KMiiMwiwnm 111,1 m9" " THE ARGUS L. A. LONG, Editor. J. A BOWEN, Manager. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C. Dec. 2, 1894. Of course President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle were j leas ed to have subscriptions for more than three limes the amount rf the bond issue submitted in answer to the call, but they both had expect ed quitit us favorable a showing. If it should be determined, as now r,ihlM,l weekly . very Thursday even- ,.m,l4l. that the entire is- iog, Kast siiltt of ieeont St., museum, ur. i i - COURT HOUSE NEWS. SriJSCRIPTION TRICK. Single copy five cents. One Six monili ints. Thre months 35 cents. Vivinrtt Cards, Per Year J12.00. Contract t'ol.. )kt inch per month.. . Jto Special Advertising, S)vcial Kates. Fotnnxl at the Post-omre at Hillsboro, Oregon, as heconu-cln mail matter. THURSDAY. DEC. 6, 1894. WILL MARE A RECORD. The Democratic- Cusipress has anij 1 opportunity to yet rnnKe it-r-lf givat niwl famous before the republicans get in power. It can pive the nation control f the Nie araugua canal. Upon completion this would 1h of vast liem-fit to the roHiitrv. and clone would do much to give employment to idle tli.nts aK There undonhledly will bo legislation on the monetary ques tion, and it is safe to predict that the uijeet and and its remedial agencies will receive earnest atten tion. Tiiose who know the present attitude of the administration fully believe that a clearer und-rstandtng ofihis vexatious problem will be the result of this convention. A Y.iecilating Klicy on this one issue will be dangerous. There is a well tiefiii-il feeling in the country that there is something radically wrong in a financial policy which admits of so severe contraction. Legisla tion mint follow, no matter what opposition conies, and it must be wholesome lawmaking, at that. The enactment of Secretary Car lisle's new financial plan may have the desired effect. Conservatives claim that there is money enough at the present volume, provided the obstacles to healthy circulation be removed. Failing in this, they are heartily in favor of laws favoring more silver. The rank and file of democracy feel assured that the 'party will U ali in its power to ameliorate the times. Democratic principles have a chance for enactment. It is a peculiar fact that many republicans who were bitterly op P'Sed to the silver bill originated by the democats last spring, are now fall'ng into line on this much mooted question. They simply re alize that sooner or later justice will be done to the white metal, and they desire to get ii; on the ground floor in time to appropriate demo cratic doctrine by the time the next, campaign materializes. The democrats of the House are cogni zant of this fact, and will work hard to defeat the attempt. They want silver and they will probab ly show the opposition that they object to them boldly taking demo cratic priniples by default. If things continue this way very long, all who carry s dollar with them after night will have to carry a gun, or a body guard. "Hold ups" are too frequen altogether. There was a time when necktie par ties usually followed the capture of nocturnal plunderers, and if rol bcries continue much longer as have they for the past several months, there will be some one in need of a priest. People get tired of being held up all the time. All that Hillsboro needs to make the city look clean and in viting, is clean streets and repaired sidewalks, with an occasional ele vated crossing. No doubt the new ly elected mayor and city council will do all thev can to fill the need. sue shall be sold to the syndicate represented by the United States Trust Company's bid, which is on a basis of 2. 