Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 01, 1908, Image 6

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    Hillsboro Independent
bMM tridn f lata k
AiOS DfcPOaiTORsl.
Convicted Banker Tails Whsr Sscur
lliaa Ara Hwdm
San Francisco, April 29. J. Dal-
lull Urown, vice president and man
ager of the California Safe Deposit &
Trust company, who la under aen
tence of 18 months In San Qulntln
i for wiibf .i.!lng securities held in
la a Condensed Form lor Oar information to e. j. l Breton
p-.w Ooinr receiver of the bank, which will add
UUOj fituuol $1,01X1.000 to the fund for the de-
' positors. lie also told facts to the
i p..,.m r ihi Liu ImDortant but receiver and to Assistant District
Not Lets Interesting Event
of the Past Week.
Mexican troops are moving to the
Guatemala frontier.
More than 2,000 preachers In Cal
ifornia will speak against race track
gambling next Sunday.'
A surgton general of the nary Is
having great success In treating con
sumption with mercury.
Two bags of valuable mall from
london, worth $500,000. were stolen
lu New York or In transit.
Ambassador Tower has given up
his Berlin borne and will start eoutn
with his family Immediately.
Ban Francisco shipowners are cut
ting freight ratea to the Orient In
an attempt to drive out tramp steam'
A city councilman of Georgetown
Wash., was arrested for keeping bis
place of business, a saloon, open on
Local option which goes Into ef
fect May 1 In Massachusetts will
throw about 2,000 saloon men out
of work.
Latest reports of the sinking of
the British cruiser Uladlator place
the total casualties at five dead and
Hi missing.
Kxtra passenger trains aggregat
ing about 250 coaches will be run
Into San Francisco during the bat
tleship visit.
Spring rains and melting snow
caused a landslide In the province of
CJ.iuuec, Canada, which destroyed a
cilluge and killed about 30 persons.
Santa Barbara, Cat., gave a flower
Sunt a Barbara, Cal., gave a flower
fostlval In honor, of the battleship
ll.-tt and bombarded thorn with bou
Admire! Evana took an auto ride
and Is feeling much Improved.
Attorney lloff Cook, which had the
effect of causing Le Breton to decide
to keep the Kl Dorado Lumber Com
pany, the Carnegie Brick Works and
the glass works at Stockton going at
a profit for the benefit of the de
positors. That Brown's Information relating
to the whereabouts of securities
which will give $1,000,000 more to
the depositors Is believed to be cor
rest was vouched for by Cook and by
Hiram Johnson, attorney for Brown.
Tbey expressed themselves as san
guine that the receiver would Becure
possession of the property, which Is
Western Pacific stock ct the value
$1,000,000 at par, and In another
year or 18 months the stock will
have a definite market value.
Brown also gave up the cipher
code book used by himself, Walter J.
Bartnett and John and James Tread
well. This code was secret and or
iginal, each of Its owners having a
copy. Cook said unhesitatingly that
it contained the key to letters which
had been In possession of Brown, to
whom tbey were written by Bartnett
and the Treadwells. The letters are
now In the safe of the District At
torney's office.
LA GHANDfc HAiafca S3, 300.
Sum 8ubter bed In Few Minutes to Fruit Csmmitsio"" Rl Wl" Mk
; n -, ET. Imv's!?? fc .1 i--tT -tr II J l nl" -l t'l''! i- l rrmrr
La Graade Thla city went on Oregon City J- " ' " . th,
record tonight as heartily In favor waukle. frult comM'"'""' nounced
of assuming all the germs of boost JV "r0 Xanlng up the pest-
im v.-.. i, ...ha,tA In . fo nis intention of Clu'" r-L.mii
" - afflicted orcbrJ vl . .7 ri.7
minutes the sum of $3300. and In ad- county, along tu trscks of the ore
dltlon secured a weuiberi'blD sub- gou Water lower "all',.3r om
acrlptloa of 125 to a reorganized Pir "lth. Southern
commerclal club at $1 such. County Fru i inbpector A. J. Lewis
1oi BUliaweu mm men ailll District Attorney -
mount fur boost Id it. the meeting w,,i,r..u , .. .t. ...irnose of carefully
passed a resolution to canvass th lnynir nl...n- to force the owners of
city so thoroughly tomorrow morn- neage(l orcnard to either spray
Inn that the figures will be brought h.p t,... . ihem down.
up to $6000 for the year, and a com., "Marlon and Yamhill counties
mittee was appointed to do IMi have obeyed tbs law." aid Mr. Reld,
This sudden burst of enthusiasm, -Aa lt , J Clackamas to do the
hacked up by flnanclnl support, was Bame. u ur itrong and forceful
primed and shot off through the tf- argument th hundreds and perhaps
ions o iuui iiituoiumu', . w. tnoasands of honieseeKera coiuw huu
the Portland Commercial Club, who the MlJt ' California, and.
this afternoon raised $600 at Elgin 4ftep traTB,7 through the southern
for tha aame purpose, lis oa to portoa of Or,gon and then through
Lane, Linn and Manou
come to Clackm 'n1 ner r eon
fronted by tbs spectacle of scale-Infested
trees hundred of acres of
Union and Cots tomorrow.
