& - The best is Hoods Sarsaparilla. It is the best because it docs the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu lates the kidppvs and ;vrr rvfa nw brain, nerve and digestive strength. An unequaled list of cures 40,366 tes timonials in two years proves its merit 11 ?UJ ""u"1 eng.tl,a hav . iet,. sally th Mini eurallv pniiiarlira a th liquid form. boil accuracy of doa. riioveuienr, un. B17. - tn.r Uinr no loaa by Taporsllon. Lrvak 4t.erUkj. tiold hy dniitgialauraont byrnil. C. I. Hood Co., U-w.ll, Ms. "'' the rropo.ni... "All that you are, niy friend," Mid the lecturer, alnsllng out aQ elderly man sitting Id a front seat who ap peared to be deeply luteretited "all that you are, I repeat, you owe to heredity and environment." "G..HI." exclaimed fh. hirnl.,. .l .i.u ..I - n-u miu tuuignaiion, "i never bad no dcalln'a with that Arm in my life, and I don't owe them or nobody els a blamed cent " ( 'lili ago Tribune. Lost tha Coanectloa. Mra. Chugwater, Id looking over tbt morning paper, bad com acroH a line that looked like thia : gffeozswkw IwhyojjjtjjyblitxarxxtbMnggml "Joeiah," (he asked, abowing it to him, "what doea this mean?" "It means," aald Mr. Chugwater, "that tha line'i out of order. Kama old atory. Can't you aee?" Syrup tffigs B-r a - - . n v jLimrj oenna Cleanses the ystem Ef fect UQlly.DispeU Colds andlLad ocues duo to Constipation; Acts naturally, acti truly as o Laxative. Best forMenvmpn and Child ren -younj ana Old. 'lo et jts l)eru?fieialEffecU lo gel us lien Alwovs buy the I has we full nan uenutne wnicn name of Hie Com pany CALIFORNIA HaSmup Co. by whaia it u manufactured . printrd on the front of evi-ry uorkn!?. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTSt one site only, regular price 50.r bollle. nilOTEL MOORE inl OIKX ALL T1I13 YKA1C U U Clatsop Beach Seaside, Oreoon ; 'Tup- IHraotlr brark aTarlooklnr I"' tha wna. Hot aalt hatha an 4 I PlltC UnilCC furl balhlnr. Uretrm ULItr nUUaC il. pl,r for !l.hla.r. nC Haa parlors. Klartrla llrhu. rlrv blar ana stasia hasl llss walks nsrpnun sail 4rlfs. Hra foods a aper uniuurs i.ltr. Kau-s. IJ.&O sns a-l.oo I par lay. Se Hperlal rates by the wsek. I DAN, J, MUOHK. I'roprtvtor I An Rnglish newspaper had this death eotlra the other day: "At Stratfor.l-on-Avon, age seventy-five. William Shak peare. At rest." a sii (c (c (c There is an evaporation from the body Kintl on continually, day and eight, through the pores and gland of the kin. This is nature's way of maintaining the proper temperature of our systems and preserving the soft ness and flexibility of the skin, and so long as the blood is free from impur ities no trouble will result. When, however, the bl'Hd from any cause becomes infected with humors and acids, these too must tie expelled, and coming in contact with the delicnte fibres and tissues with which the skin is ao abundantly supplied they produce irritation and inflammation, and the effect is shown by Kczema, Acne, Tetter, and skin n fleet ions of various kinds. These impurities and humors get into the blood through a deranged or inactive condition of the system ; the members whose duty it is to carry off the waste and refuse matter of the body tail to properly perform their work, and this impure, fermenting matter is left in the system to be absorbed by the blood. The skin is not only affected by poisons generated within the system, but poisons from without, such as I'oison Oak, Poison Ivy, Nettle Rash, etc., enter through the open pores and glands, and so thor oughly do they become rooted in the blood that they are ever present, r return at certain seasons of each year to torment the sufferer. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure skin diseases. True, such treatment re lieves some of the itching and dis comfort, and aids in keeping the skin clean, but it does not rt.ii.li the real cause, and at best can be only palli ating and soothing. A tliorouirh cleansing of the blood is the only certain cure for skin tlis--.mes. S. S. S., a gentle nettnp, safe blood purifier, made entirely of vc;.m t ilde ingredients of the forest and fiel 1, is the proper treatment. S. S. S. j;o-s down into the circulation, and neutralizes the acids and humors, thoroue IT. v cleansing and purifying the blood, and curing skin affections of every kind. It supplies to the blood the fresh, nutritive qualities necessary to sustain the skin and 11 other parts of the body, and rids the blotxl of any and all poisons. S. S. S. cures Kc.ema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Poison Oak and Ivy, Nettle Rash, and all other skin troubles, and cures them permanently by removing every trace of the cause from the blood. Special Iwxik on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired furnished frre to all who write. TIIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA.' at win 1 1 sew la noaitlvs proof of tbe reltimntv ana "" v ,,.l."7.rr Specialists always In sttennancs. surin srnmpt In. i.lil anemias. Latly attsod- re".'. ' .V ar.5 ia..r..hnr- . -rll ...ar-lukc. Uranll Bcsa, Good Wort and 0"cs Service. AND IT DIDN'T HUKT A PIT" Talnterot Eatrsction. 50 cents. Rctrsctwn Free sr. wira that It I. i.(..M t "!' a a n r,",".H ... .th..t te...ng ..ache LuXXu l well a-d serf,.- I .r -.rsl,n Crowe and B,,:.''- K- W A.WISE dint"? taut MM. T ft Wssasslts-, Hsruat, atsea edacfliie llrl J. T. Oh. IT!' 1 11 2ft rtr iMri.n.v I I,... - ' liiown IM (.sraapsnlia In rail fur aprmg r ' u,un ' ' n' . It rural si-mrul. -ma ; hi. no equal a, a grn.rai sprlna niodi.-lno. it yivsa ) gauulae aauelae tna to aa tma. " Takla. I. Ik. The automobile wu going arty nillet an hour. "We are now pausing throusb a beau tiful part of tbe country." ahouted the cbuuffeur In tbe front euf. otber pint TK- -I.. ii ! o"l Ulinu II iu: be ejaculated between cnushs, "It aeema ua though the coun- .ry la pawing through me." II. Alui.d Utah. To the uninitiated olmervcr aome of iiib KiiininMuia perrormea In a rime of football are beyond explanation. ilie atory la told of a half back nrbo complained to hla family about tbe In justice of allowing football player to weur head protectora. i anouiu tnink it waa moat necea- aary," aald hla mother, who had wit nvaaed one game with many tremor. - ijook at me rront teeto your poor coualn Frederick loatl" "That may be." aald her aon, ttub bornly. "but look at me, laid up for two week with a lame foot Juat froaa kicking a fellow' nose-gear P A Baa.tr Parlor. There waa a long alienee. "Gerald,' ah aald, breaking tbe mo notony, "what I a 'beauty parlor.'?" "A 'beauty parlor,' my dear," ba whispered, moving closer. "Why, tnlf la a 'beauty parlor.' " "Tift Ideal Why aoT "Why, any parlor would be a beauty parlor If you were In It" And after that the rest waa eaay. She accepted him on the apot Of anaall Vain. Tha noa of tba Egyptian echini had dropped off. "Let it go," aald the aphint, apeaktng for the flrat and only time. "It waaa't a Grecian nose, anyway." INSURE YOUR HEALTH and roM FORT on stormy days cy wearing a iv 'Hum :?k SLICKER Clean Light Durable Guarantaed Vuterproof '(- 3- Evarywlwrs TMvre) CO ao9TrM v a Tbe Halvation Army I fifty-two count rirs and prrschrs tbe gospel in guages. i eatablisbeil In colonies, and thirty-one Ian- iva .l.. ' .T " - ' mm o SKIN DISEASES I bs used your 8. S. S., spring and tall, for tha paat two yrara, wna th result that it snttraly relieved ma of a form of Ecxema wbich my doctor was unsbls to curs. My arms, lower limbs, and, in fact, the biggest portion of my ahols body wss affected, and when I Ant begin S. S. S. the itcsing, etc., wss worse, but 1 continued the remedy with the result that the dry. Itching sruptioo en tirely d.tapnesred. 