THE ARGUS Editor. cN, Manager. - -VItScniPTION FRICB. " Single copy rive eonts. One year, fl.OO. 8ix raontliaOO cent. Thrw months 33 cent. Business Canls, Per Year $12.00. Contract tlid.. no inch tx-r month SO Special Adverttsitijr, 8cial Rates. Published weekly every Thursday even- getting together ill Congress and in. KM side of Second st., Hillsboro, Or. H,l0p. jng sonie legislasion that -V Entered at the Post-office at Hillsboro. jj, M t, colmtr? ,,d incitleilt Oretron, as Second-clns mail matter. i r, . M iy the democratic party, in 189b. THITRDVY 0V 29 1894 (Just what legislation shall be acted ' ' ' ' ' uiton is a question that will de " . ! ermine very soon how deep this . It ir thought that t lie president i anxiety for party harmony wilfeveal some now ideas onthejgoes. I he utea 1 have most gener monetary question, when his mes sage goes to congress. Thk next Oregon legislature will lie as follows: In the senate there will lie 19 rep., 8 dem., and 7 pop; the house will have 53 rep. and 7 npulists. The ten righteous men "T " ' onlv eight. f hr has many republican friends amb appreciates them, and they are' aware, too, that democrats generally do not support republican administrations. A good democrat supports his party tenet'. It is generally noticeable that it fs the man who has no property or reputation, who assails private character or goes seeking for lander and libel. This is the only kind of people which pan afford such luxuries. Hapily, Hillsboro has lio such vermin in her midst. Foil, thk: benefit of the brainy publisher of an up country paper, it might be proper to state that the Argvs has neither time nor incli nation to bandy words in reply to a vulgar. fRcetiousness, which has for its "greatest pillar and most prominent point the personal pro noun i. Sesatob Dolph will hardly pull through for the next Senatorial beat, unless, there le nothing in nublic sentiment. Look out for a dark Itorse. And by the way, while our state legislature votes on the candidates, the democrats of the body will endeavor to smile serenely. President Cleveland did what any sensible president would or should have done when the rioters in Chicago were out sacrificing hu man life and destroying property. He sent" the troops there, and by so doing, saved a multitude of lives, and perhaps millions of dollars worth of property.' Japan really wants no mediation. The little nation has no necessity for such a proceeding. She has her men in the field and they are do ing somo good work. Just at this time, with the way open to the Chi nese capital, and success coming with every assault, it would appear that the little island nation could dictate the terms of peace. She should go ahead and finish the. dertakin WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C. Nov. 2G, 1894. The democratic senators and representatives who have been in ashington since the election have with one or two exceptions talked in a manner that indicated the proper spirit. Their greatest de tire, they have said, is to ailow the Dast to rest, and to have the demo- . cratic party take a fresh start by ally heard expressed by democrats is that senators and representa tives should not commit them selves to the support of any partic ular tariff or financial legislation until after the recommendations on those subjects contained in the President's annual message to congress are made public. That would leave them free to accept the President's recommendations, should they be of such a nature as t be acceptable to the democratic party as a whole, which they are al most certain to be. With the dem ocrats in senate and house acting in harmony, much can be accom plished in n legislative way during the three mouths of the short ses sion; without harmony there is no hope of accomplishing anything and would not be even if the ses sion were to be three times three months long. Since President Cleveland an nounced that his annual message to congress would contain import ant financial recommendations, based on Secietary Carlisle's an nual report, democrats have been greatly interested in learning the nature of Secretary Carlisle's re port, but it is as yet a secret, con fined to thowo who have promised to keep it until the report and the President's message are made pub lic. Secretary Carlisle has not been at his office for several days, preferring to work upon his report at his home where he is free from interruption. It is said that the system proposed will supply the elasticity so badly needed in our present