XTXCLT SAM'S It LITERATIM. rr,. (if,, T l,, ut A. Wk. (ut V,;i,, lMlnlMuii-.Vj, llliterute.is a T.in ten yeurs of r 0;jlT wll t.anUltt write In any Un.-m.e. Tina U tli test applied In the fulled Sore, ecu- (BY A BILL DT C0J3aEsl I ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES. Th ST PATRICK .( on a day set for the o,,,,:,,,.,..,,,, ' on "ous Subj.ct.. the bill the House g'S-s Tnm w'nt 8ut Colk... p,llmaa. of the whole. A liiairuy.,, . The exieriment station has received urovs an ia snasca iron by the Speaker preside t,kl u letter from J. A. B., of Everett, ask- 'ia "inplliirl.in. It mey t Tm.uunil that one who onnnot write cimn .t read. 4 "1 " fisfciT jT.-..ir lllp llM --r. worn j. a. u., oi tverett, ask- lT TO CI A ld read by sections and c'liu, ,f.,.r grn ing how to exterminate the Canadian r ltCLt "What the U bite Kace May I.esm eral debate has closed. ,i illT Ui.m thistle. Professor W. S. Thornber, y . 1 01T ft f f ffas i f from Uie Indiau" la a new book by ber may .Ter ameiidimim Ad v.tirg horticulturist, replied as follows : OI I AfllDl ; C,rge Wharton James to be publish- lu committee Is by rilt,g. ihv mi "The Canadian thistle Is a hard I lal lillllllll IRELAND uiei mi i true f).w. n,vll!lo(1. 2 lu INTO there were l.i ea li .(Ki f ix-pulath.u .f the fniied States 2t . . - . . . , 50. m mm . a ,i-a i v ..; l .... : l . . . WT ' .... ' . ... SOPHIA KITTLE5EN. HEALTH VERY POOR- KtblUKtD BY PERUNA C:t2rrli Twenty-five Years- Had a Ead Cong!.. Miss Pop)ii KittlesoD, Fvanstoti, Illinois, U. 8. A., write": "I have been tionl led with catarrh tor Dearly twenty-five years, and have tiled many cures lor It, but obtained my little helD. "Tiien my brother advised nie to try tVruna, and I did. "My tiealh was very poor at the time I began taking Pel ana. My throat waa very tore and I had a bad cough "Prruna has cured me. The chronic catarrh la tone and my health ia very much improved. I "I recommend Prrtina to all my friend who are troubled aa I wan." PtRUNA TABLETS: Some people pre fer tabled, rather lhan medicine in a fluid furm. Such people can obtain I'ernna tsb'ete, whloh represent the medicinal ingredients of reruns. Kuch tablet equals one sveiags dose of Peruna. Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative Manufactured by the lVruim Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbue, Ohio. Seaa Tmrt. The workings of the burnnn mind when asleep are full of wonder," re marked eelentlat who waa pitying- a visit to an acquaintance. "Have you ever atartwd up from a sound dream less Bleep, with every sense on the alert and with your whole being thrlllng with a vivid yet Indefinable filing that something waa wrong and instant action required?" .."Often," replied hta boateea, "and In nearly every case I have found that I was awakened by the fumbling of my husband's key at the front door!" Hard to Da Wlthoat Poekele. The moat iinnoylug thing In navy life for a recruit la tlie ubsi-tne of aide pockets In the uniform trousers," J. It. Ituw, a yeoman at te luivy re cruiting station, en til thin morning. 'The average man doesn't realize how strong In the custom of thrusting his hands In M trousers pockets until he dons a pair without rokets. I've worn the nnvy uiiifiirm four years now. and I frequently find myself trying to put my linnds In my pockets.'' Kansas City Times. yrupnffigs Cloonscs tlio vSystr-m Lf ftct ually.Dtvppl.s ('olds until w'aJ , Of lies tluo to (jon.stmutiori; Acts naturally, Qtt trttly as riLnxntixe. Jiost forMcn(mfn and In uu-rcn-nunnntt (Jlil. 'To jVt its jipnojiclul EjfocK AKvnv's 1"Y tlio Gpimuup wltuK hns ilu jull name o the Com pany 1 CALIFORNIA HoSrnupCo. ' by MtHim it s nuinufiicturi'H . prtnti'il on the trtml of i'ry piii'kii'V- SOLD 6Y ALL LEADING DRUGCISU one ne only, rt'S'dar pme 50 Urflle. llaatrunS Mractlua. "I nrtfull.v worried aliont Johnny hen b had thiit lst sick sm-II.'' anij Mr. Ii!iiu. "nd when the d.tor told me he wa ein to eet well I went fair ly deleterious with J"V." A Hair Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Wcll-fedhairwillbestrong.and will remain where It belongs on the head, not on the comb! Tha best kind of testimonial -oU lor oer Blaty 7ars." f,r j c are, c . Lwn, Maaa. latPAltUA. IN'JO It hnd falUn to 133 and In Haw to 107. Thus It appears tlmt In our country about one ktii In every nine of ten years and over Is Illiterate. In r"raui there Is one In 1 Uj. In KniMund. Scot land and lloiliuid one In 40, in Switzer land one in 1 ;t i. Ii( 1 i.