7-8 percent interest on the bonds, the record for placing binds at the lowest rate will have been broken. The matter will lie settled earlv this week. In any event, no matter which of the bid dors get the bonds, the interest will not exceed 3 per cent. It is hoped that the gold reserve fund will be strengthened to almost the total amount thst will be received from the sale of the bonds, but it will I several weeks lie fore that can defi nitely known. Whether democrat ic members of the House will carry out their announced intentions of attacking this bond issue remains to be seen. They will not, if they follow the advice of their more con servative colleagues who realize that no possible good can come from a proceeding of that kind. Democrats are doing more think ing than talking these days, and one of the results is a proposition that meets with much favor among the few democrats who have reach ed Washington. This proposition is in the nature of a suggestion to the President, that he omit from his to Congress, all men tion of financial recommendations, except that a monetary commission be authorized by Congress, to be appointed by the president, which shall make a thorough investiga tion of our entire financial Bystem, and report what ought to be done. This proposition is in tha interest of party harmony, and is backed up by two members of the cabinet--Secretary Morton and Attorney General Olney and some influen tial Congressmen; but as President Cleveland and Secretary Carlisle have some very decided ideas as to our moi.etary system and its needs, the suggestion may not be adopted. There ip a probability that Capt. Howgate. the man who defaulted for a large sum while acting as dis bursing officer of the Signal Service some fourteen years ago, and who was last summer run down and brought back to Washington by the instrumentality of Secretary Morton, may after all, escape pun ishment. The old indictments are faultily drawn many believe pur posely" so, by his republican friends in order to clear him. The papers ar not all to be found, and many of the most important witnesses against him are dead. It is believ ed that the missing papers were destroyed by those who shared in Howgate's plunder, and since it is learned they are missing, the num ber who think that those sharers were prominent ollicials at that time, has increased. The District Attorney thinks there still is evi dence enough to convict him, but this belief is not shared in by the general public. Chairman Bayers, of the House committee on appropriations, has his committee at work, in order to get one or two of the regular Ap propriation bills ready to report to the House soon after the assem bling of Congress. Mr Sayers thinks the pension and fortification bills can be put through before the Holidays. President Cleveland has not vis ited the4Vhite House for more than a week, owing to an attack of his old enemy, the rheumatic gout, but it has not prevented his keeping at work on his message. The members of the Sub-Committee of the House Com. on Judic iary, who are charged with the duty of investigating the serious charges made against Judge Kicks, will meet at Cleveland, Ohio, this week. Members of the committee who have been in Warhington ex pect that the investigation will be completed in time for a report to be made to the Judiciary Committee, at its first meeting after Congress CIRCUIT COURT. Judge T. A. McBrideon the bench C. P. Yates, C. W. Williams, E. C. Hughes and Joe Vaughn were appointed as bailiffs. William Griffin, a juror, was excused for the term. The grand jury empanelled are J II Sewell, II II Hall, J 0 Gust in, Peter Gottlieb. J G Boos, J Heis ler and M Heiling. Alice ISigelow. administratrix of the estate of F H Bigelow, deceased, vs Southern Pacific Company, ac tion for damages; motion for new trial overruled and judgment given defend ml for cost. M L Gove vs James Killen et al, foreclosure suit, judgment for plain tiff in the sum of !FS3S.:;, and flW attorney fee and costs, and mort gaged premises decreed to be sold to pay judgment. State vs Myron Beard, indicted for assault and battery three in dictments, arraigned and plea of not guilty entered, L h Kindt ap pointed to defend. W A. Goodin vs Lillian A Stev ens et at, attachment suit. Writ of attachment dissol ved- W A Goodin vs Lillian A Stev Stevens et al, action for money, or dered that the name of