The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895, August 02, 1894, Image 1

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Federation President Writes
. Upon the Strike
The Method of Propulsion to
be Extensively Tested.
11-1 AA IK U -rr II I
; I AT
V Tlla Ualls the Strike One of the Ureatest
Labor Ntruu:les In the History of the
Country, mill Hays No Man Doubts
Koln' lloiiestry nd Nliicerlly.
Nkw Yoiik, July 30. Samuel Gompers
will publish in the AugiiHt number of the
American FeduratiouiHt an editorial on
the recent great strike. He says in part :
"The strike of the American Railway
Union to influence Pullman to submit to
arbitration in the controversy between
himself and his employes will long live
in the memory of man as- one of the
greatest labor struggles in tile history of
the country. Like many of its prede
cessors, it has failed of its immediate
object, but it has accomplished more
good lu directing attention to the under
A lying wrongs of modern society than all
the lectures and publications could secure
in a decade. Out of all the tumult it has
A revealed to the world the character of
foil's of its Holdout sons, Eugene V. Debs.
vV . Wis earnestness, honesty ami sincerity
i ; bo man doubts. It must be home in
lulnd that the proposition he desired to
submit to the Managers' Association
contained no other condition than the
reinstatement of the striking railroad
men. in other words, the c ncetion
which the men had come out for hail
been abandoned. In view of the fact
that the railroad men asked to be rein
stated, we submit to the calm judgment
of all whether it would have been either
wise, just or expedient to advise our
t fellow-workmen of all trades throughout
the countrv to lay down their tools and
quit work'? Apart from any other con
sideration of this question, aye, eschew
ing for a moment the consideration of
contracts entered into by organized
workers and their employers, and even
putting aside the excellent reasons given
in the statement already issued, we feel
con llden t it would have Wu the greatest
mistake, the most palpable wrong ever
inflicted on the workers of our country
to have done other than as the conference
iKiard did, and that was to pledge our
support to the men on strike, while ad
vising our fellow-workers not to enter
into a sympathetic strike at this time."
All the Nkllleil Labor to Go With a
Kivul Concern.
Chicago, July !10. If negotiations now
pending are carried to a successful ter
mination, the striking car-builders at
Pullman will quit the " model town " in
a body and become the employes of a
powerful new corporation organized for
the manufacture of palace and freight
cars and day couches. For more than
a week secret communications are said
"- to have been passing between the agent
j fol U corporation in Chicago and the
. strikers' central committee. Tlie offer
"to the men it in
man of wealth and
- jitasinew circlee of the city. The name
'of a number of capltaliste who are con-
5 r nected with the enterprise are also men
tioned togivethecominunication greater
weight. Thus far the deliberations of
- ' the central committee and their replies
i; ' to the advances made by the corporation
have been kept wholly secret, but it is
' ' known that every member is heartily in
favor of the change if reasonable terms
-, can be agreed npon. As soon as the
' negotiationshavereaehedamoiedelinite
basis, the matter will be laid before the
body of strikers for their sanction and
approval. A man who has had part in
the negotiations said to-day :
"rhe corporation which is making
these oilers means business, and if a
dellnite arrangement can be made all the
skilled mechanics at Pullman will be
hired in a bodv. Tliev are thoroughly
familiar with the somewhat difllcult task
of making cars, and they could go right
at it without a moment's delay, thus
saving a new concern thousands of
dollars, which it would cost to get the
urw men aim icu.
"The names of those back of the offers
to the strikers will be made public within
a week or bo, but at present the mem
bers of the central committee at Pullman
are silent. It is thought the corporation
conducting the negotiations is identical
to the one which filed articles with the
Illinois Secretary of State early last
week. It had a capital issue of $5,000,
000, and its works will be located at St.
Louis. Much of the money back of this
enterprise has been subscribed by East
ern and English capitalists."
Commission en Koute There From the
- ;!5j. ,.. Hawaiian Islauds.
J Chioaoo, July 30. II. A. Wiedeman,
I I Samuel Parker, J. A. Grimnins and
i 1 , Major Seward passed through Chicago
fc this evening en route to Washington
V i 'from Honolulu. Mr, Wiedeman, speak'
m l ing in behalf of the party, said they
Lfcoro credentials from the ex-Queen. He
! j' , (declined to make the objoct of the com-
mission known, but stated the "cat
f Vf would be out of the bag soon after their
r Arrival at Washington," adding:'
k ' '"in a general way our mission is lor
v 7 tlx good of the Islands, no matter what
Is1 the government, monarchial, provi
sional or republican."
In addition to the credentials from the
s ex-Queen the party were armed with
'')Pporta from the new Republic, and
f.)K' to accomplish their object. Mr.
