Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 08, 1908, Image 1

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    Volume 3G
Number 1
Rillsboro Independent. THE IMP in
D. V. BATH, Publishes.
TV. I . .
. uiayainr 41 Qui lurcttl limn
anyone. It it not our practice) to top
p.per until ordered to Jo o. Anyoue
not wishing tlia paper must notify the
paomuer or wiey will bo lieli hMul (or
iu laoscripiiun price.
SUOi Year, In Advance.
a.ntarl at tht Poatofflca at Hllla
' ro, Oregna. for transmission throaga
(lift uiaii ut mm.-uci1-cim mail mailer.
Official Paper of Washington County.
Republican in Politics.
tuvtcariHiNU IUtks: limpluy, 60 cent
an im li, untitle column, lor four Inser
tions; remling hoiHf", one cent a word
etch Insertion (uotliinir leiw thaa 15
a mo
A ramous Speech by'Bob" Inner-
soli on the Evils and Curse
of Iniem prance.
I am aware that there is a pre
judice against any man who man
ufactures alcohol. I believe that
from the time it issues from the
ditheiins ol the Coventors.
When President Roosevelt calls
to order the opening session of
the great White Rouse Confer
ence, on May 13, there will he
gathered together in the East
Room of the Executive Mansion
the most notable assemblage of
men in the public eye that has
... ... V,a
ever met m tne nistory 01
United States. The governors
of all the states have signified
their intention of being present
at this conference, and each win
onng witn him three futu
fully chosen from among the
learned of the resjiective states,
to act as advisors in the con
vention. Resides these govern
ors and their advisors, represen
Supl.AcKerm.111 say, ,ne 0
Land Cranl Shouia ror(eW.
The Independent is in
r Tnufiniptinn .1 U 4 i
wmcn ne attention to th
fnfl',..-.,-, nil imlint Tl H- .1 I 1 1 i. Ill ftf t flO 1 ., - J
DiprofH.8U.nai card, one inch, i coiled and Doisonous worm m the . " u.-i , y. m"us oi Ure-
mi, ; M. card,, fs a ye.r, pay.- . ' .,, ana i)OU3 worm in e tional organizations, the welfare on included in the grant to the
bie quarterly, (notice ai resolution distillery until it empties into the
free to ailvertiitiiig lixlen;.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Office: Room 3. 4 and E. Morgan BIk.
Hllltboro, Oregon.
Utile : Central II lock. Room 6 and 7.
Hlllsboro, Oregon.
Ollice on. Main St., opo the Court House
jaws of death, dishonor and crime,
it demoralizes everybody that
touches it from its source to
where it ends. I do not believe
anybody can contemplate the ob
ject without being prejudiced
against the liquor crime. All we
have to do, gentlemen, is to
think of the wrecks on either
bank of the stream of death, of
the suicides, of the insanity, of
the ignorance, of the destitu
tion, of the little children tug-
i 1 HI a
railroads. iir- Ackerman be
lieves this land should be donat
ed to the state as an addition to
the irreducible school fund, in
case the government again se
cures possession of the land.
"No better disposition of the
land could be wade," said Super
intendent Ackorman. "The land
was granted by the government
to aid the development of the
state of Oregon through the
building of a railroad. The gov.
Jl&oe : Rooms J, 4 and 5, Morgan Bloc.
Hllliboro, Oregon.
Notary Public and Collections.
11. T. It A( J LEY,
Attorney - at - Law,
Office Over the Postollice.
Ilillsboro, Oregon.
Office upstairs, Bailey Morgan Bile.
both 'phonks.
Hllltboro, Oregon.
Office, urwUirs, over The IVlta Irii
Store. Office hour S to 12; 1 to 6, and
In the evening" from 7 to 0 o'clock.
Hllltboro, Oregon.
Rmlilrni'C enrniT Tliir.l ami Main: otfpo tip
Itolt. .lruv ftlnri: hour, ft. HO to W in
I to 6 an1 7UW . m. lvle.hou to reaulam-e
rnm ilrim atom. A II calla promullf aua-
rl dar or ihkIH
Hllltboro, Oregon.
Office: Morgan-Dalley block, up
ttalrt, roomt 1'.'. 13 and IS. Residence
B. V. cor. liase Lino and Second ta.
Both 'pbonee.
A. B. IJAILIvV, M. I).,
llillslwro, Oregon.
0(B! oier Hilry Irti Plor. OrTW houri
rVom a .) to I'J: l:i to . and 7 to . RNMrnce
third hon north of clijr flwtnc ll-lu plant,
i'alla promptly auonilwl i1a or oight. Hotb
hona. at-pta-iH
The Fraternal
Hillslioro Lodge
Meets evrry Saturday niisht.
