THE ARGUS THURSDAY, AUG. 10. 1894. Wood taken on BuLmeription. Butter and egg are as enhh on BllbHCliptiollH. Whwit 1 coming in at a lively rato juht now. . Severn I of our young folks shitted coiisiward this week, with .' more to follow soon. Hops me reported in excellent condition in this vicinity. Plunk in being huuled to re pair portions of second street. Chits. Ciiwrse's infant child, died Monday of brain fever. J. , Knight ha added a new bench to hit ollice furniture. The wheat crop is not as good, nor ho largo n yield as wn expected. MrH.jSpcary, of Brownsville, is in t:wn vicitmg Dr. Artluns rarntiy. A new coat of paint adds to the appearance of the lIillboro llouw. W. X. Barrett, is reported as having the mumps. He is still at Newport. Recorder Dobbins is wrestling Avith a severe attack of mumps "Got ( iii on both sides". W. E. Thome and family and V. D. Hare and family are camp ing at Soda Springs. The county court will contract for the constructinn of six new bridges at the next session. Messrs James Larrikin, 'James Young and Peter Jaquot started for Netarlu Bay yesterday morning. The articles of incorporation of The Ilillshoro Condensed Milk Co. with $25,(K)() cnpitalstock, were fil ed Aug. G. ; Warren Williams is running a, first class city bakery on the south side of Main Street. Read his new ad. The county assessor and his deputies are kept busy these days. The tux roll must be completed by the middle of next month. E, II. Warren and family, re turned Tuesday, after a two weeks outing at Netarts Bay. They re port having had a line time. Rev, Xirkhope, of the Tuala tin Plains Presbyterian church j preached an excellent sermon at the Methodist church lust Sunday. Wiley & Dennis have repaired the driveway in their barn by mak ing a new one. It is much better than the old worn out planking. The remainder of the Demo crat plant and subscription books weru sold hist Thursday under at tachment by Constable Annan. M, A.. Barrett, and wife made ail; Hssigrrnent in favor of their . aredilors on Monday. Assets esti mated ul 15,000, with $11,000 1 la bilities. Tlirc Aunt's renews its propo siliovto continue the subscriptions to tho Democrat upon ' reeiept of nuflicient cash nt $1, a yenr to ex t'i)d the time one year from date uf renewal. Last Thursday Mr. Henry Dcmming residing some three miles south of Hillsboro, died after a very short illness. On enquiry as to the nature of his malady we learn that he was prostrated by a typhoid and foul condition of the Mrs. Sadie Johnson of Beaver ton is doing some exeelent photo graphic work. Ed Bowen will hardly go to the coast this season. He is still laboring with the mumps. Miss May Willis, returned system, complicated with severe jfrom Ht ieen8 Tuesday, where iiains about the heart. When these symptoms were somewhat relieved he sudenly developed a rheumatic condition of the joints. This he had previously suffered from, at one time for six weeks, but he was now ill able to survive such an invasion, as evidently the valves of the heart became ulcerated and the blood thus became rapidly deseased and dotted as indicated by the mottled appearence of certain swollen parts ai'ler death. The dec eased was a most respected man and leaves a widow it nd several children to mourn their loss. --At about a quarter past eleven o'clock Monday night, the citizens of P.eaverton, were startled from their slumbers by the shrill cry ' of fire, h roin the best information at bain, we learn that the saloon build ing was set by a bomb. It was only the work of a few minutes until the two buildings occupied by Joseph Ronndey's saloon and F. C. Pauli & Co's, drug store were reduced to ashes. The buildings and contents are a total loss they were owned by F. ('. Pauli and were worth about $(500. The stock of drugs invoiced about $2,000. a short time ago. The saloon was insured Biilliecent to cover all loss. The iusuranc on the buildings and stock had expired just a day or two before. There is no question but Hint the tiro was incendiary. Miss Emma Finney, 'daughter of our townsman A Finney, who is well known here was married to Mr, R. Richardson of Tacoma. The cermony took place at McMinn villfl Tuesday. Mr. Richardson and wife started for their future homo in Tacoma yesterday after noon. He