Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 08, 1908, Image 7

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    All Humors
Are Impur natter which the skin, liver,
kidney and other organ cannot Uk car
Of without help.
riiiiplcf, boll, eczema and other erup
Hon, los of appetite, that tired feeling,
blllou turn, fit of Indigestion, dull head
ache aud many other trouLUs ar due to
Uiei The; are removvd by
DOTil-o oinsiip a filial
in usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablet known a 8arsatabS. 100 dose 1.
Toor John! II wa a kind and
forbearing husband," Bobbed the wid
w ou ber return from the funeral.
"Tea," auld a aympatulilng uelgb
or; "but It'a all for the beat. Vou
must try and comfort yourself, 0iy
lear, with the thought that your bus- j
mod la at peace at lust" Sketcjir I
familiar Slara.
Church I ice the jmhlle service
eoniuilsalon baa recommended aide
loora on the railroad cam.
;oUmm And will they expect to
sate llie Htiiiia "lumliy entrance" over
thfin? Yotikera Stutesinuo.
HOWAHt) F. FrRTOX -Asaaver anit Ch.m'st.
littilvil f, Coniratiu. Hie, ..u.n pri. m: du; I,
E liver, 1. ad, l : ....id, Hllvar 7 to j T.ma nr
"Vlr,L. Cyanlcl. l.sta. W mUnic eiiVH'op.- snd
Mil fir rtt nsi srnl on application. C
L utilrol i: ui I , ,
cavrbuni: Nti
ttre w.rlc aullelual. iialsrs
uuaj liana.
afforded by o
Clean -Light
a j mwfi co aokvoM uii
"Too aay there's bo such thing aa mat
ter? Then there ia no au.-b thing as a
gaa meter. Yet you ar paying out your
good money for H.IXM) feet of gas regis
tered by a machine that doesn't exlat"
"Certainly ; there ia no such thing as
Malaria is due to impurities and poisons in the blood. Instead of beingr
rich, atronjf and healthy, the circulation has become infected with perms of
disease which destroy the rich, red corpuscles that furnish nourishment and
strength to the body, and reduced this vital fluid to such a weak, watery
condition that it is no longer able to keep the system in health, or ward off
the countless diseases and disorders that assail it. The loss of these
red corpuscles takes the color and glow of health from the cheek, and we
lee pale, sallow faces and washed out, chalky complexions among the first
symptoms of Malaria. I3ut Malaria is a Rener.il systemic disease, and as
the blood becomes more heavily loaded with its irenns we have more serious
nd complicated symptoms ; the impure blood "having its effect on all parts
rf the body. The appetite fails, digestion is weakened, chills and slight
lever are frequent, and the sufferer loses energy and ambition because of a
constant tired-out and "no account " feeling. The lack of necessary nour
ishment and healthful qualities in
the blood causes boils and abscesses,
kin affections, and in some cases
lores anil ulcers to break out, and
sometimes the patient is prostrated
with a spell of malarial fever which
may leave his health permanently
impaired. To cure Malaria both a
blood purifier and tonic are necessary,
in order to remove the cause and at
the same time build up the system
from its weakened and run-down
condition. S. S. S. is the medicine
best fitted for this work. It is the
most perfect of all blood purifiers, and
the purely vegetable ingredients of
which it is composed make it the
greatest and safest of all tonics.
S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and removes every trace of impurity
or poison, and at the same time gives to the blood the health-sustaining qual
ities it need. It cures Malaria thoroughly and permanently because it
removes the genus and poisons which produce the disease, and while doing
this tones up and strengthens every part of the system. When S. S. S. has
cleansed the blood the symptoms pass away, the healthy color returns to
the complexion, the old tired, depressed feeling is gone, and the entire health
is renewed. Book with information about Malaria and anv medical advice
Jjf Those
vho believe in quality x
M use j
23 Ounces for 23 Cents
1 Made from pure, carefully tested JJJ
SSSsfe materials. Get a can on trial. ff
WJSj'A You never saw such cakes Ivl
and biscuit They'll open
5!JP your eyes.
r sl VV vl I i. " J I -
tunii ar aiL
2Ieiicra. ron tvrsir
ssrsi aova. womis, mii axo M"
ill's IZSZwii '- w
I THIS. W. I. Kr.ll t?"r".",V. f-.AfT lo aT " ' K woul Uwa.
