The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895, October 04, 1894, Image 3

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V. A. ft V. J. Hallcj; physicians.
Uui-i-cU A- Adams, utt y-ut-law ;
C. II. Uron-n, Demist, see card.
11.' Jit (Uwi-r, (grocer, sec ad.
lllllMboru I'liMimacy, soo ml.
llllUlmi'U Meat Market., see ad.
K. Hcldle, Bakery, Main hLhwiiI,
H. It. Huston, ntt'y-iit-law; see ml.
J. I, HnlKhl, Insurance ugt, moo ml.
W. A. liMldlUH, MlTltllHIlt.HIMI B(l.
M. T. Iilnklutcr, iIi.vmIcIiiii; hoc ml.
. II. HpeiHsrr, limber, see ad.
Hchiilincrli'li Sun. gen. nidse.
Ncliulincrk-li ik Koch; butchers.
J. II. Hinlili, llii.ur seeud,
T. II. Tmiiic, att'y-id-luw; soo ml.
Jaunts rbilllit',TtiiU'hlt', M. 1).
H. I nlcinaliior, Jeweler, see ml.
Wiley tf li'iiiilH,(.'lly l.ivery.sec ml,
W. I). U' !, iliyHii-liiii; miu ml.
W.J. IV nil, music teacher; see ml.
Wilkes IIi'om. surveyors.soo ml.
Room 8 Union Mock, Hillsboro, Ore.
1 1
Iloouis 6 unci 7 Central Block,
UllUboro, Or.
In Morgau Block,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
W. D.WOOD, M. D.
Office in Chonntlo Row. Itosldenoe,
corner Flint unci Main streets, UUUboro,
Oftloe in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi
dence east of Court House. Olllce hours
from 9 a. in. to Op. m. at Pharmac y whon
wot visiting; before aud lifter thuttimo ut
V. A. BAILKY, M.D. V. I. BAILRY, I1.8.M.D.
Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers.
OUlee In Htllsboro Pharmacy. Hosl
donce soutn-wost corner Baseline unci
Second. All calls promptly attended duy
or night.
Surgeon 8outhoru Pacific Railroad Co.
CoiwulUUon In French or English. Oflloe
and residence south of Main near 8d st
llilkboro, Or.
Conveyancing aud fine map work a
Lindsay Block, two doors north of the
KMtofnoe. Second it,, Ulllsboro, Or.
(lOLl) CROWN mill BRIDGK work a
upocinlty. A Mi WoltK Uitareutoed.
Rooms 1 unci 2 Morgan Block,
Omen ltir us: From ft a. m. to 4. r. m.
Ir'OK S A l,K. Tine Amit'a has HO aeros In
A unci 10 acre, tracts for exchange in
l.iiikiilk i,l cr.
run ukxt
A large cottage with I hive
1 iolH in North Hide addition ut $j per
inoiith, iinouiro ut thin ntllcu.
WANTKI) to rent u small fiirin. Furn
ished nnil nnurtoivn preferred. Ad
dress John llerre, HiWshnro, Or. 23-211
10 RK NT. Three rooms m private rsi
X deuce near business purt of town. No
children wanted. $2.51' per month. Cull
ill this olllce,
RKNT.-A nice little cottage within
A. one block of the biiHiiuMH purt of town
ttt $7 er iminth : Knqure at tliiw -tllce or
of V. K Tliornc.
FORSALK.-A rullHetof dies for making
inch lotterN and Htoek enough tomiikc
M worth of stencil plittos. Uiilng at $15.
Cull and nee them at thin olRcc,
WAXTRI). Situation on fiirin by man
ami wife withoiitchildren. Woni
4iu to do ImiiRe work, man to work on
farm. Inquire at Arnun otllce or ucltlrens
llox No. 104, llillfcboro,
A BAKUAIN. A nl right room cot-
iTXtuge anil one lot in Thome addition for
.iOU. This property sold two yearn ago for
fl,xi. it is wen worm fwo. eiisn mil
Miice on terms to suit. Sec Tim Amies.
tOR SAbK liur HW). you oan buy a
Jl fine ten aero tract within 2 miles of
Hillsboro. There fo a swalo for garden, a
line building site, acres cleared ana
eeeded, and tlve acres slashed. This land
is worth $100, per acre. Call ot The Aruus
otllce for a bargain.
'"tfR8ALR. A mountain ranch fourteen
MJ miles from Vorllaud for sale at $1S per
ncre. About 20 acres slushed. A consul
,rable quantity of cedar good for posts or
shingles. Can go trom the ranch to Poll
"and by lour dlfterent roads. Roads good
in either summer or winter. Ily This
FOR 8ALK.-$S00 will buy a good resi
dence. There Is a. woll of good water,
tire place, nine rooms and a large wood
shed, and a chicken yard. About 'A acre
f land, uluiitcd to fruit trees and berries,
You can have this property for $HO0. It is
worth $1,200. A small amount down aud
time given on balance. At Thr Ana us.