financial system. Al though Secretary Carlisle has al ways been known as a friend to silver, no one, who will tell, has found out what part silver is to play in the new system A laborious attempt is being made by certain parties to have it appear that President Cleveland has exceeded his constitutional authority in dealing with the pro posed mediation of the trouble be tween Japan and China. Their whole story is built upon a false foundation. They say that Presi dent Cleveland has offered to act as mediator. He bus done nothing of the kind. At the request of the Chinese government he directed Secretary Gresham to ask the Jap anese government 'if it would fa vorably consider a proposition to have the United States act as me diator in order to put an end to the war. It will be difficult to make sensible people, who are "upon prin ciple opposed to war, believe that the president exceeded his author ity in thus trying to end a war be tween two nations with which we are on friendly terms. How friendly v e are with Japan may be judged from the fact that a new treaty has jbst been concluded with Unit country There is litte..rit: tors this week, reported by C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of American and foreign patents, Opp. U. S. patent office, Washington, D. C. E. L. Brown, San Francisco, penholder; E. A. Cooley, box wir ing or hooping machine; M. M. Cope, Noyo, Cal., saw-handle; C. U. Fraxer, San Francisco, can labeling machine; D. Fulton, Enterprise, Ore, sliding gate; J. W. llimes, Elma, Wash . trace hook; J. Hop kirk, San Francisco, reversible driving gear for cars; 11. 1). Hume, Gold ISeach, Oreg., carrier for can making machine; A. F. La Shells, Biggs, Cab, Railway rail; F. B. Long, Los Angeles, Cal., Pianoforte and a gaffe therefor; 0. Van Oos truin, Portland, Oreg, garment se curinsr device. CORNELIUS. We noticed Wal and Win. Marsh in the city Monday. Jim Miller left last Sunday to work for Mr. Schiffelin. Charley Cary's sister, of Scio, Linn county, is here on a visit. Mr. U. 0. Stephens, of Gales Creek, was in the City Monday. Sam Walker, of Forest Grove, was in the city Monday, on business. S. B. Rose, of Vernonia, was here last week after a load of supplies. ' Win. Tuppcr, a prominent citizen of Hillsboro, was in this city Tues day. Mr. Ben Scofield shipped a car load of hogs, this week, to Port land. Mrs. John Clark is very ill. We haven't heard the nature of her complaint. Scott Walker, of Gaston, passed through the city on his way home Tuesday. The S. P. bridge gang passed through this city Tuesday, enroute for Portland. Mrs. Cornelius dimisscd her scholars Monday afternoon, on ac count of sickness. A B. B. Lewis came out from Nehalem on McNutt's stage Mon day, on business. Wm. Porter shipped between 700 and 800 fruit trees to Gaston and Dillev, Wednesday. The city Dads have had some more of the streets planked adding greatly to the comfort of our city. Miss Maggie Neep is steadily improving and will shortly be able to be out. We are pleased to hear it. 0 Mrs. George Hancock went up to "North Yamhill county last week to visit her parents. George is bach ing. Prof. Palm took his grammar class up to Forest Grove Monday, for further advancement in the study. 0. N. Prather arrived home from California Monday night where he has been at work on the steam tie works. Messrs. Hatchcraft & Friar, of Yamhill county, friends of Chas. W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. j." fc INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON The Organ, Piano, Violinci, Cawrse, were in the city Tuesday on business. There will be a masque skating carnival at the rink in the near future, so we are informed. Look out for the bills. Born, Tuesday, Nov. 25, to the wife of Al Herman, a boy: "eight nine rounds. The mother and father doing well. Mr. Thomas Tu limit and lady! went to Portia nd last week and purchased a ear load of fine furni ture for their new house. We hear there will be an invita tion dance at the hall next Thurs day night, under the auspices of the Harmony Social Club. Uncle Sol Emeriok, Ike Piker and Win. Bennett returned last Saturday, from Wilson Hiver, loaded down with salmon. Mr. L.J. Hollz and Miss Jennie Hendricks, of this place, were mar ried before Justice Knight, Tues day last. We wish the young peo ple happiness in life. Joe Allison will complete Mr. Talbott'B house this week. The house is the finest in the city. Mr. Allison is a good workman, as his work bears witness to. We are glad to see Dan Barrett