A Marvellous Showing. The U. S. Government, through the Agri cultural Department, has been investigating the baking powders for the purpose of in forming the public which was the purest, most economical and wholesome. The published report shows the Royal Baking Powder to be a pure, healthful preparation, absolutely free from alum or any adulterant, and that it is greatly stronger in leavening power than any other brand. Consumers should not let this valuable information, official and unprejudiced, go unheeded. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., MAXIM'S NEW IDEA. A Tort In th. Air Whicii Would Coat Fortune, bat End a War. The celebrated inventor of the Maxim goo, one of the most formidable of modern weapons, is hard at work, as he has been for a long time, upon the old problem of aerial navigation. In one im portant respect Maxim is working on different and less difficult lines than those which other inventors have tried to follow. They have aimed at the de Vising of flying machines which could be operated at a cost not too great to ad mit of their use in the ordinary busi ness affairs of life. The inventor of the Maxim gun, however, is very appropri ately working, primarily, to produce a machine which can be used in warfare. For this purpose it is not at all neces sary that the expense of air navigation should be low enough to bring it within reach of commerce or travel. What be is aiming at is the creation of a new and terrible engine of war, and every body knows that the great powers of Europe take little account of cost when they are dealing with the armaments which they regard as essential to their very existence. If a flying machine or airship can be invented which will be efficient in ordinary weather and will enable the power possessing it to attack the for tresses and camps of its enemies from above, there will be a mad rush to ob tain plenty of the new engines of de struction, no matter how much they may cost to build and operate. The pic ture of wholesale destruction which is held up before the military mind when an inventor talks of pouring dynamite shells down upon a beleaguered fortress from a great height and thus blow it into atoms, without risk or possible de fense, is too attractive to permit money to stand in the way at alL Perhaps we shall see that wonderful dream of the poet come true which is told in the lines: Hear the heavens fill with shouting, and then rained a ghastly dew From the nations' airy navies grappling to the central blue. Cleveland Leader. The Prussian government has decided to introduce the use of the centigrade thermometer instead of 'that of Reau mur, which is still in use in some parte of the kingdom. Ferdinand de Lesseps is said to have lost his whole fortune in the Panama canal project. He has nothing left but an income from Suez canal funds. Good For Invalids. The weather man has been very good to invalids. When a thin ghost of a maid gets so blue that the air looks azure, the nurse van bundle her up in a big shawl, deposit her in a big rocking chair and roll her to the window, where she can watch pedestrians go through gymnastic performances on a small piece of ice in front of the house. Her droop ing spirits rise as fast as people tumble down, and the little invalid who hasn't been oat of the house for weeks and weeks declares the weather man to be a jolly good fellow. Chicago News-Record. Altogether Too Practical. "Ah, dearest," sighed a young man, kneeling at the feet of his dearest own, "dost thou know what of all things is near est my heartf" "Really I can't say." she sweetly reolied: "but in this cold weather I should think it was a flannel shirt. " She was too practical, and it broke the engagement. Exchange. A Beat Absentmlnded Han. The most absentmlnded man was not the man who hunted for his pipe when it was between his teeth, nor the man who threw his hat out of the window and tried to hang bis cigar on the peg not but the man who put his umbrella to bed and went and stood behind the door. Exchange. Form and Intellect. No modern men of culture would pretend, in mere perfectness of form, to rival the old Greek athletes, who intellectually were probably animals; or the berserkers, who were for the most part only hard drinking soldiers. Million. ' Rev, J"hn Jleid, Jr., oj Great Fnllt. M t, ream mended Elv'i