Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 15, 1908, Image 5

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r U. V. BATH.
No. 2.
:10 a. in. .
No. 4.
6 :2tf n. in .
No. i.
...ft:0S p. m
No. S.
..l:0;U. m.
lV. No. 7mm
No. H p
1 :34
1 :4
1 :M
l-ortwl lirove HA't
('(iriieliun ti:ftt
HillHloiro :5l
Ketxlville 7:0(
lUmvertou 7:10
I'urtlaoJ 7:55
Wo. 8 iu No. 10 p ra
i iiriiuiin .:ui 0:40
IWavurtitu 11:44 7:04
Kewlvillt, u :M 7 :15
lliIlnljro 12:07 :40
Corntliuit 12:15 7:110
forest Grove 12:20 6:20
l (.. VICKEUS. Anent.
Are you preparing for Decor
ation Day?
Today is the last day for candi
dates for office to file.
Mrs. D. VV. Alexander left last
Monday for Servilleca, N. M.
Born -On Sunday last to Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. 14. Bagley, a son.
Good family horse for sale.
Inquire of M. Wall, Hillsboro.
Born. On Friday last to Mr,
and Mrs. John Smith of' Green
ville, a daughter.
lhere will be preaching at
Laurel Evangelical church Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
I. Cram came down from the
Soldiers' Home at Roseburg last
week on a month a furlough.
Geo. Payne has sold out his liv
ery interests in Portland and
moved his family to Cedar Mills,
"Doing All We Can," will be
the morning subject in the Con
gregational church next Sunday,
Mrs. L. J. Palmateer, who has
been dangerously ill for about
five weeks, is recovering slowly,
Remember the open Grange
meetinjr in this city Saturday af
ternoon, May 23, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
A marriage license has been
issued to Elias L. Banta of Cen
terville and Adaline Ashley of
Call on Webb & Hoover for
shingles, paints, oils, lime, ce
ment and everything in the feed
line; ine supplies and spray ma
terial. Dr. C. R. Brown, of Portland,
will be in Hillsboro Monday, May
18th, for one week. Office at the
residence of Mrs. J. W. Morgan
on beeonu street.
Lewis R. Crawford on Tues
day filed his petition with Coun
ty Clerk (todman as a candidate
on the Independent ticket for
county commissioner.
Kennetn i ranrlall, the 7-year
old son of Max Crandall, fel
from his bicycle last Monday
evening and broke his left arm
between the wrjst and elbow.
I here was quite a heavy frost
Monday morning, but little dam
age is reported. Strawberry
blossoms got nipped some and
cherry and apple blossoms show
black in spots, but the injury is
not at all serious.
If you are looking for a good
horse, attend the big horse sale
aij. vv. rn null's farm, 4 1 2i
, pj..
Tl w - -
i nursuay, way zi. Twenty head
vi norses will Lie sold,
guaranteed sound
every one
and true to
r ree lunch at noon.
a i
At tne state Grange meeting
a i oaiem, on Wednesday, A. T.
Buxton, of Forest G rov win rtx.
elected master over J. J. Johnson,
of Multnomah county, on the first
Dauotbyavoteof 51 to 18. .1.1
Johnson was elected lecturer and
vv. A. Young, of Columbia coun
ty, steward.
Miss Grace Hinshaw. of Bloom-
mgton, 111., a neice of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. A. Webb, wired them
from Pueblo. Col., to meet her
in Portland Friday, May 15. She
is coming to spend the summer
with them. For the Dast few
weeks she has been visiting
menus and relatives in Colorado.
Mrs. Ida BelknaD. wife of Rev
E. H. BelknaD of Salem, a broth,
er of our local pastor, will spea
in the Methodist church next
Sunday evening. Mrs. Belknap
is corresponding secretary and
conference organizer of the Worn
en's Home Missionary Society of
the Uregon Conference. All are
invited to this meeting.
A. II. Garrison came down
from the Soldiers' Home at Rose
burg Tuesday for a month's visit
with his daughter. Mrs. W. A,
Finney. He reports the Wash
ington county veterans at the
home doing well. He says he
proposes to vote at the coming
election and extend his visit un
til the meeting of the veterans at
Cornelius July 1, 2, 3 and 4
Remember the big horse sale
at J. W. Connell's farm, 4'A
miles north of Hillsboro, on the
Meek place, Thursday, May 21st
Twenty head of draft horses,
from 1200 to 1500 pounds, will be
sold. All guaranteed to be sound
and true to work. Free lunch at
noon. B. P. Cornelius, Auction
Chief Engineer Davis and i
gang of surveyors for the P. R,
& N. Railway were in the city
yesterday preparing for a tripjout
on the line towards lillamook.
