Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 08, 1908, Image 5

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!T l. W. HATH.
thou HILLcUiiko.
H;ld h. 11,
6 :!' II. m . . .
Forest (irove
Ciiriieliun. . . .
I lillnlxin, . . .
IW-averton. . .
I'urtluml ....
I'ortlun.l ....
IVavertou . . .
lliltxlxiro. . . .
('iirueliiis. , . ,
Kon-Ht (irove
UOiNO Nukth.
No. 7am
o. Mam
11 :.V
No. 1.
. . 5 :08 p.
. . :03 ik.
No. 9 p
1 :M
No. 10 p ra
I'. (
Ice for sale. Den of Sweets.
"Dora Thome" at Crescent
Theatre next Monday night. .
Carpenters and painters are
kept pretty busy these days.
Coeoanut Butter at the Den of
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. 1'ope are
slowly recovering from a severe
attack of la grippe.
Many new nouses going up in
Hillsboro this year, and every
one is snapped up as soon as fin
Mrs. L. F. Belknap went to
McMinnville Tuesday for a two
week's visit with her sister, Mrs,
I. D. Chappellleft last Monday
for Denver and Omaha, where
he will look over a lot of race and
blooded horses.
"Right Thinking and It3 Effect
on Health" will be Rev. Uilpat
rick's topic at the Congregational
church next bunday morning,
Mr. Pope, the Photographer,
wishes to announce that he wil
soon be able to be at his studio,
and will finish all work satisfac
tory to his patrons.
If the fellow who tried to cut
a little dog into sausage meat one
day last week, actually needs the
meat in his business, he may call
on the owner for the dog.
There will be a union temper
ance meeting in the Congrega
tional church next Sunday even
ing at 8 o'clock. A prominent
speaker from Portland will de
liver an address. Everybody is
invited. I
Since our last issue marriage
licenses have been issued by
County Clerk Godman to Geo. II.
Martin and Mary E. Noah; F. L.
Pranger and Mary Sohler; An
drew Miller and Eva Hill; F. A.
Moore and Mrs. Ivy Hartrampf,
and Perry C. Stream and Domi
ma Sinclair.
On Anril 20th there was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mann of
Spokane, Wash., a daughter and
"Grandpa Mann" of this city is
feeling exceedingly happy over
the event. The father was born
and raised in this county and his
friends in Hillsboro will be glad
to learn that this joy has entered
his home.
The return of one of the most
popular emotional dramas on the
American stage, Bertha M. Clay's
"Dora Thome," will be hailed
with delight at the Crescent, one
night only, May 11th. The ex
periences of the young girl,
daughter of a cottager, who mar
ried a rich nobleman's son, are
pathetic in the extreme.
A band of 17 pieces, to be known
as the Bethany Junior Band, has
just been organized at Bethany,
with Henry Kuratli as leader.
The boys have their meetings
every Wednesday night and are
making splendid headway. We
hope to see them numbered with
the other bands who will furnish
music for the big Fourth of July
celebration in Hillsboro.
Delicious ice cream cones.
Den of Sweets.
The annual visit of Bertha M.
Clay's celebrated drama. "Dora
Thome." will occur at the Cres
cent one night only, May 11th,
and this is an event in which
ni lovers of romantic, sentimental
m- terested, especially the women
uora ihorne" is without doubt
the best known and most widely
react oi an books of its kind.
seaside is makiner bur nrenar
ations to welcome the battleships
as they pass Tillamook Head, and
the railroads are arranging for
an immense crowd to the coast.
The old government trail is to be
cut out so people can go out on
the face of the Head and watc
the ships as they pass. The view
will be unexcelled, and a cleared
fl:.,i space on me iace oi tne moun
...:n - tr i A i j.
Auerit. uuu W1U auoru standing room ior
me mousanus.
Mrs. M. M. Kreider. wife of
A. Kreider, of Forest Grove, died
in that city May 3, aged 53 years,
she was born at Ansonia, O.
