THE ARGUS . M. MITCHU, tin. W. C. CLOW, THC MOM CO. vancRirnoa fmc. t-infU copT Ave cents. '(ne year, $1.00. j.8ix montua 80 rent. rThrM months SS eenta. Adrartiung Bate. Business Cards, Per Year $12.00. Contract Col., per Inch f-r month. .M Special Advertising, priial Rates; iiy me votes ot members ot the par I ty. However, let us not borrow trouble wlien we fhouM be rejoi ; ring over the end of the long dead lock. It nviy be that the threats j referred to which were made before j the Bgreenirnt wn reached by the conferee, were made for bluffing . purposes, and that the only danger j ixMid Grey iiir nprrrmr' win nave u meet in urouer Bros the Senate will be the attempt of the republicans to postpone a vote hv dilatory tactics. Next week will tell the story. .mo iai wick rfrri inunuai cnn . i hi, west side of Second it.. HilMwm. Or. 1 probably Sntered at tbe Port-office at Hillsboro, i 1 lie House Jiulicinry committee Oreymi. as Second-clas nail niaiter. ! h s unfavorably reported Repre- ' THURSDAY. A UG7231S94. jwntative Everett' bill to enable ,i persons of Japanese descent to be- The Pacific Coast States are tokn.e ci.izenH of the United States. I Iir I'llllUIUirc tHUlUU b nut ns mvj . , t . . ... i " There-i " " Japs In response to several petitions asking that Judge Kicks, of the Northern District of Ohio, be im peached for misdemeanors in office, the House Judiciary committee has through Representative Baily, of Texas, reporti-il a resolu'ion rh- oon enpy a boom such hare never known befon. mand for silver! n Asiatic countries tb carry on tbe war, will create a market for onr silver and before we are aware of it, all our silver mines will be in full blast. With resum tton'of work in the silver mines will come a demand for the products of Will BUM, null niiu T K''1 ' . I . . ,, V id- i ihorziui' tliat committee to mves well as cerealr. Prices- mtiy not get ,. .,b. ., , . ., . m Willi a mar..i,-,lo.l,,,'c,r8 "u l"e very high, yet there will Us a mar ket fof all oar pnducts. FALSE ECONOMY. ' It in the province of a newspaper to look after the prosperity and liealth of a community. To criti- cise men in high places and to coni- ' mend them for their generous nets. There are many things done that cause us to praise the present ad ministration of Washington coun ty affairs. Her bridges are being repaired; her roadways are being opened and improved, and the ad- : ministration of matter generally is somewhat improved. Yet this ad ministration is not without fault We note that about $200 tax of Hughes, Morgan & Rogers was re mitted. It may be that thjy paid to much, hut it is no reason why the whole people of the county aw a . t 1 snouiu suner inr meir neglect to appear before tlie proper officers, at the proer time, and have said as sessment equalize. The same may he said of the amount over paid by Tlioe. Coiinell. The state, school -and city funds each receive their portion out of thtse amounts and it is not fair to pav it back out of Washington county fundi'. Again, the time of county courts and officials should not be taken up with petty civil actions. Had the county conrt ordered that all actions should I brought within the J. 1. districts, wliero parties Interested reside, and that all pa pers lie served by the proper officer of said district there would be some 'sense to the order. Or w hy not do -away with justices of the peace And constables and let the county judge do the work of the J. P., and the sheriff do that of the constable. - In the matter of printing station ary for county. A plain letter heading and return card on an en velope would suffice for any of the county