Lake County Has Open Wintsr and them, absolutsly of no Tallin to the
Early Sp ing
Lakevlew After the most opn
The boycott of Japanese goods by
Cbinette has extended to Australia.
The supreme court of Illinois de
clares the new local option law valid.
Pensacola street car strikers
atoned the car barns and several ar
rests were made.
Llnotenant General Llnevltch, who
managed the Russian retreat from
Mukden, la dead.
Representative Rayner, of Mary
land, aays It Is time to curb the
power of the president
The Independence lesgu of Now
York Is practically bankrupt and Its
criHllters threaten suit.
King Kdward snys of the dead
premier: "He was a faithful servant
of his country. I am truly sorry he
tiiis gone."
The Illinois democracy has In
structed Its delegates to vote for
Bryan and use all honorable means
to secure his nomination.
General Manager Gruber of the
Groat Northern, estimates that the
damage to that road by the bursting
of the Hauser lake dam was about
I -os Angeles will take about 3300
men of the battleship fleet on a tour
of the city. Then they will have a
burbecue luncheon and see the wild
Mtt show.
Wldnnpread rains are canslng
gnuit Joy to California farmers.
It Is reported that threats have
tHii msde on the life of Abe Ruef.
Sudden warm weather Is causing
groat aamage In Alaska from floods.
Four million oysters were destroy
ed by striking fishermen at Cancale,
r ranee.
A bunco man who has been rob
bing women has been arrested In
Four masked robbers held up a
iisnionaDie club at Hot Springs,
ai-k., ana got away with $19,000.
All the regular army troops In
th vicinity of Seattle will pnrtlcl
pit In the welcome of battleships
c mai port.
Mrs Beulah Hawkins of I,os An
B"Iim, has now been asleep 7S days,
nnd thore Is apparently no change In
ner condition.
KUht consecutive witnesses In the
Fnl bribery trial testified that Onl
l.'hor pnld them money to vote for
iru overhead trolley franchise.
Koman Catholics of the tTnlted
Staffs will raise a fund of one mil
lion dollars to educate candidates for
ro priesthood and nld poor parishes.
n attempt was mnrte to sss.issl
n ! evSupervlsor OnlliiRher. of San
Fr;nolsro, by blowing up his house
l'h a bomb. No one was Injured.
Ktisslan forces have repulsed the
Kurds who had them surrounded.
Saloon forres were genernlly suc-e-ssful
In the recent local option
Two dry kilns of the Seaside I.nm-
t Compnny were deetroyed by fire
I oss $20,000.
A 8t. linls councilman has been
convicted of briber and sentenced to
two years In the pen.
Partners In sn Idaho mine qnsr-r-lM
snd fought a revolver duel, la
hloh one was killed.
Superior Jndue. Cook, of S.sn Fran
r'sivi. has asked to be excused from
t'ving the California Safe Deposit
A movement has besun to release
If irry K. Thaw from the Innane asy
turn. Kansas ennrts have quashed In
d'lments aitalnst H. II. Tucker, the
nil company swindler.
Thi house has ordered an Inqnlry
irfo the paper trust snd a commis
sion has boon appointed.
Minister Wo Ting Fang sars he
hid nothing to do with starting the
bnyontt against American goods.
T. J. Ryan of San Frsnrlsco. testi
fied that part of $500,000 used In
the crooked ferry deal, went to politicians.
however, and when the available
supply of eligible girls gives out
they dance with each other. It Is
no easy task to provide partners for
looo or more dancing sailors.
iwr the officers today, there was a
garden party and In the evenlna- a
dance. A number of luncheons and
tea parties on the battleship were
given to the Junior officers.
Chief Amusement for Nsvy While at
Santa Barbara.
Santa Barbara, Cal., April 29
There were no fixed features on
Santa Burbara's entertainment pro
gram In honor of the Atlantic bat
tleship fleet today, the officers and
men being largely allowed to pursue
their own ways. Many of the latter
went to Los Angeles to spend the
day, and will over-stay their leaves,
which expire at 1 a. m.
The amusements offered the blue
jackets In Santa Barbara are natur-
plly rather meager, owing to the size
of the city, and consist largely of
flying horses, shooting galleries and
a large variety of catch-penny affairs,
brought here for the occasion.
Dancing on the canvas-covered as-
pbalton, the ocean boulevard, each
evening, Is the only picturesque fea
ture of the bluejackets' entertaln-
wlnter that southeastern Oregon has
ever experienced this section Is now
enjoying a spring that Insures weaitn
to her people. At no time auring ins
past winter did the thermometer In
Lake county register a temperature
owners or to any one else.'