TOR SAI.K. Bv U. U. Howard, of Cor-
J; nelius, seventy-five acres in tracts to
suit purchaser. Price from $B0 to $40 per
ucre. This land Is located; w mile norm
cant of Cornelius, fine fruftorgraln laud.
Twentv-llve acres of beaver dam, Good
house, well and other improvements,
lood orchard of about 200 thrifty bearing
LIj persons indebted to the late firm of
.asked to call ut tne onice in niu uiu nmuu
una seine at once.
trsil.l t...n.. Uo.,tmlwi- 90 1SW.
... jt IT . . .1. Q aiu.l ,
JKEIM, proprietor of the Inuwria Ci-
der and l'rult works, at Cornelius,
Oregon will oomence making Older, Jelly
and Apple Butter for custom, Sep 25th,
1801. Owing to a short apple crop 1 will
only work 3 days in a week, -Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday. I will under no
circumstances work up green, unripe or
fotten fruit, and I earnestly request all my
Customers to clean and finish their barrels
t home two or three days before they come
to the mill. All work must be paid lor be
fcre taking the goods away. J. Kbim.
-Tim Ulitnl MuHiciuti.
V r vchool boolcF, ro to Smith'M i
11 you want wile billdcnll at
thiH ollice.
Holiool hook a Hjieciiilty nt
tlio I'.iiziir.
Hulter ftinl c(;(n are nn rush on
II. II. Walker of l'euvertoii
wan in town on Iiiihiiii hh.
It now lookh very much tin if
winter ruins linvo net in.
The Itliml Musician ut the Op-
em House, Saturday evening.
Mik. its preparing to
vacate the poor farm for the new
W. K. Craig and II. T. Ihide
were piiMHeni rB to Portland Wed-
neyday vvemng.
lit to 0. It. Spencer barber
Hhopand have your work done in
the latent style.
J. H. JucliHon, tlie genial, deni-
ocrntiu postniiistt't' nt (ilencoe wus
in town Monday.
J. S. Jacknon eomiileled a
three inoulhtj term of school in the
Wullace district last Friday.
A new invoice of blanketH just
reeeiveil. iiOnl; at tliein. Only 80.
cents per pair at W. A. Lnidlaw't).
The lilind musician .Saturday
eveninir, tlulober bin, general ad-
hum ion 2; cents, children lo cents.
The liaxar in headquarters for
School biioks, writ ins books, tab-
ets, pens, inks, slates and pencils
W. Holms, the tailor has re
moved with Spencer to ireiv quar
ters mi the wet side of Second St.
Did you notice that new pic
torial ad of II. Unternahier, the
jeweler? It tells the thing in a
nut shell.
Hemember Tiik Altars is locat
ed first door north of thopostoilice,
and does lirst-class lob work on
hort notice.
A new lino of dress Roods, all
wool suiting, silk and wool mix
ture, serge and velvets and silks.
just received at Laidlaws.
Win. Mays' new store building
at lileneoe is Hearing completion,
and will bo occupied in a few days
hv Miivs & Sou s general mcrcjhan-
dise store.
Two bushels of wheat will pay
for a years subscription if left at
eithr of the mills in this city or
at Dudley's mill near Cilencoo to
our order.
lioys and girls, vou are espec
ially invited to call at The Phar
macy, niul see their school requi
sites, tablets, slates, sponges, pen
cils, school books, etc.
W Sadlock one of the Tualatin
city fifnners was in town Tuesday.
lie reports tunes improving, and as
an evidence ol their improvement
left us n silver wagon wheel.
II. M. Cionkite is having a
very pleasant wnool at ihlley. e
see his genial countenance) occa
sionally. Saturdav ho called and
left a wagon wheel lor The ATtirs
one vcar.
vVantul. Situation on farm
by man and wife without children.
onian to do house work, man to
work on farm, Inquire at A'gu-
ollice or address 1'. O. Box No. 104,
O. 11. Siiencer, the barber, has
removed to better and larger quar
ters, lie is now located in the
building recently occupied by The
Ahous, Oliver is building up a
good business.
C. W. Garrison returned Sat
urday morning from a' three weeks
visit in the towns and cities of the
West Side. He visited Salem and
the statwiair with his phonograph.
He started Monday-tor 1 lie Dalles
I'ercey Oliver came in from
the Hoard settlement Saturday.
Ho has iiiBt completed his first
month in a three months term in
joint district 84. Ho subscribed
tor the Argus as all school teachers
The new road to llocky Point
on the Willamette Slough is now
completed it is said to be a good
road, and is several miles shorter
than the old road. If the road is
kept in a good condition it will be
come a favorite for travel from here
to St. Helens, :fJ
C. Blaser and Wm. Pointer re
turned from their visit to Tilla
mook last Thursday. They caught
some of the finest fish ever brought
into Hillsboro. Ye editor sampled
the salmon trout and pronounced
them A No. 1. Hope the boys will
go again; but next time if they rill
ship over a few hundred pounds to
The Ahous we will see that a fair
distribution is made.
D. B. Iteasoner, county com
missioner from the lower side of
the county, came over Tuesday
morning to look after county busi
ness, and meet with the commis
sioners court which convened yes
terday morning. He brought over
a keg of thoBe fine German pickles,
for ye editor, for which the Wash
ington County Pickling and Pre
serving Works, located at Middle
ton,' will please accept thankB.
