Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, June 12, 1908, Image 1

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iiiLiOoiyiti,. it iiiTrr. - "e
fiillsboro Independent.
15 V 8. C. KII.LEX
Republican in Politics.
Entered at tlie atoHite at IlilUboro,
Oregon, for transmission through the
mails ai second-class mutter.
$I.5u a Year, in Advance.
Advertiting rates furnished on apli
cut ion.
Hillsboro, Ortgon.
Ottlce: Rooms 3. 4 an J 5. Morgan Blk
Hillsboro, Ortgon.
Ultlrn: Central Ulock, Rooms t and 7,
Hllliboro, Ortgon.
Oilice on. Main St., op the Court House
b : Room .i, 4 and 5, Morgan Block
Hllliboro, Ortgon.
Notary Public and
Attorney - at - Law,
Office Over the PostolTice.
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Office upstairs, Uailey-Morgan Blk.
8. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M.
Hllliboro, Ortgon.
Oll'u-e, iiichiirs, over The iH-lta Drug
Store. OMire hours. H to 11'; 1 to U, anil
In t lie evening from 7 to 9 u'rlock.
8. P. H. It. SURGEON
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Henl.li'iire I'.iriM'r "I II Ir.l uml Mlll; office up
l.ir. ..v.t Ii.'Iia ilrllil Utile: holim. , Alio l.i 111
I m Hint " u p hi. li'li'i'lione tu rewlin
from 'i'll ,lrn "lore. All culls ITOUlliur ll-
were.) iUy or instil
Hllliboro, Ortgon.
Meeting of the Development League
to Unite on Exploitation of
County's Resources.
Offloe: Morgan-Bailey block, op
stairs, rooms 1-, 13 and 15. Reslilenct
8. V. cor. Ilase Line and Second tta
Hoth 'plumea.
A. B. I1AILKY, M. D.,
IlilNUiro, Oregon.
Ortlc over lUili-y n Itrug Store. Office hour
fnim l' I. I i In h. 7 lo 9. KeMilrm-e
third Ihmihc noilli of clly flii'lrlc IIkIiI 'lnl.
Cull. riinitly alien, let ilr or uiwtil. tlotli
Have alw ays on hand a fine lot
moats. Hams, 17c; Cottage
Hams, ll'.-c.
Portland and Return, OOc.
From now until further notice
found trip tickets from Hillsboro
to Portland and return, will be
Hold at 90 cents, gtxxl on all Sat
urday and Sunday trains, and re
turning on any Saturday, Sunday
or Monday train.
G. r. a.
A united boost for Washington
county was the keynote of the
meeting held at the court house
Friday evening under the au
spices of the Washington County
Development League.
Judge Hollis of Forest Grove
presided, and in owning the
meeting spoke of the campaign
of publicity in which many Ore
gon counties have embarked.
He pointed out the fact that while
the individual efforts of commun
ities were sometimes without ap
parent result, a united effort was
bound to be successful and urged
his hearers to join the procession
forming to boost the county rath
er than to flock off in a little pro
cession of their own.
Dr. Tamiesie spoke briefly
along the same lines. He touch
ed on the benefit bound to accrue
to Hillsboro by the opening of
the new electric line, and ex
pressed the hope that it be ex
tended beyond the city, that the
whole county might share alike.
He was followed by William B,
Wells, northwest manager of
Sunset Magazine, whose theme
was civic pride. He told of the
successful campaign of exploita
tion of Medford, Ashland, Grants
'ass, Albany and other towns,
and explained the advertising
campaign of the Southern Faci-
carried on by Sunset. lie
showed that the plan was not
one of profit to the magazine, but
simply an effort to induce settle
ment along the lines of the road.
Tbe Harriman lines were anxious
to assist communities which
showed a disposition to help
themselves. The most effectual
way to reach prospective immi
grants was in their homes, and
the purpose of the company was
to reach them with descriptive
literature and help them in reach
ing a decision on the new home
before leaving the old.
E. G. Adams, also of Sunset,
followed Mr. Wells and spoke
along the same lines. To illus
trate the importance of going
after things rather than to wait
for them, he told the story of
the old darkey with a fondness
for chicken who had hisminis
ter as a guest at dinner. The
minister, also fond of chicken,
believing in the efficacy of prayer,
said he would pray that a chick
en be sent him, but his host be
lieved that a prayer that hp be
sent after the chicken would
bring quicker results.
The last speaker was W. II.