Saawa S i I srs sav aaaeasa
t III R.war.
ITewltt I a. thut Oruet, tha llf
Iniurunce a.'.-nt. a married.
Jewett Yes. and hi tuarrlaja la a
cae of the Imny of fate.
"How la thatr
"He didn't know until after he wa
married that the woman In the case
carried a Kit of life I nanra n aa . I
I no he win have to keep
usual dcpoait. and Ie Juat been sum.
moned on a Jury. I.oiiilon Mall.
$100 Reward. $100.
Therea.lersofthlsiap.-rwd' b plessed lo
lsrnt t there Is at least on. draatlUl dutsn
Hial rium-a liss beeu l..e tn ui. iu all I s
';. '! thst Is t'.a-rh. Hall's irrh
t-ui els tli. onir posit, ,e uruuow known tutb.
me.lirallrater.iliy. aurru be n a ron-iliu-iiniiaiuieae.
requires eonsin uilnnal t.eai
irem llai. . talari h Cure l takeu lulernaily.
a.-tiiig.l.re. tlr ii,m,ii tli.l.l..Klan,l mii.-.iiKSur.
datl.m ol Hie df-ea.e, and kivIiik t tntt.nl
sireneth liy 1 111I.I111 ui. uiU r.,n,titn I., 11 and
aasistniK natur. In 1I0I1111 lis wort, Tli. pro
inet.irs have f . mil. h fa t i In lis- nrativen..
ers hat tti. y . ffer Una II unUred Dollars lor anr
ra-.. tnat It (ails to cur., a. id fur list ol
A Mre.sK J fHFXE Y A CO., Tolwlo, O.
roi.l by all .IruutfuiM 70o.
lake Hail's rami y fills fc-r eonstlpatlon.
II llepeatled.
Kngllah John and I'at were two
friendly workmen, who were constant
ly tilting, each one trying to outwit the
"Ar you good at measurement?"
aaked John.
"I am that," aald Pat, quickly.
-1 nen could you tell me how many
ahlrta I could get out of yard," aaked
"Hure." an Id Pat, "It depend 08
whose yard you get Into."
I.srss Atleadaae. Aasar.a.
"And now, boy,' aald the teacher
with a mild reprimand, "I auppos
there la no way of getting you to at
tend achool In cold weather."
"Dere I one wa," spoke np the big
boy In the red Jumper.
"And what way ! thatr
"Why, move the achool houae orer
the lake and glre u akate Instead of
pent I la."
Seren hundred dollar skirt ia on ol
th. Items in a bill for $.1,UM) for clothe
which Mrs. Howard (iould wants her bus-
bond to nay aa necessaries of Ufa.
'V luin cs ia not el In v nnilaiuu a. .nfin suoui ia an I linirlil a:a Mil aha -am r i
Kume-o,d "l.oV ;:U' .ook b!u. "" " compiicate.!. and at ,'o gW. U . W'-thtJ Nof oU ..... . flr.t JJ- - .Mtnent "
reyouon,h.wroUg;idVoMh.m.r: l'" '? -i-ca. c eaaHy V.iU detatTa. tu noT""" "W WU"' ...d' CoirUll N'a.h.n We.le JVi'.l
, k"n ? .T."' ii0 t? i i ? W1,eVb?r7k.! Vot ',,;,th What j to ... ,f , diJ.t. of Tennessee, "who asked m. to for-,
TrumbullMarket h. loaJ to praa . The teat U timple. furnUba him a key ol ool. Iur I , .",?!! J... ,.d'1" J ..rH . hln. a. o.H.kle a. noaalhle.
mored yeatenluy. The , Bn man broke 17" m0'1 l"T '"'"l f" "" ""l' bt" l.o so? ' " th -Rule, and Ilu.at.on. of Con-
worth of the fiirulture. I l"t . Sa! T,! .To ."In T ?' ' "it h 'T alow . 'e.' Uy return mull 1 aent hl.u a
pound Bank of K,,Sland note the ga ''.'h h ?J le, ,.e. and ' t 1? ' tU J,0U,, ,,r"' h" "on- '"olograph of Joe Cannon. If be un-
company held m. up for d, u i.e Z ?! "'.lJ.t. .fj B'Uwtk ",.ru moMu' kao- Ju h" der.t.ud. the gam. Uk. w. do. h. will