1 think a great deal of your medicine, and have recomnended it to others with g-iod ren t. It is the belt blood medicine trade, snd I can corscirntiouily reromr-rnd it for Hie cire oi' all blond sud skin sfferfioris. C1IA3. HORirMA.l. Wheeling. W. Vs. IN PORTLAND DOING WORK FOR THE BEST PEOPLE II chrw voof lor frr-p.rl, ln.l tboroaf M, while Tour look. ar. unpforrd r.onil rtw.'IpliM. A lollow lonlfc that I. a.w uirlrs r.n b. iilrd .1.4 rroon.il e lhat It I. M.rd lor proh.WT 1 lurlime. 1 a a.cre III. tM-M rr.lla 70s Waal aecare lb 1 I Ural jrl.l. ol ta ll. ri.mln.tion frr. an t Inrlt.d, Wiles rt..lr.d yos rss ears I . f. lee or sir arnnal atrvice. Our force Is ao orgsnired that we can do your entire Crown. Hrulcs and Plata Wort la a aay If necessary. -n PLATE5 w nrn... rtkmjrjj. I tvrr. Wl r 9 9 Baby. Where did you com from, baby dear? Out of the everywhere iuto her. .hei diii jiuu; gt tiiuiH, ,yra so blue? Out of tbe sky as I came through. What tnakta tbe ligbt in thru sparkle and anin? Some of the atarry apikaa left in. Where did you gt that little tear? ( found it waitiug when I got here. What makes your forehead ao smooth and bigh? A soft band stroked It as I went by. What I saw make, your cheek like a warm, white rose? something better knows. than any one Whence that three-cornered amlla of bliss? Three angela gave ma at once a kiaa. Whore did yon get thia pearly ear? Clod spoke and it came oit to hear. Where did yon get those arms and ban. Is? Love made itself into bunda and bands. Feet, whenee did you come, you darling things? From tbs same box ss tba cherub's wing How did they all just come to be you? Ciod thought about me, snd so I grew. But how did you come to ua, you dear? God thought about you, snd ao I am her. George Macdonsld. A. Itattaacly Taeaskt. I wonder what day of tba week, I wonder what month of the year Will it be midnight, or morning. And who will bend over my biar? What a hideous fancy to come As I wslt st the foot of the stair, While sbs gives tbs last touch to her robe. Or sets the white rose in her hair. As the carriage rolla down the dark street The little wife laughs and makes cheer But ... I wonder what day of the week, I wonder what month of the year. ONCLB KEUBE5 AND EDUCATIOH. Ol Mas Told m Skrewel liirr t. III. strata m I'olat. "Made ye squirm some, didn't they, Cynthy?" Uncle Reuben asked, aympa- tbctleally. "What do you mean, Uncle Reuben?" Cynthia returned. But under Uncle Iteuben'aqulzzlcHl glance the color came richly. She had been acquainted with Undo Reuben all her life. 'I saw ye sort of wriggling Inside when Eliza Meadow talked about pre ferring music with a tune to It aorue- tliing ye could grip on to, Instead of iHt'o nrhnl IHl I wnai sonatH and symphonies that ye call them, ain't It? Eliza Meadow luia done more good than any ten women ye'd be likely to meet; ahe'a clothed the naked and ministered to the a Irk till it' grown to be second nnturo to her; hut after all, I dunno's tewing and nursing and things like that tench ye anything about mimic. And then when Elvlry Pratt talked about the kind of pictures she liked, I saw ye get a holt of yourself. I was leal proud of ye the way ye held In then. "Education," Uncle Reuben museA, must be sort of alarming anyhow when ye first ketch It. I don't wonder it's kind of upsetting." Alarming?" asked Cynthia. Her color had become normal again and her dimple were creeping out Uncle Reutien nodded. "Yes, alarm ing. Ye never can tell whether it'a going to strike out or strike In. If It comes out free like mensle. It a splendid thing all round, but If It strikes in ye never can see clear after It. There wns Henrietta Bond, now. fore she went to college Henrietta