O. G. Wilkes went to Ilowaco
last Monday to put up a number
of telephone lines for the Nortn
western Telephone Co. He ex
pects to be absent about a month,
Hasket social at Job s crossing
school rriday evening, May 22.
A short program will be render
ed by the pupils, and the pro
ceeds will go for school improve
ment On Tuesday James B. Wilker-
son. of Forest Grove, filed with
the county clerk his petition as a
candidate on the Independent
ticket for county school supenn
Pittsburg Perfect Fence the
Weld that Held. Forty - nine
inches high, nine wires. No. 9
Ton. No. D Bottom. 40 cents a
rod, at the Nelson Hardware
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Flint, of
Scholia, and Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Jackson left Monday for Salem
in an automobile. They will re
turn via Corvallis and are expect
ed home on Sunday.
Dr. Mills and wife, twenty-one
years ago residents of Hillsboro,
but now living at Hood River,
passed through this city Wednes
day on their way to Tillamook,
where the doctor has large prop
erty interests.
Thos. Wilkes and a gang of
helpers have been establishing
the grade along Washington
street this week, getting that
thoroughfare ready for the Ore-
Eon Electric railway which will
e built along that street
Mrs. R. H. Greer and Mrs.
Finney, go to Salem Monday,
to represent the Hillsboro Rebec
cas at the grand lodge I. O. O. F.
meeting, and G. J. Palmateer
and Richard Beamish will attend
as delegates from the home lodge
L O. O. F. 1
The great revival at the Chris
tian church will commence next
Sunday evening and will continue
for several weeks. Prof. I). C.
Kellems. of Eugene, will do the
preaching. Good music. Sub
ject for next Sunday evening,
The Missions of the Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. and
communion at 11. u'
'In God We Trust" will aeain
be placed on all United States
gold and silver coin. It's.a good
motto for any nation to cling to
and should be the watchword of
every man. woman and child. In
old continental days the "boys'
of those strenuous times not only
had for their motto "Trust in
God," but added thereto "And
keep your powder dry." They
won out, too.
Remember the big horse sale
at J. W. Connell's farm, 4 1-2
miles north of Hillsboro. on
Thursday, May 21. Mr. Connell
will also offer for sale a lot of
surplus farming implements, as
he intends to go into the dairy
business on a large scale.
The Banks base ball team de
feated a team from McMinn ville.
A.i.'iJ&.Aa, xul, ibaidttyVy a cli'e
oi to l. Next Sunday the Bea
verton nine will play at Banks
and an excursion train will leave
here at 12:30 over the P. R. &'N.
Beaverton has one of the best
teams in the county and as the
Banks boys are getting in good
trim, a big game is confidently
Attorney II. T. Bagley will de
liver the Memorial Day address
this year. The veterans will hold
their exercises in Crescent Thea
tre and arrangements are being
made for quite an elaborate pro
gram. Mr. Bagley is an enter
taining speaker and he will
give the old soldiers and those
gathered to pay tribute to the
fallen dead a good talk right from
the heart
Henry P. Wilson died at his
home in Forest Grove last Satur
day night at the age of 73 years.
Fourth of July.
A mass meeting is ca!U
this (Friday) evening 8o'cluoir
at city hall, for the Pui ;
making arrangements for Cej
brating the coming Fourth of
July in Hillsboro, and appojnti
committees to push the 0r
full attendance is desired
Republican Rally.
There will be a grand Repub.
lican Rally at Keedville toniirht
at 8 o'clock, and tomorrow,
urday, evening at Scholia, ah
of the county candidates for of
fice will be present J. W. Bui
ley, dairy and food commissioner
and W. N. Barrett candidate for
joint senaior, win "".presentand
discuss the political issues.
tne nouse.