0 iviivjuunci
During 100 I was running a farm oa
lh. Mississippi rir and beeam. so impreg
nated with Malaria that for a ",ar I was
almost a physical WTeck. X tried s number
of medicines recommended as blood purifi
ers, chill cures, snd Mslaria eradicators,
but nothing did nia any good until 1 began
to us. 8. S. S. Ths result wss thai aitar
taking it for awhil. I was as well and
strong as I ever was. I have never had a
chill sine, nor th. slighted symptom ol
Malaria. I hop. others will b. benefited
by my eiperieno, and with that and la
view I give this testimonial, knowing that
S. S. S. Is th. beat r.msdy for Malaria.
Amory, Miss. 8. R. COWLEY.
- 0"? -
" -j
Simple, Accurate and Easily Mattered
With Little Study.
I. H FiMmci, rnfnuir of Palrytna;.
Lojv.fs.m ui luabu. Uuecaw.
A great deal ha been written about
(eating milk and a lare number ol
farmer already nie the iJaboovk test:
"' "'quiries nave lomi ia mi mniHI mt "!" " mi. ut ... ii tx Uown in a minute, and' t. .
Mini um li.li.. 1.1. Ih.t I). a Li... . - mil lA onllDir I....,, P I'd DrnniM k I. I
the test, but quite aa much on the
pr-.per taxing ol the sample. If that
i Improperly don the rtaulta are of
little value. For example, the writer
ha known of eow-ownar who, when
ieeirlng to tent the milk of an individ
ual cow, have taken the aample by
milking directly into the sample Dot
tie. When it is known that the firt
park of a eow'i milk if largely water
alid ti'16' lit's" park of sir lip'mfc i Very
rich in fat, It is lelf evident that i"?h
a aample would yield reault ol little
value ao far as dtterniining the actual
Murines of that pirticular cow' milk.
The milk to be tneted should De
p Hired from one can into snother eve-
tal time or carefullv stirred with a
stirrer until it la of a uniform mixture
The aarrnla i then immediately taken
preferably with a small, long handled
dipper. If the testing cannot be done
soon after the aample Is taken il mutt
be placed in an antUht jar and 10ml
preservative added to kep It tweet.
The Babcock teat bottle ar gradu
ated on the supposition that an II
gram sample i taken. Milk varies
very little in It rpeoifie gravity and
p pette graduated to hold 17.6 eubio
centimeter will deliver sppmximately
18 grams of milk. When lb sample
ia r-ady for testing, the jar containing
it should be plaoed In warm water and
slowly heated to a temperature of about
70 degree Fahrenheit. Mia the sam
pie well: especially see that any cream
which may Lave gathered on the aide
of the jar is carefully mixed with the
other part of the sample. The measur
ing ppette is now filled to tbe mark.
This is dona by sucking tha milk op
into the pipette above tbe mark; tbe
dry forefinger is immediately placed
over the top of the pipette to prevent
the milk from escaping. By gently
releasing th pressure th mill ia al
lowed to flow out until level with th
mark on tha item of tha p'petle. Tha
piptte now contain th 18 grama.
Ih sample i now emptied Into the
test bottl. To do thl th test bottle
honld be held in a alanting position,
th pleasure on th pipetta released, al
lowing the milk to slowly rnn Into the
bottle In such a war a to allow the air
to gradually escape from th bottle.
Tha neit atep ia adding the acid.
Thia ia measured in the acid graduate;
the exact amount to use' will depend
largely on the strength of the acid, the
temperature of tha sample to be tested,
etc. If ordinary commercial aulpburie
acid 1 uaed, 17 0 cubic centimeter
will be found approximately correct.
With a little Individual experimenting
the tester will soon notice the proper
amount to use. To prevent the burn
ing or charring of any part of the milk
the acid i poured ilowly down the side
of the bottle nntil all haa been ad. led.
Now give the bottle a gentle rotary
motion, thus giving the acid a chance
to act equally on all pari o' the milk.
Then let it stand three or four minutee,
after which it 1 given another rotary
movement and then placed In the
The bottles are placed In the tester
in such a position a to keep the ma
chine balanced. Th bottlea thonld
now be whirled for five or aix minute
at auoh speed as ia generally marked on
th machine. Tha machine ia now al-
lowed to alow down for the purpose of
aauing water lo the Dottlet. Enough
water 1 ad.led to bring th content np
to th neck of the bottle, after which
the machine ia again started and run
for two minutes; again stopped and
tifheient warm water added to bring
all the fat content np Into th gradu
ated part of th bottle. After another
whirling of one minute the sample are
to be read. It may be well to atate
that it la preferable to nee (oft water
and that the temperature should be
about ICO degree Fahrenheit.
