Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 12, 1908, Image 3

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Damonjof Destruction
Will be Suit
a i . , ,
iijion, iune 9 Sacrificed
for .the benefit of naval construction,
the monitor Florida, shot two weeks
ago with the heaviest naval gun, will,
on Saturday. June 13, be punctured
beneath her waterline armor by the
most powerful American Whitehead
The first demonstration was to test
the respective strength of armor plate
and explosive shell, also to show the
effectiveness of a new design of fight
ing mast. The torpedo is to be sent
into the Florida that it may be defi
nitely known whether a water-tight
bulkhead, specially constructed within
her, designed with all the most mod
ern ideas of construction, ran h ,l.
pended upon to save a ship from de
'M'iiKi.'i?i "iri'-"rui ' ua'iigcfouV
method of attack.
Secretary Metcalf has invited Sec
retary iait to witness the test
Railroads In Fear.
" "'ngiun, june a. Newspaper
hammering of the plan to increase
rates has resulted in compelling the
railroads to desist therefrom appar
ently. The announcement was made
at the office of the interstate com
merce commission today that the
commission had information that new
tariffs would be filed July 1. The law
compels that new tariffs shall be filed
a month in advance of the time new
rates are to go into effect. lune
has passed, and no increased tariffs
have been tiled, indicating that the
plan announced after the trunk line
meeting at New York, looking to in
creased rates beginning July It, has
ueen abandoned. 1 he shippers vic
tory in this matter is wholy credited
to the newspaper publicity, which
has been persistent throughout the
country against increases.
Emergency May Not Arise.
Washintgon, June 6 Treasury of
finals declared today, after a study of
the new currency law, there is nothing
in the meamiro wliieh says flint clearing
heuse rertittciite are illegal. They Bis
express the opinion that not a dollar of
the authorized emergency currency will
ever be issued. Should an emergency
arise, they think that rlearing hous.i
certificates instead nf highly taxed
emergency currency would be rvaorted
to again. Tho treasury department is
arranging for (CiOii.noo.noo in emer
gency circulation nutes in blank for
any bank which might apply for them
under the regulations.
Cuts Short Third Term Talk.
Washington, June 4. Because Pres
ident Roosevelt's latest declaration
that "no friend of mine" will continue
efforts to nominate, the president has
. written to one of West Virginia's del
egates to the Chicago convention for
the specific purpose of heading off
what appears to be a united effort to
revive the Roosevelt sentiment. More
than this, the president's friends, echo
ing his sentiment, say that the presi
dent has expressed himself to the
contrary on this subject in terms
which admit of no uncertainty.
New Postage Rates.
Washington, June 6 I'nele Sam can
write to John Hull morn frequently next
fall, for after Octnl er 1 it will cost but
" cents for each letter instead of 5.
Announcement was made today at the
olliee of the pnetmnstcr genernj that an
agreement has been perfected by which
' the letter rnto between the United
State, Kngland, Ireland and Scotland
will be reduced from S cents to 2 cents.
The ehargn will means a saving of
much money, ns the trans Atlantic
mails have been increasing rapidly in
Will Send More Marines.
Washington. June 5. Publication
of the United Press dispatch telling of
the critical condition of affairs in the
republic of Panama, aroused great in
terest here, and it was announced to
day that 20 additional marines have
been ordered sent to the isthmus at
once, with orders to protect Ameri
can property and help keep order at
the coming election. It is also planned
to detail on the isthmus a large body
of sailors being transferred to and
from the Atlantic fleet if conditions
do not improve before the election.
Qlrl to Practice in Sjprems Court.
Washington. June 10. The whole
Brgg family has been admitted to
practice before the United States su
preme court They are from New
S'ork Citv. The Beggs comprise Miss
Helen, Alexander and Roderick. Miss
Hcgg. a handsome girl, is the twenty
seventh woman to be admitted to
practice before the supreme court.
Among the other twenty-six is Bclva
I.okwood. former candidate for the
residency, who stands first on the
Held Filibuster.
Washington. June 8. Complying
with the request of the state depart
nient, the minister of foreign affairs of
Honduras has ordered the arrest of P.
i 11. iter, former president of the Ex
port Shipping company, of New Jersey,
and the detention of the steamer Oolds
borough and her cargo. This Informa
tion earn to the department In a dis
patch frem Minister Hodge at 8aa Sal
vador, dated Wednesday.
Plagu Is Still Raging.
W'ashington. June 4 The Ameri
can charge d'affaires at Caracas has
advised the state department that
since Mar 2J, the date of the reopen
ing of the port of La Guayra. there
have been seven cases of plague, two
of which are known io nave u ..
tal The governmef has caused to
be ' published daily bulletins showing
plague conditions. The dispatch also
reports one death from the plague at
World Trip for Middles.
