Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 15, 1908, Image 1

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    I till"
Volume CG
Number -
7. v
Rlllsboro Independent COUNTY
D. W. BATH, Publisher.
iniipar i nl forced
nyone. It i nut our practice to a tup
pl r unlil onierwj lo ilo io. Anyone
not wishing tlia par uiunt notify ths
puuusner or mey win be held liable
t lie futMHTiption price.
S 1 .ZO m I trtl, In tiitmit.
tCotorml at the Poetofflc at Hlllav
' ro. Oregon, for tranamlatlon through
lh mall km second-class mall matter.
Official Paper of Waahlngton County.
Republican in Politic.
iiiVKKi'iNiNu Kvms: UiUy, 00 cmt
an ini h, single coliuiin, (or four Inser
tions; ri'H'IniK nutiiva, one rent a word
icli Insertion (uothiiiK Iran than 15
cental : urofeHiunal carl. one inch, II
a month ; ixlo car.U, IS n year, paya-1 public easement came up lor hear
" 4urieriT, ii .t .
Hllliboro, Oregon.
Office: Rooms 3. 4 and E. Morgan Blk
Hilltboro, Oregon.
Office: Ceutral Block, Rooma ( and 7.
Hilltboro, Oregon.
Ollice on.Main SI., opu tlie Court House
Jflice : Rooms 3, 4 and 5. Moriran BloiH
Hilltboro, Oregon.
Notary Public aud
II. T. 11A(J LEY,
Attorney - at - Law,
Office Over the Post office.
Ilillsboro, Oregon,
Office upstairs, Bailey-Morgan Blk.
liora 'rnoNKS.
8. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. M.
Hilltboro, Oregon.
Ollice. upstairs, over The IVlta Drun
Store. Ollice hour S to 12; 1 to 6, and
In the evening from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Hilltboro, Oregon.
Knlilrner ronn-r Tliir.t anil Main: ofllc np
tairBiivtr lvlllrua lure; lionrw. l. Sulorim.
t u . n I 7 t . Ii-Ii-I'Iioii l reslrtamt
rroio IN-Ua dm nre. All rails nnnitly ana.
warl day or mailt .
Hilltboro, Oregon.
Office: MorKanBalley block, up
stairs, rooms VJ, 13 and 15. Residence
8. V. cor. Hase Line and Second eta.
Both 'phones.
A. B. BAILHY, M. I).,
HillsUvro, OrcRon.
Omworer Hailrv a lru store. Offlre houn
rfora i " li: 1 I"' I" . ""'I ' lo ,, Koalilam-e
third honw north """r 'I''"' "iihi lant.
i'ail nnnniiiW aun.le.l ilav or nmhi. Hoio
The Fraternal
Ilillsboro LoiteP
o. 21S
Meets every Saturday night.
Wthrung s Hall, o'cloek
All members are requested to bepreeent
Proceedings In Full-Over 300
lion Ordered.
(Conllnned rorm I.ut Kirk.)
Viewers report on Road No.
read second time and ordered
tablished, petitioners to pay chain
men ana axemen.
Petition of Herman Schmidt
lng on m0tlOu of E. B. Tongue, at
I rnrnau , a n. AT... I 1 . ...
motion was denied and the case
continued lor ten days
Ordered that an election be or
dered on the ist day of June, 1908,
to determiue whether the sale of in
toxicating liquors shall be prohib
ited in North Ilillsboro, South Hills-
boro, West Butte and South Tu-
latin precincts.
Another order was entered for an
election to be held on the 1st day
June, 1908, to determine whether
the sale of intoxicating liquors
shall be prohibited in South Forest
Grove and Cornelius precincts.
Petition of J. W. Connell for re
fund of tax was ordered as per pe
tion. Report of Willis Ireland, county
recorder, approved: receipts for
April, $373. 30,
ivej-jn ui county wierit uooman
is received and approved; re-
ceipts, i8t.75.
The following bills were audited
and allowed:
A A Mead, cir ct
JNGrabel, bailiff cir ct
ChasK Ktinyon, otlicial reporter
m oo
(IB 00
10 00
E L McCormick, slat
flushonif A Co
""wwa WHoac, mmlntUng jury
12 fiO
3 00
2 00
3 00
W U Warren, telectlng jury list
C K Kindt, telecting jur list. . .