Cream I aln to me. I fan emphasize hit ttatement, "it w o p 'Mux cure for tatarrh if used a directed.'' Rev, Fraud W. Poo'e, Pastor Ce'tra Piebpte tan Church, Hel ena, Mont ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passage., Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores, Pro tects the Membrane from colrls, Restores the Barnes of Taste ai d Sme'L The Balm is quickly absorbed an1 gives relief at once. A pa' tide Is applied Into each nostril, and is agreeable. Price, W cents at DrufgMs' or by M Warren Street, New York. m m mm a M I ICDIf! P. IMI 1 I r 1 uti,u ""! I 1 1 I Special Ooclors for Chronic, LaiEali ' mil Wullni Diseases. ' Dr. Metis's Ibvlgorator the g atst remedy for Seminal Weakness, Lose of Maniood and Private SlirMM, Overcomes Prematureness and prepares a f trmarrlas life's duties, pleasures and rospon- ' jdUIIim: II trial b -ttle given or sent free to any tTdwerli Bg7,mptoms: call or address 400 Oeary it, private saUauce 406 Mason St., Baa Francisco. 1M WALL ST., NEW-YORK. A MOTHER'S STORY. HAPPINESS COMES AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING. The Terrible Experience of a Well Known Official's Wife A Story That Appeals to Kvery Mother in the Land. From the Chattanooga (Tenn.) Press.) No county official in East Tennessee is better known ana more hiehlv esteemed than Mr. J. 0. Wilson, Circuit Court Ulerk of Khea county, at Davtoo. the home of Mr. Wilson. He enjoys the confluence ana respect ot all classes, ana in the business community his word is as good as his bond. Just now Mr. Wil son is receiving heartiest congratulations from his numerous friends because of the restoration to robust health of his estimable wife, who has for years been a helpless invalid. Mrs. Wilson's high standing in society and her many lovable traits of character have won her a host of friends, and her wonderful recovery has attracted wide-spread attention. As the Prru was the medium of bring ing to the invalid lady's attention the remedy that has effected her remarkable cure, a reporter was sent to Dayton to interview Mrs. Wilson, in order that the general public might have the benefit of the sufferer's experience and be made aware of the treatment that wrought such a marvelous change in her condi tion. The reporter was welcomed at the Wilson home, and the enthusiastic lady with becoming reluctance gave the his tory of her affliction and the manner in which she was relieved : "Yes," said Mrs. Wilson, "I was for eight years an invalid with one of the most distressing afflictions woman can suffer. For eight years I moped around, dragging myself with difficulty and pain out of bed. My little ones went un trained, and were greatly neglected, while I looked listlessly and helplessly at the cheerless prospect before me and them. I suffered the most intense pains in the small of my back, and these seemed even greater in the region of the stomach, extending down to the groins. I suffered agony sleeping or awake. Despair is no word for the feel ing caused by that dreadful sensation of weakness and helplessness I constantly experienced. " I was treated for my trouble by sev eral local physicians, but they were able to give me only temporary relief by the use of sedatives and narcotics. I had almost given up all hope of ever securing permanent relief, when I saw an account in the Prttt of a cure which Dr. Will iams' Pink Pills had effected. I decided to try them, as I knew the lady who had been cured and had great confidence in her statement. I began to take the pills in October, 1893, and in two months I was doing light housework and attending to the children without any bad effects or weakness, such as I bad formerly ex perienced. Hitherto I had been unable to retain any food, but now my appetite grew stronger, and with it came back that old, healthy and hearty tone of the stomach. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured me, and I assure you the cure has brought a great change in our home. I can now rejoice in my husband's success, for I feel that I have something to live for. Who has a better right to feel this than a mother? One thing more. I have recommended these pills to others, and many of the women of Dayton have taken them with good results, and it is my greatest pleasure to recommend to every suffering woman a remedy that has done so much for me." An analysis proves that Dr. WilliamB' Pink Pills for Pale People contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neu ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow com plexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration; all diseases result ing from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppres sions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec tady, N. Y., and are Bold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60, ana may be bad of ail druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Large squares of Turkish bath toweling almost sheets in size are much used in stead of bath robes. The loose cloth is manageable and serviceable actually as a drying towel, while the robe is necessarily from its fashion merely a covering. The naval vessels now in process of con struction at various shipyards in the United States are estimated to cost tu3.000.- OOtfc and merchant vessels building are val atd at $4,560,000. The froth at the foot of the fall and that at the edge of the sea is all of it equally white. So, too, if we pound the ice to small particles, they will be as white as the foam. The aenurilo at ftonatjtnttnnnlnle a tmmn of palaces belonging to the sultan. It is a trlanfirlfl three mflpn imnnil snd itnnfralna over 100 buildings some of great splendor. TliAKU 1ft ulnrftva Hum nf t.liA tsn hut It. In . ..... j vw.u - vwf, " w Rlllv rtfifunApA ncMllnat. tliA niunnai.limAnb of would be possessors by the occupants of iiujvuuuk suuoe. . PARIS REPORTERS. TO BE SUCCESSFUL THEY MUST BE BORN WITH THE TALENT. What Is Expected of Thens and How Their Work Is Graded Why None of Them Are Old Men One Reporter's Experience 1st Shearing Important Information. When the "chief ot the service of in formations" consents to annex a de butante, his aptitudes are first utilized in the "department des chiens creves. This is the professional slang for pick ing up such items at the police stations as are not sent in to the prefecture. For this work be will be paid 9 or 3 oen times a line for those inserted, on the average about one in twenty of what he hands in. These modest auxiliaries have only exceptionally the perspective of power to make themselves noted. In' deed their role is limited, for if they learn of an accident or an affair out of the common run they must telephone the fact to their papers, from whence the chief sends as soon as possible one or two staff reporters, but if the late ness of the hour or the gravity of the event justifies such an initiative, the titular of the "chiens creves" becomes somebody. In this case, if he is clever, he can render his journal special service by avoiding a "beat," and he will be well recompensed. This is why, over at the Cafe du Coq d Or, consumers some times hear a young man at a neighbor ing table shout gleefully to his com' rades, "At last I have my first crime!" and the comrades press his hand and congratulate him warmly. Perhaps he is promoted to the dignity of "enqueteur," or interviewer. Now he receives a retaining salary of $50 to $60 a month and is paid extra for all the lines he writes, so that he usually earns $25 to $30 weekly. He must give his definite measure, however, and show if he really has the gift of the profes sion, for after two or three failures he would be thanked and have his head cut off. Of the 150 reporters who each year spring up on the Parisian press eight or ten at most survive and become corporals and sergeants in the profes sion. To succeed it is necessary not only to have good health, perfect bearing, a courtesy and education which permit of being received everywhere, but great clearness of ideas and a remarkable power of assimulation. The reporter may know nothing, but he must be quick at understanding everything. It is necessary that, a question being given, he should know in a few instants who is the person in Paris the most probable to solve it He must go to see this per son or some one else equally informed, and in 20 phrases of an interview gather a clear, net and precise resume of the responses to make. He must also have the scent of a detective and above all love for his profession. I know a Paris reporter who was sent out to write about the doings of a for eign sovereign then at a French water' ing place. He wdnt to the chateau where