Washington. Jane 4-Of I Iwo hun
ctred members of the class at th i An
napolis naval academy who will grad
Sate next Friday, lit have been or
dered to report to the Atlantic fleet
at San Francisco. July 1. The mid
dies are jubilant over the project of
he ip to the Far East and home
.gain by way ol Sue, canal and the
Atlantic ocean.
Damn... r. .
I 1 wumifmni Mmnri.i n. I n I
egr.ty of Courts
Washington, June 10 Indignantly
denying that the American Federation
of Labor had attacked the integrity of
the courts, state or national. Presi
dent Gompers of that organization
Monday night declared that the Fed
eration would wage a fight in Chicago
on the memorial of New Yorkers,
asking for an insertion of . plank in
the platform of the Republican party,
affirming confidence in the integrity
and justice of the courts and insisting
on preservation of their independence
and full constitutional prerogatives.
The executive council of the Federa
tion will hold its regular meeting in
Chicago during the time the conven
tion is held. Mr. Gompers will leave
here Thursday. He declared that
of protest were attorneys or oth
representatives of great corporations.
lie said that in Llucago we will as
sert our rights, with the hope that
the great gathering of Republicans
will not be insensible to them.
"I believe in the courts." he added
"Organized labor does. We have not
attackrd their integrity, but that the
right of injunction has been abused
no one can deny."
Government Gets Many Cigars.
Washington, June 10. I he in
ternal revenue department has
planned a series of prosecutions for
alleged infractions of the internal rev
enue laws all over the United States.
Officers of that department made
seizures Thursday at two local drug
stores on the ground that they were
selling cigars in contravention of the
internal revenue laws. The tops of
boxes to which the majority of the
stamps were affixed have been re
moved, thereby leaving the packages
unprotected by proper stamps. The
government contends this is prima
facie evidence of the non payment of
the taxes, and cigars not protected by
stamps must be declared forleitetl to
the United States.
Big Drydock for Bremerton.
Washington, June S. Revised spe
cifications for the naval drydock to
be built at the Bremerton navy yard,
on Puget Sound, were completed to
day by Rear Admiral Holliday. chief
of the navy yards bureau. It is ex
pected that the dock will be complet
ed 18 months from July 1, when work
is expected to be started. Bids for
the construction of the dock have
been asked, and it is announced that
they will be opened on June IS. I he
preparations arc being carried on
with dispatch, and it is not thought
that any delay will be permitted. The
need of the big navy dock on the Pa
cific has been made clear by the visit
of the Atlantic fleet.
Grain Crops Will be Immense.
Washington, June 10. A prelim
inary estimate of 17,710,000 acres of
spring wheat sown, or more than BIll,
oiid arces more than last year, and
placing the condition of June 1 of
winter wheat at Mi per cent, against
77.4 per cent a year ago. and of rye at
01.3 per cent, as against UH.5 per cent
on May 1, is made In the June grain
report The report estimates
the acreage of oats at .31,644.0.10 and
barley .ti!i7.oim, and gives the condi
tion figures for crops other than
wheat as follows: Oats, tttt.9 per cent;
barley, Ml. 7 per cent.
Metcalf Files Hi Complaint.
Washington, June 4. Secretary
Metcalf's complaint, filed with the
interstate commerce commission, al
leges that the Adams, Northern Pa
cific and other express companies are
gouging the' government. It alleges
the companies last July charged 40
cents per 100 too much on merchan
dise to the navy yard at Bremerton,
Washington. The amount involved
is iinoo. The complaint is a test case
to determine the rate.
Will Decide After July I.
Washington, June 9. It is doubtful
if the decision of the interstate com
merce commission in the Pacific
Coast lumber rate cases will be ren
dered much before July 1. Several
weeks' work remains to be done, al
though every effort is being made to
expedite tnese decisions. It is pro
posed to announce simultaneously
the decision in all the Pacific Coast
lumber rate cases, as the points in
volved arc practically the same in all.
Inquiry Will b Ordered.
Washington. June 9 The accident
on the armored cruiser Tennessee, in
which four men were killed and sev
eral injured, was caused by the burst
ing of a steam pipe while the vessel
was off the California coast, and will
be thoroughly examined into by- a
board of investigation appointed 'by
Admiral Sebree. Admiral Sehree has
wired a report containing practically
the same information as the newspa
per dispatches.
Bourn Going to Europe.
Washington, June 4. Senator
Bourne has informed some of his col
leagues that he expects to sail for
Europe in a short time to join his
wife, who is completing a tour around
the world. According to these sen
ators. Bourne will sail before the Chi
cago convention. Several efforts made
to locate Bourne and confirm the
story were unavailing.
New Battleship Named.
Washington, June 10. Secretary of
the Navy Metcalf has announced that
the names of the two new battleships
authorized by the last congress will
be the Florida and the Utah. The
next battleship authorized will be
named the Wyoming.
Wheeler In Office.
Washington. June 10 William R.