To read the amount of fat, take one
oottle out at a time, hold it upright,
the graduated part should be on a level
with the eye. The difference between
the highest and lowest limit of the
butter fat column la the amount of but
ter fat expressed In per cent direct.
Most milk b ittle are graduated np to
10 per cent, each large division Indi
cate one per cent and esch email divis
ion two-tenths of one per cent of butter
fat. To Illustrate the method of read
ing let It he supposed that the top of
the fat column is at 8.5, and the bot
tom at 4 5, then the lea.llnps 8.6 4 6
c)imls 4 per cprit fat. This means that
in 100 pound! of this kind of milk
there would b exactly 4 pounds of fat.
II the testing ha been properly d-me
the butter fat column shon'd be per-f.-ctly
clear, of a brownish yellow color ;
Hie line separating it from the acid
ch'juld be clear and distinct. Too
strong aci.l ia apt to oait blHck or
Pearh v targsr,
t'so for this over ripe peaches and
peellt-ga. Mnfh and mix with water
suthVlertt to keep the flavor of the
peaches. To a gallon of this ad.l four I
ouii.-s br..wn sugar snd a half com-
pressed yeat cake softened. Turn Into '
a Jug or cask und set In the aim to !
Kitty- M.ininm. are e In .. ii-ty?
Mrs. Toptlat Vrs, d-ar, but si:-fy
hnn't i.oind it o.it jet. L'bicagj Trib
une. Dnnihnst ..
Crenm a cup of suir snd a hnif enp
sf butt-r, all a cup of rtillk, two well
shipped .-c.-s, a t.-:i)iiful ea.-h of
rlnri.-uiion and nutm.-g and two cups
of prepared flour, adding enough to
make a soft dough. Uoll Into a sheet
three quarters of an Inch thick and cut
Into shapes with a cutter. Fry lu deep
Dolling fat.
Imports Into Canada in l'.Nii (estimat
ed) from th. I nited States smount to
lli'sl.tssi.issi, against only $7,rsio
from Great Critaia.
particle to "PPhir . .
This aa ml
i. .k ....,.,ratiir ol '
u a 1 i f Him
tL.acid. Iaiiffl-'0 'teount of ,
or too weak acid or too k,, u
of the milk uJ i"11 .hi,!
-l...l. leal
.1.1, .,
Much more con-F"-oirrti011
eompany each 9 I nciM)
. a. J aVt.Jas aarrif 1 If 0 ll. r,.
jei.o. -" "POO
Some Good Suggestion. 8
Br J. . Shlna. tnrrslW ft Idska, Ksao
Borne kind of a hotbed is lu mtmnV'.
factor If one is to tecnr cmp from
plant mas ih"',w . "optional ly
lonii season for maturing. hih
also aftotua an jpp"k-"-j io rrow cer
tain crops, inch aa radlaheaand lettuce
In advance of fr-e seaon. fjoch '
tomatoes, cabbagea. celery ctQll.
flower, practically demand that they h
started in th hotbed before thev ar.
tranepianieu " epecir i0
th Notth. A thes crop Bu,k evBf
be regarded a tha tpl product of
every well balanced garden, ih ron.
airuction and management of botbada
is a very timely topic for th proipac
live gatdenet to consider.
Firt of all. a hotbed may b dn4
aa an incloaut covered with sath and
furnished with artificial heat so that
th plant aia kept la an actively grow
ing ronditlcn. Common itsbl manure
constitute th mala source for securing
this beat. Tbr ar vral require
meet that ahonld be notd regarding
tb kind and quality of manor nd
for hotbeds. It ahonld b praotle.ll.
th sam ag throughout, snd It should
be of auch teitur that wdsq parked It
will neither b fluffy aor will it be
I L a ..
soggy, un to otn.r nana, it ihoald
rpond with springy elasticity be
nealh tha weight of a nan, without
fluffing up when th pressure 1 re
moved. Hora manor which ha from
one-third to one-half straw composing
it total bull win usuaiiy r round to
crovid thia rouilt texture. Mora-
over, thl manur should be fresh, in
order that feimentatlon may proceed
Th procee of fr mental ion la started
before th manor Is placed in tha hot
bed. To accomplish thia th manure
ia naually piled in long, shallow.
