1111!, boro Independent. dTwTeath. Editor and Proprietor. MAY 1, 1908. A stitch today may save i rip tomorrow. Let omebody fl! light the kit kacU ill Uii kwiuafciis. An hour of thinking is oftentimes better than an hour of hustling. De Witt's Little Early Risers are small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by all druggists. Insist upon De Witt's Witch Haz el Salve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. Happy is he who knows how to get along with all he can get and how to do without all he can not get. Woman, if you have a good hus band, make the most of him; you may never have another as good as John. Prompt and regular settlements are commendable from every point of view. Even the weather settles every few days. This is the season when farmers are obliged to make everybody and evervthine hustle. They even work the butter. The middleman is all right in his place. It is when he reaches out and tries to overlap both ends that lie becomes offensive. A good coat-hanger can be made of a barrel hoop sawed in half Smooth the ends and pasf a cord, by which to hang it, through a hole bored in the middle. Plan to be around when the wash tub is to le emptied on Monday, a.Jd give your wife a lift. She will thank you for it, and the world will be brighter for you both. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sy rup does not constipate, but on the other hand its laxative principles grntly move the bowels. Children like it. Sold by all druggists. Occupying a 1500 pew in a fash ionable church while living and a $15,000 vault in an aristocratic cemetery when dead, will not ad mit one to the kingdom of heaven. Kodol completely digests all classes of food. It will get right at the trouble and do the very work itself for the stomach. It is plea sant to take. Sold by all drug gists. There is nothing mean or narrow about the American hen. She cackles for all, and last year she supplied Cuba with a million dol lars' worth of prime eggs, to say nothing of the enormous quanti ties sent to England and other countries. I have just received a fine new line of ladies' underwear, both in the high grade as well as the cheaper articles, in knit vests and pants, long-sleeved corset covers and union suits. Mrs. Bath. II Reached the Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large general store at Omega, O , County Telephone Co., of Pike County O., says of Dr. Kings New Discovery: "It saved my life once At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot the very seat of my cough, when everything else failed." Dr. King's New Discov erv not only reaches the cough spot it heals the sore spots and the weak spots In throat, lungs and chest Sold under guarantee at the Delta nrntr Store. coc and it. 00. Ina o - j - bottle free. In spite of all the restrictive leg islation, oleomargarine still main tains its hold in the trade, and out of 1 16 samples of butter analyzed by the Pennsylvania Food Coramis sioner is were oleomargarine and all of them colored with coal-tar dye N.itional Tribune. When your food seems to nause ate t.ike Kodol. Take Kodol now ami until you are right again. There isu"t any doubt about what it will do and you will find the trutU of this statement veri6ed after you have used Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold here by all drug gists. Remedy for aphis or plant lice: 1 liese tiny black, green or red in sects are easily killed by using a stion solution of tobacco in water. Or kerosene emulsion, or whale oil soap solution. Apply remedy early when lice first hatch out and be fore they are hidden by the curl of infested leaves. Mr. John Riha of Vining, la., says: I have been selling De. wins Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give bet ter satisfaction than any pill I ever sola. old by all druggists. In coating seed corn with coal tar as a protection against crows and blackbirds, put the grain into i pail and pour on enough warm wat er to cover it. Add a teaspoon ful of tar to a peck, and stir well. ri . ,1 1 nrow me corn out on a sieve or in a basket to dram, and then stir in few hamlfuls of land plaster (gyp sum ) Do not pour the tar on the dry .seed. for Sale. Five-room, modern cottage on Iluseline and Fourth, new, for sale on very easy terms or monthly payments. Inquire of C Rhoados, Hillsboro, Ninth and Baseline. I Some of those dainty housekeep ers who wonder why the farmer wife spends so much time over the frying pan and the oven, have had no experience with appetites that have been whetted by hours ot 101 lowing the plow or cultivator, man who has been afield all day does not want to sit down at a table on which there is nothing more substantial than sardine sandwiches and angel cake. The world's Best Climate. Is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less ex tent, accordine to altitude. To overcome climatic affections, lassi. tude, malaria, jaundice, billious ness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alter ative and blood purifier; the anti dote for every lorm of bodily weak ness, nervousness ana insomnia. Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. Price 50c. Fleet Celebration at San Francisco. For the fleet celebration at San Francisco, rates will be authorized to San Francisco and return as follows: From Portland, $25; from points on the West Side and Yamhill di visions via Portland, one fare to Pottland plus $25; from all other points in Oregon, one and one-third first class limited fare for the round trip, not to exceed the rate from Portland. Sale dates are May 2nd and May 4th. Final return limit is twenty-nine days. Stopovers not allowed, continu ous passage required in each direc tion. Children five years of age and under twelve years, one-half fare; sufficient to be added where neces sary to make rate end in naught or five. Children under five years of age will be carried free it accom panied by parent or guardian. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Chas. S. Fee. Passenger Traffic Manager. tions Beaverton to Gaston, inclu sive. Children of half-fare age, one halt of above rates. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Chas. S. Fee, Passenger Traffic Manager. Seems odd. but it is a fact, that 1.:, i ,1,!...- Va -of. ,..,.,.. .'.!iir ture that follows what is known as chrome tanning are the same kind of a comfortable, flexible covering for the feet that kid gloves are for the bands. There is quite a ro mance in the development of the process, says Leslie's Weekly. The spendieg of a fortune was involved in the discovery and perfecting of chrome tanning, and one inventor who lived and worked in the home of his widowed mother sold the fur niture piece by piece to secure more money for his experiments after his fortune had been exhausted. The bVUlpaiiit'UC liClf iiUd &Jviac Of IUC girl who later became his wife were the sustaining influences that final ly brought success after years of discouragement. A Callfornian's Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box ot Bucklen's Arnica Salve;" writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years and that Sold tiuder guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. He had been calling on the young ady for many moons, but, being bashful, his suit progressed slowly. Finally she decided it was up to her to f tart something, so the next time he called she pointed to the rose in the buttonhole of his coat and said: "I'll give you a kiss for that rose." A large, open-face blush meandered over his counte nance, but the exchange was made. Then he grabbed his hat and start ed to leave the room. "Why. where are you going?" she asked in surprise. 10 the er florist for more roses." he exclaimed. Mayor Ezra S. Meals of Harris- burg, Pa., has ordered the Police department to see that drunken men are helped to their homes in stead of being arrested, and to com pel the saloon uroprietors to take care of the men found drunk in or near their saloons. Mavor Meals holds that it is not right to send these men to the lockup so long as tney are not troubling any one. Of course the criminal drunks will be dealt with summarily and the habi tual drunkards will be sent to jail to sober up, after which the mayor will take them in hand personally and give them a chance to get hold of themselves. He goes on the theory that drunkenness is a dis ease. Whenever a man is taken home the fact will be recorded for future reference. Bpecial Rates to the Greater Norria and Rowe Circus Orer South ern Pacific Unes. For the greater Norris and Rowe Circus (which will exhibit on the dates and at the stations shown be low) round trip tickets will be sold at rate of one and one third fare. Grants Pass, April 29th from sta tions Cold Hill to Glendale. inclu sive. Roseburg. April 30th from sta- ttons Riddle to Yoncalla. inclusive Eugene, May 2nd from stations Cresswell to Harrisburg, inclusive and Brownsville to Wendling, in elusive. C.I .. aicm, .iay 4m lrota nations Jefferson to Canby. inclusive, and vVoodburn to Silverton, inclusive. Albany, May 5th from stations Halsey to Albany, inclusive, and Tallman to Aumsville, inclusive, including Lebanon. McMinnville, May 7th from sta tions Independence to North Yam hill, inclusive, and Sheridan to Os wego, inclusive. Forest Grove, May ith from sta- Colonist Rates. "p!nnist rates will be in ef- fectSS 1. 