1 'WiftJeman added that he had no doubt
'' tut the present government of Hawaii
W aware of the object of the cvmmis-
sW, and that it sympathized with it.
Regarding reports from Honolulu that
ihj niiffv linm a nnflfinn nitvnivl Hv mtrl
nlists requesting annexation to the
, AJmted States Mr. Wiedeman said "No"
'inmost emphatically, and added :
11 UrV,ilo v,c nil nJ nnna.tuin
our ultimate destiny, such a thins is im-
' possible under the present form of gov-
' 1 , Asked as to the prospects for a resto
f i Hi of the ex-Queen, Mr. Wiedeman
Ml ' Id signiticantiy, but retnsea to make
fI-.i- !rreeP,,8e: r
1 Hi The strike In California.
F ! 'jumknto. July 80. To-night Com
?: HSv . . w ' hi i w i n.n.,:iin
,.u oi lviarvsviiiu uuu a ui
tiw th Regiment, JVat onai uuaru, wu
r tir homes. It is thounht that by
f- mow night all the militia now nere
jaye been sent nome. ine reguiuro
remain here for awhile, as there
r . a t ;i.,l
mie points aiong ine hub ui inoiuw'
t Dimrds miiflt be maintained in
t to hold in check a few men of the
jjDckless and vindictive class wh
i Hinnnsed to be troublesome. It it
ed that some additional men will
I to work by the railroad company
a 1' TTr.,.,or,l of inn car of fiu
rt e for the East to-dif M nua
VOL. 1.
III. Generally Agreed That China Wont
Win In a Long War.
London, July"28. Sir Thomas Suth
erland, M. P., Chairman of the Peninsu
lar and Oriental Steam Navigation Com
pany, said in an interview this evening:
" China in the long run will be vic
torious, owing to her enormous resources
and unlimited wealth. This is not a
very fortunate position for Japan, who,
in addition to her financial trouble, may
have to cope witli an internal revolution.
China, is fortunate in having such a
financier as Sir Robert Hart,, her In-(pector-deneral
of Customs, and such a
soldier as Li Hung Chang, her Viceroy.
China doubtless will employ only levies
from the north and center. The Can
tonese, though turbulent, do not make
good soldiers. Doubtless Japan has an
udvautage over China as regards war
ships, but China will soon make this
good. I expect she will, if necessary,
purchase European warships."
J. Henniker lleaton, M. P., who is
familiar with Eastern affairs, said:
" The Japanese are the Frenchmen of
the Pacific; the Chinese are the Ger
mans." Chinese Representative Mathieson,
when questioned on the subject to-day,
said he had expected that the war at
the outset would be favorable to Japan,
as that country had long been preparing
for this contest by drilling armies of men
and manning and equipping warships.
Mr. Mathiesort added that the Japanese
were also a quick-moving nation, and
consequently it would be but natural
that the first engagements between them
and the slower-moving Chinese would
result in victories for the arms of the
Mikado. But eventually China must
crush Japan. He added:
"Japan is absolutely not able to pour
out such a torrent of men and material
as China, which country can carry on
war for many years, if necessary, and al
ways with fresh troops. China of recent
years has purchased large quantities of
munitions ol war, ami is not so lar le
hind in this respect as is generally be
The manager of the Hong Kong and
Nianirnal bank shhi
" 1 have not received any confirmative
report that war lias been declared be'
tween China and Japan, but I should not
be surprised if such were the case. One
of the results of the war will be to put
the great trade in the hands of England
and Europe tothedisadvuntageof China
and Japan, but the end ot the war will
be the making of China and everywhere
opening China for. all time to Western
civilization and trade. China will real
ize through this war her great and unde
veloped strength."
The consetaoinion in London is
in sympatK """-.,,iig is owing
mainly la. -"-J
.o' thJTnglo-Chi
this city suggest doubt as to China-
ability to cope with Japan, as it is known
here that much of the Chinese war
equipment recently purchased in Europe
is bad. for instance, it is said that 41)0
discarded Australian rifles, with a large
amount of ammunition for these weap
ons, which were recently sold to China,
are not likely to prove ellective acquisi
tions to her in this emergency. The ri
fles referred to would not have been dis
carded had they been of use, and it is
reported that the cartridges sold with
them are not fit to be used.
The Effect Upon the Mercantile Inter-
eati of This Country.
San Fbancisco, July 27. The mer
cantile community is greatly interested
in the ultimate results of the present
pending crisis between China and Japan.