Eugnnn Mill Finds Railroad Tariffs
Has Doub'sd
Salom J. M. Shelley, of Kugene, man-
below iero and most" of the Vim. the Eug-n, Mill Klev.tor Co
ba my sprTng Bke weather prevailed. '"'""jS
There wre but few flurries of snow. J'"' 100 per sent in eerta.n local
and these melted away before a warm 'might rates is that part of the Mate.
"S. Wa Tenu.t w..yUiat but little ""' . ""7 ill
feeding was required, stock general- be pay, a rate of 23 cents per 100
.. " " JLii H,,,!,,,, ih. pounds on wheat and oats from Lugene
tlrrtartTnVorwlnt;; V..,.,.. winch rate he
finds sufficient feed on hand to tide , ,, ...
the stock Interests through a hard to Jaa uarj ., . , .
winter, even if no hay should be put w" e"nU- Tb! r"te A 1 1 2
up this season. I " ,
On the desert sheep men have re- K';ne t0 Hoseburg, is now 31 cen ta,
ported an. Ideal winter, with Just whwns the fomer rnta wm IS .enta.
k . ..,ik ,o.o, ir This is an increase of over 100 per cent.
Oreat Conference to Be Held at White
House in June
Washington, April 28. When Fresi
sot Roosevelt calls to order the opeuing
session of the great White House con
ference on Mar 13, there will be gath
ered in the Fast Room of the Execu
tive Mansion the must notable aseiua
hlnf'A of nieu in did liuone fv tliHt iihh I
ever uiut is tue uistorjr ui llui tU'tuu
The governors of all the states have
signified their intention sf being pres
eut at this conference, snd each will
bring with him three men, carefully
chosen from among the learned of lii
state, to act as advisers in the conven
tion. Besides the governors and their
advisers, rejirem-utatives of all the im
portant national organizations, the wel
fare of which dceuds in greater or
less degree upou natural resources, will
be in attendance, and further, the pres
ideut has invited five special guests,
chosen for their superlative fitness, to
sat sc "advisers at large" to the con
ference. Qrovor Clevelsnd, the only living ss
President of the United Htstes, will,
health permitting, be one of these ad
visors. The others will be William J.
Bryan, who hopes to be president; An
drew Carnegie, industrial king; James
J. Hill, railroad monarch, and John Mit
chell, loader of labor. Every candidate,
or the presidential nomination this rear
with the eicrption of Beerctary Taft,
whose dutios in I'anama will prevent at
tendance, will be there.
Looking at the meeting purely from
its historical side, it properly may be
said that never before in the country's
history have the governors of all the
statea assembled in convention for any
purpose whatsoever. Considered simply
as aa epoch-marking event the confer
ence will easily take rank with any as
sembly of public men ever held in ths
eivilizod world, for at this meeting the
entire government of the United Mtates,
in the persons of that government's
heads, will be aseembled at one time. If
for no other reason, the pnblie will be
interested in the conference because of
this fact.
Senate's crico on Navel CHI Is
Fr3cilca!ly a Victory.
stock, and with plenty of feed to put 1 ?'he "l'"ad commission will invest!-
sheep in excellent condition. As the
vast desert lying east of Goose Lake I
Valley Is the feeding-ground for the
thousands of head of sheep that con-
McMlnnville Cleaning Up.
McMlnnville The days lnterven-
stltute a large portion of the wealth Ing between now and May 1 will bo,
of i.nke county, a winter like the one according to common consent "clean
Just ended means an addition to the up ' days In this city, the ladles tak
profit column. Ing the lead In the work. Mayor
Since the new year began there Macy today appointed 19 commit
has been but little rain and practt- tees, each committee consisting of
tally no suow. C rops of every kind threo ladles, to have supervision over
were put in early, and already mere 19 districts of the city, and each
in nn excellent vrnwin in evervminir i . . . ,t v. .. v. 1 ..
Thejr ?eem-t0 e"Jy U nKe'y. that depends upon spring weather. year privilege to persuade each prop
jerty owner to beautify his lawn, re-
aaloon Istue in Marlon. pair his sidewalk or paint bis dwell
Salem County Clerk B. D. Allen to- ,nK " It needs It, and above all, to
Declares This Pisces United States
in Front Rank in Htgards to
Naval Progress,
Large 8ailing Vassal Prcbably Lost
Off Northwest Coast.