1 to April SO. IIm8 from Eastern Pmtl f? the Pacific Northwest as follows: From Chicago to Portland, As toria and Fuset Sound destina tion? fi to points on the South ern Pacific main line and branch es, north of and including Ash- Council Blurts to Kansas City, Mo., inclusive; also St. Paul and Minneapolis . St- L3, V 50. and from Denver, Colorado Springs and rueDio ouhj over nrivileges and other condi- lions of saie wm w i''"'' the same as prevailed previous ly." P. G. VlCKERS. Agent S. P. Ky. Post cards, the right kind, can be found at Mrs. Bath's, Linkla ter building, east of court house. Eggs for Hatching. S. C. Black Minorcas and S. C. Brown Leghorns, $1.00 for set tine of M At the Oregon Poul try Show my birds won four firsts out of a possible five in competition with the best breed ers in the state. R. II. GREER. Reduced Rales to Grand Lodge. For the occasion of Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. and Grand Chapter R. A. Masons of Oregon to be held in Portland, June 8th to 13th, a rate of one and one-third fare on the certificate plan is authorized to Portland and return from all points on the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, provided fifty or mor mvtnrr mac- ii..r ,.f . TEA We couldn't moneyback tea, if our tea weren't bet ter than tea as you know it. Your (rarer returns Tour money If roa aaa't Ui Schil.lnj'i Beit: we par Ma. kss than titty cents each have been in attendance. Under these condi tions, delegates and members of their families, who have paid full fare (regular first class rate) to Portland, will be returned at one third fare, but in no case less than 25'cents. The building season is now at hand and any one contemplating work in this line should call on The Climax Milling Co., when figuring on material. We have a complete stock always on hand. Both .phones. x EMMOTT BROS. Central Meat Market te THE Dffl m STORE Hillsboro, Oregon. DEALER IX Pxrre""Binigsmr lllMicmes We carry a complete line of Fino Sundries. If wo do not have what you want in stock, wo will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's Agents, we are now prepared to supply All Your Wants in the . . . .School Jtook Lino We also have a full lino of Tablets, Tencils, Slates, Etc. School Books will bo sold for CASH ONLY. NO CREDIT. Positively Fresh Meats and Groceries. Opposite the Shute Bank Your Trade Solicited. ATTENTION! Tills l j A I'ICTl'RB Or THE LATEST Edison Home Phonograph si A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of glory. You may have one with the aid of a bottle of our hair tonic. It cleanses the scalp, imparts vigor to the roots and induces luxuri ant growth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its composition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our drugs and medicsnes. The Hillsboro Pharmacy. Valued Same as Cold. B. G. Stuart, a merchant of Ced ar View, Miss., says: "I tell my customers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipa tion, malaria or billiousness." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. 2 sc. Party Rales. Agents along the Southern Pa cific Lines in Oregon are hereby notified that beginning February a, a round trip rate 01 one and one-third fare between all points on Southern Pacific Company, uregon unes, may be made for ten (W) or more bona bide mem bers of regularly organized thea trical, operatic or concert com panies, glee clubs, brass or string oanas, Dase ball clubs, foot ball, polo or basket ball teams, travel ing together on one party ticket for the purpose of giving public entertainments. Also a one and one-third fare rate for the round trip may be made between the points named above for twenty-five (25) or more persons traveling together on one party ticket; this twenty-five party is not confined to regularly organized companies or troupes but is open to all. Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent In the Connecticut River Valley, land which at one time went beg ging for buyers is now a gold mine, paving its owners so much that they can afford to spend on every acre of it $ 60 or more a year merely in fertilizer. "This $60 for iertiliz ing is often quite as much as the ac tual price of the land itself. To bacco is really an extraordinary crop. It can be grown almost all over the world. Yet it will be an essentially different plant in each country. It u as sensitive to its environment as if it were a vegeta ble chameleon. Everything about it. its texture, its color, its flavor ' depends on the soil it grow, in' Two totally different varieties of to! bacco can be produced within a few feet of f.rl, ,t... , cw . . T 11 "realc of l'8h . sandy .oil runs close to heav. claysoiUeafsuitable(or Ps comes from the first, while the "econd produces the filler. Portland and Return. 90c. ro, "ntil Urtr notice sol,! 0.1 "-"irn, win be j " . .r,wlu' twxl on Kat. n v C t Monday train. ' UnUay or TUB ONE UIOHLY KKCOMMENDEI) FOR T1IK 1IOMK The price of this outfit, including 1 EDISON HOME PHONOGRAPH 1 LARGE TAPERING HORN 1 NICKEL PLATED HORN SUPPORT 1 CAMEL HAIR BRUSH 1 EDISON RECORDER 1 DOZEN EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS $39.20 which ii the same here as in the Eaut ; vou thug save the transportation chargea, " wuw 1 uu can uuy uieio niacnines lor can a or installments, - vuv u pnuw, uu iuicrvsi on insirtiimcrus. aiacninei are guaranteed. v-au ai my store ana bear them play all kioda of music. Every American E. L. Mccormick, Hillsboro, ore. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A RI. AflKSMlTH - - m- mmm m aw a No Cnrtftllt. A ttCri fie rcmcdv far Airh aniT. A.U u. i ;i .l. eondcoMd tuenc. of th. dru( us.J. Remit guaranteed. Aak lor and try one. BLUE BELL stomach Tab eta. or Diarrhoea, r.nun n.. r..,.i. u. i- . r-'. L .... . JZ m f.?r,?'d PP'' Worm. Kidney. Headache. Summer Compla.nt. Sootbin "For V' ttmt" R.n'tor. Quinay, Bright Sun.hin. "Sexual Tonic," tablet or BLUE tae LL Cough Syrup. Man Ham Liniment or file Kemedy. We print th conatituentaof each remedy HP-!..!!?., o". a they comply with all pur. dm law. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL """VMU incorporated; capital Stock VJUU.OOO.UO; Watertown. South Dakota. U. S. A. Fou Sale i:v the Delta Duuo Stoke. UNDERWOOD TYPEWBll"ii jmmmmm "Star of the First Magnitude." FACT Number 10 The TJndfrwoot! Escapement is laslrr than the f sslrst 0inxlok'. The SMIIcd Mechanic sji;,-;: "it will lust a hundred yeurs " UNDUcWOOI) TYFTWrMT'T COMPAKV New VorU or AEyuhctc, The Mortons will sell to close out, two and three year old Apple MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING Trees at 15 cts. each; Peach and Pear Trees, 15 cts, each, Lambert. bKlUUCJ HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Royal Ann, Late Duke and Kentish nt 25 and 35 cts. each; grafted tree Crush and mix In feed or salt Proper dose in tablets Roses, 75 cts.; Frau Kael Druscliki and Marsbamcl 35 cts., and many MA.. Yr 5tn,l I I :!, T. D- - vf w For Horac. Cattle. Sheep. Swine and Fowl. They art made from th active princiol or th other varieties at from 10 cts. to 25 cts. each; Flower Seeds in papers; Sweet Peas in bulk. TMnnta nrt rnn 1) Pncttino rta a Af- a I r Or II 01 China Aster, iscts.: Pansy, i.scts.; 30 or 40 thousand Tomato plants, 'od wb" 1 ' old when 10 day old. Thry comply w'itu n pure dm law. Aikior , . . j j n 1 f i-n i' 1 u nd T SKIDOO Condition Tablet., or SKIDOO Worm. Kidney. Chicken Cholera , j , , .. . . .......... vuurt.., uisicmpcr, rina r.ye, tone tatilelnor I. OHM Powder. opiTin .nr or Bare tvir Liniment. Dittributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO Incornorafed: Ciml.1 jClb tvn rnn m. uy., . e...i . . . n w. , . f-.. w.wv.w, .T.iviivifii, guuin uaKOia, U. a, f. SO cts per hundred; Celery, 30 cts ready, $ per thousand. Expect to have 75 to 100 thousand late Cab uae plants in their season at low prices. We also have Walnut Trees and small fruits and ornamental shrubbery. We ship to all parts of the County. COMK ONK, COMK ALL AND SBK I'S. MORTON'S IIILLS150K0 PLANT AND FLOWER (JARI)KNS For Sale by the Delta Drug Store. ROYAL SODA WORKS Open for business Tuesday, March 17. in the Ilcwett building on Main Street, opposite the feed barn Carbonated Drinks of all kinds Fountain Tanks charged and Liquid Gas for sale O. FROM & CO. Oregon Sh outline amd UNION PACIFIC Three Trains to the East Daily rta 1.43 p m. and Sunday trains and return no- r,r r, l,r,ns. -r vi WM. McMURRAY G.P.A. We're Risht In It When it comes to the selling: of hiph-grade groceries of all de- scriotions. In tea. coffee, flour. butter, cheese, etrgs, canned gotxls, cereals, breakfast foods and all kinds of groceries, we not only give you the best quali ties, but tne best weignt in ail eases. And our prices are such as cannot be easily matched by any of our competitors when qual ity is considered. Q' HillfiborOyOre. Thrnnab Pnl'man Mamlarri anil tnnri.t Ins ' dally tn Omaha, (')iiraKn, p-,kan. tiarltilMpinrr dally to KanM.CItT: tlironiih I'ullmaD iourlut ipnlna; rar (prnnall cm. diK'IKl) wel. to ( liicavo anil K.n... i ii. ... fllnlnir rhair rax ifn ijnllyi tn Kt .tiitly ' 70 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No haiiite of Car 70 J'KI'Ai It F11K I hWHIfO I'ornanJ fl'i'lal i a m tIb H'lnigton AllHIltlO Kxprr.N l.'i p in la Hunt. Innlnn St. I'a'Tl K-l Mall 6:1 n tu Tia Kokan I I MK M HKI.I I Kb fntin I'tirtUii'l. lir. -Bit l-ane. iH-uvrr. H. Wurili. 111111111, Knn Uy, "t Linn., i tii- co K ll I K'l -lt l.akp, liruvrr. Kl. Worth, iiniaha, Kan a( ity, t. Loin. I hi i aK ami Kn.t Walla Walla, W.i,,n xikaTio.w(., i nn man, Hlnn. aill, i-t. I'aul, I'liluih. Milwiiu , lilcm.anit Ka-l AKHIV K KKHM I f H'p m AH p m s on p m Knr fiirthor Infnrmallua auk or write Tour nwr.M tlfk"t w.-ni. or "Vm. xAIcMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.. Portland, Oregon Tree Delivery Of the best Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt ,u ' pans 01 Hillsboro, We have inaugerated a new Schedule in Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro' popular market. Corwin & Heidel, (urati Bros,, Denim in Hillsboro Real Estate AND AUCTIONEER. Office south of Court House, MIn Money to Lan.