Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 12, 1908, Image 8

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Uve iind Interestina ltem From a
Busy Burg
Mrs. Sphlacka, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Kreuger, who lost
her husband by death early in
the spring at Tillamook, has re
turned to her parents' home here
Lester, eldest son of Albert
Walling, formerly of Oswego, is
reported to have lost his life by
drowning in British Columbia re
cently. Mr. and Mrs. Walling
are now in the east visiting, and
are yet unaware of the sad news
awaiting them. The body had
not been recovered at last ac
count. Prof. Koch, the newly desig
nated teacher for the German
school west of town, is a resident
of Iowa, and has not yet left for
vrciT-T.. lis is expected howev-
And to Now Eacased to Diversified
Fanning A Pointed Story.
The other day the editor of the
News strolled across the hill south
of Springfield and by chance vis
ited the ranch of Geo. Dorris,
which until recently had the dis
tortion nf heirxr trip banner hop
io our uj
A Batch ol Uve News, Both Per
sonal and General.
tfcavertou was well represented
at the Portland Rose show. The
dejxit "platform was crowded before
every train during last week.
Work is progressing very favor
i,iv on tli Oreeon Klectric line
ranch in the world.
prise Mr. Dorris has dug up his
hop yard entirely and has con
verted his ranch into fruit and
vegetable raising of a less com
mon nature.
The first asparagus bed that
we have ever seen of any size we
saw on this ranch. Mr. Dorris
now has in different beds over 25
acres, but at the present time he
is only cutting about 12 acres,
the other not being old enough.
Off the 12 acres he is now get
ting from 700 to 1000 pounds
dailv, and finds a ready market
er to arrive soon and assume his ai me very wV price, it o..
duties at the beginning of the him 10 cents a pound in i ortianu.
He will also act as Next year he expects to cut
about 2000 pounds daily from his
new term,
church organist for the congre
Jack Morback, town marshal,
has returned to the lumber camps
near Chchalis for the summer's
work, and in the meantime the
town is unrepresented in that
line. Mrs. Morback is living in
Portland at the residence of her
brother during his absence.
Some humorously inclined indi
different beds. He also has 7
acres of strawberries that pro
mise an enormous yield.
His crops are so arranged that
one harvest follows another, and
as soon as the asparagus crop is
out of the way, which lasts
through April and May, the ber
ries are ready to pick. Then
comes his cherries of which he
has 20 acres. After this crop is
vhiual held up the long distance bff the peaches are next, of
telephone for over a half hour which he has about 25 acres.
Tuesday, by bringing into, use Then comes his grape harvest.
some sort of a squeaking toy in- followed by a 25 acre crop of
strument. The audacity of such walnuts.
a patron of the line requires look- Mr. Dorris has his different
ing into by the company. The crops arranged so ' that one fol
festive jester finally "let up," lows the other with a short in
after delaying business over the termission between, just long
line for the aforesaid time. enough to get in readiness. His
The lion and the lamb seem to 8 a typical ranch for diversified
be getting into close juxtoposi- farming and i3 one of the largest
tion, if not exactly lying down fr 'ts s'ze in Lane county. Mr.
together, when ultra rabid pro- Dorris is now having in his cm
hibitionists embrace, affiliate and Ply fifteen men. When his fruit
vote for a candidate that has the comes on it will require, much
warm support and universal en- more help to take care of it. I
dorsement of the liquor interests. The crops are so arranged that
It has been said that "politics ne WM have a harvest on eight
makes strange bedfellows." A months in the year and the pro
truism, indeed, well founded and ducts of each crop will find a
strikingly demonstrated in this ready market in Fortland and
particular instance. Seattle. Springfield News.
Miss Ottile Holznagel, daugh- A Grand Family Medicine.
ter of the blacksmith of this "It gives me pleasure to speak a
place, and Albert Voss, a well good word for Electric Bitters,"
known young farmer residing writes Mr. Frank Conlan oi No.
one mile east of town, were mar- 436 Houston St., New York. "It's
I near this place. Ine graUe iroin
Garden Home to the crossing of the
Southern Pacific roati at this point
is practically completed and track
laying will begin in a few days. It
is the intention of the company to
complete the line to this place and
then establish service this far even
Wore the road is completed to
llillsboro. It begins to look like
the chief engineer was going to win
the lt that electric cars would be
in Beavertou by July 4.