Wehrung, who emphasized the
necessity of prompt action. He
spoke of his work in connection
with the Oregon exhibit at the
Seattle exposition and called at
tention to the fact that prepara
tions for the exhibit must begin
at once. The county court has
expressed a willmgnoss to appro
priate $1,000 toward the fund,
and the speaker indorsed the
Sunset plan as being the one best
calculated to give the kind of lit
erature required. It was impor
tant that a high grade of work
be presented, which would be
read and preserved and not
thrown away after a hasty
glance. Judge Hollis then called for
subscriptions to launch the cam
paign. A fund of $3,000 was de
sired, of which the county would
contribute $1,000. but the fund
was not necessarily limited to
fc?,(HH. for more could be used to I moncyback?
advantage, i no-appeal was no
erauy responded to!
John Simpson and Young Grandson
Receive Severe Shaking Up.
Frightened beyond control by
the terrific crashing of thunder
during the storm about 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon, a team driven
by John Simpson of South Tuala
tin dashed north on Second
street, narrowly missing pedes
trians and grazing the vehicles
lining the thoroughfare.
In the wagon with Mr. Simp
son was his 5-year-old grandson,
who pluckily held to the seat and
remained cool during the dizzy
Commissioner Handle Bui Crist
of Business al Regular Monthly
Meeting Last Week.
June 3 -Forest Grove Horse
Co., petition for refund. Order-
ed that penalty and interest of
AfLnncinff Main err tho $585 be refunded.
.... . ... ., i I Piitor .iirchpr rf ol
wagon collided witn tne ouggy v , 1U1U1B;U,
of A.lri.m Dant of Reedv e. llon- i euuou received and or-
hreakino-n whpel and snlinteriner dered that same be referred to
the tongue of the wagon drawn prosecuting attorney
v I 1 T , . m
by the runaways. w u- jum3- Ption tor re-
Relieved from the guidance of fund of tax. It appearing to the
the tongue, the wagon swerved court that M. D. Jones paid taxes
from side to side, and at the cor- twice 011 ine Fame property, it is
' .111 il i. JL . . M mm. nv
ner of Lincoln street the occu- oraereu mat tne amount ot
rants wr.ro thrown to the around. De refunded.
" i -i n- i ...
They were removed to the resi- rranzrisner, petition for re-
denceof Dr. Linklater where it tund oi lax. vraereu that the
was found that while no bones sum of $4.14 be refunded on ac
were broken, Mr. Simps had cjunt of double pvment oi t ix-
received a deeD cut near the left es'
eye, several severe contusions, June 4 -Jos. T. Turk, petition
and was sufTerimr from ceneral to set aside sale of land for tax-
shock. His injuries were dress- es. Ordered that a warrant for
edand he was removed to his $7.45 in favor of the treasurer to
home. It is believed no serious redeem land described
results will ensue n the niatter of.'opening bids,
Aside from a badly bruised Bids on Vickers bridge and fill,
face the little boy escaped in- J- A. Knight 32c per cubic yard;
jury. J. D. McWayne, for fill, $675;
The team, after breaking loose Mead & Faine for fill and bridge,
from the wasron. ran to the $340,
Increasing the pay of legislators to $400 and $10 a day 55C
To locate state institutions outside of Salem - - 1133
Increasing number of Supreme Court fudges to five
Change time for holding general election to Nov.
Sheriffs to havthe custody of prisoners
Compelling railroad companies to issue passes
Appropriating money for Oregon State Guard
State University appropriation
hqual Buffrage, permitting women to vote -Prohibiting
salmon fishing on Sunday
Giving exclusive power to cities and towns, Reddy bill
Single tax amendment -
Power to call special election to discharge official
Electing U. S. Senator by highest number of votes
Giving power to elect officials by majority vote, etc,
Law limiting the amount of money to be spent, etc
An act prohibiting, after Aug. 2T, fishing for salmon
Amendment providing for choosing of jurors
A bill creating Hood River county
northern limits of the city where
they were caught by Fred Hei
del, who had pursued them on
horseback. They were unm
Bids on Geiger fill J. A.
Knight, 27c per yard; J. D. Mc
Hayne, $575; Mead & Paine,
Bids on Minter bridge J. D.
Tossury, $2540; E. D. Geer, $2,-
797: D. B. Reader. $2914. Or
dered that-e - Geiger fil! be
awarded to &ead & Paine for
$448. Ordered that the Vickers
bridge and fill be awarded to
Mead & Paine for the sum of
$800. Ordered that all bids on
the Minter bridge be rejected
CarlOlton, wit 2 tW
W K Stephens, election 1 K)
II a Fitch, election 23 SO
LJFrancit ' 80
J II Wirti " 53 20
Security Vault A M Wks, r A h 98 (K)
J P Tamietie, inaane 5 00
EX Harding, r and h 13 00
K C Mullojr, eloction.