Wehrung' 1IU. o'clork
of which depends in greater or
ess detrree unon natural re
sources, will be in attendance,
and, further, the president has
invited six special miests. for
their superlative fitness to act as
"advisors-at-large" to the confer
ence. l he reading public is more
or less familiar with the prelimi
nary steps that have been taken
for the coming conference, and
newspaper readers are aware 01
the incidents that led up to the
ZJT . :3 calling of the meeting; but few Lament fixedamaximum r-ice
.m . :- have considered the magnitude an(1 established other restrictions
0 r l fit t h A tnnina trv Yn rliuniicaaod nr . 1 . ,7 fV., L 1
.v., ...... ";"'". .' the crying necessities that made
ui i'uu, ui tiie iiit'ii ui Kuiiiua 11 1 4 .
11.1 , 1 I VVlilLlLMVL IIIiMLlMll f Vi
hnn inMAn!rnl tr j-a iArn ntMiiilinn I
uaa nictMTUi uic men au ukku'IK til. e i a a. t
" 00 I I h prinn-fl rt cuhinnra rr nn
. . . , I A itv 1 Vi. tD U kJl V V LO UV
witn imaginary serpents, pro- miM . . nnvM
j . . , . . . 1 1 UIOVUOPLU IU LI 1 V 11 Lil I.
?Z2 Z?" Pram of national converation
,i i , g i ivjvi ration ui CAiouiifS iui cii
J . l . , lfl v va.-r V,i3UblVll lUUUO
vi me prisons, oi me scanoias
upon either bank, I do not won
der that every thoughtful man is
i aiiu ine prevention oi waste in
Intemperance cuts down youth mining, relations of waterways
in its vigvr, mannooa m its to transnortation anfl th rplntinn
. i i I r . I
strengtn, oia age in its weaic- Gf rai!wavs to water lines of r.ir.
present producing nothing; stor
age ol surplus waters, inland
waterways, irrigation, conserva-
AH member, are requested to be preeent worst enemy.
ness. It breaks the father's
heart, bereaves the doting moth
er, extinguishes natural affec
tion, erases conjugal love, blots
out filial attachment, blights par
ental hopes, brings down mourn
ing age in sorrow to the grave,
It produces weakness, not
strength; sickness, not health;
death, not life. It makes wives
widows, children orphans, fath
ers fiends; and all of them pau
pers and beggars. It feeds rheu
matism, invites cholera, imports
pestilence and embraces consump
tion. It covers the land with
idleness, misery and crime. It
fills your jails, supplies your
almshouses and demands your
asylums. It engenders contro
versies, fosters quarrels and cher
ishes riots. It crowds your pen
itentiaries and furnishes victims
for your scaffolds. It is the life
blood of the gambler, the element
of the burglar, the prop of the
highwayman and support of the
midnight incendiary. It counte
nances the liar, respects the
thief, esteems the blasphemer.
It violates obligation, reverences
fraud and honors infamy. It de
fames benevolence, hates love,
scorns virtue and slanders inno
cence. It incites the father to butcher
his helpless offspring, helps the
husband to massacre his wife and
the child to grind the paridal
ax. It burns up men, consumes
women, detests life, curses God.
despises heaven. It suborns
witnesses, nurses perjury, de
files the jury box and stains the
judicial ermine. It degrades the
citizen, debases the legislator,
dishonors the statesman and dis
arms the patriot It brings
shame, not honor; misery, not
safety; despair, not hope; sorrow
not happiness, and with the mal
evolence of a fiend it calmly sur
veys its frightful desolation and
unsatiated havoc. It poisons fe
licity, kills peace, ruins morals,
blights confidence, slays reputa
tion and wipes out national hon
or, then curses the world and
laughs at its ruin. It does all
that and more. It murders the
soul It is the sum of all villian
ies, the father of all crimes, the
mother of all abominations, the
devil's best friend and God's
riage, prevention of floods and
their consequent destruction of
life and property, care of the
range lands of the West -their
regrassing and proper utilization,
these are a few of the grand di
visions of the questions to be
threshed out at the conference.
And looking at the meeting
purely from its historical side,
how many of those who have
read what the newspapers have
been saying about this confer
ence have realized that never be
fore in the country's history have
the governors of all the states
assembled in convention, for any
purpose whatsoever? Consider
ed simply as an epoch marking
event, the conference will easily
take rank with any assembly of
public men ever held in the civil
ized world, for at this meeting
the entire government of the
United States, in the persons of
that government's heads, will be
assembled together at one time.
If for no other reason, the public
would be interested in the con
ference because of this fact.
Excursion lo Honolulu.
Honolulu, T. II., May 2.
Word has reached here that steps
are being taken by a syndicate
on the coast to run a great ex
cursion to Honolulu from San
Francisco early in July, coinci
dent with the sailing of the Am
erican fleet.
