V i f 1 ! 0 il ii : ! - THE ARGUS R. h.M.TCHCLl. Editar. W. C. CLOW, Buum THt ARGUS CO., Pjiblwlwr. VrMtrKIFTIOIC PRU'B. Single copy live wits. (.inn year, l.o. tilx months 60 rents. Three months rents. " Advertising Rates. RuxineM 0nK Per Yfr J12.no. foiitract Col., per inch per month, Special Advertising. Special Rius. Ilililisheil weekly every Thursday eveii fnjt. ni(te nf i'cfDiiil st., Hillsfwto, tlr. Entered at the Post-orni at Hllori. Oregon, s cMiu1-rlit! mail mutter. TlirilSDAY, AUG. 2, 1894. The return of the registration under the Clear? law shows that there are 105,812 John Chinamen, readouts oh American soil. As there arc several more registration certificates issued than Hit census allows Chinamen n American soil we conclude that either the census was bmlor John probably intei.de Id dispose of the surplus certificates at a I'ig profit. Thi immvaoiii is nose names nre Huw'buiiiK mentioned as probable Speakers ot the next House ot Uep-i )t ) lesentatives are; 0. F. I'axton, ofL I'ortlanu, .MultuomaH county; U H. Moores. of &i'eui. Marion coun ty; C. A. Sehlbrede, of Roseburg, Doughis county; j. A. Wright, i f Sparta, Union county. For Presi dent of the Senate, B F. Alley, of Florence,. Lane county; and Joseph Simon, of Portlaud. The Chichgo Inter Ocean coin plains bitterly about the strike, and the damage suits that will re bult theretroni. It says the laws of Illinois are modeled after laws of Pensylvania, under which the peo ple of Pittsburg were compelled to pay $2,70lX),(HX) damage for de struction of railroad property in that city. The bonds issued by Beaver county in payment of $1, S54.5U0 damage to property will not a!i lm paid off before 1906. The people pay for property de strojedby riots. A staleiaent has recently been published that Senators in Congress teceive lb,000 and representatives 5,0tX) a year and mileage both ways, Hud tluU eaeh member is allowed , clerk and s niie have sereral of their own family employed." niak ntg the "-average salery, miie.-tjie and clerk hire of Senators $l."t000 jiyear.'' Tliis is a mistake. Both Senators and Representatives re - wm'vb S0fK) :i v.-ir an, 1 inilrtun. .,,,,1 ara i.,:i.l i.mi.tlilv V,o M.i ., 1. ,ru Mil, I MIV IIV, lllllilll , IIIIV k' ll.ll"! C by the Secretary of the Senate and j the Representatives by the. Sergent- j :it-Arms of the House. I ,.Mr. II. 1). Campbell, of Cbinigo 'ho4ias iieen in Portland for sever- al week: on business in connection wiih the proposed Portland and Astoria road, is one ofthe contract- ..vi. . i. 'i.i o . iw I'rn win ;ire MUiioing toe grent L.m- cngo dryinage canal. In speaking of, this stupendous enterprise Mr. iiiiupuint baw; i ne eMiiaii t t.i : and rtrns to 3opi ver. .The in length. ident the bottom and 1 Hllo tIlU average depth or rf teet.lu-K c-nsiev It will not only afford a perfect sys tern ol Ctrainago from Chicago, but" S T Crow will be navigable by bouts drawing. Wm Crowthir " '22 feet of water. Boats will be able ' W I- Curtis to run between Chicago and allj'A p ' Doints on the Ohio ami MiHwssinni i Jo1"1 DWulst il " II . ' river and iheirtribulai ies. theGreat ! I.nkr-8 being thus connected with i tne gieai interior jvaier w: vs. i ins . work was begun in Seiiteniber, 18.rii and is to be completed, without. i much doubt, by April, 30, 1896. Fifteen thousand men are employ ed, ritteen miles cf the canal run through solid limestotm. and1 some parts of the canal w j ' 1 cost tfl.OfKlfjOO lTlilo TLiioml, tho rock fpcHoip the sides of the canal , , ,. are cut down hy ctinneiine ran chines so that Hie sides are perfect- b k Denncy 66 2t! 1et'n' alK' 11 Ja..scii ly smooth, these machines have . Lewis " ' 3310 CasptcJaitper been made expressiv for this work. : Aaron S u 89 85 K M Jasperooti The total cost of the work will be'bO Dewhrnn 75 ooi A mliCW Jl,l"IM"" 1(40.000,000. The money i raisi-d I Jobu Iieitlilefu il82jCH bv the city of Chicago bv a tax of , K E Duiey 132 41 j !I B one-half of one per ,.eut.' no govern-J1 yboy 43 80 ; "IV U nentaid having been asked.-Ore-: Cipher and wife ?atTthur loimso,, gon State .lourmil . "" t ' W C Jol.nu TAX PAYERS. T he following are t Ii names and amounts uflaxepaid in Washington eotmtv. All parties paying les than f2i are. omiued itrom this roll. J A Abbott and Wife Amelia Ackcnniu, I C Alnsworth Geo Alexander Alex inder Alleit J V Alien Ben Anderson J Aplin tuid sot. A C Ardibolil teo Armentronr Juhn Aim-tr.)i:t; Julis A ilahi" 1 11 Burb.r t BllUMD Be FA Uuiltty k'ulvin BtiUejf Joe Bailey Daniel baker liaitc Bait - JLBitiik ICliza J BuireU W Burrett Jj V and J I. Bdraacor. 2.'. 75 81 51 . 25 147 15 "0 25 27 06 S4 16 Vi 86 XlK 9.' M S3 84 10 20 ::s 142 12 198 -;e 496 21 47 94 25 25 40 T5 39 60 35 01 52 32 48 50 47 00 as 8 52 S3 ttt i (8 81 41 4& 71 0 WW U7 Ki 44 t0 ; 0' W 2t :a 47 44 22 Utt SI r.G s7 40 47 3T OtS III 311 ill S) '.' 70 .-)4 (!1 S7 7'-' lit 13 o'J 'it! W 20 .t; 3. 5 127 US m to 4S 173 r0 S!) a7 :;w i 27 oo :;t :w: 1 4C :;i o.) 40 2o :'.) S3 .--yoo 57 50 :w 2! trs as Hubert Itenmi'd Clian IVnianl Kraneis lternuni Henry Bravert Tlios Biltiiiher V A Hillum Freil Hgeiilieiiner Irwin Kirdsell Benj Binlncil M Bislve t: Blan-r Mr V K Blank (' II Rianelntnl H V Hlodgctt et al Jacob V P.lntHuner ei al A T lions Boos ami lliixtiowuu I.oui Borebers Wilson Bowlhy Klizuhrth Bradley J;i Bnwlfy ,R V BresUm J K lirijiham E 0 Brown W V Brown W Brown. m ro k A Sells K K Bnmk Jacob Brver j i n B," ;'M-i 20 4C tiolwrt Back 2fi 40 9 40 9S 26 4ti t 22 S3 77 ,KI fi2 33 20 130 45 SS 97 28 iH 3!) 3o so Bui'hanmiii Biivhaniiaii Samuel Rucbaumm C B Bunnell Anttine Burkhart . . . I) V B Burkholtcr D K Hush Henry Buxton. . ... J T Buxton. . . '. II t Buxton Kdwanl Byron . . . X .V Barrett and wile Isaac Builer A V V) I'alilwel! (heirs oi John CaUUvell . Geo lanipbell ,. . J F anil Allen Cables J W Cuples TVdclo Carstens C Tsten Bros . . 21o 55 1 110 0U 33 00 ; WTOj 37 40 ' ..-, K. I 68 52 36 30 56 7S C M Curtwright 6! 