W II Ringle, c h
B B Reevet, election .
HCTodd, exbd....
C McCoy, ebd.
1 00
2 IX)
9 00
II 00
( 00
Gfate A 1'rudbomme, itat 24 22
2 30
2 U5
2 10
10 40
8 20
24 00
100 tX)
4 05
54 00
Enthusiastic Meeting at Which Fund
is Substantially Increased.
An enthusiastic meeting of the
i i i
eveiopraent league was held
Monday evening at Forest Grove.
Messrs. Wells and Adams of Sun
set Magazine were present and and that the county judge be in,
eMJlameu uie p an ox expioua- structed to advertise for bids to
ion earned ou Dy mat publica- be d on June igo&
iion. i ney snoKe aionsr me same n o .i :.u u
- .. . . Herman ociimiuc, yeuuuu yuu-
... a u.u meeting in xtuis- ,. easement Ordered that ac
boro rrulay,, but touched on a tion on rt of viewer8 be con
nli.iso of tno anmopt tViiph unlit.. .
:;: ' i:v..:, , . tmued.
June 5 -btate ot Oregon vs,
ikely stimulate individual effort
in each town in the county.
They said that while the propos
ed fund would include advertise
ment of the county as a whole,
should one locality be more suc
cessful than another in the
amount raised, that localitv
Campbell, transcript. Ordered
that transcript be approved and
bills drawn.
J. B. Matthews Post, G. A.R.,
report on burial expense of II.
P. Wilson; report approved and
warrant ordered drawn on the
might expect more space in the indigent fund for $94.50,
l"ul,UM UUUI t"ose raising a rhna R Steiihens. nnnoint-
i f T I
smaller amount.
Ajout $500 was subscribed at
the meeting, and promises of
several large donations made.
ment as deputy assessor; ordered
that appointed be approved.
E. J. Godman, report of coun
ty clerk for May; ordered that
Prove Truants From report be approved. Fees $206.
I ....... v1-l m
tivn ivv. ,.1.,;; n u wiuis jrciaim, report oi re-
v.. wjs, viCHllllllt, VJ IK I 1,. . ,
Rufus and Ralph Lemaster, who coracr: ,that rePrt
were held last weok bv Khpriff approved, r ees . 136. 26.
Connell on susnieinn of boincr Peter Zurcher tt al, road peti-
runawavs. nroved to be run- tion5 ordered that J. A. Imbrie,
aways, but without the ro- Jas. II. Sewell and L. C. Walker
m. tie n.Wnmnnta -!fi, .k;u as surveyor ocapjiointed as view-
0f.v ers to meet at the beginning
They claimed to have walked the Pint f ,r0; n .J,une 20 to view
distance from Alhanv to Hill, put and locate wui road
boro in four .Inva i,t ti,m,cw Geo. Mckibben, in the matter
was so glibly told it aroused the ! ,-'stabllshmKr c')Unty road by
sheriff's suspicions, and failing
to get satisfactory replies to
wires to Albany and other points
a sharp cross-examination re
vealed the fact the boys were
merely runaways from the boys'
and girl's home at Portland.
I he home was notified nn an
deeH to county; ordered that deed
be recorded and that G. W.
Marsh. Olan Raker and L. C.
Walker be appointed to view out
and locate road, to meet at the
beginning point thereof on June
John Vandyke, application for
officer sent, who took the boys damages on road X0. 4 12; order-
back to Portland
Chas. Leieh. of Phillips, was
transacting business in Hillsboro
isn't everything
The Portland Weekly
ian and The HillsUro
dent one year for $2.25.
Everything isn't good
Your t ,,, ,,, -eT , ftm toa
' Stii.im B.,i pit k,a.
ed that the sum of $40 be allow
ed toward fencing road.
Hans Rooks, application for
damages for lossnf horse in road;
ordered that the sum of $50 be
allowed and warrant drawn for
the amount.
The follow in bills were al
(ironer A Howeil. r an 1 h...
Jake Pmith, wit
Itatelioe I.uinlier to, r an,j j,
Jaa liobb, juror
leOakPi, it
Willn HJw Co
J J Knratli, election
O A V 8 P Co, r and h
Groner A Kowell, r and h
Security V A M Wka, r and h. .
Wetcott A Son, relief
A B Daviea, aateM A col
Q H Wilcox, MReaaor
Delta Drug Store, relief
C K Stephens, aaeetf and col. . . .