has a good position as millwright in one of Tacouia's lar gest flouring mills. The bride and groom each received some one presents TEACHERS EXAMINATION. The regular quarterly examina tion of applicants for school certifi cates wns held Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday of last week. The following list was furnished by County Supr rintendent Bond: First Grade Mary A. Xnrthrup, Alida J. Aiton, W. M. Tipton, Anna she has leen visiting with her sip- ter Mrs. Beegle, for the past three iA Myers, Bell Clark, Anna Bates, w ecKs. Bird Brown, Minnie Osmund, and U. II. Greer the grocer, started Alice Brallcy. Tuesday morning for a weeks out- Second Grade Matilda Osmund, ting st the Newport beach where j his family preceded him a few days since. Preaching in the Christian Church next Lords Day by -Elder T. F. Brown Subject in the morn ing the work of the Holy Spirit. In the' evening the identity of the Church. t ; 800, will buy a . fine two acre tract within the corporate limits of Hillsboro. Good tfel.l and spring of running water. . House worth $600. A bargain for cash, call on Thk Auot;s. this propertr must be sold soon. The United States has forced the bouse to accept of tariff legisla tion that does not suit the house nor the American people, The senate no longer deserves the hp me of honor able men but they may be called a sugar- coated trust. Scio Press:Scio can boast of as got d amateur marble players as there are in the state. They are business men who, owing to the extremely dull season, spend their idle mom ents at the game. If any other town thinks differently, let it name its players. Our team will play in single or doubles, and for fun money or marbles. Just as we were locking up the forms to go to press this morning Boh art's bunch grass team took fright down on Second Street and ran away. They attempted to go up the sidewalk between the court yard fence and the hitching posts. They were stopped by the trucks catching upon the posts, and the result was the usual amount of broken fence and a broken tongue and doubletree to the truck. It was Mary Craven Salstus. Emma Tun ison, Metta Jacks, Edith Wells, V. b. Graham, Martha Traver, Emma hEm nicl, Irene Cook, John M. Jones, Sarah Bates, Bertha Smith, Mary R. Traver, Mary Hingley, Maud Godard. Third Grade Eva Cypher, Amy Wells, Geo. A. Davis, Jennie Beam ish, Josie McMahon, Mattie Zook, Emily Adatns, Lillie B. H.iynes. Toy Burt, Samuel J Ennis. Frances M. Roweand Rose Sutcliff. Anew rating by the Pacific a wonder some one war, not hurt as NETARTS LETTER. Netarts Bay, Aug. 10, 1890. Editor A rous.- Being excluded from the beautiful plains of Wash ington couuty, and feasting my eyes on the briny deep and the rug ged Coast range of mountains, I am seeking pleasure where there is none without a great deal of energy and physical labor. I am not the only one who has drawn their im agination for pleasure for there are in our camp (whkh is called "Happy Camp.") seventy four from Forest Grove, ten from Portland, eghit from Greenville, five from Ce dar Mill, fifteen from Sheridan, seven from Hillsboro, thirty trom McMinnville, eight from Lafayette, four from North Yamhill and four from Dallas. We have Doctors of Divinity, Medicen doctors and Doc tors of guilders, the latter that we may masticate tne bivalves ana make them easy to digest. Among our camp we have a variety. From the cradle to the grave, there is the old and grey and the young and gay, and a display of beauty and intellect ( 8 can be found in any other camp on the coast. Coaster. CORNELIUS. Nev-s rather scarce. The Sunday Oregonian on sale at the barber shop. . The bus will leave here for Soda Springs on Sunday morning. : Grain is nearly ailcutand thrash ing is in full blast in this section. J. A. Keini is moving his cidar mill over near his barn this week. C. T. Nee 's two children have a' rnost recovered from their recent ill ness. K. S. McNutt and wife and R. U. McXutt and wife will return from the coast this week. The next wedding in town will come off in about two weeks, or soon er according to gossip. The Cornelius Wood working factory is in full blast under the supervision of the foreman, Ed Buxton. Messrs. Hatch A Weidewitsch have formed a co-partnership and have consolidated. Cornelius has now but one blacksmith shop. Messrs. Brnwley and Davis of Beaverton passed through Cornelius Monday enroute for the mountains on a hunting and a fishing excur sion. A. A. Phillips, justice of the peace, .1. T. Dorrien, notary public, and Mr. Brown attorney-at-law have located their offices in the building next door to the post, office. NEWPORT LETTER. Newport, Oregon, Aug. 13, 1894. Editor AROiTS.