The Argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1894-1895, July 26, 1894, Image 3

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... f i.:
i i ft i i ru 1 1 ip; lit"'.
- I lie band Htiiiid ik to I
cd willi dimension r-hiiigW.
Sheriff salt of de!iiiiU$ittaxeft
.will take place next Monday.
JHirJ'ti .l.iu, i (ins city wiiM
I ruin Mon-
. v u . i .... , : .. ., ....I
: "HJ.011 "a,IVUlll'l ill III v iih.-m-u
tlirftii(ili this place last I'Videy. en
route t'ni' tho ciiiiht.
Mr. ('Iiiih. lloi(iclil ami wife,
of McMinnvilh', urn visiting frii-mls
in this city this wick.
I'hysiciiuis report several earl's
of nnmiiH in Ilillsboro. The type
of the disease in tnilil
Tim prospects are reported a
good, for a largo crop of bliekber
ricH in tint mountains.
We return thanks to thellills
lioro Klcclric Light Co. for eottrtu-
-le.H extended to Tiik Aunt's.
';-rXre'l,:l,'"J! t'"' t ',","2"'
X Sty church, by the pastor, next
1 Puobath at 11 ii.'iu. and H p. in.
-Ki-or next Sunday's
UWiotlo subject is "The Prodigal
i?-", Render, Miff Mne Clark.
!-fJ-.LVV. I'attcrNon and family
st.irtcd Monday morning for asuiii
nier'n otittintf on Newport beach.
A littlo rain hint now would
coo) oil' the atmosphere, lay the
dtiHt and make life much pleasont
er. - T. H. WciitJiorrud ban charge of
(. V. .'attcrson's furniture luisi
"nef ilurini' the hitter's abi-eiieo at
the sea wide.
Miss Lulu Slager, has secured
n position licliind the counter in
the ladien department of W. A.
Luidlaw's store.
The Free Methodists are hold
ing a camp meeting near Forest
drove The meeting has eon
tinccd about three weeks.
F I, II. McM'.l.on, editor Mo
Mulion's Wimp, at Salcin. was in
this city a few dny-i fiiuee visiting
with his c.u.siii 10. (!. Ihown.
The Misses Ida and Dora,
daughters of Councilman Scoirgin
ofl'oHlnnd were guests of Mi-scs
Lou and I'va I'.ailey this week.
I'. I). II nil. has secured a job
on one of the Oregon City papers.
Hull is n good printer and we arc
glad to hear of liis Recui'iiig n ''sit".
;? V, N. Ilarrclt ami family.
,, Mm.t i. 15. Kl worthy and Alma
. 1 .tKonikii. started Tuesdnv for New-
' " Atd tiMin! the summer months.
last Sunday evening a urn
' ... iMflt'-'t'W of tiie Coii.-iegaliiiieil :
jft lijrUtian Kiitleavor societies j
;',Wju-lild nl III'' ( oiiregnlloiial J
In many places harvesting is
now under way, ami soon will he
heartl the shrill whittle o) i tic engine
ami the merry ln in of the thresh
ing uiai'hiiie.
Some one of a poetical turn of
mind should nnnluee .itn.n)i
tied "Alter the St
order to kei t t
Wood taken on subscription.
Several pleasant suiiimcr rains
I'utter and cggn are as cash on
Have you seen those dinner
paid on subscription, we make this w',w at 'reers.
ipropuwition. Iiik Auois n one -Sheriff
I dollar per year; we will take iiiicx
jpiieil receipts for The ilillsboro
I I ' suiiscrintioiis when ac
compauied hv the amount in
Iiecest-arv toeoiilililiu I UK
This issue of 'The Ahoi s will
Come to many, subscribers of
The Ilillsboro Democrat We have
purchased the plant on which tlic(
Democrat has been published herc-i
tofore. To savo any of its slibsci i- i
hers from lubiiiif what they have
one ye ir I he Oooks ot i lit
crat aie under attaehmeiit
bor, and are in the hand
justice court.
-District Dci.ulv (I. M
Clark, installed the following nam-'
ed olliccis of Molile.Uloa Lodge No. !
50. l.O. 0. K., on last Wednesday j
c eniiig, viz: ii. is iiihiuin, ..i.;i
J. I. Knight, V. C; D. M.C.tiault,
Sec; V. I1!. Treas.; It. S. X.
(i. II. Sehiiliuetich, I,. S. X. .,
S. 15. Huston; Warden, It II. Crecr;
Conductor, D. W. Dobbins; I. (1.,
A. Sigler; O. (i , Win. Kimiev; It.
S. S., .1. C. Lambkin; L. S. S , D.
Corwin: Chap., L. L. Williams; It.
S. V.(i.', J.T. Tuiniesi;-; L.S. V.(L,
L. H. Wilkes.
On last Sunday morning Dr.
McClelland, president of Pacific
University of i'orcsttJrove.discours
ed to a i appreciative, audience in
the Conirrcjiatioiial church on the
Ford is convalescing
from an attack of the mumps.
