fiillsboro Independent. By S. C. KILLEN BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION. On June t the control of Thh In dki'EM'KNT passed to the under signed. D. V. Bath severing all vital to the interests of the whole country, and that the choice of Bryan would be calamitous. The unparalleled prosperity of the whole country received a tem porary set-back in the financial flurry of last winter, but a rapid re covery is in progress. Democratic success in the November elections, and bud sport. issue is the first to appear under the new management, and friends and patrons may naturally look lor a few words as to what they may expect in the tuture. Promises are easily made, and the initial announcement of many a new editor has contained roseate dreams, the realization of which readers are yet awaiting. They are Inner rn nrnmise. but short On "f i fulfillment. Tun Independent win not ra- thtt . Democratic presn dulge in extravagant promises for l.ftl candjdate may be equally fortu- with orosDettive lie uua nolicies cannot but engender a feel ine of uncertainty which will retard this recovery, if it does nothing worse. The vote for Chamberlain in last week's election places Oregon in the list of doubtful states. The normal Republican presidential majority, from being a certainty has become a conjecture. If a Democrat can secure the vote for senator that Chamberlain did, there is the same len- nate. The duty of .Republicans is the future. It is content to be 'Tii'igcti by wuat it accompiiiueii. '"",: rhe possibility of siicfi While in no sense is a newsPaPer proceeding must be eliminated, and any more an oojeci 01 iuj lua" this means hard and united worn any ottier manufacturing vi iu- cantile enterprise, it is a public in stitution to the extent that towns aud cities are judged largely by the character of their newspapers. All things being equal and the conduct of the local paper in com petent hands, a newspaper is usual ly what the people make it. With between now and the fall election To do its share is the purpose of Thr Independent. A Fartro V D. paper refers to - - i - a Editor Foy of the Ranier Review . ... I Tl. as a prmter-euiior preacner. i uc i-ersatilitv of the country editor is proverbial, but a range of intellect reasonable support not on the J to entitle one to the hyphenated theory of charity, but on the prin- title is rare. The combination of cijIe of a dollar's worth received printer-editor is not uncommon, but tor every dollar paid the news-1 ability to conduct a congregation paper may Income a powerful agent for good in a community. Tin-: Independent will have opinions and will not hesitate to express them. All men and news- p.-ipers worthy the name hold opin ions if we all thought alike this would be a dull old world. But there is a vast difference between a dignified expression of dissent and a fierce assault on an opponent w hose ideas do not coincide with your own. Too many newspapers have this habit; but a discriminat ing public is quick to realize the dillVrcuce between argument and along the straight and narrow way is not usually an asset of the lowly pen pusher. The news of the assignment of Bishop Charles W. Smith to the Pacific northwest will be received with pleasure by Oregon Metho dists, The bishop is regarded as one ot the intellectual giants of the church, and will prove a worthy successor to Bishop Moore, who goes to Cincinnati. The Oregon City Courier tells of an Indiana man who, notwithstand ing the increased cost of living, managed to live a double lite on $16 abuse, aud instead ot being the oracle it considers itself such a paper .g is usuany regaraeu as me xown scold, without influence or power. $ ISO for Best Article The Independent believes the I The republican congressional field of the weekly newspaper of Us I committee offers $ 1 50 for the best r" De You Remember! And the other fishing bO waen up i,r,,, .!. .....1 ' " .... .11.11 Utcbeu-a Jrlnlt or Uiilk. a .louKliiiut and a triangle of pie. then .0... .Me out .juMIjr to the Urn and got the .paulMir frk: '"" .cArch. " fork and tomato ran. under the 1-rouil !.: ' 'V . ,il Nd, I'-'ck of the henhouse .!.... i.r iwv 1'iirn until you i worm for tin" Ing la Hi.