--The Hillsboro, Notice For Publication. ,. La no Orrios at Omsooii Citv. 0. I Auttustft, ISftl. Notice is hereby iiiveii that the following colony is increasing, K. a. Goodin j tion to make nimi i gUj,port of his arrived here Tuesday with his claim, and that caul proof will be made belore the Ltninlv t'leric 01 m asmiiRuiii Thursday Mrs. Elliott and daughter, Mr. and, viz: erowu seventeen strong, i i.ursuav ,, ... Hillsboro. Or., on Oct. is. Mrs. R. Waggoner and two dauglit-j .. -'j,f.llT?01fs k Va. 8.K. 21-6 Roi.EBc A. Miller, Register. Notice For Publication. Laud Orrii'E at Oekook City, Or.) August 9. 1H.H. I Notice is hereby given that the following', named settler has tiled notice of his inten-" tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be-, fore the County Clerk of Washington Co., ' at Hillsboro, Or., on Oct. IS. 1894, vii: Joseph J. Hartley, ' I H. K. No. 777S, for the N. W. , Sec 27, 1 1. 2 N., It. 4 W. Willamette Jler. From a private lctler we learn that Ernest Stewart, now of Port land, a short time since a Hillsbo ro boy, and whose mother still re sides in our midst) has been elec tad District Chief Templar of Mult nomah county he is C. T. of Res cue Lodge No. 5G9, of Portland. All Good Templars will be glnd to learn of his promotion. A gentleman who has been re siding here temporarly and who thought some of buying property here says that ho is almost afraid to invest for fear that his neigh bors will let their thistles grow and seed his ground. Our o'itizensought to take more pride in the city, than they do. Cut down the thistles and clean up your yards. The basket social eiven by the members of the Evangilica) church at Laurel, was well attended, and a success financially, the baskets sel ling from 20 to 95 cents each. The "musical and literary program was fiirisly rendered, and reflects great credit upon the nianagars and par ticipants. ClowV Home Amuse ment brass band, furnished music ? for the occasion and received many ' compliments, especially the cornet sol6s by master Chas W. Clow. w On Monday last, Geo. Bauer, came to cvief bv ..falling into the 'hands of constable Annan, who is becoming a terror to evil doers Geo, is a gentleman of the road A Coxevite-and travels for his health He purloined a portion of worn and castoff wearing apparal, a lap robe anda yice jUBt whai he wanted with the latter, would be hard to conjecture as 'vice seemed to be his stock in trade, unless he wanted more vice to perfect him in the art. He was arrested, taken before Squire Knight and was sentenced to one month in the county jail. Thrt wheo-z-i-n-or.. wher-T-r of the' Roara-go-roundifalls painfully on the ear, nt the north-eaBt corner of.the square on Dr. Linklater's va cant lots. The hum of the dynamo a the water works ia a sweet lullaby compared with the shrill blasts of the whistle and grating-rattle-te-bang nt that nickle-re-ride business, . 1 intermingled with .the shouts and hooting of the gang of street hood lums who congregate there ana make night hideous. ,' Strange isn't it, gome people who have been so poverty Strieker , a few short weeks ago, tlta X the hajid of Charity had to be extended, have beoome so prosperous that they can find time nnd money 1o squander in such a , foolish way, Insurance Union of a portion of Ilillshoro was received last week. With our present fire protection, engines, hose carts and heavy pressure from pumps, with an abundant supply of water, the rates in many instances might be reduced one half and still be higher than rates in many Eastern cities, where risks are more hazerdons and fire protection not so good The stock books are now open a .id subscription will be received by the incorporators of the Con densed Milk' Association. If you waiit a good market for your milk call and assist these i entlemen with a small subscription. Twenty- five dollars per share and