1 Clarence Catr John t'atlin A J Carson ....... Clias Cawrse Jos Cawrse Jno (.haliueis Alex Chalmers Francis Chalmers Win Chalmers jr.. Cban Ho wife Lee 34 SO j 31 65 j 71 mi (M 33 45 22 SI ( 50 ?2 47 90 82 20 66 63 101 Gl 28 00 27 83 33 00 31 15 51 00 23S. 1.7 45 Lei j Mrs Av "h"dler Jno Cliehak H O Chrislaiison V Ctmino J M Clark Joshua Clark ! Polen Clark.. . . j r cieurwiiterand wire i tjiimax Milliux Co .. D A cionniger 1 ' F Coley ! H B Collins 43 53 . 48 a 5! 95 m 35 282 83 352 01 121 01 73 20 32 03 25 57 . 87 90 I ! H Ollll 11 Council Bros. . . . Thos Council Wm Connell K Coitudlc M Cook Sirs 1. B Corey . J ( Curev and wife. ! I c Corey (Dobians heirs) v-orwin a: 11 oier Jesse Cornelius T K Corneliiii m 04 , (155 o: -j- Cornelius, ; B P Cornelius. K (.'oui.jmi.fci" " .nrsn "t - I n " 83 40 -tiTC L Crocker 47 i KCranilall. jit R and I, J Crane. . : Jas it Cress 06 90 45 10 40 72 70 57 06 39 23 66 40 25 24 52 80 84 50 37 05 35 70 39 50 31 61 02 90 31 40 2!) 74 ISO 7!) 32 70 08 70 34 36 - j c Crocker..; ! J5 Dalton nnd J R Kelley.... '1 BDarety ! A X Daviesand wife.. H (i Davies i Alfred ; Davios Brna ; R and J It Davis Mary C 1 A K ; Geo 0 Day Leopold Deitz 37 04 I Van B Dt Lash mutt. KM 75 t ?! 1Mm,,r' 34 30 ij lein on 4 zn 44 id- - u i, Mrs A (.' Downing 08 00 ASDudlcy 7 48 j John Duersl. 4! 80 i ( Dueber ;jo 40 ! Dennis DuIch 27 83 HKDtinuiug A A Durham 25 05 8 A " 73 ftO Anna Kei'gleton 28 20 M A Edwards 85 80 47 52 54 5.1 27 82 45 75 69 Ml Anna E Kllerson John Elmer & Co A Khmer S 11 nifciiek., ', R K Kuiiie , lfnuo liinerson , A li Fuono (Trustee) Ali and A J l-'anno .' lloris 1 'ainliam. Aiiilain Feldman W T Forrin ; A Finney Hugh Fiiiiiijjaii,.., : J D Fleck ; ""' BT Flint John A. Foot Forest Grove Canning Co " " Door & Lnnider Co... Jaa Foreatell Patrick B'oinster JJandWW Fowler W A Fie email ; Robfrt " i -, no I 46 - 3! -Z . . 25 93 53 ! 884 41 i 88 00 i i") 76 09 70 79 50 SO 201' - W 00 ! 69 47 1 136 34 . 30 40. 15 Gio Frewinip.. M V Flint 1. 1 1 :cc Fneirj'.... j Phillip lifiil John Hi al I J 8 HeailM 1 t.eo Hill ' Silas llemiett I Win Iteuurti '.22 sit 2S Mi 42 !K 1 19 Si 2? .50 47 80 .30 70 43 i 121 21 in 31! OS 73 'JO 47 .V I.S 15 ; 70 55 4.1 73 0t Si 30 at 07 54 00 39 61 100 21 50 50 120 2" 57 '20 25 so ; 22 1 20 43 CO 102 lit 30 :m ', 40 50 30 !U ' ,s0 Oil ! 02 45; i 00 ; 3.3 00 j 4s 40 ; 27 ?2; 77 55 j 30 SJl ; 88 57 ' 31 4i; 28 00 ! () i ; 03 2 ! 23 10 ' tit 30 j 117 lb! 210 80 ! 125 18 I 104 26: 39 50 j 26 40 : 26 40 j 32 78 I 63 2! 42 90 j 44 78 (ii 00 ; MrsUA " t.einl Gray . B It Greer J S Giiuen g a : K J Giout Grower Bros I Jlaiiie! Gnl". r B C GuiUl . Gumlle Bros ! Kliftt J Gnso I David Hogs; I K W llains .! John Hall i 1) B " i b C ' CI ' Ijv G V Itale and wilb ; Jacob llalversou ' Henry Hamilton ' John Hainn.el Henry " K W S Hamer John Hanley !J11 A J"'1" Harrison J c Hare WD Hare Alice Harkues r J Hosier 7 Mai lin H.i.