February 22, 1853, and came to
Forest Grove 19 years ago. .
widower and the following chi
dren survive her: Kev. Harry
Kreider, a tree Methodist minis'
ter; Miss Harriet Kreider, Mrs
W. G. Copple and Hirschel Krei
der, all of Forest Grove.
Ira Hoard, of Hillsboro, who
went to Klickitat about tw
months ago to file on a home
stead, was obliged to relinquish
his claim and return on account
of illness brought on by drinking
alkali water. He is now at the
home of his father in Beaverton
Mrs. Hoard left last Friday for
Klickitat to join her husband
not learning of his illness, but
was stopjed at Beaverton by her
brother-in-law, who informed her
of Mr. Hoard s illness.
H. R. Hoerr. of Mankato,
Minn., was in Hillsboro Tuesday,
the guest of F. M. Heidel, a
friend of the Hoerr's back in
Minnesota. He was returning
from a trip of inspection through
California and not finding just
what he wanted came here. Mr.
Ileidel drove him out over the
county with the result that an
other Minnesota man will make
his home in this section.
Supt. B. W. Barnes and School
Director R. H. Greer visited
Highland school at Portland last
Tuesdav and returned more than
pleased with their visit Their
principal reason for going was to
look at the manual training class
es and observe the wav it is con
ducted there, with the view of
adding manual training to Hills
loro schools. Prof. Stanley, of
Highland school, who was some
twelve years ago teacher of the
school here and two terms county
sniMrintendent of schools in
Washington county, entertained
Messrs. Barnes and Greer and
demonstrated the benefits of
manual training in his school.
They were highly pleased with
what they saw and are strongly
in favor of introducing manual
Dr. Tamiesie ha3 purchased a
Reo, 20-horse-power automobile,
and finds it a great aid to him in
his business, as long distance
trips can be made quicker than
by the old horse-power method,
The doctor declares the new ma
chine was not purchased for
pleasure, but as a purely bust
ness proposition, and says he can
now cover 100 miles quicker than
he could get over 25 before his
investment, and in cases where
speed is required the automobile
will be found valuable.
The Washington County Vet
erans Association held a meeting
at Cornelius yesterday and be
yond enjoying a family reunion
and a splendid dinner, named the
place for holding the next reun
ion. Those going from here
were Judge R. Crandall and wife,
W. Hartrampf and wife, Capt.
M. C. Collier. Capt. A. M. Col
lins, F. A. Haines. S. D. Powell,
J. B. Wait. Geo. T. Ledford and
wife, A. W; Barber, Mrs. M. E.
Sabin. Mrs. S. E. Fuller, Mrs. J.
M. Wheeler and Mrs. Sinclair.
Over 40 old veterans and their
ladies were present. The reun
ion will be held at Cornelius June
30 and continue until July 4.
The Methodist church society
of this city contemplate enlarg
ing and improving their edifice
on the corner of Third and Wash
ington streets, and add thereto
an auditorium, Sunday school
room of eight class rooms and a
parlor and kitchen, so arranged
that they can all be thrown into
one large room, giving a seating
capacity of GOO or 700. The
building will be heated by furn
ace and the cost of remodeling
and building to the structure is
estimated at between $5,000 and
$6,000. All persons interested
are invited to attend church next
It has been decided by the city
council not to demolish entirely
the old water tower, but to use it
temporarily until a new steel
tower can be built beside it,
which will cost in the neighbor
hood of $1,700 and will be KG feet
high. The timbers in the old
tower were found to be badly de
cayed and unfit for the purpose
they have been used for, and it
was found absolutely necessary
to rebuild. Supt. Hall went to
Portland Monday and posted him
self on the cost of a new steel
tower, and upon his showing it
was decided to rebuild and to
keep the old tower, temporarily
at least
While Charles Sholty, who is
living on the Dennis' ranch just
east of town, was driving home
from Hillsboro last Saturday
night, his team became fright
ed and unmanageable. He was
thrown from the wagon and a
wheel struck him back of the
ear, laying bare the bone for at
least three inches, and rendered
him unconscious for some time.