Lillian A Stevens be substituted for that of defendant, J E Showers. John Kaslalik vs Frank Pilerek, action for money, plaintiff's de murrer overruled. First National Bank of Hills boro vs J A Reid and Edward Con stable, judgment rendered for $370 and costs. John L Hunt vs Louisa J Hunt, divorce suit, default of defendant entered. E A Cunningham vs U S G Marquam et ux and F P Mays, judgment for plaintiff for 1839.15 and costs, and mortgaged premises deem! to be sold. E D Shattuck vs John Masters et ux. and San Francisco bank, judgment for plaintiff for $500 with interest from October o, Vo attorney fees and costs and mort gaged premises ordered sold. E D Shattuck vs J A Reid, Mar garet Constable add C H Dodd &, Co. et al, judgment for plaintiff for 1300 with interest at 10 per cent. from May 18. 1892, and mortgaged premises decreed to be sold. Elizabeth Riehey. administra trix, vs R L Wooster et ux and D Corwin et ux, judgment for plain tiff for $1395 and costs; mortgaged premises ordered sold. John W Shutf vs Theresa and E H Malilz and N A Barrett, judg ment rendered for $893 and costs; and mortgaged premises ordered sold. Gilbert Blair vs Preston Rich ardson, action for money; contin ued. Marion Brower vs G V Brower, divorce; continued. Robt J Patton & Son vs Talbot Miller et al, action for money; con tinued. Arata Donahue fe Co vs IMtro and Anglo Ambrozi, action for nionev; continued. Chas. Ohio vs II II Hendrix, to quiet title; continued. Geo McCuon vs Henrv equity; continued. hearing the final account of D Ki Hunter, Gault, deceased. Louisa Auicker appointee guar- Notice For Publication. Laku Orru'K At Okriion Oitt, Okkuox) Oetolwr 27. !.( rOTtl'KN hereby nlveu tlmt the lolltiw- In the matter of the estate ol man or me nrii ami estate ... i,,K-..i..o0 filler ha. hd notice of Richard Morton, insolvent debtor; John Anicker, an insane person, m, jm,.,,,,, to niuke tinul nmol in .up- continued. I withbonds fixed at l.UHl, vnh S -rt of hi emu,, ... ... I .-ft In the matter of the estate ofJ:T Lu.kUUr and Peter Kindt as r , Or., .mi !;. 14. L Smith, insolvent debtor; contin-' sureties. C Cm-k, John Kindt and lsiil, vii: , iihviiii.imI ued. James Lluian were appomieu ap- H K Ni;,M,7, ,,. s. K. 'of S. K. 'v Bradlev, Metcalf A Co vs T U 1 praistrs. s.v.'iV, s! s i w. j Sec M. T. ;i X Cornelius, action for money; con-; Petition of the administrator of K. ft v ;aml . H i N. W. h . tinued. Patrick MeQuude, deceased, asking '' Vf 'liLmi-a the following witnesses to Inl.,. I lloflmnn v P W I'M- u.ive to sc lleisoual tvronertV lor move his continu"" rexu eiiee up... ...... wards, Foreclosure; continued. cash in hand was granted. Win Baillie et il vs John Uob-i Quarterly teporl of the adminis ertson et al, action for money ; con-' trator of Louis Roy, d ceased, tiled, tinned. ! Personal property as follows was In the matter of the estate of M set off to ti e i.!ow: 5 li. ad of hogs, A Powell, insolvent deVtor; contin-: 2 work horses, I set team harness, ned, ' 1 farm wagon, 1 plow, 3 ton of hay, I'liliivuiiiin of. said laud, vir i Ih UrinVt' HaU'H I'reek, Or., N.C. Lilly. ; , S. W. tier. 1 Anion I'owell, " " ' , , I ;-0 liiinuur A. Uritistur. I ."Mill SAI.K.-By H I'. Howard, of for- neliii", si'veiily live acres la trai ls to ...... I, ... 'rli'i. rum I. I. I fl tT In the matter of the estate of S 11M) bushels wheat, 12;) buslisis 1U.M.. This luml is i .cnie.i nnie imrui I) Powell, insolvent dehter; contin- oats, 2 cows, 2 doz-n chickens and et olVornelu .iorrm lumL ued. ' ; In.iiM'hold and kitchen furniture. Boos & Heitzhousen vs C S Nay-! Remainder of peixmal property .. orchard ol ai.oui :w tunny wauni: lor, appeal from J P court; dis- ordered sold at private sale on sixi1 missed. - 'month..' credit, interest at 8 per- Notice of Final Settlement. Felix Grepaire vs Ira Wheeler, -cent. J XTOTU'K i heielivTiven dm. the under- action for money; Continued. In the mailer of the estate ol NiK1H,lt u.,ll!m'v.fiiKM'tuioof u, n. In the matter of tin assignment, Elias Newton, deceased; petitioners j wiltrout, John WiHrout uml Klieri i.i;ly, of Chas Collin-, insolvent debtor; claim allowed. I h"s U..