-keU 1 J uatinger i H O Hays Win Hay Wm V llaymim Jas lleimeyer John Heisler C llclmolt C Helmeld S S Henderson John Petiry C W Hendricks Martin Hermann Wm A .1 Hess Jacob Hesse OCHiatt Clias HickeulHittoia. F M Hill J K Almomii " Cicero Hines ThosW ': A- .VI 54 15 ut r'7 10 37 37 58 29 40 31 90 72 83 33 2rS 148 26 387 "8 21) 76 155 28 U 44 20 05 ,vi A IliiHu;.n 0,lGl. " 441,,, , i w iioeKen S 0 Hodges A 1. HulcomU C E " A Honzeik T B Hoover IiiUiida Jiu.ksou ' Geo Hornlnii kle L W House 30 64 1 36 20 us ',vt 70 211 31 41 40 M 'M I X S Howell ri W DHoxtcr 86 10 Hughes it SoiKk vfnf 00 72 75' 400 00 200 70 DO 31 11(1 81 33 m 57 30 30 W hi 50 37 20 53 00 08 .50 146 71 3'J 90 :m 03 7i7 26 46' 01 30 83 30 00 1 13 38 S3 40 41 52 1 18 00 173 57 .'B 14 131 00 36 74 23 60 42 30 S3 4!) 40 37 20 40 26 02 43 0! 53 75 00 72 " " HmH Hughes Morgan it Rogers Tims D Humphreys S B Uusio'i K A Hyde Thos Ilyland and .1 flleasoti Alfred Heywood S W Her ' T K Imbrit J A . W S Ingles Ingles A Porter Investment Co W 1! Ireland U Irnuer Robert Inihrii; Calvan Jack Andrew Mrs II M Jackson John W Lucinda " Ida and U Jackson Kllen I, Jackson ami hush Kli::abetli Jackson JS V M 57 1 Peder J"'-"11"1 J CJafler GeoV Jiimes Jasxie M Al L Robert " (; m Win ii Jolly on is 30 so 37 16 lis 87 26 65 288 72 31 88 118 41 36 78 40 47 229 01 25 05 11 21 33 00 77 50 ! Frank " ' 'I"'"1"011 's,;l(' of) it l Jones John I' " E K Wm Jurgensen ! Wm Kane j Willielm Kassilmuni i John Kay : 0 M Keep Melolioir Kwhrlie 05 . Ju''"'' Kwii" j Thos Kelley ami Wife 10 1 Kcnna p j Michael KciiiimIv r1, 1 Wni Kerron ,jJ 1. ii.. I uul Kenii 72!"Kll r!' :tt) s;t i 1,7 76 1 82 7"j 72 s:j -00 24 : i, nas iviuy j Geo T lCintini John Kiiti: M'm AJCirtz MrB N C Kintun E A Knotrs A'.igUat Kraussi Barnard Kreb? Edward Kraclimef Antony Krief , A F Krn.er Alex Luim 0(l l'aut Fttlier August liahlierth I yi urcns (lalhrealh Joseph tiaton II V (fates John W tiates t K tiault XI is IHleiger Win Uo a N (tvrrNIi Win A tiille J K illcilon Kd.Htl'rey tleo timul...., tieo A Gore. .. Alex Gonlon A K (ionlon IVter tiolelieb U M Groves Minnie (iraliain Geo Kj.jIi. . . , m, win lie on Janiuiv U. ISia. l"xA-W"- JMiitaB0 tuee WASHINGTON LETTER. Wa.siunu ikn, ). C. .It i.v 21', 18!M.- lle must lie a tpiivr sort ot a democrat who can get any satis faction out .f the present tariff sit uation. The report of a general disagreement as the result of nearly t v i weeks work mi the part of the , house iind t-enate conferees certain-! ly docs not look encnurnging, al-! though some ft" the gloom is lifteih y the knowledge , hat while the dis1 agrei incnt is for reasons satisfactory to the conferees reported to be gen- ' eral it is in fact only over some : half doen of the senate amend-j inents. including sugar, coal and ; iron ore, the house con forces insist- ; ing that they should go on the free , list, a in the Wilson bill, and the; senate con lews that they shall re- ! main as passed by the senate. It; is tint clear just tit this time what' the outcome is to be, but I cannot believe that the denioeriits in con gress 'ill be willing to carry the disagreement to the extent of allow ing the McKinley law to reni iin in force. ;is is now being jubilantly predicted oy the republicans, it would be better it' the ''onferees aft- j er another attempt fail to reach an ; agret meiit to call in some prominent (lctn.icrats from the outside and let them arbitrate. The democratic party has promised the country a tariii'law 11 ml it will le suicidal for the democrats in congress to fail to keep that promise. The senate committee on tcrritor-' 1'it.. . ... 