-..in rk one In lu Swedeu and Norway In and In (rt-rniiiny Ultteracy la almost un-kuimu..-Xiie ratio lu :i.j among all the recruits In the army was but one In I'.rxm, and Illiteracy Is probably even less among the (oTinaii people general ly tliau among these recruits. These fucta are not kii. Ii Us to make Americans proud. Nor can we eicue ourselves on the ground that we re ceive (treat numbers (,f Immigrant rr....x .., ..ys :tlj. 0; K,r. roe, for Iii many States the Illiterates of native parents outnumber those whiwe parents were born In foreign lands; nnr Is It In the South only In which this Is true. Iu the State of New York In Plixi IM.ihxi lllllerates were of foreign parentage mid I'il.iNNi of native. Moreover, in the larger cities, where our foreign born population Is largely coiiKrejrated. the percentage of Hitter acy la lower than In the smaller cities of r,( k X) and less, and In the largo cities It Is iio sreater than In the aver age country district. The following list shows the number of Illiterates In each 1.(kk dilation according to the last fniied States cei sua : lows JS ronnrttcnt .... (th Nobrka 3 lnnylmul ... H KanAi n Moulana HI HI Nrw llamiHihlr. IVi I tao (Ir-gon Ohio Wyoming , . . . Mlnarsots . . . I II Inula Mlrhlirtn IVnra.lo Irnllaaa Malio W lninatn California Ho'irh Dakota Main Nr York Oklahoma North lakola. Vrmotit Maaurbuatts Nir Jartrj . . 11 Mtaaourl 4 ;3 Hhixir UUnd 40 Marvlaml ... 40 W Virginia 41 lirliain ... 4 Nevada 42 Toiaa 42 Kentucky . , . 41 Arkanfcjta .... 4rt lDn, . . . 47 Klorl la 4S Virginia . S4 .111 .114 . 120 . I X . 14 . l'l.l . i'04 .V07 .il 50 North Carolina. .217 M 4rlioo 2H0 (ietirsls SOS PS Mtal'tKliil S20 M Naw Mrilco . . . ..1.12 M Alalania Hit r. Ronth Carolina. . 3M) 19 l-oulalana ASA All the States U-fore .Maryland In the foregoing list have compulsory at tendance laws, but they are not as a rule enforced very rigidly. Tim of those that come later lu the list have such laws, but they are practically dead letters through lax administration. American Journal of Education. THE TACTOBY CHILD. The f haraelerlalle ol Thrc bll- drea la Inllnaia, Silm Marjraret McMillan Is a mem ber of the KchHl lU.nrd of Krndford, Kng., and deelarea tluit any master of an elementary ih-hisd will say that the characteristic of the factory child Is dullncwt. After the flrnt fortnlitht In the mill he loses lnten-t not only In otlwr but lu himself. This, Mlsa Mc Millan lias found. Is hmiiw In rite mill the grow tii and development are arrest e.L At the ace of 12 the child's sensory orjrnns are more acute than nn adult's, yet In tle matter of sight und hearing lie Is Inferior. If growth Is to continue the child should enter an atmosphere of varied mental Interests and activities. The Holier the forces of hiiinan life tls more IntrU-ate will lie the means by which they can lie put Into opera tion. The mill docs not provide this atimiHphere. These children have no time to grow. The youturer children who work out of school hours have r.tie worst time of It. Tls-y come to hoo looking dull a ixl heavy eyil. Sme are Irritable and ntttless; others so languid that tlsy a,svtr alns'st oblivious of every thing artsiml thorn. Tie teacher say tliey may be bright enough children, but tbty have nt the strength to ehow It. The child of 1- no sooner enters a mill man trie iimhht iHgins to see a tcplorable change In him. lie loses Interest In his s.'lnad work, his man ner Iroeonic rougher. One teacher showed Miss McMillan the copy loks f children who luid t'n at the mill for one week, and she eiiip:irii tlh-in I with the work done by t ie x-nne clnl- 1ntl Iwfore. fp to that time they Inn! done crislitable work a id kept their Naks clean. In rhe coiir' of one week the pro- eri"s of tiHinrls wemed canti!cd. Their sums were wrong, their writing i..,r,.,.., their pnir.'