It. 15. (ioislin is having a coat
cisii P"'"1, "dded to his new barn.
Auoi s ( 'i rem t court took a recess on
Dcnio-j Wednesday evening until Oct. fit It.
for in-1 Wehrung and Jo!m Car-
"'" Die.j Hlcns arc each building new hams.
I -Will Wehrung in ul family will
j start for Newport to morrow morn
ling. j - (i A, Sanford and wife retum
ied from their trip to California,
! last Friday.
! Itediicti ui of price in straw
I huts and all summer goods at
j Schulmerich & Son's.
I Our devil has a great mouth
I for watermelons, doot forget him
when the melons ure ripe.
J. K. (ft-ecar, the miller, and
family, started Tuesday morning
for a visit to the beach at Xewort.
! Tl.o fin, ..rat r,f the .1 'i 11 Irl , I. .p (,f
JefFund Sarah Crandall, of Asto
ria, was held this morning at 10
o'clock at the Christian church, af
ter which the remains was convey
ed to the Masonic ccmetary west of
town for interrment.
Wm. White, presently being
tried before Squire Knight, was ar
rested yesterday, in I'eaverton, by
Constable Annan. He is supposed
to have robbed Jas. Craig who was
in a state of intoxication.
Messrs K. D. Thorn and T. S.
Weatherred, returned Saturdy after
a fortnight's vacation on the Wil
son river. They report having had
a good time, plenty of fish and good
Mr. ltose, of Vernoiiio, is in
town this morning, he reports bu.-i-ners
A war has broken out between
1 Japan anil China over the poses
sion of Corea.
The Itunyon wagon road to
Tillamook is in good condidion.
; A iKl!! ol 1 vtman Mstors lias
! been organized in Forest drove.
"lie not thou of them that
i strike." Prov 22, 20.
the g::
IN j j
Intre :!:nsr
Afiici ;:U'i Noi'i
VII1! I 'ri .,!ilm'
tun! I'.i: in- Si-v:
ftc:n Crnlii Kliniir, Atll,
il",l f:"iil!i AihtIim.
ttfiilion to liniior-
Thr- i a;:!.,;; :.n
enwl t;i (ice ei
owm ! ly thr- I'riae.! ni
Viplam v. Teatcti in e",
ttir : i. t-trv; t.
The coal htri".."' i:'. r.lili
Bp akcr Ca ',; 5, cu
to cojiure.- ,
Alt xavii r i"! I., l,'.'v 1
lave faiie 1.
K'loii, Ui V'jUiaini cri",;.
ls-ea uei'.ny i.c,-fr-.-y A ly ..
V. .1. T. linear 1. as'.
New Ycrk. lias iiiTea'eii
sliiel'l whii;!: c-. ,!. U-:.-resistane:-.
The Fi.r: ;y:i; I -A..
to Heeeile to llie u
Aiin i ii .:a jaclit Vii-
Watering v'.;eti t-'.i')
t.i rues 111 ' llrittnu"'!,
1 hit
. ii.i--.--.t-
-'i I.
it.i ;
: tl:e
local A.
Dr. liailey is repairing his barn I
on the farm adjoining town. He A. A. Phillips is still on the
will c. .invert it into a dairy ranch. nick list
Since Squire Knight purchased Harvest is in full blast. Ifay is
the Jones property in the cast part about all cut and in.
subject of College Education, and . f toWM ie l,a? fixed it up and im-1 (. Hendrick's is having his
ntuee Jt-J
til f'di
the need of financial help for the
college, lie is meeting with de
served success in his cflorts.
The contest for the Dciuorest
silver medal will take place at the
Congregational ehu'ch in Ilills
horo on tomorrow, July 27, at 8
o'clock in the evening. Ilillsboro
talent will compete for the medal.
Please conic out and encourage the
young speakers by giving them a
good audience.
A cainpineeliug under the aus
pices of the Independent Evangeli
cal chinch is in progress at St
Johns, began on the lSili inst., and
will continue until the 30th. A
numlier of ministers are present to
assist the local pastor, Rev. J. 11.
Kellev. The camp ground is in a
gooil location.
Stephen Deliord who was ar
rested a short time since, was ex
amined Monday before justice
Knight, and was held in bonds of
if'it.O to appear before the grand
jury, on ii charge of stealing two
'horsed, the property of Judge Cor
nelius. ''"he road supervisor was this
week examining the long bridge
i west of town, and reports some ol
I the piling next to the west bank
I washed lose. He thinks repairs
necessary, and that it may be re
quired to stop travel for a short
i time to drive new piling.
j .las. Newport, who has been
laid up for some days past by Call
ing through a defective sidewalk, is
able lobe around again. The city
council would do well to require the
street commissioner 'o lcok after
the walks as many of them are in a
very delapidated condition.
proved it until it now prefents a ; 8lore buijing pailte(
very uam.some appearand. c,ftrk & tf( portliU1(1
Ilird Brown, of the Eastern Monday to purchase a hay binder.