He was picked up and taken
home and Dr. A. B. Bailey sent
for, who sewed up the wound
and reports the injured man as
getting along as well as could be
expected, and thinks he will come
out all right, though he got a
severe jolt and a pretty close
The regular Banks ball team
plaved with the O. II & N. boys
of Portland last Sunday on the
new ball grounds at Banks. The
Portland boys won by a score of
6 to 3 in a well played game. A
special train went from here car
rying the Hillsboro band and a
large number of enthusiastic
fans. Next Sunday the McMinn
ville team will cross bats with
the Banks team, but there will
be no special train for this game.
The Holliday Maroons of Port-
t i l r -. 3 u r -it I r.r-
est Grove and the Beaverton bast
ball team walked all over the
Portland White Diamond nine on
the same afternoon, with a score
of 10 to 6. Beaverton was the
only Washington county club to
win a game last Sunday.
Herman Donneel, of Hillsboro,
while cutting wood with an ax
last Saturday, 'struck the index
innrrnr rf hid loft hunt With tflO
V. 1 111.7 i I.
keen edge, ncarl.v severing it.
Dr. Tamiesie sewed up the wound
but Donneel will be unable to use
his hand for several weeks.
A A ATnrrill find son. who
were doing survey work near 1 1
gardville, ate some canned goods
last Friday and came home t
Hillsboro the next day very ill
from ptomaine poisoning. Mr.
Morrill was able to be up and
about yesterday, but his son is
still confined to his bed. Dr.
Tamiesie is attending the two.
. Ex-County Judge I A. Rood
has been placed in nomination as
an independent candidate for the
office of justice of the peace tor
North and South Hillsboro. ev
erybody knows that Judge hood
is well qualified to fill the post
Wolff, the PortA. nfatnan
s act-
commit the
If k. l. " "3
lit ni.i
ions and
fflh.' e while
uiiut-i v..- .iwnce ot the dmir
though the evidences are all
against hin now. Hi, wife who
at first believed in his gu ft ' has
fi!n.tend' S stand
ny in confesses
Flies for County Clerk.
The announcement is made
that N. L. Atkins, formerly sta
tion agent at Forest Grove, has
been nominated as an indepen
dent candidate for county clerk,
and that his petition will be filed
not later thrn Saturday. Mr.
Crescent Theatre,
Sri AY 11
man a latlier is a retired real
tate dealer of New Ywk &n(
traveling m Luropi? with
wife. As soon as v, u
rated the matter of procuring;
attorney for his g,m win b(J d
Hon sind he has manv irien
and admirers in ootn parties "
will h:ifk nn their belief in his
efficiency by voting for him.
Here is a part of a conversa
tion overheard on the street the
other day between one ot our
ocal ministers and a Hillsboro
business man: "I will tell you
frankly that up to within a year
I have been opposed to this pro
hibition movement that is sweep
ing the country and have invari
ablv voted against it. I take s
drink when I want it, and I can't
figure out that it has ever done
me any good: but I can plainly
see where it is doing great harm
to our boys, and for that reason
shall vote dry." isut to tell
you the truth I am doubtful about
winning out. because you minis
ters and church people don't vote
as you preacn. vvnac are you
going to do this time? And
they separated, the minister's
face wearing a very thoughtful
As will be seen in another col
umn, J. A. unapman, wno was
nominated as a candidate for rep
resentative on the Independent
Statement No. 1 ticket, has re
fused to allow his name to go on
the ticket. He says he is a re
publican, stands for republican
principles and a champion of the
primary law. In closing his let
ter declining the nomination, Air.
Chapman says: "I wish to state
further that I am a republican
and a champion of the direct pri
mary law, and as such have tak
en part in our receni primaries
and supported most of the suc
cessful candidates. For me to
et my name be placed on a ticket
in onnosition to ones 1 helped to
nominate should receive just con
demnation from every true re-
Eublican and every fair-minded
emocrat as well."