1 ies tieeuieiiat its meeting uns ween that although the Utah bill first became a law Arizona and New Mexico should he admitted to the Union tit the same time, and dirte teil that bills therefor should be; ready by its next meeting. ' Political ingratitude is so com mon in Washington that it seldom attracts mare than a passing notice, but the anostacv of lu presentative Denson, of Albany who has written a letter annouiiein; his withdrawal I 'rul" "ie democratic ! intention to act w iih party and his ie populists 96 45 j here: tier, is such a glaring ease 42 40 ; and his object so plain to all that 52 lsi it is receiving more attention than HOaojil. leally deserves. S.id an Ala 50 9.3 i liHtna democrat: ''The reason (k'i 8.3 I j , , ).,, ),.lu,,,, f.,. .,.,,.ii, l, n . . ' ,V " nemncraiic party tits miortty to support President t'levclaud f.nd his tiuancial policy is absolutely ridiculous when the fact is remem bered licit he owes his seat in the house to President Cleveland, who, dttrimr his lirsl itditii iistratio'i. an- j pointed him U. S. Misirict Attorney I for the nortlier'i and middle di--j t ricts o! Ala!) 1 111 1 , tini-i giving him uu: 1 ' ri 11 1 .1 1 ii'ii.c iv 1 1 1 1 1 1 citiiiieii mm nominated and clcctoi l" L I congress t w yea rs age Now I'Ves- 1 ldcot Clevelaml, as all the wolrd 5 knows, has not changed tlm liiiau" cm! nl IIS II? ht'kl so 1 term. !Wl'ed. am It, is !K Tiie thiid I'Ollg III Ills tllS- vears he only' ."ifir scvera a'llt his populist t opponent by 1S00 of more than 20, votes in a total COO and enson believes it will carry the district ' willing to be eleeto a populist rather us year and Is to congress as ban to etui nee , bciiui defeated as a democrat. Such men can he spared by the demo-: i emtio party. Iteprescn'.ativc Bailey, of Texas,: was made nappy turn w,)ek vh.::i : the house, by a vote of 127 to Sl,j passed his vohmlary bankru.'tcy j bill. lie has miiitilained eversince' the Torry bankruptcy bill was do- fi-ated that a majority of the house i favored a rational bankruptcy law, j and that it was only because, the, Torry bill put it in the power ol creditors to force a man into bank ruptcy when he considered himself I solvent that it was defeated. The j .... L t 1 . ' 1 . I "IT I'll vote on .nr. isancy s inn,, winch makes a man judge of his own sol vency, indica'es that his judgment, was correct. Representative Springer, of Il linois, was this week given u hear ing, by a sub committee of the house committee on labor, on his1 bill providing for compulsory arbi- j tratioli of all disputes between cm- j plover and employees, by a nation-! al board of arbi tratois, Mr. Spring-j 30 30 j er claims that bis bill covers every j Ml 35! possible contingency that may arise, : 200 40 1 and that if it bo enacted into a law j 38 17 ! a hing Hlep will be taken towards i :il 3,1 j the solving of the problem "which j 00 1 has been so troublesome of late. A i 'l;li, ,i i.:ik, .i,..,t:.,.. ...:ii. ii... j IIUJIIMI.I IM OHIO OIUIIO OJill LOU ! same subject are being considered ! : by the Fill) committee. Representative Maud, of Mi.