Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1894)
THE ARGUS P.. H. a.i'CHELl., Cd.t(.r. W. C. CLOW, Biliiteu Mintger. THE ARGUS CO., Publither. . 'srBsontrTioir PRtC. Single copv five oents. One year. fl.Oik Six inontiis (10 rents. . -Three months 35 rents. " " ' Advertising Bates. RuainOa Carets, IVr Yonr $12.00. Contract C'ok, jr inch r month, .30 Hpcial AilvertisiiisrSp-'cial Kali'--. ruhllsheifAN-eeklv i-veiy Thurxilay even ing, went siile of Seeoml st Hillsbnro, Or. Kntereil ut the I'ost-omce at Hillsboru, Oregon, us h'toimklas muil matter. TH U 1WDA Y, A V(5 30. 1 804. BC81SRSS INnKX. V. A. F -J.'i Bailey; ili.vsiiiiiis. Uarrctt & Adams, utt'y-at-law C. 11. Brown, llentist, see onnl. W. E. Brook, d ruRif il , see ail. EAfeTUUN MIMiixEH,see :ul. It. H. Greer, Uroeer, see ail. Hillsborti rharmaey, see ail, Hillsboro Meat Market, see al. V. 8. Ilel'Jte, Ilakeiy, Main ft. see avi. V. Holmes, ta-ilitr-, seo ad. 8. B. HustiKi, ua'y-at-iuw; see uil. J. 1, Knight, insurance gi ; se ait, W. A. LaUUans Mereliant, s;0 ail. ' H. T. lilnklater, pliysieian; seo ad. J. Northrop, lJillslHiro House, see a.l ). R. SpciuJer"; Jtnruvr, see ml. Sehiilmerieh & Son. jjen. indse. Seluilmerioli & Kneh; Imteliers. J. H. Smith, Bttsnr see ad, T. H. Tongoe, att'y-at-law; seo ad. James PhilUpe.Tamiesie, M. 1). H. Unternahrer, Jeweler, see ad. Wiley ff Teniils, City l.ivery, see ud. W. l. Wood,, physician; sec ad. H. J. W all, hnmc tcaeher; see ad. William Biiothets, buggies, see ad Williams &- Sewrell, liverymen, Wilkes Bros, s'lirveyors.see ad. riuHCHK.S. CoiiKi rKntional, corner Main and 5th treets. Preaching every Sabbath, morn ing and evening. S ibbath school at 10 a. in. Prayer uieoting Thursday eveuius. Y. P. S. C. li Sunday, 7:00 p. to. 1st I'hristlan, Harry atkins, pastor Preaching Second and Fourth Sundays, 11 a. m, and 7;30 p. ut. Suiulav school, 10 a. 111. Praver meeting, Thursday, eve ening. Y. P. S. C. K. Sunday, 6:;i) p. m. Methodist Episcopal, H.B.Eiworthy pastor. Pleaching every Sabbath morn ing and evening. Sabbath, 10 a. m. Lea gue meeting every Sunday, 4 p. m. Gen eral prayer meeting every Thursday eve ening. Leader's and Steward's meeting the second Tues. evenlnz of each month T7 VAXOELICA.L CHUKCH, Corner oi U riltnauu cir.rreacningeveryouuuuy evening at 8 p. in. Second and fourta Sunday at I la. in. Sunday School at, 2.30 11, 111. K. L. C. K. every Sunday at 7 p. 111. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:;:0 i. 111. Eev.F J.Si.R.xYE.'t. Pastor. Bttplist Sunday School, 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:.'!0. Cornelius, M.E. Services 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7 p. ni,; iind aiid 4ih, 11 a. m. and 7 p. 111. Y. P. S. C. K. Suudav eve ning at 7. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Prayer meeting 011 Thursday, T u. m. Preaching at ;ieiH.oe, 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month. D. S. Wigstead, Pastor. See 11 1.1 r Fociety meets in Forest Grove every Sunday evening at 7:30. Sunday School at 3 p. in. Mrs. A. S, Barker, president. SOCIETIES.' riiccnix Lodge No.! 34, K. of P. moets in Odd Fcllowr's hall on Moll is day evening of each week. SSik. Montezuma Lodge No. 50, 1.0. 8?5 O. F. meets Wednesday even--??m?-' ins at 8 o'clock in their hall. Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M. j-uicets evxry Saturday night on or Vufter full inoon of eaeh-inonth. ' 'Court TtiSlatin.No. 7974 A.O.F.ofA. meets evjsry Tuesdav evening in 1 Odd Fellows hull at 8 o'clock. 'Uillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.W., Sw.neets every second and fourth Tues 3J day evening in the month. X Washington Encampment No. 24. I. 0. O, F. meets 011 second and fourth Friday of each month. ggyHil!sboro Lodge No. 17, I. O.G. T. ffp3 neets in their hall Saturday 8 p. in. j uvenue lempte, Sundays, at 3 p.m. tHillsboro Grange No. 73, P. of H. ..meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12 in. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54, I. O. O. F., meets in Odd Fellows' Hall 1st, 3rd Saturday evening of each month, ,1 Washington County Rod and jarOan Club meets in Morgan Block 2nd Thursday of each month at 8 p. nu . Horsemen should call on The Ar qbs, for prices on bills, and cards. NOTICE. Cregox OrTT, Or., Aug. 8, 1S94. Notice is hereby given that the approved plat of survey of township ii north, range 0 west, ha' bseur.:-cie ed from t he surveyor gcnen.l of Oregi.n, and on Oe.tohi r 8, 1814, at 0 o'clock a. in. of said (Jay, said plat will be filed in the office, and the land therein embraced will fie subject to entry on and after said date, ; Robot A. Miller, Rrijister. Pkter Paquet, Receiver. NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned ure ldiuested to call and settle, by October 1, 18U4, or accounts will be placed in the bands of a collector. I). 11, San in okd. -3-4t. :. . ,. ; Glcncoe, Or ryo EES!. A nir little .cottauM within A. one block if the busint ss pai l of town ai $7 per month: Knnure.ut tnis '-"ice or of VV. K Theme. rpO RKNT.--A liirj-u cotlape with three JL lots in North t-iiW udditiun at $3 per mouth. Enquire at this office. 1,Xi:8A!.E.-h'or8lU, you can Imv a . nue ten acic tn.ct within 2 milei! ol liillfiboru There is a swide for garden, a line imionnr site, 3 ai'ir.M i'Ipiiimii finrl Beedfl, und fiveuens s imbed. This html is worth $100, per acre, (ail ot The A rots ollicc for a bargain. IT'OI! S ALE Kor sale or trade n lino 80 inire tract 5 acres of bottom land, !5hc e ofrotiyh land, good for;pasturf. About .three iiei cleared and some small improvi invnis. Best cedar limber for posts in tin country at too per acre. .. Kr.ijuire o) The A Birrs. fcALKBy The A not s.-Tlirce lots . -and h house, with thirty fruit trees. '1m .,u walk from business, part ol town. Cheap for cash or will trade for othw p o rty. FOR SALE.-I800 will buy a good residence- 1 here is a well of good water, lire plbce, nine rooms and it largo wood hhed, and chicken yard. About (x acre oi land, planted to fruit trees and berries. You can ivr n thin property for $800. It is worth!, .00. A small amount down and time gii tn on balance. At The Arum. FDli 8AI.K.--THE Aruus has 80 acres in 6 uiul 10 acre tracts for exchange in bankable piper. ' ' TjV)KBALJS. A niauntaiii ranch fourteen acre. About ii) acres slashed. A consid erable c,tiuutitv ofcedar good lbr posts 01 shinglir . Can go trrin tlie lunch to i'crt land bv 0 r different roads. Roads good in e:flu Mil: mi't tit vinter. By The AHf.i'-, Congress lms niljourned. The tnrilT has Wen reformed. t, n . 1 :. .i.'il . 1: -1. ... i The only t.iiigihle result of the Coxey iiiovenient so far seems to he a large addition to generals in the already -overstocked lit of tilled Americans. ' Cleveland did not approve the .tariff bill, hence he did not sign it, : He did not desiro to play into th-' 1 j hands of the reptihlican part I hence ha did not vetoe it. j The Queen closed Parliament on ; I Saturday. Therein a similar fee!-! I ing against the house of Iuds to; i that felt against the senate in this, : country. Dissatisfaction is also! ! caused bv failure of the niinistervi i to pledge itse f to attack the upiH-r " 11 ; ; UOljS'. 1 A ft attire of life within the j limits of Chicago is the holding up !i. .1 , , ... 1 01 trams on ine lonciy prairie, tue into'tl.e vathlei : u' ,i 1 flight of robbers ttle 4t '1; 1 . n ! II (II (1 t 111 7 I It 11 ITCil IIKIII llllll per's IndiHn fipiits, and their final 't,iture l.v a skillfully .nai.Hge.l an, biish. Urlntne life iu Chicago has piquant enjoyments unknown els- where I j At a recent TiTi.convention, ! f5n.-rnr Fm,,,.;. r.f M,c..,; ,vi,i is in a position to know whereof he j speaks, piiil tribute to the local i netvopnt-er as follows: "Each ! r .' . . I venr trie local paper gives tronii $500 to if 5,000 in free lines for the comint nity in which it is located. No other can or will do this. The editor, in proportion to his means does more for his town than any other ten men. and in all fairness with men he ought to be supported not because vniflike hini or admire ! his writings, but because the local paper is the best investnieut a com munity can make. It may not be ably edited or crowded with tho't. hut financially it is of more benefit than the teacher or preacher. Un derstand me. I do not mean men - tllv nr nmrnllv l,t fi ., r,,.!,. 