up and around again from the fracture of the knee. Dun thinks his knee will be so that he can go to work about the first of the year. Cornelius people will he up with the times. The dancing club has purchased a canvas for the hall and hereafter will dannce on can vas, which is great improvement to the floor. Lost! lost! The regular corres pondent from this place has failed to put in appearance this week. Well, we will let him off easy if he will promise not to go back on us more than three times. Chattel Mortgage Sale. THK undersigned inortiriiKecs will sell the following described property to the highest bidder at public auction at the farm of I). A. Cloninger, 2 miles north west oi musooro, Oregon, on Buturday, December 8, IWM, to-wit: Two 2-year-old white heifers, part Durham One white cow " " " dark red cow " " " reil uud white cow, Ayershire A " ' 2-vear-old heifer. " " " red and white cow , Durham roan " light yellow " spotted " 3-year old Two One heifer Five " calves hall Jersey pint " half Durham fiart Holstein nilf " One 3-year-old registered Short Horn bull unpolled by Dr. Hawthorne. " 3-year-old registered Holstein " Two hue brood row.i ' brown horses, 15 hands high One bay " " 2 horse wagon " 2 ' plow " steel lever hay rakp ' new Buckeye" mower " set dbl team harness " sulky hay rake Two leu gal niilk cans l g 4. O I One 30 . , 30 acres fall grain Other things too numerous to mention Sale to commence at 10 a, in. 'i'KKMiS--All sums over DUO u credit of 0 months will be given; purchaser to give note with approved security and bearing 10 per cent, interest. II. WK1I ItlINU & SONS, Mortgagees, H. 1. Coknkmus, Auctioneer, Thanks At this ecAson of the year are apuropriate and right. Schnl- merich .v Son express thanks and Good Wishes To the host, of patrons who have favored them with their orders. The season of Thanks giving calls for especial atten tion, ami we are happy to think that to Schulmerich & Son's Patrons Tb" Thanksgiving season trad lasts the year through. Come and see their Intent bargains. far the want of room we will sell the following goods at lowest prices possible for the next lo (lays: Uamboo easels, '25, o0 and 40 cents each, length 14, 20 and 36 inches, brackets, 35, (() and 75 cents each, 2 shelves and fancy. Fancy wood brackets 25 to 50 cts each, large sizes. Dolls, China, 7 inch 5 cents, " i. 9 .i jo " 11 " 15 " " u is u 25 Dolls, kid pointed, fit and inde structible from 25 cents up. Doll heads, China and Hisque, 10 cents to $1.23 r,t the Hazilir. . NEVER FAILS. djif our W'chfoot "yis wherever worst "tree Notice For Publication. , 1,ani Omra AtOihom I'ity, OiikuonI Octolvr 117, lU.f N OTITIC Is hereby given thai the following-named settler ha- Hld notice of his intention to make Until proof in sup port of his claim, and Ihal said proof will made before the County Clerk of Wash ington Co., at llill-bi'io. or., on Den. 14, WM, vw : AU'vamti'r Kaj inoml. 41. K. No. !MS, for Hie . I1.. of S. I',. ' Sec. S. W. i, oi!-'. W. S.v ,"4, T. 2 N. It. 5 W. ami VY. i ol .. . 'i w. a, ' l Vie 'mimes the following wKiimsshs to nrove his inntinnous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vnr. : K. I), ormo, of tlules t ruck, or., N. C. Ullv, S. W. Her, Anton INiwell. " " ,'fci-U Koiihar A. MII.I.KB, uegtsier. ; IjWi SAI.K.-lly It. I'. Howard, r Cor-1 Helms, sevolilv-tive acres In tracts to suit purchaser. I'rico from to H) per acre. Tins land Is located k mile liorlh- east ol'Cornelius. fine liuitoi grain land. Twentv-llve acres of lieaver ilatu. Uishi house," well and other improvement. Hood ovchard of about flW llinfly bearing' trees, I Notice of Final Settlement NOTK'li Is hereby given tint, the under signed assignee of the estate of l, II, Wiltrout, John Willrout and Kllwrt Lilly, partners as Willrout iV Co., insolvent debtor, has tiled in I lie Circuit Court of the Stale id Oregon for Washington coun ty, bi llnal account as such assignee ami such ti mil account will be beard aiul pass ed bv the judgu of said court on I'liday, December Tib, Nil. Dated this Nov. 7, ISIM. Sl-ii V. H.KWtNNKV, Assignee ol the estate of D. II. Willrout, John Willrout ami KIImtI Lilly, partners as Vi ill rout ic Co., Insolvent Debtors EXECUTRIXS NOTICF. NO I'lC I') is herby given that, 1 Hie under signed have been by the County Court ol the State of Oregon for Washington County, appointed executrix of the lust will and testimenl of Louis Hov. deceased, uud have iilallied as such executrix. All persons having claims against the estate of Louis