And while we are about it we have
one request to make of the Oregon
ian man should this meet his op
tic. Pleese state that the Pickling
and Preserving works are' located
in Washington county, Some time
ago The Anocs wrote up the pickle
business and some industrious re
porter of the Oreuonian reproduced
our article but did not give Wash
ington county credit for her share
of the pickling business.
-On April 12th Frr McMurrny j
,v,lH H, ,,t from thin cnutily to the;
(jtilti! ri'foriii Hclmol. After ll hhort
Hoioui n there he iwnwe and r '
to his home near Moun-
taindale. A short lime after this
a horse was stolen from Judge Cor
nelius' place and the evidence was
so strong against young McMurray
that a warrant was issued or his
arrest. I'ut no trace of his wher
iilditits could he obtained until last
Sunday when a young man giving
his name as Franklin Mo-Murray
of Hillsboro was arrested at South
Prairie, Washington, as one of two
tramps who ihot mid killed the
constable at Meeker, Washington,
lie says that he has nothing to do
with the shooting and simply ran
fw.iy nfler it happened, lie says
Hamilton is the name of the man
who did the shooting, and when
asked why Hamilton did the shoot
ing; replied, "just because he want
ed tn do seme shooting, I goes;. I
could not see any other reoson.''
The Blie iff of this county holds a
wairant for Fred inc.Murray's ar
rest for horse stealing and when
Washington is through with him
Oregon will make requisition for
We are informed that an ex
cellent enti rtaitiinent will be given
in this city in the near future bv
J. M. Wood, blind musician. Un
fortunately Mr. Wood strained his
ankle and is unable at present to
give date of his entertainment.
However it will be a good one and
at popular prices. Since the fore
going was placed in typo we have
received word that Prof. Wood is
again able for duty, and has set
next Saturday, October Glh as date
of his entertainment in our city.
Don't fail to hear him.
There is a marked improve
ment in the monthly exhibit of the
county treasurer. The total amount
of fees for September was !f"o7.40.
Nearly as much as the ttul for the
two mouths previous. The fees
received wen : Recorder, $139.70;
clerk. 217.05; and sheriff, $200.05.
This is about $200 less than is re
quired to pay the salary of the of-
hcials, but when we consider that
a large amount of business lias been
transacted for the county we find
a saving of several dollars to tho
county ov.r the old fee system.
The sixth annual convention
of the Oregon State Secular Union
will ho held at Vert's Hall, Forest
Grove, October 5, 0, and 7. This
will be the most iiunortii nt conven
tion ever held by Oregon Secular
ists. A very line program has
been arranged. Reduced rates on
all linep of tho Southern Pacific
in the state.
Complaint comes to us that
the Alexander bridge on the Uase
line, which fell down with Win.
Allen some time since, is still out
of repair. It is a great detriment
to people, living on the other side
of Rock Creek who desire to come
to Hillsboro. The bridge should
b. put i i rep.d- at once.
For the fiscal vear ending.
September SO, iH',!4. tho receipts of j
i!ie llillsbsro post ollice were $2,-j
11)2.1)4 and the expenditures $1,
447. IS. The receipts (or the year
ending September oO, lSOo, .were
$2,U2.!W and the expense $1,
436.13. As an evidence of tho business
done bv Messrs. Sohuhnerich &
Koch we would say that one day
last week they sold a whole beef
and a part of a mutton nt retail
before many of our tow u people
we re out of bed.
An elegant line of ladies'
cloaks and capes at Laidlaws.
This is a new and elegant line of
goods not old, antiquated, shelf
worn goods, but of the latest pat
ems and at hard time prices.
Four wedd ngs since the last
issue. Buying marriage licence
helps pay the county clerks' salary.
Why not have the marriage fee of
the countv judge go into the coun
ty treasury too?
We are sorry to learn of the
death of Miss Laura Gordon, of
Forest Grove; formerly a resident
north of Hillsboro, She died at
her home Monday evening of ty
phoid fever.
The Hillsboro Dramatic Com
pany expect to entertain the peo
ple of Forest Grove in a short time.
Fun , loving people should patronize
this company- because it is all local
talent, s
A grand harvest ball will be
given in Hendricks' hall, Cornelius,
Oregon, Friday evening, October 5.
Refreshments will be served in the
-W, A. Laidlaw, carries the
finest line of dress goods in Wash
ington county. He is receieving
new invoices almost every day,
Mr. and Mrs. McMurphy, ot
Eugene, are here visiting, and are
the guests of Prof. Stanley.
-The Bethany Band will give
their concert in the band stand on
the 20th inst.
The vacant houses are fast
filling up with good tenants.
Si'HULMKBtcH WlLKKS. On Sunday.
September 30, 1891, at the house of the
urines parcnis, oeo. ncnuimcncii aim r.isie
L. Willcen were united in wedlock, ltev.
J. A, Campbell, olhuiating,
Ttini'iN Harwooii. On September
turn ... .1... 11 ,.....,rl
loin, ai lliv uuuno ui ..raviti Jiivin wn,
brides father, W. M. Turpin and L
Ilanvood were married by Rev, W.