the monarch was stopping, but was po litely kicked out by the grand chamber' lain. ' ' We telegraph daily, " the latter said, "news relative to his majesty to our national papers. You can take from them for your columns. " This did not satisfy my confrera He had been sent at much expense on this special work, and it would never do for him to do nothing during his sojourn. A brilliant idea struck him. He had got acquainted with an old man who had formerly been employed in the telegraphy department of the army. So he said to the ex-lieu tenant, "Would you be capable of writ ing out the value of the letters trans mitted by the Morse system by simply hearing the ticktack of the instrument?" "Parbleu, that is only the infancy of business, ' ' answered the other. ' ' Well, sir, I will give you a louis every morn ing if you will come and pass a quarter of an hour at the postomce. " The next day, at the hour when the dispatches from the chateau arrived, those two men were very busy in the office over an imaginary correspondence, but as soon as the Morse instrument be gan to tick the old man inscribed on a sheet of paper letters of foreign words he did not understand. The reporter read these words over his shoulder. He immediately translated them, and the official dispatch was scarcely off when he sent the same thing in French to his Paris paper. The telegraph employees naturally supposed that this literal translation was given to its sender by one of the sovereign's household, while, as for the royal guest and his grand chamberlain, they hod the pleasure of reading in the Paris journal details con cerning themselves long before their national papers arrived. When a reporter has in analogous cir cumstances shown the resources of his mind, he generally obtains a fixed salary which assures him a revenue independ ent of the fluctuation of actualities He is, for instance, charged with rela tions with a cabinet minister, reports of expositions, publio reunions, eta, but even in favorable conditions it is excep tional that he gains more than $200 a month. Moreover, the fatigue is such and the nervous tension so constant that the employment cannot be filled for many years. This is the reason why there are no old reporters in Paris, and why those who are more than 40 years of age are pointed out with pride. Long before that age those who are able, to make their careers as journalists are classed as "articliers. " They have shown that they can do reporting other wise than with their legs, and then they know the honor of the first page and the joys of signatures. I am glad to add that generally these "artioliers, " what ever their rank or employment, preserve in their hearts good opinion of these re porters, and there is a local saying to the effect that "one becomes a journal ist; be is born a reporter. " Paris Cot. New Orleans Picayune. Eloped Despite Bis Eleven Children. William Robinson is the mail con tractor carrying mail from Harrodsburg to Antioch. Liist November his wife died, and Tuesday afternoon he married again. His first wife bore him 11 chil dren, five of whom are married. He has known his bride only a short while, and she is 80 yearB his junior, being in her twentieth and he in bis fiftieth year. The children got an inkling of the con templated marriage and sought to break it off, but the father got ahead of them, got his bride to be and the minister and started for Macksville. The children pursued, the trail got hot, and Robin son's party halted, got out on the road side, and there he and his love were made man and wife. His bride was Miss Mollis Baraett,' " " " j SOMEBODY'S GOOD. To make our own troubles the means of helping the troubles of others Is a noble effort for good. A well-Illustrated instance of this kindly sympathy Is shown in a let ter from Mr. Enoch L. Hansoom, School Agent, Marshflelii, Me., an old Union sol dier. He says: "It may do somebody soma good to state I am a man of ) ana when 40 bad a bad knee and rheumatism set in. I was lame three years and very bad most of the time. I got St. Jacobs Oil and put it on three times, and it made a cure. I am now In good health." Why Lightning rsually Kills. Those who are unacquainted with the facts in the cose of ten express surprise when told that not more than 1 man in 600 who has been struck by lightning survives, and