11 anil yet on the moral question you will find most of the local papers on the right side. Today the edi tors of the home papers do the must for the least money cf any people on earth." STRIKES. The never ending, ever increas ing contest between labor and capital compels the thought and attention of every lover of hu manity. The recent strikes, first of the coal miners, then of the Pul lman employes, with the sympa thetic strike of railway men gives the subject importance that makes it- necessary to view hand dienss it in all its bearings, and senile, if possible, a solution of one of the greatest problems that ever engag ed the attention of men. There is little reason to believe that hostilities have ceased There is only a lull in the ever increasing and widening storm, which is gath ering, and threatens to burst upon us with renewed energy and fury, und if it does not wreck our nation, it may preeiptate an internal strife and leave a darker stain upou or.r history than did the late civil war. - A few mouths before the Pull man strike, George Pullman made a gift of $100,000 to build a church in an eastern slate. That was a princely gift nr.d had it not come With the intelligence upon its heels that men were working at stnrva t on wages, wages so low that dis content ami rebellion was produced it would have proven a great adver tisement for Mr. Pullman, lint coming as it did, from a man who cut down his employes wa, es, it looks as though it was wrung from their hands by force and boomerang-like it returns to the sender. Great blunileis have been made in legislation and we are beginning to find them out. Legislators im agined that they were doing won derful things for the workingman, but insb-ad they have done him a great injury. There are too many of 'him," and we are glad to learn that thousands of "him" are return ing to Europe to take the low wag s offered in free trade countries in stead of remaining in enforced idle iick! in pm'eced America. Amer ica by Us protection has sown to the wind and is now reaping the wliii I wind "Experience teaches fools" and we are free to admit that our "fool" way of legislating has brought about the mess we are in. We have protected the manufactur er, but forgotten or omitted to pro tect, the wage earner. By special ligislalion we have encouraged peo ple of other nations to come here, and ti.ey have come by the tlnnH ands There are now two men for every job. and the man who wants the job done finds tan men compet ing for ii. Naturally he gives it to the man who does ii cheapest. , A strike may occur which will be a revolution in realitv. -There is danger of it nnd we are incurring a tri-rur Mia ir inn j- iii-fciii ui it- fuRo tosaveour selves while we can. i,et us seiuetrefeitispuies between bodies of men as we do between nations, H all the facts be sub mitted to it commission whose de cision is final, and the arbitrators by bound by such decree lorn umi in sun now iing nwiui i times and -places, let when one the tariff. ! toes noon the stand to testify lie - ! should tell the truth, the whole The least ext ensive way of j truth and nothin hut the truth, portin? anarol.isK ts that adopted j Tn,,, Ak,u s ,,, ,,.,(, to have rut. by France. , Wd the fur the wrong way last week THE TRUTH HURTS. It is : trite old I V . :l V 1 it cr "the ' J. .1. ..t I .1 I . 1 - iiriun muhuu tun ne siinKt'ii at all . . . ,, - . , land hence the hastv spark?. 