THE ARGUS L. A. LONG, Editor. BOWEN, Manager. i . tUBSCRIPTIOX PBICk. Singla-copv live cent. On jr; Ji.Oa , . - Six months 60 coniav Three months 36 cents. Business Cards. Per Year.. $12.00. Contract Col., per inch per month,-.- . ..50 Special Advertising, Special Kates. Published weekly every Thursday even ing Kusl side p-f Second ,t., HiUsboro, Or. Entered at the Post-ofhce at HiUsboro, Oregon, a oecond-claa mail matter. TjIJUBSt)AV, DEC. 13, 1894. T IT STILL LEADS. There doubtless is gmid cause for the people of this county to cry liarrf tiinef". Money is scarce, and the dcmfUid for labor is inadequate to the PWpp1y. But to a person who has tK'eh in other portions of the Northwest, and seen conditions face to fact, the tunes in thin local ity, lo iiot, after all, seem so hope leg, It is a fact that there is more money per capita circulating among all classes in this county than in many others in the state. The di vision is perhaps more equal ; caees of destitution are less frequent and there is a general air of thrift in all localities. The reason for this state of affairs is self-evident. The people of this county are chiefly tillers of the soil. Nowhere in the world do they raise more or better crops than do we in Washington county. Diversified farming there you have it is what pulls this lit tle commonwealth through finan cial stringencies. Here in this county are to be found the finest horses, the best grades of live stock of all kinds, thrifty orchards, well kept farms, Aiid as a rule a content ed people. True, there ate those who are in debt many who, in times when things looked brighter, loaded with too much realty, or made improve ments which they could ill afford on a falling business barometer. But that class is always to be found. Then again, there is a class which always cries hard times, no matter what the light the neighbor sees. He is the chronic, and he'll kick in Heaven, if, over nothing else, on the width of a street, or the tit of a halo. If those who nre bitterly com plaining in this section could but travel over the Sound country and see how people nre situated over thqre, who depend entirely on the lumber market, or east of the mountains where they depend on wheat aim, perhaps they would come back to Washington county's mud and its rain, and rest con tented tliut "we are the people." Employment is the finest medi cine in the world for si discontent ed mind, or a nervous temra ment. All the world admires a man, who through misfortune and adversity, slicks to work smilingly, and goes doffii with flying colors. That man's motto is, "Stay with the ship! If she weather the gale, well . and good, and if she go down, our colors will be seen when our heads are under water." Go manfully to work and enhance the value of your property that will help, raise the iuoi (gage. Stick to it through thick and thin until you get out of debt and then stay out of debt; and by the way don't read morbid literature. This life is a good bib of a mans existence, but you're not sure it's all. Take a pride in your home town. It is the best in the county, and of its size, in the state. Don't forget this. Don't kick about the town because times are hard. The town can't hcp it. It would if it could. Its txpi uses have to be kept up, times or no times. If you can't ,. iy a good word, say nothing. If jou have nothing at stake here, and jet kick, people will only think you're in Jiard luck vjf you have property stop kicking and go to work. It will ease your feelings. Hiixsboho has reason to feel proud over its array of lepil and medics tahiit. Koch individual in these two professions has set the mink irgh, uud if toil mid study will reach it, the ladder is having Mme weight near the top. Tmkhk is a movement on foot to xlnd the motor line from the Porllmid heights lo . Beuvfrton, Monrv is now being subscribed and if it gf es through, which, in time it mint, do, it will come to Hills porHyj(i then look out for devel opment in Washington County. When time is ripe for action, this City will not be backward in putp ting , th. siillr 4 ta the tyheel. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, Dec: 8, 1894. No message ever written by the President was more attentively list ened to than that sent iii on the re assembling of Congress. The gen eral topics treated by the message, including the foreign relrtions of the government, were alt that any one could desire. ThcTft'nancial ret- ominendations, ot course, will bo tatter understood after the plan has become more fully elucidated. On this one point, there has hardly time to yet ascertain just what the majority of demoeats think, and it is hard to tell what will lie the fin al disosition of the suggestion. Speaker Crisp looked as good n a tured when he called the House to order, as he possihly could have, had a majority of that body been as fortunate as himself in being re elected, and his own re election to the speakership assured. Indeed, the most noticeable feature of the democratic fraction of the House, is the prevailing good nature of those who were defeated last month. If the republicans exiected to see an array of long faces they were disappointed. There have been a number of in formal conferences of democratic senators and representatives for the purpose of discussing the probabil ity of reaching an agreement on a prrgram for the session, and there is some talk of holding a joint cau cus and requiring every man who attends to pledge himself to stand by whatever program the caucus adopts. If pledges could be se cured from a suthuient nuinlier to control both house and senate that would be an excellent idea, but it is certain that there are six or more democratic senators who would not pledge themselves. that asserting that President Cleve- V. Like numerous other fake stories, land was offended with Admiral Walker because of the report he made on affairs in Hawaii, has been disproved in a striking manner by the official order placing Admiral Walker at the head of the light house board, a position that is considered by nt.val officers one of the most de sirable under the government. The president seems to have a special liking for this method of knocking out silly stories. It is much better and far more convincing than a stereotyped denial. Treasury officials lake no stock in the stories that congress will re fuse to appropriate the money needed to put the income tax into operation, for the very simple reas on that there are no more opponents of that tax in either seimte or house than there were when it wus incorporated in the tariff bill. That is the common sense view of the matter. If the opponents of the tax could not prevent its being in cluded in the tariff bill, they cer tainly cannot prevent an appropri ation to put it into effect. There is reason, too, for the belief that Senator Hill, who led the fight Hgainst the income tax in the sen ate, will not only refuse to aid in trying to defeat the appropriation but will himself vote for it, as he is on record as opposing any and all nttemrts to embarrass officials by withholding appropriations asked for, to be used in carrying out ex isting laws. Representative Cooper, of Flor ida, thinks the proper way to fill the office of postmaster is to have him elected by the voters of his own town or township, and he pro poses to push a bill providing therefor. He is also strongly in favor of the adoption of some sys tem of currency reform that