Irwin Hudson, stat
W F Hollenleck, r and h 110 05
HuHlioim A Co, stat 45 23
(1 W Marsh, r and h
U A Patterson, c h
Veach llros, c ti
W K Hainer, assess A col
Frank A Ilorwick, election
K X Harding, hall rent
A Urines, hall rent
Joe Vermyier, setting up booths
J W Hughes, rAh
L L llollinger, election
F V Cady, drawing jury
Oliver C Thornton, drawing jury
A W Pike, drawing jury list...
K I. Navlor, hall rent
John Stribich, r A h
K C Mulloy, election
K X Harding "
C K Kindt "
HFI'otts ' ''.
Reeves A 1-eves, relief
C L McCracken, cir ct jury
4 00
in l;
48 00
2 50
2 50
4 00
3 25
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
111 45
I 00
II 00
6 00
3 50
tl 50
Max Crandall, canvassing 9
Ira F. P.radley, r and h 28
Frank Miller, r and h
Will Merrill, wit ,
John A Johnson, r anil b
Jake Smith, wit
II M Giles, eh
Glass A I'rudhouimo, election..
Ileall A Co, r and h
S N Pool, canvassing
3 50
2 00
W 00
3 f.O
14 75
25 00
221 25
78 00
II T Ilnxton
HI 00
611 00
81 00
3 80
James Cruickshank, canvass. . .
K II Coleman, canvassing
MrsM F Messinner, wit
Ind Tel Co, telephone
F I. Reach, jndges olfice
K J Godtnan, clerk and deputy.
A tt Davis, assessing
James K Rutler, recorders ollico
Ilillsboro lnlcHndent, ptg
Ilillsboro Pharmacy, slat
J F. Ilutler, assessing
I. W House, relief
I. H McFarlan l, r and li '.
C L Dennis, rand h
A M Collins, janitor
W M Jackson, sal and ixistaae.
8 (15
23 75
25l 75
45 00
8 40
1!I5 50
2 OS
20 SO
10 70
8 00
8 00
42 (H)
51 (X)
Harry Flint, r and h 4
Henry an Dyke, r and h
M II IMis, justice court
G W Stitt, r and h
C P. ruichatmn, sal and mil.
75 00
1 50
S3 :t!l
2K (0
W I !...!. ... -.1 1 ..
. ..u.ur, ,(i an 1 mil 34 411
ri,"' 113 so
J C Ijimkin, c h o --.
J K Morelieck. r and h
4 40
Chris Kocke, meals fur jury.
F. X Harding, jury list
John Heisler, election
F W Porter, jury list
F M Kelsay, cleaning river.
6 50
3 00
1 00
2 IX)
Ilillsboro Araus, ptg t 4
A R Johnson, r and h 12 to
W 1 1 Li'vengood, r and h ' jo 50
D V Ward, relief 40 00
M C Case, traveling tx tt (10
LC Walker, eat " 31
" "'irreving " 17 M
Hillslwo Livery co, cor office . 2 00
C E Peichman, clerk's office. . . 6 00
Willis Ireland, sal j w
Peall A Co, r and h 1()
M C Cae, 1 ill an I ollice e
F W Livermore, r and h
J W Connell, sheriff
" " livery and ex
" board of prisoners
Ward Downs, collecting taxes .
K L Iieach " "
C H Frey, herifl'a ollice 1
Julius Ashuhr, road viewer
Riiaeline Lumber Co, r and ti . . .
Hazel Ledford, Htreet cleaning.
Mri Chat I'io, relief
J W lioodin, sal etc
-KKsW.l Pi!aK.-fKs..-.
1'eter Yandecouverintf, relief. . .
Jane Murdof, relief
Joe Kko, relief
Ann Freeman, relief - 0
Wm Kcl.lt. refun.l tax -'
Mike Conzelinun, refund tax... 7
W J K lieadi " ... 1
J I) H.hI.i " ... 17
linn a of hlierwood " ... 5
Chas K I'otts " ... H
Geo (ial breath " ... 4l,'
UllAII.e " ... M
I) Smith " ... 14
GlaHsA I'riidlioiiime, atut 4.')