Wheeler of California has taken the
oath of office as assistant secretary of
the department of commerce and la
bor, to which place he was recently
appointed by the president. He for
mally entered upon his lew daties.
Root Giog let Trninteg.
Washington, June 10 Si-rUr
Root will leave here Jun tsi and
spend several weeks at training
establishment and then go to his farm
near Utica for the rest of the season.
Entire Stat of Montana a Vast Wast
of Water.
Helena, Mont.. June 8. With the
greatest rainfall in 23 years, Montana
is experiencing the most complete de
moralization of railroad traffic since
the first train crossed the Rocky
rJ'rtL 0L!r'V'' rrL7ed
drowned; railruad tracks art washed
out in everv direction. Land slides
are reported on the Great Northern
near Kalispell and the rivers arc
rapidly rising. This is th situation
briefly summed Up:
The property damage to railroads
will run into the thousands and many
of the big mountain trestles are en-
ilanorH Th.r in at vr nn nrnl
- .'
till ji m Kiuu in kiic uivv iuui .
ast night's precipitation is estimated
at more than two inches.
It is believed that at least six per-
7n! hlVeJOSt .,he'r ,ive " resul,
Nine Northern Pacific trains which
were held up in the eastern part
the state since last Sunday arrived
yc.icru.iy anuicii over me ui".
Northern tracks. These trains are
now stalled at Great Falls, Havre and
other points in Northern Montana.
On the east of Helena the Great
Northern tracks are washed out near
Basin and both the morning and even
ing trains trom Uutte are held up
West of Garrison the tracks were
I -t,. . ,nA ir.
train. haVe beVn ab.to through
for a week. I his cuts off all means
of transportation to the coast, since
the Great Northern trains cannot get
tnrougn trom the north.
One of the leading theatrical com
panies is held uo in Helena now and
the probabilities, are it will have to
remain here a week. The company
has cancelled all its dates for several
days ahead
Military Journalist Seek Revenge for
Insult to Fnnrk A-rrw
Paris, June 5 Just at the close of
the ceremonies attending the canoni -
zation of Fmile Zola in the Pantheon
yesterday, when the president of east of here. They will be sent to Spo
France, the premier and a host of kane on a made-up train.
ministers of state were taking their
(lenarture, l.oitis Antheno tiregjris, a
military writer of note, drew a re -
volver and fired two shots point-blank
at Major Alfred Dreyfus, for whose
liherty Cola fought and won.
Men distinguished in all walks of
life filled the Pantheon and, when the
shots rang out, there was great ex-
cnement in tear that the president
had been assassinated, but even the
attempt on the life of Major Dreyfus
created a profound impression. Sol
diers speedily surrounded Gregoris
and he was aken to jail, bruised and
bleeding, with his clothes almost torn
from his back,
Major Dreyfus was not seriously in-
imcu. n uuiiei cmrrcu nis lorearm,
nui (i hi not injure tne Done. At a
I ,
iaie nonr ine oinciai statement was
mane that his condition was very fa -
.....kl. I .U... I:.-!:
.tM.uic ...i ma. ii s.umii.wuii
were feared.
With regard to the erasons for Cire-
goris act. the opinion prevails in Pans
in.ii inereisinucn iruin in nis avowal
mat iic w.s uiiven i me ueeuDy me
i'i'W ...... t, w.... wiih. n me ami-
V At tts 1 1 l -kinteB i.nA V. . ill.,! . .
..liiiiiiv syit7.in nave ucru iiiieu BHICC
the government resolved to place the
Doay ot oia in tue 1'antheon.
Festivities in Auckland Wilt Continue
Four Day.
Auckland. N. S. V.. Tune 5. Fes
tivities to last over four days have
been arranged for the entertaniment
of the men of the American battle
ship fleet and the governor of New
Zealand, all the federal orticials, the
mayors and the municipal authorities
are to participate in the welcome. On
the arrival of the fleet August 8 there
wi:i dc an onictai reception and a re
view of the volunteers, to be followed
by a dinner to the admirals and offi-
cers of the fleet in the evening
A municipal welcome will be criven
the following day and will include a
recrntion hv the mitrnr A..bi,j
August 13 and U will be devoted to
a visit to Rotraqua Lake, where there
will be entertainments hv the M:.nri
The governor will entertain the vis
itors August 14 and this function will
be attended by the members of the
Police Protect Money.
N'ew York, June 5 A New York,
New Haven flt Hartford train earrv,
ing eight Adams Express company
cars, one of which contained $1.10,000
in can, ciumed with a switch engine
in the Bronx yesterday, smashing
both engines and derailing the ears
A dense crowd rollerteH Kai .h.
scene of the wreck, and the reserves
were called out to protect the monev
which was loose on the floor of the
car. The police farmed a line about
the wrecked cars and held back the
crowd until the money could be re-
moved to a place of safety.
Frost Damagss Potatoes.