was ns bright and likely a girl a ye'd ever . When she came home "he wns all changed; seemed as If she couldn't consort with anybody that wasn't college-grown. She talked a I -out ort and philosophy and biology, but she hadn't any Interest In cooking and sew- ns; found life terrible dull here so dull she couldn't stay. So she Tent way. I dunno' anybody lamented her. That's what I call knowledge striking In. "Then there wns Nellie Chester. I'l. own up I hated to see Nellie go. I was afraid It would spoil her, like Hen rietta, but bless ye, she wasn't the spoiling kind. Everything she learned Just seemed to make life more Inter estinu. I declare I'd hang round for half n tiny when she was poking under tones for bugs she made It all so in tenstlng. And she'd name ye nice books to rend, and w hen she pin red she'd play your tunes and her mtilc toth one ns easy ns the other. I tell ye, when 1 see all Nellie got out of It, I understood that education can mean alaiiit lis many different things ns there ire pii.ple that have It." "Uncle Itenl'en." Cynthia asked, "do ymi s-e nny sns of mine striking In?" Youth's Companion. All for Show. It Is a poor town which cannot Ivmst of something to the stranger wit Mil its gate. The man In the anecdote ndnted y a writer In the Yotikers statenni in n hard put to It. but he sii(i-e-dod in upholding I he dignity of hlx in live 'i.-ittli. "I'lrs one of our g'l'ati-t :mw- piaci s." s.lid the resident. I1.1 aking a friend uNmt his ton tl. "Whv. It Is only a vacant lot! us re- plle.1 the friend. "Certainly, but it's where the clrv.is always perfornis when It nitinn to town," relndiil the proud citizen. V,laltors Make Tarls nirk. Visitors to Paris sp.-nd In that city an average of .iM"U) a year, of th'. sum by far the greater portion comes out of rite pocket of Americana, Tha Terage numher of visitor to Pari t IM.OhO a month. When a woman I getting the worst of It In n argument with a man, ehe say; "Oh, that Juat Ilk maal" Old Favorites kANOSCAPE QtROLNINO. Sibpct Ever H mj Lover "hauls' Give A anion By I. A FMnn. Pr.,...- .r Hortlmrisra. Idaae E ipar maul gtatiua. atuocuw- Moat ul tha West is new fwntry, therefor It U not am prising tht eom. natively few dasllingsand farmstead within her boundaries ai surrounded 'y attractively arnino.1 plantings of a'S.-...awi, iaii i.'e Iicri, uiat luil n.liiui. to.k.-a.ii. the attention of ml ritisens of this great commonwealth ba been son fined to th on Idea ot money miking ; pet. baps the place ba 'sen tDO'tsed and every effort ba been bent to relieve lhl condition; or, torn may hv set certain standard of money awumnla-. tion and have devoted their energies to w rkmg toward this itoal. Th result ol these eond iticn has been that of let-1 ting a de th real beautifying of horn grounds a a secondary consideration. Another very ptevaleut reason why pen pi neglect tbi all-Important matter. Is found In th fact that scarcely on person in a thoueaud step a'id and give i th matter adequate thought Althoogh on may appreciat th at, tractive plate of other, still toe men of makli g bit own p'at equally a'trae tiv 1 lar from th Imagination. A third elan of people ar thos who really lov th touch which nature give th home aurroundlnga, bat from lick of forethought an I systematic planning their effort fall far tliort of tuccest. All of the eUeset of home- maker can profitably devot torn at tention to 111 subject, commonly known a "landscape gardening," and its spplicttion to home of out oonntry. Th nltlmat aim of all landscape gardening, whether conducted on a mall or on larg acal, ahoald be to present ft pleasing picture. In other i i i i . , fined a th art of arranging and group- ing ire, inroD ana nowcrt in aucn a manner that a picture of undeniable beauty prevail from Mason to