Rose Reghitta is erecting a new
dwelling on her property just north
ot the business section.
Rev. A. B. Snyder, of the Con
gregational church of this place,
delivered a lecture at Newberg last
Thursday evening, entitled "Points
of Inspiration in a Trip Around the
Mrs. Ruby Boyd attended the
Washington State Grange, which
met at Vancouver, Wn., Wednes
day June 3.
Mr. Kecd Walworth, of Bremer
ton, Wn., is visiting friends in this
Mr. Jerome Walters and wife,
who was formerly Miss Theador
Anderson of this plae, are visiting
with Mrs. Walters' mother, Mrs. B
Anderson, also taking in the Rose
fiesta in Portland.
C. Vandermost, who has been
living on the Jack Sloan place for
the past three years, has purchased
the Feghtling farm near Kinton and
will take up his residence thereon
before fall.
Mrs. Ned Nelson, of Beaverton
Heights, gave a picnic to the entire
school on 1'riday, June 5, at her
pleasant residence. Refreshments
were provided for the children and
they enjoyed themselves to the
ried at the residence of the
bride's parents Wednesday and
left on the north bound train for
the city on their wedding tour.
A jMitato thief has made his
appearance here lately somewhat
larger than a gopher, as C. T.
Hall found about ten sacks miss
ing from his premises the other
morning, while other families re
port a shortage of the same arti
cle. Night raiders of this caliber
are a nuisance not to be tolerated
in a civilized community.
An effort is being made to in
terest the people in a celebration
on the Fourth of July in this
place. Our neighboring towns
have monopolized the day appar
ently for several years past, and
at this time should aid and assist
Sherwood citizens in a united
demonstration this year.
The O. R. & N. baseball team
that came out Sunday morning
from Portland with the expecta
tion of winning a game from the
home loys went away crest-fall
en, their score standing 1 to 7
against them at the close of the
game. Another, and supposedly
better, team is expected out Sun
Harney Cantwell, of Middleton,
was attacked with pneumonia
during the week of a serious
type. Diptheria is reported in a
mild form in some families at
that place, whHe an epidemic of
measles is raging in and around
Bucklen's Arnica Salve Wins.
Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1,
Cochran, Ga., writes: "I had a
b id sore corne on the instep of my
foot and could find nothing that
would heal it until I applied Buck
leu's Arnica Salve Less than, half
of a 23 cent box won the day tor
me by affecting a perfect cure."
Sold tinder guarantee at the Delta
Drug -.tore.
Man to apivint sub-agents to
sell sUck for a large timber and
lumln-r company, liberal commis
sions. 515 Rothchild Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
a grand family medicine for dyspep
sia and liver complications; while
for lame back and weak kidneys it
cannot be too highly recommend
ed." Electric Bitters regulate the
digestive functions, purify the blood,
and impart renewed vigor and vi
tality to the weak and debiliated of
both sexes. Sold under guarantee
at the Delta Drug store. 50c.
"Tipping" In Europe.
According to Immemorial jikrrs, Eu
ropean servants are out It led to tips as
an assured part of tliolr Income. At
the hotels the theory la that the lnud
lord furnishes a guest n private room
and the um of the public t.Minm, hent
md light, food and iIIhIios, tint not
menial service. For convenience he
keeps at band a corps of servants who
will respond to the guest's summons,
but at bis eipense. In old times trav
elers were attended by their own serv
ants to wait on them. The modern
custom echoes the ancient. The trav
eler no longer carries with him n ret
inue of servants, hecaime he can hire
temporarily those of the landlord. The
customary fees are the payment. To
avoid feeing la really to cheat the serv
ants, who need all they can get, heav
en knows. A chambermaid nt the best
hotels receives as wages only alxiut $2
a month. Tipping servants In America
Is a regrettable Imitation of the Euro
pean custom without Its resting on the
reasonable bnsls of the foreign Institu
tions. Travel Magazine.
Told Who Hs Was.
The game warden of Colorado was
walking out In the mountains on one
occasion when be met a hunter with
bis gun. The olMclal suggested that
that ought to be a gxl country for
hunting. "It certainly Is," said th"
hunter proudly. "I killed one of the
finest bucks yesterday I ever saw, and
he weighed over two hundred." It was
the season when deer may not be shot
without subjecting the hunter to n
heavy One. "Well, that Is a fine one,"
snld the warden, "and do you know
who you are talking to?" Nelng assur
ed that he did not. the otliclai snld.