The project is said to contem
plate the chartering of the two
big passenger liners, Sierra and
Sonoma, of the Oceanic Line,
now out of commission, each of
which will accomodate several
hundred passengers, and accom
panying the fleet throughout the
entire eight or ten days of the
voyage between the two ports.
The Tillamook Headlight says
that "a lot of fine weather suita
ble for railroad building, going
to waste." and adds that "the
electric road to Tillamook cannot
be built any too soon to suit Till
amook peonle." The Orvovm
r.iectric people are "dointr
things" right along, and if the
present gait is kept up Tillamook
will very soon have the much
coveted line.
"As I am informed, the rail
road" company sold part of the
land for practically enough mon
ey to make up the total to which
it would be entitled at the maxi
mum rate on the whole grant.
The company has therefore no
turther claim to me land, espec
ially in view if the fact that it
has refused ti carry out the
terms of the grant and aid in the
development ofjthe state. Hav
ing once grantel the land, there
is no reason wh the government
should now Atsire to retain it
It could not use the land for the
development of the state to bet
ter advantage than by turning
it over to the public schools of
the state.
If the land were so donated
to the state, proper restrictions
could be made to prevent its sale
to speculators. So much of it as
is located on the headwaters of
streams could be withheld, from
sale by the state and made a for
est reserve for the conservation
of water. The state would adopt
the plan of selling the mature
timber, and not the land, thereby
protecting the young growth of
timber and preserving the forests
for future generations.
"At the same time, the irredu
cible school fund, which is now
only about $4.(XX).0K), would be
practically doubled. All the
children of the state would get
the benefit of the grant, and the
improved condition of the public
schools would very aooreciablv
aid in the development of the
state, ihe original purpose of
the grant has been accomplished
tnrougn tne buikhnsr of the rail,
road. The progress of the state
has been retarded because the
'ami was not placed on sale un
ui r ierms oi the grant The
government should make such
disunion of the land as will
most nearly remedy the wrong
that has been dune."
It should nof wTtaken for
granted by any republican that
because H. M. Cake was nomi
nated for senator at the primar.
les that there is nothing to do to
secure his election as senator.
Every republican, regardless of
how they voted at the primaries
should now begin an active sup
port of his candidacy unt;i the
June election that will mean for
l? A A la.i' I
mm at mat time a vote, equal, at
least, to the combinmj vote for
nil on and L ake at the primaries.
And more. After the June elec
tion Bupjwt of him should con
tinue and increa? until a senator
is elected by the (jr(,,,nn i,,-
f fh ii M be Allowed
H. M Cake will be the next sen
ator from Oregon; if not a flpm.
ocrat may mh in
More Troop for Hawaii.
( By apactal ( rrapou teut. I
Honolulu. T. II., April 17.
Major William G. Haan, Coast
Artillery, U. S. A., who is in
Honolulu on a special mission for
the war department in connec
tion with the matter of fortifica
tion of the territory, expects to
recommend that several regi
ments of infantry and light ar
tillery be stationed here iH'ima
nently. This will be in addition
to the 1,500 or 2,000 men which
...:n V. j ,i . i
coast defense batteries now be
ing built and will be intended to
protect the fortifications from
rear attacks by possible landing
parties of an enemy.
In case of hostilities with Jap
an, this number of troops would
be very necessary since the Jap
anese element of the iwnu ation
of the territory largely outnum
bers the other inhabitants.
Major Haan is a member of
the National War College and is
an authority on coast defenses.
He expects to be engaged in pre
paring data on the islands for
several weeks.
At the present time aside from
about 500 men of the National
Guard, there is but one battalion
of infantry stationed in the ter
ritory, numbering less than 300
men, with only a partial comple
ment of officers for these.
Will J. Cooper.
City Council Grants Kiuht-of-Way
lo Ihe Oregon Electric Railway
-Will Build at Once.
Where Ihe Mohair Comes From.
When riding in a Pullman car
in any part of the United States
or in a sleeper in Canada and en
joying the nice soft plush seats,
or touring about the city or the
country in an automobile cover
ed with a great thick plush robe,
did it ever occur to you that most
of the material of which all this
plush is manufactured comes
from Oregon ? Probably you nev
er thought about it but never
theless, such are the facts. Ore
gon supplies more mohair from
which plush robes and seat cov
erings are made than any other
state in the Union. - Grants Tass
This is the way William Allen
White puts it: "There are three
thintrs which no man can do to
the satisfaction of other men
make love, poke the fire and run
a paper. No matter if a man
has no more sense than an oyster
and does not know how many
toes he has, he always knows
how to run the paper better than
the editor. And, what is more,
he tells all about it in the street
car. But, despite all this valua
ble advice that is wasted, the ed
itors still go on making blunders,
and money. The old-fashioned
editor who had to be all things
to all men is passing away. The
timo ima pome when a man who
runs a paper is his own master."