season. It ia not enough that the material that a picture of undeniable eboeen for the planting thould give an attractive display for a ilngl season, each a th painter place upon hi eanvea, bat th selection should go farther, presenting material that will give Increasing variety and alluring beauty lor each day, each week and each month. From tbi statement of the saheet it I qait evident that th landscape gardnr who wilds th tool which natur place at hi disposal ceonpi a position on equal footing with the artist who wield th brash In tranaferrlng these picture to th canvas. Yet It it qait posilbl for most ol a to play th part of th former, evan though it fc in a vry limited manner. A many . painter ar imitator to a great dsgree, ' it one should Imitate th works of other In th arranging of plant, h would be committing no nnpardonable In. In fact, thlt latter method of I procedure 1 likely to prove the moat fruitful mean for tbe average person to mploy; at any rat, it will terv ad mirably for th purpose of giving n Idea of th kirdt of plant to select and i - - "- , the grouping method most pleasing to .1 I tne ey. On th other hand, it i necetpary that the person who i to become the amateur landscape gardener ahould un derstand m ol th prim snential and common sens rule ofihitart. Where shall th flower blaoed? Shall th tree and shrubs com In the middl ol th lawn or shall they find a more appropriate location in some other point? I It good taste to mike walk and road in carves? These tnd many other question naturally sris in th mind of those who ait carefully prospecting In tbi subject. It there fore behoove a to get (oro working idea of these various topic. Every home-lover thould giv ampl attention to thlt tubject. Of lntrtt to Farmer, The following publications of interest to farmer and other hav been issued by the Agricultural department of the Federal government and will t furn ished free, so long as they ar availa ble, except where otherwise noted, np on application to th Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington. D. C: Bulletin No. 145. Preparing Land for Irrigation and Method of Applying Water. Prepared by the agent of irri gation investigation. Pp. 84, pit. 7, fig. S3. Price 15 cent. This bulletin give description of methods of remov ing sagebrush, of imoothng land, of laying out field for different tvatem of applying water, and of th different syttemt of applying water. The vari ous method! are compared a to cost and efficiency. Bulleltn No. 148. Current Wheel: Their Use in Lifting Wter for Irrig. tion. Prepared In the cffli-e of ezperi meet atations. Irrigation investigation. Pp. 38. pi. 4, figs. 21. Price 1U cent. Drawings anil photographs ol a large number of wheel need lor rating water from stream ar given, accompanied by description, statements of cost, and discussion of efliciency. A gpneral dis cussion of the theory of current wheel ia also given. Mae) Oaa at Her Oeea. Mrs, Ixmakida, who had been Invited to attend tbe opening aetaion of lb moth- era congress, was sending ner regrets over the telephone. "It'a awfully kind of you to sik me. Mra. Ondego," ah aald, "but I can t come. I'm loo bu- '---'-- ,v children." Iinse sweet Meat. Eight pounds of Concord griT". 