01 C'liirse when a Mister is applied to a boil, the-patient naturally squirms a little, but when the pus is all drawn out the patient not only feels betti r. but ho acts better in the fu ture. The gentleman who does not take The Altai's, on account of hard hues, did shave The Awn's man f". ft een cents on two fiu;h cheeks amounting to less than four dollars, and a score or more of our citizens can testify to paying for drafts from the First National bank of Hills boro. While canvassing two years ago, wc visited every town of im nortanec in the Willamette valley. and iiianv towns in the state of W....I.: , 1.,,,.; !-..ft., 5 .,11 , ., c v ., ; , . .1 ot them on ban rrancisco, ami out, ! of over forty banks visited, only live charged us exchange, and one of i tnose was ine rust iNauonai at, i Ilillshoro, another was a litlleshave B'P fc5eri.lan,l..nj? Binco b.isted. A sentlenian tlrew out t tins bank .. it . on hisown nersoiial chiH'K quite a "K ,1,U em1 "ml " ' timd, unfortunately for Inn. he ve tho check into the hands ct a J Vrifi . l"' i ?Vm Hillsboro bank charged $3.10. If it is not about time for a news- (o contleinn stieh business, when will it betitiic? IUit the ex- ese effered is that tho banks en- U'recunio a coinmne son.eunie ago, iWn-eing to charge for the colleo- ii,,,, 1 l,n.,l 1,1,1 nil lio l,.,,,L-u ; 1",U1 l,,7-"' the st.tte went back on their agree ment except this one lit Hillsboro. Thatreniinils us of a story about a young fellow that went with a gang of his peers to. hunt eni;es. The young fellow was to hold sack while the gang drove in the snipes. The 1$ ffI,,,w, beld the sack long and faithfully, while the other fellows took the nearest way home to at tend to business. So it seems that these other bankers left our banker to hold the tack while they went about their business in the old ;lml tnfa "'Mnoiw. w e tuiveniseu a LlitllK. 1110 1' list 'iVHIOIlH t gentleman, told tin once that it did not pay to advertise. Of course thev are under no obligations to take The i.HGt s or lo advertise in its columns, neither do they need to kick if we seek to get a banking institution 'hat will serve the pio pb in a good square manner. So much for the banking business Now for the boycott on the consta ble. The great Czar, Tom Heed, could Come to Hillsboro and learn a lesson from an edict, passed by a tribunal, deriving its suvirign ca pabity from the people, to g vein another tribunal elected at the same time and by the same people Now we contend that if the sheriff is compelled lo travel a mile- farther than wo1 ild a constable to seive a jia per Nstted from a justice court, then a inimber of the county court making such order, iipconief jut bo ii ally responsible fur the extra mileiiLe and the county should not be put to that expense. Now about that tax of Ht'ghes, Morgan and Rogers, we were mis taken as to the amount of the re bate, (we copied from the record) the record does not show the am ount but says "as irayed for in je tition." The petition asks for a re bale of " 50 er ct nt on money notes and accounts" which we are in formed would amount to $75.00. But fur our purpoi-e it makes no difference as lo the amount. The writer of this article remembers paying on a double assessment Iwo years ago and the county court in formed us that we were too late I hat the board of equalization had met ami we should have laid our Maim before them. Washington county is still holding the amount paid bv in on account of on fearless ness. We contend (bat when the board of equalization meets they should do their work and that thould be final. Is it fair to tax citizens of Waphingtm county to pay tho debts of Hillsboro.? WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D.C. Arcit sT 25 1894 President Clewluncl tioes not like the Senate tariff bill any better than lie did when ho wrote that let iter to Chairman Wilson few good ii'emocratsdo -but, like the sensible man that he is, he prefers it to the McKinley law, and has, according to the best obtainable inlWiniition, made up his mind thut ii shall be come a law, btithas not yet fully de cided whether he will sign it or al low it to become a law without m signature; not whether he will isend ! nother special message to Congress on