will give the needed elasticity to our currency, either that proposed by Secretary Carlisle or something else upon which a majority can get to gether, and of a bill providing for the building of the Nicaragua ca nal. He says that if he could have his way he would make this ses sion of congress, short as it will be, memorable in the history of the democratic party. It's a pity there are not more democrats of the same mind. Although nothing can be official ly stated, because no official action has yet been taken, there is a little room for doubt that the subcom mittee which went to Cleveland. Ohio, to investigate charges against Judge Ricks, of haying appropri ated fees properly belonging to the government to Ins own use, will in its report to the full judiciary cam' mittec of the house take the ground that the charges were proven, in fact, virtually admitted by Judge Kicks himself It is thought that the question of whether impeach ment proceedings shall be institut ed shall b left for the full com mi Met) to decide. The committee will make its report to the house tiefore the holidays, unless some' thing not now ex ected shall occur to prevent, and it is exacted to fa vor impeachment. The sugar scandal has raised its ugly head again, and the same democratic senators whose names were moBt conspicuously smirched during the preparation of the sugar schedule of the tariff bill are again figuring in the rumors in a manner that is decidedly unpleasant to democrats generally, however the trio of senators may look at the matter. Many democrats are in favor of settling this business for good and all by just puttinir all su gar on the free list. COURT HOUSE NEWS CIRCUIT COlRTv State vs R Seidler, appeal J P C verdict by jury', not guilty.1 Annie C Piatt vs Alfred Piatt, decree of divorce granted.. Grand Jury found 13 true, and 1 not true bills. Condemn county jail but tind saineHS neat and well kept , as possiDie unuer prcsentconditions. I Kuii.l 14 iiita.-,.. ,.it. ..;t ; ,;.:. Viitp,rr. ,m i..,...- finding same neat and well keu v-. ...... v.. . .-at vv. 1-'VV1 IIVUOV and the 11 inmates well cared for. Visited all County otlices and finding same neat and proptrly kept. After having books carefully eiperted by W II U'ehrung and W E Brock, found all public moneys projerly accounted for. Report signed by urand Jury, John litis ier, e oreman. 'et:tion ot k a Hell m matter of Win Chalmers, insolvent debtor was granted and 2000 bushels oats or their equivalent, ordered to pe titioner. Executor of will of J H Hassler vs Alary and M S Dailey; decree of loreciosure. State vs R S Perkins, cont'd till next term. State vs Rothlesberger, def'd't ned $10 and costs. PROBATK. Proper distribution of $190.40 having been made its per former order of the court, and the proper receipts neing med, the administra tor and his bondsmen in the estate oftreo. Ross, deceased, were dis charged. The administrator of the estate of . C. Buchanan has received ci tation to appear Dec. 17th, and show cause why a certain petition asking Ins removal should not be granted The guardian of the person and estate of John Arnicker, an insane J"' ' ftUow?1 " IbPIt Porta 111 liAraraiiii I nvAtiawlw tell certain personal property at private sale. The guardian of John T. and R D. Walker, minors, was allowed an order to sell certain personal prop erty, us per provisions or petition Real Estate Transfers. Warren Thatcher to E A Hyde 45.79 acres sec 15 t 1 n r 4 w $ T H Nicholson et ux to E J Nicholson 5 a sec 26 t 2 n r5 w J W York et nx to Joel T York It 69 Cornelius envi rons cornp 5.02 a Win Pfunder to F Koshland wse i sec 18 t 2nr2 w Philip Strtib et ux to Peter Sehinoker tract in Beets 3 to 10 1 1 n r 2 w United States to