- I'm-uit ivurt ol Continued. ! In the matter of the estates of U i tin. state oI Uivkoii fur Wusliinnton eoun-1 John E Showers vs F Wilson e. jG Jackson. Melinda Hoover, J"f! i$A!T al, foreclosure; dismissed. Hoover and John Lursniau, de- j ,,,) liy ,n(, jaltK(. f ,ut court on I'Vi.lay, ir. tLu ... . tu.i- nf the iiKsionmiiit i .'fused : linal heai illif snt for Jaiitl- i lice ember Till. IS!H. of N A Barrett, insolvent debtor;!ury 7, 1S95, at 10 a. in. j.l,0;1 ll,is N'ov' 7' it.swisi.Rv. continued j-'lll the mutter of the estate ofl Asxitruec ol the estate ol I). H. Wiltrnul, ii M-..1 .t. v. Wi..l.i....v Mienddi... .I.-cwismI: one- John Wiltrout ami Klhert Lilly, partners n , cuiui.k w " .............. j r, - Ui A-Co iiso vent leli oi-s. M'srsKHH IHPKX. P. A. P. J. BUryi nltynlelmiR. Ilnrrett A AtlninR, att'y-at-luwj II. Ilrown, Uontlit, Rweiirtl. K.sT:HN MII.I.INKH.see u.l. 11. II. tlreer, llnteer, ee(l. IlllUhoro I'liHriuacy, Hoe ml. HIllsDoro Mrat Markol, d. I'. H. lleltlle, Hakery, Main "t. e ml. H. II. Iluslon, tttt'y-at-law; am ml. J. I. KuiKl.t. Insurance ' See ail. V. A. I.alcllaw, Merchant, .co ml K. T. Iiliik-lnl.r. physi. ii.n; sin a.t.y ). It. Kpt'liCfr. Ilarlr, nee ad. S hulniei l I. on. noil, uiilae. Hi liulnierl. h H kot lij huteliera. J. II. Snilili, llaar wk iuI, T. II. Toimiie. ntt'.v-nt-tawi w ad.. .liinicM ri.iMipe.TainlesIc, M. I. II. lliiiei'imlirei', Jeweler, wo ml. Wiley K I.nni.t'ily Lit. ry, see ad.. V. 1. Wood, jiIi.vmI.'Iuiii seo ad. W.J. ll. n.i sle temlicii mii ad. Wilkes llios. KUI'Veyois.soe u.l. G. B. HUSTON, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, ANt NOTARY PUBLIC Km.iiiS Union muck, HHUilwro, Of. DARRETT A ADAMS, . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. H.M.iiiH (I and 7 Control Block, tlllltxro, Or. EXECUTRIXS NOTICF. XTDTICK isherl'VKlven that, I the uuder- ll nineil have linen by tlie I 'utility Court H:izel Stock Farm, action for mon-; half of a certain note allowed to ev: dismissed. ' .Minerva Shiplev, court tinding pe- ?. ........ ;.. State vs A A .Mead; defendant titioner a partner, pleaded guilty to the crime of big- j makriac.k lich.nsk. amy and and was sentenced to the j oV .8tli. .1 H Fowler and I ot the state ..f Oregon for V:isiiinni..n penitentiary for three venrs. v ,,."',. i. ; County, appointed executrix of the la-i Hall vs Hall, decree of divorce; - granted. ! CtjaSiAliK OF V arnum vs arnum, decree ot; ...t, divorce granted. j Parsons vs Parsons, decree of di- The fie: nnJ unlir.ii:e.l coinage of Vorce granted. ' silver, the product of Anurican mines, Lebard granted. vs Lebard, divorce; . the dJ of j( of si,ver t0 , of ' Mantling vs Manning, divorce; ioU ish only solution ..f and , granted. i remeu7 ,ur l,ie uisturuea ana unsntis-1 Lenox vs Lenox, divorce; granted. I factory condition of trade, manul'ac-1 ; Barrett vs Barrett, divorce; ; ture and eencral business of the coun-1 try. The surreptitious act of 1873, divorcing silver ar.d gold in our tr. r.ic tary system, was a crime of untold magnitude. It was the rankest kind of class legislation in favor of the wealthy against the producers of wealth, and hostile to tlio prosperity 1 of the United States. It was an act of treason because done at the instance of a European syndicate and for bribe tnoney, "giving aid and comfort to our country's enemies." To shield i will mid testiment ol Iahih Huv. d eeasi"! land h:ie (iiiallii.l as a itch exeenlrix. All I pi-rsons li.n'iiu.' eliiiiiiM against thi' estate ; o! Louis, liov, ilei eas. .1, me hereby uoli ; lied to pr sent the Mime toiiieilh the j pr..Mir vom liers. al the law ollieu uf liar ! ret l A. A lions, in Hilllioio, Oregon Willi 1 in six mouths from the dale lien of. Dated this Scptunilier-ltii. tsjll, Amand M. HoV, Kxeeutrix ot the last T. H. TONGUE, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, l:i M u'Kan Itlork, Hillsboro, Oron. W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllep In I'lieiiotte Kow. Healdanot, corner First und Main streeU, HllUbortt, Oregon. . ' S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollleeln lllltabnm l'harmBey, Riwl denee wist of Court House. UlAe hour i and tentiiuent of Louis lioy.d.ce. 1. 