Stockton, Cal., June 5 Jack Frost
has damaged thousands of acres of po
tatoes .tn the islands west of Stock-
ton, and consequently the price of the
tubers will be high this season. Only
a few days ago a large acreage was
ruined by frost, and the growers were
compelled to replant. The loss is
especially heavy because most of the
acreage damaged the first time has
been ruined again, and because the
growers had to purchase seed and
pay for the cost of replanting. The
total yield will be much reduced.
McClellan Gains Five.
lew ork. June 5 A net gain of
the result of the ballots in th. ft,..
..Mir votes tor Mayor McClellan was
. . - - '..--
nine boxes opened vesterdar in court
in the. contested maral.relectJon
of -t!o.t. The contents of 35. boxes in
all w-ere examined during the day and
another vote was added to the Mc-
3" ,L,a.,.rie mayor's net gain for
the day being five votes. From 112
boxes so far opened Hearst's net gain
IS 11S,
day's counting was begun.
-. ...,, iti i.i wnrn vt.r.
Typhoon Off Australia.
London. June S A tvphoon off the
est coa.t of Australia is believed to
nave wrecxen
received here concernintr thJr.l.w ni Liverpool . . .ndon'
boats coi
r aav tht in. I
oats comprise the great pearl fish-
ing fleet.
Montana Cut Of! From Outside by
, Raging Elvers.
Great Steel Bridg.s Washed Out-
Wires Down en All Sides
Delugs Continues.
Missoula, Mont., June 4 At S o'clock
- I . - AnrA
l eevening w muition in west
i . .,ii art-.,.
ern Montana was growing more serious
eacn mininc. .'. u cut oil from
I the outside world. She is without rail
Uay, telegraph or telephone communica-
"on- For a h rt m ,he afternoon
of 'here was a telephone connection, and
jt : .the.time. it 1 !.9J'ne;l..tJiat..-d,..e.'
,he .trrams ,,, Helena and vicinity
., ...a u... .. .
overflowing, and that there has been
a rm
much damage io larms and consider
able ( - of livestock.
The Great Northern's branch linci
are out of service, and the main line
in northern Montana is cm j gye,..,)
places. The first train started eastward
out of Spokane over the Great Northern
....... ;..,! Til- i.
" "uw communi-
VT , 7
All streams continue io rise. The
Big BlacKfoot river it nearly its high
est flood mark.
The Northern Pacific has lost sev
eral miles of track east of here during
the day. At Bonita, Nimrod and Bear
mouth the telegraph operators have
been compelled to leave their posts,
driven out by the rising waters. At
Garrison nearly all the residents have
fled from their homes and are camped
upon the hills in the rain.
, None of the dams on the river have
given way. tnougn the nower H.-im
owned bv ex-Senatoi William A. Clark,
.uu t.ii.". . ,,cu m dc in a
I critical condition.
Yesterday afternoon the Northern Pa.
lcific released by wagon transfer 200 of
the oassctigers that have be en niarnnn.-H
The damage to the new roadbed of
I the St. Paul line between Missoula
1 and Butte will not fall short of a mil.
lion dollars, and it ii becoming greater
all the time.
The Northern Pacific has assembled on
this division all of the nile.lrii-pr. from
the west that it can get; it has taken
from its own western divisions and has
borrowed from other roads. The fmht
against the water is being carried on by
iii.ikh) men, nut tne water is eainins
steadily, and the rain continues to fall
in torrents. The Missoula river at this
place is but a few feet below the hieh-
est mark ever registered. The expensive
moi-H.-H n nmont th, 1 i
city nnuges are in danger, and are
oits are thev considered.
U't r,( v,..r. ti,. V7.ni,..-.. p;c.
I m.i vs niiv nn nui i iv i is ai.ua
has no trouble as yet.
1 A m;.i;i,. ,i,. v,.u. t,:c
I tne iiuiutiu . ......... ...
surrendered the fight igninst the water
I east n( i. .JT nrcsent. Un-
I,-., the rain iini, Jn. there will he
vrry itte ,.ft or W() miles of the most
expensive road on the line. Two big
steci bridges have been washed out, but
,t not understood that they are de
st royed
i he serious feature of the situation is
the fact that the high water has ex
tended west of Missoula, and is attack
ing the track between Missoula and the
west end of the state. The Idaho di
vision has sent a big force of men over
to help in the fight on the west end
Four Men Killed by Explosion on Ten
nessee at San Pedro.
San Pedro. Cal.. June 6. While the
United States armored cruiser Tennes
see was steaming ' knots per hour
on speed trial off t'onit llueneme, Cal.
at 11 :,m yesterday morning, a steam pipe
,he "arboard engine room burst un-
dc 235-nound pressure, killing four
n,fn anJ injuring ten others all of the
mrn 1,1 ,he 5tV"paJr""e,nt
Two of the injured will die.