-s s-d'erl ami blot- i fisl. The chlldr.n h oi changeil and their work had olmngod. Knallah Sporllna I'aranna, To the reunion Time-, a cornsMiiii ent writes: "Oin'e when a iluke of (Jrafton was thrown Into a ditch a young curate who had Imtii closely eomoetiiig with him for pride of plm-p shouted. 'Me still, your grace. ' ami cleared him and hi hunter niul the fem-e at a bound So pleased was the j duke Willi the iierroruiaii'-e that he' declared he would give t!ie young dl lne Ills first vacant living and not long afterward carrbsl out the prom ise, vowing that If the urate bad t"l ped to pull hitn out of the dike he would never have patronized him. 'Sporting parsons' are still to lc found In almost every county today who can hold their own In the flrt flight when hounds run hard mid some of the keen est fox hunters In all times have Iveen supplU'l from the ranks of the clergy. Even the warning aralnst their 'hawk vnge. huntynge and dansyngc' In the) reign of King Henry VI. spoiirs t have bin! very little iCivt." Tlsre Is also an exaggerated ldsi aa to the rtumU-r of g.. thiiurs to Ua fouol In the average refrigerator. At V glfl "l" ln love with man h will be ashamed to rieak t when b la 2a mnulrer of the Ilavasupal tribe, who nellevea that the Indlau In such mat ters as diet, exercise, art. education and religion, la more sensible than bis white neighbor. For many yeara M. Anatole Frano haa been studying' "the aourtvs" from which to gather the right material for the ten stories of the famous saints. In Jeanne d'Arc particularly he has always been Interested. Fifteen years sgo he published an essay on the Maid of Orleans. He has now Issued the first volume of his finished study of the life 'and works of Joan of Arc and confess,., his belief not only In her sincerity but her Mwylon of great Intellectual powers. Justin II. .Moore, a student In the . Irenartnient (,f iren!s! Language! at t oliimbla. has completed what Is said to I the first Kngllhh translation of the "Itl-Viittaka." or "Sayings of Ituddha." The "Sayings" are believed to have been written by Ituddha or his disciples In the fifth century II. a The only translation known waa one made Into Chinese In the seventh cen tury A. I). Mr. Moore has been at work on hla translation for more than two yeara and several East Indiana and Persians studying at the univer sity have given him valuable assist ance. The hook Is written ln prose, but there Is also considerable verse. H. . Wells. In hla forthcoming book, "New Worlds for Old." aeta forth his belief In hrclallsm. "The present writer." he says, "has long been Inter ested In the Socialistic movement In (ireat Itrltaln and America and In all these complicated Issues one lumps to gether as aoclal questions. In the last few yeara he haa gone Into It person ally and studied the Socialist move ment closely and Intimately at first hand. He has made the acquaintance of many of Its leaders upon both aides of the Atlantic, Joined numerous or ganizations, attended and held meet ings and experimented In Socialist pol itics. He calls himself a Socialist, but he la by no means a fanatical or un critical adherent. To him Socialism presents Itself as a very noble but a very human and fallible system of Ideas." In commenting on Owen Wtater's re cent attempt to "unfreeze Oeorge Washington" and to give a more true Idea of the man than that aupplled by the expurgated schoolbook histories, who. If be was heroic was also Tery human, Ir. Edward Everett Hale re cords an Interesting episode In his own early literary life. "Nearly fifty years ago," be says, "I was myself apolnted as a member of a committee which was to edit n series of unpublished letters of Washington's. I was the Junior member of the committee, hut with all modi-sty I an Id st