each share will yield a good dividend be sides giving you a ready market for all the milk you can produce. F. C. Pauli, is in town this morning he says he has no idea as to how the fire at Beaverton origin ated, lie was away in the moun tains and knew nothing of the fire untilhis return yesterday afternoon. The stock of drugs were owned by St u lnrd & Alexander who had purchased Mr. Pauli's interest in the business some time previous. Monday, Sept.. 17, the county hoard of equalization will meet, and . . , 1 . .!..! hold open session every nay uunng the week, for the purpose of com paring and adjusting the assess ment. At which mi eting it will be the duty of all persons knowing their assessment to be too low to come in and have it raised. For sale at a sacrifice A fine residence property close to the pub lic school in Hillsboro. This prop erty cost the owner ifl2G0, and it must be sold and is now ottered tor $G00. Tins property is a snap bar- pain for any one wanting a pood piece of property, tor particulars call at The Arous office Sunday, while Mrs B. P. Cor neliusandMrs. Goodin of Glencoe were out driving, the fills became detached from the harness, and the horse ran away overturning . the buggy. Mrs. Cornelius was pretty badlv injured about the spine. Mrs. Goodin and the children we-e un injured. We are glad to note that Re corder Dobbins has started in on the sidewalk repairing question. His notices are tacked up pretty generally where the walks are im passable. We shall be pleased to note a speedy improvement, m street improvements and sidewalks. The band stand is now comple ted. It presents a very fine ap- pearance ana aoes crean to aroin ted, builders and finishers. The thanks of our citizens are due to J. W. Morgan for his untiring and persistent efforts to secure this improvement. The Argus force.i Deluding the editor business, manager, composi tor, and devils, and the foreman ot the Independent, and William's clerk; went over to Stoney Point fishing last Saturday. They re turned with the usual fisherman's luck. A drinking fountain and a nublic watering trough at the east enteranoi to the court yard would be a great convenience and blessing to the thirBty man and beast. Mrs. U. S. Heidel has opened a first class bskery and restaurant on the south side of Main Street, just west of the Pharmacy read ad in another column. the street was thronged with teams and pedestrians. The tariff question is now set tled, and if you desire to see what effect the new law is having on bus iness, you should call on W. A. Laidlaw. We called in, a few days since and found Mr. L. and his en tire clerical force, busily engaged marking down the price of goods to meet future prices. He has just received a new line of hats some of which are marked down to cost price Those ladie's caps are us handsome ar an y ever brought to this city. The childrens yacht ing hats are the tinest outing hea dress onered in asuingion county Laidlaw the Merchant ssys that the prices must come down and he nrouoses to cut at once rather than wnit to sell his stock now on hand SOUTH TUALATIN. Several cases of munirs are re ported in this vicinity. 1 wonder how many gentlemen went to Soda Springs Sunday? Henry Detnming died very sud enly last week with heart trouble. Wm. Peirson of Portland is visi ting with relatives in this locality. Harvest is well under headway in this locality; most of the cutting being done. " The hop at Mr. Bailey's last Fri day was most a failure on account of a misunderstanding. Miss Emma Trenison, of Port laud is a fciicsl of . Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Stewart this week. The creamery at this place if niakins between three and four BEAVERTON BLINKINGS. Arthur Pike, who has been very Bick with an abcess in his side com plicated with Erysipelas, is much improved at this writing. Mr. R. II. Walker had a fine mare badly goivd in the shoulder by a vicious bull. Seventeen stitches were required to close the wound. The berry pickers of Beaverton have returned from the mountains; well loaded down with blackberries. Thev were all sunbrowned and healthy. Mrs. Kenedy, who has been in poor health for the past year, will go to the coast for a month, her daughter Miss Irene j.hholt will accompany her. Her friends