4 pounds of sugar, I'j pound of raisins, two oranges, pulp and eel chopped ; pulp the grape and cook until aoeds come out. rub through mlnnner. men dd skins and boll fifteen minutes, then add sugar, raisins, lemon, oranges and j (II three-quarters of nn hour, or until ; like in iriiialade. It does not netti lo ba sealed. jt.iy.lt is a true s.iymg "' tune Is money. Joyce It mut I; you never see that old miser wa!t,g minute. To ra Cold Meat. Tak crp of cold meat of any kind, cot In uniform !, dJ p!c of butter th ite of a walnut and oca small onion, and fry together ontll brown. Add boiling water to mtk a good gravy, and thicken with flour to the consistency of cresm. Th! make n excellent "warmed over" dish. It I estimated that in New Tork Ory thr r 12,: 1 men who were educated for th bar who ar la various tusploy Bwnta outside ef law office. Rolalaar Hie Jew, Vtcbael Callahan, section bos for fh Southern railroad, baa a keen Gaelic wit Oue warm afternoon while walking along the railroad tracks b fouud section band placidly aleeplng beald the ralla. Cnllahan looked dl Bustedly at th delinquent for a full minute and then remarked: "Slap on. y lair spalpeen, slap on, fur as long as you slap you've got for, none. Upplueotf kisgaxln. Makt.laar as Ska law It. TThll little Gertrude was looking eat ef window during thunderstorm she saw a flash of lightning play along a telegraph wire, "Oh, mamma," b exclaimed, "I Just saw piece of th sun fall down 'mm th sky I" New Tork Press. Mothers win find Mrs. WtneWs Boothia tyrup the b-st rsmedr to Us lot taalt OaUttUaa lufiag Iks UaUuug varuxi. P.rteetly Plata. With all tbe Impartiality of th par tisan. Prof. Price aet forth th con- t'ntlon of both political parties regard- lug tbe tariff, At th close of bis talk h wss sur rounded by th fair member of the Woman' Current Event Club. "Oh, Prof. Price." cooed th fairest, "thank you o much for your perfectly lovely talk! I understand all about the tariff now. It' Just Ilk a lover' comparison the free trader ar th other girl!" Clvlaar niaa a Polatae. "Nsggus," aald Borus, "you've seen that atory ef mine that's running through ons ot the msgtiines. How would you adviae me to wind it up? I want to glv it happy ending." Put all tbs characters la tbs story," .teamer for a mnnii.ht eld. excursion Bend th boat out to the middle at th lake " , "Year' "And blow It op ' Bt. Titos' raare as all Ksrvswe Ptaasss 1 inililla neatly cured: bf lir. alias's Orral am Restorer. Hood fur rKKK Stlrlai aotUe anl traai lea, i.u.lL buiao, laL. u ana h, r'aual'e. Nat DIsaeeotatsA. Adam Zawfox What's got yon so much interested In that there paper? Job Sturkey I'm looking aver tbi Hal ef hundred men that awns, all th money in tbe country. I thought (nebby my name would be there, but It ain't Wall, I didn't much 'ipect te Sad It, no how. Make a DITereaee. "If a man lose bi pockerbook," said th moral lier, "he think th chap who find It I no better than a thief If be doesn't return It" "Ye," rejoined the demoralise', "but If h find sum other fellow' pocket book well, It come Ilk pulling teeth to give It up." There Is more Catarrh In thtisrrtlo ef th country Dun all otner diseases put together, and until tbe laat tew rears was suppose! to bs Incurable. Kor a great many years doctors Iironoiiueed It a local dl-eoao and prescribed oral remedies, and by constantly faliln to cure with lcal treatment, pronounced It In eurahle. Srlrnro lias pro, en ostarrb to be a curanie. ocienro nsa pro, en csia eonstttutl"nal disease and thereto con. tl ' utlnnsl I seat ment. HsIl'lCl msnulaotured be f. J. Cheney t t ore requires 'atarrh i me, Toledo. Ohio, la tha only roni'ltultonal eure on ti s market. It It taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a tesapnnnful. It acts directly on tha nlno'l and mucous surface, of tha avatem. They offer one bundreil dni lars tor any esse It falls to cur. Bend lor clruulara and testi monials. Address: F. J. CHENFY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold br rriirrlt, 7r. Isks Hall's Kamily Pills for oonstlpstlon. "Mr. Clugston," said the caller, yoa may atop my paper. "It doesn't fit your pantry abelves, per haps, ma'am." aaid tbs editor ot tbe Spiketown Blizzard, sarcastically. "That hain't got nothing to do with It." "You've found that you can borrow it from a nelghlior hereafter?" "That