- ground - vo.i never would Iran, to I'll t things away-and started t.ff- through the garden and orchard. Htoi.i.lni; t-n.Miuti f'-r a l''"lful of rtirranii and a " k,-lMI of aopsavlues -over tin- pasture Lars, eating a hand ful of hu. or low bush black berries here ""-I "'r: 1",, ,lle woW roa.l-v.rv .lark and alill In the dawn -where .'i stepped along ver' lUletly ,0 as not to disturb Hie bears (you knew pe.fcelly well there were UO bears. hut you rather enjoyed the creepy aeriMillotn: then out through the deep wet meadow grass to the riv er, where the sun was now beginning to' burn iiwny the N'" of Wist and the red wliu-ed blackbirds were inak Ing 11 tremendous fuss over their boilso-kn-ping. iu reached Hie river bank ... ... ,f ..,.. ? ihe bi-r r k o, willow (of course you know the ex act placet, and then you started flail ing. Atlantic. Suction. Teople often neak of chlnimy "draw ing " We "ls" "peak of'the Hue tioii of a pinup. There Ix not o mueh harm In these expression, except that they are liable to lead us away from the true stale allalrs Hut In truth there Is 110 Mi. h thing as auction. Suc tion Is merely partial or entire abaeu.e of pressure In one place which enable the greater pressure of air or fluid In another place to rush In. In the ease of the chimney the heated air In It d.H'S riot weigh so much ua an equal volume of cold air, and If the air In ttie chimney, the air in the room and the outside air were all the tame tem perature there would be no tendency to liny motion. Hut w hen the air la the chimney N hot It does riot presa down word so much as the colder sur rounding air presses upward. Conse quently 1111 upward current I started and will iit ir If the air In the chimney Is kept hot. -A. S. S. At kerman In London r:xprc:-. character is largely local. Rapid transit and rural routes have brought the large dailies to every one's door while the news is fresh. But while the daily is taken for the news of the world, one must rely on the local weekly for the news nearest one's heart the doings of our neighbors, the hundred and one little happenings which concern us because they deal with people and things we know. It will be our aim to cover this field, aud to successfully do so we ask the cooperation of our friends. It you are interested in having your home paper contain all the hap penings of the week, remember news is not news until it is told, and the office is easily reached by telephone. While the new editor hopes that his duties will make hint a busy man, he will never le too busy to meet all old friends of the paper, nnu, ne uopes, many new ones as well. The office latch string will always be out. Come and see us and get acquainted. If you have business, well and good; it not, onie anyway and you will be wel coined. S. C. KILLEN. Willi RI? Wli STAND. When the news of the change in the management of The Indepen iu.Ni was nrsi given out rumors were industriously circulated that the paper had been Innight to rep resent certain interests. The new owner comes to Ilillsboro absolute ly tree of any entangling alliance with the sole idea of working for the lest interests of the community and the making of a greater Hills boro. 1 here are no strings on the paper and it will not be dominated by any taction or clique. Rumors were also circulated that the political complexion of the pa per would le changed. So far as the new editor is able to ascertain Tin; Inihtknpent has always been a Republican paper. It will remain so. The. name Republican has had many meanings in Oregon of late years. Some have wander ed from the fold after strange gods and have called thcrotelvcs this kind ot Republican