1 tK'timi" - - - - residuneu. granted. Hunt vs Hunt, divorce; granted COL' NT Y COURT LAW. Wehrung & Sons vs'Wni Chal mers, for money; judgment for plaintiff' by default. Fred L Peterson and Mat Scliei ble admitted to full citizenship. Mutt Sheihle, Win. Stoll, and Frederick Ltidwig were admitted lo full citizenship. PROBATE. Julia L Dennis appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of P Mj Dennis, deceased, with liond lixtl at $1000 and John Dennis am itEADinS PAPER mm coast F. A BAII.KY, M.D. F.J. BAII.RY, B.R.M.D. i DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY, i Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. I' Ollleo In Pharmacy. Kel ' deiico (nitn-wet oornor Bawdlno and ' Pm-ond. All raits promptly attended day j or nltfht. j JAMES PB1LUPPK T1MISSI8, M. D. ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surueon Southern Paolflo ltallniad Oo. CouHiillatloiiin Kroneh or English. Ofllee lid residence south of Main near 3d St., j Hillslx,Vo, Or. the guilty parties, the well authenii- , , cated f 1 :.s, often published, have been W Morgon as sureties. J J Mor- vigoiou.-uy gan, W A Laidlaw and W D Smith! The Enquirer will continue to ex were appointed appraisers. j pose this unpardonable crime until Estate of David Dapp, deceased, 1 right and justice are dcie the people inventory and report of appraisers j by the M storatijj, cf sUver to its . t tt n rr i ! old companionship with gold. We Estate of II C . , . , , ceased, inventory and report of ap- "eed the assistance cf the people m praisers filed. disseminating the truth, to which end Will of .Samuel Stoller, deceased, we mvit.' all in your teieuion 01 pa- proven in open court, and 111 obe dience lo iis provisions, Elizabeth Stoller is appointed executrix with out lamds. Jncoh U'ismer. W J Wisnier 11 ml C F W-aldccker ap pointed appraisers. Monday, Decemlier 24lh, set for 1UK. CllltONICI.F nuiks wiu tbt iiwaiwr in lh united Stun. THK OIIRoniclf. hm no Halonth rulai wnsi. It itwl-. til In m.llity. nUrpr.M and nwt THK C1IKONICLIPH Tl(.(TMUle Rporu. .r, Itm u.nt ul moat nUabl. iw lwal Ncwa tlx ruilew aa4 aulcim, and IU Editorial! from lai bleat pens In lot country. ! THK Oil RON ICI.K hu alwaya bean, and alwayi tll bo. tha friend and clum.lon of Ilia pnipla u I xaliiatoooiblnatluna, cliques, ourpxratloiia. or op. I ot on)- kind. II wiu So Uulopauilaiil lo WotyiaUic, Moinl la Bathii W. J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. -INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON- The Organ, Piano, Violincello, And Claironet ADDRESS: W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. TERMS MODERATE. When United; States senators are elected bv the popular will of! convenes the ueonle there will be no exuen- Colonel Simmons, Collector of live deadlocks, and disgraceful con-1 11:10' !'"1 xvTenu,eor ,.the EaLster.n . .. . ,, ... - . ! District of North Carolina, who is teste.. As it now is (lie will of the . w..i.:..,.. r ,i. people is the will of a few that can control a legislature. The smoke supposed to have bten seen coming from the crest of Mt. Iiaineer, has come to public notice early in the year. These lit tle occurrences come nnnu: lly, but generally in the spring time, when buds are swelling. As eastern paper hasacaricntiire representing the pugilist, Corbett, in an attitude of surprise looking at ,FitzsimmonB fist, while he men tally soliloquizes, "Wouldn't that kilfyou?" visiting Washington, says of the legislature of that state, and the coining election by it of two U. S. Senators one to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Vance, which runs until March 3rd, 199, and the other to succeed R'insorn, whose term expires March 3rd, 18 95: '"The democrats have ten seufttors out of fiftv and in the house forlv-five members out of one hundred