4 Hillsboro Independent Trm e I Wwk KZLLSBORO.. ..OREGON NO NEW TREATIES. NEWS OF THE VEEK Announced in Connection With King Edward" Visit to Russia. London, June 10 Foreign Secre tary Grey's announcement in the house of commons 'that no negotia tions for new treaties would be in itiated during the king's visit put an end to talk of a probable triple alii OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST TO PURIFY CAMPAIGN. Corrupt Practices Act Rettrieta Can- didatcs' Acts 111 a LOOdeDSCd iCrn lOr WIT Great Britain, bul tit did not affect the hnn of those Englishmen who are desirous for closer relations priwco. three nowers that important A Resum .f the Lata Important but diplomatic consequences will result irom i lie rfirrioiH ii ix n j of King Edward and tmperor i.icn olas and their respective foreign ad vier No secret is made of the fact that Cortelvou is mentioned .. running the . presence of Sit Charles Harding .an. i.-r. - KII,nAca ,f HtiifticttniT niipitoni inai Easy Headers. Not Lata Interesting Events. cf tha Pas Week. Henry Watterson says Bryan will have arisen out of the convention be nominated. which put an end tot he recnmina- A daughter of Governor Cutler, of Hons, between Russia and Great Utah, has eloped with a teamster. Britain, over Persia and Tibet and ' . Afghanistan, more particularly the The new Union Pacific bonds are pr(.fnt unsatisfactory state of affairs being sold in London at a premium. , jvrsia. Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, says he is not seeking another term. V fiigfi wind storm near Guthrie, fikla. resulted in the death of one person. The .trood effects of this agreement already have been shown in the speedy ending of the threatening frontier war on the Indian border, a situation which in the old days of suspicion and enmity between Great Britain an I . . . a 1 Moods have reached their height in Kussia might nave lea to an nignan Kansas City. Nearly all railroads are war. i.i. ...l.j I Following so soon upon the visit to ' . . , England of President Fallieres of Many persons were injurea m u - France jt hard to disaruse the pub ",c to.ns.u.. u. , ,ic mjnd of the feti,n(l lhat King hd loaded street cars. ward's trio to Reval has also some re Reoublicans of the Thirteenth In-lation to European affairs and as an r . . - .J !!.. (! !J ! flt;ina district nave nominated v,naric actual alliance is considered impus W. Miller for congress. Isible at present, serious thought is be . . J...U. line given the suggestion that this ex mere w'rj'e""."" "',7hu'' change of visits signifies that Great t.onatelyinNew Vk last w . R . fc f in any week of the" city history. will follow closely that of the China has apologized for the recent I dual alliance between France and killing of French soldiers on the Chi-1 Russia. The foreign office says that nese frontier, r ranee also demands Moo much significance must not be at the removal of the viceroy. Itached to this visit, but this is the Senator Kittredge has probably u.,ufl1 officiaI Policv durin uch nt been defeated in the primaries for " ST. PAUL NOT BADLY HURT. Little 'Damage Done to Roadbed bs Montana Floods. Butte, Mont, June 10 R. A. Har senator from South Dakota. Gov-1 ernor Crawford is in th lead, The recount on the mayoralty vote in New York is not one-fourth com pit ted. Hearst has aiad-j a net gain of 135 votes, Montana floods still tie up a!! rail- low. -vice-president in Montana of the roads except one. I i aui. said nine damage was une ...... . 1 in inc .Montana roaooeu. out mat ne Women s objection to bonnets may I h,.t:.,,. j .n,;,i.r,ki. ,f -,,.,,. 1- .1.- 1 -I V. ,.-...... V".. .........Hv "I"'1 "lc "" n.ur... dl)e fast of Sarafoff and ,hat it wil A tornado did much damage in the! be four days before traffic is re- viiiinty of Mount" V ernon, Iowa. I sumed. Northern Pacific officials f,,, Rri.,in is taking stern mess- nave. no ,u" wnfn Y resume ... - . li. .. ,i;,; T.i; I service wesiwaru ami mere is HITS IU LIllJHC l U I SCUJVIUII III lllUlfli I I , .U y- . Vrt.lU..H ikiinriKC ill iiic uiiai :ui inn 11 I'loods in Missouri and Kaw rivers I The Northern Pacific tracks eaft of are causing a stampede to nigner jiutte are open, though the railroad Kroitnd. I company is still having considerable u- .nru,. . trouble with rock slides in the motin both the Republican and Democratic ,a,n near. the eftntinftital divide. A nnuMiinnt number of stalled trains of the east arrived yesterday and departed south Chicago packers are not worrying over the Oreeon Short l ine fcnnnH over the beef shortage as they be- for the coast via the Oregon Railwav lirve it will not last long, Many small breweries throughout the country will have to close as a re sult of recent closing of saloons. A British steamer struck a rock