Joseph Campbell, of Gales
Hrook. was iriven a hearing m
Justice Bagley's court last Friflay
morning on a charge of pointing
firearm at Emmott (juick, a
deputy sheriff. He was ordered
back to lai where he was kept
until the controversy between he
and his divorced wife was .settled
and on Monday was released on
his own recognizance and ordered
to appear at the next term of the
circuit court. Campbell's wife
secured a divorce at the last term
of court, .was awarded one third
of Campbell's real property, $500
alimony and a sewing machine.
It was when the deputy snerm
went for the machine that Camp
bell drew his revolver. The con
troversy between Campbell ana
hi u-ifp heinsr settled, the court
believed there was no danger in
termitting Campbell to go pend
ing good behavior.
The mohair sale which was
held by Thos. Connell, James W .
Sewell and E. B. Tongue, in this
city April 28th, brought 18 cents
per pound. 4.632 pounds being
disposed of, H. Wehrung & Sons
taking the lot. all but two per
sons in the pool selling. Mem
bers of the Mohair Pool who sold
are J. C. Beach, R. B. Collins,
John Boge, Jas. Borwlck, A. Gor
rlnn Geo. Robinson. Ladd &
1 FArm Co.. A. B. Cox. Peter
Gottleib, I), and E. Young. Thos.
rVmr.oll Stpnhen Hensley. C.
Rchse. Zina Wood. Wm. Schul
mprieh. A. Lincoln. Wm. Meir-
Elmer Scott W. W,
Kinp. Wm. McQuillan. Julius
Christensen. Grant Brown, Ed,
Northrop. F. J. Williams, A. C,
Wirtz. C. D. Farnham, P. O,
Bachelor, Chas. Crocker. Jos,
rnnnoll nnd Dr. A. B. Bailey,
Trio amount realized at the sale
was $833.70.
For Sale or Rent.
Small farm, 1-2 mile south of
trip Hillsboro depot Inquire of
J. A. Messinger. Hillsboro.
Interest in a valuable patent
to trade for real estate. Inquire
at this office.
or is
ami i3
1,1 tUroiK' With Viia
as he I'm ho lo
cided upon. Wolff was rniollv
I .... i ii. L- . .
miipien-u m ins store at Portland
I., . H rillllV MlnLi 1 .
I',11 ana it is
tnougiu -"iwabieof his goods
uihen, u.vuu none have as yet
" '"'7 was shot and
struck on the head at least thirty
iimco ujr 'aitnt'i or ax.
"Dora Thorne,r will'le the at
traction at Crescent Theatre,
Mav Htn, for one r;
and will no doubt be greeted with
a large house as this is one of
the best plays on the road. The
present company j3 by far the
best that n.is ever mmonrpil in
this beautiful play, each member
being particularly suited for his
or her part and the press ahd
public have been unanimous in
their praise of the company and
Chanue ol Rome.
A petition will be circulated at
once asking for a change of route
through Hillsboro of the Oregon
Electric Company, which it is be
lieved will be much more satis
factory to many than the one a!
ready projiosed. The petition
reads as ionows:
It is the sentiment of the un
dersigned property owners that
the granting of a franchise on
Washington street is detriments
to the business interests now e
tablished on Main street, but in
as-much as the Oregon Electric
Company preferred said street
we are quite willing to concede
to their wishes. Provided, how
ever, that said company construct
a loop track as follows: rrom
the corner or Washington and
First streets, thence north
Main street thence east on Main
street to Third street, thence
south 'on Tifcd to Washington
street. This loop will prove
equitable to ' the business and
property interests as they now
exist and will create no los3 or
hardship on any one. Hence we
sincerely hope that this change
ot routing will be made.