Churchill -Lilly. On September
1804, ut the noine ot tlie nnucs
Jos. Churchill and Lucy M
Lilly were
joined in wedlock by Rev, David Lilly
SilonTitttinB Hill. On Octobers, 1M4.
at the Tualatin hotel, Otia L. Hhortridge
and Maude Hill were married by Judge B.
P. Cornelius.
Tonight is the time set for the (1
C's. visit to r.lcncoe K. of P. lodge.
The hour of the Iipworth league was
changed from seven o'clock to 6:30 p.m.
oil Sunday evenings.
Rev. SchoficM, of Forest Grove, will
preach in the liuptist church in this city
next Sunday morning.
A large delegation of visitors from
poreU Grove lodge No. no, I. O. G. T.,
visited with the Hillsboro Good Tem
plars Saturday evening last.
There will be no preaching in the
Evangelical church next Sunday, Octo
ber 7th, as the pastor will preach at the
Laurel appointment on that day.
October 9th the Grand Lodge Knights
of Pythias of Oregon will meet in Port
land. It is expected that this will be a
very important legislative session.
Knights Greer aud Stanley are the rep
resentatives of Phoenix lodge No. 4.
Phoenix lodge, K. of P., had work in
the second rank las Monday evening.
1). W. Dobbins was elected V. C lid.
James, Prelate and S. U. Huston M. of
E. vice the present incumbents on ac
count of their absence. The installation
of the newly e'.ecled officers will take
place next Monday evening.
A new lodge of Knights of Pythias
will ba organized at McMinnville to
night. A large delegation of Portland,
Hillsboro, Cornelius and Forest Grove
Pythians are expected to take in the ex
ercise, s. Special arrangenrents have
been made with the Southern Pacific R.
R. The fare will he one and a third
fare for the round trip.
Rev. H. P. Webb, the new pastor of
the M. E. church, preached his first ser
mon here last Sunday morning. His
text was appropriate for the occasion
"I Am With Thee." One feature of the
morning and evening meetings was the
singing by the choir. A large and at
tentive audience were in attendance
both morning and evening. Rev. Webb
and family are now at home in the M.
K. parsonage.
According to the program of the con
vention Rev. J. Bowersox, of Salem, will
preach in the Evangelical church at
Hillsboro, on Tuesday, October 9th, at
7:30 p.m. The business of the conven
tion will begin on Wednesday, October
loth, at 9 a. m. A number of interest
ing subjects w'll be discussed. The gen
eral public is cordially invited to attend
the sessions of the convention. There
will be preaching on each evening dur
ing the convention. .
On last Thursday evening several of
the Knights from this city and several
more from Forest Grove met with Si lodge, K. of P., in special ses
sion. The occasion was that of the
grand chancelor commander's visit.
The heartiest fraternal feelings were ex
pressed by both visitors and entertainers.
G. C. C, J. A. Waddle, and his assis
tant, Bro. Motler, are a host of them
selves when it comes to the good of the
order. Simonodcse lodge has had a
hard time of it since its first institution.
Just alter they were fairly on their feet
the McNutt fire caused them to lose all
their paraphar.alia and working outfit of
which they had as good as any lodge in
tins district. But Phoenix like they
raised from their ashes and are again
making rapid strides toward the goal of
a true pythian'sanibitiou. You may de
pend that if ever there is another similar
special session of Simonodese lodge
there will be a larger number of visitors
from Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Si
monodese lodge did very good work in
the second rank.
The following is a list of the subjects
and leaders in the Epworth League for
the next three months in
October 7 The Christ of St.
Rom. 5. 6; 6. 4, 9; 15. 3; I Cor.
1. 23;
2. 2; 2 Lor. T . 5; Gal. 2. 20.
October 14 The Pauline View of Death
to Sin. Rom. 2. 1-4; 6. 2 5, 11; I Cor.
3. 16; Gal. 2. 19; 5. 24.
October 21 The Kesurrection and the
Resurrection Life. Rom. 4. 25; 6.
H-13; 1 Cor. 15. 4-8, 51-54; 2 Cor. 5.
15-17; Gal. 6. 15
REV. 11. P. WEBB.
October 2S The Primitive Church. Rom.
1. 14; 11. 13; 1 Cor. 1. 16, 26-2S; 11. 4-6;
12. 9, 10, 28; Gal. 2. 9, 12.
November 4 The Two Sacraments.
Rom. 6. 3-5; 1 Cor. 1. 14-17; 11. 25-29,
33-34; Gat. 3. 27.
November 11 The Holy Spirit, liom.
8. 1-4; 23. 20, 27; 15. 13; 1 Cor. 12. 1-27;
Gal. 3. 14; 4. 5-7; 5. 22-26.
November 18 Sin and Atonement. Rom.
6. 23; u. 32; 2 Cor. 5. 21; 9. 15; Gal. 3.
10, 11, 25-29.
November 25 Conversion and Converts.