aqnare-topped pile; If dry when piled,
It I moiatenad throughout, and if it la
apt to become waieracaked, a ia tha
case in rainy climate, it ahonld be
piled nnder ahelter, fot whet so much
moisture ia present manure will re
main cold. Tb flnl fermentation ia
almost aura to b irregular, io it 1 ne
cessary to fork over tbe pile, d lair 1 bat
ing th hot manure throughout th
maas, in order to get thWt nnifoim-
ly distributed. When M la noticed
that steam ia coming from tha pile
...i ..i i. k-4.L
aaaiu uuini.iiij, i may uw issen aa evi-
dence that th manure la ready to place
In the hotbed.
After one thoroughly understands tha
Important detail of preparing th
mannra for the purpoae of beating, at
tention should be called to the local loe
and construction of the pit and frame.
Pita ar usually dug from 24 to 30
inchea deep and of eufficient lie to ad
mit the framea being plsctd inside
their walla. Bjch pit ahould be lo
cated near some much-frequented path,
in order that they are aure to receive
tha requisite amount of attention. Al
waya have th hotbed facing the aonth
and If such a ait 1 availab'e, put it on
the aonth aide of some building or tight
board fence or hill. Protection ahould
also be Bought from tha prevailing
wlnda, for winda have a decided affect
in carrying away tha beat, a well
drainid legation la also an eaiential req
uirement. Hotbed saab are Sifl feet lo tig and
cost about $3 each. Frames for these
Bash are made with tha back 12 inches
higher than the front, the Ltter being
10 inchea. The number of sash and
th aite of the ftame will depend npon
th nee la of the family. I'sually one
fram Sit) feet will affo-d aufficlent
hotbed area for a family of aig.
Before tha frame ia placed npon th
pit the fermenting manure ia placed in
the pit and thoroughly compacted
bringing the level of the manure to
within three inches of the lurf 0(
theoil. From three to ait Inch. of
good loamy a-arden aoil are distributed
evenly over the aurface of th manure
in order to furnish a eeed bed. Th
seed i not planli nntil the lr!PMiva
heat cf the first few day ha begun to
subside. Py the use of a I hern, ...
e temperature may be aoenrstely M.
rtained. Tomatoe. may besn,- mt '
temperature of 0 to 80 !e -re,.,
bage and lettuce fiom 93 to 70 degree
Hallway wblstlea Inflict tortur, on io
many people that the effort, ihrosd to
check the plague have won approv, trom
the people. Austria baa intro.;,,.,,j (
system of dumb signaling to i(rt lnij
stop the trains. Itelgium ie trjjn, m
pressed air whistles Instesd of "'.a toj
Oermsnv experiment, with oti
(rah Apple Tie.
Wash the large crab apples, quartee
them, and remove the atems and cores.
Fill a d.-ep dish with apples, put on
one cup of sugar to one quart of aptlai
rover with a crust and twtke. Or bake'
vilth an under .rust, adding "ire.tr af.
ti-r baking and covering w"11 liliij
The M-v.
inc Willi !i
tl .- I ,-.f r.
farming e '
'MT. Ml.
II il l'.
" 'M-Tln.
f.'r 01,1;.
1 de ,
;l t.
Paint nisenHs.
I nf r a quart of flour a! ft tro hes.p.
Ing teiiHui. of bnkiiig pod.-r snd a
plnoh of salt. Work In I'.ghW l:h Hi
(lriirer ti(s one-half cup lard- snd mlt
to a soft domrh with fresh tnllk- Io not
kn.tid the dough, but roll d nit
ane half In.-h thick and put ln'o aha!
low pans. Slip Immediate! Into a hot
sven and bake quickly.
Navy Department at Wt'hington. ,
struggling with th problem which
bureau ahould aho a mule V "hn, 1B
- - w j. o- o o
j Old Favorites X
Kelp Tal
a- ' .
,n chair isn't strong on Ita legs.
and we never uu it a bit ;
V keep It to match with the sofa; but
Jack sara it would b. like you
T flop youraelf ri(lit down upon il, and
knock out tb. very last screw.
"Huppow. Jaa trj i j won-, t,n You're
afraid to! Oh, you're afraid they
would think it mean !