Following judeH of election were al
lowed theainoiii.t following their names,
each Ilk' n re renreaetitlna Uollars.
centH, w here so ili-Hina ted :
K.dward Kramer 3, FLieit,'t'r
Arulrew Jack 3, 1) K Wheeler 3,
inlay 4, It Kaufman 3, A Giierher 3,
riioa Connell 4 -0, I. Jurem 3, Francin
'hulinera It, John Iofti 3, J li Iavia3
C F Tijiard (I, II U Tiard 3, W K Sh.iv
er 3, C A I'eteraon 3, N K West 3, Wm
; Douglas 3, 1) U i.illy 3, John Huisler
i in. , Ti , r
J,J( .uh nCIlasseri, Aaron H,.
ny 4, Ole Olson 3, C C Christensen 11, A
W Tike 3. W II McCormick 3. C 11
W, John A Johnson 5 110, A S Craven
' .
Conwick 3, 1'eter lioscow 3, li 1! Collms
3, H K Stephens 3, Abntr llriggs 3,
Paul Ileck 4.(10. K Rest 3, H Matteson 3,
L X Harding 5 IK), H T lluiton 3. II F
uonlou 3, II Jl Clurk 4.20, J N Hofl
man 3, W M J.annlev 3. J A Thorn.
burgh 4.20, John Dennis 3.
following clerks of olection were al.
lowel the amount following their nariara.
ach flKure rerentlaa: dallara, er
cents, where so designated ;
Nela Johnson;3, John Wismer 3, Scott
Wolf 3, Anton Herman 3, Geo J Jack 3,
J T York 3, A V Dant 3. 1) C Iturton 3,
K N Green 7.40, L Smith 3, C Geisber
ger 3, Frank Jackson 3, Clydu Lincoln
3, Henry Kuratli 3, J I Xortluup 3, A
K MuCumsey 3, Chas A Miller, clerk
and mileage, 4.20, S L Hollenbcck 3. J
J Menchum 3, Oluve Johnson 3, Thos
.iurp,.y 3, (, p Kssner C 20, Alfred
winner 3, G A Plieth 3, H Iedy 3
JiiirK l l ox 3, l-runcit White 3. Chas
D Staley 3, C C Nelson 3, M 8 Karnes 3,
J C Nnock 3, S N P.x.le 3, F I.angcr
0.00, L T Hall 3, Lewis II Holt 6.20,
IIKlnck3, John F Johnson 3, James
lemmings (I, J K Wilkes 3, Chas Crock
er 3, Kenton Uowinan 3, Henry Robin
ton 3, I. M Hesse 3, James Downing 3
L W Allen 3, II G Vincent 3, Archie
1 ike 3, Irank Simuson 3, F L Krown 3
J iv reus .1, w h Pittenger 3, F F Han
ley 3. IraKarrelt 3, Wm llamuielman
.1, Harold Hansen 3, A It Kolierts 3,
II Weseott 3. J II White 3. V. I W...I
Claud Mason 3, J T Fletcher 3, E A Dix
on .1, K I. Naylor 3, V V Peterson 3. J II
irlz 3.
following witnesses were allowed the
amount following their names, each lig.
lire representing ilollars, or cents, where
so designated :
i-ewis h.nnis ,.20, 1 1111s Krown 3.40,
Henry r.oge 3.20, Mrs Franklin Dough
1 ,
171, "uj .Messniupr , tne Womer J,
Edmund Cornelius 2, Mrs Schneller 7,
(.has I.rascoesco 4, Mrs lloeretb 5.00
Rosa Hoereth 5 (0, Dr Mae II Cardwell
5.00, II II Hawlcy 5 00, John Kuchler
5.11), Geo Schulmerich (I, Dan Emerson
2, MC Hewitt 4, Charles Ingrain 6.20.
J W Kailey 2, Mrs Anderson 3, Norman
Anderson 3, Kbeinold Graef 3, Henry
Doughty 2, L E Shute 4, A P Luther (i,
I has Innriim 3.20, Fred Olson (t, Sam
fit ; I t aw . . ... ...