Millin.Ty returned from Portland j jcxutt Htage will leae
yesterday morning, where nlie hud . Corneliun next Thurailay for Ver
heen visiting the past two weeks, j n()I1ja
On Tuesday Win. llollenback, j G. Hindegling, is delivering a
of Mountaindale, while felling a j lot of rail road wood, on the track
tree was struck hv a dead liinb,andi near town.
a gash was cut in his scalp six or
eight inches long.
Hon. S. 15. Huston and family
will start lor Xewport next Wednes
day, where they will spend their
summer vacation.
The band stand begins to as.
sume definite proportions and it
presents a very handsome appearance.'
A lovely dinner set of lOo n t Kruur'u fur jtHltT. Tea
sets of the same goods, 56 pieces fo. t Jionuay. nicy win ue gone
x nectt ui urn.
There was a social hop out on
the platform in tlie grove north of
town last Friday night.
r. A. Hardman has a fine bar
ber shop in the old saloon building
A good place to get a shave,
A basket supper will be given by
the Y. P. S. C. the Knights
hall in Cornelius, Wednesday, July
Quite a number of Cornelius
1 eople will start for the coast
From an examination of the
footings of fees rt-cicved it appears
as though the county will run be
hind several hundred dollars on
the new fee system.
Bryan li. Tally is reported us
being sick and at the Itosehurg Sol
diers Home, lie is being cared for
by the home. Inquiry by the au
thorities has caused an investga
tion. Mr. Tully proved 'upon a
honies'.ead a little over a year ago
and is the owner of a lot in Forest
County tieasuicr Sappington,
has rearranged his ofliee so that it
now presents a business like ap-
ha I the hox
Geo. Hancock and wife, Miss
lEninia Miller, Myrtle Tibbits and
Ella Cornelius, have gone to the
mountains for a few days.
Walter Tibbita came out from
Portland last Saturday night and
will rem' in a few davs at the home
of his mother in Cornelius.
Thos. Talbot's residence is un
der headway. J Allison has the
contract. The house will be on the
same style as the residence of Jas.
Morgan's in Ilillsboro.
J. K:.-i'.wl Jones vsj H. Speddy et
al, foreclosure, Paxtou & Padiloek for
and case dismissed with-
1 1lf( 1 11 1 1 !l St
v.',vwl f,-m ll,P ,1,.,,.H,r,cfi!'Wntifr, Young for defendant.
corner of the ollice, and in its place
added a new counter and gate. The
ollice is much lighter and present?
than o
rer sustained,
out prejudice.
Thos. J. Hill v Eliza Hill, divorce,
Stott for defendant. Decree of divorce
grunted and J
R. U. to wiiiaii: neutral dtiriiijf lire '.res
ent strike. ;
A Coxey 'hi my, :": 10 strong, fieiziil a
Michigan Oi.tral;.;ht trai.i ct Che
boygan, M'c'u.
Elise Bw !ns' latest bools, liy Bro
ther, this P a," lias been i by ,
the Parisian anlhori.ioson account of its
anarchistic leniencies.
8hotR wiv eoiit throiifjh the Harvey- Ci na-'-ie lii.e at In ";i a Head, ;
tTeatly to t. e snrpme of those conduct
ing the osr-eJicitaU. j
C. W. My. rs, president of the ir.solv- i
ent hank t Oreenslairj. Kna.,-lii'S been !
convi-ted of re-M-ivitw dep'ita afier ho.
knew t;ie inntitnlion was in a fail- i
lnc coniiitie)!.
After a four days' trial Abbe Ernacan
was KW.tfiiC -.l to death fur havinc; mur
dered Ahi -.' i"i'ii-"t at U 'tr.'i"ii:ies.F;-ance,
last Janiacy . r- vaic.-.n pror d al -o
to have killed Mine. Bonrdaise, a florist.
Over 5,(100 acres of forest in Eastern
New Jersey have been swept by fire.
. Frederick Qower, the husband of
Mnie. Lillian Nordica, is said to be alive
and. in London. Mr. (Jower was sap
posed to hav been lost in a balloon in
the English chann.;!, .- nd fir the past ten
years has be m inonvned as dead hii
large iiroperty divided.
Dnncan Mclutyve, the Canadian rail
road king, who died recently at Mon
treal, leave i an estate of $l,50n,000,
principally in American railways. A
month before his death he gave his wifu
$500,''00 aud each of his sons who were
of aj;e $100,000. His three daughters re
ceived nothing and not a cent is given to
charity. . I
The Cliiea' aw nation is without-, a gov-
erdor. The legislature was convened 1
and refused to recognize the authority of 1
Governor McClure and au election will
have to be held.
Australian mails from London are now
sent via the Canadian Pacific.
A tragedy in which three lives were
lest was enacted at Lovelock, Nev., the
ether day. Robert Login shot and
killed two men who were riding in a
stage with his wife. The shots were
filed from behind. Then he jumped into
the stage and turned the horses around
and was taking his wife back with him.