Well, then, there the album - thud's
ty. if you're sure that your fingi-rs
are clean.
For sister any. sometimes I daub It, but
she only say. that when she's
That'e her picture. You know it? It's
like her, but alie ain't ao good
looking, of courite.
'Thia la me. It'a the beat
Now, tell me, you'd
of 'em all.
never have
That once 1 was little as that? It'a the
only one that could be bought ;
For that wa.-the meaxage to pa from the
photograph man where 1 aat
That be wouldn't print off any more tiU
he first got his money for that.
"Wkat? Maybe you're tired of waiting
Why, often ahe'e longer than this.
There's all her back hair to do up, and
all her front curia to frli.
But It'a nice to be aitting here talking
like grown people, Juat you and
me !
De you think you'll be coming here often?
Oh do ! But don't come like Tom
"Tom Lee, her laet beau. Why, my good
ness ! be uaed to be here day and
Till the folka thought he'd be her husband,
and Jack saya that gave him a
Too won't run away, then, aa he did? for
you're not a rich man, they aay,
fa aaya you're aa poor aa a church mouse.
Now, ar you? and how poor are
"Ain't you glad that you met me? Well,
I am, for I know now your hair
Isn't red ;
But what there la left of It'a mousey,
and not what that naughty Jack
But there, I mutgo; sister's coming 1
But I wiahl could wait, just to
If she ran up to you nad kissed yon In
the way that she uaed to kiss Lee."
Bret llarte.
Tha DfM-tor'a lmaalnatlow.
"I have a good atory on one of Wash
I ir.trt.in'a beat known (x'tillsts," enld i
" -
nromlnent cluliiiuin. niliircasing mmi
frlenda In the billiard room of tbe Met-
rotxilltnn club. "My eyes bad trou
bled me for lome months, and flrmlly
t went to sec th.' doctor iitxiut them.
"After a thorough examination he
...i.i tbnt the iiinsclca were badly
teMinml. and then he gave me a pre
scription for drops to be used In
va threp tlm-s a day. When I
he gave me an nppolnttnciit for that
day wvk, as he said he could not ex
...ii..tf mv eves for glaHcs until they
were In their normal condition.
"Well I mislaid that blessed pre
scription, and ns I was particularly
busy that week. I had i" t''e Kpt
another copy. B In some trepidation
I kept my second ap'lnttiieiit.
"Aa the doctor examined my eyes 1
hesitated ' u" ,ollln hlm
i ko.i nn ..M...I Hie drops, w hen he took
the words out of 'my mouth and the
breath out of my body t'X remarking
with pleased emphasis:
"Your eves are very much Im
proved. That medicine which I gsv
you Is certainly wonderful. It alwave
has such prompt anil satisia...... j
suits.' .
"It was all I could do to keep cl
ient." concluded the s;-aker. laughing,
"nut I wasn't quite sure how he would
tske the joke. Yon ace. he may not
have a sense of humor."-Washington
Star. .
Me. Kaeape M',m"'
"We're used to odd question." ald
the skipper of n river steamer aa ha
atom! on the wharf In the center of a
crowd of querying passengers, an.
when I get thia aboard I II
breathe easier mid tell yon the latest.
All aboard? Very g I. Tl.'s Is It
The other .lav as e
left llie jiicr ni.-i
swung Into
the stream s woman nr-
..-.,.. 1. .i uith her
two clilliiren. i
. h...' t lis
saw I was
It mil wane 1. ..- -
flro escnne?' h
lcmamleil. .-ly nu-
hnml fold me never to travel
fl.,,11.,.. nt where the tire
escape was.
I knew It
never no i i-..
. ..ll l...e
we had no flr es.-aie. but
.....1. . m for 1111 answer.
1 bad to
Finally I
. . .... ..:.-..iitf la Ider running
pouueii 10 io-
up our solitary ami neer used
... ... 1 ...I.I her. 'nun Ii
s Are
1 nerp 11 i". ... 1 ci,.
breaks out y.i .M-t r.1.1 m that- '
.mN.re.l quite sntlsfl.d. but I hope
she'll never be aboard slilp uhen a fire
breaks out. If "lie I- '" r'.,.",I"1;
mast there'll - trouble aure. -Hula
delphla Uii-orl-
lalerrapllo" lle.enlea.
.. .nil Iniiiling work?"