the first meeting that I would not serve ss one of the editors nnless the letters were to be published as we found them, swesr words and all. To my great sat lafnctlon the chairman aald with seri ous earnestness: 'I think Mr. Hale Is right. I think the time has come when we can tell the truth nbout Washing ton." Of Mr. Wister, Ir. Hale says "he Is always entertaining, and when he Is writing a hook he always says what he thinks himself and does not let anyone else do bis thinking for him." MUSTERING GRADUATES. In Aunam. Asia, there Is a large State unlverHlty, from which are grad uated the sons of the leading families of the country. Final examinations are held every third year, and degrees tmiii I I r nira wiru fi' m mi isis, V.V T. S1' ,1- v, i r ' r-.r . ' WW !V llllll KXAMIMH ON HIM rilB.iML. are coniemil wllli inu-ii iitciiiohv. The examiners sit on hig!i ,a!s or thrones, and watch the graduates piss lu review Is-fore them. A Intalil with a nn-gajrlKrue annouint tlie list of honors. Monk Srelnaj. In a certain preparatory school In Washington, says a contributor In Harper's Magazine, an Instructor ons Jay made the statement that "every year sheet of water fourteen feet thick Is raised to clouds from the sea." "At what time of year docs that o :ur. professor?" asked a freshman. "It must be a sight worth going a long way to see." I baliles) know the truth about jno when they stars so UuputWutly st you f It - . ' : i, a i ... - 7 ..sviRa When the hill has bees. tn. 1Plim.h 1 and all amendments bir ti, t,.,t iirn, the eo'iimiiiee riaet in, ,(m chairman reports the bill t.n.-k p, tbe House, with the ametntj,,,.,,,,, .(it House then votes usm them either sin gly or In gross and by ye a,j Iinyi if they are ordered to b tnken. j The bill Is then ordvrvtl to be en- crrrlrb.r 1. written . , ' i , ... i. " "ur,,n tne mother plant will not kill band and Just as It I lfl,T ,,,., wed A em A amended-and to be read a third time, the month of June, followed by other As It Is usually already engrossed It Is at once read the third tlme,y ti,p as before and passed. The clerk takes the bill to the Senate, fy which body It Is referred to the Finance Committee. lu (In? time tbe committee, If It sc-s fit, arid not other- j wise, nirorts the bill ha. k to the v..n. ate, with propositlnna to amend. In the Senate the bill Is eouMdered "us In committee of the whole," the amend ments of the Finance t'oniiiiittee ami other voluuteer amendmeuts are ac cepted or rejected, they are again voted upon when the bill Is rejoined tl the Senate from the committee of the whole, and the till! is pussied. As the two bouses are not agreeo. upon the bill, a committee of confer ence, usually consisting of three mem bers of each branch of Congress, Is ap pointed. The committee, sben It has come to an agreement, reports to each house, and the cceptarn-e of the re port Is the final atage of the bill In Its passage. The measure Is now "enrolled" that Is, It It printed In lare, open type upon a parchment and Is taken first to the House, w here Is Is signed by the s;eaker; then to the Senate, where the Vice President signs It, and finally to tbe President, and makes tbe bill a law. Congress la notified that the bill baa been approved, and the original copy of the act la deposited In the I repay ment of State. Edwin Tarrlsse In Har per's Weekly. HXW YEAR S IN MAVTT.A The Dar Is a Millar at Jalr Weather, Maale sad Jaaa. To occidental eyes New Year's day In- Manila la a strange oils podrlda of Christinas, Easter and Fourth of July, says the New York Press. The day la ushered In with early ninss, celebrated ln the cathedral, which Is attended by all tbe women attired In old clothes, and the poorer class barefooted and the wealthy In soinlier black, with black mantillas or shawls, shrouding their heads. Put Immediately after breakfast everybody begins to prink and preen for callers. Raven locks are plastered Into elaborate coiffures with oocoanut oil and emwned with red or yellow blossoms, m U the case of a maiden who eiects her