Logan got out to water the hore3 and
his wife shot him three limes, killing
him in his tracks. She left her hus
band's body lying in the dust aud put
the other two in the wagon and covered
them up1 The two men killed were Dan
Lovelock, proprietor of the stage line,
and a yoniij..' mr.n named Fred Sullivan.
Logan's wife had left him and brought
proceeding i for divorce. Logan was
jealous without cause, according to the
people who know litl lhe parties.
The house of representatives, by a vote
of 123 to 27, adopted a resolution offtred
Ait..fiiiitjv child I by Mct.'reary of Kentucky indorsing the
iqeutaiia the adminis-
tlie Jiall is over the rage
There will he no at
the rCvimgoiieal church next Sun
day on account ot the absence of the
pastor, Kcv. Htrayer, who is njtend
. jug camp meeting at Portland.
N, J. Walker of Korest drove
was n caller at our sanctum Mon
thly. He is a stalwart, populist
and has promised us a few items
from his trenchant pen as soon ns
the heated torni is over.
One week from next Monday
evening, l'hoenix Lodge No 31 .
. oiil, will he favored with a visit
, frmn the (1. C. C, at which time
tfiey expect team-work in the
i third rank. Visitors from other
.lodges will bo specially welcome at
, this lime.
' '-l"-Lnst .week while driving a
tWnder, in the vicinity of West UTn
kni Thos. Sewell foil off thu at,
,? and m'liB peverly bruised alaut the
head, shoulders and spine, IUh
' HjtJntonia indicate spinal anil in
oitertjl concussions such, iia. t'najr be
tiahfrUtm nature. w - .
'i&i'A -frr? !' social given by the ladies
. Evangelical church, - at the
f vcii of li'rank Cotiij pr Tues-
'pgtit was a granu success in
; wiiv, llie rendering, of a
ary program, and the auc-
of baskets hirnished con-
fiinusenient. The ? pro-
evening were $9,25,
mday tho Chamber of
rce of Portland, sent out
itilitives of the manufactures
"'Jto, to meet our business
.r.: ... il. 1. i . m,
eiative to me couuenscu nniK
which has been under con-
titti for some time. A meet-
ft held in the city hall hist
ntr and sufficient stock was
feribecl to justify incorporation
'company, It was decided to
,rjKrate immediately, and a
h$r of our business men with
iT.v'v-in well known business men
X ,4 f"4' Wl
, in. i tr
- w Jt
lit si,
1 ii
frij -iv n i i i - 2..1..J - ...
oi rortionu nave apponueu a com
, t a(lteo to take the necessarysteps in
. U ' it .... A
JPmitr ArMr no nl l ncrti'nni-n -
will bo. drawn upand riled this
)k and the books will be opened
BUbscriptions to its stock early
it week. It was decoded to fix
Capital stock of the company at
UU0 and to locate the -plant at
jlsboro. The success of this en-
yise, we are glad to be ' able to
is now assured bevond a doubt.
1 1 . I II 1 1
nisli meats to me oui souuers at re
duced rales. C.tnip (ires, music
and speaking will bo the order of
the day.
We understand that a large
real estate firm is soon to he in bus
iness in this city composed of reli
able business men, who are to co
operate with real estate firms in
Portland and the east. Their ad.
will appear soon.
The ladies of M. K. church, re
port a very pleasant social at the
parsonage last. Friday -veiling,
they added a nice little sum toward
the ni'ea.dier's salary. Tho ladies
have slso paid 20 interest on the
church debt.
Prof. Stanley started Tuesday
for a visit in tho cities of the West
Side. Friday ho will meet his fam
ily at Corvallis. From thence they
will go to Newport to coast through
tho summer months.
We have found C. II. Mead's
express to be a great convenience,
in sending freight or express from
here to Portland. He will take an
order and get it tilled just as well as
it can be done..
' Hon. 11. V. Gates started Tues
day morning for a business trip
through Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington. Ho will visit Baker City,
Pasco, La Grande and other cities
on his route.
Those who attended the pic
nic at Beedville last week report
having .had a good time. They
also vote that Messrs Mosiers and
Thing arc excellent musters 'o cere
monies. The Ilillsboro and Ileedville
base ball chilis crossed bats at the
pic-nic grounds near Beedville on
Wednesday of last week. The score
stood 10 to 23 in favor of I lillsboro.
J. B. Vrooman and family,
Mrs. II. P. Ford nnd daughter,
Miss Bessie Rose and the Misses
Everson's, started on Monday for
Newport beach.
At the last meeting of members
of the Congregational church it was
decided to give their pastor, Rev. J.
M. Dick a short vacation for the
Rev. J. M. Dick, of Hilhboro
will preach at the Schulmerich
school house next Sabbath at 3 p.m.
i ........