all hope to see her much improved on her return. F. C. Pauli, W. P. Graham and G. A. Stouder, relumed from a hun ting tour in Clackimas county, this week. Messrs. Stoudard & Graham had quite an experience in colliding with an electric car in Oregon City, the hack was overturned and one wheel was broken. Both men were thrown to the ground and badly bruised. The team escaped injury. They now wonder what ailed the electric car. The saloon and drug store of this place burned to the ground Tues day night at about 11:15 o'clock. The alarm of fire was given and soon all the available force of the town was in amies against the fire fiend, but the rapid progress of the flames prevented any efforts being made to save the buildings. A few articles were saved from the drug store. The adjoining dwellings were only saved after a prolonged struggle, bv keeping them wet. The drugstore is a total loss the in surance company having become bankrupt. Joe Roundy has insur ance to the amount of $300. The buildings are a total loss. The fire was undoubtedly of incendiary ori- hundred pounds of bulter per day. Schulnierich Brothers started their threshing machine Monday morning, they are doing excellent ivork. A party of young folks consisting of eight" couple went to Soda Springs Sunday of last week alt re port having a good time, especially those that were not gentlemen. The bridge at Mr hammonds fell through with a load of logs last Tuesday doing little or no damage except smashing the bridge into splinters. The bridge has been un safe for some time past. GREENVILLE. BUXTON. Miss James of Monmouth will teach the young ideas to sprout for the ensuing term. Mr. Downs, of Forest Grove, was in our midst last week and board several wells during his sojourn. Harvest has commenced.' The crops hid fair to surpass last years yield. Dairy creek against the world. Mr. Matod had his house moved to the corner of his lot last week and is having a wing and poarch attached. Ed Mendenhall's new residence is shaping itself under Prof. Peter son's supervision, and when finish ed will be one of the handsomest buildings on the creek. When Messrs. Mendenhall and Ma tod's buildings are completed we will have the boss burg of the county and will then be ready for a boom. Look out for Buxton town lots. The five year old son of Mr. Holt was run over by a loaded lumber wagon on Thursday last. Dr. Cole was called, and at, last accounts the boy was doing ' first rate. Having sustained no serious injury. The wagon passed over his stomach. On Monday the inhabitants were startled by shrill sounds which rc virberated through the forest and buildings nearly knocking Charlie .... . i . it. .IU. ,i er-. Ihev were accompanied bv a, n. k. M, f wee. 2B, X. W. I some Portland friends. jSec. 25. r.aa., u.8. w. 1 e learn mat urs. . nar- pr,)Ve his continuous residence upon and retl is convalescing.' She thinks l cultivation of, said land, viz: the aggravations of childhood are Kotei Vartey, f o.enwood. Or., not pleasant, especially at the John Klink, coast. ! Fred Narup, Hon S. B Huston and W. H. Wfhrung enjoy fishing, we think, by the uav they distribute the fish in the Hillsboro Colony. Last hut not least A greater part of the colony have planned a trip for Thursday, tolhe Lisihi iloue and Oil' r Ro k and other places of in terest. Th weather i.- vt ry pleas ant, we see lhal a -ait of our p ti lde attend church here, think tin v. lie names the following witnesses to .ii,.y the aide Si rmo .S arc y; Pre Ins continuous residence upon and J , , . : cultivation of, said land, viz: .veil rendered. Al.EEIX. j Henry Hannan. of Greenville, Or. T , I James II. Sadd, " " ! A Imu Huptii ri trf r " " . ' - p, . . J oli u Oooley, . 11-5 ItOBEKT A. Milleb, Register. I Notice For Publication. I Land C'ick at Oregon Citv. Oh.I Aug 3, 189. f i Xotice is hereby given that the follow j ing-named settler has tiled notice ot his ii ' t iition to make final proof in support of J is claim, and that said p;o, f will be made ! before Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Or., on Jiovember l. lsyi, viz: ULVSSA h CEEECy, H. E No. S5i7. for the S. J, X. W. 1, X. K. 1 of X. W. , and S. W. , N. K. i Section 10. Township 3 north. Range 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said laud, viz: O. D. Johnson, Ambrose Cox, Fred Burgdorfer, and Charles Mason, all of Dixie Or. 20-5 KoBfKT A. liegisler. I wind to gef a shiive riiiit .jtiink Ami I omit Kiinw wiirrc lo . 