Edgar R Sch weier 160.07 a sec 29-32 600 250 200 1181 1 1 n r 4 w Anton Pfanner to M C Pur- pat din et al w i s ei stc 29 t 2 n r 3 w W L Carty et ux to Win M Watsons s w i It 3 blk 8 Forest Grove Oglesby Young to Mamie H Cady tract in sec 15 1 1 8 r 1 w comp 13-100 a W H 11 Meyers to R W Lancetield pt It 1 blk 38 Forest Grove John C Lewis and Chas E Ladd to Richard Williams 2000 250 1100 laud in ltsl8 20 1 2 s r 1 w 10500 Investment Co to J C An- dersonlO.45 a sec 12 t 2 s r 2 w Anton Pfanner to Thoe II North tract Harvey Clark d I c in Forest Grove JJA Watrons et ux to Lora Mahon acre Cornelius Environs H S Hudson et ux to M M Luelliug It 3 pt It 2 blk 2 Gaston 420 275 400 300 FUEE COINAGE OF SILVER. The free and unlimited coinage of silver, the product of American mines, at the old ratio of 16 of silver to i of gold, is the only solution of and remedy for the disturbed and unsatis factory condition of trade, manufac ture and general business of the coun try. The surreptitious act of 1873, divorcing silver and gold in our mone tary system, was a crime of untold magnitude. It was the rankest kind of class legislation in favor of the wealthy against the producers of wealth, and hostile to the prosperity of the United States. It was an act of treason because done at the instance of a European syndicate and for bribe money, "giving aid and comfort to cur country's enemies." To shield the guilty parties, the well authenti cated facts, often published, have been vigorously denied. The Enquirer will continue to ex pose this unpardonable crime until right and justice are done the people by the full restoration of silver to its old companionship with gold. We need the assistance of the people in disseminating the truth, to which end we invite all in your selection of pa pers for the coming season to include the Enquirer, that costs only $1.00 a year. (Issued twice a week.) Liberal commissions and cash re wards given to club raisers. Sample copies free. Enquire Company, Cincinnati, O. NEVER FAILS. That's the record of our Webfont Corn Cure; it never fails wherever tried. A corn is alnnit the worst thing on foot, and a very disacre- able fellow to travel with. Don't invito him to stick to you by neg lecting to use our com cure. Time doesn't make liw acquaintance more pleasant or his removal any easier. The time to attack a corn is on its first appearance, by an immediate application of our Web foot Corn Cun. When used, this unfailing remedy will remove com speedily and put an end to a pain ful annoyance. We also have a complete line of imrfumes and toilet articles at the Pharmacy. as . Ready For Christmas. Santa Claus is bound to visit you in spite of the hard times cry. Because lie has the finest line of fancy and useful gifts ever displayed, for the extremely low price, comprising Xmas cards, tree ! ornaments ana candles, childrens books, toys, dolls, celluloid, china, and bamboo novelties, and you get a chance of draw ing a handsome prize. Call and see at the HiUsboro bazaar. NOTICE. Land Orncc At Ureuoii City, ORroo.t 1 N..,... , . Octobers. 1M94. ( OlICK is hereby given that the ap proved Dint of survev of Trtwnahi it 1 South, limine Went hii heen received lroni the surveyor genml of Oregon, mid on December 12, 1W)4, at ft olmk a in. on aid day said li.-t will be tiled in this olHoe and the land therein embraced Will be subject to entrv on unit ufljtr ,. date. Rorkrt A. Miller, lteuister. 