1 lumps a w, me v omer 4.60, Grant
Landcss 3.20, Ward Enncs 5.20, G I lent
singer 2, Chas KoonU 4, Jesse Mays 2
roiiowing jurois were allowed the
amount following their names, each fig
lire representing dollars, or cents, where
so designated :
Farley 72 20, I. A Rood (1, T R Rut
clin h, J II Westcott 2. L M Common,
.1, Ward Ennes 3.20, Ixnd Inaram 3 40.
Sluito 3, Paul Keck 73. !H). Chris
Sclundler ). alter Rennrda T3 21 II
D Matteson 75.20, J W Mc Roberts 75.20.
I. Rennctt 73 00, C F Grabel 72.60, F
Anicker 71 (W, (ieoO Sloan 73.20, C
Kosander 74. iW, A II Davis 75. C L
Hinnuin 73 20. C Shaner 7J rto, John
lleaton 74.0, J J Meacbam 73.20. AC
Hall 70.
The racific Railwav & Navio-.i.
tion Co. guaranteed over twelve
be completed and in operation in
two years, now it is readv to
give another guarantee to the
same effect which forces 113 to
have to admit that the P. IL &
u 0, ,9 ranteea are on a par
with a big soap ball and easily
broken. -Tillamook Headlight
Spray Your Apple Trees
tor Codling Moth
has the dope.
John Marsh .'1, Joe Schulmerich 3, John i ,;. tu . . c;
r , i i i' i i, ., .1. In this a tney have disciplined
Ireland . t haric. i arre t J, Alhert and at the same time rais-
,pu.nn,s... Fred ,lco J John rr,- ed the Standard of the l,,cal put
day, judye ami mileage, 5.(0, Henri' sm.jl(1 1 uu
Schuennann 3, J IT Henry 3. Joe Hyrom .', . , n .
7S 30
75 M
21 40
5 Hu
U. .... .
Veru.i Tw or Aaains,
President PooseveU.
10 00
rt Oil
A grout many republicans are
bt'tfinniwr iy -ueriy ask thorn-
solves, ' hy should se elect
Governor Chamberlain to the
United States Senate?"
And to this echo is answorintr
"Why, indeed!"
There is an overwhelming ma
jority of republicans in this state.
In the ordinary elections they
have often, and The Telejrram
believes wisely, looked to the
men witnoui rererenee to the
party brand wnich they wore,
ti i
J I' i! C I'n.'tn.l Pl.i
I A'l-.k II. fc." '.V. 4 111 I.I It t'll-l.
iioii vi a uini-tw oiaies senator
1 I mini L . 1 i . t
inev i ve i.-.ci ie 1 rr them a
dill'erent problem. Thorp thpv
come in touch with the party of
the nation, the party of Koose
velt, of which they so warmly
approve, and the verdict which
they render the general public
t a.S Very large y the
, jf ' e .u , h
frvu u'vn wtw UllllUlftLrttLIUIl.
Uur eioctlons occur at an odd
Lnann nf th vM, vu u ' -
the first pun ot the presidential
election. The verdict is made up
in advance, so far as the rest of
the country is concerned. The
nation knows that the state is
overwhelmingly republican. t
likewise knows that the adminis
tration if IVti'.Unf limsevelt
has here rriiV-SS enlnusiastlc
approval, nac administration.
1 mx. J 1 i . j
disguise it as we will, is now on
trial before tie country. By the
general masses of the people it
has been warmly approved; by
the corporate and plutocratic
interests it is bitter v reviled.