lover to pay his respects to her oi, ,ne Nw yeB(, with the aweet stsrry tnwm of te Jessamine which are e,le, throuh. out he Island the nWer. f Sh Paqulta." who Is the rstI.on MlK f lovers. Stiff, trailing skirt. of , Urn. cade and antebellum cut are donned, wide flowing sleeves of embroidered pins gauze and ample neckerchiefs of the same filmy material are adjusted and there Is a tinkling of many ban gle bracelets as the fair ones seat themselves to wait the arrival of the first caller. His entrance Is the signal for the Jam pot to be brought lu. This takes the place of the steaming punch howl of other lands, and Is passed from hand to hand, each one taking a bmmii ful, no more, and everybody using the same spiron. It would Ire considered an unpardonable breach of ethjuette to refuse to partake. The Jum la follow ed by coffee, which Is served very black and strong, and is half sugar. Strong black cigars are next produced, snd everybody lights up. Including the b'rstess. It Is a shock to the ocr ldent al mind to see young girls of is or lit pulling away at long r gnn. hut every one smokes In the Philippines. The Spanish women usually confine them selves to cigarettes. Many of the callers bring their gul tars or mandolins, mi l th.-re u always a little music. Some i.f the isuivent breil girls are really ct i ::, nt reform ers on the harp or plin .. it p;i,,os are always out of tune, using to tlie damp climate. Iinprc'ii;i'ii con'-erts are organized,- atitl 'ti.i'iv there Is skirt dancing. In shVh the Kilinlnn women em-el. u.anr eM.rl.v 1 .,, . , . .. , " are "heavy weights et.-u-l-.g ,h. ,f. tlcult native dan.vs wth n f,i. K. , ..... "t:, a .ew lorn or Loiunrn mus.c .... rt Kre,.n with envy. Appreciated nier,. The eteenik'' i-.e""e'f hi sal) frmi America may I"' r !.;!,;) divided Into two classes-- thi'- "-'m k. home Iss anae they have eitf'i-l"!. ni,, thus." who go hmiie Ihi iiiisc li"'' hnu. railed. The children are :ilo- l i, r t.irn. says the aiitli r f "m the. Trail f tl'.c IiiiIuIk'-h"1." -""''! thi'ise who have gine to !i-l In America. Am -slika. a hru'.t -' -nr gr, k-.'S from n IVru "'' : to the Kr-ti-'Zln d'.strict in H'1 'r.v She Is dressed "AiiiiTi'-.'.n f:ilii 'ti." ),;, to the public sfli'l. aiil i-aks Kn glish fairly well. "Annishka Mya. t.-'l n . 0.. j-rru lik to go hack to Ministry?' "No, sire.-. Anw rl' S If the U st f,. try. There we have wh-te In-nd aml hutter and candy, and ' rari chew gnu to best the hand." an I tears fill her eyes st the nietisry f ,tl A.nerlcan luxurl.-s she lins tastd. One of the returning. " h.Ll trav ele.1 far. and had s.. n n th,t j,()r. ney the galleries of V'- Mji.i.h and nresden. said : "I tell you. th finest P nf tf,tu ary In the whole world ' "i iaiot of Libert lu New York bArle." ting and cultivation you can eradl- cat ,l- The plant must be kept from formlng a growth above ths aurfaee of the ground for at least one year In order that your efforts for its ex termination may be successful. Tha plant spreads by underground stems, or roots, which are thrown up at dis tances of from three to six feet from ' " " " the parent plant, so merely destroy- cuttings In the latter part of July and, on through August wlil check the thistle materially, and may de stroy It entirely. It la generally quite difficult to eradicate the plant In pastures aud fence corners, alnce small residue will be left.undJ stroyed. which will grow durng tha following year. There Is no spray that will kill It. Sometimes It Is helpful to cut the thistle off about three Inches below the surface of tho ground, which caases the root to rot by drying out. In cultivated fields It Is advisable to rake out the underground stems, and allow thera to dry thoroughly before plowing again. Another letter from W. O. M., of Mabton, made Inquiry concerning the culture of English walnuts In that region. Professor Thornber's reply follows: "The selection of proper varieties Is very Important, and up to the pres ent time 1 have found only two va rieties that are hardy enough to thrive