32-0 J'etku 1'ahiet, Keceiver. EASTERN BULBS. We wish to inform thn till 111 If triufr urn have a ehofce collection of Bulbs from the east. We are now reudv to sunolv th ublic with hhrttbs, Hulbs und House 'hints as cheap as any to be had on this coast. We will sell Jivaciuths from (Mi ets to $1 per doz. A portion of your trade is respcctlullv solicited. Don't fonrat H,e place, earner of Seventh and Fir. MJW1UMES CAMPHKI.L A COTA. j . W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. -INSTRUCTION The Organ, Piano, Violincello, And Claironet TERMS MODERATE. ADDRESS: W. J. WALL, HILLSBORQ, OR. fci SCHULMERICHcV KOCH, iJ MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hand. 8oond street, HiUsboro, Oregon. HUXSBORO CITY I, K Beef, Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for Cash Paid MAIN STREET, WILEY & DENNIS, ZCITY LIVERY STABLE Cor. and and Washington Street, Is WHERE VOU WILL FIND THE IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY! WITH ITS ASSOCIATE SCHOOL Tualatin Academy Is one of the oldest and be4-equipped schools of the stat. Its work is characterized by breadth and thoroughness. Besides the regulnr college course, which are equal in ex tent to those of the better class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those desiring to perfect themselves in the common Eng lish branches, the Academy presents everv opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Hep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information, sddress thouas McClelland, Forest Grove Oregon. Spinning ! Why shouldn't we 1m? The season is just right for good feeling and active trade, when every body is Given a Chance To Turn Round and not be crushed by ' lack of confidence." Come to Schul merich & Son where you will find Holiday trade going on At a Lively Pace. Schul merich & Son are prepared to give you big bargains in just what vou need. U. S. HEIDLE'S HOME BAKERY, CANDY KITCHEN, SHOUT ORDEIl YlJN'CH ROOMS Now Open and Heady for llaalntas Cakes, Pies, etc., also Fresh Bread Every Day. fsr- A portion of your t mile is respect fully solicited. One dour west of I'hc I'liunnucy, Yours llespectl'ully U.S. IIF1DUC. - OREGON, HlLTSBOBO, C. R. MEAD'S EXPRESS! Makos regular trips to Portland on Mondays, edneadiiyH, and Kridnys, re turning on TiiPsdayii.ThiirHdHyNHiid Nitt urditVM. All businoNH entrusted to him will bo promptly Mid eurefully attended to. Freight and ex prewt rates reiiHonul lo. Leave orders with him, or at Bedford's, or at Thk A noes. NOTICE. A I.I. persons indebted to the lute linn of Williams A Hewell tire respectfully asked to cull nt the olUce in the old stand anil settle at once. HiUsboro, Oregon, September 20, 181)4, 2lf Williams & Sewki.l. Notice of Final Settlement TTOTICK is hereby given that the uniler- signed assignee of the estate of Jacob Anderson, an insolvent debtor has tiled in the Circuit Court of the Ktate ofOreon for U ashillirtoll ColllltV. hlu liniil nnamnl it such assignee und such Until account will ur nenrd und passed upon by the judge of J wmri 011 f rutay incumber 7, 184. JHto. tills AOV. 7, IHH4. 3,w w ir tri,.,, Assignee ottheestatoofJAcob Anderson, Insolvent Debtor, CIVBSC OH- MEAT MARKET. llEltST, raor Yeal and Pork : Fat : Cattle. : Sheen and ; Hogs for Poultry. HILLBBORO, OREGON. BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD Notice For Publication. I.asd Orrice At Owtium City, OhkiinI Oclolwr 27, IStM.I NOTICK Is IhthIiv iti"'" that tlin tivllow-iiiK-immril Kfttler has lllfil notice of liii intention to imik llnnl proof in miiv port of liis I'lulni, anil Hint sunt proof will In- mail h-fort ilu County lii-rk of Wiisli iiiKton Co., at Uillsburo, Or., on Oec. 14, vi: ' Ah'xumicf lUymomt, 11 ir. 11 mu r..r tim m w. 1 ..f m I.: u Sw, H.1, H. V, ,' of H. W. f 800 ftl, T. 2 N. K. ft W. and W. U of X. V. 4 Si-o. 3, T. 1 ! N K. 5 V. ll liunifs the follmviiitf witlli'sx to provtt hilt continuous n'niiltmr Uhiii mid, uuilmUioiiol.Halil Iiiiki, vm: K. I. Ornio, of (Inltm Crock, r., N.C. Lilly, S. W. llrr, Anton INtwull, " " " .12-H Uonr.KT A. Mim.kk. Renter. IpOK NAI.rc.