-:-! ! sottri, proposes to put the newly- j ! found friendship for silver which1 so many , republicans arc profes- ! sing to 1 1 io lest, by letting his bill , for the free coinage of silver report-j cd from the house coinage commit-i tee, if he can manage to get a! quorum of the committee who nroj favorable to tin? bill together soon.! i owing io tno absence ot the mem-1 . i ..... i , i i- -i i oers ami ine nearness oi me close ot i the session the chances are againstj Mr. Bland's succeeding, j.n tlicr: ilui.L' I i ti I adds to thu chanesi : neailist him is t hut a ennui'dem hie number of the members o' tin, 'r' t I house, tmrny of I hem denmcr: t, : J-y I are strongly opposed to any further, L7 ( ' ttgitalion of tin silver qiuMioii tit 20 so ! this lime, nnd ttill more oppoat.-d il-2 -to 1 the taking of a rcenrd vote on1 i8sr the B).,nd bill. ., . . : 1' State otliecrs elected June, 4.1 MA '"1894. do not go inio office until the I first session of the legishitmewlibdi ' I'ltOI'KSSloNAI. C.nii. S. 13. HUSTON, ATTCRN EY-AT-LAW, ANU NOTARY PUBLIC. UomnS r'nli.n Rloek, HillHlH)n), Ore, BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ltiMitus (land 7 Central Block, HillsUvro, Ore. T. H. TONGUE, A fTORNEY-AT-LAW, la Morgan Block, HilLslxiro, Oregon. W. D.W0OD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olliee iii Chenetto Row, Residence, corner First ami Main Htreets, Hillsboro, Giviion. S.T. LINKLATER, M. B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oillce in Hillshoi'o I'hannacv. Resl deiK'e e:ust of Court House, tlilieo hours from 9 a. m. to tip. in. al I'liariiincy when not visiting; before and tutor tlial'liiiio at residonoo. F. A. IIAII.RV, M.I. F.J. BAtt.EY, tl.S.M.Il, DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchera, Otlleo in llillshoro I'liiiriuacv. Rcsl- I deuce sotitn-w t'st corner Baseline mid beeond. All culls prDitiptly uttemlcd day or night. JAMES PHILLIPPE TAMIESIR M. ft. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern l'acilie Kailrond Co, Consuliatioti in b'rench or I'liiKlish. Oillce n.ul residciiee Botitli of Main uear3l st., ililtsboro, Or, WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS aso SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fino map work a specialty. Lindsay mock, two doors north of tlio ! - postollleo. Keeondst,, Uillsboro, Or. Removed ! W. 1IOI.MKS, THE TAILOR! llasmoveil bis tailoring ami repair shop into the oKI photograph gallery on , Secoinl street where he is prepared to do nil kinds i f work. Suits Made to Order ASH (.'Miles Ptlll'l'll Hillsboro House AOkThKlT, Propriotoi . Coram' Snd n.ul Washington Strsetu Newlv irtw-itl ass uibleand nil ac 1 lie conveiiieiiee ol :omtiioiiatio quests. i. " STAR THii ' o. II. Sl'lOXCKIt. Proprietor. The onlv place in town where a lirst-class bnve can be hail for .... 