'i he bii rirt-rn now all in lir. t.. h Arc so xery. very mow Xo, no since i have come to think There is a one chair shop The barbers name is Spencer And he makes the Whiskers drop. 1 willgo and have him shave me I know that he is gooo And it xvill only cost me ten cents To get shaved as 1 should. His shop is now on Second Street Justoposite a saloon You can go and get a nice clean shave And get it very soon. gin. L. How to ltecognlre It. Nedders What's a bonmot? Slowitss Something you always thiak The road is lined with wagons loa ded with grain for the warehouses. There is a large acreage of potatoes here, and spuds bid fair to bring a good price. Mrs. Tom Ritchey, with her chil dren left for the coast last Monday, t obe gone a month. There h an immense crop of grain, around Greenville, which is being rapidly tlirestied. Mr. Shirley, and his estimable wife will move away from here this fall to a paradise in Eastern Ore- 3n. .','' Mrs Dr. . Parker; with her two daughters, Lillian1 'and Viola are visitine Mrs. C. A. Peterson, of Buxton. ' V Ira Bradley, has purchased a new bailing machine, and will bail most of the hay and straw in this vicinity. Win. G. Walker, the talented musician, will give a dance in Dr. Parker's hall, Saturday, Aug. 18, to which all are invited. The Greenville Sunday school is progressing under the efficient corps i f teachers. P-enching and Christian Endeavor Society every Sunday. A five-year-old sou of Mr. Mills, living at Smith's saw mill, was run over last Friday, ty a wagon lond ed with lumber, and was fatal y in jured. The wagon passed over the Peterson off the scaffoliog of a buil ding on which he was working, mounting his hobby he rod" like Paul Revere, warning the citizens of our quiet little burg that the As toria and Buxton railway was upon us. The citizens rushed to the public square in front of Colonel McPherson's and there beheld the Blodsoe and Buxton regiment of berry pickers returning from the Nehalem. They said they had run short of feed and ate the A. & B, R R. for breakfast which accounted for their calliopic utterances. They were given a dose ofepecacin hopes that they would disgorge the rail road, but the strike is still on. This is the second lime the Buxton ites were called out to see the As toria and Buxton railway this sum mer. On the fgimer occasion it was only Joe Gleason and his spot ted Rosinante that created the furor. Agricola. business isdkx. P. A. & F. J. Bailey; physicians. Barrett & Adams, att'y-at-law; C. B. Brown, Dentist, see card. W. E. Brock, druggist, see ad. EASTERN MILLISER.see ad. K. H. Greer, Grocer, see ad. Hillsboro Pharmacy, see ad, Hillsboro Meat Market, see ad. U. 8. Heidle, Bakery, Main st. see ad. W. Holmes, tailor: see ad. 8. B. Huston, att'y-at-law; see ad. J. I, Knight, insurance agt, see ad. W. A. Laidlaw, Merchant, see ad. 8. T. Linklatcr, physician; see ad. J. Northrop, Hillsboro House, seead. O. R. Spencer, Barber, see ad. Schnlmerleh & Son. gen. indue. Schnlmerich & Koch; butchers. J. H. Smith, Bazar see ad, T. H. Tongue, att'y-at-law; see ad. James Phillipe.Tamiesie, M. D. H. Unternahrer, Jeweler, see ad. Wiley Dennis, City Uvery.see ad. W. D. Wood, physician; see ad. W.J. Wall, music teacher; see ad. William Brothers, buggies, see ad Williams & Sewell, liverymen, Wilkes Bros, surveyors.see ad. CHURCHES. Conereeatlonal, corner Main and 5th streets. Preaching every Sabbath, morn ing ana evening. saODam scnooi at iu a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday, 7:00 p. m. 1st Christian, Harry Watkins, pastor Preaching Second and Fourth Sundays, 11 a. m. and 7:30 D. m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, eve ening. Y. P. S. C. K. Sunday, 0:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal, H.B.E1 worthy pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morn ing and evening. Sabbath, 10 a. in. Lea gue meeting every Sunday, 4 p. m. Gen eral prayer meeting every Thursday eve ening. Leader's and Stexvard's meeting the second Tues. evening of each month' EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Corner of Fifth and Fir.Preaching every Biuiduy evening at S p. m. Second and fourth Sunday atll a. ni. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. K. L. C. E. every Sunday at 7 p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Kev. F J. Straveb, Pastor. Baptist Sunday School.10 a.m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30. Cornelius, M.E. Services 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7 p. m,; 2nd and 4th, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday eve ning at7. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday, 7 p. m. Preaching at Glencoe, 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month. 1). S. W lgsteaa, pastor. Secular Society meets in Forest Grove every Sunday evoning at 7:30. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Mrs. A. S, Barker, president. SOCIETIES. Phoenix Lodge No. 34, K. of P. meets in Odd t ellow's nail on Mon day evening of each week. Montezuma Lodge No. 50, 1.O. iSlsBlO. F. meets Wednesday even jugs at 8 o'clock in their hall. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, i July 24, 1K4. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of hit intention to make final proof iu mipiMrt of his claim, und that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of . the U. S. Land Ollice at Oregon City, Or., on Sept. 7, 1894, viz: Dela IS. Howard, H. E. No. 7978, for the S. i, S. E. I and S. J S. W. i.section 11, township 4 north, of rangeo west. He names thi following witnesses to; prove his continuous residence upon andt- cultivation of said land, viz: John Kel- liher, of Portland, Or., Lawrence Van' Hlaricom, ot ernom, Oregon, ADe iewis of Vernonia, Or. and Charley A. Peter son, of Buxton, Or. !. 18-5w. Robkrt A. Miller, Register, j NOTICE. U. 8. Land Offiob, 1 Oregon Citv, Oregon, January Sth. 1894. uo-nplaint navmg oeen entered at tints office by Ward Robinson against Fred Belch for abandoning hii Homestead Entry No. 9201, dated May Ist.lKOl, upon the io( N. K. H. S. : of '. E. H and N. K. of S. E. '4 of Section 34, Township 3 north, Range 4 west, in Washington county, Ore gon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at Oregon City, Oregon, on the 2:"itli day of September, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m to respond and furnish testi mony concerning saia uuegea abandon ment. Robkrt A. Miller, liegisler. 1P-5 Petf.r PAQ.ITHT, Receiver. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. B. BROWN, jQENTIST, HILLSBORO, OREGON. . GOLD CROWN and BRIDGE work a specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block. Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to 4. p. m. of after it's too late to say it. Chicago j ch lids stomach. 1 he child was Record. ' trying to climb on to the wagon over the brake beam, on the oppo site side of the wagon and was not seen when the driver started the team. Bain From a Clear Sky. We have it 011 the authority of Sir J. C. Boss that in the south Atlantic rain frequently fallH iu torrents from the clear sky, and he intuitions 0110 occasion when it rained for oyer an hour when the atmosphere was perfectly clear. In Mauritius and other parts of the. south ern hemisphere rain from a clear sky is of coiumou occurrence, St. Louis Re publio. ' A residence and two large lots, in south Hillsboro, near the public school. The house has six rooms, and is nearly new. There are 70 bearing fruit trees, and also different kinds of berries, good water, and will be sold cheap, cash, or part cash and balance on time or will exchange for small tract of land. For particulars call at the Argus office. THE TRESPASS LAW. . Many of our sportsmen are not aware of the provisions of the tres pass law enacted at the last session of the Oregon Legislature. It is now "open season" and the woods are full of hunters. A careful per usal of the law m:iy be of benefit. The following is the full text of the bill: It shall be unlawful for any per son to other than an officer on law fif business, being armed with a gun, pistol or other h rearm, to go or trespass upon any inclosed pro mises or lands without the consent uf the owner or possessor thereof. It shall bo unlawful for any per son, being armed with a gun or other firearms, to cause, permit or suffer any dog