The principal business between this city
and China is flour. Of this staple com
modity the monthly shipments will aver
age from 20,000 to 40,000 barrels, valued
at about $3 per barrel. .There is also a
fair demand for canned goods for the
uses of the white residents of the coun
try, who are also the heaviest consumers
of breadstuirs. In groceries the demand
is rather light, but this might be in
creased in case of war. The shipments
of silver and quicksilver are also im
portant in the exports to China; but, as
the former is mainly in the form of ex
change among merchants, the chances
are that the amounts in transit would be
regulated, as at present, entirely by the
requirements of trade. As for quicksil
ver, so long aa the ports of entry are
open, shipments would probably remain
Japari is not now a heavy consumer
of American hour. VI late vears the in'
habitants have raised a poor quality of
wheat, and mills have been built at dif
ferent olaces for the manufacture of
Hour. Only one commodity is largely
dealt in now, and that is cotton, which
is imported from the United states to
the extent of millions of pounds an
nually. Borne dried fruits and canned
goods are shipped to Yokohama, and
quantities of beans are exported to both
Japan and China, where a grade of flour
1b made irom tnem tor sale to the lower
clasBeB. Prospects for an increased trade
with both countries is the subject of
considerable talk among the local mer
chants. Some favor the belief that the
American trade would be benefited, and
others think the increase in shipments
would not amount to much, unless out
side nations would become involved, and
then it would be a blessing to the pro
ducers of America in all lines of trade.
For a Salmon Hatchery,'
Washington, July 28. It has been
hard fight before the Appropriations
Committee by Mitchell and Dolph for
an appropriation for a salmon hatchery
and the preservation of the salmon in
the Columbia and tributaries. Fish
Commissioner McDonald recommends
an appropriation, with a proviso that it
shall not be used until the Legislatures
niakeB laws he recommends. The com
mittee savs let the laws be made first,
but it is possible that such an appropri
ation will be made, with the proVHs'o and
anticipation that Oregon and Washing
ton will early pass fish preservation laws,
Shops Mut Open.
Chicago, July 27. The Mayor has in
formed Vice-President Wickes of the
Pullman Company that he did not feel
justified in keening the militia at Pull
man much longer, and the company
would have to open the shops soon or
the troops would be withdrawn. Wickes
refused to fix definitely tha time of re-
Japanese Fire on and Sink a
Chinese Junk.
No F' .nial Declaration of War Hal
Yet Horn Made, and Negotiations for
Peace Are HUH lining Carried On
Corea'e King in a Prloiier.
Portland, Or., July 28. While there
has been no official declaration of war
between China and Japan, actual hos
tilities were begun latft Wednesday by
the Japanese attacking transports loaded
witli 12,000 Chinese troops off the coast
of Corea. In the engagement the Chi
nese junk steamship Kow Shing waa
sunk, and it is said 1,000 Chinese were
killed. . The Japanese have also made a
prisoner of the King of Corea and, it is
said, have sent him to Japan.
Siianohai, July 28. The Chinese
transport sunk oil' the coast of Corea by
Japanese guns belonged to the fleet of
eleven steamers which sailed from Taku
July 20 with 12,000 troops. The fleet
left Taku under an escort of gunboats.
The majority of the transports proceeded
slowly with the gtuiboatB, while the
faster steamed with full speed, so as to
land their troops as Boon as possible.
On the transports which arrived first at
the Corean coast were a few hundred
soldiers from the army of the North.
Most of the force, however, consisted of
coolies with inferior flrearmB, or merely
bows and arrows. The attack upon the
steamers by the Japanese last Wednes
day is described briefly in a dispatch re
ceived this evening from Nagasaki. The
firing was begun by a Japanese battery
on shore while the Chinese officers were
trying to disembark their men from the
first steamer. The cruisers then steamed
np, and opened fire on all the transports
which were lying to, waiting to dis
charge the men. The Chinese were un
able to make any effective resistance.
They were thrown into great confusion,
and many jumped overboard to escape
the hot fire, under which the two trans
ports guttered severely.
The Chinese officials here do not con
firm these dispatches. They are exceed
ingly reticent as to every report concern
ing hostilities in Corea. The declaration
of war has caused keen excitement
among all classes here, and business is
virtually suspended, although many
smaller firms have made desultory ef
forts to sustain their trade. The posi-
ion of the Japanese residents is preca-
or weeks the more prosperous
m leaving the city, but
iddie cie
Bmr w """l. ac
sikii win do sirongte
them against Chinese Tan.
Viceroy is confident that the Nortn
army is sufficiently strong to cope with
the Japanese forces, and lie does not in
tend to employ the Southern army ex
cept in case of extreme necessity. The
mobilization proceeds rapidly, and prep
arations to embark laree bodies of troops
are being made with unexpected energy.
