llillsboro Independent. D. 1 EATH. Editor asi Proprietor. JUNE 5, 1908. Millinery and Madness. Millinery has a different effect upon different people. While its coit may in a few instances drive hiihands mad. it seldom, if ever happens that a woman regains her reason through the means of a new hat. Recently a gentleman whose wite wis confined to a sanitarium be cause of a severe case of melanchol ia, and who the physicians declared was incurable, regained her reason in this way, says the Millinery Trade Review. Her husband call ed to take her home, and observing that she was rather shabbily dress- ed, started out, with the assistance ed, MJIltU UUI, W illi jk,oi. t. . of a nurse, to secure a new hat and coat, that she might appear some v? to date The poor wo- man was somewhat indifferent as to the appearance of the coat, but when the hat was placed upon her head she instinctively glanced at a mirror to see if her hat was on straight. She was delighted, and, weep.ng tears of joy. flung hersell into her husband's arms, exclaim- lug: "I'm well again. I'm well again Something in her head "had snapped" and she was soon hersell again. The moral of this case is that many a man's wife would be kept out of the sanitorium if they I would let something in their wives'! heads "snap" instead of snapping I their pocketbooks when asked for money for a new hat. Thinks It Saved His Life. Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine, says in a recent letter: "I have used Dr. King's New Discov- ery many years for coughs and colds, and I think it saved my life. I have found it a reliable remedy for throat and lung complaints, and would no more !e without a bottle than I would be without food." For nearly forty years New Discov ery has stood at the head of throat and lung remedies. As a preven- tive of pneumonia, and healer ol weak lungs it has no equal. Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug store. 50c and $t.oo. Trial bot- tie free. Keeping Butter Sweet. If butter is wrapped in a clean cloth which has been wrung out of heavily salted water, and has a small lump of charcoal put in the outer lolds of cloth, the butter will keep sweet much longer, especially in warm, murky weather. A Grand family Medicine. '"It gives me pleasure to speak a good word lor Electric Bitters," writes Mr. Frank Conlan ot No. 436 Houston St., New York. "It's a graud family medicine for dyspep sia and liver complications; while fur lame back and weak kidneys it cannot lie too highly recommend ed.' F.lectric Hitters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, and impart renewed vigor and vi tality to the weak and debiliated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug store. 50c. Gasoline for Washing. Too many people tell of their failure in gasoline washing. In nine cases out of ten, the rea son is that too little gasoline is used. If you wash with water, you usually take a good basinful or pailful, but when you wash with gasoline, you are apt to put a cup I ill into a generous sized pail This, of course, is just enough to stir up the dirt and to distribute it iii a grav tone all over the lace gloves ot what not to be cleaned Take a generous bowlful of gaso line and wash your gloves, laces, veil--, neckwear, ribbons and silken accessories; then rinse them in plenty of clean gasoline. Alter using, if you will let the gasoline stand for a few moments, all the dirt will settle, aud you can carefully pour oil the clean gasoline to use at another operation. To clean gloves, put them on the hands and scrub with a little brush, after ward rinsing theiu like a pocket handkerchief. Silk washed in gasoline loses none of its dressing; leathers lose none of their curl; plaiting stay plaited. Never, of course, use gas oline 111 a room w here there is a burninii stove or where the tras is lighted. Timber on the Pacific Coast. Thomas Weddle, of Eureka, Cal., raises a note of alarm as to the disappearance of the timber supply on the Pacific coast. Some efforts have bven made in the direc tion of pticmag the timber for ' the benefit of future and people generally beheve that ! r-Trrtat iitn Vi timher reserves already made, over 50 per cent are of que. tionable value. Those whicu con tain really good timber are gener ally inaccessible in the mountains, a 1 .. v i-tnt at A ana cannot, oc k-u -. lumber. The large bodies of tim ber on the coast suitable for com merce are owned by capitalists, who bought them at a very low figure and are now realizing on their investments. This destruc tion is going on at a terrible rate, with the lumber being shipped to China. Japan. Australia, Chile. Pe ru, Italy, France and the United Kingdoms. Only the very highest erades of timber are being export I r led not exceeding to per cent ot I eu J ' . tnai avauaoie ,n cu u, lber is largely shaped m the rouKu, lu ey .t iouia oe Pa,a out .or - u- fahed product. More lumber w be- ing shipped out each mouth than would be consumed in the Ln.ted States in a year. At a very con- servative estimate it will be impos- Me to buy a carload of lumber on the Pacific coast in 10 years from today unless some national mea- sure adopted to restrain the wholesome destruction of our lor- ests.