Look Out tor Bad Dollars.
n i ,
complaints continue to reac
the office of United States Attor
ney McLourt that counterfeit do,
lars are being circulated in this
city. Monday a newsdealer re
ported that he had received one
of the spurious coins and the
fact was reported to Steve Con
nell, secret serv ice agent of the
treasury department, who last
week caused the arrest of Louis
lurner and Steve Ramsey, ex
convicts ana notorious counter
feiters who are known to be the
men who manufactured and ori
ginally distributed many of these
Since the arrest of the pair,
Mr. Connell has recovered from
several business houses, includ
ing some ot the hanks, a large
number oi tne pogus i n n
well made is thecou
ey that it circulates readily, sev
eral ot the nai dollars having
been accepted by streetcar con
ductors. It is estimated by the
federal authorities that Turner
and Ramsey passed about 400 of
the coins in this vicinity before
they were captured, together
wun ineir ouuu, in
Wash. The charge
feiting against the
investigated by the
jury. Oregonian.
ell qualified for the position and
his friends assert that as a run
ner he is a whirl-wind.
Probate Court.
Final account in the matter of
the estate of Calvin Adams filed;
Monday, June 2, set as the time
for hearing objections to said fin
al account
Bond of ndminisitrntnr in thn
W. R. Martin estate filed and ap
proved; letters of administration
issued to John Stewart as such
administrator; Wm. Feldt, John
Bellest and Joseph Burgholzer
appointed appraisers.
r mat account in the estate of
hos. J. King allowed and ap
Estate of Rebecca Traver. de
ceased; letters will issue to R.
W. Traver upon his filing a good
and sumcient bond in the sum of
Final account filed in the mat
ter of the estate of James Fitz
gerald, deceased, and June 8 set
for time of hearing objections to
Ordered that S. T. Linklater
be appointed administrator of the
estate of Susan K. Tanner, de
ceased, upon his filing a bond in
the sum of $1,000.
On Monday. May 4. to Mr. and
Mrs. Orvil S. Jones, of Cornel
ius, a daughter.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
lugh Moore, at Newton Station,
on Monday, May 4, a son.
May 1st to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dunn, of Sauvie's Island,
a daughter.
On April 30, to Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kruger, a daughter.
April 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Ilines, of Banks, a son.
f ' ... . ,.' .-?
lk-rtha M. Clay's Famous Love Story
DDdDira TBiKiDinnie
Dramatized by I-ain. B. Tarker
Prices 25c, 35c, 50c.
Republican Candidate for
A Taxpayer will work for the
best interests of the taxpayer.
RepMbUcaa Nonrine
tor Stat Senator.
Conducted by the "Ladies Aid" of
the Chiistian church, will be in
Webb & Hoover's store EVERY
SATURDAY. Fresh IMes, Cakes
and Bread.
There is nothing more entertaining than an
Edison Phonograph and a good assortment
of Edison Records.
I carry in my store
a complete stock of
Edison American Re
cords, which means
over 3,000 records to
select from.
Same prices every
where. Call in and
ask to hear them.
of counter
men will be
next grand
The Portland . Weekly Oregon
ian and lne iiuishom T
dent one year for $2.25.
County Court.
The county court met in regu
lar monthly session iast Wednes
day and will probably rernajn in
session all the week. Up to yes
terday afternoon 2.-4 bills were
on the table for auditing and but
few had been passed Uporii The
complete list will be published
next week.
The county accepted deed to
Road District 14. North For
est Grove, from Geo. McKibben
and others, and ordered the road
A liquor license was granted to
Robert T. Simin at Ruxton.
Chris. Chnstcr.sen was reap
pointed road supervisor of Dis
trict No. '22
Hans Rooks. ho put jn a claim
for f-iN) for danyures for the i093
of a horse on county road
near Pumpkin idge, had his
claim laid over ior further con
sideration. . ,
The petition l Mrs, Luce for a
quitclaim deed jo property in
Forest Grove. lld for taxes, was
allowed, she to Pay taxes and
wearing apparel for summer is al
ways a perplexing problem for the
mother and for that reason the
have become so popular and such
a general favorite with the mothers.
You will find them in all sizes and styles
Opposite Commercial Bank
bitt Pftons 045
training here.