M.1-V. f I . ...!.. 1 . S .,
i u , s aui iuv iiut'l kuuiv naruL'll Ul I mem
llorailo." iue hunter was only taken
tbark for a moment, when he asked.
"And do you know who you are talk
ing tor The warden didn't know.
"Well, air," said the hunter, appar
ently much relieved, "you are talking
to the biggest liar In the whole state
of Colorado." Kansas City Star.
All That Saved Him.
'Tea, sir, be was obliged to go in the
snake country, so be took a gallon of
Georgia corn along with him."
'And how did he make outr
"Splendid: Oot so full and wabbled
o Uie snakes missed him every time
wey struck at hlmr-Atlanta ConsU
The baseball game last Sunday
at this place between the home
team and the White Diamonds of
Portland, resulted in a score of 7 to
6 in the visitors favor, after eleven
innings of good ball playing
Our neighbor precinct of West
Butte turned the faucet on election
day, by voting the precinct wet by
20 votes, and already there is some
talk of establishing a road house on
the Scholls road at the intersection
of the electric line.
On last Saturday evening the
commencement exercises of the
public school were held in the hall
The class which probably was the
largest ever graduated at one time
from this school, consisted ot the
following: Ruth Cady, Merle Da
vies, Kathryn Patterson, Ella Tefft
Zola Hedge, Oleu Alexander, Car
rie Ivmmons, Klsie Nilson, August
Desinger, I'crnccia Allen, Mildred
Davies and Francis Robinson. The
hall was very tastily decorated with
tne class colors, cream and green
and the class flower, the white rose,
1 lie loiiowing is the program as
rendered: "Sweet Adeline," trio
invocation. Rev. Hamlin; saluta
tory, August Desinger; vocal solo,
Margory Hedge; The Panama Ca
nal, Kathryn Patterson; recitation
"Retrosetiou," Klsie Nilson; rec
nation, "The Old School House,'
Merle Davies; "Oregon," Ruth
Cady; vocal solo, K. O. Anderson
class prophecy, Carrie Emmons;
"Success," Francis Robinson; "The
Goblin Army," Pernicia Allen; rec
itation, "Good Bye," Mildred Da
vies; valedictory. Ella Tefft: class
auuress, Mipt. J. H. Akerman; class
song, onward, class; presenta
tion 01 uipiomas, j. w. Barnes.
The Best Pills Ever SoW.
-iier uoctonng 15 years tor
chronic indigestion, and spending
over two hundred dollars, nothing
has done me as much good as Dr
mur s .New Lile Pills. I consider
the best pills ever sold "
writes B F Ayscue, of Ingleside,
X. C. Sold under guarantee at the
Delta Drug Store. 2sc.
Kd. Mulloy, one of the large
hop growers of Laurel, was in
Tha D.imltive Violin.
In Its primitive form the violin was
a direct dtv.iopment of the lyre and
monochord-tu strings from the for
mer and th, elongated box. with Ita
sound holes, anger board and movable
bridge, from tnt latter. The hUtory
of the violin began with the Invention
of the bow tome time before the thlr
teenth century, when the voile, or vlelle,
used by the troubadours, iade Its ap
pearance. Thle Instrument underwent
many change untll the middle of the
Itinnnm - the tpin t1'"1
- .11 lixfc.-. w.-
wodul auiie.r.i The primitive viouu
had little or no contour. It wai not
nnUI the thirteenth century thut the
vlelle was scooped out at the waUt
The corner blocks wvre added In the
fifteenth century and are attributed
to Oermaoy. For nearly a century
the sound holes were shifted all over
the Instrument before tbey were cut
In their proper place and the bridge
fixed between them.-Clrcle Magailne.
Two of a Kind.
A revival meeting was m progress,
and Sister Jones was called upon for
testimony. Helng meek and bumble,
she said: "I do not feel as though I
should stand here and give testimony.
I have been a transgressor for a good
many years and have only recently
oen the Hrtit. I believe that my place
hi In a dark corner, behind the door."