-National Tribune. Buchlen's Arnica Salve Wins. Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Cochran, Ga., writes: "I bad a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal it until I applied Iiuch- Arnica Salve. Less than hall of a 23 cent box won the day lor me by affecting a perfect cure." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug store. Polishing Furniture. A mixture of equal parts of boil- ed linseed oil and turpentine will renew varnished woodwork, floors and furniture, but very little cf it I should be used, aud what there is should be rubbed in until absolute- ly no oil is left on the surface. Otl- erwise the oil will catch the dust, and a dull film will soon form over the varnish. The best remedy for a dull or whitened wax finish is good hard rubbing. A little polish may be used if the case is a desper ate one, but none should be leit on the surface. White spots caused by heat or moisture will disappear it rubbed hard immediately with a simple polish, says Harper's Bazar. An old-fashioned polish for renew ing old mahogany and, strangely enough, recommended for polishing brass also, is the following, dating from 1777: Two ounces of butter of antimony, two quarts of cider vinegar, one-half pint of linseed oil, one-half pint of ale (not beer). Mix antimony with oil, then wdd ale, put into a half gallon demijohn and shake well with the vinegar. Use soft cloths, and shake well to mix before using. This polish has worked miracles in restoring old mahogany. The Beat Pills Ever Sold. After doctoring 15 years tor chronic indigestion, and spending over two hundred dollars, nothing has done me as much good as Dr. King's New Life Pills. I consider them the best pills ever sold;" writes B F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C. Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. 25c. A feature of the common wild violet of the fields that is a surprise to many is its practice of bearing hidden flowers. These are borne on stems, sometimes long and some times short, that put out from the base of the plant and are entirely different from the showy blue ones that we all know nodding at us above the leaves. In some species of violets the se cret flowers are actually buried in the earth, while in other varieties they stay above ground, but hide ' shyly among the leaves, so that ' they are rarely observed. Thev 1 are quite small and homely and never expand, always remaining j closed in the form of dark, color-! less buds. They are abundant seed producers, and it was in digging up j some violet plants one day in early j June to transplant them to my wild garden at home that I first tiecame aware of these underhand doings in violetdom. A ereat cluster of fat seed-pods ready to fly open were ' half buried in the ground at the ' base of the leaves, and where they came from was a puzzle to my un-1 tutored mind. Il one rakes about ' the roots of violent plants in late uuwever, me mystery is. solved, as the budlike flowers will tbta be seen. Kaola, Th(? hoUst.kceiew' friend, for IMn Xr and allmctal, Klass : and glxw art. Will not scratch. Trice 25 cents at The llillsboro Pharmacy. Mad Dog. Mai loi;s 1 not attack people. When a Uog las the rabies," said a , .. hM ust of control 01 aim Hi Jaws iuap Involuntarily, ana lr am encounters any object, whether anl uiuto or Inanimate, lie Is likely to btts It Hut a wad dog does not attack a docs an aiifcTy 110 Uo not p'ek out a victim or line any strategy, lor tills reason dons suffering from rabies nro less dangerous than Is supposed. No prown person need fear them, for all he has to do Is to get out of the way The dog will not chase him. Of course, young children ore In danger, us they do not know how to dodge the brute." Notice. Notice is hereby given that the school directors of school district Tn (10 of Washington county, will receive sealed bids for the con struction of a school house in said district. Plans and specifications can be examined at Mclnnes' store in Dist. No. GO. Bidders will be required to give a bond of 50 per cent of contract price. Iiids will 1e received until June 12th, 1WS. The board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Contract to be completed by Sept. 5th, 11HW. Py order of the board of di rectors. F. S. LOCKE, District Clerk. Dated May 29th. 1908. The Q-tstijnt They Ask. The c:i;i:iiiiy of the average small boy 'or usUIni; nestluus Is practically unllnillcil, but It Is doubtful whether Qioro soarchln,' Inquiries have erer becu niailu by a boy than tbosa pro pouudtvl by a youngster to his father, who liiul tal.cn lilm for a steamer trip. Hero U a partial list: "Is that water down there any wetter than the water In the Atlantic ocean?" "What makes the water wet?" "How many men could be drowned In water as deep ns that?" "Is that bis man with the gold but tons on hU coat the father of all tbosa men who do whatever he tells them to?" "Where do all thoso soapsuds behind the txmt coino from?" "Could a train go as fast on the wa ter as this boat?" Chums. KATES EAST WILL UK MADE THIS SEASON BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC I IMS IN ORIGON) From llillsboro iiiii.imh: Boih Wavs through Portland One Way via Caiilomia 10 Clifniso - ;:M5 SI. Louis, (;s.l," st. Paul, - r,o.