Heit inan, 3(5; J Miller, 37; J O Gustin, 38; M S Hunter, 89; Win Norton,42; T tt Goodin, 43; Chab Hall, 44; 8 Hollenbeck,45; Jas Hutchinson ;46; Brice Wilson, 47; C B Roe, 48; Don ald Martin, 50: J C Beach, 40; J B Stewart, 5; W A Scott, 41; John Raycraft, 49; G T lied rick, 51; David Wanger, 52; J J Morgan, 53. NOTICE. A 1. 1, persons i ndebted to late fl rm of Williams t tSewoll ate respectfully asked to call ut the office In the old stand and settle at once. Hillsboro, Oregon. September 20, 18M. 26" Wiluams&8wli Notice for Publication. Land Orru s at Omans Otv. Ub.I Dec. at, lSM f XTOTICK in hereby iriveii that the fol ll Ion lnx-imnied settlor h: tiled notice ill his intention to mukn II mil proof in support !' hi claim, and that saul proof mil ue mam- ouiure me liepmirr nun Ko- ceiveroi me Latin) union at Orrison l itv, Ore , on February 14, isya, vl: John J . Hvharer, Pro. 1). S. Xo. 7!0! for the j of x w and w S of K k i sm'tion 1 T 3 N a w. He imnuvi the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suid land, vis: William M. Wutrous, of Ulcnwood, Ore. Miles Wulrons, Justus D. strait, Adam Ktilton, 40-0 Kobert A. Millkii, llegiater. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Washington. In the matter of the estate of Patrick McQuudu, deceased, Citation. To Charles J. O'lteilv, Tat rick Dunn, Klixa or iwoki viiiiii, iiruigct Carrol, and all others, unknown, Interested In suid es tate, Greeting: IN THE NAME OK THK STATE OV Oregon, You are hereby cited mid re quired to apjiear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Washington, at the court room thereof, ut Hillsboro, in the county of Washington, on Monday the 2lst day of Januury, ISO, at o'clock, in the forenoon of that day.tben ami there to show cause why an order should not be inude to sell so much or the real estate, or the whole therofof said deceased, situtae in Washington Coun ty, Oregon, und described us follows, to wit: Commencing at the i section comer on the south side of section 21, Tp. I, S. It. 1 W.j thence north 10.00 chains to a stuke, thence X. 67 3tf W. 5.34 chains to the center of county road j thence S. 40 13 V. 687-100 rods; thence east imrallel to the above north line la 50-100 rods; thence south X530" W. 42.50 rods to the south line of section '.'4; tlienee east along suid section line, H.73 chains to the pluce of be ginning, containing six acres, more or less, as prayed for in the tition of Charles J. O Reilly, administrator of the estate of Pat rick McQuade, und tiled herein, und that this citalio;. be published for four success ive weeks in 'Ihe Agues, a newspaper of general circulation published in said Coun ty. Witsesf ,The Hon. It P. Cornelius, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Washington with the seal of suid court ultixed, this 17th day of De cember, A. 1. 1804. Attest: " K. B. Goodin, 39-5 Clerk. ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Successor to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, W ednesdaya, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdavsand Sat U1WB All business entrusted to him will be promptly and careful Iv .itn.n.loH to. Freight ami exnioxs mtna ri.,w,m,ii.in Leave orders with h oral Tiik Abocs. ' Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICK is hereby given that the under signed ussignee of the estate of Jacob Anderson, an insolvent debtor has filed in - Vrcuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, his tintil account as such assignee and such liiml account will be heard und passed upon bv the judge of said court on Friday lieceiu'ber71 1S94. Dated this Nov. 7, 184. w. II. Wehrung, Assignee of Iheestateof Jucob Anderson. Insolvent lebtor. GRAND REPUBLIC CIGAR For Sahr by- W. A. LAIDLAW, Best 5 Cent Cigar in the Market. Each cigar has a lahel wrapper and the party bringing in the most labels by March 1st will