and, while little is being done
openly, there is deen down
smouldering fire of resentment
that cannot be extinguished. For
the very reason that the pluto
cratic forces of the country hate
uie president, me masses of the
people admire and approve him
it under sucn circumstances
such as these it goes forth that
the people of Oregon in June
elect a democrat for United
States senator, the administra
tion receives a blow in the house
ot its supposed mentis that it is
conceivable may have a serious
effect upon the pians 0f the
menus ot the administration and
upon the great contest in Novem
ber following. It must not be
lorgouen tnat much quiet work
has been done in recent months
against the administration. One
may see me em-i'inf t nnnn
y hand in every communitv-
the c acmiers btob. i
1 . . . '. J iiKKt-tl III
i imn!,n1nkrinff 1HSt'Vt'lt' in
siduously undertRinintr the plat-
been steadily putting forth in hig
messes ancl f ?4he If a
well-known and f opposed y safe
administration state fill hv iht
wayside in June, the preSe of
the admirustrat.on fH-vmlyuf-
Swise. qTt,0tcan it oth
From this stan.!pninti which is
something conMerablv more
than a partisan 'tandrw ilkf
matter aniH'a s to Th tJi' "v
It believes with
sincerity in the ark- "LI , T
form of nrincinle '"S V1
president is laving aZT'L
elimination of sial ,)rivjl '
and the emiahtv of , 'L. ..J). .
tVr -L,Vl, (b., ,v.,:.i ' ""'
v.. .. ...vi. on, r'li cnr
a.. -. maims,
10 pro pagaie an, j 1
which he has d.nt'moro thananv
other man of his feneration. It
- . , " tie vhioii
lull!," l LlllS.t II.lt(Tof jy,.-:,,
1 artisansh p,
it proposes 0 do whatever
within its pow,.r tr wi.i
and sustain the man whose very
name typifies these modnm .
ightened doctrines. In doi
t believes it expresses tua
found conviction cf an enorrnn,
majority of the r-.pe of Ore
gon, irrespective of thoir nnrv
In the .present campaign and;
trie coming fi. in statement
No. 1 is not on trial. locause
both candidates ur the United
States senate stand square toed
and flat footed upon that plat
form. Neither is Chamlwrlnin
nor Cake, as such. 0n trial be
fore the people. he question is
one not of these men, but of
broad national imjKirt, leading to
a victory which will mean a
shout of ringing encouragement
to the national administration or!
a vital blow delivered in the
house of its friends. This is the
real protwsition before the ikh-
ple of the state, and it is one of
the main reasons why The Tele
gram will throughout this cam
paign give H. M. Cake its heart
iest support and urge as strong
ly as it may the voters of the
state to sustain the administra
tion at a moment when it is more
seriously on trial than at any
other period of its whole history.
Portland Evening Telegram,
May 4.
Vole for the Armories.
"Did it ever occur to you that
Japan could invade the Pacific
coast, levy tribute on every town
and establish a base from which
to operate in a land tight with
the rest of the country?"
This is one of the questions
propounded by Pearson Hobson.
congressman from Alabama and
hero of the naval fiirht at Santia
go, who is now touring the west
ern country lecturing on the pos
sibilities of trouble in the future
and the necessity for prepared
ness. Hobson's mission is one of
bringing the American people to
a realization of the fact that the
world is changing and that one
of the requisites of national safe
ty is a competent and sufficient
force to meet possible emergen
cies, l he American people have
been particularly fortunate in
past wars, Captain Hobson point
ed out, but as the great Napoleon
said, Victory generally goes to
the side of the heaviest battalions
regardless of prayers and sup
posed Divine favoritism.
Unpreparedness for war has
become almost a national charact
eristic, it was pointed out. The
keynote of this is economy. Con
gress is loth to spend a few dol
lars, cutting on military and nav
al appropriations wherever pos
sible. Captain Hobson said that
the people must come to a reali
zation of future dangers from
rapidly rising1 Oriental powers,
before it is too late. Otherwise
the lesson may have to be learn
ed at the cost of millions in mon
ey and thousands of lives.
lhat there was a movement in
the state of Oregon even to hold
up a small appropriation for ar
mories for the purpose of train
ing hundreds of national guards
men in the state, was news which
Captain Hobson received with
considerable surprise. He said
there was no investment which
the DeoDle might possibly make
that would give so large a return
in due time. Trained citizen sol
diers constitute our great hope,
he said, since the policy of the
country is to keep a mere hand
ful of a regular army. "I hope
the people of Oregon will not be
short sighted enough or so negli
gent of their duty to the nation
as to vote down a measure 01
that kind at their June election,"
Captain Hobson added.
The Portland Weekly Oregon-
ian and The Ilillsboro IndeiHn-
dent one year for $2.25.