and twenty. The re mainder is pretty evenly divided between the republicans and popu lists, with a slight proportion in tavor ot the latter. l nave no doubt but two senators will be elec ted without wrangling one will be a republican, the other populist, If Marion Butler is elected, as now seems probable, there will -virtual- , Iv be two republicans in the Senate The democrats left a surplus of 1 from tluit state. On the stump, ainniWHim t ., A ,.f nii.vp. 1 Butler attacked the Senate Tariff , .' . , . , (bill, and declared the MoKinlev .anas n ..,..,1tim.u . . jlttw preferable. He is a protection Harrison had one term, following Hnfi wiil vote that way. All this, there was a deficit of $30,000, the populist leaders are really 10 fjQ(J. - " - publican, iinywav. SCHULMERICH & KOCH, MEAT MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hand. Second street, Hillsboro, Oregon. HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET, I. E BEUST, Prop Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Matket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and ; Hons Cash Paid for Poultry. pers for the coming season to include the Enquirer, that costs only $1.00 a year. (Issued twice a week.) Liberal commissions and cash re wards given to club raisers. Sample copies free. Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, 0. Chattel Mortgage Sale, THK unileMitmeil iiiortKHKu will null the following ilficriiitil property to the highest bhldcr ut puhllr auction at the farm of I). A. ('loninjirr, 2' miles north west of Hillshoro, (Iivkoii, on Saturday, Decembers. IWH, to-wit: Two 2-yenr-oM white heifers, part Durham One white cow " " dark rod cow " red anil white cow ' 2-yeur-old heifer. " red and white cow " man " " light yellow " " spotted " 3-yenr old Two One heifer rive " calves , Ayersliiro A " , Durham half Jersey o .. IHIlt " half Durham part Holstein lialf 74 MAIN STREET, HILLSBOKO, OREGON. WILEY k DENNIS, One 3-yeur-old rcjtinl erel Short Horn bull "imported by Dr. Hawthorne. " 2-year-old regmtjred llolitein " Two line brood sow. ' brown horses, 13 handa hih One bay " " Z horse wagon " 2 " plow " steel lever hay rake " pew Ituckeyc mower " set dbl team harness " sulky hay rake Two ten gal milk cans " 8 " " ' One 30 " " " 'M ncre fall irrain Oilier things too iiiiiiierous to mention Kale to commence at 10 a. m. TKK.MS All sums over Tin a credit of 6 months will lie given; purchaser to give note with approved security and bearing 10 per cent, interest. H. WKHUUNO A SONS, Mortgagees, B. P. Cornkmus, Auctioneer. TheNewChroiiicle Building WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fins map work apeclulty. IJiidniy Block, two doora north of th povtoflloa. ttacoud at,, Uillaboro, Or. C. B. BROWN, rjKNTlST, IIII.lMlOItu, oliWlOX. (iOI.D CKOWN mid UUMMiK wi-rk a speelalty. A 1.1. WOliK tlimreiiti l. Ho'oiiiH 1 m il 2 Morgan Itlork. Okkii'K Horns: Kroin S a. m. to 4. v. M. New House, Newly Furnished, Two Mocks From i nion Depot. THE" DAILY ONLY $6.70 AIM The Weekly Chronicle :CITY LIVERY STABLE; Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, PACIFIC UNIVERSITY! WITH IT8 ASSOCIATE SCHOOL" Tualatin Academy Is one of the oldest and best-equipped schools of the stalp. Its work is characterized by breadth and thoroughness. Besides the regulnr college course, which are equal in ex tent to those of the belter class of Eastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies To those desiring to perfect themselves in the common Eng- lish branches, the Academy presents every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information" address thomas mcclelland, Forest Grove Oregon. C. R. MEAD'S EXPRESS! Mitkes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, VV ednesdiiys. nnd Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rates reasonahl'). Leave orders with Aim, or tit Ledt'ord's, or at Tub A Rons. NOTICE. Land Omen At Orboon City, Orkoon i Oetober24, 189i. J NO'I'ICK is hereby given 4hat the ap proved plat of survey of Township 1 South, Kange 6 West him been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on Dec-ember 12, 1M04, at 9 o'clock a. in. on said duy said li."t will he tiled in this olllce nnd the land therein embraced will be subject to entry on und after said aaie. Robert A., Register. 