be entitled to and receive a finu Meerschaum cigar holder. W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. -INSTaWCTIOM The Organ, Piano, Violincello, And Claironet TERMS MODERATE. ADDRESS; W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. SCHULMERICH cV KOCH, MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Heats always on Hand. Saeond street, Hillsboro, Oregon. HILLSBORO CUT I. E Beef, Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest Maiktt : Price : Paid : for Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, - HILLSBORO, ORBQON. WILEY & DENNIS, CITY LIVERY STABLEIZ Cor. and and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY? W1TH,IT8 A8SOCIATE SCHOOL- jTualatin Academy Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the stntp. Its work is characterized hy breadth und thoroughness. Resides the regular college courses, which are equal in ex. tent to those of the better class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those desiring to perfect themselves in the common Eng lish branches, the Academy presents everv opportunity: Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information y duress thozsas McClelland, - forest Qrove Oregon. Pardon Us I But there is no reason to think that Schulnierich & Son are lettinuiipcii trade bee use tin v suid a lot of goods before Christum. The Rest Of the Winter Slock in put in chape to (to at a Iliudi Sale. You can make your own b leclion. We Are Taking Every pains to please the tasies and satisfy the demands of our palrona. The success of the pati season Is Very Agreeable and your licitcd ly. further trade is bo- II! U. S. HEIDEL'S HOME BAKERY, CANDY KI'ltHEN, SHOUT ORDER W'NCII ROOMS Now Open and Heady for Business Cakes, Pies, etc., also W Bread Every Day, Ktf A portion of your I rude is respect fully solicited. One door west of 1'he Pliurinucy. Yours Respectfully, U.S. II FIDEL. HIiXSBORO, ... OREGON, Notice For Publication. Land Owe t Orkoom CiTr, Or.i Den. 'JO, l!)l.i TyrOTICE is hereby given that the follow 1 ing-iiamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of 1 is claim, and that said proof will lie made before -the County Clerk of Washington county at Hillsboro, Or., 011 February 9. 18So, viz: Carl Itoreni, If. E. Xo. 773D for the a of s w M and w H of s 1 54 section 8 t 2 11 r 4 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: Nicholas Hothn.an, of Haywurd, Oregon. Vincenz Dolo, ' Christian Fellong, " " Donald McMillan. ' " 40-6 Robust A. Mn.i.r.a, Register, GIVEN O: MEAT MARKET. IIERST, PRor Yeal and Pork : Fat Cattle, ; Sheep : and : Hoes lliltollousc,!! AJy. Newly Furnished vfZ and Renovated. A first-class tahle and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . O R & N Co E. Mi NEIL, Receiver. TO THE EAST , . . (Jives tin' choice of . . . I Tiro TtlASSCOXTISK.WAI. ROUTES I'll Northern By. - Pieik By SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND AND ST PAUL KANSAS CITY I,OW K.VI'KS TO AM. KASTKKN CIT1KS Ocean Steamer Leave Portland Every Fire Pays ... KOU SAN FRANCISCO Vet full details cull on or luMrcs: W H HL'KLKURT, fien'l Pass Agent, Portland, Oregon, IA0HI6 PAPER TR OHHOKIOLF ranki wan u,t tm tHmtmvtn In iha Usltvd Hum. TH OHROH1CLK hw n ii1 on tlie rdai THI iCBMoNICLra Trt.pm.hle Report, w, r.JIT',, rl'b' iu Nt ltl peu la iht omn ur. JT" CHIIONICL liu Minn Id. and alinri . ' Wend and caution of th pipl, M WWWMMIIm MIum. ontpontlom or op tn unit tny j, WIH w tad,H,.(Wni w BMtM la aMklnt, THE DAILY ONLY 6.70 A 1 EAR The Weekly Chronicle -THK Greatest Weekly in the Country. THK WKKKLT CHROIUCIK. tin mnM brl Utnl tad eomplru Wtokljr .Scwnpnpvr In Hit wiK. nrlnta rHululy 70 coiumnn. or elclil nam f , Utcraturt im! cisn.r.i ii,f(,rmilimt lm mapitAnnt Acrlrultural Dtportmant. 