The explosion, the cause of which is
Kct ""known, occurrea only a few mm
les after Admiral I net Sebree, Cap
tain J. B. Howard and Chief Engineer
Robertson had lett me engine room on
a tour of insiiection. rour ol the men
were killed inMantly. and two more are
expected to die at any moment.
Boycott Is Spreading.
fokio, June 6. Two hundred thou
and yen is now indicated as the size of
the proiosed present to Canton guilds
if the boycott is umununuea. Mean
while advices from north China and
Manchuria state that, owing to the ac-
tivitv of the Cantonese emissaries, the
movement is rapidly spreading through-
out the north. J he emissaries are work
in systematically and secretly. Their
literature makes no mention either of
'he boycott or of Japan, speaking of
' the national disgrace with reference to
the country responsive, which the Chi
nese all understand means Japan.
Water Ca.riers Chsck Raiiroads.
Chicago, June 6. The movement in-
ugnrated by the western- railroads
some f'me ago to incrca freight rates
ln per cent in western territory has
practically been abandoned by the roads
in the western classification, and the
transcontinental lines have agreed to a
much smaller increase in rates than they
at first demanded. Water competition
from New lork t- San Kranriu-n
which has grown very keen of late, it
said to be the mam cans, back of the
failure to continue ine original nro-
gram of the increase.
Judge Administers ReDuk.
an Francisco. Line I Til,!, r 1
Lj: -. j . ....
aui.i.iiiMci en a I.-..-- - iic veniremen
ho are ..tempt.ng to tve jury du,y
m ,m? ,r,a' of a,,rr J Bartnett, the
alleged bank wrecker. ,ni, mornin).
Nearly every man called hJfj
ment. Most of them ere deaf either
in one ear or the ether. lnj tud ' c
ley finally stated that , ,Ptmfd ,h ,
one ven rrmr. writ nvn i
firmaries or hospitals- Only
was passed tod.rt.
Bringing Back ft .,t
London, June It ii dUred flere
sKim-. k -, if-imr - . Z.
to meet tht continued hort4. Zt
I . . I T ' . 1 C.-..a a "
IU II1C kullCU
Two Cents an Ounce to Great
Britain the New Rate.
PostofTiceOfficials Believ Increased
Commercial Intercourse Wlil
Be the Result.
Washington, June . Potmaster
General Meyer announced today that
an agreement had been reached with
the British government providing for
tetter postage of 2 cents an ounce
between the United States and Great
Britain and Ireland, to become .oper
ative October 1, 1908.
.TJie .fiRUcr,-i...'.!j.-..--jv , Cf-4regz;X" jsr -
it is called in England, has been under
consideration for some time, and as
far back as last July President Roose
velt approved Mr. Meyer's course in
urging a "restricted union with Eng
land.". On October 1, 1907, the Universal
Postal Union, which governs the in
ternational postage transactions of
the various civilized countries, re
duced the rate of letter postage from
S cents a half-ounce flat to S cents per
ounce, and 3 cents each additional
ounce, which is the present rate be
tween the United States and countries
with -which we do not have direct
steamship communication, but on mail
on which we have to pay an additional
charge to countries through which it
passes in transit. Under the articles
of the Universal Union, however, any
two states can form a restricted
union. Examples of restricted unions
are those now existing which permit
a 2 cent an ounce letter rate between
the United States and Canada.
Postmaster General Meyer believes
this reduction in the rate to the
United Kingdom ultimately will re
sult in an increase in receipts, because
it has been found that a reduction in
the letter rate resulted finally in in
creased revenue. He is also of the
opinion that a lower postage will lead
to a freer commercial intercourse.
Manufacturers, he says, are increasing
their sales in Kngland and must rely
to a great extent upon mails for or
ders and increase of trade.
"Further," he stated, "this will be a
great boon to our adopted English
speaking citizens and their connection
here, as it will enable them to keep up
correspondence with their relations
and friends in the old country at do
mestic rates."
Heney Fear Enemies May Get Galla
gher and Plan Accordingly.
San Francisco, June 4 Convinced
that the "higher-ups" have determined
to kill former Supervisor James L.
Gallagher. Assistant District Attorney
Francis J. Heney announced ye
terday that he will dismiss the case
in which Abraham Rucf is charged
with bribing former Supervisir J. I
Furey, because Gallagher's tesiimony
before the grand jury led to the in
The testimony of a dead man given
before a grand jury cannot be used
in future action. Repeated attacks on
Gallagher's property with dynamite
and continuous threats against his life
have led Heney to take steps to pre
vent the loss of Gallagher's testimony
through his death.
It is Heney's purpose to file a new
information against Rucf in the same
premises and call Gallagher as a wit
ness at the preliminary hearing. If
his testimony is taken in this way, it
will be on record.
. The necessity for such unusual meth
ods is believed to be urgent by the
members of the prosecution, who fear
for their own lives as well as lor that
of Gallagher.
This probably will be the next pro
cedure against Rucf in the graft cases,
and it is proposed to take it as rapid
ly as possible, as the prosecution be
lieves that the "higher-ups" are be
coming more desperate every day.