well under the conditions of your locality. These two are the Fayette and the Mayette. They art not English walnuta, strictly speak ing, but are'the same species, and are commonly spoken of aa "Per sian or 'English walnuts.' It will be Impossible for you to grow In s commercial way 'grafted trees of these varieties, simply because ths operation of grafting Is so difficult that only a few are secured, and ths price of grafting stock Is very high. A better way la to secure good first or second generation trees from re liable nurserymen. Theses second generation trees are grown from nuta of first generation trees, usually In Oregon and California. From my personal experience, I should Judge that you will succeed remarkably well If you secure good varieties. Almost any of our Bolls, If the sea sons are not too severe, will grow English walnuts, providing there Is not a shale, or hardpan. nearer than three or four feet to the surface of the ground. I understand that we are obliged to watch these conditions very closely In this section. I do not recommend that English walnuta be aown In vour region, yet I believe by I selection of varieties and of the orchard grounds that they will succeed ln many placea. Another Inquiry from Seattle re lateB to the culture of chestnuts. The correspondent wss advised as fol lows: "The American chestnut (the reg ular, tall-growing variety) should be pruned the same as any other shade tree, leaving, nowever, a permanent, or constant leader, through the cen ter of the tree. This Is the practice of the Experiment Station, and one that Is used upon all forms of the tall, or upright, growing trees. It Is also used upon the sweet cherries, but not upon the sour ones. "The tendency of this chestnut Is to produce s thin, open top, and it Is advisable to cut back the outer limbs, and occasionally the leader, to thick en the foliage. The Dwarf, or Jan anese, chestnuts should be pruned to small, compact trees, branching tnem riorn a foot to three feet from the ground. They will practically take care of themselves after the first year or two of pruning. This pruning may be done at any time while the tree Is dormant, or after tne sap has ceased to flow, which will be Immediately after It comes Into full leaf." A farmer residing near Center Tllle, desires to know the best meth od of raising peas, and the most de sirable variety; also, with regard to combining peaa with oats. Tha Sta tion supplied him with the follow ing Information: "The experience of the Experi ment Station staff, leads us to be lieve that almost any of the com mon field variety of peas will grow w?ll In your region. We advise the Black-Kyed Marrow Kat as the best general variety. Ordinarily we aow the ,eal, ' ,he a',, of one to on" on8-jla1,1f1 bushels per acre disk- Int or drilling them at least four iDche dP,.p Sow Ihe oatg about a week after the peas are sown, as in. "-"".'"". '.","-: , - u " .""'', " smoinereu oill unir-e lur, " '- the advantago. We do not consider . that oats and peas are as good for I horsea ss for cows. Tne mixture makes very rich nutritious hay." Didn't jeeil Theaa. XelghlHir If your stateuieiit Is trua your cli.tlH-sline was roMred by tranis. Judsou Mow ilt you make that out? Nelghlmr- I Mil n't yoil say they t'k everything but the towels? Illustrat ed Hits. i .v r-JiTZi Tbe pig Iron pn-bi-Mon n . ths I n I ted S.sre. In 1IH-7 ws. . i accord ng to the Ana-re an Iron and Mteel t-r-uiuinK . AssrMIHiliin Tl.ia ai til was 1 : per. cent greater thnn tlmt nf 1 ml. CanS'ls produced .VnI II'I ton ln1Q".. He Vtall, Iarleed. "What's this wird. p:i'i" asked While, pointing It out In his bie.k. " Thetiirtnetii'li."' replied pa. "Well, what Is that?" "That, my son. Is what yu would fas If you never litiirtcd your f ather with Questions." -Philadelphia I'ros. The everlsstiug project to cnnstrtict S lighthouse on the Insm-md shoals, oil Cs llarterss, is dead for th present. Ca,t. Kela of rVrat,. who was the last one to undertake this task, haa d.si no work on the site, and ths time limit haa sipired. I Drives aft aches from ths body, II Cures Rhaumaliam. Neural jia sod if CONQUERS PAIN 1 25c ALL DRUGGlSTS-Oc. fl -VJ SMOfS ST LL VVp 'RICtB. FOS) IVCSV r SflMBLSl OP 1S1 ,AMILV. Mrrs, aovs, SVOMCN. MISSIS ISO CHILOHIN. L. 00faa mmlrmm mid maes n's ll.id, M.OOand IS.MaSMS " MT meW, f ihmV ttold thmlr mhM09f fit arffep. km, ionasaev mnd aAaaa btlhm wara fa- v. W. L Douzl $4 md SS Gilt Hit Shoes Cannot Bt ' a l"r l.sr w t rw .i.r Hu ..j m. it S. I h, lie anira ain .'