Rom. 10. 8-13; 1 Cor. 2. 9-13; 2 Cor. 5.
14 21; Gal. 1. 11-16; 3. 6-14.
December 2 Christian Ethics. Rom. 12.
3-5, 11, 12; 13. 14; 14. 12; 15. 16; 1 Cor.
5. 10, 11; 7. 20-23; 8. 9-12; Gal. 5. 14,
December 9 S;credness of the Body.
Rom. 8. 3-14; 12. 1-5; 1 Cor. 6. 12-20;
12. 14-27; 2 Cor. 4. 10; 6. 14; Gal. 5.
December 16 Concerning the Collec
tion. Rom. 15. 25, 26; I Cor. 16. I, 2; 2
Cor. 8. 8; 9. 6, 7; Gal. 2. 10.
December 23 Spirituality. Rom. 1, 4, 8;
1 Cor. 2; Gal. 5. 6.
December 23 The Supremacy of Love.
1 Cor. 12; 13; 14.
The second week of school began
with 3G2 pupils.-
Miss Mae Willis began the course
of study Monday, preparatory to a
term at Monmouth.
Principal Stanley will teach the
elements of vocal music through
out the school ns his time will per
mit. The drum is being repaired and
soon it, with the cornet of Master
Clow, will guide tho lines in regular
R, L. Traver, principal of Beav
erton school, and Prof. Wall our
well-known musician, gave our
school a call.
Miss E. L. Victor spent a dav
with her friends and pupils before
starting to Ashland. Esteem and
kind wishes go with her.
Genuine growing cotton plants
in bloom were brought to school by
pupils of the rooms of Mrs. Elliott
ami Miss Goodin and formed an
object lesson in geography.
Miss Sharpless teaches the draw
ing and writing in tho four second
floor rooms, and Miss Rose Wilcox,
drawing in the first floor. The
system of vertical penmamhip is J
receiving attention. j
Mrs. Tiffany was sent for last
Satunlty evening to sing in the
Congregational church choir at
Forest Grove in a quartette consist
ing of herself, Profs. Bates and
Larinmre and Mrs. Grimes.
.The hop piekers have all re
turned with ho;x.s" of money, ,
A social dance was the attrac
tion at Will Smiths last Monday
Rev. Martin Cook and family
have left this pastorate and moved
to New berg.
The picklo factory has every
thing full aid declined to accept
any more cucumbers.
Allen Craven with his family
has moved to Newberg. Mr.
Stephens, of Indiana, lakes charge
of Craven's farm.
Several of our citizens attended
the Newberg fair last week. All
agree that the fair would have
been a success but the weather
clerk had a spite at if.
Messrs. Tyson and Cuok have
about recovered fro:n the effects of
their runaway. One of the horses
is in a bad condition and may yet
have to he killed Pretty rough
on Mr. Tyson as he thought a
great deal of his sorrels.
Laat M01 day night about twelve
o'clock Uncle John Winters was
awakened by the crackling of lire
and raised up to find the rear end
of his house all in (lames. No one
was in t he house save himself and
Mrs. Winters. The flames had got
beyond control and the house and
all its contents were consumed.
But few rf the neighbors knew any
thing about it as the house stands
on the hillside hid from most oth
ers. The loss will lall pretty
heavy aside from being houseless
just as winter sets in.
Doc. Tigaid, Henry Uslage rind
Tom McMann visited tho Newberg
county fair Thursday.
The blaze from Ihe big fire in
Portland Sunday night could be
plainly seen from here.
Messrs. Coffman and Brandt
have applied a new coat of paint
to their houses which improves
I heir looks very much.
Messrs. P. II. and Tom McMann
and E. Woods, journeyed by wagon
to t lie state lair 1 1 Salem last week.
They report the fair far better than
lust year.
Prof. L. R. T raver, principal of
the Beaverton school, has been vis
iting with friends here the past
week, lie expects to Start a sing
ing school some time next month.
Mr. Brunner who lives justa'ross
the Taylor's ferry bridge had a
runaway la t Friday but fortunate
ly no one was hurt; but the wagon
was damaged to some extent
School has been running a month
and the attendance has gradually
increased until the average for the
last Iwe weeks lias been 54. Not a
bad showing considering the busy
time of the year.
The Grangers are making great
preparations for their fair which
will be held Wednesday, October
10th. A large delegation of the
Hillboro lodge is expected and tho
fair promises to be the best ever
given here.
Even the influence of the Amer
ican Book Company is felt in these
parts as they are sending, gratis,
co iesot' "Peterinan's Civil Govern
ment" and "Bailey's Mental Arith
metic" to the several teachers in
this vicinity for their indorsement
of the same.
While pitying at school ono day
last week littlu Albert Schuler, in
some manner, caught Ins toot un
der a teler log and had it badly
mashed, besides sustaining a frac
ture of the ankle bore. Dr. Rob
inson, of Beaverton, was called in
and set the leg and now the little
fellow is on a fair way to recovery
Miss May llinclev entertained
number of
her friends at Union
Hall near
evening, wl
evening in
Progress, Wednesday
10 whiled away the
dancing. Among the
people noticed there
were Ed. and Mrs. Woods, Misses
Josie and Emma McMann, Mrs.