officials when ordered for themselves personally. And if Washington county could have had as handsomely engraved and plain printed heading as that used last ?yearfor$95. Why pay $140 to Glass & Prudhoinme for lithograph letter heads? The job that was passed off for lithograph work two years ago is a very inferior job of plain printing. Will the new work ' lu ai.v lu-Mor? Tf til,i K (- 0 5;ood euough for a eomity official lefore his election, why isn't itgood enough afterward? There is not a it., i. ; i - i- - voifr in tt ui-iiingioii couuiy n no 'can afford such luxuries as litho graph work; then why should their Servants?) indulge in such things? It seems strange that an official who is too poorf 7) to pay a dollar a year for a county par but must b Trow it, should be a extravagant with county funds. Again why give Isaac Allen $50 for falling through a bridge "that is not on the line?" Why cut the old man down from $150 to $50? He is a heavy tax payer and an old nioneer of this county, and had he lost a leg it would have cost this county 10.000. Had it been the dignitaries of Hie county who had fallen through the bridge their claims would probably have lx-en allowed without a question. The court with holds $100 damage from a man injured through official care lessness and negligence to give it to a rich firm who neglected lo look after their own business at the proper time. WASHINGTON LETTER, Washington, D.C. AtrovsT 12, 1894. It is the hour before day that is Always the darkest." Jufet when democrats almost despaired of anv agreement ever being reached on the tariff and the outlook was at its darkest, the day of tariff re form began to dawn, and now the un is brightly shining upn an Agreement which, if it d ifft nnvl the enthusiastic approval of every without loss of dignity or smirching of party principles. The agreement Is not a victory for eith er House or Senate; it is victory for the gi--t democratic party of the country, which made its wishes known iu Washington, ami (here should tint be any doubt, of its itii roval bv both House and Setis'e. There Isn't as far ns the House is concerned, but, unfortunately, thing do not look so promisintr in the Senate, where threat have b en made which may be carried m.t and tl;p will of the party defea' d has adopted it. Senator Butler, of South Caroli na, has returned to Washington, from his senatorial joint stumping tour with Gov. Tillman, The Sen ator expresses the greatest confi dence in his re-election to the Senate. President Cleveland's vetoe ofiST Unklater the private bill for the relief of Eu-1 E J L-'"s gene Vtelis, late captain in the 12. infantry, is approved by army offi cers, and it is moreover based upon principles of the highest justice. This man retired from the army in 1894, to avoid a court martial that would have resulted in bisdisniissal was appointed a second lieutenant in 18so and coi'rt martiald and dismissed from the service in 1887, for drunkenness and other causes. The vetoed bill provided that he should be appointed a second lieu tenant of artillery and lie placed on the retired list without the usu al examination. Jn plain words. that a man who had been officially found unfit to be an officer should le paid a salarr for the rest of his life as a retired officer. The fact Wells has influential friends mere !y adds to the credit to which the President is entitled for vetoing the bill, and brings out the stron gest trait in the pre idents charac-ter-his absolute determination to do what he believes to be right re gardless of whom it may please or displeases. The republic-ins in Congress who were deluded into