or that. It it proti.less to discus tht atridt that has divided the irty. Let tht dea 1 bury the dead. The Ish u i:dknt be'.iatts in ti c principles of Republicaniaa. It lIicves the election of the Re Iiblua:i candidate for the prati flaicy at the Novemtar toctio article not exceeding 1,000 words on the subject "Why the Republi can Party Should be Successful Next November." The competi tion is open to all. In judging the merits of contri butions consideration will be given not only to style, arguments and facts presented, but to the con vincing power, and it should be born in mind that members of con gress are to be elected as well as president and vice-president. No manuscripts will be returned, but will be the property of the com mittee. The best article will be widely used both in the newspapers of the country and in pamphlet form. The award will be made and check sent to successful contestant about August 15th. Manuscripts must be mailed not later than July 15th to Literary Bureau, Republi can Congressional Committee, Met ropolitan Bank Building, Washing ton, D. C. Students Rejoice. As soon as it was known that the university appropriation bill had been carried over the referendum. the entire university enrollment proceeded to have a jubilee parade on Wednesday evening. The pro cession strung out for a mile, beat ing tin pans, crosscut saws, and anything that would make a noise The boys sang college songs and painted the town red, as the saying is. Salem Capital-Journal. A "Wihinj" Miltlon. The visiting hiMimk"fer recently de crlbej Id the New York Sun must le a itout armed angel or she would never hve IIthJ to write the entry In her daybook quoted txlow: Vhed the sick woman lu IxM. washed and dresoed f.uir children, did the washing. rubud two floors, washed the dishes, washed the win dows " A discriminating glance nt tills en try will disclose the fact that she washed about everything in the house. How the head of the family escaped the wash rag la not itated. Terhaps Uer waa do bead. Hint Not Taken, "rnom the grammatical standpoint ld U) fair maid with the lofty fore ed, "wktck do you coni,i..r rnPF, 1 amor aa Dome' ratoar mo homer " "Ketther." promptly responded l "Id much mttier or 'I would the fttftjr Always keep a bottle of X. W. Harper whisk la eight Oood to look at and good to taste; and whet'a note a benefit to your baalta. Said by F. E. Cornelius. Changed tho Namt. He had given up town life, with lta enres 11 ml ilissip 11 ion. mid wna living In the country. What :i 1 harming cottage!" exclaim ed n dainty lady visitor from London. Yh:it hnve ymi culled It?" I linve called It the Nutshell." be told her, nil. I she cm hiiuicd: "Oh. how delight till:" After tea hi:. I cukes s!ie took the train back to London, where she re- uiiiiued for six mouths. Then she "ran dow n" to sec him ngaln. "As sueet lis ever:" she told hlni. "Hut you ti:ne chiinged the name! Why Is It now t'lie. NousV" "Why?" he responded, with some warmth. r.ecnuse I waa tlrd of be ing Jollied: r.ecnuse 1 wa tired of beliiK kidded! There Isn't' "boy for a mile round who hasn't stopped and mug the duorhcU every' time he pnaaed to ask if the colonel was In!" London, Telegraph. A Surprise Coming. A horse was standing nlong Chestnut street the other day anchored by an Iron weight. The horse, not knowing w lint else to do to pass uwny the time, was Industriously chewing tho strap. A newsboy happened along, and after watching the animal for awhile he grinned n cluster of grins and turned to n man who was standing near. "iHm't say a word," he jTleefully re marked, "old Umpire here Is going to hnve the surprise of his life In a few minutes." "What is the matter with ului?" ask ed the man, glancing first at the kid and then nt the horse. "Nothln' Is the matter with him, was the happy rejoinder of tho news boy. "Me may eat tho strap all right, but when he gets down to that weight he will think he lias struck a