I Ol 13,
Til min i i
j lhop Watterfoii of the C'oiiimbns!
ilioeis" lias i:r.ii"d a decree depriving f
falo.n keepers of the benefits mid sacra- j
uientS of the'X'atholic ilmrcli. Mgr. j
Satolli ha.-' unstained the decree,
j The leading Chicago bankers nnd mer-;
j chants have joined in a te'egre.m to
j Pre.--i.lent Cleveland uniting that the fel-;
! eral troops be not withdrawn from Chi
' cago, on the ground that the lalior
troubles are not yet over. j
i Paola Lega, known to his associates ai ;
i T I th .... .!.,'. t W. ,t. Inn.. I
...(tltll, llltj ,,111, ....
t lfith attempted to take the life of Pre
mier Crispi, has been convicted and fea
.j fenced to twenty years solitary confine
ment at itome.
William .1. Scanlaii, tho once popular
' i Irish comedian, ha been conl.-.ed in a
v , I straight jacket at BliNjUiingdalii insane
' l" ; asy;nm, New Yor!;.. -,
nt i The new Central Market building at
Minneapolis, Minn., has been destroyed
by nre. It was triom;tit to ixs tlie r.nest
building of the kind in the country.
Mrs. Warren Springer, a millionaire
two or three times ovvr, has been fuliy
identified as the woman who attempted
to briba a Chicaf;- jury.
The Chicago, Hock Islund and Pacific
ro id has been ordered to refund money
it had compelled the attendant of a ship
ment of live stock to pay for fare. The
statutes declare an employe shall accom
pany all such shipments.
Three miners were killed at the Wil
liamstown. Penn., colliery recently.
Th- hoisting apparatus became deranged
and in some manner forced the car
tightly against the slope. Tlie unfor
tunate occupants were dragged along
and squeezed between tho car and tho
roof until the machinery was stepped.
At Paris Mrs. Botson, a wealthy
American ladv, recently missed a quan-
! tity of jewelry valued at 25,(;Ol francs.
Detectives were engaged and they traced
; the missing valuables to two young men
; of the name of Defly and Lestrange,
; both members of good families, who had
I been invited to lunch by .Mrs. Botson on
a day just prior to the discovery of the
; robbery.
The general executive committee of
the Knights cf Labor, in session at Chi
cago, lias decided to urge the impeach
ment of Attorney-General Olncy. Presi
dent Cleveland was nlt-o condemned for
the course he took in the strike.
E. L. G. Steele, head of a leading
commission house at Sau Francises, and
one of the best known merchants on the
coast, died suddenly at his homeia Oak-
i laud.
i Editor Mediil of the Chicago Tribune
i ng--it8 the adoption in the United
IStn.cs of the Bismarck scheme to pre
j vent strikes on railroads. The plan is
to ci eate a pension fund for employes of
j railroads who have served 2') years.
! A percentage of the earning! of the
roads are to be paid into a special gov
ernment fund and when employes are
retired the government will pay them
a pension during the remainder of their
Judge Baker of the supreme judicial
court of M;issachusett9 has approved the
decree of the snpreni? court of Massa
chusetts by which the American Sugar
Kefining company, otherwise known as
the Sugar Trust, is enjoined from doing
further business in that state until it
shall have complied with the law pro
viding that all corporations shall file
certificates of their financial condition.
The Pacific Hotel company at Omaha
issued au order that the girls presiding
over its lunch counters and its dining
rooms must wear a blue serge dress,
rather loose fitting and reaching jnst
below the knees, and a'so blue cap of
the sailor fashion. The girls struck,
and the strike will probably extend ail
along the Union Pacific, the order in
cluding all lunch counters unut-r the
control of the company.
During the occupation of Ironwood,
Mich., by the mihua, tbecovu.y and
state authorities constantly clasae.i with
lifficials. The assaults up jh non-
Charles A. Baldwin & Co. J
40 and 43 Wall street,
c Account ol nun ana Banners notivva
) on lavoraoM terms.
f . Bond ana investment securities.
J Daily Financial Lttar Mallei oa Application, f
V. A. it V. Hailer; physicians.
Itarrctt & Adams, att'y-nt-lw;
C. H. Brown, Dentist, aee curd.
W. E. Brock, druggist, see nd.
K. H. Greer, (irocer, see ad.
Hillsboro Pharmacy, see ad,
VT. Holmes, tailor; so ad.
8. B. Huston, ntt'y-at-luw; see ad.
J. I. Knight, insurance agt, see ad.
AV. A. Ijaiillaw, Merchant, see ad.
8. T. liinklater, physician; see nit.
Schulmerich & Son. gen. mdse.
Schulmerich & Koch; butchers.
J. H. Smith, Bazar see ad,
T. H. Tongue, utt'y-ut-luw; see ad.
James Fhillipe.Tamiesle, M. D.
H. I'nteniahar, Jeweler, see ad.
AV. I). Wood, physician; see ad.
AV. . Wall, music teacher; see ad.
William Brothers, buggies, see ad.
Williams & Sewell, liverymen.
AVilkes Bros, surveyors.see ad.
Congregational, corner Main and 5th
streets. Preaching every Sabbath, morn-'
ing and evening. Sabbath school at 10 a.
m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening.
Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday, 7:00 p. m.
1st Christian, Harry Watkins, pastor
Preaching Second and Fourth Sundays,
11 a. m, and 7;.'J0 p. m. Sunday school,
10 a. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, eve
ening. Y. P. H. C. E. Sunday, 0:!i0 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal, H.B.E1 worthy
pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morn
ing and evening. Sabbath, 10 a. m. Lea
gue meeting every Sunday, 4 p.m. Gon
eral Draver meeting everv T hursday eve-
einng. Leader's and Steward's meeting
the second Tues. evening of each month
It Filth and rtr PreachiiigeverySuuday
evenin! at S J. in. Second and fourth
Sundiiy attt a. in. Sunday School at 2.30
p. ni. "K. L. C. 10. every Sunday at 7 p. in.
Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening
at 7:M p. ni. .. .
Kev. F J. Stbayek, Pastor.
Baptist Sunday School,10 a. m. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening, 7:30.
Cornelius, M.E. Services 1st and 3rd
Sunday, 7 p. "m: 2nd and 4th, 11 a. in.
and 7 p. m. A'. P. S. C. E.' Sunday eve-1
ning at7. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Prayor
meeting on Thursday, 7 p. m. Preaching
atUlencoe, 1st -and 2nd Sunday of each
month. U. s. v igsteaa, fas tor.
Secular Society meets in Forest
Grove every Sunday evening at 7:30.
Sunday School at 3 p. ru. Mrs. A, S.
Barker, president.
ft- rhinnix Lodge No. 34, K. 'of P.
jKVnieets in Odd Fellow's hall on Mon-
ia'day evening of each week.
i-jaS&r Montezuma Lodge No. 50,1.0.
Bfipjjggfe O. F. meets Wednesday even
?r. ings at 8 o'clock in their hall. '
A Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M. '
pr meets every Saturday night on or;
x-fVnfler full moon of each month.
oCourt Tualatin ,No.7974 A.O.F.ofA.
VI meets every Tuesday evoning in
tJs Odd Fellows hall at 8 o'clock.
;& Ilillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.W.,
meets everv second ana tourtn l ues
ilay evening in tlie month.
X Washington Encampment No. 24.
I. O. O, F. meets on second and
fourth Friday of each month.
vHillsboro Lodge Ko. 17, 1. O.G. T.
fe'M) meets in their hall Saturday 8 p. 111.
"'Juvenile Temple, Sundays, at 3 p.m.
SviHillsboro Grange No. 73, P. ot H.
Ji.meets 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12 m.
Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54, I. O.
O. F., meets in Odd Fellows' Hall
1st, 3rd Saturday evening of each month.
Washington County Rod and
Gun Club meets in Morgan Block
2u.l Thursday of each month at8 p. m.
lluniiilirovs, Tues-ilav
tie gave tin invitation to tlie junior
enileavorers ami their friends to at
tend tv lawn social. They can'ie
ahout forty strong, (.lames inula
luncheon were enjoyeil hy all. The
young folkb all vote Miss Humph
reys an excellent hostess.
On last Wednesday evening as
Isaac Allen was crossing the Butler
hridge on the Alexander farm, two
miles east of town, the benches of
the bridge gave way, precipitating
Mr. Allen with his horse ami buggy
down into the wreck. Mr. Allen
was pretty badly bruised, but was
able to be out Tuesday. His horse
was cut nnd bruised considerable,
and the buggy is 11 total wreck.
On the night of the 2d inst. the
storeof Mr. IUichanan, at Recuville,
wits rifled of its contents. At the
time no chic to the robbery could be
obtained, but a f.w days later suspi
cion rested on John llo'.comb.
Sheriff Ford was put in possession
of papers that authorized the arrest
of the suspect. These ho served in
person last Sunday morning at a
ham, out at West Union, where
John was found asloep. The. defen
dant was examined in Justice
Knight'h court yesterday and
bound or in the sum of $750 to
await the action of the grand jury.
Hail was at once procured and the
defendant was temporarily re
leased. Anton Uiscncranz was ex
amined this week ou a charge of in
sanity. The same patient was be
fore the court some three months
ago, but the physiciang did not
think the evedence was sufficient
to justify a vereict of lunacy, and
he was continued in the county jail
on some charge.. In the examin
at ion this week the physicians could
not agree' A third was called, who
thought the man so erratic that it
is not safe for him to be at large,
wherefore commitment papers were
made out, and tho unfortunate
man taken to Salem. 1 here is no
testimony on file, charging him
with shooting a neighbor, as was
staled iu a ootemporarv. Tlie dis
senting physician filed his opinion:
Independent, The man who
shot his neighbor in the neck was
Jas. Burgess, who is supposed, by a
great many to bo as looney as Mr.
G. M. Frank v Thos. Knoble et al,
review from justice court, Flower for
plaintiff. Dismissed;
H. Wehrung et al v A C Adams; fore
closeure, Huston for plaintiff. Dismiss
ed without prejudice.
OHf Larson v Isaac Cram and W. D.