contributing morey to the Kolb campaign in Al abama, there area number of them, in the hopes that the movement niTht be mndc th" entering wedge to break up the solid democracy of the South, were a deeply chagrined lot of individuals when the returns eaine iu. Needless to say that the democratic colleagues of Governor elect Oates were delighted t his success, and doubly so because he has always stoutly opposed any thing like concessions to the popu lists. President Cleveland also had good reasons to feel gratiPed, as Col. Oates from the beginning of his campaign for the ncinination hail been classed as the Cleveland candidate. This election has thrown a wet blanket over the loud-mouth but poorly-informed individuals who have iieeri prophesying tre mendous gains to the populists in the South at the expense of the democratic party. It has also con vinced many that the democrats will con t role the House at the coming Congressional eleciions, henator Jones, of Arkansas' was not speaking at random when he said: "It is absurd to talk about the sugar trust owning the Senate. I believe that the trust, would will ingly give a million dollars to be assurred that there would be no tariff legislation's under the exist ing McKinley law its profits would be vastly greater than under any democratic tariff law." F. O. Poor LmtHter Co J Freeman 10l 18 P M EJwards... 110 SS B T Flint... . .1W P Pant Fuller . 14? fl Joseph G'ton 47 so H V Gates 2 SS Wirt Gates J 8 OriiTen . ta 88 .. 63 41 1S8 SO B C Guild m) oo A S Gross ir- no John Harritoti S9 16 J C Hare 6 S8 V 1) Hare 102 10 Alice Harknes ... 00 Tuos V ltine H i 20 A Hinmnn si H W O Hocken so 15 Hughes Son Sam Hughes. 2S Uughe Morgan S Ropers . . Thus D Humphreys 190 08 K A Hv.Ie ". Joseph Holiday estate !7 20 J U Hallett JOi 8S Haiius t Bailey tu 40 Investment Co 16 .13 ftobcrt Iinbrie 535 S4 John W Jackson 106 U Kllen I, Jackson and hush r8 24 Elizabeth Jackson 31 62 P M Jackson no 50 A H Johnson &10 sO C X and Arthur Johnson . E K Jones C M Keep 50 80 B Killen IC7 84 August Krause . 34 85 John A Foot H9 It Ladd A Heed Farm Co 341 12 A COMPARISON. A short time since we published a list of taxpayers for 1893. Below we append the names of persons paying more than $100 tax this year and comparing them with the roll of 1891 as published in the In dependent in 1892. A close com parison shows that under the new law many persons are paying taxes v ho escaped in 1892. In 1891 T, It. Cornelius' property whs assessed at over $50,000 and yet he did not pit a dollar county or state tax. lofll J CAinsworth 138 72 Geo Alexander i...tS4 08 A CArchbold 08 16 J II Barber C P Buoiiii ....10! ') Or F A Bailey ;xi.S Kl Phillip Beul.: 77 28 Hubert Bernard , . . . 70 4-1 V Bisbee.. , ...123 (IS BA Biodicett e.t al Boos iiiid HitzhiiUfen , . !H fig Jacob Bryer Henry Buxton 130 03 NA Barrett and wife 52 16 Isaac Butler 56 27 Wilson liowlby 260 80 ,306 95 Jacob Brumtiir 109 44 40 Mrs V W Chandler, 53 92 101 61 Climax Millin Co 162 40 184 00 Coiinell Bros.... .... 7744 309 ThoB Conuell. 53 72 282 83 Win Coiinell . . 80 00 352 01 K Constable ,,.129 00 121 91 IB Cornellur R and J R Davis 83 08 Van B Deldishinutt Mtt 00 John Delthlefs &o 82 N E Duley J C Bosher and wife.............. ; 1S93 99 25 147 15 113 02 142 12 18 46 496 21 147 86 103 81 144 13 127 08 173 50 178 58 130 45 215 55 110 00 655 02 130 79 234 75 119 82 132 41 229 68 HO 76 34 S3 98 53 122 86 149 82 224 50 121 21 126 29 K 24 224 20 102 01 117 10 216 SS 125 4S 104 26 148 26 3t-7 78 155 28 134 49 246 17 4tW 00 290 70 lib si 146 71 7s7 20 113 38 118 00 173 57 111 90 841 35 290 40 JSS 71 229 91 200 24 S2 40 148 1 334 41 308 73 112 26 12S 75 103 66 ISO 26 241 79 189 44 117 38 138 30 816 65 576 74 96 39 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY y 1 Charles o- 1 I I "WITH ITS ASSIVIATK SCHOOL Tualatin Academy P A Marquau- 99 20 J K Xlarley Markle A Delashniutt T L McEldowney . J D Merryman Herman Metzger. ....... Johu Milne ........ 