boardln" house." I'll lladolphla Telegraph. Smugglers' Philanthropy. At I'.roaduioor mid Perth. England, the criminal lunatics have a free sup ply of the most ex.)ulslte ple tobacco, cigars nnd cigarettes. In fact, they smoke far finer stuff than the average rich man. Vet all this good tobacco costs the government nothing. The smugglers of Ungland pay for the smoking of the criminal Insane. It la from her conilscateil smuggled tobacco that 1'itgland tills the tobacco boxes of I'erth and I'. mad moor. Not Her Abode. ''My In. nine Is smai:." said a rather dilatory lover, "and Perlians It la rn.l to t;ike yon from your father's of me rix.f." "Itut the pi. I Accord: rim Is to. i don't it rep! t.. I:: Ive on ttie roof," was '1: Inese lie ma v taw. a wife I e divorced. Probate Court. Guardianship of Wharton F. Baughman et al, rejwrt of guar dian filed; ordered that account be approved, subject to such ob jections as may be invoked at the final settlement Estate of Vary J. Sutherland, E. J. Sutherland appointed guar land, minor. Guardianship of John C. Hatch et al, minors; July 13 set for hearing objections to final ac count and settlement Estate of Calvin H. Adams, fi nal account approved and estate closed. Guardianship of Henry C. and Adelaide McDonald, minors; an nual account of F. A. Bennett, guardian, approved. Estate of Nicholas Friday, fi nal account filed, July 10. at 10 a. m. set as the time for hearing uiccLoiis to rinai actouiiu Guardianship of Pearl Warren minor; final account filed; order ed that same be approved upon filing of receipt of ward of amount due. Quarrelsome Creeks Discharged Strife which has raged during the week among the Greeks o the construction gang of the elee trie railroad culminated Wednes day in the discharge of 19 of them. According to the foreman, they have been divided into fac tions and quarreled and fought over trifles until he lost patience and weeded out the disturbing element The discharge will not interfere with the work, as labor ers are plentiful. , Jury for July Court. An oruer has been received from Judge McBride to draw a jury for the July term of court While court sits in the July term as a court of equity, it was thought desirable at that time to take up the pending condemna tion cases, hence the jury order. Court meets July 20, and the jury will be drawn 10 days prior to that date. For Rent. Corner room next the Indeien dent office. Suitable for office or small business. Apply at Inde pendent office. For good, cvd work in monu ments. headstJi.ea. etc.. call on S. Wilson, agent, Ilillsboro, on Second and Jefferson street, The city electrical department suffered damage to the amount of $200 in Monday's storm, trans formers in all parts of the city being burned out by lightning. Jacob Heltbrand, of Phillips, and John Whitten and Paul Lan- daur of West Union were visitors during the week. Annual School Meeting The annual school meeting will beheld at the school bouse next Monday, June 15. Every patriotic citizen should show by their pres. ence that he or she is interested in the education of our boys and girls, the hope of the future. We are in vesting about $70,000 per year in the schools of Washington county. Are you getting the best results from the fund nt vour district. If w. J not, interest yourself in your school and attend, that you realize value received for every cent expended. Moving Picturx. Moving 1'i. iwv .ahicia ure remark able piece of mechanism. The tiliun are only tliret..,,uurterii of on Inch wide. Themi an In rolls, sometime 800 feet long. When tukluu pictures the camera man reeia off these roll Junt a rapidly as they r unreeled when thrown upon the canvna for the spec tator, at a rate of tea or twelve Alms a second. Moving pictures are simply a number of yeyn thrown upon a white sheet one after another so rnpld 1 that the ty cot detect the Inter W H,en School Commencement Pr08ram. C3 The following proirram will ha , i i t he ,H-aduafng class at the Crescent theatJeTonight: Invocation . n c , ....'' Rtr. S. J. Lindwy i .no oio - tiut.bhng Spring .... BUnchc Bowman "Chainlet Stftih" Julie Ri Kin ThelWIol'Alri" Vocal So0 .... " 7hr Lryrn.l Beautiful" " 1 k ol the 1 Upema "... Vocal So "Song oil Heart" . Mm Florence T. " 1 he 1 amine " , iWniahon Diploma. ,d Schol.tahip. " Ben are "' V, Benediction . . Zenaa Oleoa . Lure B. Temwaie Mm Kate Shannon Lula Dooeteoa . , Mary Sewell Louu Tunieoa Lecie B. Weatherred Pna. H U Balee . , . Longfellow Rer. L F. Beriaep The Weather. During the fore part of the week cloudy and' unseasonably cool weather prevailed ever the entire section. On Saturday, however, the clouds oegan to disappear, the temper .ures rap idly rose, and the wi ek ended clear and abnormally warm ex cert along the coast, vhere the (prevalence ol lugs prevenieu a rise in temperature. Local show ers fell over the western portion of the section on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, and thunderstorms occurred over the eastern coun ties on Sunday. The accompany ing rainfall was, however, very light. No frosts occurred. To ttie Voters: I wish to thank those who gave me their supjx)rt in the recent election. I assure you that I am very grateful for the honor con ferred and trust you may never have cause to regret your action. Very respectfully, J. 15. WlLKERSON. Ice for sale. Den of Sweets. Real Estate Transfers. L L Crawford et al to Arthur 1$ McKarlane et al pt sec 10 t 2 n i w 10 00 F M Ptarrett et ux to Margaret J Ilollowuy it bile 37 FU 2000 00 Kmma Cheney etal to Abraham Iialdwin pt blk 5 F CI 1100 00 P.ornnnl Ortinan et al to Melis sa O Shipley pt sec 31 1 2 n3w 462 00 John lleinler et al to Kvar Jac- olison pt sec 8 t 1 n 4 w 80 00 Geo W lludnon to Frank Hurl- but pt sec 22 t 3 n 4 w 10 00 A H ScofieM et ux to C M Sco- field 120 a sec 20 t 3 n 5 w 1500 00 (ieo 8chreiU'r et ux to John Schneider 10 a sec 12 t 1 o 2 w 6000 00 C 8 I McLeod et al to Niels J Jensen 32.25 a C ltridtft'larui. er l I c t 1 s 4 w tsss 25 W T Hiirtratnpf et al to J W Fuqua pt blk 8F(i 5UH 00 lieo V Doujrlity et al to Klla F Ilooth pt blk C Fairview a.lJ llillitboro 100 00 Ann M Nichols to Wrn 1$ Barks dale lot !' Nichols aJ.I Garden Home 1000 00 J H I Veach et nx to IJzi Sample pt blk 2 Humyhreys add Hiileboro i50 00 John liiley to Mary Dailev 2 a It S Tupper d 1 c t 1 a 4 w. . . . 850 oo otto Schadt et al to Con.eliu. Vandermost pt sec 12 t 2 2r 425a oo I S Kanmev to Nellia Itrn..lta 11 a Walker d 1 c t 1 s 3 w looo on I S Ramsey to Wm L Raymond a w alker d I c t 1 s 3 w looo oo John Henry et ux to A B Sin- .1..- I. II. ,V 1. . ut-r ui ..i ucavenon looo oo J R Mttiee to K 11 Keagy ll.o3 Oil . 1 . . - I 1 n i w loo OO James llryden et al to Jos Bel- lieli pt tecs 1!) A 24 t 3 n 4r. . looo John Hellish et ux to Jas Iiry. urn ot al pt sec IS t 3 n 4 w.. looo II O Hava et ux to Mary K Jew- ett l.l.o4 a sec 0 t 3 s 1 w 2io oo I' Johimon et nx to William llolles pt sec 4 AD t 2 S 1 w. . 2Soo 00 Investment Company to S C Howies lot IS Ash Krook farm 62S 6o F C Aldrich et ux to J H Oillis i.ot a fit .u I 1 I I w 4oo OO Robert Iliilme to Fanny Root lots 27 & 32 Tigardville height 10.H4 a 4oo oo Nellie A Crow et al to Austin N Hamlin lot 13 Curtis division 625 oo Nancy Ann Wilcox et al to Wm i liloyd pt W O Gibson d 1 c. 3733 3o Elizabeth Shute to W D Smith pt blk lo Simmons sMJ llills- "ro l5oo oo C I. Crocker to J A Madding 8 a Henry Noland Jr d 1 c 1 1 el w Goo oo W J Clemmens agent to Adam Mueller lots 1 A 2 blk 27 Cor nelius i oo Investment Co to Chaa Sham- burg et al lot 55 N Tigardville add 4. OS a 13o8 oo WCIhetz et ux to ( C Wall lot 4 Urugger tract !o a 525 oo W C Pietz et ux to E K Turner lot 5 lirugger tract lo a 625 oo Rudolph Craudall et ux to Max Crundall pt blk fl Simmons add lllilslKiro 3oo oo I 8 Ramsey to Nellie lirooks 14 a Walker d 1 c t 1 s 3 w looo oo LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUSTV. Frank