the Piiliject, urging the pacsage at this session ol'the separate Iimige hills providing fur free coal, iron ore and b.ubed wire. So i'ar as the action i if the .Senate is concerned, it makes little difference what, the President may do, as enough repub lican Henators have gone away from Washington to break a quorum and they left for Unit very purpose, so as to make sure that the Senate 'couiu not puss nnv :t ner turiit (nun. j Secretary Carlisle has written a 11 . .i -.. .letter to Senator Harris, showing that the revenue to be derived from the tariff on sugar iu absolutely necessary to avoid a deficit in the Treasury for this fiscal year, nnd stating that if the bill for free sug- ar, which passed the House with only 11 opposing votes, is lv the Senate, fcouie other pa! ,1 hill to ii... t i mui iinn ...i.:..i. ; ; l,,r"',,'r,:'VW, , estimated will he collected on for eign sugar must also he passed. That letter has made the passing of the. free sugar hill out of the question, even if the Senate were in a position to do it, not w itl island inn 1 the fact that a majority of the Sen- .. ... ate lavors tree sugar, beorctary Carlisle's h tter contained the latest, 1 ... .1 of the government under the Seprate tai ill' hill. The total estimnted re ceipts are Jf.'STS.OOO.tXH), and the expenditure, Soti.l, 000.0(10. An cs Miniated surplus of $10,000,000 is I entirely too small to stand any fur ' ther nduction. I The widsoni of the House in ac- cepting the Senate aniendments to i the tariff hill, although it involved ' seiining surrender on the part of j the House, is becoming more appar ent every day1 It is now clear as day that there was a pht to prevent lany tariff legislation at till laud that only the prompt action j of the Houvedemoenitiecaueus prc i vented its being carried out. Hud iSeiialof Hills losululinu (lirietint; the depute t'oufet-ees td report a ths- I agreement to theisenae been mlop ! ted before the Ilousencted, it would i have been followed bv a motion to j post nonet be whole matter until j next December, 1 the motion I would have been carried. Senator (Vest, in a speech defending the ! Senate from tho numercc.s chui'Les made against it in connection wi'h jtariff legislation, said: "Men said I the question was between the Wil son bill and the Senate hill. That statement was as false as lb as- jseition that tins was a democratic ; Semite. On the question of larill'; 1 t ? 1 1 1 ! reiorm 11 never was aim never can j be a democratic Senate as at pros I cn! constituted. The question was ! between the Senate bill and the I McKinley law. There the choice ; was to bo made, and every one con versant with the situation knew it! That is as jdain as itcoul ; be niade. Senator Walsh is a good demo crat and a good editor. Hence his advice is good. He says: The democratic jners should use its in fluence to-Create a just jiublio opin ion as to the ral merits of the Sen ate bill. When nroperly nresented i us the best measure of tariff reform i attainable, the conservative senti ment ol'the country will settle down to the conviction that very substan tial progress has been made in the direction of real tariff reform and freer trade among nations" That is the jiroper wi y to look at it. The Si-nale .liill is a great improve ment on the McKinley l.w KeiiCM'ntai ive Breckinridge, of Arkansas, resigned his seat in the j Mouse this week and qualified as j .Minister to Itnssia, to which joni j lion he was nominated nml confir med some weeks ago. Minister , Hitekiiiridge expects to start for Eurojie in it ew days, but he will traver leisurely, stopping at a num ber of places, and does not exjiect to reach St. Petersburg until about October 15. Managers 'f the Presdeuiinl 1 oom of Senator Cameron are bard at work trying to get their grip ujion the American Bimetallic League, which is this week holding a con ference here, but Ibey haven't met with much success. Even ihe re jiujilican memliers of this League are not solidly for Cameron, and he has feiv sujijiorters among the pnjui list members and none among the democrats. There is no longer the slightest doubt about Cameron be ing in the field for the republican j nomination, bis claim being based j solely upon bis friendshiji for silver land his willingness to pav fir support. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY WITH ITS ASSOdATE S.'KOO!,' jTualatin Academy Is one of the oldest and best-equ'ppefl schools of the stul". lis work i characterized by breadth and thoroughness--. Besides the regular col lego courses, which are equal' in ex tent to those of the belter class of Kast.ent (Jiilletres, it offers superior ad vantages for pursuing selccl s!tidie-, To those desiring lo perfect theinsclvc- in ihe co-union Kng 1'sh branches, the Academy urcs'-i. Is every opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term la-gins i-'ep-lember, 19, 1894. For cntalngurs and specific iui'iinnalion address thomas McClelland, Forest drove Oregon. If you Want to Hire a Good Livery Team GO TO THE rsCITY LIVERY STABLE- WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. ' EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES an! DRIVERS, Cor. 2nd and Washington Street. Hillsboro Meat Market, i. ; t Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hags. Cash Paid MAIN STREET, NOTICE. V. S. l.ANH Ol'FIlK, .K. I Oit'inm ritv.Ori'Rn .lummrv fiii. ism l'..'.,r.lHit having U.n eiil.-ivU ut this otlice bv Wm-il tttihlnxoii mruiiiNt Kvetl llelt-h I. ,r aha mil mi nt- lii - Iliiiiii-Mti-mt Kulrv Nr. !WI, ilati'il Miiv 1st. IHMl. upon tin- l' , of N. K. S. W.'i-, ..f N. K. unit N. V'.. '$ ofS. K. I4 of Siolinn :'4. i'wtiMlii) ;i niii'tli. Hanpe 4 west, III slnn!toii eouiity. utt non. with 11 viuw to Mioviiiiee lliitin ill said ,'l,,r.v-. r"""' u - TUL 8""!" inoiied loiiiiiieur at Otv.ton lilv, Orepin, the day of Septonilr,' tsm, at 10 io'eloek a. m to respond and furnish tosti- 1 niony Ctineernmit Kind ulU'iied iiiainloii- IIH'llt. Itoiiuiir V. Mii.i.i'R, ltesilsler. I'ktkii I'AvjrKT, Itcccivcr. Notice for Publication. t!l-,' L.NI1 Oh'l'ICH AT tjHKUON t'lTV, I July 24, 1S!M. I Notice in here'iy given that the foUnw-iug-named settler has tiled notice of his inlention to iiinke liual proof in nitpport of his claim, and that said proof will tie made before the ltcgister and Itoceiver of the l S. Land Olliee at Oregon City, Or., on Sept. 7, ISiH, viz: Hki.a It. i low Altll, II. K. No. 7H7S, tor the S. 4, S. K. an I S. ) S. V. Lsection II, township 4 north, of range 5 wi'st. lie naiiie-4 th ' foMov.'tng wltiuwe to prove his coiiiIiiuoiih residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: John Kol lilter, of Portland, Or., Lnwreneo Van Itlarteom, of Vernoiil, regon,.be Lewis of Venior.ia, Or. and c'harlev A. I'eter ..1, .,c rt,,x-i.,i, t j IS-.Vw. Uont:'it-r A. Mii.i.ku, liegister. Notice For Fublkation. Land Otfh 1: vt Ohkocin City, Oh.I Aii;,'iisl!l, tslll. I Xotice isluTcliy (riven that the followim; named suitlcr has filed not ice of his inten tion to make fin;, I oroofui nupport ot Ins claim, tied that saio proof will he made ho lore I lie t'oiint v Clerk of Washington Co., at llillslioro. Or., on Oct. IS. 18IH, viz: Joseph ,1. Ilaillcj, II. Ii. No. 777s, tor tho N. V. S', Sec. -7, T.2 X.. li. l VV. Willamette Mer. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon am' ciihivatinii of, said land, viz: Henry Ilaiiiian. of tirei'iiville, Dr. James II, Saild, " " Aloit; llartiirier, John Donley, " " 5 Itoi'i'iu . Mi 1.1,1 it, IhvlKlcr. Notice For Publication. Land OW AT OllKdoN ClTV, Oa. Allg I, IWi, I Xotice i hereby Kivuii that 'Hip follow-inc-iinmed settler has tiled notice ot hi in tention to make final proof ia support of I is claim, and that said proof will henuule before liegister and lteceivor at llregon City. Or., oa November I, ls:U, vi?. : Clvssa L Ci:t:m v, 11. E No. s;!'