U II Coleman, aaoeat A col 54 00
W M Jackson, treat 50 00
Frank A Berwick, election I! 00
W K Harris, ft lua 20 80
M K Buck, election .'. 21 40
JBImlay, aaaesa and col 138 00
J K Gill Co, tur office 1 75
Jno lleialer, election 2 00
Jat Cruickahaak, ast and col. . . 57 00
C J Herb, reg alec 11 00
II T Buxton, aaa and col 8100
A M Collins, ch 45 00
C E Deichman, clerk 24 00
Willie Ireland, rec and dep 15 00
L W Houee, t and h 30 25
Anna filler, elec 3 00
W U Stratton. elee 0 60
K J Godman. elk and dep 230 25
A J Koy. relief 113 (10
L C Walker, r and h 7 00
Independent, ptg etc 200 SO
M D Jonet, refund tax
J W Connell. salary 225 00
M C Case, tupt 7t tin
" rx .' 50
Argus, ptg 1 00
Jno Beyer, r and h (S (H)
" 114 t'Mi
Ed Kelley 2ti 75
J W Connell. bd t.ria 20 50
' ' ex acct 73 05
Frani Fisher, refund tax 4 14
Wash Co Tub Co, ptg 20 00
L L Hollinger, elec 1 50
Jno Olson, r and h 100 00
T W Sain " 2ti !5
W M Jackson " 7 45
32 (XI
10 75
12 03
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
ci 5:
37 50
35 00
37 50
K',31 00
40 25
IS 50
( 00
45 75
3 23
12 60
5 76
52 40
2 00
7 25
Hergert Broe, bridge 310 10
Schulmerich Bros, r and h. . .
' " relief
II Wehrung A Pona "
Hillsboro livery Co, r and h.
J W Goodin, sal and ex 115 40
Forest Grove Times, ptg 5 50
Ind Tel Co, telephones 8 50
Ida Hangen, wit inq 1 50
Emmot Quick, wit j p ct 1 50
C E Kindt, elec 14 40
A L Saylor, cor phys 10 00
C O Smith, cor ini I w
SOHangeo "
C W Ellison "
C O Larsen "
G R Adaint "
A E Olson, r and h
Elmer Miller "
Fred Beacn "
Lee Beyera "
TPGoodin "
Carl Show "
W A Buckley "
Otto K rouse, ex bd.
Citr LAW Wks
T A McBride, ct ct 203
Ira E Bradley, r and h
Tom Conly
Henry Husocher "
Chas Vandehey "
I E Bradley "
N Hanna "
D C Blocketberry
KLOlsen "
Jolm Beyer Jr "
HTBagley, J pet
K C Brown, cor fee ,
11 1U1I, inquest 1
II n.n 1
M E Buck "
M Crandall, caoreturnt
H G Fitch "
L J Holti, rand h
G C TUomas, relief
Eonet A Landesa, rand h...
L J Johnson, inj
Wolf Broe, r and h
J W Mc Roberts, elec
Heet A Kinder "
J A Moore "
John Dennis '
G T I-edfofd "
Bhtrburn Wilson "
W J Butner "
C E Deichman "
C Blaaer "
it 00
5 (X)
20 00
10 00
34'i 77
1 00
24 00
6 00
4 0o
7 50
14 !5
1 Ml
0 (X)
K O'
U'4 5t
H 44
1 5o
4 50
10 40
3 00
y (xi
2 oo
2 (i
21.' 70
i 00
C. A Patterson " 9 00
BtMiton Bowman " 9 00
F Bernard, r and h 10 00
Heiulrix A Son " 18 75
Irwin Hudson, sherifl's ollioe. . . 1 00
Glaus A Pruilliomme, etat ' 5 51
A X Potts, elec 5 00
I Inns KooUs, damages 50 00
Jno Vandyke 40 00
Kli.alieth Bieland, relief 6 00
Jane Murdof " 2 00
Peter Yamlerwaring " .' 10 00
Joo Ego " 00
Ann Freeman " 0 IX)
Mrs Chas Pio " rt 00
A Beemonhr, rand h 14 85
Baglev A Hare, taxteller 225 00
T W Suin. r and h 10 00
Jos Cumming ." 31 20
Rapid Construction Work Makes
This Certain.
Some comment was occasioned
Monday by the construction crew
of the electric road resuming
work on the completed track east
of Second street. It was found
that an error was made in laying
the track, and the grade was
from two to five inches higher
than that established by the en
gineers. It was necessary to
bring the entire crew back to the
completed portion, as an enorm
ous amount of excavation was
The crew east of the city is
making rapid progress, and bar
ring mishaps will soon meet the
Hillsboro gang.