NntiV is hereby given that u
school directors of school district
No. 2Z of wasningiou county, will
rpppivp Kn.lod bids for tho
struction of a school house in said
district. Plans and specihVnt;
can be examined at district clerk's
ollice in cornenus May 19th
11)08. Bidders win i required
to give a bond oi oo per cent of
contract price. iu win be re
ceived until June 5th, 1908. The
The funeral was held Tuesday ,-, t wrvp the risrht tn
under the auspices of the G. A. any or an bids. Contract to l
iv. ne enusieu in an iowa tcki- completed by Uct otn, iuu8.
ment in 18G2 and served until the
close of the civil war. His wid
ow and the following children
survive him: Mrs. Sarah Mc-
Stard. Greenville; Mrs. Jennie
Best Portland: Clyde, Belle and
Lloyd Wilson, Forest Grove.
Worthy Matron Mrs. Roe, ac
companied by seventeen members
of the forest Grove O. E. b.,
made their Hillsboro sisters a
fraternal visit Tuesday night
After the usual lodge work, an
adjournment was taken and the
evening spent in having a good
time. At 11 o'clock a splendid
lunch of coltee, cake and sand
wiches was served.
On Monday. John, the 5-year
old son of Frank Simpson, of
South Tualatin, while ridinirwith
his father, fell from the'wagon
loaded with lumber, the hind
Vheel of which passed over his
body. It was at first feared that
the lad had received internal in-
uries, but Dr. F. A. Bailey, who
is attending him, says he is not
seriously injured.
Miss Minnie Heidel will give a
public reading in the Congrega
tional church next Sunday even
ing at 8 o'clock. The selection is
from Tennyson's Guinevere. Miss
Heidel has put much time and
study on this selection. All her
Hillsboro fnends will be pleased
to have an opportunity to hear
this talented reader. No admis
sion will be charged, but a silver
collection will be taken.
S. C. Killen and wife of Port-
and were Hillsboro visitors Mon
day. They came to look over the
city with a view of securing a
suburban home and declared
themselves well pleased with the
present and future prospects of
this valley town. They can find
nothini? better in the whole state.
The Independent acknowledges a
pleasant call.
John T. Taylor, who in Novem
ber I8jy, married miss Anna
enrstrand at Reedville. died at
his home at Wallace, Idaho, May
3rd, and the body was brought
here for burial last Sunday, lie
was 41 years of age and leaves
a wife and three children here,
and his father, two brothers and
five sisters in Canada. He was
member of the I. O. O. F., the
funeral being conducted by that
One hundred and Bixty pupils
of an average age of 14, are writ
ing for Eighth grade diplomas
today. One hundred and seven
ty one received diplomas in 11)05,
46 in li)0b lot in rju, ana pro
bably 150 will be granted this
ear. Now tne question arises,
does V asningion county neea a
high school, and every man who
wlieves in giving inese Doys ana
girls a fair start in life will ans
wer yes, deciueuiy.
Mrs. Carrie Waldron.
death occurred May 9th,
home in North Hillsboro, was
born in Baltimore, Md., January
27, 1844. Her maiden name was
Carrie Smart She married C
J. Waldron in 18(57, and came to
Washington county with her son
in lwz and settled on a farm
near West Union, moving to this
city last fall. Besides her son
she leaves a daughter in Chicago,
The funeral was held last Tues
day, conducted by Rev. L. F.
The Oregonian says that Sena
tor Bourne's effort to control the
republican state convention and
dictate the selection of an unin
structed delegation to the nation
al convention, headed by himself.
undoubtedly will result in the
complete defeat of his plans. All
of which is good news to those
who know Bourne, past and pres.
ent Indications are that the
state convention and both of the
congressional conventions will
be entirely in the control
of Senator Fulton. In fact the
Fulton-Taft forces declare that
the senator-by-accident will not
have to exceed 45 of the 239 dele
gates in the state convention,
By order of the board of di
District CWW
Dated May 14th, 1908.
The Weather.
The fore part of the week was
generally clear. During this per
iod the temperatures throughout
the day were unseasonably hiirh.
especially over the eastern coun
ties, though the temperature at
night did not vary much from
the normal. On Thursday, how
ever, there was a decided change
to cloudy and unseasonably cool
weather, which continued for the
remainder of the week. Fre-
ouent licht showers occurred dur-
at ner ing this latter period, accompan-
Kuratli Bros, have made the
following transfers during the
past week for the parties named
S. Pooley, 103 acres near Glencoe
to I. J. Campbell, of this citv.