.1 oil 1 -
"Yes sir." answered l'lo.l.l i
-.. Lnow that out V
: rv:e.
.t tin-
are willing and angloua to gl,e tb.-m
employment?" . ...
-sr. I ,b. Pat s de reis. n I like
dls territory.
can go on 100
disturlied." Wash-
work without twin
Ington Star.
,. .-..,,.-1 that
tlie entnpulsofy
adoption of the incandescent system of
ele,-trlc IHthflnir In mln-a will greatly
cut down the death roll.
v 1- r.rer hsve a very
high re-
.k. in.inatrv of a man who
Kara tor n"7 .
baa bl. picture taken "whll. at work.
Mf- I mv a T
CtiiM Hafaraaatfaw.
Her Mother But what objection can
you bare to Mr. le acadda, my dear?
Pretty Iu.ajiter Oh, be' all right
In most reiecta, but be has such ab-
' surd Ideaa of what a wife should be.
Her Mother Oh, that doesu't cut
any Ice. Your father wa the same
when I married him, but six
have no trouble In seelug tnat my an-
awer la decidedly to tb point" Sue
cvea Magaxln.
Vnthera win find Mrs. Wlnalew-s Bnottttae
tyruii " b st remade to us. tui ibMt ciiUunM
luring in. imuuui iriou.
"That well in Wisconsin," remarked
Mr. Quigley, "is roaring attain, they say."
Mrs. Quigley turned pal.
Jiayrx it means this time, ah. gnap
ed, "that our cook ia going fo leave na!
I saw her overhauling her trunk thia
morning !" Chicago Tribune.
Nothing ! Thl.
Trlson Warden We try to give every
Inmnte work with which he I familiar.
What' your trade?
New l'rlsoner Im a professional
V Cm CI Allen's r.ol-r.s. THTt.
Writ. Aliens. Olinsiad U Koy, S. Y., for a
free sample ol All.-u's Foot-La.'., it runt
sweating, toot swollen, acblni f.-.t. It maki-e
new or tight shoes oasy. A .-ertaia fur. lur
and bunions. AUdriie-
glaU WlHt. iio.
tHin't accept any substitute..
N.lhlna- Mora.
They've com. to blows, haven't they?"
aaked the onderaised reporter, who was
trying to force hia way to the center of
the crowd.
Yea," answered the tall man. who
could see the two disturbers of ths peace.
"First ens of 'em blowa, an' then the
other, but that'a all. Ther hain't been
a ik atruck yit.H Chicago Tribune.
"I am ao sorry that Mrs. Brlgbam la
moving out of the city. I ahall mlaa
her ao much."
"Were you auch good frle-nda?"
"Oh. It lan't that we were ao friend
ly, but ahe bas the nicest aet of flat all-
ver in tne neighborhood and I uaed to
borrow It every time I wanted to en
tertaln." Detroit Free Preee.
A Cholea of Kvlla.
"Tour daughter can come to m for
her music lesanua and can do her prac
ticing at home."
"I'd rather you'd give her her lee
ton here at home and have her do her
practicing at your rooms." Uouston
M 1 t) I "i
I lay be permonctiny oiercome by rrnper
piM'soiial efforts witlithe flssistonro
lithe one truly beneficial lotntui?
1 it j 1 r . 1 ti. . .v
tetty, jyuri oj IigS nnd UuiroJ.3.ii
it-n enaljles one tu form rt'gul
habits ctailv so tliut assistunce to na
ture rnny lie grailuuljy itiSjHMtSod with
ulien no lonj''r nepcteti asttiebestof
remedies, wripn reutrpd, are to assist
noture antl not to Suplint tlie nutur
al functions, which must depend ulti
mately upon proper nourishment.
nroiwr efforts. ana netu uvinv xpihtuuk
To get its benefieiul efet ts qI
huy the genuine
Fio SriiiTP Co. oNiy
cm n rvai L I r ADINC DRUCClSTS
one ureoiij, iirnur price 50 ft Bottia
T DM! Whll Yaw Mar
It la a good and aaf rule to sojourn
In every place aa ir you mesni i.
pend your life there, never omitting
an opportunity of doing a klndnesa or
speaking a true word or making a
friend .lohn Knskln.