104 48 J J Morgan 1US 12 Wni Mausy lue 40 J C Monro 141 44 Geo aylor 63 15 122 80 P P and Ole Olesen 122 53 Thomas Otchins 125 28 118 71 Oregon Kea! Estate Co 130 71 Oregon Iron Steel Co 310 40 407 54 0C KR Co 432 00 84SI 00 Richard Perkins 179 84 '.06 71 Elizabeth J Perkim 96 0 Anton Planner D T Phillips 82 08 Theadore Pointer 168 36 J A Porter 74 08 Portland Pressed Brick Co.. .204 00 C W Purdin Ira J Purdin B FPurdy Wm Keidt 164 10 S C Richie Thomas Uoe 113 Edward Schieffefm BSchlagheck JFSchoek .122 40 .134 08 150 40 B Schofield , C Schulnierich Schulmerich & Son Jas H Sewell J V Shuts Samuel Seigunthale James Smith L K Smith Mrs A S Smith 237 12 Southern Pacific K R Ih35 00 John Swick. 113 9i J C Smock DC Smock J Steel et al .. Thos Talbot Tawood Real Kstate Co T W Thompson 108 64 WE Thome Thos G Todd 181 48 Thos H Tongue Thomas Tucker C G Wagner , Kufus Waggner K H Walker D W Ward 53 92 E H Warren 03 84 M M Watts H Wehrung , 138 40 Wehrung & Sou Willaniett Real Kstate Co.. .. 80 48 David Wilcox Sain Williams , U Williams Witch Hazel Stock Farm Z W Wood Woods fc Caples 0 G Barlow G W Hume J C Hawthorn J B Jones , , . Northwest Port bub W H Stiiisjn 59 52 92 00 .118 40 ..225 68 104 72 147 38 113 16 119 47 147 76 292 97 121 51 127 13 129 38 281 90 K;6 60 132 70 184 80 1O0 80 103 35 112 53 244 05 116 62 181 67 401 12 124 36 130 46 153 15 402 10 122 54 101 62 168 55 115 03 106 95 143 77 166 73 167 81 737 51 118 61 118 10 110 50 433 80 107 12 129 f.0 155 42 186 87 331 00 1. 0 70 108 78 134 m AS 89 206 15 1 :0 5W 178 00 124 75 100 00 105 00 114 00 168 -;. 13 - 00 Is one of the ohlest and hest-equiped schools of the 'state. Its work in characterized by bivadth and thoroughness. Besides the regular college courses, which are etmal in ex tent to those of the Ivtter class of Kastern Colleges, it offers superior advantages for pursuing select studies. To those disiring to 'perfect themselves in the common Kng lish branches.' the Academy presents everv opportunity. Expenses are very moderate. The fall term begins Sep tember, 19, 1894. For catalogues and specific information t: duress thomas McClelland, Forest (Jrove Oreion. ffiggsi SCHULMERICH & KOCH, Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hand. A. Baldwin & Ci BANKERS, o 4' Wall stri:et, riEWYoan. 1 Aci-tiM-.U l nnm and Banker iccilvcji o ; InvitrsMo Urms. r.onu auU uivesttrvnt Securities. D:!i r.Kdst Kl.cJ A.vKci'.bn. J ror.:?srosnsNCK sji.ii it: o. C. n. MEAD'S EXPRESS! M:iki'H ri't;iilitr lrim o INnllioiil oil M iinl.ivs, Wt'dneNiluyx, mid Ki hliivs, rr (iirniui; mi Tiiewlayx, TliiirNilH vh hikI Snt-iir-laVH. All ImihIim'sh til riiHl ! tu ,m will in' ironiillv iiihI eiirefully ii ti. Freight (mil I'MirevK mil's l eiiMiiiu, 1,1,1, J.eavo nrders llh him, er nt l.eill'oril'H, or :il T:ik Amies. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. ONE QUART of Llnulil Hluln u nli-lent for 1 wa.thluv for lOccuU. Liquid Bluing Notice is hereby niwn that, N. A rvtl. ami Ilenrie'ttn llarn'tt, rt'siilt-iitM oi l Washington county, On'iiu Have nui'le j Hgeiirrui assii;nnieiil 111 nil meir jmMTiv til till tlttl I win 1 11 nil fur the lKMiilit nt nil I lieir creditors, and Hint I lmve oualilii.l impnnsa mueb nioro tiriuiniit na nriKiiter i ourt ol uiiiiii ui wiiiiv tii'inii iiian iiiiii iiiiiiiiii ur siiunre itiuinR. ii w niwiiyii mwjr inr uw. 11 Is unoit ly piiurlnK n fewspniifuliiintitliv 111 li of rinsing wntur hhiI mlrrliiu it little Willi tint hiiml. On nvelpt nf Htr. n Mwtni(n utampn will aend tint HluiiiK In etuii-enlrnled form by mull. After you lmve uwhI It niu-n you will use no other. It U alwi the lnt Blue Ink. E. W. GILLETT, Mnifictartr of Mtflc Ttatt. 