Mr. Campbell's residence on Main
and Fifth being turned in at
$2,500. J. R. Joseph, near Phil
hps, to a Mr. Beck of Washing
ton. 22 acres for S2100. C. Ger
ber to Fred Zimmerman, of Rock
Island. 111., 20 acres for $2,100.
C. Powell, of this city, to Geo,
Pooley, of South Dakota, house
and lot on First street near Jef
ferson for $950. Mr. Keefer to
G. W. Barnes, house and lot on
Tenth and Oak streets, $300. G,
VV. Rarhes to Mrs. Wrage, 2
acres: consideration noi given,
Husrh Moore to Richard Raycraft,
37 acres near Newton Station for
.. r me
One hundred and sixty pupus county court snau oruer an W.
from thirty-one schools in Wash- tion and the clerk shall forthwith
ied in many localities by hail and
high winds. Light to heavy
frosts occurred over the entire
state on Tuesday and Saturday
mornings, and a killinir frost in
Southern Oregon on Sunday
morning. There was a marked
deficiency in the sunshine for the
Mr. Atkins Pulls Out.
It has been a street rumor all
the week that N. L. Atkins, for
six years station agent at Forest
Grove, would enter the field as
an independent candidate for
county clerk and in act he did
make the announcr?omt that he
would cross bats with J. W. Bai
ley, the regular republican nomi
nee, and make a run for the po
sition, but he has decided not to
do so. He is now an employe of
tne uregon ectric comoanv.
and believes that "a bird in the
hand is worth two in the bush '
As this is the last day for filing,
Mr. Hailey will have no opposi
tion for the ofhee, and it is ex
ceedingly doubtful if a man could
beat him anyway, he being the
primary election choice. It has
also been stated on the streets
that E. J. Godman would be Mr,
Atkins deputy, if . the latter
should be elected. ve are not
talking for Mr. Godman, but
think that the rumor is entirely
without foundation, for he has
been offered several good posi
tions as soon as his term of office
expires, ana it is no; nkely he
would accept a deputyshin where
a much Detter piace is extended
! i'J
to mm on tne outsiue.
The Ftsnt Is o.
The petition calling for a
for or against prohibition in the
suDatvisions inciuuing North anA
South 1 lillsboro, South Tualatin
ana vest nuue, ana tne subdiv
ision composea oi come im nA
South Forest Grove precincts had
a close call in the county court
last week. The law provides
mat wnen petitions are riled
give notices to tne sherilf for
posting. unen tne nnt t nna
were presented tt the court Com
missioners Buchanan and Butner
tooK the stand tnat inasmuch as
a petition had previously boen
ington county, are now writing
for Eighth grade examinations
at the various school districts
After receiving their diplomas
they will be barred from further
instructions in their home flis-
triVts. thus lpnvinc a o-ulf of four filed emhracintr the entire cnnnft,
years between the Eighth grade elections could not be held in the
and the university, which poor subdivisions. juae ijoodin
boys and girls can never hope to thought the proper ining to do
hrirlo-fv Now. wouldn't it h was to order the election and lof
prudent for Washington county the legality be tested in the pron
to provide a high school and fit er court The commissjoners
the boys and girls for the state
university, giving the poor boy
or girl an even chance with the
rich to get a good education?
After finishing in the high school
any pupil worth educating would
were given tne opinuia 0I Var,
aus local attorneys. aid not
order the election uniu me opin
ion of Attorney General a. M.
Ptiu.'fnrd u-as secured and re
sented. Attorney Crawford de- i
qualified to earn his or her cided that the court snouid order
way through the university at
Don't forget the big horse sale
on May zi. at J. v. connell s
farm, 4 1-2 miles north of Hills
boro. r ree luncn at noon.
Procure your field and garden
seeds and onion sets from R. H.
Greer for spring planting. Re-
iable brands.
When in town call at Palma-
teer's Confectionery and try the
famous Hires Root Beer. Al
ways cool.
the election, as there was noth
ing in the local opu" law to
prevent a vote on ."""visions
after a petition for tne entire
county was filed, i'"- election
has been ordered and We fight
is on.
. -i.i..
Tntnrost n a vaiuai
to trade for real estate
at this oftice
For Sale or ""
Small farm. 1-2 mruth of
tr,. Hillsboro depot... '"iuire of
.1 A Messimrer. lltUamo.