32-6 Petkk I'aquet, Receiver, Notice of Final Settlement. NOTK'K i.t beri'by given that the under signed astignee of the estate of Jacob Auderaon, an insolvent debtor bus Hied in the Circuit Court of the State ofOiegon for Washington County, his linal account as such assignee and such Ii mil account will be heard and passed upon by the Judge of aid onrt on Kririnv IHwnWrT, kOI. Unfed this Nov. 7," 1894. 3S-6 , W. H. Wehrung. Assignee of the estate of Jacob Anderson, 1 nsnlveut Debtor. -THE Greatest Weekly in the Country. THE WKKKLV CH UtlNlfXH. t!ie mwit hm :iuii auid coniplpto Wukljr Nmflpnp'r n lh. W'Tiil. prltitfl rcKiilnrlr 70 columim. oreli;l.t 'hihii tf Newh. littenttura Kiid Oenr.p.u iMforiiMtlpni mngnlAcwit Agricultural Department. $1.50 For ONE YEAR Jnflliullng pnitqt) ic mr.y pHrt uf Ui United Stewa, CaniuU nd Mexico. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You Want Any or thf GREAT PREMIUMS BARR HOTEL KlKoprail und A mrrinitn l'lau FL'llliillEI) IN FlltST-CLSS STAIR All The Modern Improvements, Fire , Proof, Hot and Cold Water, Centrally Locate! RATES: $1.00 A DAY. S. M. BAR II, Prop. Corner Sixth and Glisiin Streets Portland, - Oregon. TOUKNT X lots in North U)v month. A large ootliiM' with thiie tidil'tloii at iht KiKltliie at tills ollli:.'. 1jV)RHAI,K or liuile a inch wagon will sell cheap lor cash, or will trade for milch cow. Inquire at this office. ri'H) RKNT.Tlii-ue rooms in private resi" A (lenre luur busiu.yh ml ul l.iwn, No children uuiited. $2.ultpi r, iimi.tb. Cull at this ollice. UICNT.-A nice little rotliigd within X one ol the luhincss mt of town ut 7 per mouth: Kmjuie ut this' fticeor of V. K Thome. BHAVKIIDAn; TO lIKNT.-KroinT to 10 acres of ebud beaveidiim to rent ut from $lf lo I'd) er'ttcre. Vi on or nd i.w, 10. U James, llillshoru, Or. i.l-tf 1WW V AS li.D.-'Ihe puiVieN " win. took . it. .luckhon's I' iiuh plow from his gulden some time this summer will save trouble by riluininj! ihe same ul once. i34 WAMKD. -Situation on farm by man and wife without children. Wom an to do house work,; n an to work on farm. Inquire at Argus olllce or address llim No. 104, Hillsboro, AM. persons knowing themselves Tn" detted to Dr. 1''. M. Robinson are hereby requested to cull and settle within lhenext;:u dnH, or the iiwounts will be liluced in ihe liiiuds of an attorney for col lection. Dii, j.m. Kl;w,x l,,vmt.i. Oregon. aK) The Weekly Chronicle? READ THE LIST: Full Trie timrtlng Outfit wid Weekly out yew ..... 14 73 Vwhig Michtne and Wmlcly one ynr ....... 'il 03 Wlnclicter UKWIIher Hide and Weekly one year 14 SO rargt lime, i-oalllr, and Weekly nut year . ....m....... 4 HO PiMnl and Weekly on year.... ...... M J.'ap of the United State. Canada and Meileo. and Weekly one year 9 00 Pocket Atlas and Veekly als mnutha......... " 85 K nlfe and Waokly three months.... ...... . 71 The alioT Kstat Inelurla the Prepay ment f I'naUic on tb Paper. ADUKliSS - M. H. Am YOUNti, tlOBfiMnrS. F. I hn.nlcle, AN FBAN'tllSfO. CAt. 1 be Circulation of the CH RON IC LB l eqUKl to that of ALL THE OTHF.B San Franebwo Morning Paper Com kened. money .M ' ait 1LA ABSOLUTELV The Best SEWING tlACKIHE MADE Vri OR OCR DBALKRS ran aril ynn machlnaa cheaper than yon can oc claewhere. The NEW HOIHR la our beat, but we make cheaper kinds, such aa lit CLIMAX, IDEAL and other HlKh Arm Full Nickel Flalc Bowing machines fbr $1 5.00 an np. Call on oar agent or write tie. We want yonr trade, and If prlcee, terms and square dealing will win, we will ; hare It. Wo challenge the world to prodnco a BETTER 50,00 Sewtnac machine for 1 50.00, or better liO. owing machine fbr S0.00 than Ton can bny from ae, or oar Agents. THEKEWE0XBSE1IR8UCHIKEC0. Oaumm, Htre. Bonos. Vim. tt tjnoir gmuia, M.Tf. CuK.'m.IU. Bt. Louis, Mo Ditui,Tjua IU ISDicMoo, mi. Anu.,Oa. ron at by