The question of the entrance
into Ilillsboro of the Oregon Elec
tric Railway Co. was settled at
a meeting of the city council last
Tuesday evening. The line will
enter the city limits on East
Washington street and run along
that street to First street, where
a "Y" will be built between First
and Main streets, which will be
used as a turn-table for the elec
tric cars on their run back to the
city, Work on the line will be
gin at once and pushed as rapidly
as possible.
At a special meeting of the
council Monday evening the ques
tion of the road entering the city
was thoroughly discussed and it
was practically decided that the
line would enter town on East
Washingtonand run along that
street to Range street on the
west side of town, next to First.
At Third on Washington street,
a track was to be built north to '
Main street along Main to Sec
ond, down Second and join the
main track at Washington, thus
making a loop around that block.
But the Tuesday night meeting
changed the route to run the full
length of Washington street and
make the turn on First.
As stated some time ago, the
road will be completed to Hill
boro at once where operations
will cease until the Albany ex
tensions are completed. What
will be done after that toward
building out of Ilillsboro is pure
ly guess work. The company un
doubtedly has the route all fixed,
but none of its members are say-
. i mi 1 x P
ing a word, ine rigni-oi-way
is now cleared from Ilillsboro to
Garden Home.
Tb Mero A Wow.
Through information obtained
by the society department and
measurements taken by the me
chanical department, we are en
abled to give reliable information
as to the "Merry Widow" sailor
hat In dimensions it is a com
promise between a family um
brella and the top of a bass drum.
In displacement, as expressed in
tonnage, it rivals the ante-bellum
hoop skirts.
If the wearer is out with her
beat - beau "of out? of' li uic..
nates. the rim of the hat can be
relied upon to mangle his ear or
rake the skin off his neck even if
the edge has to saw its way
through a stiff linen collar. If
he attempts any osculatory san
ations it is unquestionable that
he will get a gouged eye or have
the bridge of his nose unroofed.
If the sidewalk is narrow the
wearer of the hat and the escort
must proceed single file, unless
he is of sawed-off stature and she
a statuesque creature of such al
titude that he can walk under
the protection of the obtrusive
brim. If a stiff breeze strikes
the hat suddenly the one safe
plan is to loosen the guy ropes
and let the sailor sail.
Do not attempt to enter the
door of the average elevator or
of the average closed cab. One
is sure to get stuck or to wreck
the headgear. Make a side dip
when crowding into a street car
and make an accomodating crook
of your arm while depending on
your individual strap. If others
crowded into the aisle resent the
wounds and bruises you distri
bute, say something sweet about
the golden rule of a seat for ev
ery fare.
If you tiltthe "Merry Widow"
over one ear, beware of low signs
and awnings. Never try to keep
a hat in the closet Hang it un
der the bed or on the billiard table.
Last week witnessed the most
successful sale of horses ever
held in Portland. Breeders and
buyers from Washington, Ore
gon, Montana. Idaho, California
and British Columbia were there,
with a liberal sprinkling of East
ern owners. The average was
$240 each for every horse sold
during one day of thejsale.
Procure your held and garden
seeds and onion sets from R. II.
Greer for spring planting. Re
liable brands.
Mr. Cake would act wisely if
he were to absolve himself from
any and an courne aominuion.
The fact as to whether Oregon
sends a delegation to the Nation
al Republican convention to be
Mr. Bourne's pawns and puppets
of considerable moment and
whether or not such a delegation
is sent as outlined means either
. m v ci 1
success or deleat lor Mr. Laive.
The Star sounds the warning cry
and is not alone in the demand
that Mr. Bourne refrains from
further misrepresenting the state
of Oregon, to the end that it may
not reach the democratic column.
- Gervais Star.
When in town call at Palma
teer's Confectionery and try the
famous Hires' Root Beer. Al
ways cool.
I 1 I
sio' m anil foU tv,fl
place that rightfully belongs to
The New 1908 Model bicvcles re,irt- p. i KParty ?f 0re
are k,lmmH p t e " t... u,u M :"'".. what are
. ,v' "-- ovitrs nas,you going to iw at)
hem on display at his store. ier Review.
bout it?-Rain-
There's a lot of satisfaction in a shoo which
after month's of wear, needs only polish to
look like new." You will fin.l comfort, ease
and profit in the II AMILTON-1UIOWN SHOES.
Your children will want something prem
and good. Come and .ee our SCHOOL SHOES, no better made.
No better can bo made. Our guarantee goes with every pair.
Our Line of
is the finest in tho county.
Everything usually carried by an up-to-date
Grocery House. Our immense sales make it pos
sible for us to carry strictly fresh goods. Not a
shop worn article in the establishment.
The old Reliable Corner Grocery and Shoe Store