off the Chinese coast and ho natives were drowned. .All European passengers and otticers were saved. Turkey has sent troops onto Per sian soil and annexed a large section of the country. A government has been organized by the invaders. A federal grand jury, in session at Portland, has indicted a number of Iirominent Eastern Oregon men for and fraud. Seven true bills have been returned and the jury is still in session. Great scarcity of beef In Chicago causes high prices to prevail. Seventeen of the finest paintings in P;iris have been seriously injured by vandals. A life-sie bronze statue of Presl drnt McKinley has been unveiled at Philadelphia. The Russian douma has refused to tnake the necessary appropriation for a new navy. The death roll from the explosion on the cruiser Tennessee has now reached six. A Norwood. Mass., boy of 14 years has confessed to the killing of three smaller children. Gas in a mine at Gladstone, Colo rado, killed twenty rescuers of im prisoned miners. O. H. r. Belmont is some better, although his, physicians hold out small bojie of his recovery. A New York actress has secured damages for the sale of her photo graphs without her consent. A new record for motor bicycles has been established at Buffalo. N. Y. On a race track ten miles were made in 9:40 3 5 John Brandt Walker, leader of a streat bear campaign in the New York stock market, has failed. At one time he had a fortune of $3, 000 ,100. Brewers from all parts of the coun trv are to meet at Chicago to plan a defense against the ever increasing wave of prohibition now sweeping ine initea states. Because of washouts in Montana the Burlington road has canceled all 1 acitic Loast trains running in con nection with the Northern Pacific tint tl further announcement. King Edward has started for Russia. E ght persons were killed in a col lis on on a trolley road near Annapolis. Scandinavia, Neb, has been wrecked hv a cyclone. Franklin also suffered much damage. Mayor Busse. of Chicago, has been married a month, and his friends have just found it out. Hearst has made a net gain of 105 votes so far in the recount of ballots tor mayor of .New lork. While O II. P. Belmont's physicians have not abandoned all hope, there is little cnance ot nis recovery. A tomado in Nova Scotia killed two persons and injured a ntimher of others. finch damage to property is reported. The crown prince of Servia is ac riied of plotting against Montenegro, The interstate cotnmrrce commission will Ne unahle to give a decision on the Pacific coast lumler rate case before July 1. The situation in Persia is steadily go ing from bad to worse, and it is believed fie rat !b.k will not rule much liirger. & Navigation Line, deneral Manager Gillie of the Amalgamated Copper Company said yesterday that the damage to the Hoston & Montana smelters at Great balls is not so heavy as was 'first thought; that so soon as ore can be shipped the Boston & Montana mines here will resume. COREANS BUTCHERED. .... tha TxuuJa at the elee- ..... .inn a l will make the aext political eampaiga a vastly different one from those which nave ceen -- ia the laat itw yearn. Por one thing, the advertising plaa of making a campaign, which -'"r Bourne made popular in Oregon, will be ) iten.ivelv ueed n m '"" Two features of the corrupt practices . in tn a.eeomulisn I ma wh om a limitation oo expendituree. and the other a requirement thut paid ad vertising be so mirked. Undoubtedly the measure will have a eaiujory in mirifv in elections, though some of .Mviaiimi meeia unnecessarily se vere. Puldieitr la the mitter of campaign expenditures ia one of the most import ant requirements of the law, and here after it will be neeessiry for candidates and party managers to keep an areuunt ot all expenses and file it within 13 davs after the primary or general elec tion, showing eontrihutinns to cam paign funds and the purposes for which all money wae spent. Candidates are permitted to use one pge of a pamphlet to be issued by the state for the pur pose of eiving the voters information concerning them, eueh candidate to pay (or the space occupied, and in excess of that each candidate may apeita m a primary campaign 15 per cent of one year's salary, and in a general eam piira 10 per eent of on year's salary. though any candidate mar spend as much aa 1100 if the percentage snouia be lese than that. A candidate for governor will hereafter be limited to an expenditure of $750 in a primary campaign and $300 in a general cam Pack Fruit in Brewery. Ijk Grande. The Roesch brewery of this city, one of the largest plants of the kind in Eastern Oregon, will be closed July 1 as a result of the pro hibition vote at the recent election. Plans are already on fot to convert the brewery into a fruit packing and storage warehouse. It is located con- cnient to the O. R. & N. depot and is a large and well arranged building and is well adapted to the purpose. Julius Roesch, proprietor of the-brew- ery, is one of the pioneer brewers of the state and has accumulated a for tune here in the business. However, the increasing fruit culture in tin vi cinity will not allow his building to remain idle long after the prohibition law goes into effect. CITIZENS TAKE INITIATIVE. Plan Bonds to Rlli Money to InV Eu.