Work is progressing rapidly
near Beaverton, where a large
torce is at work, and it seems
certain that the promise of the
company to have cars running
into Hillsboro by August 1 will
be an accomplished fact
Bad Blood Leads lo Encounter at
Condenser Which May Have
Fatal Results.
Graduating Class Listens to Scholar
ly Address at Christian Church.
Last Sunday evening the Chris
tian church of Hillsboro was fill
ed to overflowing by the rela
tives, teachers and friends of the
public school children. The de
corations were leaves, ferns and
roses, and hanging above the
pulpit was the Ninth grade mot
to, "Finish What You Attempt,"
in letters of old rose and pearl
gray. Ihe isinth and bighth
grades wore their class ribbons
and roses and were a pleasing
The choir sang, led by Mr. and
Mrs. Webb, vocalists; Bruce
Wilkes, violinist, and Miss Ger
trude Ray, organist.
Rev. Beery of the Christian
church gave the address which
was replete with good thoughts.
The building of a castle wa3 his
theme, as figurative of life.
First, it must be attractive and
have a good sight, here he ex
pressed his disappointment at not
having a high school. Why peo
ple should vote lor a university
appropriation and leave out the
high school that is the link be
tween the public school and uni
versity was to be deplored. Sec
ond, it must be durable, and here
he gave excellent advice to par
ents for the care of their child
ren, and to the classes against
the evils of all destroying habits
that undermine the health, among
them being the deadly cigarette.
Third, the furnishings must be
of the best; good books, good
friends, good surroundings, make
god thoughts.
Summing his address, attrac
tiveness, durability, high mo
tives bring the best type of men
and women whose lives are for
character, and make the world
the abiding place for the glory of
Bad feeling which has existed
for some time between H. H.
Wellbon, engineer at the conden
ser, and George Led ford, fire
man, culminated luesday morn
ing in an encounter in which IxhI
ford was severely cut by an ax
in the hands of the enraged en
Wellbon was arrested by Sher
iff Connell shortly after the af
fray and placed in the county
jail, charged with assault with a
deadly weapon.
According to the story told by
Ledford he has been the victim
of constant abuse from the engi
neer ever since the latter assum
ed his position about a month
ago. He says Wellbon entered
the engine room before the trou
ble and began a tirade of abuse,
following which he seized the ax
and attacked him. Iiedford re
ceived a long gash on the left
frontal bone, cutting through the
scalp and denting but not frac
turing the bone. The ax, a dou
ble bitted one, struck a glancing
blow after he had fallen, making
a second wound immediately back
of the first.
Ledford claims that only the
interference of Electrician Light-
foot, who was attracted by his
cries, saved him from death at
the hands of Wellbon. There
were no witnesses to the encoun
ter. Dr. Tamiesie was called and
dressed the injuries, and IahI
ford was removed to his home on
Fir street, between Second and
Third. No serious results are
anticipated unless blood poison
ing sets in.
Wellbon's story of the trouble
differs materially from that told
by his fireman. He admits that
bad blood existed between them,
but claims that Ledford attacked
him with a poker, and in defend
ing himself he seized the ax to
ward off the threatening blows.
He claims the wounding of IamI
ford to be entirely an accident.
and caused by his losing control
of the ax in his efforts to defend
himself. He has a family in Se
Sudden Death at Beaverton.
While spraying prune trees at
the farm of John Waugh, five
miles south of Beaverton, Thom
as Waugh, aged 67, was over
come by the heat, collapsed and
died instantly. Coroner Brown
was called and returned to Hills
boro Tuesday bringing with him
the personal property of deceas
ed, which was turned over to the
county treasurer. Waugh was a
member of the Masonic frater
nity, a card of a Kansas lodge
being found in his possession.
and a Portland lodge took charge
of the remains. Efforts to com
municate with his relatives have
so far failed.
Thinks It Saved His LJfe.
Lester M. Nelson, of Naples,
Maine, says in a recent letter: "I
have used Dr. King's New Discov
ery many years for coughs and
colds, and I think it saved ray lite.
I have found it a reliable remedy
for throat and lung complaints, ami
would no more be without a lott!e
than I would be without food.''
For nearly forty years New Discov
ery has stood at the head of throat
and lung remedies. As a preven
tive of pneumonia, and healer of
weak lungs it has no equal. Sold
under guarantee at the Delta Drug
store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free.
J. A. Messinger leaves this
week for Sheridan, where he
goes to assume the management
of the Riverside hotel.