Singapore's firms are providing many of
the transports and stores. The Chinese
government bought two large steamers
yesterday, and negotiations for others
are in progress. The Japanese have an
nounced that they will hold the King of
Corea as hostage until the interior re
forms demanded by it snail nave been
satisfactorily guaranteed. In Seoul ex
citement is at white heat. There has
been considerable disorder, and an up
rising of the people may come at any
British and United States warships at
Chemulpo have landed detachments of
marines at Seoul m order to protect me
legations. At Seoul a conflict is said to
have occurred between Japanese and
some Chinese and Corean soldiers, the
Japanese being victorious. Shortly aft
erward the Japanese made a prisoner of
the King of Uorea, and, it is saw. iiave
sent him to Japan, where he will be de
tained until the war is over.
tub captubb of thr kino.
Washington,. July 28. The King of
Corea is a Japanese prisoner, this in'
formation was the important statement
in a telegram, dated yesterday, which
Secretary Herbert has received from
Day of the United States steamer Balti
more, now at Chemulpo, Uorea. Lap
tain Day reports he had dispatched ma
rines to Seoul to protect the United
States legation.
A Nephew of Chief Moaea U a Double
Spokane, July 29. Jack Osakin, a
nephew of Chief Moses of the Colville
reservation, is an outlaw, alike from In
dian and white man's justice. He is
hiding in the mountains of the western
part of the reservation. Moses has given
orders that he be shot on sight. July 20
he killed his own mother, Hhmtan, a
full Bister of Chief Moses. The old chief
is grief-stricken. To quote his own ex
pression he has a " very sick heart in
his breast." Particulars of the crime
have not been received.
Osakin's hands were dyed with family
blood before he killed his mother. Last
December he slew his own brother, a
favorite nephew of Moses and the desig
nated heir to the chieftanship of the
tribe. IJnncesof the blood being lew,
Moses was loth to see Osakin hanged for
that crime, and used his influence to
save the murderer, bleading that the two
were engaged in a drunken quarrel, and
both were equally to blame. Osakin was
cleared, and was looked upon as Chief
Moses' successor. The Indian police and
reservation authorities are seekiug the
murderer, but it is feared lie may escape
across the Canadian border and join
there Bome of the reneeade bands re
cruited through years of flight from the
reservations of the United States. The
funeral of the murdered woman was one
of the most largely attended in the mem'
ory of the white men of the country.
The last Aet.
TIT . ., T.,l OQ TVirt PraaidAnt
has approved the naval, diplomatic and
titles under the donation acts; the bill
extending the time for final proof and
navment for public lands! the bill au
thorizing the construction of a bridge
France's Late President, 8adl-Carnot,
Died a Poor Man.
Pabib, July 27. The executors of the
estate of the late President Sadi Carnot
made an official report to-day of their
final inventory, and the official state
ment is the subject of universal comment
on the boulevards and in political circles.
It had generally been supposed that the
murdered President was Well endowed
with this world's goods, but the opposite
proves to be the case. Although his
salary as President of the Republic wag
regarded not only as ample for all emer
gencies, bnt also sufficient to leave a
fair balance for savings or investment,
it transpires that the late President had
not only lived up to every dollar of his
official income, but also drew npon the
returns from some small holdings oi real
estate, in order to maintain what he re
garded as the dignity of his position.
The balance of his account in bank on
the day of his death was less than 40,000
francs, not more than sufficient, based
on the current expenditures of the Elysee
for the past year, to provide for the re
quirements of the executive mansion for
a couple of weeks. In the face of these
disclosures the self-sacrifice of Mme.
Carnot in absolutely refusing a pension
of (5,000 a year, suggested by the Cab
inet Council, is being universally com
mented upon.
The widow of the murdered President
to-day took possession of the apartments
engaged for her in the Rue St. Honore,
which she will occupy until the flat
leased at No. 14 Avenue d'Almabythe
late President, in anticipation of his re
tirement at the end of his term, has been
decorated and furnished. It is estimated
that the real estate of the late President
will yield a revenue of $1',000 yearly.
Outside of this, the widow has nothing
to depend on, until the death of her
mother, Mme. Dupont-White, and who
has an income of $10,000 per -annum.
This at her death, according to the
French law, will be equally divided be
tween Mme. Carnot and her sister, Mme.
David. The committee of members of
the Senate and Chamber of Deputies
will wait upon the widow of the murdered
President early in the coming week, and
will urge a reconsideration of her refusal
to accept the pension proffered by the
Cabingt Council.