-ene. ihe citizens of the Sius law valley, on the oast of Lane coun ty, are becoming .;..( waiting for the government tn .nmve the bar at the mouth of the Siuslaw river so ves sels can pass out or in without delay, and a plan is being discussed to raise funds for the undertaking in another way. ii is propo,t,i to bond mat part of the county King west of the Coast range of mountains for 30 or 40 years, and use the money thus raised in building jetties at the mouth of the river. t j4 thought by the promoters of the , k.i that lioo.ooo iuuiu. ne raised easily in this way, ana that with this nm ,nti.lerable start could be made tward constructing the jetty. It is hoped by the time this sum is expend,! the national gov ernment would he ready to take up me worn and puh it to completion. To meet the it.t,-..t ,,n the bonds each year, it is proposed to collect a toll of perhaps 23 cents per thousand feet on iht lumber and a proportion ate- sum on other articles exported from the towns at the mouth of the river. Later a sinking fund could be raised in the same way to pay off the bonds when thev h-nmt due. In this way, the expense of buildinsr the jetty woum be borne by the nidus tries directly benefited by the work. INCREASE PENDLETON PLANT. READY TO TRV AGAIN. Peary la Anxioua to Start for North Pole by July I. New York, June 9 Confident of his ability to carry the start and stripes to the north pole, Commander Robert E. Tcary, who has planted the American flag nearer the coveted northern goal than any other living :li Vwii's r' 't r - '..wimy. OLD RATES STAND Railroads Mill Make No Advance in Near Future. TWENTY-ONE DEAD. Japanese Troop Kill 113 Insurgents Within Four Days. Tokio. June 10. A dispatch from Seoul dated yesterday (June 9) re ceived at army headouarters reports that from June 3 to June 7 the gov ernment troops had twenty-six en gagements with the insurgents. In these engagement 113 insurgents were killed and twenty-five taken prisoners. The. recent transfers of Corean cab inet ministers were due to the fact that during a conference of provincial governors a number of cases of negli gence of the -ovcrnors to present the actual facts concerning the attitude of the Corean government towards the insurgents were overlooked, also neglect in failing to correct false and malicious reports concerning Japanese policy, thus tacitly encouraging the insurrection. In consequence the minister of agriculture was trans ferred to the home department, and yesterday the new home minister an nounced the removal of seven provin cial governors, showing a determina tion to effect many sweeping changes in local omcials. May Reveal Big Dealt. New York, June 10 The extent to which the great European banking houe of Rothschilds was interested in the merger of the transportation lines in New York City may be dis closed in the municipal court, prob ably June 19. Walter l.uttzen, confi dential adviser to August Belmont, who was called as a witness yesterday in the suit in connection with a Heal in Metropolitan stock, was ordered to appear again on June 19 and produce all the correspondence the Belmont firm had exchanged with the Roths childs bearing upon the merger. Flood Wreckt Levee. Shreveport, I.a., June in Twentv- five thousand acres of fine plantat:on lands are submerged and thousands of dollars damage has been done as a result of the breaking of the levee at Wcstdale plantation, twenty-seven miles south of here vesterday morn ing. hen the levee broke under the enormous pressure of the flood wa ters f the Red river a wall of water swept over Westdale plantation, de rnolihmg buildings and ruining crops It was only by rae good fortune that no lives wcrejost in the flood. Burglart Get Poll Bookt. ,i?r,rJ .,7nM- J" M.