that with the larger animals the ratio is till smaller. In this age of investigation (electric and otherwise) the layman can give explanations for natural phenomena that would have staggered the so called philosophers of olden times. Thus we find that the electromotive force of lightning has been a subject of discussion for some time past, amateurs and experts alike tak ing part in the argument At Berlin the great academy of sciences grappled with the subject, and the spirited discussions over the "dynamite force of the unseen bolt" were only second to the question, 'How shall we kill the comma bacilli?" Making deductions from all these wran gles and contentions, I find that the gener ally accepted opinion is that the electromo tive force of a bolt of lightning is about 8,500,000 volts, the current about 14,000,000 amperes, and the time of the discharge about l-20,000th part of a second. In sucb a "bolt" there is an energy equal to 3,450, 000,000 watts, or about 8,284,183 horsepower. Is it any wonder that "lightning usually killsf"-St Louis Republic. "A Bale Saxpenoe." "Well, James, how are you feeling to day?" said the Carbally minister to one of his parishioners the other day, an old man suffering from chronic rheumatism. "I hope the pains are nothing worse you are not looking so brisk as usual today." "Na, sir," replied the old fellow sadly, "I've been gey unfortinit the day." "IIow, James? In what way?" queried the pas tor. "Weel, sir," was the reply, "I got a letter free a Glvsca lawyer body this morn in tellin me that ma cousin Jock was de id, an that he bad left me twa h tinner poun." "Two hundred pounds!" repeated the min ister. "And you call thut hard luck? Why, it is quite a fortune for you, James." "Aye," said the old man sorrowfully, "but the stipid lawyer body didna pit eneuch stamps on bis letter, an 1 had a bale sax- pence to pey for extra postage." Scottish American. Grandparents and Their Children. Grandparents are accused by their sons and daughters, with a fair show of reason, of being decidedly more lenient with juve nile offenders, less sternly disposed toward discipline, than they were to their children in an earlier day. They would spoil the grandchildren if allowed, declare the fa thers and mothers, serenely confident in their own discretion and quite sure they are right in their sternly repressive methods. Nevermind. The wheel of time in its ceaseless revolution 1h bringing on the day when the mnu who now laughingly re proves his parents for their fancied weak ness will himself stand in awed pleasure gazing into the round eyes of the second generation and feeling himself the founder of a line. Then it will be bis turn to emulate the grandparent, as the grandparent has been from the beginning. Harper's Bazar. The Language of Presents. George What's wrong? Jack I can't make out what Miss Pink ie's little present to nie means. George If it's useful, it means that she is nterested in your comfort and would prob ably say "yes." If it's only ornamental, it means that tbo present is sent merely as a little token to a friend. Jack The one she sent me is both useful and ornamental. It's 11 .tidsomely deco rated individual saltceliA George That means that she considers you both useful and ornamental, but a lit tle too fresh. Aew York Weekly. Smith Saved Ills Apple Tree. Back in 1881, when oil was first struck in Washington county, prospectors leased the farm of Alliert Smith. It was decided to bore a well in Smith'H orchard. Smith ob jected because it would destroy a certain apple tree he had a particular fondness for. The lumber and other appliances were thrown over the fence, a distance of a few feet, and in about the usual time the George Cameron well was flowing at the rate of 100 barrels an hour, hmith saved his apple tree, and Cameron's royalties netted him 135,000, LIFE OB DEATH T j. u u. iiuwilMllVQ main IUUUl'1 m UII- ,.., 1... . .. I - LM 1 . , T I. nt -I .T I ... , V. . I. ..V. 1 J 1. Ik., tkl. URrflllnH a .1.1... 