The CHj of Peking Aahore In Japanese
Yokohama, July 27. The American
steamer City of Peking, Captain Zarle,
which sailed from Hong Kong July 11
for San Francisco via Yokohama, is
ashore at Yeddo Bay, Japan. She was
obliged to jettison a portion of her cargo.
She lies in an easy position, and it is ex
pected she will float the next high water.
San Fbancisco, July 27. The City of
eking seems to be an unfortunate ves-
'joyage before this one she
and came near
&om--. -wrlife'
boats were.
smashed, the cabiiTTiwa
of the crew, including Capi
were injured. On getting back
Francisco she was docked and repaired,
and Bailed again early in June. She
reached Hong Kong without any mishap,
and after taking on a full cargo of silk,
rice and tea a start was made for Japan.
When she reached Yokohama the tele
gram does not state, but according to the
Pacific Mail Uorhpanv s schedule the re
king was to have sailed from that port
on the 21st instant, and was expected to
reach ban r rancisco August o. She was
probably delayed a couple of days, and
did not reacn Japan on time. Just how
the accident happened it is hard to sur
mise. A breakwater extends into Yeddo
Bay from the entrance up toward the
city of Yokohama. This deepens the
approach, and makes easy sailing. Prob
ably the big steamer was caught in one
of the blows that sweep over Yokohoma
and, dragging her anchor, was carried
ashore. In that case the task of getting
her off will be a very difficult one.
The Effort to Control the Wine Product
of California.
San Fbancisco, July 27. A project to
establish a syndicate of wine dealers,
which shall control the entire product of
the State with the object of assuring
something like living prices to produc
ers, is being pushed forward, and accord
ing to the present outlook with every
prospect of success. As it stands now,
eight of ten large firms composing the
Wine Dealers' Association have agreed
to go into the new enterprise, only two
for the present withholding their assent
to what is proposed. The proposition is
to form a corporation with a capital of
$1,000,000. All the firms mentioned as
subscribing to the plan agree to turn
their stock, buildings and cooperages
over to the new association, receiving
pay therefor in the bonds and stock of
the corporation. The bonds given them
will cover one-third, and the stock two
thirds of the value of the property which
they turn over. Their value is to be
ascertained bv experts, chnsnn Viv all
interested, and whose decisions are to be
final. Besides the buildings and coop
erages of the eight firms mentioned it
is Btated that they own over 6,000,000
gallons of wine in this city, and they
figure on starting in the business there
fore with first-class credit. Each of the
firms is to wind up its own accounts and
pay its own present debts, and as a
result the new business concern will be
launched with a clean balance sheet and
no liabilities.
To Evict the Strikers.
Chicago, July 27. It is rumored that
the Pullman Company will as a last re
sort begin the eviction of strikers. It
expected to starve them out, but union
labor in Chicago is providing all the nec
essary food, and it is given out that food
wifl be provided until the trouble is set
tled. The policy to be pursued by the
company will probably be determined at
the regular annual meeting of the di
rectors and stockholders to be held in
Our Vessels Would Look On.
Washington, July 27. Secretary Her
bert has prepared orders for the Petrel
and Concord on duty with the Behring
Sea patrol. They will proceed immedi
ately to tba Chineae station because of
tit turaatenini meet oi affairs imOoraa.
,r life.
AUGUST 2. 1894.
The Opinions of Newspaper
Quarrel Between the President and Bll
Party Friondf In the Senate Hal
Arouted the Blttereit Feeling- Among
Democratic Pactions.
New Yobk, July 28. President Cleve
land's letter, Senator Gorman's bitter
attack upon the Chief Executive and
Hill's reply have so entirely changed the
aspect of the tariff bill's chances of pas
sage that there is a diversity of opinion
among the Washington correspondents
of the more influential New York dailies
as to the ultimate fate of that measure.
The majority, however, take a gloomy
view of the situation. The following are
some of the expressions of opinion :
The World : The quarrel between the
President and his party friends in the
Senate lias aroused the bitterest feeling
among the factions of the Democrats in
and out of Congress, and is generally re
garded as the greatest misfortune that
could have happened to the Democratic
party at this time. What its effect will
be upon the tariff bill cannot be deter
mined yet. It seems almost certain,
however, that, if any tariff bill is to be
passed at this session, the Rouse must
yield to the Senate. This must necessa
rily be so in the Senate, for three or four
Democratic Senators can defeat any
measure which they do not care to sup
port, and in view of Gorman's announce
ment that, if the Senate amendments
are materially changed, the bill will be
defeated, there Beems to be no way in
which the differences between the two
Houses can be reconciled. The failure.