Score Parish in Tornado.
Wichita Falls. Tex., June 4 Scores
of persons are believed to be dead in
the path of a tornado w hich i sweep-
. rt . : t ' ,
ing J exas toaay. ncporis n.u.i.ic
that it is the most terrific of all the
storms which have visited this part of
ih. rnuntrv in the last month. Com
munication from most of the damaged
area is cut off. Wires are down and
railroad fracks are blocked. Many
small towns are known to have been
struck bv the twister, but no definite
information could be obtained as to
the extent.of damage this afternoon.
Words by the Million.
New York, June 4 More than
2,000,000 words of testimony na c
been taken already in the govern
ment's suit to dissolve the Standard
Oil company, now on trial before
Special Examiner Franklin Ferris.
Before the hearings close anoinn ......
Hoiihtlrss will be added
This is said to be the largest mass of
testimony ever gathered in a single
r-. (nr the nerusal of a court. The
number of words included in the ex
hibits will add still anotner munon
words to the record.
Mississippi on Annual Rampag.
Ct I nnii Iune 4 The Mississippi
river above Quincy. 111.. i rapidly ns
in or an A hundreds of homes have al
ready been abandoned in that vicinity.
Great damage to pr"pcriy ir,,. ......
but so far no deaths are Known io
have occurred. The inhabitants who
have left the homes which probably
,il he swept from their lounnauon
if the floods increase, are fleeing to
the high elevations to remain until the
. ki- .K.;,l,s The Illinois river
bottoms are reported to be inundated.
Steamer Long Overdue.
Norfolk. Va June 4 The steamer
Furopa. which sailed for tiamnurg.
Germany. 41 davs ago. bound in re-
turn for rortoi. loauru
tilirer, was expected to make the trip
within 21 days. Nothing has been
heard from her. however, in 41 days.
Make tiuud ltaa It.
I'ntll Jackson's era lu Washington
this country aelevted President" who In
rvery case bad bud lar.v personal fx-
lTieii-v lu national affair, say the
Springfield Ilrpulillcun. Washington,
A.I ma. JwrTeraon V1-wll.n Monro mi. I
. . umi n.vtaa.
Juuu Aonuia Wt-re ..i. -a.ut-u ol iru.)
atlonnl pri tortious when cliimeii to the
uttU-e- of tshlef nragtMtnite. All but
Washington and Madison bad even dl;
Kanatk exiierlfnoe In Euroe befoi
gaining the presidency.
With Jackson an entirely new t.T
of executive began to ainiear. Jurko.i
came straight from the heart of democ
racy. He represented the determina
tion of the miiMMe to rule, and It mat
tered little to the ieople whether or not
be had been trained for high executive
station by adequate exierUm? In tlw
legislative, administrative or diplomat!.'
aeri-liv of the government.
The tremendous popular sueveiai of
the two Jik-kAon administration pro
foundly Intliieiieed American xlltlts.
Parties desiring to win elections no
l - ti rrST'i-fit.7rrrr "irmtnpr n.tti.r.t-nip'.tira";i!'
long preliminary training In federal nf
fairs In selecting preMldeutial eniull
(In tea.
The Whig, trj lug to reiioat the Dem
ocratic suive -with Ja-kn. nominat
ed On. Ilnrrlison In 10 and Sen.
Tnylor In IMS, and lth were elected,
although neither was Jackson' eiual
In natural pcraonul power na leader
of men. The Whig tried the "hero"
once nre with (Jen. Scott and failed.
Then came the Lincoln noml lint Ion
by the Kciiubllcnn In IHoO, and Lin
coln' deatiny ha been o extraordi
nary that the American people have
been confirmed. If anything. In their
liellef that the ntan of long preliminary
service In initlonnl tniHlnesa la not al
ways the ncciwanry choh" for the presi
dency. Receipts of the Manhattan iMistofTI.'e
are now amounting to f.'L.ITO each dny
that It Is oiH'ii.
During the hint six nionttus there
have been burned lu New York City
10.3S.VUK) tons of colli.
Iinl IteiKsiiiHtleld love for the li.'tu
hie primrose bus Im-cu ieretu!ited by
the foundation of the Primrose 1engW'.
There hint liecn a notli-eiible Increase (
In the negro insulation of New York
City rc-cMly. ami moat of It Is Nettling
on the iipia-r went nUIu of Maiilinttjiii
New York City pets a portion of lt
milk NiiiHily from lis fur as four hun
dred mile dlatniit, and the produt of
hii.iHK) fur ins is irawu on to mcei in
dully wants.
It has laseome known Mint the three
attempt made by Kir Thomas Llpton
to capture the America' cup, .the In
trinsic vulue of which la about $2.M),
have coat him t."M 0.0 Kl for yiichts alone.