VonBuren, Messrs. Henry Usluge,
Tom McMann, Geo. Hall and M.
H. McMann, After a dainty lunch
had been served all departed to
their several homes feeling that
the evening had been one of the
most pleasant spent for a long
time. Miss Ilingley leaves soon
for Clackamas county where she
has a school and with the best
wishes of her many friends for her
Laurel is under the weather at
the present time.
Hop picking is at an end in this
locality. A large crop and fine
quality were the results.
Ben Gates and family left hist
Monday for their home at the coast
after about, three weeks stay.
Messenger Bros, are doing a
rushing business in their store.
They make one trip every Thurs
day to the metropolis.
The ball game between Laurel
and the Yanibillers last Sunday
resulted in a victory for Laurel.
The score stood 28 to 31. The
game was ployed on Laurel
VOTICK is hereby given to nil whom it i VuTIf'E is hereby given Unit the under
i.1 may eotn:-. rn : That the undi reigned j Xl signed has been, by the county court
will prceiit the full., win); jirtitioii to the of Washington eoiiniy, Oregon, apoiiitet
County Court of Washinirimi I Countv, Ore-1 udiiiiiiisiratrix of Ihe estate of Henry V. (!.
gon, on Woclnexclay the 7lh day of N'ovein- j Heiiiinin, (lecoH.nd, and has dulyrptnlitied
ber, M!I. W. M. M ii,i,kr. j at such. All persons littviiigeliiii'ua against
A I'l'I.H'ATlON" for Liquor License. To ' said estate are hereby notilied to prenent
i the Honorable. County Court of Wash-' tlu-iu to vie, with proper voui hers, at the
iiigtoii enmity, Oregon. We the. under- law ofliee olrt. It. ituton. in Hillsboro,
signed residing in and lejral voters of Co- On-gon. within six months from this date.
Innihia precinct, Washington county, Or- Dated at llill-horo, Orvyun, this Septem
egon, and constituting together an actual i lier la, 1SH. Kkiuih Dkmmin.
junty of such h-gal voter, do n-ect-
fullv pray that a license to sell, spirituous,
malt and vinioiis limiors in less ouantities
t'liin one gallon, to be granted to W. M.
Miller, of the precinct, county ami state
aforesiiid lor I in- "riod of six months.
Oa'.td at llleneoe, irrou, .,t. ill, 1KM.
Names. X. II. Jones, (. Hardy, R. C.
I'hillij.s, K. Parrot, C. W. Parrot, W. J.
Riley, J. (,'. Dobbins. J. llarletv, W. C.
Kortluiiiimi, Frank lioiv:,rlli, W K. Lash,
W. P. rrcniiian. Kugene Held, K. Huge,
John L. If , mt J. liogc-, Julius Miller, A.
K. Watson, W. M. Miller, M. M. Dc.laney,
It. Sandlbnl, W. I). SatterU-e, W. II. Ad
ams, P. Hank, W. T I'gloiv, John M. liar
ny, W. B. Miller,.!. P. Ks-ner. Tom Wil
lis. Joe Lsmier, J. (.'. Rati rty, W. 1. (i-ege,
K. Keenan. (iiiy Smith, W.T. llollrnlieck,
Wm. Ilnrnics. l'red Suiner, John Smith,
Christ Kyli,. John K. Smith, R. II. 'om
phry, J. It. Mc.Ncw, ('. W. Leiibow, Sam
uel l. Hohiian. Itoliert Rice, Ira Keuis, .!.
T. Dclior.l, W. V. l.nvnseiid. (j. W. Mor
gan. Tens, T. K. Williams, Lewis Hawk.
T. II. Jones, Peter J. Hernia. is, (ieorcff W.
Keliey, Aine McL'nlev, llavicl Rice. John
Vaoderwall, George 11. Kuii ager, J. Cory,
i. .1. liueHey, (.'. Morris, Wash. Jones,
Jet Long, W. A. Long, W. II. Rauhe. J. R.
Mays, L. I!. Mays, K. II. Padgett, ', Jack
son, 1!. Hurt'di, H"tirv Harms, Fred
Kntcht. T. I'aal.-ell, Christ Carl, II. Luck,
AntoneJ. Vandehey, W. ijtuiui, Jacob J.
Smith, J. 0. Townsenil, Julius Jorgens,
KtrSciiicfeliu, ,'. J. Muir, C. Teimk. .1.
Freudenthol. H. Lenard Kestner, I'. H.
VanDt-hey, H. VuiiDenberg. C. W. Iler
niens, Peter Hermens, Peter Krieger, A.J.
Stewart, Louis Hermens, Adrian Van Hen
Heuvel. Charles Meeks, 1C. (j. Mays, K. P.
Cornelius, 11. T. Johnson, Chas. Meaeham,
W. J. Jackson. 28-5
Notice For Publication.