-A sens,, lonnl disclosure was made yesterday eenth Iowa district between S F nrr,yan;Uu A T "H when it a, discovered that the vanltt in the coun,y auditor", offic, containing he election had been entered and the h. .,n .v 1 V , According to the tinothrial figure, both candiili.e. very nar- claimed the nomination bv row margins. ' Death Question of Hours. .sew jork. June 10 A m. v ,-.,-.' i. ' ' , p f .' ' ' recov- his phy.u-.an, tlnnk, i, now only , question of hours. y Lake Hometteadt In Demand. Lakeview. Many land filings' are being received at the land office most of them homesteads. Every piece of land that can be cultivated is being taken under the laws governing this form of entry. Few timber fil ings are now being received at land of this character is scarce indeed in this district. Occasionally someone finds a quarter section or an NO-acre tract that has been overlooked in the rush, but most of the filings thnt are being made under this act are on claims that were at first taken under the homestead act. Reject Dam Bids. Klamath Falls. The secretary- of the interior has rej'ected the bids'on the Clear lake dam, a part of the Klamath irrigation project, on ac count of the high figures, together with the fact that land owners in that section have still five per cent more land td sign up to bring the total up to the required SO per cent. The two bids submitted were bv Mahoney Bros., of San Francisco. $115,770. and Maney Bros., of Winnemucca, $188,- 90. The government may readver tise for bids, or do the work by force account. Klamath Should Yield Oil. Klamath "Falls. A. ' L. Harrow. cashier of the Fort Sutter National bank of Sacramento, who is heavily interested in Klamath realty, has re turned from a 200-mile drive over she Klamath basin and states that indi cations point strongly to sections of I oe and l.angell vallevs being great oil producing districts. Mr. Darrow has been in past years connected with the Standard Oil company and speaks from experience. 1 he Klamath Oil company will sink experimental wells mis spring. Begin New Construction; Huntington. The Northwestern railroad is about to begin laying steel. A carload of mules for the Utah Con struction company has arrived. Men and teams are busily engaged hauling material and establishing camps along the route. Twentv five miles of steel will be laid as fast as possible. Grad ing will commence at the same time ,the surveyed grade at the end of Hlake s spur. No grading was done at this point last fall, when work ceased, as the old Rrade was used for a temporary track. Albany Will Retaliate. Albany Because they believe the Southern Pacific railroad is seeking to retaliate in erectinn a small and inexpensive depot to replace the pres ent structure, following the action of the city council in securing an order loin lilt Slate railrr,-..! onrnmioin , . . .v.,,.,11,--..,.,. , g man tor a new depot here, the merchants hundred Wisconsin Company Negotiating for Woolen Mills. Pendleton. Agents of the RacSne woolen mills, of Racine, Wisconsin, are here looking over the Pendleton woolen mills with a view of purchas ing them and making them a part of the great Racine industry. It is pro posal to employ at least 200 men and women in the plant and to increase the capacity by more than three times and make it the biggest woolen mill in the northwest. Pendleton, being on a main line of transportation and in the heart of the sheep district, has been selected as the most favorable location for the hran.h of th Racine industry. If purchased the mill will be de voted exclusively to the manufacture of high grade Indian robes, blankets anu similar lines of goods. Will Show Canby Berriet. Oregon City The Canby Straw berry Growers' association has chosen the following officers for the ensuing year: K. S. Ce. president; Charles Roth," vice-president; C. N. Wait, sec retary; S. H. Reese, treasurer. The association expects to distribute 10, 000 pieces of advertising matter at the coming rose show in Oregon City, June 12 and 13. and on the last day of the rose show the berries that are on exhibition will be given to the Rose Society to be sold. Many ex hibits by Canby growers are promised. four Orsdu,,,' J, Woodburn. woounnrn. ti,. ,mm.nrement exercises of ,he Woodburn high school graduating -t,.. t,1t in the Methodist l:pi.0pai church, of . -i ii 3 j The church, Deau- tifully decorated. wa, filled with friends of education. The address to the class was made bv Charles V. Galloway, of Salem the diplomas were presentea by Colonel I. M. Foorman, of the hmrii of directors. It is the first high srhool. graduating -I 1 1 ' ii Class in ituuuuurn ' The Governor's View. balem 1 here seems to be no question of my election," said Gov ernor Chamberlain, "and I am deeply grateful to the people for the high tribute which has been paid me. 1 attribute my election to the State ment No. 1 issue more than anything else, considering the overwhelming Republican majority in the state, and had Cake stuck to that principle as stronglv after the election as he did before he would have won out hands down." preparations for another Arctic dash in the hope of solving the mystery of the north, which for centuries hat been the aim of daring explorert. The stanch steamer Roosevelt, which the Peary Arctic Club built for Com mander Peary, and which