10 Conts.i Give Me A Trial. ONE QUART of Liquid lilulni? sufficient for 25 wuslilugs fur 10 crnls. Lipid Bluing imparts a unicti more lirllllant mid lirlRliter Hnlsh to wlillo clothes t lmn Hall, Hut (on or Square UliiiiiK. It Is always ready for use. II is used liypourlnK a rewsnooiifiilsinlntliu tub of rinsing water null sttrrbid a llttlo with the minu. on receipt, or loe. in posmire Niamps wo will semi the Bluing in eoncentruLed form by mall, After you have used It, once you will uso no other, It Is also the bust Ulue Ink, E. W. GILLETT, Manufacturer of Magic Yeast. 13 River Street, Chicago, III COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINNERS. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WERE GIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality,11 uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity ; of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman-! ship of highest grade. OATAtOQUIS ON APPLICATION PRBB. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. CHICAGO. ILL. ' LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF ' C. 13. BttliVN, :rji:rTisT, HlI.Lsrtorii); tiBFGOV. j r.r t'HOWX and BJUIhiK work 11 i specially. Al.I. WORK (iuiili'lltetsl. t Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan JUock, ! ttKricK Hot- it: 1'ioin s,. vt. to 4. i m. ( ' C. R. MEAD'S EXPRESS! . .Makes reifulnr trips to l'orthinil on Mondays, Wednesday, ami Friday?, n -turning on Tuesdnvs, Thursdays mul Sit uixkivs. All Utmiiiesn entrusted to him will be promptly nnd ciuetiilly uttoiiiied to. Frciglit nnd cspresN riui-rcasiail'lc. Leave oviUrs w 1th him, or ut Leitl'ord's, or ut The Allot.. EAST AND SOUTH -YIA- The SSiasta Route of Tin-: Southern Pacific Co. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily, sot rii "' soiirti 6:15 p m 10:23 p in 10:15 a m IiV l'ortlnnil Ar S:20 a in Lv Albany Ar 4:23 a m A r San Francisco Lv 7:oa p m I A hove trains slop nl all stations from j Portland to Albany Inclusive, also Tan. ' pcnt.Nlieds; llalsey, llarrlsbui'H;, Jililo ' tt.oi I rv inu: :m 1 Idiotic, nnd nil stations from ItosebuiK to Ashland inclusive, i HONKIICtiO MAIL, I.AILY. S:.UI a m 12: 10 p in 6:50 p in Lv Lv Ar l'orthmd Albany Kosdiure- 4:30 p m 12:.!0 p m 7:00 a in Dtnhiu'Cars on Oden Unotc, 1'ulliiin' Bullet Slei'pcrs, mill Second Class Sli ei. lilt; Curs etta-hed tonll llirough trains,' West Side Division. Between Portland and Corvatlis, MAI1.TIIA1N, DAILY, IKXl KCI SI'N DAY) 7:30 u in ! Lv Portland 5:30 pa, 4:22 a 111 K:50 a m Lv llillshoro 12:15 p 111 I Ar Corvallis At Alhntiv and Corviillis 1:00 p m connect w Itli truimtof Hie Oregon l'licitic Railroad. KXl'llUSS Til A IN, DAlI.YI'.Xt'UlT SUNIIAV) 4:40 p III :HO p 111 7:2.) p 111 Lv Portland Ar Lv lllllsnoro Lv Ar McMinnvllle Lv 8:25 a lit 7:13 a lit 5:50 u tn Thrmigh tickets to all points ill the Eiwtern States, Canada and Kiiropecnn tin obtained tit lowest rates from J. J, Mor gan, Afent, II illsboro, Oregon. U. K inn 1 Kit K P. UooKits, Mi.i.a ;er,i Ass'tG. F. A P. A irl. Portlaud, Oregon. fer SCMULfvlERICH & KOCH, MEAT MARKET, Fresh and Salt Meafa always on Hand. Seooud I-Wll HSfcets, .CroouetbetB, Bird Cashes 1 A Notions, Stationery, Justice of the Pgacand Notary Public Insurance, Loans and Abstracting. INCITY HALL, - - - HILLSBORO, OREGON. WILLIAMS & SLWELL, MAIM STREET, HILLSBORO, OREGON. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Turnouts First Class. Special attention given Commercial Travelers. Carriage and Hearse on short notice. W.J. WALL, EV1U5IC TEACHER. INSTKCC'I'ION OfVKN ON ! The Organ, Piano, ''And Ciaironet TERMS MODERATE. ADDRESS: W. J. WALL, HILLSBORO, OR. If you Want to Hire GO TO CITY LIVERY STABL WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS IM HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS, GOOD TERMS. GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, Cor. 2nd and 'Washington Street. Hillsboro Meat Market, I. 1:. HFKo'l, Pimr ieef, Mutton, Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest ; Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, ; Sheep : and : Hogs Oash Paid MAIN STREET. The Imlm Druor THE HILLSBORO PHARMACY.Mfl ...... ,II.... 1... n,.i,,,..l k,ill. 1 I.. .1: ... '?' .ij ('nref'nt Riiirvliilon by oxiwriimeetl rxitctit and uninstaKing ptiarnia'iisis I i -:Sui The 1 Illlslioro I'liarnn'cy oirl.irs Its dniRs from the most reliable manufaeturm ' .....I lu , 1. ...... i.n.l.l ,m.ili,,.-l ivill-i lll.ai.ir . . A ..ii . . M , W nnij j tiiium iii'.'iiiiiii,. r,iij,jritvi ..,... -j din tint,' a lli'st-elnss prewtription businftHS. tno niosr-npprovea latest reuieaies are hciei.ii tllBHS for ci dlMnensinir drutr Stores. Ali too loauuig artloles of uroooists' scKpiiBiB, including tie unbst pir. l'CMES. TOILET ARTICLES. BRLSPES, SPONOES, etc.. M6 On rlifmlav. A )fi.rfPA jwirl ATr'nllAnt fiHKortinRnt, of hand, 1'ateut uiedtuineH of all popular . i Wt!"JI - J,, M - -- - - - m Jc.vf.tMnJ TradcMark. ohtalntd nnd all Pat-J Jembu.mcrtconjuoccllor MoocT ftt. 11(1 HWH..- remold livm W .hKV. , , . A,vr,0. "IZI I "Wabto- .-t. 0,..l .... i.. ,i Hun lilt latent ! Mi-nri-J. . u . "I low tu Obuin Hmenit," wilh v " "iuiila th. U. S. ana f""" conmi - i'CSt 5nt tree, Aillt", C.A.SNOW&CO. Thou, F. Oiikcs, Henry C. Tayiie, Henry C. House, ReeleVMi. IMonTHERN PACIFIC R. R. N 3 Pullman s Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Steeping Cars sr HAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH rAllQO GRAND rORKS CR00KSTON VINN1PE0 HFLPNA Bum: 70 THROUGH ' 1 tigrbt; TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, Hum curds, iiiapn nnd tickets, cull on or write ft. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gaul. PassAgJOl I'OHl LAND. OR- ILLSBORO BAZAR etc. JAMES H. SMITH, PROP. Violinccllo, a Good Livery Team THE ,')'! t THAT CAN BE HAIV leal and Pork for Poultry. HILIilBOKO OREGON House. physlnlunsl Acovtratu tlisneiising by com- iiusjiu iiui..iiMury lur properly con. Tliepi-oprlotors are ever watchful that coniiniiau oeing aaaed to me stock as ths rpkcita ni.pwi nnrl wtji. iaihn l'nlAA kJiuls jty in stock. The finsst wiaihrT" V 1 7 f V A i - 1 fj ... , i1 r '1 1 Ajwcif Ji mm mm l.tiiwjr' 1 aUx lit f NION BIiOCK. t i .1- .'i-Wa- , ' i 4 .-' ' 1 - a.