.'7. for I he S. J, S. W. f , X. K. i of N. W'.i, and S. V. J.N. K. I, Section 1U, Township ;1 north. Uuiik'o it west. Mb llamas the fnllowiutr witnesses to prove his contiiiiinii.s residence upon and culti vation of, said land, viz: O. P. Johnson, Ainhiose Cox, Kred llurm.lorn r, anil Charles Mason, all of Dixie Or. a)-5 Uoiikkt A. Miu.i.11. Kcgistor. Notice For Publication. f.AND Omen at Okeoon Cut. Ok I AliKllst !, ISIU. f Not ice is hereby (riven t,hai tho following named settler has filed uoticeof his inlmi tinn to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will Oe made before the Cninitv Clerk of Washington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on Oct. IS, ls'Jl, viz; Alva M. Sioliollcld. II. K. No. 7211. lor the N. , S. K. V, S K M, N. 10. !,;. of Sec o, x, w. 4, 8. w. .Sec. 25,T.8.. " -' Wr He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence u'puii and cultivation of, said land, viz: Itobert VhHcv, ol (llenwood, Or., Joseph Kinney, oi'Huxton, " John Klink, " " Fred Naritp, 21-.'i Itoi.BHT A. Mn.r.icH, Kegister. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that, N. A Hal rett, anil Henrietta llarmt-t, residents of Washington county, Oregon. Have made a general assigiiinent of all their propertv to the undersigned for the benllit of all their creditor), and that I have qualilied as such Assijince in the Circuit Court of the, state ofOregon, for Washington county. All creditors of said usnignceH arc hereby notified to p-esent tlicirclaims under oath to me at the law ottiee of Harrett Adman at Hillsboro, Oregon, within three months from the date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this nth, day of August, A. D lHIH. F J.Haii.ey. Assignee of the estate of N. A. liar rett and llenriett.i liarrutt, IukoIvcii ts C. B. BROWN, y:XTi3T, ' Iin,I,S!'.01tO, 0!l;(!OX. GOLD CHOW.V and HKIDGK work a specialty. Aid. YVOHK Uuarenteeil. Hisiins 1 and 2 Morjrau Hloek. Oi i'lCE Hotuts: From K a. m. to 4. r. M, Win,:T,' p-ioi- Veal and Fori for Poultry. HILLSBORO. OREGON. Charles A. Baldwin & Co, BANKERS, 43 and 4i Wall street, NEW YORK. Account! ( f Hunks bJ Biinlirra rcelvrt icctvctl I lica.lon. 011 tavorttbla trmls. llcnJs iti.l lnv-tncnt Securitlts. Dallf Financial Litler Malted on ,iilic'.li S. B. HUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AN 0 . NOTARY PUBLIC. llooinS I'nlon Block, llillslioro, Ore. IsAHRETT &. ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW. P. ioiiik Oand 7 Central lllnck, llillahoro, Oro. T. M. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan ltlock, llillslioro, Oiegon. VV. D.W0OD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olliee In Chcnctto How. ltesidenee, corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER.M.B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olliee in llillslioro Pharmacy. Resi dence east of Court House. Olliee hoiim from 9 a, 111. toll p. 111. at Pharmacy when not visiting; huforo and alter thaltlnio at riisiilcncu. F. A. BAH.UV, M.D. F.J. tUll.KY, II.N.M.U. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Olliee In llillslioro l'harmacy. Ilosl deneo Boutil-wcst corner llaseline and Boeond. Allealls promptly attended day or niirht. JAMES PHILUPPE TAMIESIE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific ltallroml Co. Consultation iu French or Kngllsh. tilllco nnd residence south of Main near ,'id st., Uillsboro, Or, WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing nnd fine map work a apeelalty. Lindsay Block, two doom north of the postollleo. Second at,, llillslioro, Or. W. W. WILLIAMS, HKOI'KIKTUK Ol-' (lily liiil'erjf ' FRESH BREAD, TIES, CAKES, , Everything kept hi a first-class Hakcrv. ! FRENCH and MIXKD CANDIES, ! lit Cream, Smla Walrr, ami Fine Ciiis.; South Side of Main slnvt, liiLLsiioito, - oiiic; U. S. HEIDLE'S HOME BAKERY, ' CANDY KITCHEN, i SHOUT ORDER l.l'NCII HflllMS Now Open and Heady for Hush-ess i. Cakes, I'ien, ete., also fSB A portion of your trade is respect fully solicited. One' door west of The Pharmacy. Yours llespectfuily, I'.S. HI1.LSBOH0, - OREGON i STAR TH ) ,-,l,,"i"- '"' 1 o. It. Sl'KXCKIt, I'roprii tor. The only place in town where a first-class sluive. can be had for .... 