Colneld. Executor of the last will and testament ol James Colliel l, de ceased, I'Uintiif ve Stella A. Miller and George W. Miller, tier husband, Helen. Ian In ... . . t . ... i i Miller, above-name. ueteudante : IV THE NAME OF THE STATE F OREGON, You and each ol you are hereby require.! to appear and annwer the complaint tiled herein within six (0j weeks (rom the date ol the firt publica tion ol this summons, and if vou (ail eo to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apyly to the court fur the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wit: for a judgment for the sum o( Two Hundred and Fifty (ll'r0.W) Dob lars, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per rent per annum since SeptemU-r 15, l'.K)4 and the further mini of f ifty ($50.00) Dollars attorneys fees and for tli coots and disbursements of said pro ceeding, and a ducree foreclosing that certain mortgage executed by you and each of you to James Collield under. late of September 15, l'.KJ.t, und ti let in the otlice of the Recorder of Conveyances of Washington lounty, Oregon, on Sep tember 28, 11X1:1, and recorded in Rook "45" on pages 2.i'.-2P-2ll.2l2 of said mortgage records, and that the land therein described !e sold and the pro ceeils thereof applied to the satisfaction of plaintiff said judgment and fur such other and further relief as to the Court may ap(iear e.uitable, said land being describe as follows, to-wit : Reing the west half ol Lot 53 in Cur nelius Eovirous as shown upon the duly recorded plat thereof now of record In the otlice ol the Recorder ol Convey ances ol Washington County, Oregon, saving and excepting from tho effect of this conveyance the following described real estate: Commencing at a point IS feet E. of the N. W, corner of said Lot 53 in said Cornelius Environs and running thence W. IS feet to the N. W. corner of Ia1 53; thence S. 18 feet along the W. line ol said lot 5:; thence in a northeasterly direction to place ot beginning, tho same haying been heretofore deeded to Henry Rogers lor a gate way. The date ol Mie first publication of this summons is Thursday. May 7th, 11K)8, and tha order authorizing the ser vice of these summons by publication rentiirea you to appear and answer on or before the expiration of six (i) weeks from said date. This summons is served upon you bv publication bv order of the Honorable J. W. Goodin, Judge of the County Court of Washington County, Oregon, I y an order made and dated at Chambers at Ilillsboro, cn May 6th, l'.iOH. JOHN M. W A IX, Attorney for l'laintiff. May 8 June l'J. Summons. Stale ol Orrtf.iii ) C" fount? of uhliitfloD ) in I ii & ii hi i 1 1 i tn k I ii r I ii r. i i a i r. . r OKKiioN rK WAlUNi.TOS ( if I V. Nettle Bker, IM.lutltt Fre.l II. Kukor. l.t-ltu.Unt. Tn br.l II h.,.. Ih. n... ... I . dftut. (rt'Uue: IS TI1K NAME OK TH K STATK 11K oil ...A Vou are hrvbf reiilrt-.1 to A.iar mi l Mn-virr the complain I ti UJ inl you In tli n.n.. , n- tl.l.1 Mfflim rt nrl-'.....l... t j . ... .. , . 1 .fct . ... ... . J. 1 1, . , eiiuiDioiis, to li tliu 17tii 1 .1, 1 -, au.l II you fail U iinr su I n-. r ut, in eld lime, lur waul tlirr.-or Or .:hu ' ill lly lo tbe court lor Hie re!i. t .l.-mnu i. I in ia complalut, for a lrcr,i .l uin.- u,e bou.lxrf luairliuuny n.iw in. , j. -in ,t ttD iila.utm ami .1. f. n.Uiil, u. i ,r u u ollirr au.l furthi-r rrlnf ai umy to 1 1... i uurt eeiu Jut. TUI umiu.iua le ul.litie I lu l1..- II .1-1.. r.i IOileu.lut, a Dvw.apvr of r.rcula tlou, ul.lllic.l lu Vt a-liiiui..ii com. ty. in.i n, by onlrr of Hon. T. A. McHrl.1.., Ju.Ik.- ..f Circuit Court fur NVa.liliiion Cotiuii. Mnir ..I Oregon, uis.lo auil eutore.t on lhf J j. iiuy f June, l'J.', and which dlreeU that wii ,lmll -K'Br an. I autwer taul roinplaini miliiu : weckt Iroiii the tint .iitl!caiioii ut ihi. ttiiu mom. 1 lit, ilatv of I he llrt l.ut.lii alum ol thl uiuun ! Ihe .'