Slin-e the CHtnlillHliiiicnt of the Rom
an Catholic dlocee of New Y'ork a
wntnrv niro there luia lMell erm'ted 111 .
ti. ..reit,.rr f CrMnir New York one
church building In every two hundred
A k. 1 -. . .1. ....I ... I . t A -.u.HiwI Bn.1 .
a ......a -' i , "iflonr suitable for mixing with cereals
yellow lizard, full grow n and nllve, '
were found In the hinrt of an onk log
split by Jowph M'H'l'wkey. hear Hell-1
wood. I'a. The log hud tavn cut from
a tree more than fifty years old.
Criminal records kept In New Y'ork
iiHinty for the lust six years show that
a trifle more tliini one-lmlf of Mm s-r-1
sons ehnrged with crime are found
.,iift- u-lillu cTiM.rt oi.lnloii Is nsriHHl
: ...,t ,.f h..n,lr...l r
inn. ii. 'i .... v '.. .-. .-.. -- - -
In the course of a report to the Brit
ish Colonial office the resident of Horgti
province. Nigeria, mention time the
chief Koknfil. Is wild to have reached
the age nf '-'"". while his son did not
die until Is? was 157. The bitter visited ,
Kokoto not many years ago.
Iiavld Howell Ims dletl at Stroud In
firmary at tlie age of 102. Ho worked
on farm In the Stroud district all his
life, being employed on one for between
sixty and seventy year. He attrlhiftcd
hla longevity to simple f.ssl, hard work
ami no worry.. London Standard.
Klectrle l.laht Malba.
It has been remarked that the effec
tive life of Incandescent electric lamps 1
Is much longer with clear than with
ground glass bulb. K. I llytle ex
plains this fact follow: A thin de
posit of carbon Is formed on the In
terior surface of the bulbs, and this
alisorlis a certain portion of the radia
tion from the filament. When the
glass Is clear the light passes straight
through, suffering definite loss from
the eartsm film. When the glass Is
frosted the light undergoes many re
flections In the Interior of the bulb
from the Innumerable facets, and at
och reflection It loses something on
account of the olistrm-tlng film. The
consequence Is that the total amount
of loss Is much grester with ground
glass thsn with clear glass. Mr. Hyde'
experiment show that the filament
lasts as long In the one kind of bulb
Id th other. Youth' Companion.
War He Maara4.
O'FUnnagan cam bom on night
with a deep band of black around hi
"Why, Mike!" exclaimed bis wife.
"What are ye wear In' that mournful
thing forT
"I'm wesrln' It for yer first husband,"
replied Mike, firmly. "I'm sorry be t
tead." Everybody' Magazine.
Larkla Oalf Kserrteaee.
Jim I promised my old 'ooman two
year ago that first time I ever corned
bom 'nebrated I'd give ber a Ave pun
not an' Fin proud to say ber never
hat It yet.
Oartw Ah, now but I reckon she's
thought every other night she wus en
titled to four pound nineteen an' six.
The Sketch.
F.veryone suffer wruiig for which
there la do reined,
AiiKtralin'a oii'y benat of prey Is the
dlli,:o, or wild dg.
Iiiidon tim-a 5.i.i tons of s.igar an
nually for Jniu-iiiaklng.
-rmsfKr. srrrrrsrrar. i i?5
more men than women.
Kor every ton of gold In circulation
there are fifteen tons of silver.
The total wage paid to textile work
er In litrmany Inereaaetl from f(t2,
HS.tsiO lu l.HMi to Icr.'.ftUMKiO In l'.HC.
Mu'b as It raliMi In Kuglaud, there
till revlla an lncllaHltlon on the
part of Ix.th uieu and woiun to writ
riililxT overnlioea.
(ireat attention la U'lng given In Bo
hiinla to the bu!(.lng of iiwxi n t .1 lu bl"i
not only to (imvlde water power but
to Icnmcii tlie ilaiiuigt-a from floods.
Miidiuii I to the nursemaid, who has
Just brour'it Imine h.-r four children
from a . ulk ) 1 Vnr me. Anna, how
changed the thiMien look nlix-e I Inst
are the rlg!it ouea?- Kllcg.'iide Bltietti-r.
Alzen Is Hie mime given to new
nietnl, whlrli Is eomNiaed of two pnrtM
of alumina n and one urt of r.lnc. It
la wild to ispial inst Iron In strength,
hut la iini.-h more elastic. Alzen la
Niiperior Iu-.-hiihc It da uot rust and
take a hi -r'l latllf ti.
Out of the 1U." counties w-til.-h the
State of Khiwhh hax within It domains
at least fifty hare uo pauper. One
half of the county xr farm are emp
ty, save for the kccricr. who draws hi
salary and wult for imtronage. Kao
sua City Journal.