ain't the reason, neither." "Possibly you don't like tba editorial policy of the paper." "No, sir; I don't. My nephew waa ar rested last week for stealin' a hog, and you didn't aay a word shout It 1" ettl.at It All Ia. Th prosecuting witness in th dsmsg uit against ths city wss giving in his testimony. "Now, tn. Mr. Bloodem." said hla lawyer, "you will pleas tell th Jury where you were injured." "On my knee, in my feelings, and right in front of the city hall," rapidly answer ed the witness, fesring so objection on ths psrt ef the other attorney. Chicago Tribune A Dieeawraa-ea Dlser. "I Bee they ay that when a diamond passe a certain alze It I worth no mor than a am Iter one," -How' thatr "If It'a too larg It Isn't marketable. Nobody want to wear a diamond a bulky aa a glass door knob." "I that ao? Then It must be aw fully discouraging for a man to dig np a sparkler as big a a football." Cleveland Plain Iiealcr. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Aycr's Sarsa parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. Weknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over CO years. Till la th flrt on-.t'n e 'Of Anelnr wonld e.k; "Are mr o- r r"" He erK.oe Mai rlai j a- li"0 of tl.s " a la el-."lu'-' e.aeniial to rernverv. Kr-p rmir liera. il.a and tour ho are r-sular I; taking laiaure Susoaof Aer s I'll'. A MaVd tif J- l "'., 1WI1. 1 A .axj aBOkiiourjri ntii vione, aoi r ci tf. CHI kiV PtCTOtAL. iers F N U No, 17-0 -Hr.Ji w ? aaaatl rltlag ta art vortlsors plow nw thia aapar. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more rood brtghUr and laatar colors than any other dye. One t Oc packer colors allk wool and eotton equally w,U ind U. ruarita ad to llv, pari ret -MUlU. Aak d.ef , OfWtWttlMnd lmVXZ 'i'urZZ NO ONE CAN i rr f 'i2iN Tr. i; 'i' Sv xU-T a a. l-'V -a a i . jr vo 1 1. jrf-i Many people pergiat in tiding on tbe street car. Inaumclently protected by clothing. They ttart out peihap in the heat ot the day, and do not feel the need ot wraap. The rpid moving oft he car cool the body nnduly. VVben they board th car perba p they r rligbtly perspiring;. When the body la In thia condition it 1 tatily chilled. Tbi ia especially true when a person is tit ting. Beginning a street car ride In the middle of the day and et.Jiog il In the evening almort invariably requite extra wrap, but people do nit ub erve these precautions, hence they catch cold. Coida re very frequent In the Spring on this account, and aa the Butrr mer advance they do not deeieaae. Duriug the Spring month no one hould think of rl ling on th oar with ut being provided with a wrap. A cold caught in the Spring ia liabl to lait through th entire Hummer. Great caution should be observed at thia aeason against expotute to told. During th first tew pleasant day of Spring, the liaility ot catching Cold It greet. No wonder so many peopl acquire muscular rheumatism and catarrhal disease during tbi aeason. However, In rpite of the greatest precautions, oold will b caught. At th appearance of the first symptom, Perun should be taken accord ing to direction on th bottle, and continued until every yniptom disap pear. ' Do not put It off. Do not waste tlm by taking other remedies. Begin at once to take Perun and continn taking it until you ar positive that th sold has entirely disappeared. This may save yon a long and peihap erloua lllnasa latr on. Bad tffect rront Cold. Mr. M J. Deutach, (secretary Build ing Material Trade Council, 151 Wash ington St, Chicago, III., write: "I have lound your medicine to be onuausllv effioacioua in getting rid of bad effect from cold, and mor espe cially in driving away all symptoms of catarrh, with which I am frequently troubled. "The relief Perun gives In catarrhal troubles alone 1 well worth the price per bottle. I have ustd the remedy tor ivral year now." Spells of Conghing. Mrs. C. E. Long, writes from At wod, Colorado, a follows: "When I wrote you for advic my little three-year old girl had a cough that had bean troubling her for four month. 