Brother Smith was next called upon
for bis testimony and, following the
example set by Hlster Joues, said: "I,
too, have been a sinner for more than
forty years, and I do not think it would
be fitting for me to stand before this
assembly as a model. I think my place
U behind the door. In a dark corner,
with BUter Jones." And he wondered
why the meeting was convulsed with
the laughter of those who came to
pray. m
Don't Whisk Your Hat.
Never use a whisk broom to clean a
bat, either stiff or soft, particularly
a soft hat, as It gradually removes the
One aurface originally on the hat The
worst effect, however. Is tho wearing
away of the hand and binding by such
rough usage. The effect Is more
quickly shown on the best grades of
bands and biudlng. A fine balr brush,
one of curved shape, made eaeclally
to use under the curl of the but. Is
good. Best of all, however. Is a thick
piece of woolen cloth. Such ploces are
now made In the form of pads, with
a strap across the back, so that they
can be held securely In the hand.
American Hatter.
Old papers for sale at The In
dependent ollice.
Central Meat Market
to m DELTA
Ililloboro, Oregon.
Fresh Meats and Groceries.
Opposite the Shute Bank
Your Trade Solicited.
Farm For Sale
acres at Mountain SiJe; 7 -acre
orchard, montly Kalian prunes; good
buildings; r3 acred in cultivation, bal
ance in pacture and tiiulier ; good fences,
living water, three-quarters mile to
school, church adjoining.
Striking Originality.
"Tour husband Is uot looking well
tonight, Mrs. Hhymer."
"lie Isn't, and I'm not surprised at
"No? Has he been overworking him
self r
"It Isn't that so much. It's his origi
nality. Why, that man Is struck by so
many original Ideas that bis mind must
be one mass of bruises."
llillsboro on business Tuesday.
Laugblng cheerfulness throw sun
Ittkt oa all Ok paths of llfe.-Ulchter.
There is u time for good
tea, and a time for good
coffee; there is no time for
poor either.
Vonr frorrr rrfirni joir monrf If res aa't
liko Sihillin' li. tt v. pay h,m.
'Publishers Insist on spoiling a great
many manuscripts, don't they?" said
the literary young woman.
'Undoubtedly," answered the book
seller. "A lot of 'em look a heap bet
tor typewritten and tied up with a rib-
'no they A print." Washing
ton Star.
His Llttl Joke.
At the breakfast table Oood Friday
niornlug Wilfred was given a hot cross
bun. It was vry small, raUlnless and
"Ma." said the little fiiow, dl.ap.
r ' . . .. , , . a not cross
' "P' Companion.
Tho Rstort,
Here Is a retort which a "dull stu.
dent" once made: Professor You seem
to be very dull. When Alexaudor the
ureal was your age, ho had already
conquered the world. Student Well,
you see, ue nsu Ansioiie ror a teacher.
-Chambers' Journal.
a Business Directory of each
City, Town and Village in Ore
Ron and Washington, giving a
Descriptive Sketch of each
place, together with the loca
tion and Shipping facilities and
a Classified Directory of each
Business and Profession.
It. L.l'olk & Co. Inc.
Purr Unmc o,i iTor1iri nog
Wo carry a completo line of Fine Sundries. If wo do not
have what you want in stock, we will cheerfully get
it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's
Agents, wo are now prepared to supply
All Your Wants in tho
. . .School IJook Lino
We also have a full line of Tablets,
rencils, Slates, Etc.
School floods will bo sold for
CASH ONLY. Positively
is a woman's crown of plory.
You may have one with the aid
of a bottle of our hair tonic. It
cleanses the scalp, imparts vijror
to the roots and induces luxuri
ant growth. It is also absolutely
harmless as well.
enter into its composition. You
can use it freely and safely. It
is a preparation fully up to the
standard of all our drugs and
The Hiirsboro Pharmacy.
The housekeepers' friend, for
cleaning- and polishing- jewelrv
gold, silver and all metals, glass
and glassware. Will not scratch.
Price 25 cents at
The Hillsboro Pharmacy.
KILLthi couch
w Dr. King's
flew Discovery
From Hillsboro
There is nothing more entertaining than an
Edison Phonograph and a good assortment
of Edison Records.
I carry in my store
a coinplt'te stock of
Edison American I Jo
cords, which luj-nii
over .),000 records to
select from.
Saino prices every
where. Call in and
ask to hear them.
e. l. Mccormick
AS Kill. lows:
Both Ways
Chicago - $7:U5
St. Louis, (is. 15
St. Paul, - (;().(.