Land Orgies at Oreoos City, Ob.I
Sep. 27, 18!l.l
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the I'ollow-i-i
ing-named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
I is claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Washington
county at Hillsboro, Or., on November 20,
18!rt. viz: -
Qnintin Tannock,
H. E. No. 7214, for tho S. E. sec 4, T 2
X, R 2 W.
He names the following vi(ie-'" to
prove his continuous residence s:;h. .1 nod
cultivation of said la-id, viz:
George l:.i:oi;nnan, of Olencoe. 0r.
John K. Zimmerman, "
Robert Survicr, u 1.
Fred Meyer, J)ixi,, "
28- RnpEHT A. Mii.lkk, Ulster.
Noties for Publiiaticrj. .
L.'.sn Or" it'K at Onr.nor: f. rv. Or.i
Kj.. !.(
TWroTiCK is hereby given thai rle- toHow
1A itig-nmued settler has tllid notice of
his intention to mal:e tinsil proi f in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be madj b-tore the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, nt Hillsboro, Or., on No
vember l!l, IS'it, viz:
!o.;eph Campbell,
H. K. No. 7a, lor the N W Sec 2, TIN,
R S W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation ot said land, viz:
J. T. Fletcher, of Gales Creek. Ore.
W. S. Her, " " "
J. L. Loving, " " "
Cicero Hines, " " "
2S-6 Roheut A. Milllb, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Okeook City, Or.)
Sen. 27. Isot.f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make tiual proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before tlie County Clerk of Wash
ington countv. at Hillsboro, Ore., on No
vember 21, m. viz:
Jacob Dabinden,
H. K. No. 7875, for tlie W V, 8 K , and E
X S V M Sec. 7 T 2 N, R 4 VV.
He names the following witnesses, to
prove his continuous residence upon lind
cultivation of said land, viz:
John MclOaction, of Manning, Ore.
Hermann Hunger, " "
John Martens, of Hayward, Ore.
George Kessler, " "
28-fi Roiikrt A. Mii,i.f.r, Register.
NOTICE i3 hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Patrick McQuade,
deceased. All person- having claims
against said estate are required to present
the same to said administrator with prop
er vouchers at the ollice of The Aruus at
Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months
from the last publication of this notice,
(ltev.) Charles J. O'Reilly,
NOTICE is herby given that, I the under
signed have been by tho County Court
of the, (Slate of Oregon for Washington
Countv. appointed executrix of the last
will and testiment of Louis Kov, deceased,
and have qualtiecl as such executrix. All
persons having claims against tho estate
of Louis Roy, deceased, are hereby noti
lied to present the sanm to me with the
proper vouchers, at the law office of Bar
rett A Adams, in Hillsboro, Oregon, with
in six months from the date hereof.
Dated this September 4th. 18(14,
Amanda M. Roy, Exec.ulrix of the last
will and testiment of Louis Roy, deceased.
TX the Countv Court of the Stake of Ore-
eon, for Washington County.
1'.. Zimmerman, riaiutitt,
Geo. W. Gibson and
liosoH. Gibson. Defendants.
To Geo. V. Gibson, one of the above
named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon you 1
urn "commanded to appear and unsver
Of-....... , . I..;., f lit H,n ,i!,ovn Aei,lrl I
court and cause by Monday the 5th day of 1
V.. ...... twill fl.u tho first.1
November, 1804, the ame being the first
day of the noxt regular term of said court
alter tho service of this summons upon yon:
And it vou tail to so appear unit answer,
the plaintiff will take judgment against
you for the sum of $100, with interest there
on since December 1, 1802, at the rate of 10
per cent, per annum, and tho sum of 20,
attorneys' fees and for the costs and dis- j
burseinents of this action and also that the I
foItMu liHi-ilMsi.riheil re.-il estate, the oronor- !
tv of said defendant Geo. W. Gibson. to-wit :
The Northwest quarter of Hectiuit 82,
Townships, North, Range 2 West of the
Will. Mer., Washington county, Oregon,
be sold in the manner provided by law and
the proceeds applied to thi satisfaction ot
plaintiff's said iudgmeiit, And for such
other relief as to tho court may appear
This summons is served upon
,,i,i;,..,t;,, i, ,.,!, f tlx, It, hi n.
iielius,.luclge of tho Countv Court of Wash-: fW A portion of your trade is respect
ington County, Oregon, bated at Cham- j fully solicited. One door west of Tha
llers, at Hillsboro, Oregon, this September 1 Pharmacy. Yours Respectfully,
18, 1804. 1 ' U. S. HEIDLK.
8. II. Huston and Bkston Bowman. T . T n niiTrnnw
20-0 Attorneys for Plaintiff. HILLSBORO, - OBEQOW
The Leading Drug House.
Careful supervision by experienced
netcntaiid naiiiBtakinir pharma -istsl
The Hillsboro Pharmacy ord
i ilni-s its
only, and is thoroughly supplied with every requisite necessary for properly eon
ducting a lirst-class prescription business. Tho proprietors -are ever watchful that
I ho most-approved latest remedies are continually beingr added to the stock wtn
sciences of medicine and pharmacy advance. Being possessed of peouliar dvan
taees in purchasing its supplies, owing to its business rule of taking trade discount
for cash from the best houses, the prices are consequently lower than those of most
dispensing drug 3tores. ; . .