Iu 1T!M) the poMilatlon of Bnltlntor
aaa only i:i,.Vi3; It was fifty yearn, or
In HU). tx'fore Hultlmore had rllmhed
up into Vw 100,000 -Ihh; she could
flntt count half a million In 1IMN); and
to-duy the ollli-lnl record dlacloee a
Iiopulatlou of i'kNO,K10.
lecturing iH'fore the Institution of
Klectrlcal KiigliHs-ra, at Ioiidon, Kir
Willliim lVeov aald that the propoal
to niiike the metric system compuls
ory ai'eiiMI m-nrccly within the rnngit
of priii-tlrnl polltl.-s at prefM'nt, for tho
Anglo-Sit x ui race of mniiufiu'turltig eu-glntH-ra
were neiirly all uxmed to It
. In Old I.yiuie, Conneetlcut, la one of
(he cclelimted Franklin inlleHtones
wliloli In lT'd saw WiiMlilngton kiss
Into Lyime on his wny from Cnnihrldge
after the Krlllali hud evaluated Hon
ton. I-'riinkllii meiiHured the miles by
a ninebliie of Ills o.vn Invention, attach
ed to hi cIiuIm', tln iiniNHstor of our
"It Is nhvnys n delight to tour with
KtMIe Koy." says an netor. "Once In
the town of Keokuk, Iowa, Koy and I
went Into
a burlier' to get aliaved.
When the burlier got through with hlin
Foy applied litis hiitidkcri-hlcf to his
fuee and aald: Young mnn, you have1
inlawed your vsMittlon. You ought to be
an oyster oMiier. "
Tamarind weds are to be reckoned
among the fairly nutritious plant pro
duets thnt have been remrted to pro
vide food during periods of famine In
India, says Nut lire. The piilp of the
fruit Is au eateemi-d Ingredient of cer-
The kernels of tin
seeds when freed from the skin and
rousted furnish a not unwholesome
o make small c:;kc.
At a meeting of the Ixindon 7.Mihle
cnl Kis-lety the secretary Mlnted out
that the young giraffes have relatively
much shorter ne-ks than their parents;
tlie in-ck In the former Iwlng not long
er thiin the fore leifs. which It Inrgely
exi-einls in length In the bitter. This,
of course. Is only what one should nut-
'"' hs1 to o.i-ur.
but It, hever-
theless, serves to bring the giraffe one
step nearer the okapl.
Mexican lands In a virgin state, sult-
1 . . - .. . a
"r "- "'a
, sltunteil lu tlie tropical imrnons or rne
country that Is, In the States of Vera
Cruz, Chiapas and Tulmaxti range In
price from fl to W gold an n.-re. In
tlie Tamph-o section, stnte of Taiuullii
iwa, one fliwls ssich lands higher In
' l... Ii.H.iv r.f IrnnrliMtnt tl.itri.l iitn
" ' '
iinvniK in.. i i.. t-.ii-L if. in. i-ii ..na ...
value of pr.sjNTty.
An F-gyptlun mining center proba
bly worked as early as 2.VSI It. C
was In the eastern desert. Istween the
Bed Sea and the Nile. The lately dis
covered remains dcacrllasl by C. J. At-
ford Include small Irregular stone huts,
arranged In groups of two or three to
town large enougti for 1,0(K) men. The
ancient workings are hurled In mind.
Tlie only veatlge of mining anilluiM-e
are elliptical nihlilng stones for coarse
crushing and quartx mills for reducing
the rock to flue powder, ready for wash
ing out ttm gold.
Scotland ptswaac several railwat
anomalies, of which probably the most
notable la that of the stations of M al
ia Ig and Kyle, of IxM-halsh, which,
though only twenty mile apart In a
straight Hue, are sopu rated by no lea
than 300 miles of rail by the shortest
route, vis., Crlanlarl"h, Hitlipihldder,
Perth and Inverness. Yet another
Scotch Incongruity la that the nearest
railway station to the town of Irt Kl
leu, on the Island of I slay. If we except
the small local line at Cartqibelltown, Is
Ballycastle, In Ireland. Ixindon OI.s
Mew Oar Armf la Peraa4.
The average cltlsen. It I safe to ay,
has a very bazy kbsi concerning the
size and constitution of the lnlted
State army. A writer In Harper'e
Weekly give ane intereetlug facts
Issarlng n Oils nuitter. Tla govern
ment dreams of an army numWIiig
70,nis trsM. The prewnt strength I
67.000. Of tt theoretU-al 70,0SJ sol
diers Hie 13 regiments of cavalry,
Which never lack their full complement, '
mirlse nearly 14.0sr otDct-rs snd men.
th six reglmetita of field artillery,
B.ridO; tl conat artillery cnrris rliawt
nprti 2,0ii; the engineers. 2,'SiO, and
the rcn.atnder consists of the atjiH
corris, lmllss ao's snd a small niim
Nt of natlta ldir I I'ort Ith
ami tie rhillta.in, Iht 4J aautw
of coinn,laiiinsl vfintl t fcaaauta
atxjut 3,'JX.