Itoy, deceased, are heroliv unti tled to present the same to me with the proper vouchers, al the law olllco of llur retliV Adams, in Hillsboro, Oregon, with, in six months from the dale hoieof, Daled this September 4th. IM'I. Amanda M. Hoy, Kxeculrix of the last will ami IcHtimenl of Louis Itoy, deceased. THK CHHONIOI.K rank, with the U.W.I1ltra l,i , l' i u. Til K OH HON ICLK h ne eaii.1 on the Pulftj " .nterprlse and t,.wa Til. IHH0MCI.K'M Ttierraahlo Heimris n ui.UlMt and must mliablo, lu loutl New. tin ru llt ! nfclm, .nd lu Kdllorl.l. rrani ilu mm pen. in ib. country. TH K CH HON ICLK bM lw.y. ben. and alwa iu be. th. friend and champion of tlia poopi. at nlnatoonibliialloiw, cllquoa. enrporatlnn.. nrop proeainn.of any kind. U will kl UHlauaiidaul Is trcryuilas, Muinllii aoUiln CHE DAILY f EADO FAFEt SSElFIC COAST ThftNftwrhmnmlfi RniMinrr '-.-v'v,'';;i,,,,?.1''::',:i::Mf r-iK"r:.-:vv;'.''V'';';'""- ' ' ' "'V ..''V'"' "' ' ' ' - ;V',.' .' , ' ' '' :: ' ' IICNINKNH INIIKX. A. V. J. ltuilt-y; physlilaim. lUrrctt A AiUm. alt'y-itt-law ; C. 11. Hrown, Dtintlst, NvecHril, HAKTKItN MIMINi:il,M' ml. It. II. Jreer, ijeoeor, mei, Hillsboro l'hiivio"' ). we ad, IIIIInImii-o Meal irai ket, see ad. II. 8. Iloldlc, llakery, fftiit st. se ail H. II. lluslon, alt'.v-ut-hnv; see nil. J, I, KnlitliC, liisiinmco nut, sec ad. W. A. liUldlnw, Merchant, eo nd 8. T. Idiiklutce, physii'liin; we ud. it. It. Kpvucer, Harlr, see ad. S liuliiii'i lch H Hun. gon. indse. Nt'liulmei-lch V Kocht luitchers. J. II. Hmllli, hiiinnr sooad, T. II. Tontu, nU'y-iit-lawj m hi). Janu s I'hllllpcTainlcstc, M. I). II. I' ntrrnuliror, Jeweler, hihi ad. Wiley V lleiinld.City l.lvery.sev ad. V. I. Wood, physician; him) ail. W.J. Wall, mtisle leaclifr; we ltd. Wllkt'N HeoH. snrvoyorH.scp ad. S. B. HUSTON, ATTOnNEY-AT-LAW, "a NO NOTARY PUBLIC. K001118 Union Pluck, Hlllnuoro.Ox. BARRETT k ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ltooiiw 8 itiid 7 Centrml niook, UillHboro, Or T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Ulouk, , llillaljoro, Oregon, -- 1 i ,i ' 111 V W. D.W0OD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Om In Chonctto Row. Jttwldonr, coruor First uud Main strecUi, Hillsboro, Oreiroii. JZ. S. T. LINLATER, M.B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllce lu Hlllslsiro rimrinucy. Kiwi douce oast of Court House. Olllco hours from II a. in. toll p. ni. at Pharmacy when not visiting! before. nd alter lhattlinoat rtwiduueu. F. A. BAII.BT, M.D. V.J, BAILRY, B.H.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, PhysicUni, Surgeons and Accoucheri. Olllco In lllllslxm) PliarmacT. Hesl douoo soutti-wiMt corner lliuutlliin and 8wonil. All calls promptly ttondisl day or iiiKbt. JAMES PH1UJPP1 TAHIESIE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Nurjroon Southern Pueilln llallroad Co. CoUHiiltatlon in French or Knulish. Olllco nil rmldence Koulh of Main near 3d it.,, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and An map work peclalty. Lindsay Block, two doom north of th poHtolllce. Haoontl at,, UUIaboro, Or. C. B. BK0WN, KNT1ST, JIIM.SIl()lt(, OUKIJOX. D (iol.l) t'HOWN and llltl IX1K work a specialty. AtJi WoltK I jiiiircntecd. Itonius 1 uud 2 Moi(,iin Itlock, Okkick IIoI'hh; From H a. m, lo 4. v. m. New House, Newly Furnished. Two Fllorlts From I'liion )epot. BARR HOTEL Ktiropeaii and Ainerlcan l'lan FLKlSilEll IN FIIIST-CLASS STYLE All Tht Modern Improvements, Fire Proof, Hot and Cold Water, Centrally Located. RATES: $1.00 A DAY. S. M. BARR, Prop. ' Corner Sixth anil CUisait Streets Portland, - Oregon. rpo RKN'1'.-A large cotlaite with ills ill North side at . tr. 'tS-e month. Kiiqiiire uttlds olliec. "-V 1 II U i I 1,' ln.,.t.. A U,y inch will V waiton will sell cbenn lor cash, or will trade for milch cow. Inquire at this olllce. 'PO RK NT. Three rooms in private resi- X uence mar business nail oi town No children wanted. tier inonih, full at thit olllce. ' 0 RKNT. A nice little cotlaW wilhiu -oue' liloi'k of the I usiiicsi miH of town . ernumtli: Knqure at Ibis fllte ( r borne. I. I. VI 1 In tcaveidimi lo rent ut icre lull lu or mi- lsboro, Or. 81-lf The parties who U-inch plow Ibis siiiiiiner ion's Jnti the siMiiout 81-m I'm in hv iiiiiii ililren. )tn- an to wuk mi illee or address itheniselvcH in- , i V Hobinsoii.liiie J ii so t ewi nil iccotiiils will bo f lomey furcnl- Heavi rton, SF1 MACHINE Gnu 'H voaean Jkekaperklid AX. IDBAii Wl.00a"P' rKH o.oo. " O.eo. or ft M"' :r-:.;?liiCHiiiECO. - I la"04 I'M J IT 13 ThoUnct Inm s J J 181