Wood, foreclosure, Huston for plaintiff.
Dismissed on motion of plaintiff.
Chas. H. Dodd & Co. v N. Berdnn et
al, confirmation, Tongue for plaintiff.
Sale confirmed.
In the case of Mary E. Barclay vs. F.
Docquist. Citation was issued to U. S.
Giant Marquim to shew cause why he
should not be punished tor contempt in
briuuinu and muntainiiie an action
where the pla intifl was not a resident of
the state, and making no provisions for
the costs. The same entry was made in
two cases wherin Chas. E. Drowley was
plaintiff, and S. A. Howell defendent.
Henrv Hamilton v ueo. Kravcratt et
al, confirmation, Tongue & Smith for
plaintiff. Sale confirmed.
Isaac mitler v Clias. Uawrse. feale
Fred Stettler v Tames M. Burgess,
ejectment, Merrill for plaintiff. Plain
tiff awarded $100 damages and posession
of land claim ;d.
E. D. Shattuck v T. F Rourke, fore
closure, Wilbur for plaintiff. Demurrer
over ruled and conplatnt dismissed.
Samuel Crow v Matilda A Crow, di
vorce, Taylor for plaintiff. Decree of
divorce granted.
Benjinnm Birdsell and Mary E, Bird
sell, executors v Olif Johnson et al fore
closure, Huston for plaintiff. Decree
for foreclosure.
:1 at costs of plain-1 iU1H XcTnrm-,
support of the resolutions, am1
and Bland indulged indulged in some
criticism of t he action of the administra
tion, but neither was unduly severe.
Utah has been admitted to statehood.
The pen which President Cleveland used
to sign the bill is made of gold and the
holder is silver. It will never be dipped
in ink again. After being suitably en
graved the pen will be placed in the state
capitol of Utah. Utaa is the forty-tifth
star in the flag.
The tariff bill which passed the senate
a week ago is now in the hands of the
conferance committee. The senate is
now considering appropriation bills.
The Merchants' Association of S.m
Francisco have adopted a good plan for
cleaning the street i i front of their
places of Im-iiness. Merchants in each
block, employ a 111.1:1 who sweeps the
cobblestones with a ham" broom. Tho
streets have never been kept as clean as
at present.
Tacoma is stirred up by a waterworks j
scandal, tlie city nougat tne water
plant for fl.OOO.O'Ji), mid abolished the
board of water conimis iouers. The
commissioners charge joubery iu the
purchase of the plant.
' Thirty persons were poisoned at Mar
shall, Ills., by eating ice cream which
was taken from a vessel with a copper
B. F. Gentsch, who finished his term
as postmaster of Buffalo on July 1st, an
n,"TTWBTYr--iiiB a.
Horsemen should callonTHE.An
obs, for prices on bills, and cards.
. i 1
.j iiot can buy a tine ten acre
Mays -Coiinelius, At tlie residence of
the bride's parents, near Olenco, Tuesday,
July 24th, Win. K. Mays and Addie 10. Cor
nelius were united in the bonds of matri
mony, hy ituv. V. K, Smith,
Mr. Mujs is in partnership with his fath
er, in the grocery business, at Oleneo, and
Miss Cornelius is the daughter of our fel
low townsman and county judge U. P.
lloBBiat McKy. At the residence of
Elv McKay of Haverton, on Wednesday,
Ju'lv Uth.'.lohn b. Hobble and Ilattie It.
McKay were united in the bonds of matr
niony, J. P., Jack Dobetts officiating.
Schmiiit iSniiuk. At the Ilillsboro
House, on Friday, July 21-th, IStll, Fred
Schmidt and Henrietta Snider were united
in the bonds of matrimony by Kev. F.J.
The Amies extends congratulations to
all these happy, young people, and wishes
them a long and prosperous journey along
the grand highway of life.
arrest , he savs, ChloTWT
and perba. b other city offiiials if they
interfere with his men again. -
An extraordinary strike has just ter
minated at Columbus, O. Eighty-five
convicts in the bolt shop of the Ohio
penitentiary threw down their tools.
With them it -wa3 tint a question of
wages. They were dissatisfied wit lithe
prison bill of fare and declared that ro
moro work would be performed until
there was a better table. Warden Jauies
made an investigation aud promised au
improvement after which the prisoner-,
having won their strike, resumed work.
The Civic Federation of Chicago h:is
started a movement which its members
hone will tend toward the settlement if
the labor question, aud will pi event
stri' c-3 anil all trouble.' of the kind, t he
plan is to held a congrets of en.ploy.-rs
and employes, similar to the Parliament
of Religions held there last year. The
representatives ot these homes will con
fer and give the results of their expe
riences and adopt some measures of con
ciliation which will avert strikes in the
future. A date for the proposed con
ference has not yet been set.