Ope Grange Meeting.
Are you ready to vote intelli
gently upon the many initiative
and referendum questions now
before you? If not come to the
open meeting of the grange on
Saturday, May 23, at 2 o'clock p.
m- and hear these important
questions discussed.
. .A. Schoifi?i 0
Commercial Chances Hands.
On Tuesday the Commercial
Hotel was sold by Landlord
Kocke to John Walsh, of Spo
Kane, who will conduct this pop
ular hostelry in the future. Mr.
Kocke has mal. th
. . w waw wi 111 lit! Vial
what it is today-one of the best
ji , inis "'on and the new
landlord will without question
conduct the place along the same
lnes- He is an old hotel man,
has had many years of experience
and in taking charge here, picks
up a growing and at the present
time a fine business. Mr. and
Mrs. Rocke durinc trioir
- -" --. u'iVl V
suy here have made many friends
and their departure is to be re
gretted. They will go to Port
land for a visit, and then to Coos
Bay for a trip, after which they
will return to their old home in
Nebraska, but as Mr. Rocke says,
having had a taste of Oreiron
ozone, he and his wife will un
doubtedly return after settling
up some business matters in the
East Bert Lacv. who haa no
equal in this section as an effi
cient and genial clerk, will re
main with the new management
which means that all old fripnda
of the Commercial will be retained.
A Gordon dog. 1 year old: dis
appeared about one month ago.
Any information as to his where
abouts will be thankfullv
ed and all trouble paid for. The
Nelson Hardware Company. .
The Ticket.
The complete ticket to come be
fore the voters of Washington
county June 1st, will be publish
ed in The Independend next week
and the week following. This
will be an exact reproduction of
the ticket to be used at the polls
and will include all the amend
ments referred to the people by
the legislative assemblyi refer
endum ordered by petition of the
people, the local option petitions
and the petition for eaual suf
frage. The Independent pub
lishes this ticket so that the vot
ers can take their time in read
ing it over and posting them
selves on the several proposed
amendments, thus picking out
the woodchuck which will be
found concealed in at least one
of them.
- The New 1908 Model bicycles
are hummers. R. Lee Sears has
them on display at his store.
Off Wash-
Work Has Been Started
ton Street.
For a couple of days this week
nervous people were made more
nervous by a rumor that the
Oregon Electric people had de
cided to "cut out" Hillsboro and
way of Newberg because they
were being held-up by a few
property owners. Whether the
rumor was true or not cuts do
figure now, for everything is set
tied at last; the franchise grant
ed by the city council, property
owners have signed up, the grade
has been established along ash
ington street and men and teams
are at work all along the right-of-way.
The benefits to Hills
boro by the building of this line
from the Rose City, and then on
to the sea, cannot be enumerated
in cold type. It is enough to
know that we have got the line
and thing to do now is to throw
all differences to the wind and
all pull together for a better and
more beautiful Hillsboro.
Republican Candidate for
A Taxpayer will work for the
best interests of the taxpayer.
Wanted -Money to Loan.
If you have money to loan, we
can get you o per cent net on
gilt-edge real estate securities.
We handle no other kind. Or, if
you want i'ortland property of
any kind, write us. We are re
sponsible Real Estate Dealers.
402 CorbettBldg., Portland, Ore.
Conducted by the "Ladies' Aid" of
the Cbiistian church, will I in
Webb & Hoover s store EVERY
SATURDAY. Fresh Pies, Cakes
and Bread.
For the Twenty-Fourth Senator
ial District comprising the
counties of Lincoln. Tillamook,
Yamhill and Washington,
Of Tillamook County.
candidate for
County School Superintendent
Node to sprayer.
I have received a large ship-'
ment direct from the factory at
New York of the celebrated Star
Brand, guaranteed strictly pure
arsenate of lead, guaranteed to
be the best in the world for
spraying purposes. I guarantee
to save you money at wholesale
or retail
B. Leis, TheSprayman.
One mile east of Beaverton.
There is nothing more entertaining than an
Edison Phonograph and a good assortment
of Edison Records.
I carry in my store
a complete stock of
Edison American Re
cords, which means
over 3,000 records to
select from.
Same prices every
where. Call in and
ask to hear them.
e. l. Mccormick
Gun Metal.
All Styles
Opposite Commercial Bank
Ind. Phone 045