accompanying such person to go or enter upon any in closed premises without the consent of the owner or possessor thereof; provided, that this section shall not apply to dogs in pursuit of deer or varmints. Any person violating the pro visions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than $15 nor not more than $50, and in default of the payment of the fine imposed shall he committed to the county jail of the county in which the offense is committed one day for every $2 of said fine. Justices of the peace for the proper uounty shall have jurisdiction ot the trial offenses herein denned. a Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M. $Z meets every Saturday night on or AWter Ml moon of each month. f Court Tualatin, No. 7974 A. O.F.of A. meets every Tuesday evening in Odd Felloxvs hall at 8 0' clock. Hillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.W., 1 sMmoetti every second and fourth Tues puday evening in the month. X Washington Encampment No. 24. I. O. O, F. meets on second and fourth Friday of each month. Hillsboro Lodge No. 17, 1. O.G. T. Eas) .neets in their hall Saturday 8 p. m. k Juvenile Temple, Sundays, at 3 p.m. Hillsboro Grange No. 73, P. oi II. meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12 m. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54, I. O. O. F., meets iu Odd Fellows' Hall 1st, 3rd Saturday evening of each month. Washington County Rod and 3l Gun Club meets in Morgan Block 2nd Thursday of each month at S p. m. Horsemen should call on The Ab fjJHiaes, fr prices ouImIIs, and cards. W. W. WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR OF AH IU LMUVIJDV FRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, Everything kept in a first-class Bakery. FRENCH and MIXED CANDIES, Ise Cream, Soda Water, anil Fine Cigars. South Side of Main street, HILLSBORO, - - ORE. S. B. HUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Room 8 Union Block, Hillsboro, Ora. BARRETT ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-L AW. Rooms 0 and 7 Central Block, Hillsboro, Ore. T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Block, Hillsboro, Oregon- W. D.WOOD, M. D. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Cheuette Row. Residence, corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence east of Court House. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. at Pharmacy when not visiting; before and after that time at residence. City B aker y sC o a fee 11 o n eiy P. A. BAILEY, M.D. P. J. BAILEY, B.S.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Resi dence soutn-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PHILLIPPB TAMIESIE, If. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad CoJ' Consultation in French or English. Office and residence south of Main near 3d st., Hillsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS! Conveyancing and fine map work specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of the postoffice. Second st., Hillsboro, Or. There is so little difference in the pref.entlav and the McKinley act that the manufacturing interests can not be interested in it. U. S. HEIDLE' S HOME BAKERY, CANDY KITCHEN, ':'' ABD "'.:''.' ?'.. V'firJSI suftuT iiiiiiifn inn iimrtrc : - general assignment of all their property uiiuhi i.iiu uu : i the undersigned for the beniht of all Now Open and Ready for Business their creditors, and that I have qnalinea ; f'..l-i.u p:M t itlun uiiiinh AMirnm inths Circuit Court ofi - LMKlt-, I IBS, eiw., mo the state ot Oregon, tor Washington county. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that, N. A Bar rett, and Henrietta Barrett, residents of Washington county, Oregon. Have made to . i ii 1 it 111 1 All creditors of said assignees are hereby j L nnoh KimiWl H rAPV ll'JV n rir.iMi 1 11 Mill llllll I III I. notified to nresent thairctaims under oat to me at the taw office of Barrett & Adams at Ilillshoro, Oregon, within three months li'om the date hereol. Malea at ililisnoi'o. Oregon, this 14th, day of August, A. D. 1891. 41-5 F J. Baii.fv. - Assignee of theestate ol'N. A. Bar rett and Henrietta Barrel t. IiisolveiiU. A portion of vour trade is respect . fully solicited. One door west of the I'harmac.y. Yours Respectfully. n.s. hjcidIjE, . hoxsboro, - - - OBsaas