-lly it. U. Howard, of t'lor ncliiis, tteventy-uv nnnix In irai'l to uit pun' I'rit'n lroni 10 to J4 pr lie 10. 1 his Imid is l.ii'.ati-il U mile noriu- cttMl of Cornt'liiis. r un liuum nrnin laud. I uut y-lim iiiti'S of Imtver iluiii. Mood house,' well and oilier iiiiprotiuiiit. (looii orchard ol'altoiit 3R) thiil'iy In uring trens. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTU'K is linrvliy given tlm. thn iindrr. Hilttiml UKHiKiiiwufthe MtHluof l, II. Wiltmut, John Willrout ami Kllicrt i.lllv, partners as Willrout A Co,, insolvent debtors, has tiled in I hi' Circuit Court of the Slate of Uiviion for WiiHhington coun ty, li i f- Dual account us such assignee and such llnal account will he heard and tmss- ed by the judge of said court, 011 Friday, iicruiniK'i' iin, IN' 1. Hilled this Nov. 7, ISM. 'Si-It V. H. KwisxrY, Assitfneo ol the estate of I'. II. Wiltmut, John Willrout ami Kllwrt Lilly, partners Wiltmut ,t Co., Insolvent Debtors. EXECUTRIXS NOTICF. NOTICK is herby given that, I thu under signed have he'cii by thu County Court of the (State of Oregon for Washington County, appointed exueutrix of the last will and testiinent of Louis Hnv, ih ueasisl, ami nave qualltetl as such exci uirlx. All ; persons having claiuia again--! the estate : of l.'illls Kov. deceased, are heruliy noli-' ... .... ! u r.i. ... tivyi vi I'lTwuk iiiv puiiiv l lur nun mu prowr vouchers, at the law olllcu of llar ri'tl iVc Adams, in HiUsboro, Oregon, w ith in six months from the ilnle hereof. Dated this SruteinlKT llli. H. Amanka M. Kov, Kxecunix ol the last' will and lestiim nl of Louis liny, deceased. ' TBK CHRONlOMt nnki wfcu th -"wfn in in united Bung, " o mot m in. ritu blMt pent In the coantrr. Jillf t;,n5N'l'- lytl. dnn nu be. the n-iend end ckwiiilon of the ptnplt u mnWeaiBblnelluiie, cllquu. cfpormtloni. or op. ffwjloiiior ,j, Kind. It nu ke UutopeudeDl la wernaUia, -Hitmi u mU1u THE DAILY 6EY $6.70 A YEAR The Weekly Ctironicie -THK Greatest Weekly in the Country. Tit WKKKLY CHnl!ltr;l,K. th. most bnl tlanl and eomplfte Wteklr Newspaper In the "rM. prlnU resularlr 70 columns, or tight iiaiiw. if Km, Uleralore and Oansral Inf.ifmsUoa: tlMamatnlnoent Airtrallaral Deparlaienl. $1450 to ONE YEAR Ineludlnf snawge) la ar.j part of las Unites taws, OtneteaMl Meileo. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You Want Any or TBS GREAT PREMIUMS The Weepronicle? READ THE LIST: rail Pries. spnrtlm Outnt and Weekly eneraar ....14 71 atsrlnt MMhlne and M'Mklr oat year..... W 00 V'lnohtr 44-eallber HID and Weekly an year 14 as Target llllle, Wcallher, and Weekly nut yr. IN s tr Pistol and Weekly one year.. aap or tnt united ntatet. Canada and Meileo, and Weekly one ytar a 00 Piirktt Atlaa and Weekly ill months. .. as Knife and Weekly Itint monthe ... 7) The aliora Hstee Include the frey tseni rf roseate the Paper. A Ulllt EM M. IX. da VOU NO, reoatietora. P. t hmnlclt, MM FRAftCIKCO. CAt The Circulation of the CHR0NICLB Is equal to that of ALL THE 0THEB Man Frtnelneo Moralng Paper Com 01 The New Chronicle Building IIIIHINKNN IMiRX. K. . M V. J. lUllryi phyieliis. Ilarrc't & AiUine, utt'y-iit-liiH j t'. 11. Hrown. Dentist, ace curd. lOAKTKllN MlliMKKIt.Rco ml, It. 11. tlrrer, (irocor, ad. Htllslioi-o Fharmary, see ail. HIIIhIioi'o Men I Market, see in I. I'. H. llclillp, llakery, Main si., S. II. HiiHton, utt'y-at-laM ; m ud. J. I, Kniitht, Insurance agt, sew ad. W. A. Inhllnw, Mir'liaiit,H"( nd. S. T. Miiklnlrr. physician; see ad. O. It. HiMMH'or, liarlwr, see ad. Hi hulnicidi'h Hon. foli. indHe. Ht'huliiirlt;li A Kim'Iii liulchors. J. II. Hmitli, lluxur sceinl, T. II. Toiiru, alt',v-at-liiw sec d, James I'liilllir,Tamlaio, M. I. II. I'nternnhrer, Jowolcr. hco ml. Wiley OcnnlM.CIty Livery, see ad. V. I. Wood, physician; sec ad. W .1. Wall, iiiiikIc tciuliirj see ml. Wilkes llro. aurvi'.voi-M.seK nil. 3. B. HUSTON, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. IloomS Union Ulook, HHUUro,Ow BARRETT 4 ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. It. Minn and 7 Central ltlook, llillaboro,On. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Ulook, Hllleboro, Orogoo. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Orilpe Iii Cbenntte How. Ilmkleno, corner Kirmt aiid Main etraeia, Hlllaboro, Oregon, S.T. LINKLATER, M.B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In HUklmro Pharmacy. Real dence east of Court Houee. OtAoe hours from 9 a. in. to p. m. at Pharmacy when not v biting; Utfor and after that Urn at reaideuoe. r. a. bailit, m.o. r. 1. baiuit, B.a.n.i. DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY, Physician, Sur(eoi and Accouchers. Ofllco In Hlllaboro Pharmacy. Ral denne eoutn-wrat cornar llaaeline and Second. All omlU promptly attended da or night JIMS PHILUPPI UMUSIl M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Burgeon Southern I'aclflo Railroad Cb, Consultatkm in Krennh or English. Oflo nd reaidalica south of Main near 3d at., HilUboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fin map work specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of th poiptoaos. Second si., HiUsboro, Or. C. B. BROWN, JJKXTIST, mi.i .siior.o, or.i'.ct'X. OOI.D CUdWN iuhI r.HlDdl'. work api'fiiilty. AM. W(I!K Oiiiircnlced. ltm ins I and '1 Moi'kiiii If lock. Opm k. Hofits: From K a. m. to 4. v. . New House, Newly ruriii-liiil. Two III. ids I'mm l iiiun Depot. BARR HOTEL Liiru1(iin ami American plan ri'MSIIED IN FlliST-CLllio STVLR All The Modern Improvement, Fire Proof, Hot and Cold Water, Centrally Located. RATES: $1.00 A PAY. S. M. II AK li, Prop. Corner Sixth and Clisnn Streets Portland, Oregon, rpo KKN'I. A liie cottne with lima X lots in North Moc i.ooiiioii ul nniiilh, Kiiijuiie at this , tine, T70K HAI.K or ratle a Komi Wt Inch 1 llli'ili, l,,r ,-iiwli u-lll JL waiioli will sell clicun lor cnsh. or will fu-(!?J!.Jy li,iiow l'i""ire at this olllce. rpo HKM . Three rooms in private rcsi children vautcd. fi.fii; per mull. jL ocnce near Mismos t;art o town lull o V Villi "HXi, rpoilfcM'.-A nice little t'oitaiw within -l one hloik ol the t usiiii cs ml id town "J f. tV,,"11"'"' : I'.i niire lit mis . (lite i r ol t . J liorne. BiCAVKI!l)Al77lrjTsT.Z,nTtii lOuiris ol iioikI Itinciiliiin In rent at lroni 16 to ! per ucre ( nil on or ad. oresa, J h, James, Hillnboro, Or. ai-lf pi.l)W WANTKIJ.-The paUiVs"" who X took W. II. JackNon a 12.ini h plow lroni his Harden sonic time l hislMiiiinior will save trouble by rilumiuu iI.a -t mice. r 31-M WANT Kl.-8itiiutloii nu farm by man and write wllhoiit.'chllilrun. Won. ?,!',.'" 1" h?u"e tki" to work 011 llox No. 104, HiUsboro, Al'H :"'i0,", ,k"'lK Uiemselvea hT' debtert) to Dr. F. M. Hobitiaun ara rtxtT'dH!..10 C,.,ll ttl"' wilnh? nlced hMhn ? ?' i"r ,the n"u" will be pieced In it ho liatida of 1111 nttornev for e,.l. lecuon. un. I,'. M. I.'....:.-.-"- . mi ABSOLUTELY The Best SEWINfl MACWht MADE Ten an ,. ZIi.. --.,'iss) can sen aeevnuw UU.TIB S r eT"l,?w,,,,PrklB sack as in CLimAX. insilr .3 Bihar I HJcli Arm FaU irisksl Plated iS Z. mm" BitjsitM riaie "Wnss for $1 (.00 vws snr agent op wrtu as. Ws waaHyaar trade, aad irprtsee.lerms kaT It, Ws ehallengs tks wsrla tt B rod-tea BTTEft $0.00 Uwlml mS2Zf"Jln abTttVrMo ewlng naekXasfar 190.00 Ikaa yoa IBM nkaaasa isaefe asb . A . ' " " w aajsaise till H VnTR ITS ten sitassaaaaa u . . OaaMlfiavBeWl sno?Ul!MaSi."'T- MONEY roN IALC BY