carried bim and hit little party on hit last north ward journey, hat been overhauled and put in better condition than ever for her expected battlet with the ice barriert of the frozen north. The ship is tugging at her hawsers in the harbor of New York, ready to start when her commander givet the word. Peary't present plans contemplate his departure from New York about July 1, but lack of sufficient funds to finance the expedition may prevent the start. In fact, unless $25,000 is forthcoming by July the project will have to be rTri'!'''d. An iJA.li.vri- ship or collier will accompany the Koosevelt as lar north as ttali, where reary t coal depot in the last expe dition was located. F.tah was the winter quarters of Dr. Hayes' last ex pedition and is located about 70 de grees north latitude. A small oartv of sportsmen and scientists may go north at far at lit ah on the auxiliary ship, returning with her about Sep tember 1. Commander Peary has devoted nearly 20 years to efforti to solve the great problems of the north and already has put into the work all of his personal means, amounting to 180,000, ROAD AGAIN BLOCKED. Month May be Required to Replace Montana Railro u Liret. ' Butte, Mont., June 9 The North ern Pacific east from Butte is again tied up by a new washout of 600 feet of track near Jefferson Island, a small Station in the Jefferson River Valley, about 60 miles from Butte. Two steel trestles on the Great Northern are reported as having gone out, near uasin, 33 miles north of Butte, add ing to the demoralization of that road. Great Northern Railway officials will not venture an opinion at to when normal conditions will be re stored, one official stating that in his belief a month's time would be nec essary to put the Montana line of the Northern Pacific in proper condition. The Great Northern telegraphic serv ice is completely demoralized, and the officials fear they have yet to learn of the real magnitude of the destruction wrought by the flood waters. 1 he barometer is higher than for several weeks. This would indicate warmer weather and with that thj rapid melting of the snows in the mountains. As there now it lying trotn tnree to tour feet of snow in the mountains it is feared the rush of waters will add to the damage already aone. HEARSTS GAIN NOW 123. 1110.1 iUXS" AK t NOT SETTLED Pretidenti and Operating Officiate of Roadt Fear Stagnation Would be Increated by Move. Open Bidt for Building Sitet. Washington. The tupervising architect has announced that bids will be opened July 16 for public Dunning sites 130x135 feet at Albany and La Grande and 140x140 feet at i'endleton PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club. Mrt!e per bushel: red Russian, sfitfi 7c; bluestem, l(a B2c; valley. HHOi miic. Barley reed. r.'.VJO per ton; rouea. f27.S02!).30; brewing. 2fi. Oats No. 1 white, -'7.30 per ton; r?y. L May Iimothv. Willamette vaney. f 17 per ton; Willamette Valley, or dinary. 11 J; Eastern Oregon. $1 50; mixed, $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12; alfalfa meal. $20. Hutter Extras, 2."c per pound; fancy, 24c; choice. 2ic: store, lfic. Eggs Oregon, isflllc per noren. Poultry Mixed chickens. Wn2ic pound; fancy hens. i;c; roasters. Kc; fryers, 20c; broilers. 2-Jc; ducks, old. 17(51 lSc: spring. 2iifl22k: geese, h(a 9c; turkeys, alive, 1601 1 Sc lor nens. Hoi lc for gobblers; dressed. 17'n 19c. Apples Select, $2 50 per box; faticy, $2; choice. $150; ordinary, $1 25. Potatoes Old Oregon, $1(31.10 per and heavy shippers have decided Jo jonimne and ship all their eastern freight orders over the Northern Pa cific. or some other line not owned by the Harnman system. Bronco Bucking for Condon. Condon Condon will ce'ebrate the l ourth of July in old-fashioned style and a committee was appointed to so licit funds for the carrying on of the festivities. It i, planned to hold a market day in connection with the celebration. jut as has been held In I endleton and The D alles. Broncho hucking contests and baseball will torm a part of the programme, while a number of carnival features will also be added. Lake County Fruit Outlook. .t '"''"-Pc'pite the cold weath this ,rcion there will be a good 'nee. JlP The fr"'1 jn- enor " ,u' male trin oytr the thl V"'m'.,?r"1 " f the "Pinion her e. rl th nret, ' 3" Vin ,n d" A he l " ' fr from P" Fresh Fruits Strawberries. $22 75 per crate: cherries, $11.40 per box; gooseberries, (,,, :c per pound: apri cots. $irti 1.50 p,r crate; blackberries. tlfn 1.25 per crate Vegetables Turnips. $1 50 per sack; carrots. $1501.75; beets. $1.75; parsnips, f 1.2.1; cabbage, $175(o2 per cwt.; beans. 11 J2t pfr pound; head lettuce. I2K1IV per dozen; aspara gus, $1.50 box; eggplant, 20c pound: parsley. 2c per dozen: peas. Sn 7c per pound: pepprs 20c per pound: radishes,. isc per dozen; rhubarb. 