1- .!..., 1 '.. I J ..... I "' .u.o vuuuiv.ui. . Mllun IB UUMIJ lUUUVlIVV wi ui me urKHus wueie uie nangs 111 me balance. Brlght's disease, diabetes, albuminuria wo n.i uibcuscb ui b very uuBtiume unaruvier in their mature stage, and all have a fatal tendency. They often baffle the most practiced medical skill and the most approved remedies of mate- is to say, when the kidneys begin to discharge wen luiiuHuiis iiinubiveir witn nusieiier s fclA.i..lK tl I I ... . - . - .1 I uuer.eu. very meiut also is mis nousenoia med cine lor tnose ailments ol common occur rence constipation, biliousness, dvspepsla and nervousness. It is a safeguard against malaria, uu nvvrw uurumi; rueuuiHUBul, It Isn t alwavg the man who prays the loudest as prayer-meeting tnat people believe the mest. ONE I5XJOYQ Both the. metnorl nnrl rpanltn -mn Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts geuuy ye. promptly on uie Kidneys, LlTer and Rnwela. rlan n una fha - w.whumww wra a or tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nnrl rurpH VinViirnnl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy or its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and trulv fonnfimnl in Ira effects, prepared only from the most ueuuny ana agreeable substances, its manV excellent nnnlitioa nnmmonrl If to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. BVrun of Firm U fnr aula In RfL. and II bottles by all leadine drucr- triafa In. w.ll.1.1. J FL. - scubumi uruLrgu). WOO may not have it on hand will nm. cure it promptly for any one who " w w j hi sw uuv auuepi) Buy BUUObllyUlOe . CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. 11 FKANCISOO, 041, ioumiue, A7. hw tout, ,r. lHsriJtX COCHAUK. For more than thirty years Attcoc-'s Pobou Plasties have been doing their be neficent work, relieving pain, Inspiring men, women and children with new hope and new courage. Pain is a great diseourager. When all the muscles are sore.it Is "hard to keep up hope. Ali cock's Pohoi'S Pi.astius and paiu have no atlinity for each other, one or the other must yield, and pain is the one to be defeated. Placed hiith up between the shoulder blades and on the ctheBt, they are a sure cure for coughs ; on the pit of the stomach, they relieve indigestion : over the muscles, they relieve strains and stillness. Wher ever there is soreness, they soothe and cure. Brandbetu's Pills do not injure the system. It is a cold day when the ice man brings a big lump. Every sportsman who is " posted " and lias a good gun uses '' K. C." smoke less powder. It is used by Sir. Welch, the great amateur who is outshooting all competitors. The Selby Cartridge Company is al ways prepared to load it. Ask your gun dealer lor Selby's "Challenge K. O." (highest grade) or "Superior K. C." (second grade, but perfectly reliable). Prices reasonable. Ask your gun dealer for them. When some ministers strugitle with a sermon a limited-round cuutest is prderuble to a light to a flnUh. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUKKD By local applications, as they cannot reach the divested portion nf the ear. 'I here is only one way 10 cure ileulne-s, nd that la by constitu tional remedies. 1) ablets Is caused by an In flamed coudilli n 1 f t'ie mucous lining ol the euntxctilxn tube. When this tube la inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing. and when it is entirely closed, leitlnuHs is the result, aud unless the Inllniiiinatlnii can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearliu will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of feu are caused byemarrii. which is nothing but au lnltumed condition of ttle mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case ol deafnes-(onus d by catarrh) that cannot be cured by liall'a C'.tnrrli cure S ml f, r circa lars; free. r'. i. C11ENKY A CO., Toledo. O. Sold by druggists; T5 cents. Use Inamellne Stove Polish ; no duit, no smell. Tar Girmka, for breakfast. Swelling in the Neck " Large knots of scrofula nature came ou my wire's neck for four yoars. When she had taken two bottles ot Hood's Bar taparllla, we Could see the swelling was going down. Now the. glands have as sumed their natural appearance aud she Is Entirely Free from this trouble. Our children were afflicted with spells of milarla evory fall but this season they have been tak.ng Hind's Samparllla aud it has purified their blood, built tliora tip. and tuey nave Dfcu iree irum au 1 uues mis winier. E, M. Blackburn, Oreg m, Missouri. Hood'siCures Hood'8 Pills are purely vegetab'e, aud do uoi purge, pain or gripe, sum oy an druggists. FOS A CASE IT WILL NOT CURCTll An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TON 10. Bold by Druggists or sent by mail 26o..60a, end 11.00 per package. Sample free. TTft TfA The Favorite TOOTH POWBH liv liVfortheTeetUandJlrcaJirjo. Vou Shiver and say: " I'm taking cold." But you shiver because your system Is weak and cannot resist outside influences. Scott's IMBISHMBMBBW Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphltes will clothe your bones with solid flesh and build you up so you won't take cold easily. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared by Soott a Bow.'M, N. T. All DrOff lata YOU TRAVEL? Ih SO, YOU WILL FIND THE BIG FOUR ROUTE THE BEST LINE VESTIBULE TRAINS. ELEGANT DINING CARS. QUICK TIME. Ask for Tickets via Big Four Route. 1. d. Mccormick, d. b. martin, fass, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. & Tkt, Agt. CINCINNATI. Ulsfl HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Bnv vonr OROOERIES and PROVISIONS of ns. goods and deliver free to trains or boats. We buy and sell for spot cash, and sell goods cheaper than any other firm in the country. Bend us your same and address, and we will mall yon oar new price list, which will be Oiit soon. We offer to-day: ury grnnmntea sugar 111 luu id. sacas ior 9.1 ou Portland Hour per barrel 1 16 1 Bentl us a list 01 wnat you neeu, aim we win MARK L. COHN & CO., 146 HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH APOLIO Three doses only. Try it. A55IST NATURE a little now and than in removing offend ing matter from the atomach and bowels and you thereby avoid a multitude of distressing de rangements and dis ease, and will have An J fj of less frequent need of your doctor's service. Of all known agents for this pur. pose, Dr. Pierce's rleasant Pellets are the best. 0c used, they an al ways la favor. Their secondary ef fect is to keep th bowels open and regular, not to fur ther constipate, as is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and their attendant discomfort and manifold derangements. The ''Pellets" are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless iu any condition of the system. No care is required while using them: tbey do not interfere with the diet, habits or occupa tion, and produce no pain, griping or shock to the system. They act in a mild, easy and natural way and there is no reaction after ward. Their help lasts. The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costlvenesa, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belcliiugs. "heartburn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. In proof of their superior excellence, it can be truthfully said, that they are always adopted as a Household remedy after the first triul. Put up in sealed, glass vials, therefore alwavs fresh and reliable. One little " Pellet " is a laxative, two are tnildy cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to promote aigesuon, or 10 relieve distress irom overeating-, take one after dinner. Thev are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will reauuy take mem. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good." It may be belter for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the one woo neeas neip. W. L. Douclas $3 SHOE ISJ THg BUT. NOBQUKAKINa 5. CORDOVAN, raruiMJat rtiAuei 1 rrAi e rrVLnimuvWHlaWWVVt H.i.VRrCJW&rANlWM 3.W POLICE, 3 Sous. 2.L? BOTSOrOOLSrtOEa - LADIES' i4Lnv rim wunmuuH W'sVDOUakAS, BROCKTON. MAM. Ten ea save money fcr wearlag the W. t. Deialaa fltf.OO Bhse. eeaase, we sra the largest manufacturers ef Cms grade ot shoes la the world, and uarantM their ialue by sUraprns the name and price oa the outturn, wnioo protect 70U against nigh prices ana she middleman's p rents. Our shoes equal custom work In style, easy rlttinf and wearing qualities, 'wehavetheni sold everywhere SI lower prices tot She value given than any other make. Take no sub stitute. It your dealer oannot supply you, we oaa. YUCCA ROOT SOAP, June by a new process from the Ismous Yucca or Mexl can Soap Koot, Is simply na ture's remedy lor cleans I n g and healing, and contains wonderful me dicinal proper ties peculiar to ltsell. It re moves dsn druff .cleans the cslp and put It In AauflArullv IBAOI MMftSiOKTESIO healthy condition, leaving the hair soft and smooth. Cures all skin diseases, and removes stains, etc , Ir m the finest silks and ooarsest fabrics. Beautifies trie oomplexlon and softens the skins. At ell druggists', or