Ac QpiiiMe rrrpaniion hSs
simif.iliitf, tiH?rocdanfrtrr;ijf?i
(inj Uu? Sionuk.'is amlUowcIsi
Promotes Dislionflifrrf J
ncssand ResiXonlalnsncitiw
Opium.Morprune norMiacraL
jil.Snml e
Aperfcrt Rpme Hv fnTf.ipsflri
lion oour annus ii.i,.i.--Vorn-.s.('oim,!si(iiP..FnTrisb
racSimik S.Jrurure t
vrvv YORK.
ill sj 1 a ui iT"7fj
Eaact Copy of Wrapper,
t.l.' O... .Sa.aatat.r- ar al I 1 ff m"mTr It tfl M r J
Does Your
Heart Beat
Does it scad out good blood
.or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health ;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood Ay er's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
Oa. traq..et eans. f 4 blnarf U . flare...
liver. Ti.t. pr.lii-.s e..i iNlion. po,.....-ua
Sub-.snrw sr. that. sbrl-d Im. thn I,i.hhI,
tn.ies.l f bat. a rvmu.f.t fr.Mn lh. btv d.i .
.a naltlf. I.iitidt Kn ll. bewe -.a
with litr-l fills, liv.f r"'- All vaaaiab.a.
iM BaauutaV9iUTrB
bir inci.
Aliir CLSf.
CtlLWi mTntAL.
ld Llalala MMholoar.
Vulcan had juat put four new horaw
ehoea on the feet of the (Vntaur.
Kasieat Job I ever did," he snid to
the bystanders. "lie stood perfectly still,
and when 1 handed him the tly brush be
kept the flies away himself."
Making a handwome discount from his
nsual price, he asked hia customer la
drive himself lo hia shop whenever h.
needed any more work. Chicago Tribune.
Tha lllahee Mathematics.
Nlbb Do you uixse It' ever p-
Ibl to come anywhere near tbe le
of a mnn'e Income?
Dlgga tea; Just take the figure he
give to the assessor, add to It the fig
ure be telle bla frlenda and then tllvl.le
tbe result by two and you'll have It
near enough." Illustrated Uita.
L Vtas raa-. sod all Nwroo. tw. asas
IM-rman.Dllr curv. hf !r. Kline's ova.
Iu.i,.r. Head Ar HlV K S3 trial b.-Kla ai-4
iraaUM. Ut. U. U. klis, L4..SU Arab bk, l'luuw-a
rrwaa tha Allaaatatal r.lat wf Vlwv.
lie So your marriage waa a failure?
She Ob, I don't know.
He Wby, I thought you bad secured
She I did.
Ha Well, don't you call that a com
plete failure?
8he Hardly. You aee, my partner
made an aaslgnment and I rece-lved a
very neat auiu aa a preferred creditor.
He Oh uui er I beg your par
Ann t JnAe:
The "Peacock Throne" of Persia Is Iba
most extravagant thing of the kin 1 in
the world. Its value ia estimate I be
tween ten and fifteen million dollars.
oii:n all. tiii: yf.au
I "Tue tllree tly tbe bearb evevlMblaa I
I ni -aa. Hut salt balka a4
C. Gee Wo
Th. wall knows nl labia
tool and Herb
Tl.a msa . III. wlorfr
Jt r-ts an. I hrrl. anrt In ..
JVJ-I sillily rti.r.l a.i. la V1
yjl my in Ilia a.,rl4 w.a-
Na Mercury. Poison, er Druis Useo tie C isrve)
Withaul Oper.tian. or Without '? f ssfw
He suar.n. ... C.r. rh. AsShn...
HirtMl. nneruniaii iwi". ; , i . u .
Htotnarh, I.haar. Kl.iny I n....ls l-o 1- Mmmhrnmi.
Jml Receive, from Pehlne. llna-il. Ssarai
and Reliable.
If roa eaaaot oall. writ, for sraipMa Man. aaanlvaak
' 4,,.,. .ia.
turn ,Vk n HiNH.lt alKI'f.itr no.
sail t int a. . (or. Murnaoa. PortlaaO.1
floaa. Maalloa Thl. fmrnrnt.
r n u
No. IS-O
li'Hr.N svrltln to ad vertl.wr. plaaaa I
W n.nilna tbl. paper. I
For Infanta nnrl Children.
The Kind You Hav:
. Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
isnr. si
I per ear. Spe. lal 1
J abasaa UAN. J. MoollK.
1 Ef-
. Bui J t faff K ta
. aea va.a arvr.
s " . '