.lh .Uy of June, an. I ol ihe laat the lTlli dar of July, Iw. H. wl Ki-K. " " ' ' ATt.'.rnvy lor l iaiiKiii NOTICE. Guardian's Sale ot Real Property. In the County Court of the Mate of Oregon fur Multnomah County. In the matter of the estate and t:uar diai.ship ol T. .Mar.iiam I'rince, Char lotte M. I'rince, Richard Wm. l'nn.e and Imogen I'rince, Minors. Notice is hereby given, that pursuant to an order issued out ol the above en titled court in the above entitled mat ter licensing the undersigned to sell the real proerty, hereinafter deccril.!, I will on .Monday the loth day of June, l'.M)8, at the hour of ID o'clock in the forenoon at the K.uth door of the coun ty court house in the Town of HilUlxiio in Washington county, Oregon, sell at Public Auction for cash in hand the un divided fcur sixths interest of said min ors in and to the Northwest onartt-r of the Southeast quarter and Lots II. 5 and six of section Nineteen (l'.M, Township tine South, Rantre Two West of the W il- lamette Meridian, containing l.'iil acres, more or less, said sale to be subject to contirmalion'by said court, said un.lnid ed tour sixths interest, lieing llie entire interest of said minora in said eal pro perty. UlAHIJIllh C. I lllSt I'., Guardian of said wards. May 15 June 12. Notice. At the general election held in Wa-h- SUMMONS. IS TIIK CIKfTIT ('l)l'RT OF THE STATE Of OKKiiON foK WASHINGTON COUSTV. BERTHA MAY SIIELBOURN, Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM ALBERT SHELBOURN, Defendant To William Albert 8helbourn, the aliove named defendant: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint MIskI against you in the aliove entitled court and suit on or liefore the last day of the time prescribe.) in the order for publica tion of this summons, to-wit: on or be- ore the expiration of six weeks next from and after the date of first pub lication of this summons; the first pub lication thereof being on June 12, ltloA: and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: that tne marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and deiemlant le dissolved, and that plaintiff he awarded the careand custody and control of the laid minor children of plaintiff and defendant, vis : Ivin Wm. Shelnourn and .Nona May ebelhourn. and that she have audi other and f nrther relief as to the court may appear equit able. This summons is serve. I upon vou by publication by order of J. W. Goodin, ounty Judge ol Washington Count?, regon, w hich order was made at Hills loro, Oregon, June II, PiS. M. BAILEY BUMP. Attorney lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF NORTH II ILLS BOKO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND CONSTABLE DISTRICT, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON. The Chas. A. l.amkiii Company l'laintiff vs Joseph Groeenickle and , his w ife, Defendants. To Jokeph Groeenickle and his wife, above named defendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ule.l herein within six (ti) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer the complaint, the plaintilts will take judgment against you for the sum oi 17.87 and the further , sum of f 22 '-', with lawful interest thereon since April 1, l'.HM, and for the costs and disburse ments of this action ; and Second. For an order authorizing and directing that certain personal property heretofore attached herein belonging lo you be sold in the manner prescril.e.1 by law and tho proceeds thereof applied to the satisfaction ol plaintiffs' said judg ment, said personal proertv lieing de scribed as follows, to wit: One chest containing a set ol cat pen jienter tools; One cross cut saw ; One double bitted ax ; The date of the first publication of this summons is the 15th .lay of May, l'.HM, and the order authorizing the ser vice thereof by publication requires yon to appear and answer on or In-fore the expiration of six (6) weeks from said date. This summons is served tion you by order of II. T. Bagley, Justice of the Peace