(;: Omaha, - (.0.1. " Killlsasl'it.V, (WUm ss.i: ").(. TICKETS WILL UK ON SALE .June , V.), ,, July 7, August ;, 21, Good for return in 90 days with stopover prlvileses al pleasure within limits. Remember the Dates. for any further InlnrnwikMi caN on P. C. ICKtRS, Local Aaenl, or write lo Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORIIANO, ORIION. Wanted. Man to appoint sub-agents to sell stock for a large timber and lumber company, liberal commis sions. 515 Rothchild Bldg. Fortland, Oregon. Cjinj Ci ! , . Oil t . the Y. worker fur ilu out a wtfuii-u; -a Piece tra! -(it ou oue riltf" oud rurveJ on ti.a ...i . g.nn.ix the secmuut Is 1 to bo 4 (,,,, ?tg and 4 Inches wide j at tde'cen'Lrsi or mlii&i '" HJUV.' oe-hslf the length (24 Inches), wmcn 676; .quare the width (4 Inches), which tiree 18; add 67 and 10. obmtn In CU2; divide 602 by twice the width (2x4S), which fives 74 Inches, the radius, this rule will apply to any case. Portland and Return, 00c. From now until further notice round trip tickets from llillsboro to Portland and return, will be sold at 90 cents, good on all Sat urday and Sunday trains, and re turning on any Saturday, Sunday or Mondav train. VM. McMURRAY, G. l A. Whtn Stsvenson Was Poor. Robert Louis Stevenson was In poor clrcu matinees In San Francisco before he maJe hU hit with the world. Dur ing the time that he used to loaf, pen niless, upon the lawn where afterward they put up a bronM and marble statue to him. he picked up a few quarters acting as super la the old California theater, la f-yu street. Theie's always something miss ing without I. W. Harper whiskey. It's so old and so extensively used everywhere that we should find it hard to pet alone without it. Sold by F. K. Cornelius. ! TEA The greatest tea-drinkers arc full -bottom Dutch men. There isn't much nervous prostration in Holland. Your ero. fr rrturnt rour money it you doo'l Uki Siliiiliiitf'i be. I; w IW luia. Wife Selling In England. As la to un the flghtlcs of the Inst eentury cbhoh of wife selliiitf were by no uieuns lufrequeut In England, and the tliluj- win clveii an almost judicial air by the care with, which the vendor was supposed to observe throe condi tions first, that the sumo wife could not be sold twice; second, that the price must exceed one shilling, and, third, that she must be delivered to ber purchaser with a baiter rouud ber neck. Thomas Hardy, however, who made the sale of a wife tho theme of bis novel, "The Mayor of Caster brldge," gBTs nothing of any such con- "oua. As late a 1S87 a wife was sold la halter at Waketleld for half a guinea, Z, thre6 yer 'fe two cases were reported from York lu the same week. A Keneral rule It was only the poor flee WTl b ,0"owed tl" P tlce, but at least one cr0 Is on roconl aoach 1 lroVe UP t0 m'thBeld "n a coach, and the price reached tho rec- Frenchman's vler of EnKRnd. And he was not so far wrong. Conducted by the "Ladies' Aid" of the Chnstian church, will 1 in Webb & Hoover's store EVFRY SATURDAY. Fresh Ties, Cakes and Bread. There is nothing more entertaining than an Edison Phonograph and a good assortment of Edison Records. IN. GOOD COMPANY E. L. MCCORMICK HILLSBORO, OREGON. PORTLAND Feslivafl To Be Held in PORTLAND, OREGON June 1 to 6, 1908 Will be the mom brilliant Floral Fiesla and Civic Jubilee ever held in the Pacific North west. I'ortland, "The Rose City," will be a scene of splendor and the cen ter of word-wide interest FOIi ONE WEEK. Several imjxjrtant conventions to be held in Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will sell Special Tickets On This Occasion From HILLSBORO To Portland and Return at 90c. For particulars call on P. G. VICKEKS, Local Ap;ent WM. MCMURRAY, General Passenger Aaenl, PORTLAND, ORECON. EMM0TT BROS. Central Meat Market Fresh Meats and Groceries. Opposite the Shute Bank Your Trade Solicited. KILLthc COUGH AND CURE the LUNC8 Dr. King's WITH New Discovory FOR CWSP PRICK N0U THROAT AMD IUN0 TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY ya. MONEY REFUNDED. 