10 Cents Hillsboro House .1. XOKTIi UI ;Y.'.n:-:;'t Comer 2 .;d a..d 'JPashbvfctca Streets Ezvily furnished and Eenovated. Removed ! w. iioi.mi:, THE .V TAILOK! Has linucil Lis t ! I i 1 1 r f i : ju uml reniir simp int'i 1 1 - i;ld pliuti)Hliiili it I If t-.v n;i Heciinil Rt-reel w bnru' lie is iiciiireii in do all kimls ut' work. Suils.Maiie lo Order a:,'d Clothes Ckid mill Wmui Cave itt, and Trade-Mnrk-i obtainsd and all Pat-i cm Dii.'ineu conducted lor Moderate Fcts. i Our On ct it opposite u . s. (TtfiT OFPierJ w.u nvb'.obuiw putwu m uu UU1U MIUU inUMC 5 remotft lrom Washington, .? i ii j 1 ..... . ' , OBIHI IIIUUCI, urHWIIlg VT pnOIO,, Wlin UC!ICrlp-f tion. Wa advise, if patentable or not, free oft chanrft. Our fee not due till A PAMPHLET, 41 How to Obtain Patents," with cost of game in the U. 8, and foreign countries J sent iroe Aaaresi, C.A.SNOW&CO. QPP. PATENT OrPICt, WASHINOTON, D. presh Bread livery Day C. R. MEAD'S EXPRESS! MakeM regular trips to Portland on Moudavs, cilncsdavw, ninl I'l ldnyn, 1- tiiniili;- oil Tiiesdays, TliiiimlnysMid Sn. linlavs. All hiiine-.M I'lilresied to him ill ho prninpllv and 1 H ii-i'u II v lit ti-in It l lo. l-'ioichl nail evini'ss i. ili s Leave orders it ti lint, or ittledloid, or at T;i k A 11. ,i'. , ONE QUART of l.lual'l Itliihnf xufltcleiYl Cof Ml wuihlriKs for 10 ih uIm. "-w Liquid Bluing Innmrtu u lunch mom hi llllaiit 11111I lii-ltlit.-r HnlslitowlillMClolheii limn lliill, Ihillou or S.imr BluliiK. ll.lKula.vr.;iiilyfiriiM'. Ii u-imI ly iMiurliiK nw HMMif 11 1 a nun lm tuli of riiislntt water nail slli iiim a little Willi Un hand. 1)11 rtn-elnt of IOe. In inisIiiko slauiw wb will send tint Hliihm In eoiicenliuliU form by muil. AfU'rvoa liuve used II oiicti yon will use 110 other. H Ih iiIno the lioit llluo Ink. E. W. CILLETT, Mnofctorer of Maiclc Tent. 13 River Street, thlcafo, III EAST AND SOUTH The Shasta Route OK TIIK Southern Pacific Co Express Trains Leave Portland Daily socrii Nonrn R:J0 a in t;-l a 111 ii:lfi p m 111:1 p 111 lili-la a 111 l,v l'orllanil Ar I,v Albany Ar ArSimFrunclMeoLvJJMO iu Above (ruins stop at all xtalloiin from Portland to Albany Inclusive, also Tim genl, Sheds, llalsey, llairlslmrit, Juno lion li vinir aiid laiucno, and all Htntioim from Ho it'luny; lo Ashland inclusive. llOSIillCIUI MAIL., I.AII.V. 8:fTin bv "'Portland At 4:.M ti U!:t0p in Iv Albany Ar I'A.'W III 6:.r0 p m Ar llos hur(t l,v 7:U in Dinlii': Cars on Ogdeirltoule, Ptillinno Huil'elMleepurs, ami (Secinul Class Sleep ng Cars attached to all through trains. West Side Division. Between Portland and Corvallls. M AIIj THA IN, UAll.Y,(KX lilTKUNnAV) "7:.'l0 a infliV l'ortlniiil Ar &: p m H:fl0 a m l.v l.v 4:'J2 m tklt yt m Ar Corvallts Lv l:tw p in At Albany and Corvallln emmet with traiiiMol'theOreKon Paellie Hailroad, KXl'HKHH TIIAIN, nAIl.V,(KXCKlTSllNI)AY) i-lli n'n, i l.v I'lil-tlaml At :'S) a III 7:1,1 n in 5:f0 a in (lino p in l.v llillslioro l.v 7:ffl p m Ar McMliinvlllo l.v Throuh tlekolH to ull points in thn Eiistern Slates, Canada and Ihiropeenn Ihi ohtained at lowest rates from J, J. Mor gan, Afttttit, Hillsboro, OrOKon. K. koKliiKlt H. r. iloonitn. Mm.a cr, Amm'I (1. F, A P. Aift, l'ortlund, Oregon, Thos, F. Otikes, Henry O. Payne, Henry 0. House, Hoclovorfc rva ORTHERN H PACIFIC R. R. u N Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND F0RK8 CROOK8TOINI WINNIPEQ HELENA md ! I I BUTTE TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AN0 ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and tleketu, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Pass Agent PORTLAND, OR. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINNERS. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WEBB QIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality,' uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. OATALOQUiS ON AP-PLIOATION PH1B..C CHICAGO CQTTARF nRRAN nn - uanii WI CHICAGO, ILL. larbest manufacturers of ' SAMS AND ORGANS IN THE WORLD,