The cause of tho laboring man ig
the' cause of the farmer. Their in
terests are identical. Between them
and the millionaire there is n ) com
mon ground except this, that law
ex-member of the New York assembly, and order must be preserved. The
a large manufacturer and one of the best; interests of every citizen of inoder-
IIumpkk JJenr Laurel on Sunday, July
22, to the wife of F, P. Humpko, a son
Kbrk. At the Kerron farm near Betha
ny, on Wednesday, July 18, to the wife of
John Kenya son.
known Germans in Buffalo, shot and
killed himself. Mr. Gentsch was vice
president of the Hydraulic Bank, and 011
his advice the bank loaned $8,(K)0 to a
produce company. Later the bank gave
1 he company a further loan of $4,000,
and itncd to lose the $12,000. Gentsdi
owned a small amount of stock in tho
eompaj and he was fearful lest his ac
lioo U) recommending the loan might be
cotutrued as dishonest. Brooding over
thU rbably luibahuiced his mind.
x lie annual' Wagner musical festival
at Beyrouth is now being held.
A large party of pilgrims, destined for
Lourdes, left New York recently.
A case of cholera has occurred in Ber
lin. It had been1 brought from St. Pe
taubnrg. A film Iltj gathered on Mr, Gladstone's
eye, and another slight operation will be j
The house committee on Pacific rail
roads lira agreed to report a bill pre
pared by Chairman Reilly.
President Zelaya of Nicaragua has
sent Modesto Barrias as minister to Eng
land on a mission of great importance.
ate means in Oregon are identical
with those of the striking railroad
men so far as they represent honeht
demands and real grievances. The
Havei-mayers. Huntingtons, Pull
mans, As tor b and Goulds represent,
an element that is tin-America n and
dangerous to our institutions. Great
aggregations aro always dangerous
to. the common liberty. Oregon
City Courier. i
slashed." TBISTifiid fi"U liunw.w
lill at 1 he ARors omee tor a bargain.
" For sale or trade a fine 80 acre tract
5 acres of bottom land, 15 acres of rough .
land, good tor pasture. About three
acres cleared and some small improve
ments Best cedar timber for posts in
the county at $io per acre.
Three lots and a house, with thirty fruit
trees. Ten minutes walk from bushiest
part of town. Cheap for cash or will
trade for other property.
$3oo will buy a handsome residence.
There is a good well of water, fire place,
nine rooms and a large woodshed, and
a chicken yard. About acre of land,
planted to fruit trees and berries. You
can have this property for $800. It ia
worth $1200. A small amount down and
time given ou balance.
A residence and two large lots, iu south
Hillsboro, near the public school. The
house has six rooms, and is nearly new.
There are 70 bearing fruit trees, and also
different kinds of berries, good water,
and will be sold cheap, cash, or part cash
and balance on time or will exchange for
small tract of land. For particulars call
at the Argus ofliee.
A mountain ranch fourteen miles from
Portland for sale at $15 per acre. Alamt
20acresslashed. A considerable quantity
ot cedar good for post or shingles. Cuii
go from the the ranch to Portland by four
different roads. Koads good in either
summer ar winter.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Ohkoon City, i
July 24, 18t4. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the Register and Iteeeiver of
the C. S. Land Ofliee at Oregon City, Or.,
on Sept. 7, lK!t4, viz:
Dela 11, Howard,
H. K. No. 7978. for the S. i. S. E. 1 and S.
J S. VV. J.seetion 11, township 4 north, of
range 0 west.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: John Kel
liher, of Portland, Or., Lawrence Van
TJl ....!... tf Ti- 1 r . I. .
Rev. Austin K. Deblois. aged 27, has f Vfil. n. ,. V, , ' . D
been elected presidont of Shurtlitt Col-; 8on, of Buxton, Or. ,
lege (Baptistl-at Alton. Ills. l8-6w. Robert A. Miller, Register,
Notice is hereby given that tho under
signed has been, by the county court of
Washington County, Oregon, appointed
executors of the last will 'ami testiinent
of Henry Ervin Birdsell, deceased, and
have duly qualified as such. All pui-sons.
having claims against said esbvto ar
hereby notified to present them tn tw,
with proper vouchors, at tho law office of
S. B. Huston, in Hillsboro. Ore-inn.
within six months from this date.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this June.
25, 1894 '-
Benjamin Bikdneu.
U-5 Mary K. llnuisia.i.
Executors of tho last will and testiniunt
of Henry Ervin BirdselladocrastL
Administrator' sNot ice.
Notice is hereby givcu that the under
signed has been, by the county court of
Washington county, Oregon, appointed
administrator of the estate of A. O.
Wilkins, deceased, aud has duly qualified
as such. AU person having claims Rgainst
it" rouiier wpiiwrj MOI.Ulfl 10 'Tti9f'n'.:
them to mo, twrk piyiier vouchers, St
the law orliw of fL- It. HuMon, In HjIJw
boro, Oreg lUrM-Ohia. stx. nu-pthM fiian
Dated at lldUfchi'V Ongori thUtJurrc.
16th, im. .VJonU'H KL1NA!,
Administrator of the estate of A. C.
Wilkins, dooottsed. , H-8.