moreover, of the President's attempt to
conciliate Gorman and induce him to
bring about a peaceful settlement of the
controversy on some other basis than
that of the adoption of the Senate bill
serves to indicate that the prospect for
harmony between the two Houses is not
The Times : If the sugar trust would
take its handB off of this Congress and
release the Senators who are now disa
bled bv it from discharging their duties
as the constitution calls upon them to do
and as the people demand they shall, the
tariff bill would be agreed upon by the
conference committee in a few days, and
it would be a bill free from any sugges
tion that its leading schedules were
haped bv corrupt influences. It is use
less to caucus, for, whatever the caucus
may do, the potent few, who are under
stood to be hopelessly tied up and in
danger of being utterly disgraced if they
do not persist in remaining bought, can
not accept any conclusions reached by
the majority.
is m - r
couragement and aforeooding of defeat,
The members Bay it will probably be a
short fight now, that the House will
yield, but the President is not ready to
give up the struggle yet. It looks to-day
as though the House is almost willing to
yield, and that the contest may come to
an end sooner than has been expected.
There is uncertainty about the Senate's
position, and Gorman's shrewdness in
throwing upon the House the responsU
bility for no tariff legislation, if such is
the outcome of the struggle, is bearing
fruit. The courage of the members of
the House has sadly weakened since last
week. They have all listened to the
Senate oratory, and have been deeply
impressed by it ; and the Senators claim
to-night that the end is in sight, and
the end will be the senate bill.
The Herald : Dangers from open foes
and pretended friends surround the con
ference report on the tariff bill in the
Senate on every hand, and it will require
cool brains and steady hands to steer it
back into the conference committee
again without total shipwreck. The
friends of the bill are very much alarmed.
The tremendous racket the Senate has
stirred up over the conference report has
frightened some of the members of the
other House who have heretofore been
in favor of holding out. They are afraid
that the Senate may vote to indefinitely
postpone the tariff bill and thus deal a
death blow to tariff reform by this Con
gress. There has been talk emanating
from high Democratic sources in favot
of calling the conference report to the
House, so that the Senate's amendments
could be agreed to at once and the meas
ure could be sent before the country
with at least the title of "A Bill to Re
duce Taxation." Wha' these men are
afraid of is that the Senate will adopt
some sort of a motion to instruct tbe
conferrees to yield on some pet item of
protection that some individual Senator
esteems more highly than party prin
ciples. Many members of the House
are not at all inghtened by the noise in
the Senate. They say it is simply the
last " bluff" of the Senatorial conspira
tors, and if the House stands firm, it
can win a complete victory. It is
scarcely probable that either side will
win a complete victory under the cir
cumstances, and present indications seem
to point to a compromise. The compro
mise talked of contemplates lower duties
on coal and iron ore and a remodeling of
the sugar schedule, with an ad valorem
duty only ranging from 42) to 45 per
cent. It is probable that in return for
the concessions the House would make
to the Senate in these items the House
would be given an opportunity to ar
range all the rest of the bill substanti
ally as it pleased. This would result in
large reductions in the textile schedules.
The Tribune : To-day's developments
have made it more apparent trjat the
fate of the tariff bill is hehl firmly in the
hands of a little knot of Democratic Ben
a tors who are holding out for no sur
render to the House or President. With
the aid of Republicans they can at any
time defeat or postpone the pending
measure, and against their determined
will the edicts of a Democratic caucus
or of the Democratic President cannot
have the sliehtest avail. They have only
to remain obstinate to bring the House
to their terms, or to force it to go back
to the country with a record of Demo
cratic promises left lamentably unac
coin plished, and. Democratic .pledges
eAHjrviekuedand' w. -
" 1 Tlio Yajui(Hiot ThoM la anawaiv a
mere, in tnp, there
NO. 19.
What a Toronto Delegate Said of the
Feeling In This Country.
London, July 27. Sir John Lubbock
presided in the London Chamber of
Commerce this evening over the meeting
of the city branch of the Imperial Fed
eration League. He welcomed the Ca
nadian delegates heartily. Colonel Geo.
C. Denison of Toronto then spoke of the
importance of maintaining the unity of
the Empire. Canada, he said, was abso
lutely true to England, and would reso
lutely fight against any movement to
annex her to the United States. Great
enmity was felt in the United States to
ward England, and only the better edu
cated and higher classes there were
friendly to Great Britain. Tlie pea'-e, he
said, was maintained only through fear
of the British navy and a half-million
Canadians. In the event that France
and RuHsia should combine against Eng
land the United States would join them.
This emphasizes the necessity of federa
tion. Canada was prepared to make
great sacrifices for this, but she expected
help from England. In conclusion Mr.