Ice for sale. Den of Sweets.
There's n lot of satisfaction in a shoo which
after month's of wear, needs only polish to
look like new." You will find comfort, ease
and profit in the HAMILTON-I5ROWX SHOES.
Your children will want something pretty
and poo J. Come and
No better can be made.
Shoe fas.
r I vi all 1
if ml
in? l
-. r
Meeting 10 Be Held In Bifl Tents,
North of the Armory, Tenth and
Davis Streets, Portland.
The Thirty-sixth annual reun
ion of the Oregon Pioneer Asso
ciation will be held in Portland
on Thursday, June 11, in big
tents, corner Tenth and Davis
streets. All persons coming to.
or born in, the original territory
of Oregon up to 1859, inclusive,
without regard to where they
now live, are eligible to memlier-
ship. Pioneer headquarters have
been established in the Historical
rooms, top floor of city hall, and
beginning with Saturday, June
Cth, badges may be secured from
the secretary, George H. Himes.
All pioneers should be at the
big tents at 3 p. m., sharp, where
the following program will be
given: Patriotic music by the
band: prayer by Rev. A. J. Hun-
saker of McMinnville; address of
welcome by Mayor Lane: re
sponse by Hon. Joseph 1). Lee,
pioneer of 184.'; short address by
lion. M. C. George, pioneer of
'51; songs, recitations, benedic
tion, and music, "America," by
the audience.
At 4:30 p. m., in the drill hall
of the armory, will be given a
banquet under the management
of the Pioneer Woman a Auxil
iary, Mrs. C. M. Cartwright
chairman, to all members of the
association in good standing who
have the proper 1908 badire. An
"experience meeting" in the big
tent will follow the annual busi
nesameetine at 7:30. The business
meeting1 of the Indian war veter
erans will be held June 10th.
All pioneer and Indian war vet
erans paying full fare to Portland 1
over any of the Southern Pacific
lines in Oregon will be returnee
at one-third fair to starting point
on or before June 13th. lhe O.
K. Si XM. Go. will prant the same
rate, as will also every other line
entering Portland; but no re
duced rates will be given by
either company for a less num
ber than fifty. A like rate will
be given to Pioneer and Indian
War veterans and their ffimilies.
Donjt forget the big horse sale
on May 21. at J. W. Connell's
farm. 4 1-2 miles north of Ilills
boro. Free lunch at noon.
Procure your field and garden
seeds and onion sets from R. H.
Greer for spring planting. Re
liable brands.
When in town call at Palma
teer's Confectionery and try the
famous Hires' lioot Peer. Al
ways cool.
Interest in a valuable patent
to trade for real estate. Inquire
at this office.
see our SCHOOL SHOES, no better made.
Our guarantee goes with every pair.
ur Li" '
li ! n iioiinll,- rxiprlod w on 11 r.f r.A a f a
Grocery House. Our immense sales make it pos
sible for us to carry strictly fresh goods. Not a
shop worn article in the establishment.
The old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shoe Store
Basket Social.
On Friday evening, May i.'. at
the Reedvillo hall, by KoedvilK
Hand. Musical program. Lad
ies requested to bring baskets.
Everybody come.
Commencing June 15, the
Southern Pacific Railway will sell
tickets from Ilillsboro to Cornel
ius for 10 cents. The rate here
tofore has been 14 cents.
Station Agent.
Do you need cement? Go to
Webb & Hoover's. They have a
carload of Portland Standard Ce
ment just arrived. Also lime,
paints and oil and the great wood
preserver, Carbolineum, the best
known vermin exterminator, the
only remedy that will actually
keep flies away from horses and
cattle. Call and see them.
To'Be Heldlln
June 1 to 6, 1908
WH Ik moat brMlant
Floral Fiesta and
Civic Jubilee
ever held in the Pacific North
west Portland, "The Hose
City," will be a scene of
splendor and the cen
ter of word-wide
Several important conventions to
be held in Portland
on that occasion.
Will sell Special Tickets
On This Occasion From
To Portland and Return
at 90c.
For particulars call on
G. VICKERS, Local Agent.
General Pasaenaer Agent,