1.50 For 0HEIAR .InetmUn potUf) to v.) part nf the Unit SUmm, Canuik and Mnlco. AMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You VVant Any o Tim- GREAT PREMIUMS The Weekly Chronicle ? READ THE LIST: Fuli Prfc (poftlnf Outfit wul WMklf or.a fr 114 7 Stwlnc Muihlne and MTMklr on jrwtr aj no Wlnehtiur 44-olltr ttWt and Weekly on ynf -......, . 14 50 Taravt Itillt, M-oallhar, and Wookly w. ytar 4 00 (DP tel and Watkly on jrir... alas of lh Unllod lHalo. Canada and afaileo, and WttKly om yeur ruekat Atlaf and VMklf ill inonthi, KmU and Wtakly Uira moiithi ... ....... . 1 00 8S 7J Tfca abT Hatea laolnd the Proper MM of roU ra Ik Papar. M. H. da YOUNli, npnatnra, f. t hronlelt, A FHAKOISCO. CAf, 1'he Orealttlm of the CHRONICLB Is equal to thai of ALL THE 0THEH Ran rronefawo M otmlar Paneri Com TheNewChronicIe Bailding lll'NINKHH INHKX. V. .& V- J- llalleyi phyHlcluim. lUrreil A Alaiu. utt'y-at-laa j V. l. Brown, I'ontiHt, aeeoanl. KAHTKKN MILLINKlt.see ail. It. H. Uierr, Uroeer, Keed. Illllxlioro l'liarniacy, ad, HIIIhDoio Meat Market, set ad. I', H. Hi-Idle, llakery, Main t, see ad, H. II. Ilaston, alt'y-al-law; mead. J. I, KnlKht, timurune agl, nee ad. V. A. iJildlaw, Merchant, ace ad H. T. MnMaier, phyalclaii! eo ad. O. B. rlprm er, llurber, neand. Hi hulmrrlrh A Hon. gen, indue. Ni liulmerlcb fcovh; liulclier. ,1. II. KniliU. Iliuur nee ad, T. II. Tuimne, att'y-at-lawi ate ad. Jamoa I'hllllpf.Taiuleal. M. I. II. t'nlernalirer, Jeweler, see ail. Wiley lennU.City l.lvery.see ad. W. I). Wood, physician; see nil. W. J. Wall. 11 1 flf' lui 1 1 1; 11 r i!. Wllkm llros. Hiirvi'.vors.Mio nil. S. B. HUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Al NOTARY PUBLIC RomiiiS Union Blook, MHkhoto,, BARRETT 4 ADAMS, ATTOR N E Y S-AT-L AW. Hootna and 7 Ootral Mlook, lllllaboro, Of. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Block, HUlaboro, Oragos. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollli in Clienetto I tow. ReatdM coruor Flint auU Main atrwta, Ulllabora, S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otneatn HlUaboro Puarmaer. Resi dence aait of Court Houaa. Offle boura from a. in. to 6 p. m. at Pharntaoy whaa not vUUInir, before and aiUr Utai Uioa at roaldanee. r. a. aAii.ir, m.d. p. 1. aaiLar, ... DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY, Physiciana, Surgeona and Accoochert. Ofllco in IlllUlioro Pharmaey. Real donce loutu-wcwt corner Baaellno and Beixind. All call promptly attended day or night. JAMES PH1LUPPI TAKKSlt M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Burgeon Southern Paclfle Railroad Co, Consultation In Krenrh or Kngllah. Offloa and rcnidonca aouth of Main near Sd tL. UilUboro, Orf WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conreyaualnf and ftna map wark peolivlty. Llndaay Block, two door north of the poatofflo. Baeoud at,, HlUaboro, Or. C. B. BROWN, D KNTIST, iMM.nr.onf, nitrous. ! fjor.n ciinwN nmi r.itiiHii: wortc I specialty . A 1.1, WUK liuarcnti-eil. I UomiiH 1 ainl 3 Mm Kun lllotk. On icK llot i!f: V roni h a. m. to 4. r. M, New House, .Newly I'liriiWiii Turn lllock. fniin Cliion l)i it BARR HOTEL Ktimprnn nnd Anmrii-nn Tlun PLRISUKD IN HHST4HSS STVLR AH Thi Modern Improvtmcotp, Flr Proof, Hot and Cold Water, Centrally Located. RATES: $1.00 A DAY. S. M. PARR, Trop. Comrr rixlh nmi CUhbii Streets Portland, - Oregon. Mp ilKNT.-A lnr,.-e .tlKe Hh Ilir.n twin in mill (.III hll.lilli... at r. ii. ruth. I'.l Ijllllf lllllll. i tlliiv l j uu i.k or limli' ,....! vi ini'h Lf?2 JJfirjV.iL':1! cl!w )lirc t thin olllc. po UlCNT.-'l hrn- rooini in ,rhale rfa JL li'iii'.fiiuBrl)ii8in.n.r.nrt ol l,.n. u nil A one block i.ft hi- I vhiiiivx ) hti i.I tovru IKAVKIU)A; 10 IMfrri,, j".' v. -u lrr were ( n li.iidr ''.3. L' jBI'-"- J,illkl wo. Or. El- r nil- i-tr 8i-3-i WAN'I JOI) -.Siiuiiti,,!, oil "fimn l,v maii an t J!"dW'fe "fc"-hll,l . Vr, ma AISOLUTfLY TJieftsst UWIM MACHINE U A B K xrn ab a ur Deal, hut we naka ek. ki.j. eh a. k, OMlKx! tSSL