13 River Street, Chicago, III as iii'h A miii: nee in the l ireuit t ourt ul t lie state t.fOroii. for V:ihtiij!toti omul y. ; All creditor of "aid iiiiriiees are hereliv 1 untitled to present iheirelaiuis under until to me at the law office of Itarri-tl V Adams nt Hillsboro, (irv)oii, williin three inonrln rrnin the date le reuf. Paled at IMWiro. OrcKoii.thi-i Uth.dav i f Aumist. A. P lsai. Sl-5 " V J lUil-KY. Assignee of thcetate ul N. A. liar rett and Henrietta llarrett, Lisnlvt 11 ls Second street, HilUU.iro, Oregou. Justice of the Peace.and Notary Public. in 1, KMim Insurance, Loans and Abstracting. IN CITY HALL, - . . HILLSBORO, OREGON. WILLIAMS & SEWELL, MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO, OREGON. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Turnouts First Claw. Special attention given Commercial Travelers. Carriage and Hearse on short notice. W.J. WALL, MUSIC TEACHER. -INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON- The Organ, Piano, Violincello, TERMS MODERATE. And Claironet. ADDRESS: W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. If you Want to Hire a Good Livery Team GO TO THE :CITY LIVERY STABLER WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, Cor. 2nd end Washington; Street. Hillsboro Meat Market, 1. K BUUST, I"nop Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep Cash Paid for Poultry. Notice For Publication. Land Okvick at Okkhun City. Oh I AuKUt !. IM'I I Xotlre is In Tehy (riven thai the lullow iii(t liuined xettler lias tiled imtie'.-ol liU inten. tion to innke linal nm' in sitjiinirt nf his claim, and that said inif will Ik' made beloie the Cotttitv Clerk of WuhIm'-k'"!! llillilMiro, Or., on (let. li. t.'l, viz; Alva M. K( liolleld. 1!. K. No. T'.'ll, lor the S. 2. S. K. K;, H, K. i4, X. K. of). Si, X. W. 4, s. W. 1,, See. 2i),T.3X.. U.S. W . He names the (olluttinx itneises tn prove his iiintiiinoiis reiiiUnice Unm and eultivntinnnl, said laud, viz: Hubert Valley, ot (ilenwotnl, dr., Jeseph Kinney, m' llnxton, Julin K link , ' Kri'd Nu 111 p, -M-.") ltoi'KRT A. Mil l.l II, lle((ls!l'r. Notice For Publication. t.ANU OfFtlK AT (IRKIION t'lTY. OH.) Aiiirwstil. M'U. 1 Xotiie is hereby ieii that Hie liillowini; named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to iiiakn tinul iir.infiii stiiioit of his claim, and that said proof will lie made he fme the County Clerk nf Washing, u Cn ut Hillsboro, Or., on Hit, in, ix'.n, viz: loNf)h J. Ilni'lli'y, H. K. Xo. 777. fur the X. W. '.'.Hoc "7 T.'J X., II. 4 V. Willamette Mer. lie names the follow inir, witnesses to prove bis continuous resilience 110.n1 in,! cultivation of, said land, viz: 1 Henry lliinnan, of (irei'iiville, Or. ' James II. Sadd, " I Alois llarturicer, " John Doolcy. " '1-5 limit HT A. M11.1.KK, l!e;isler. Notice For Publication. ! I.A3IU ((t'FII'E ,IT OllEllO!) ClTV, OK.I ' An)? a, ih. 1 ! Xotice Is hereby given that the follow-i ing'iiaincd settler bus tiled notice of bis in tention to make I'hihI nroof in n of ' i mi;iaiiii belore l ily, Or. I'l.VSSA I. ( HI'ltCV H. E Xo. S:li7. for tbe 8. J, X. W. I, X. K. 1 i of X. W.i, mid M. W. iJ. K. i, Section 10. ' I ownsbip .1 north. ItaiiKii 3 west. He names tlie follow iiiu witnesses to (irove bis continuous resilience