Denison urged a system of preferential
tariffs between Great Britain and her
colonies. The motion of Sir F. Young
to appoint a committee to consider the
best course to pursue was carried against
some opposition.
Assistant Attorney-General Halght'i
Letter to Secretary Price.
Olympia, July 27. The following is
the text of a letter received by State
Secretary J. H. Price from Assistant Attorney-General
Haight, and explains it
" Replying to your communication in
reference to the act of February 6, 1893,
providing for the submission to a vote of
the people of the State an amendment
of the State constitution relative to the
investment of the permanent school
fund in school district bonds, I have the
honor to suggest that, although the de
cision of the Supreme Court in the case
of the State vs. Grimes has by holding
that the constitutional provision we now
have authorizes the Investment of the
termanent school fund in school district
bonds, does away with the necessity of
making the amendment proposed, and
although the act submitting the amend
ment to the people contains no appro
priation, thereby compelling the State
to depend upon the public spirit of the
newspapers of the State to secure the
Fublication of the proposed amendment,
nevertheless find no warrant in these
circumstances for your doing otherwise
than to follow the literal directions of
the law and to carry out the same to the
extent that you are able to do. I there
fore advise you to ma'te such effort as
you can under the circumstances to se
cure the due publication of said amend
ment for the time and in the mode pre
scribed by the constitution.
Expected to Arrive In
Taccma, July 27. A train bearing 500
1 miners, bound for the
miners at the
owned by the Northern Pacific, rev
to accept a reduction of about zu per
cent in '.vages and quit work. The com
pany did not make any effort to reopen
until two weeks ago, when it gave the
miners until last Saturday night to sign
contracts at the new scale of wages. The
white miners still refused, though thirty
or forty of the negro miners brought from
the South at the time, of the trouble in
1889 were willing to work. Assistant
General Manager Lytle says that the
negroes will be brought to take the min
ers' places, but refuses to state from
what point they will 'come. He says
tnev can be hired in any one ot hall a
j - i ' i i rr i 1 Ti l
dozen States. The old miners at Roslyn
have organized a branch of the National
Miners' Union.
Chester- A. Congdon of Duluth is at
North Yakima inaugurating an irriga
tion proiect to reclaim 3.000 acres on the
lower Ahtanum river, the water to be
taken from the Natchez river. The ditch,
it is said, will be completed in time for
the next irrigating season.
Coxejr's Followers Have Been Deserted
by Their Leaders.
Washington, July 27. Large and in
dignant delegations from the Industrial
Armies ramned at South Waflhinotsin
applied at the room of the House Com -
mittee on Labor to-day, not to urge their
bills, but to plead for assistance. The
expected has happened, Their leaders
have deserted them, and they have
sought Congressional aid to return to the'
localities whence they had come. Coxey 'a
men said their leader had left them in ,
the lurch yesterday. Kelley's men 1
averred that their leader had drifted
away several days ago, and that they did
not expect to Bee him again, while Fry'B
men said their leader had probably
abandoned them. The men who were
brought from the Pacific Coast by Kelly
were particulary indignant, and ex
pressed a fervid desire to tar and feather
their General. McGann told them there
was not the slightest chance of a govern
ment appropriation for their return, and
Bent them to the local Superintendent
of Charities.
Messrs. Kernan and Worthlngton.
Washington, July 27. J. D. Kernan,
appointed aa one of the commission to
investigate the railroad strike, is a well
known lawyer in TJtica, N. Y. He has
been a particular and thorough student
of labor questions, and has written sev
eral important contributions to the lit
erature on the subject. He- was chosen
because of his undoubted thorough un
derstanding of the subject and well-
known sympathy with the laboring
classes. Mr. Wortbington, who is also
a member of the commission, is now a
Judge of the Illinois Circuit Court. He
represented the Peoria district in Con
gress about eight years ago.
Right of Wajr Granted.
Washington, July 27. Coke secured
the passage in the jT ''-Jo-day by
unanimous consent of J t granting
to the Arkansas. Texas Bxico Rail-
'Company the rigb. y through
lti)llireitoty i f -
If Successfully Demonstrated It Will
Compel a Chang of Power oa Thou
sands of Kile of Boad Bills Passed
In tha Bouse.
Washington July 27. The question
whether or not an underground trolley
is a commercially practicable and suc
cessful method of propulsion for street
car service will be determined on an ex
tensive scale in the national capital. A
bill to authorize one of the street-car
systems in this city to extend its lines
and change its motive power passed both
branches of Congress, and to-day the
conference report on the bill was agreed
to in the House. It requires the com
pany to eqnip and operate its lines with
an underground electric system within a
period of two years under heavy penal
ties for failure. It waa stated in the de
bate that this was one of the most im
portant measures ever passed by Con
gress. If a demonstration is made that
the underground system can be success
fully worked, it will compel a change of
power on thousands of miles of electric
roads in the United States.