Omaha, - (,0.1 .'
kaitsasCity, MUr
On Way
No curt-slit. A ipecifie remedy (or eich specific ailment. Onlr the active principle or th
condensed eucnes of the druf uaed. Ke.ulU guaranteed. Aik fr and try once BLUE BELL
Stomach Tablets, or Diarrhnea. Croup. Nerve. Couth. Hsv Fever and Catarrh. Blood. Crnrral
Tonic "For Old People," Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, Soothine "For
Children," Liver, Female Regulator. Ouinsv. Hnebt Sunshine "Seiual Tonic." tablets or BLUE
ItLL Cough Syrup, Man's Pain Liniment or Pile Remedy. We print the constituents ol ear h remedy
upon the carton, and they comply with all pure drug laws. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL
medicine CO., incorporated; Capital Stock Juu,0uu.0O; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A.
Foit Salk i!V the I )ki.ta Dkuu Stokk.
Crush and mi in feed or salt. Proper dots in tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the
A r
S3. 15
For Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the
condensed essence of the drug. .They don t contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are lust
ss good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure drug laws. Ask lor
EttV.? . DO Cond'':on;!h'". or SKIDOO Worm. Kidney. Chicken Cholera,
mister. Cathartic iteaw kv Un r i. . i r.... . . ...... . '
L!i HI I 7 ". o I i- , ' -"-. i-...c...pr, i-in r. ye. tone laoietsor Louse Powder,
.. IU fP' Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO
" r ""urPr,,cui -p o'oca .w.uuu uo: watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A.
1 "'Oil I S- B . n. .
i .) 1 oaic uy l,,e ue,ia ur "fi aiore.
Conducted by the "Ladies' Aid" of
the Christian church, will I in
Webb & Hoover's store EVERY
SATURDAY. Fresh Fies, Cakes
and Bread.
J. ime r, , II), 20,
.Inly i, 7, 22, 23,
August , 7, 21, 22.
Good for return In 90 days with
stopover privileges at pleasure
within limits.
Remember the Dales.
For any further information caH oa
P. C. VICKFRS, Local Afient,
or write to
General Passenger Agtal,
akdDMion Pacific
Three Trains to the East Daily
I'hroueh PtiPman stan.tarH t,..iu.
tnt " dally to Omaha, ( hiran.i, HiKikena
tourlatslpenlneraniilailv to kinu.ru. n h
I'ullmau tourist elpenlnv rr. (ium.ii..
ductal) woeeiy tot li(cao and kansaa City re
Hilling rhair ra- i-ki. dmlyi to Kat .lullr
No Change of Cars
ca i a
v :iu am via
I Xrri
:!; i tu
via Hunt.
M. I'auP
Kat Mall
A:l- t m
I I.MK M il Kill I.KS
from )'irllnn,, dr.
alt Lake. Iwuvrr. IrY
Worth, oinaha. Kan
as t.'lly, nt l.nuls, cn.
ciuiu auil Kal
all I alf. Kenvrr. Kt.
Worth, omslsa. Kail
a uy. hi. Louis, ( hi
i aKoaml Kaxt
Walla Walla. Uwlsuin
man, Mlnni aimlis, Hi,
I'aiiL iMiluth, Milwau
kee, ichlr go and Kat
6 i) p m
IS p m
8:0X1 p m
For further Information ask or write Tour
n.r't nrk't .arm. or
We Stand By What We Sell.
And that means we guarantee ev
ery article. Our line of Choice
Groceries includes only the better
grades ol Teas, Cofiees, Sugar, But
ter, Hour and Canned Goods. We
solicit a trial, because we know we
have the best goods, and can save
you money on prices. Our princi
ple of doing business is to keep the
customer all the time satisfied.
You will find this true if you pa
tronize us.
"Wai. McAtURRAY,
General Fassenger Agent,
The Oregrti Railway and Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon
Tree Delivery
Of the lest Fish, Game and
Meats. Our delivery is prompt
and in all parts of Ilillslwo.
We have inaugerated a
Mi Bros.
Dew Schedule in Prices
and this together with our de
livery system makes this Hills
boro' a popular market.
Dealers In
Hillsboro, Ore. Corwln & Heidel.
lb U Estate
OlTice touth of Court House, Msln
Money to Loan.