All the loading articles of deuooists' bundiuks, indudlnfc the liliiwm-
r Ii m r.n, miijr. . n.i.i-.n, .j, .
4 l'.n.wl cullnnl uaitrtiriAnt. of
hand, Patont modicines of all popular
itt - 5 Administratrix 'f the estate of
Henry ('. C. Dctiiiiiiu, Deceased.
Notice fcr Publication.
Land Ofkici at Oreoon City, Or.
Sep. 27, lHfM.i
TSTOTICE is hereby given that the follow
I. 1 ine-named settler has filed notice ot
his intention to make ii ml proof in fun- '
port of his claim, and that said proof will
he made before the County Clerk of Wash-
inton county, at Hillsboro. Or., on Nov.
2-, !K)I, viz:
Hermann Hunger,
H. K No. 72e'., for the K X 8 K !f Sec. 8
aeo N N E K Sec. 17, T 2 N , R 4 V.
He names the tollowiiie witnesses tow
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
J.-lin .McEiichen, of Manning, Ore.
Jacob Dahinden, of Hayward Ore.
John Martens, ' " '
George Kessler. " . "
RohkktA. Mh.lkr, Register.
Notice for Publication,
Lasd Office at Obeoos Citt, OB.t
" Hep. 27, IH94.f
"VrOTICU is hereby (five 11 that the follow-J-l
ing-named settler has tilod notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof wilt
be made before the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on No
vember 22, 1SII4, viz:
Willis Ii. Trowc,
II. K. No. 7001, for the S W Sec. 15, T a
N, R5W.
He names the following- witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon nl
cultivation id' said land, viz:
Daniel Patton, of Glenwood, Ore.
Ed. Hucldleson, ' "
Nathan J. Goodwin, " "
Max linrkholzer, " "
2H-r Robert A. Miller, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oreoom C'Tt, Or.
ep. 27, 1894 f
"VTOTICH is hereby given that the fol
i.1 lowing-uamed settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make tinal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
w ill be made before the County Clerk of
i usiiiucou county, at iiuisooro, ure , on
November 22, lxi)4,"viz:
Mat Sheible,
II . K. No. 10257 for the 8 4 N W i, S
N E Sec 85, T 2 N, R 5 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his coutinuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Heisler, of Gales Creek, Ore.
Win. II.Lyda,
Henry Janson, " " "
8. S. Bateman, ' " "
28-0 Robert A. Miller, Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office At Oreoon City, CnroosJ
(September 5, 18)4.1
NOTICE is hereby given thai the follow
ing-named settler has tiled noti.eur"
his intention to make limil proof hi sui
port of his claim, and tiial said proof wilt
oe made btf're the County Clerk -uf Wash
ington countv, at Hillsboro, Or., on Octo
ber 2!), lfttll, viz:
James H. Hutchison,
II. E. 714!i, for the N. E. y. of Hec. 2, T. 2.
N R. 3 W.
He min.cs the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, paid land, viz:
Washington Joiif s, of Glencoe, Or.
James May, " "
Geo. He .ii.-ro. " " . !
V M. Kecnaa, " "
25-cS Robert A. Miller. Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office At OiiEoon City, Oreooh t
Septembi ro, 1K94. )
"VfOTICKisheroby.giveu that the follow-ing-named
sailer has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in BUp-
port ol his claim. a,;d that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk uf Wash
ington County, at Hillsboro, Or., on Oct..
80, 1S04, viz:
Sil.: s S. lteetl,
It. K. No. 7745, for the S. W. Vi, X. E. V, 8.,"
10. 14, N. W. '4, N, IS. K, t. W. i and N.
W.K, S. K. , Sec. 31, X. a , R. 5 W.
Le names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Chas. Webber, of Glenwood, Or.
Henry Raker, " .
Kric.k Sanberg ' "
Ole Bunburg, ' " "
25J1 Robert A. Miller, Register.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office At Oregon City, Oregon)
September 5, lSSM.f
NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make tinal proof insup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Cierk of Wash
ington Co., at Hillsboro, Or., on Oct. 20,
1804, viz:
John W.White,
II. E. No. 7800, for the W. N. W. M, and
N. E. 14, N. V. , Sec. 2, T. 2. N., E.4W.
He names the following witnesses to.
prove 111s continuous residence upon ana
cultivation of, said land, viz.
Gustavus Hines, uf Manning, Or.
W. R. Whitney,
John Fisher. , " "
Romeo Bullock, " "
25-6 Robert A. Miller, Register.
Everything kept in a Grst-ctass Baker)'.
lee tall, Sotk Water, &D(1 FillC CiffilrS.
' ' . .0
South Side of Main street,
Now Open and Heady for IlusliiesHj,
Cakes, Pies, etc., also
City liakerygConfectionery
y appear;.-, n I I ,T n
wc5j:irnau i)rea..Eivwj uaj.
physicians! Accurate dispensing by conv
druirs from the most reliable manufacturer
, - . - i . .. ..
kinds always in stock, Tlie finest wine,