upon ami culti-: valion of, said land, viz: O. II. Jolinson, : Ambrose Cox, Kred Burplorfur, and ' Cbarles JfaKoii. all of Hixiu Or. ' 20-5 ItoiiKKT A. Mll.l.KH Heeisler. ; EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OK THE Southern Pacific Ca Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. :15 jf 111 10:i p in 10:45 11 ill I.v Portland Ar I.v Albany Ar A r Nan l''ranelHi'o IiV N0111 It H:'M u til 4:'l a in 7:tK) in stal loim from AbovfltruliiH Ntoti nt all rorthuiil lo Albany inclusive, also Tun- (rout, .mums, iiaisey, Uarrlsiiurir, J111111 tioti Irving and Kiigmio, unit nil HlalioiiH from KoHcburK to Ashland IiicIumIvb. ltONKHIlltl) MAIL, I.AII.V. 8:.t0 a m I,v I'ortland Ar 12:40 p in Lv Albany Ar 6:50 ji tu Ar KoH.'hurg 4-M p m li.Kl p in 7:00 a m Pining Cara on Ogdmt H011I0, lMillnui" Rulfiit SlnepoiN, anil Heeoiid ('Iiikh SUmp lug Cars attached to all tbroiiKh trains. West Side Division. Between Portland and Corvallis. W All. TltAI.N, DAILY, (KXCHITNt.'N DAY) ft9 a m I Cv Piirliiiiid Ar 5:l p 111 8:.'0 n in l.v UlllNboro I.v 4:. u in 12:15 p tu J Ar Corvullui LvJ 1:00 p m At Albimy and C'orvnlllH connmt Willi traiiiKol' the Oregon I'ncillo Hallroud. EXI'ltKHH TRAIN, IAII.T,(RX('KPTH)NnAY) 4:40 p 111 8:00 p in 7:25 p ill I.v I'ortlnml Ar hv HillHlxim Lv Ar McMinuvlllo 1 8:25 a 111 7:1.1 a tit 5:50 a 111 Through tickets to all points in the Eastern Stales. Canada and Kiiroiicmii ) obtained ut loweet rutin fiuni J. J. Mor- :,;;;;. umiirfwnen 1: ; ss Kegist-r and Receiver at Oregon " Kr At(' K5nt r.,o,.Xove,bcrl,l)l.viz: Mi&i"t. ,l,: 1 ' AbU i'ortland, Oregon. ThoR, P. Onkos, ITivirv (". I'nyi'e, Henry t Itoiise, Uis.iovera. fiORTHERN" NOTICE. PACIFIC R. R. and : Hogs. MAIN STREET, HIIJ.SnORO, OREGON. The Leading Drug House. THE HILLSBORO PHARMACY. Careful supervision by experienced physicians! Accurate dispensing by com netentand painstaking pliarn. a 'ists! The Hillsboro Pharmacy orders Its drucM r; :n:i tbe most reliable manufacturers only, and is thoroughly supplied with every reoitlsilo necessary for properly con ducting a first-class prescription business. Tbe pi-oprietms are ever watchful that the most-approved latest remedies are continually being added to the stock us the sciences ol medicine and pharmacy advance. Being possessed of peculiar advan tage in purchasing its supplies, owing to its business rule of taking trade discount lor cash from the best houses, the prices are conse.iueutly lower than those of most dispensing drue Stores. AUtho leading articles of druggists' bondmen, including the finest peb- FtJMKB, TOILET ARTICLES, BRLHPE8, SPONOES, etc., are Oil display. u j lgf and ecelln' assortment of spectacles and eye-glasses to also on nana, Patent medicines of all popular kinds always in stock, The finest wines and liquors supplied in cases of sickness onprescription. U. H. T.anii Omen, Oregon Citv.Oreiron. .laniiarv Mil. WM. I o'oolHIllt havinv lieen enlnn il nl IIiIm olHce by Ward HobiiiKon aguinst 1'retl Itelcli for tlbamlolling bis llnlliestead Kolrv .-. OJJt, dated .May 1st, lwl upon the ft of ft. K. W. a. W. X of N. K. U mill I.: u of 8. K. '4 of Section 84, TownshipH north, Kange 4 west, iu Washington county, Ore gon, with 11 view to the cancellation of said entry, ihe said parties ure hereby sum. Iiioueil toainiear at Oregon t:itv. Ornion 011 the afitli day of September, WM, at 10 0 clock a, m to respoml anil furnish testi mony concerning said alleged abandon ment. lloiiKRT A. Mii.i.kk, Hegisler. KW I'ktkb I'aiikt, Ueccivcr, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Omkoo.n City, i otice Is horeby given that tbo IoIIoh - ing-nained settler has tiled notice of bis i R N ! S Pullman Sleeping Cares Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. intention to miiko linal proof iu support 1 of his claim, and that said proof will bo I made before tbo Register and Kneel vor of I TO 5 THE HILLSBOIIO 1 prescript PHAKM AOY IN UNION BLOCK. STOCK WORTH $6,000. MUST BE SOLD IN SIXTY DAYS. BOOTS AND S GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING, LADIES' CLOAKS, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS 25 to 50 per cent, discount from regular prices. A Princely Line Of Fancy Good Prices Cut Square in two. These Goods Will Be Sold Regardless of Auwir-vaiue at your own price on Auction Days. ALSO A FULL LINE OF STAPLE GROCERIES. Wm. Tucker & Co. J. A. REDD & Go's Old Stand. BEAVERTON, OR. theU. S. Laud OHice at Orcifoo llilv. (ir on Sopt. 7, lfwi, vi.: DMjA B. HoWAItl), II. 10. N'o. 7U78, for the H. J, S. K. mid S. i S. W. i.section 11, township 4 north, of range ft west. Ho names tlis follmvinB witnesses lo prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vi - l,,f,. i.',.i. liber, of Portland, Or., Lawrence Van Blarlcom, of Vornonl, Orecriiii.Abe Lewis of Vornonla, Or. and Charley A. Peter son, of Buxton, Or. l-5w, Uoiikht A. Mii.luk, Uotfister. ARGUS' BARGAINS roi oi(, you can ouy a line ten ncre ir.ici u, thin u ntiloii of Hillsboro. Tb"re it n e.vnlo ibr'r:u-.l ;i, a ilm u .ill It. ,g site .) .n-res "le ir.!il mill weeded, t'.i-il t'.veucr -s Kjasliihl. This nuiu is worih riliK). jn,r uere Call at Tn k Atoms ollleii for a imrfain. fa!c cr timio .'Ice fio acre trnri 5 acres of bctunu inud, is acus ui rough jJ.'sml, Kood lor liistttie. About three acres cltircd and sonic small improve , menu Brat wear t.u.b-r for posts in nic couiuy at j:o psr t.Cie. Three lots and a house, with thirty fruit trees. Ten nilnntes w:t!l ii"m business part of town. Cheap "or ct,sh or will trade for other property, $8oow'llbuya handsome r:iMence. There is a good well of water, tire place, a large woodshed, and a chicken yard. About acre of land, planted to fruit trt.;a and berries. You can have th a property for $Soo. It is worth $1200. .A small iiniouni i'.ov, n a m! time fccvtn on tu'aiu.e. A mmiiitniit r m-b P mrlecn n:ls frun I ortlaud for sale id $1 per acre. A; out -0 nc I'ps flushed. A Wir'slderable iiu.n!itv ol eeJnr (rood for pout or shinnies. Cci' eo l oin the tbe ranch to Por'.lmid by four dltbtretit roads, ltoarls good in V E L I . x mi miner ar winter. THE ARGUS HAS 8o ACRES IN ! S AND io ACRE TRACTS FOr EX- fU iVrc ajlllirinif,n,.... in onnaaoLc rM ill.. pa:il v t ii n t D'JU'JTii "" " FAR 10 " QRV0 F'JV1 CROOKSTON ufi'isiprci CUTTf THROUGH TISRDT TO M:CA.GO VVALHINOTON I'H.LArU-rMA NCV YOSK 0dSTO" AND ALL rCISTb IMS ml 80'JTH !' 'i- Infoi-iiii.tlfui, limn curds, inioi. n:id. tickets, en 11 en or write I D. CUiR,T3HJss!,Co2l.riaAet- o,i. nni IIIIRMII DDI7C WIHMCDO 11 CaveaU, and Trade-Marlu obtained and all Fat-1 cmuiuincBiconQucceaior MOOCRATE Pcct. ana we can secure patent ia fell time tnaa thone remote from Waahfn ton. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We adviae. if natentabla or . (,.. i chanra. Our fee not due till natent l nirl. ! 1 A Pamphlet, " How to Obuin Patenta," with coat of tame in the U. 8. and foreian countnes! wnt tree. Addreat, C.A.GNOW&CO.i S Orv. patent Omcc. Washinotqm n r. ! CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WERI QIVRN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. OATALOQUIS ON APPLICATION PRM. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. OHIOAQO. ILL. UR8EST MANUFACTURERS flF NOS AMD 0R6AH8 ill THE WORLB.