.rjsLcrs. KHuaa aavlra from fa "'7 " as? t f ok aunt lnua. vataSCauwa IraawaAjaaanaa. W. L. IIUl ULAa, HnKktaa, UaM. A Claeh. "And how esn you be sure of going to heaven?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "I guess," said little Tommy Wise, the best wsy would be to get pa to say we couldn't. Then ma would take ua there or bust. Tbst'a bow we got to the seashore last summer." Phila delphia Press. Sl Vtaa Taa and all Marvma Maeaaaa ftermarieutlv cured br Pr. kllna'a urrrj rv. fceaurrer. Head fur HlKK lilrlru bottla and traatlaa. Ur. It. ILKnae, Ld.,rUl Arcs bU, fbual-a. Naaalaaj His BJablaa. A farmer sear Wigtown has eight daughters, who are named to represent hia feelings at the time of tbelr birth. Ths eldest Is called "Joy," and tbe sec ond bears tbe nsrne of "Summer," si she was born In July. Tbe third ar rived at a time of financial difficulties. and would have been called "Sorrow," but her mother refused to have the asm. So Sarah waa substituted. Things were brighter wben Dumber four came, and "Hope" was her por tion, while live and aix twins wers respectively "Spring" and "April." this last being their birth month. The sev enth was styled "Harvest." and ths youngest "Comfort" CASTOR I A For Infant and Children, Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears ths Signature of Tha Ideal Tbe funniest thing happened last eight." confessed the dainty college girl, all red with dainty blushes. "What was It, dear?" asked her chum, eagerly. Whywhy, I wss Just going to pro nounce the word 'kiss.'" "And did you?" ",oer Harry took the word right out of my mouth." . How's This? We offer Ona nunrtred Pollara Reward for any rsae ol t atarrb tliai canuoi be cured bj Ua 1 Catarrh Cars. f y ,. KSEy 4 ro , ToMOj 0 We, th underiiin.l, have koran t. 1. Cheney tor the la.l l.'r years, ami bellere him Derteotlv honorable In all biilnnena trannactiotia an. I flnaneiallv ahle to carry out sny obliga tioa mad bv hi arm. 10 WALMNO. RINNAN h MARVIV, Whnle.ale Prugaiata, loleoo.w ii.ie. r.iarrah Cur la alien ini-rnaily. set- lr'rr.,hVf"n,.,r hXA?.VX?!,. Prlne 7 eenti per bottle sold t.yao omsaiaia. XaSa Hsil'a Famtlr fills lor Looatlpstioo. A Trae Rltah. Marie Moyd, the famous English music hall star, had been describing, at a dinner In New York, an actor whose career drink bail ruined. "Tes." said Miss I.loyd. "he was a frightful drinker. As hsrd s drinker. (n fact, aa an ancient Yorkshire tsvern- keeper on whose toinh Is Inacrllied: "'He hss lost his best customer. M.il.iria is duo to impurities and poisons in the Mood. Instead of lwin; rich, strong and healthy, the circulation ha ln-come infected with p-rtns .l disease which destroy the rich, red corpuscles that furnish nourishment and .strength to the body, and reduced this vital fluid to such a weak, waterv condition that it is no longer able to keep the system in health, or ward olf the countless di.scast s and disorders red corousi les takes the color and Blow , , , , . we pale, sallow f.ices and washed out, chalky complexions among tin- f.rt symptoms of Malaria. Hut Malari4 is a general systemic disease. nnl a-i tne iJiooa necomcs more nravny loaoea win its germs we have more set ions Bid complicated symptoms; the impure hhxrd having its effect on a'.l part si rl the body. Tlie appetite fails, digestion is weakened, chills and slight lever are frequent, and the auflcrcr loses energy and ambition because of a constant tired-out and " no account " fctling. The lack of necessary nour ishment and healthful qualities in the blood causes