1 carry in my store a complete stock of I'M i son American Re cords, which means over :5,000 records to select from. Same juices every where. Call in ami ask to hear them. We stand By What We Setl. And that means we guarantee ev ery article. Our line of Choice Groceries includes only the Letter grades ol Teas, Coffees, bugar, But ter, Flour and Canned Goods. Ws solicit a trial, because we know we have the best goods, and can save you money on prices. Our princi pie of doing business is to keep the customer ail the time satisfied You will find this true if you pa tronize us. Hillsboro, Ore. F. II Dailey is now prepared to do all kinds of bicycle repair ing, in his new buildinjr opjxxsite the court house. New 1908 bicy cles for sale. Next door to Cres cent Theatre. fcs m m ii ill ifi1hnrn. Orecron. 5 . ' Pure Drugs m Medicines V carry a complete line of Fine Sundries. If we do not have what you want in stock, wo will cheerfully j,'t't it for you. Having heeii appointed Publisher's Agents, we are now prepared to supply All Your Wants in tho We also have a full line of School Boots will be sold for NO CKKDIT. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH No eart-tU. A pcifie remedy for Sich ipecifie silmenl. Only the civ principle or the condensed eucnet of the drug ued. Keiulta guaranteed. Aik for end try once BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets, or Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerve, Cough, Hay Ferer and Catarrh, Blood, General Tonic "For Old People." Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, Soothing "For Children." Liver. Female Regulator, Quiniy, Bright Sunshine "Seeual Tonic," tablet or BLUE ELI' Cough Syrup, Man's Fain Liniment or File Kemedy. We print the constituentsol esch remedy upon the carton, and they comply with all pure drug laws. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated; Capital Stock JJUu.UUU.OO; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. Fok Salk i:y theDkj.ta 1)i;ug Stork. L. M. BUELL SAWMOLLtL Manufacturer of Rough Lumber i m novv prepared, to saw for the trade. Mill lo cated on the Ralph Itnhrie place. I'iionks: Inde pendent, Zuercher' "; I'acilic States, Farmers 30(1. L. M. BUELL l MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USINC SKIDOO HORSE AND -CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mil in feed or talt, Proper dote in tablets Makes Your Stock Look Like the Top Price For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. They are made from the active principle or the condensed essence ol the druf. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are just as food when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply with all pure dni( laws. Ask lor and try one SKIDOO Condit ion Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hoe; Cholera, Distemper, Pink Kye. Colic tahlctsor Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire l iniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated. Capital Stock $juu.j oo; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. For Sale by the Delta Drug Store. Oregon ShojtLine AKDUIUUIXFACIWC ITsra... arm . Three Trains to the East Daily Through I'ul'man standard and tonrl.i u ne rare dally t Omaha. Inrau,, s.-. !,.,,.. tourist lepi nil oars daily to Kaiia'tiv; lliniiiKh Pullman tourist alifnititf ran f,p.,.ii. ...,. ducted) weekly tnt'hlraxo and Kmiax Cltv: re. rllnlne chair ra- 'i-mmliiiiyi to i-n-i . t n 1 1 y W.M. .AIcMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon Tree Delivery Of the lest Pish, Game and! Meats. Our delivery is prompt' mm in an parts 01 nuisloro. We have inaugerated a new Schedule in Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this llills boro' s popular market. Corwin & Hcidcl. Well lo Remember. When burning vegetable refuse in stove or furnace, put a handful of salt into the fire and there will be no unpleasant odor. I) KALE It IX ....School liook Lino Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Ktc. CASH ONLY. Positivki.y A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of plory. You may have one with the aid of a bottle of our hair tonic. It cleanses the scalp, imparts vijror to the roots and induces luxuri ant trrowth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its comjx)sition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our druirs and medicsnes. The Hillsboro Pharmacy. I 70 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Chauire of Cars 70 !!' I'A I U K"K 1 hicnico Portland l4'ril v M a m vli H'tiuifton Allalillc KxpriiM h.I.'i p in via Hunt. Inulori lit. Paul rat Mall p m via lokane II.MK m II KM I. Kb lnni Port land, t r. ait lAkis. iH-nver. Kl. Worth, oitiHlia. Kan Ma City, mi Louis, ( til AKKIVK FktiM I 6(lp ro 'aii aun Kat alt I she. I 'cm it. Ft. Worth, dmaha, Ksn ' 1 1 y . t. Ixmia, ( lil i aito and Kaat p m Walla Walla IHlton HimkanH. Wallace. Pull man, Mtnmarflls. Hi. Paul, Imluih, .Milwsu kc, Chlririi and Kat s on p m For further Information ask or write vour nwrct ticket sgent. or (uratli Bros. Dealers In Usrs Heal Estate AND AUCTIONEER. Ollice nouth of Court Houm, Mn St RrlonY t Loan.