The day's session of the House was de
voted largely to the consideration of
business reported from the Committe on
Interstate and Foreign Commerce, and
eighteen bills were passed. Among the
more important were those to extend
the term for which life-saving stations
shall be kept open so as to include the
months of August and May ; extending
the privileges of the marine hospital
service to employes of the life-saving
service; appropriating $75,000 to pur
chase a revenne cutter for use in San
Francisco harbor; appropriating $5,770
to make a money testimonial to tbe
sailors of the Netherlands steamship"
Amsterdam, who made a gallant but
unsuccessful effort to rescue he crew of
the American schooner Maggie F. Wells
January 4 ; authorizing the Secretary of
Treasury to remit or mitigate the penal
ties imposed on sailing vessels, as well
as those imposed on steamers. The con
ference report on the fortifications
propriation bill was next agreed to.
now carries a total ot Z,47D,uuu, an in
crease over the appropriation for the
year ended June 30, 1894, of $216,949.
An Effort to bo Made to Have Oregon
Properly Represented.
Portland, Or., July 28. A united ef
fort is to be made to have the State of
Oregon properly represented at the In
terstate Fair, which opens at Tacoma
August 16 and will continue until No
vember 1.
Yesterday morning a meeting of the
special Chamber of Commerce commit
tee was held in the office of George
Myers to consider the matter and to meet
with representatives from Tacoma.
Charles H. Dodd, President of the Board
of Immigration; Dr. J. H. Cardwell,
President of the State Board of Horti
culture; George T. Myers, Chairman of
the Executive Committee of the World's
Fair Commission ; W. W. Baker of the
Rural Spirit; Frank Motter, Secretary
of the Portland Chamber of Commerce;
Rev. Dr. Jeffries of Tacoma and Colonel
E. P. Shafner, Secretary of the Tacoma
Commercial Club, were present.
The main object of the conference was
to definitely ascertain what really was to
yracoma in regard to ine in
Solonel Shafner in re-
that for a time
"""NFirst came
i u i .. . Aril
then the floods'rw
strikes, which had para.
all over ; but now all these bacr.
reaching Portland he had received a tel
egram from President Holmes stating
that the Midwinter Fair concessionaires
and most of the foreign exhibits had ar
rived at Tacoma and would be on the
fair grounds, and that the management
and the people of Tacoma would be
greatly pleased if the people of Oregon
would take part and furnish an exhibit.
It was a general desire on the part of
Tacoma to have Portland co-operate with
its citizens and join in making the fair a
success. He had been given to under
stand that arrangements would be made
both for the transportation of exhibits
and the establishment of cheap excur
sion rates for visitors.
The general feeling was expressed that
Oregon should make a good exhibit at
the fair. E. N. Morgan will donate his
superb agricultural collection, the State
Board of Horticulture and the Immigra
tion Board will make fine exhibits, and
an extensive mineral display of Oregon
ores can be depended upon. The one
thing to be 'considered is the cost. It
will take about $2,300 to make the proper
exhibit, and if this sum can be secured, ,
the biggest and most attractive display
! ol the Interstate Fair will have the Ory-
gon label on.
Author and Publicist.
St. Petbbsbubg, July 27.-
ielters lrom BlDena announce lne Buuueu
death at Burnaul of the well-known
Russian author and publicist, Likelai M.
Yardrinsof, who was for many years
owner and editor of the Western Review,,
and who was regarded as one of the best
informed men in the world in regard to
the history of Asiatic Russia.
Strike Declared Off.
Denveb, July 27. At a meetingof local
Lodge No. 16, American Railway Union,
to-day 350 were present. It was decided
to declare the strike off. ThiB step was
taken because it was thought more strik
ers could get their positions than if the
matter should be postponed to a later
Pure Food BUI.
Washington, July 27. In the House
to-day the Committee on Commerce was
on motion of Hatch relieved from furthet
consideration of the pure food bill, and
the measure was referred to the Com
mittee on Agriculture, of which Hatch it
' Will Save the Corn Crap.
St. Louis, Mo., July 30. Copious rains
fell here last night, the first for five
weeks. 'Reports from interior points in
Missouri, Illinois and Kansas say the
rain was general and will save the corn
Crop. f. . -jv""'1' . ' . .r,.--
Peters," tbe well-kiiowr
plorer, intends to contest
able vacancy in tbe B
stated his candidature
government, as ther
eiders his wide knowlet
be serviceable when cou..
come up for discussion,
' -.1 .
t 4
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