of North Hillelxiro, Justice of tbe Peace and Constable District, Washing ton County, Oregon, and dated at Ilills boro, Oregon, the Mth dav ol May, 1;hi8. H. T. BAGLEY, Justice ol the Peace for the Justice ol the Peace and Constable District aforesaid. JOHN M. WALL, Attorney for Plain tiffs. May 15 June 20. ington County, and State of Oregon on .Monday June 1st, phis, a vote win taken for and against stocu running at large in said Washington County, Oregon, and it appearing from the returns of sai.l election, that a majority of all the votes cast was nualnst stock runni'.g at lartie in said Washington County, Oregon. Now therefore pursuant to the provi sions of section 4215, Bellintrer and Cot ton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That in sixty days from the date of tti i-i notice it will he unlawful for stock lo run ut huge, in said Washington counfv. Oregon, under enaltv ol ten dolurs ,,r the lirsl offense and twenty dollars fur each and every euiiee.iuenl offense lo be recovered from the owner of il, stock in civil action in the name of ihe Mate ol Oregon tieiore a jtisrice ol the peace of the precinct in which such owner or keeper, or either of them, may reside. Given tinder my hand an 1 seal at Ilillsboro, Oregon, this Mh .lay of June, ''.His. i;. J. liOWM.., County Clerk of Washington t ounty, ( regon. June 12 July li. iM4 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 I I .A. Trade Mark nrainua Copyright Ac. nnnHMni11n ft pkttrh and iWcrintlnn niT qtilrkiy tvi'ftrtaiii our ctnhn frM whnther aii Intention i pmhahlf ntfitAh1n. ConiniiinW'-v tiHMimriri)yc.Mill(1intlal. HANDBOOK onPMiMUB lent frf. 4MHit ewmicf for H-urliiff patent. rniM.i takn tiiroueh Mumi A lo. rvcmlvt fpruU rvfk:t wirnout cimnra, Ui mm Scientific American, I.nrtfmt rMr. 1rttip, i rtiiKtiou i1 mvf ifltmino Journal, Ti'nr: four montba. tL lM4bial iYIUNN& Co.86,B",-'- New York Urauon umc. sa w su wudiusiuu. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that unil.r and by virtue ol an order ol sale, dull' n'le and entered ol record by the county conrt ol Washington county, O.A.'"ii, on March 2, 1WH, licensing me to util at private sale, the real estate, hereinafter described, belonging ti MerriU K. Hoti'hklss and r lora M. Hotchkiss, wsln ore. 1 will Irorn and alter June 15, lHiS, firoceed to sell, at private sale, to the lighest bidder for cash in band at the time of sale, all the follow ing described real estate situate in the county of Washington, Mate of Oregon, to-w it : All of the east one-hall ol the south. east quarter ol section lour, tow nship two north ol range three west N illatn- ette Meridian, containing eighty acres. Also the following described tract : Com mencing at the southeast corner ot tbe southwest quarter ol tbe southeast .juar ter of section four in township two north of range three west, Willamette Meri dian, tht same being tbe southwest cor ner of the Christian Carl Homestead, and running thence west on section line to intersect the center ol the present traveled county road : thenca north :o teet; thence cast on line parallel with section line to intersect the west line ol said Christian Carl Homestead: thence south thirty leet to the place ol Iwgin- ning. Hide will he received by me at the law office; of M. Ilailey Bump, in Hillslsiro, Oregon, and said sale w ill le subject to continuation by the county court of Washington county, Oregon. Iated at Ilillsboro, Oregon, this Mav 9, 1WUH. KMMA 11. HOTCHKISS. Guardian of Merrilt K. Hotchkiss and Flora M. Hotchkiss, Minors. M. HAILEY HUMP, Attorney lor Guar The Three Tluck, Tush and Persever ance are all essential to financial success. A system atic system of saving is of equal imjKirtance; and this often has its beginning w ith the opening of a little sav ings account. Possibly you would like to talk with us about the matter. . . . J. W. Shute BANKER Hillsboro dian. First ub. May 15, last June l'J. jnl2-jy24