6b took cold easily, and On ta Her CalllaaT. Out Landlady It' tbe strangest thing In the world I Do you know, our dear old pet cat disappeared very suddenly yesterday. Excuse me, Mr. Rudolph, will you have another piece of rabbit pie? Mr. Rudolph (promptly) No, thank you I Our Laudlady (an hour later) That la three more pie saved. This euson will be a profitable one, Indeed. His Idea at Oaa. Th teacher In the Parktown school waa hearing the clasa In geography. "What ia known a tbs Great Divider' she asked. "Cuttin" a big watermelon !" answered little 'Raatiia with a grin that abowed all his Ivories. Chicago Tribune. The data about tha manufacture of ateel cars in this country sre not ss defi nite ss might be desired, but the Railway Age reports the number of all ateel cars ordered In 1!M7 to be 27.SH0, snd of csr with steel undernames, 41..VI0, "OUCH, OH MY BACK" NEURALGIA. STITCHES. LAMENESS. CRAMP TWINGES. TWITCHES FROM WET OR DAMP ALL BRUISES. SPRAINS. A WRENCH OR TWIST THIS SOVEREIGN REM EDY TH EY CANT RESIST Pmcc 25o MCMRCSl Of Twt rMILV. 3Ves3y Hora at an. ArJfy 8 ' r a taaaterVjXewicte, rotv tvreiv X5ioJew' B BVt,., 4 g DCW, aOVS, WOMEN, Mlt NO CHILDftgN. avrxao W. 1. Dooo'ee msnt mnd safe owe wri evewet'a H.Mt. 13.00 mnd $!t.60 mho thmn any cor has manif aof ufae In thm JfJ" voecf, tecauas last hold thmir "T- siss. Ill Barrae, araae onrae, mnd m-am seat seealee wmlum (nan atnjr f lime r-a, f'lO aAooa In Ihm mrmrld tm-dm. W. L Oiutr'ai $4 ind S5 Gilt Hit Shott Cannot ar- 4 I T IftSf . w. I, TV., f i.a nam a"l oo- a-nil nn bort'.m. Toko Wo aoKotltnto. S I l., in, l. .hoe dlrr. rialMTa. nliuee auao- ' H' " ' "" ". l"'J "' 1 ' wu"lL sisua Caaalus low w so, aulreas. . 1- lOl KL, larocktoas ASaa. Hilu'C iu Only One "Bromo GusmnQ99 That la Laxative Bromo Quint ho USCO THE WORLD OVCH T0 tfaW A 0010 10 OM OAT. AJwayt remember th full name. I for -this aitfnaturs on every box. ALWAYS AVOID satstT ti mm i. k 0 J . 7 r 75 I tv nr-T..' A crr un iw in ""H Time, Save Nine. would wheel and hav spells of cough ing that would sometime last lot halt an hoar. "Now we can never thank you enougti for the change yon have made in our little one' health. Before the began taking your Peruna h sufleied every thing in the way of cough, cold and croup, but now the ha taken not quit a bottle ol Peruna, and ia wel and strong a ah ha ever been In her life." Pe-ru-aa for Colds. Mr. James Morrison, 68 East lstf 8t., Patenon, N. J., write: "I hav given Peruna a fair tra, and I find it to be just what you claim it to be. I cannot praise It too highly. I have used two bottle In my family for oold, and everything imaginable. I can safely say that your medicin 1 tha best I hav ever Died." Oat ( tk Dlna Put. Alexander th Great had juat subdued Bucephalus. "Anybody can bust broncho," he sain, "but it take a man to put the analth- on big four-legged devil like thia one." Being abrrwd, politic fellows, tbe cow boy of that ago allowed the imprexa nn ta go out that they were afraid to try t. ride tbe aavage beast, and tbe auliaervi ent historisoa haalened to confirm that Impression. Nat at ( krerfal Braae). "Haven't you any milk that Is mor cheerful than this?" queried the new boarder as he poured some of the liquil Into bis coffee. "Why, what do you men by that?" queried the landlady. "Oh, nothing," rejoined the n. b, ; "only tbi milk acciu to bate the blue." A Hungarian student who was plu-kedj at a recent eiamination at Klame-ilnirg ahnt himself, but first winged an eiauv iner. an o 60o Bt EsunHed At Ant Price - ook 2ie. R X ...... I 8