2; 3c per pound; spjrijrh. .1c per pound; cauliflower. $; :,o p,r crate. Hops 1M7. prime? and choice. S'ft c per pound: oldj, 2i2je fjer pound. Wool Eastern ' Oregon, average best. llftl.V per poI1nd. according to shrinkage; VaIVy 12c. Mohair Choice IS'glSiC per pound. ' Cascara Pi-k 5l4?c per pound. Hogs First, ,7t25; medium, iZy"'- "Hers, n demand. Cattle Rest tefrs $5: medium, " J7S: common. $1 50T. T75; cows. best. ,. mon, $3 503.75; calves, $4 .'.007 Sheep-P.est ',), fi wethers. $4; mixed, $3iHn:5. spring lambs, $5. Recounting of 77 Ballot Boxet Com pleted in New York. New York, June 4 The recount of the ballots in the disputed mayoralty election ot l'jos proceeded with expe- anion iod,iy Dciore justice i-ambert, in the supereme court, and 29 ballot boxes were opened, which show a gain of 16 votes for William Randolph Hearst. Seventy-seven boxes have been counted since the recount bc Riin, and the total gain for Hearst is 121. Early today Hearst made large gains, which were materially reduced oy tne recount late in the day. Supreme Court Justice Lambert, who is trying the rase, has requested Governor Hughes to recommend to the legislature that a special approori ation be made under which the jurors who are hearing the evidence may be allowed extra compensation for their duties. It has been learned that one of the jurors has lost his employment since the opening of the trial nine weeks ago, and that another's business has seriously surjered from neglect for so long a period. It is said that from $5 to $10 a day for each juror was the compensation suggested to the governor. Tornado in Iowa. Charles City, Ia., June 9. A tor nado struck this city Sunday, demol ishing about 2oo residences and barns. One man, V. R,. Beck, is known to have been killed! and four children are reported missing. The path of the tornado was about ten rods wide. It struck the city in the southwestern part, crossed the river and lifted the water almost clean from the river bed. It passed in a northeasterly direction, just missing the Charles City college buildings, and spent itself a few miles northeast of the city. Battleships Start Home. San Francisco, June 9. Leaving the other warships of the Atlantic fleet to follow a month later, the bat tleships Maine and Alabama, desig nated as a special service squadron, sailed from this port yesterday morn ing on the long vovage to Hampton Roads by way of Honolulu, Manila, Aden and the bact Canal. Captain Giles R. Harber, of the Maine, will be in command of the special squadron, and on the first leg of the long cruise home will have a member of the President's cabinet. Secretary of the Interior James T. Garfield, as a guest Pull Conductor Off Car. Bakersfield. Cal., June 9. A ttrcet car wat held up on the outskirts of the city about midnight Saturday and Conductor Frills wat robbed of $41. The deed wa committed by two masked men. one of whom jumped aboard the car, pulled the conductor to the ground and robbed him while the other stood guard with guns. The car continued on its way. the motor man and passengers failing to tee the attack made on the conductor. Bandit Rob Pay Train. Citr of Mexico. June 9. Word has reached this city that bandits at tacked a pay train on the way to the Los Grandes mine near Ralzac in the state of Guerrero. Of the escort of four men, three were killed and one wounded Four thousand dollars was stolen. Rurales are in pursuit of the highwaymen. The mine belongs to an American company. Washington, June 9. No general increase in freight rates is likely to be made by the railroads of the coun try in the near future, if it is to be made at all. At a recent meeting of presidents and operating officials of important railroads in New York it was the consensus of opinion that it was undesirable to put into effect at nfii iniie an increase of freight rates, It wat pointed out that the pro posed increase in a time of depression would tend rather to increase freight stagnation than to stimulate freight movement. Such a result would be of only additional disadvantage to the carriers, the opinion being general that it would not induce increased revenues. Most of the officials who attended the meeting indicated a belief that railway business conditions were im proving. The freight revenues and the passenger revenues, too show a notable increase in the last month over the preceding three months, and a general revival of business in all in dustrial branches wat reported from every part of the country. 