Iroils and abscesses, skin affections, and in some cases aores and ulcers to break out, and aoruetimea the patient is prostrated with a spell of malarial fever which permanently impaired. To cure Malaria Imth i I I', ! r.itr fier a nit Inn ir are ti, -ceesnrv - - - in order to remove the cause and at the same time build up the system from its weakened and run-down condition. S. S. S. is the medicine best fitted for this work. It is the most perfect of all bbxid purifiers, and the purely vegetable ingredients of which it is composed make it the greatest and safest of all tonics. S. S. fl. goes down into the circulation and removes every trace rf impurity or poison, and at the same time gives to the blood the heaith-sustaniin , qnaU ities it nerds. It cur- Malaria thoroughly and permanently U juse it removes the germs and poisons which produce the tlisea.se. an 1 while domjf this tones up and strengthens every part of the system. When S. S. S ha cleansed the blood the symptoms jass away, the healthy color returns t the rompleiion. the old tired, depressed feeling is gone, and the entire health is renewed. Book with information eliotit Malaria and anr medical advirej tree. TILE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA GA r a tww., a Eaualltd At Ant Piles m.i.m.1 m Mum. Tith e St SiihclllHte. Literal t harltr. "I would like to take the sense of the) meeting about this charity relief," siihl the professional philanthropist. And when the contribution was takes) up be found he had taken nothing else. -Ilaltlmore American. Mother witl sail Mrs. Wlnalow'a rWthtaar Syrup "" bra remedv to ua luff ibair dt kii taj turlug la IMUUUf Irani!. The Gratrr. "She's engaged, sln't she?" Inquired the naughty blonde at the rlbtsm coun ter. Yea," reviled the lady w1k sold laces, "she's engaged to that new aules lady'a brother." "Where'a he employed atr "He'a a night wab'h gentleman over to Itargen ax ua s. ruiiuueipum Press. . Still la Evleaaae. Matron (out on houas bunting expedl- tnB) Who occupied thaea spsrtiue'jis last Janitor A family named Johnson. Matron Know anything about them Janitor No, ma'am. Matron (sniffing ths air) Well, I do. They wers food at onions, ssuerkrsut, snd roil flak. HOWArlT) K. Bt HTOH -A nearer and t'nemia. lAa.lvUle.Cult.rs.lti. Hpet mnro pru ea: ttiia. eilver, L-ed, ai j Otiid, HIlTer.Tko: oil, a.t-: r.iiir rr t-npier,l. anlda Iseia. llalilna ,nrelttr-i and full price Mat aenloa apirlli-allua. cor.tr.rl ami I m- tlrswt.rketilrclwd. lUraract lafltonal -v oiral UauS. WANTED irsroMMAtiiiN MtOAHOINO Farm or Business f or aal. Not particular about IrM-stion. Wieh to hear from OWNtR only atiti will aell direct to buyer, (jive pnr. dr-M-rip-tion and atat whan puaaeaaion ran b hat). AtltlrwM, L DAHVSHIM. Bel 221 lertetfa. S T 20 MULE TEAM BORAX IN A NEW PACKAGE 5 lbs. Mnat tMvmomlral to buy. All dfttr. thm packatr tnim; pgi h are wtrth t t'tionii in '- rhantf for pr-HMntii. 'rimiurn litt f r f l acihc lout ll.ii i Co.. UahUtntl. ml. n hotel mmz If II OIM'V ALT. Till: YKAlfi U U Guru- Beach Seasice. Orccoh j HE nireell ea the heaeh AVerlrrr.li Ine if the area. Hnt eall hallt and CtrW I'roarrtetur P N U No. 23-Ot HKN wri(i to a1 Ttrtlara !! nianflo-i thl iA4r. CURES aW airiaaJir . p. ICL I OF I Or j per l.l.ln. an, . Hre. v1 walk. a -Iter. a a-l.im . I week, l-i 9 IVI-iiUHLiXll that assail it. The loss of these; of health from the cheek. ;m.l ive During Stoo X waa running a farm on tha Mieaittippi river and bet am toimpree: sated with Malaria that tor a ,ru I was alnoet a phraical wrrk. I tried a number of siedicine recontinentled afl bi'Krd purifl ara, chill cures, and Malaria eratirator. but nothing-did ma anf food until I began Is in t. S. S. Tba result wal tb.rt alter taking it for awhile I waa as well anil rroaf as t ever waa. I ha, a nrr had a chill amca nor tha al'ihteat aroiptom nf Malaria. I hop othera will ba benefited f rar atpenraca, and with that and in view I g.,a thia testimonial, bnowng that S. 3. S. i the beat rtmedf frrr Ma r. Aaiory, Miaa. R. OWLET.