Yiou Root Boar Co., 1IH Mission street, Ban Frsuelsco, Cal. To the person or elab retaining as the largest number ol GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER Certificates on or before Jane 1, UN, we will rive a cash prist of 1100, and to the next largest 1 ine ns: from S numerous other nrlsbs ranting from to to 175 n Cash. CLO88IT k DEVBIa, Portland, Or, THE GREATEST 'ASTHMA MEDICAL DISCOVERT OF THE CENTURY. DR. HAIR'S "AX " Why suffer when I will ' - l.aj send you free, a full else !. bottle of my Asthma Cure, If you will simply pay expresi oharges on delivery. A valuable Treatise ot Asthma. Bronchitis and Hay Fever mailed free. Br. B. W.UAIB, s W.slh I'ImIbiuII.O. From Face, Neck and Arms In fire minutes with NIIDKMK, without pain or Injury to the skin. Bend stamp for circular Local agents wanted. NDl'KSK MFG. CO., Room 12, The Ven dome, Portland, Or. YOU Caff REMOVE SUPERFLUOUS HAIR IRVING INSTITUTE 1030 Vslencia streot, Select Boarding 8cnool fur Girls. Eighteenth year. Nineteen teachera. For illustrated catalogue address KV. KDW. B. CHURCH, A. H., Principal. nan Francisco. 3Da. MUnAT'SraSu! 5msB'i Sun rrlmd. Nvm falls AkMlaMlv f Hale. TIM Onu Kr.loh SHHH' aimaclf. V PiirtlvVniubn. Simkw TMIanilali. Nairn). "HJiw awn's PriM4." and ooipvs for 1 Bex Free. ms. winslow's n01? - FO OHILDKN TIIYHINO wm awe trail vrugut. " "laliasilile FOR LADIES I nf10? ,?.?.I'D wlllb P8' ovtheKoeti thut will tint vlnM fn till T a vru'Uia a y?ti SEPTIC 8ANAT1VKE POWDER. PrloeSI.OO per box. For sale by all druggists. tl N. P. N. U. No. 666 S. F, N. TJ. No. 643 and we will lavs Ton monev. We handle th ht nest coat on per case si so Arbtickle's coffee per pound 22U msae you specui pnees. Aoaregs your oraers to Front Street, Portland, Or. 1 -r-Js. DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK ache? Does every step leem a burden 7 Yon need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WIKXERS. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS wina qivin Highest awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. OAT CHIU60 C0nA6E 0R6AN CO. OHIOAQO. ILL. UR8EST MHUFACTllRERS Of tAMflS AMD 0R8AWS III THE WORLD. Thot, F. Oakcs, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. House, Heolovere, nil ORTHERN JV PACIFIC R. R. u N Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAP.00 TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA sad BUTTE rflROUQH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA "sjr- NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINT8 EAST sad SOUTH Knr information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or write 1. D. CHARLTON, Asst, Geo). Pass Agent PORTLAND. OR. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains Lews Portland Daily. SOUTH I WORTH 8:20 a m 4:23 a m 7:00 p m 6:15 D in t,y Portland Ar 10:23 p m 10:46 a m Aioany Ar ArSanFranclacoIiV AhrtVAtMlnd ba at .11 a-lt . Pdtp Albany inclusive, also Tun pent, Sheds, Halsey, Harrisburg. June- - ' mm an minions from Roaeburg to Ashland Inclusive. ROSEBUBO MAIL, LAILY. 8:30 a m liv Portland ATI 4:30 p m 12:30 p m 12:40 p m Lr Albany Ar o:oup m at nose uu rg L t:w a m DinlnjrCars on Ogden Route. Pull man f, and Second Class Sleep Ing Can attached to all through trains West Side Division, i Between Portland and Corvallis. MAILTBAIN. DAILT.(EXCEPTllKn vi "Lv Portland Ar " -1 7:30 a m 6:30 p m 4:22 a m 8:50 a m L,v Hlllsboro Lv v 1 uiiia ut 1 i:uu p m At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of the Oregon Paclflo Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN, PAII.T,(EXCEPT SUNDAY) 1:40 p m Lv Portland Ar 1 8:25 a m J:00pm Lv HiUsboro Lv 7:13 am 7i2 p m Ar McMlnnvllle Lv 6:50 a m Through ticket to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. J, Mor gan, Agent, Hlllsboro, Oregon. R. KoBHi in, E. P. Rogers, Manaer, Ass't Q. P. 4 p. Agt. Portland, Oregon. 'Caveat, and Tradt-Marks obtained and all Pat-1 eat buslnasa conducted for u.- ' Oua lOmci l.OmsiTi u. a. PATiNTOrrics and can secure patentla leas tints tbaa those remote from Weehinvtnti. . . 1 C I l.t jl T . .-.- ... . . tlon. nuni uimkm '";"s "r pnoro., wiin aesenp- chaff. Our fas not du. till patent Is secured. A PatSPHLtT. "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of sanui in the U. 8. and foreign countries ur hot, irea ol C.A.GNOW&CO. mm 1lil(liVVslfV ft