1 he judgment wat expressed that if business conditions did not con tinue to show improvement it would be necessary for the railroads to adopt some method for protecting the interests of their stockholders. Only two methods are suggested an increase of freight rates and a de crease in wages of employes. It is quite certain that neither will be re sorted to before the first of next Oc tober, and some of the ofticialt be lieve it will not be necessary even then to resort to either of the meth ods named. In some unaccountable way, the re port became general among shippers, especially in the middle west and the south, that the president and the in terstate commerce commission had given their approval to the suggested increase in freight rates. The mem bers have spent a good deal of time trying to get their correspondents right on the matter. While the commission has no power under the law to prevent the estab lishment of such rates as the railroads see fit to nut into effect, unless after due hearing the increased rates should be found to be excessive, unreason able or unjust, it would be equally impossible and inappropriate for it to give its approval to any proposed increase in rates. Tornado Sweeps Path Along Kansas Nebraska Line. Omaha, Neb , June 8. The tornado which passed over Southern Nebraska and portions of Northern Kansas Fri day evening was the most destructive and covered the most territory of any similar storm which Jias visited the state in many ye ai s. At least twenty- e.rrrT "SiT niuiTu Ij Lit utuu, five fatally injured and a score of others more or lest teriously hurt, some of them dangerously. Additional reports received ttate that several persons were kilted at the towns of liyron. Neb., and Court land, Kan., which towns have been cut off from communication with the outside world. At Fairfield more than forty build ings were more or less wrecked and tome - of them, including three churches, were demolished. The loss will exceed $100,000. In the vicinity of Hickley farm houses stood the brunt of the storm and one or more fatalities are re ported, with a number receiving in juries, some of which will prove fatal. eriou damage is reported from Ryron. ten miles west of Chester, at tended bv cpnsi.l.eril.'tf .t'tnliiin.-, V.v;.. ho details can be learned. All the bridges are out and communication by telegraph and telephone it entire ly cut off. A telephone message from Hardv. Neb,, says the town of Courtland, Kan., just across the Nebraska line. was struck by the storm and thai sev eral casualties occurred, but lack of communication makes confirmation impossible today. Trains in all direc tions are abandoned because of wash outs and destroyed roadbeds. At Ge neva the storm wrought great destruction. The storm has covered such a wide area and been to destructive wherever it touched the earth that it has almost caused a panic among the inhabitants. Hundreds of farmers drove into town seeking shelter, many of them being homeless. END 33 DAYS' RAIN STORM. NORTH TOPEKA IS ABANDONED, People Flee Before Great Overflow of Kantas River. Topeka. Kan., June 9 The crest of the rise in the Kansas river is e pectcd to reach here tome time to night. The government weather bu reau says the water will reach a maxi mum height of about 29 feet. It now registers 20.9 feet. If the rise ex ceeds two feet above the present level the city waterworks will be in danger. North Topeka is practically de serted. Boat patrols were busy all afternoon taking those people from their homes who had delayed. Much of the contents of the houses has been moved over and the warning has been given to everybody. The water is deeper in the streets than at any time since the big flood of 1903. From the. Union Pacific tracks to Soldier creek, Kansas ave nue, the main street is all tinder wa ter. The current is beginning to sweep away outbuildings and thou sands of tics from the Union Pacific tie plant are pounding their way through the town. Train service is practically at a standstill. Alatka Mine Sells Well. Juneau, Alaska, June 9. F. L. Un derwood, who promoted the overhead trolley system at Chicago, has closed deal in New ork for the bbner mine at $1 50f),ooo. The deal was handled by George Bent, a noted min ing engineer. 1 he new company an nounced that 200 stamps will be im mediately installed to be followed by 2oo more early next spring. The property was owned by B. M. Beh rends, William Ebner, C. V. Young and eastern associates, and has been a steady producer for seventeen years it is situated one miletrom Juneau. Painlett Cattle Killing. New York, June 9. The society for the prevention of cruelty to animals will test an invention this week by which it is expected a painless method of killing cattle will be offered the slaughter houses of the country. The machine is the invention of Henry Uergh. treasurer of the society. It consists of a pneumatic hammer. something like that employed in welding bolts in a steel building frame. The plunger is a sharp javelin which is to be driven into the brain of the animal in such a way at to cause instant death. Death Lltt Increased. Omaha. June 9. Reports from the scene of Friday night's storm in Southern Nebraska indifjfe that the conditions are even worse than at first reported. The death list will doubtless reach 25 or 2d. while 50 per sons have received serious injuries, some of them being dangerously hurt. The monetary loss may reach $S00. noo. Eight Nebraska towns suffered from the effects of the tornado. Ge neva. Fairfield and Carleton being the worst wrecked. Ship Gold to Germany. New York. June 9. Goldman. Sachs & Co. yesterday announced an engagement of $1.0000n0 gdd. for ex port to Germany, and Heidelbach, Icke'heimer & Co took $oo,ooo, aim for Germany. This makes a total of $10,750,000 on the present movement. Rivers Begin to Fall, but Communi cation is Stopped. Missoula, Mont., June 8. Saturday night at o'clock the sun broke through the clouds after 33 days of rain and the rainfall, which had been lessenmg since morning, ceas-d. The rivers show a lower mark than they did 24 hours ago and there is hope that the worst is over. But there has been great damage and it may be days or weeks before railroad traffic is resumed to the eastward. All day Saturday Missoula was cut ff from the outside world. Not until night had there been wire communi cation and it consisted of a single ine t(S the west and none to the east. Saturday night and Sunday morning the high water reached its maximum. registering the highest mark ever known in this country. AH of the city and county bridges are out and Missoula is divided into three dis tricts, each of which is without com munication with the outside. Three large residences in the city went down the river. Their occupants had been warned and were out before the flood struck. The big loir-jam of the Black- foot Company has been held in nlace and the great power dam owned by W. A. Clark is intact. The ditriage to farms in the bottom lands will be great. The loss to the city and county will run far into the thousands and cannot be estimated until the water goes down. The out look todav is encouraging and it is believed the crisis has been passed. MISSOURI ON RAMPAGE. Continued Rains In Montana Cost 8 Lives and Much Property. Great Falls, Mont., June 8. Never before in the history of Montana has there been such a flood as has been sweeping down the valley of the Mis souri River and its tributaries. Five lives have already been lost in the waters in this vicinity, and the dam age to farms, railroads and industrial and commercial institutions will run into the millions. The river is at the highest point ever known since the first settlement of Montana and it is still rising. Some of the smaller outside towns are in even worse condition than is Great Falls. At last reports Choteau was completely surrounded by water and all bridges were gone. A large part of Belt was partially under water and the people had taken to the high ground. Canadian Bridges Go Out. McLeod, Alberta, June 8. The Ca nadian Pacific bridge at West Mc I eod was swept away Friday night. St. Marv's bridge, between here and I ethbridge, is a total wreck and the Canadian Pacific pumping station has been swept into the river The bridge at Browket on the Crow's Nest line is expected to go at any time, and mail and freight and passenger traffic is at a standstill. Rain con tinues to fall in torrents. Farms for many miles around are inundated and houses have floated away, and the loss will be enormous. Oklahoma Fears Race War. Oklahoma City, Okla., June 8 . Fears of a rare war over the killing of Sheriff G. W. Garrison by a negro desperado led Governor Taskell to or der out Company M, Oklahoma Na tional Guard Saturday n'taht Th body of Sheriff Garrison was brought here on a special train at 3:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Rumors that the negroes are arming themselves h-.v been rife all evening. Ad;nfint-Gen-eral( Canton arrived from Guthrie it 2 o'clock yesterday morning to take command of the militia. Machine Shops Burn. Victoria. B. C. June 8 Th tW machine shops of the Victoria Ma chinery Depot Company, Limited were destroyed by fire Saturday even ing, which broke out at 8 o'clock do ing $!onoo damage snd throwing 150 men out of work. The insurance amounted to $mnoo Th c. caused, it is thought, bv the fire from the moulding room. Usually it is the custom to send out men to watrh the sparks from this source, but on Satur day night the precaution was omitted Twister Strikes Oklahoma. Dnrant. Okla.. Tune iA t which swept over a territory 12 miles west of Durant Saturrf stroyed a doren farm houses and with a heavy storm of hail, which aceom- .ll .d,d estimated at $1 '.O.ooo A number of persont are reported injured, none fatally.