Victoria. B. C, April 29. The
steamer Tees, from the Vancouver
Island coast, brings further Informa
tion concerning the wreckage recent
ly washed ashore near Carmanah,
Roby Daykln, who Investigated the
wreckage, was anions the uiiaHenzem
of the steamer. He says there Is no
doubt that the wreckage found Is
new. 1 here was neither slime nnr
barnlcles, nothing of the trowth
which Boon accumulates.
hlnce the finding of the wreckaee
previously reported, a large amount
of empty cases, whlskv cases and
others, have been found In the vi
cinity of Mtlnak. Stanley Wood, a
timber cruiser who came from the
vicinity of Nltlnah, said there was an
unusual amount of these cases re
cently washed ashore.
Dnykln says the wreckage seemed
positively to indicate that some large
sailing vessel. a ship or a bark bad
met with disaster.
Three trunks found on the rocks
westward of Carmanah Point were
of the usual American pattern, wood
covered with tin. They were broken
and empty.
Jury Still Incomolete.
San Francisco. April 29. The be
ginning of the fourth week In the
work of selecting 12 men to try Ab
raham Kuef on one of the 117 In
dictments returned against him by
the grand Jury, charging the former
political boss of San Francisco with
bribery, finds the Jury still Incom
plete with nine men In the box ac
cepted and sworn. One of the ven
iremen examined today did not know
7 'h ord accomplice meant,
nlle another was challenged by Mr
Ileney on the ernnml thnt M i
character whs such that he was not
fit to be a Juror.
day oompleted checking upon the signs- remove any unsanitaryrubbish
lures on the Marion County local option-1
petition and found the petition to be in I Board Irspects Normal.
due lorm and signed Pv several hundred Ashland The new state board of
more voters man ine law requires, ine normal school examiners, composed
"" quiwwou win mereiore oe suo- 0f Superintendents Powers, of Sa
mitted to the voters of Msrion eounty iem; Churchill, of Baker City, and
V tfih wli' be B0, f.'Kht n Turner, of Grants Pass, completed
nVt!l; i!"7 1Z " omei.1 Tlslt to the state nor-
no Interest in any of the state eontests , .1 ..h, ,., , .
n h. nr u iu mal thool it Ashland today. The
ih.i th lnn- n,3T;, -. V k. tlZ members snt two day. In a most
eonior of nTuhnuVntton. !? lott-SL h'Bt
. VUiflUeik IUU IUV WVI A lb IV
Ing, so a to be prepared to make
Socialists Aaopt Plstform.
recommendations to the legislative
Medford-The Socialist party of a88emb' " provided by law
Jackson county has nominated a full I . ..
. , , ,i Ltmblng "uccessrul
..v luu omce. auu aoopiea rtnker rifuTh Bheenralsins- in-
..o fi"uiui, w ucn juiiowb me na- austry Ii one of the Important ra
tional platform of that party. The sources if Baker county, and the
nominees are to make their cam- nee-pmei have reason to rejoice this
palgn here on measures demanding a fear bwu8e "f f, hi 'hn
full assessment of property with a ,nK a' Conditions have been
500 exemption law. Th" levying o? m8t f'1V3rabl9 throughout he sea-
. . . - i mn onI tk. .....runt u ira nf InHII nfl
a special tax for build ng roads, con- T. v , -rvT i in
structlon of electric roads, an eight- been v,'rj' smnl ' Thi "SP .k J
hour-day law. ,n(nm. , 1 Vk. excellent tondltlon end the sheep
child labor law and the enfranchise- 6re thrlv,B8 wonderfully.
meni 01 women are demanded.
Bittle With Knives.
Reno.Ncv.. April 29 A fight with
knives took place today back of the
University grounds In which two In
diana, one Chilean and one Mexican
were the principal,. Henry Slmbron
the . hllean. Is lying at death s door
at the city hospital with J6 d,.,,p
wounds; Kd Callalas, Mexican, re.
celved many but not rf:.n..,.
wounds; J,,hn Sklmmerhorn. an In
dian boy, was badly cut shout the
eg, and Pete Lewis Is painfully cut
18 a on,,-a'-ni,d Indian,
did frightful execution with his knife
and suffered least of all from cuts.
Life Is All a Gsmbls.
Dublin. April 29 Diseasing
American politics, Richard Croker
once boss of Tammany hall today
nve It as his opinion that (lovernor
Hughes Indorsement by New York
Is merely complimentary. "Mr
Hushes' Jintl-eamMlng attitude." he
said will Injure him undoubtedly
In his own state. ' Why can t such
men keep out of that rut? Isn't life
all a gamble? Put thev select the
Part of the gamble that's pleasant
and propose to penalize It.
Go to Work to Ssve Mln.
Johnstown, Ts.. April 29. fnder
orders from Patrick GMdav. presl
dent of district No. 2. several hun
dred striking miner of the South
Fork Coal Company returned to
work today In an efrnrt to save the
mines from heavy losses from water
snd a probable permanent suspen-
J ' u .
Rename Madforrf Rr...
Medford Medford's street which ! ,re ma "-p " ? the l1"1
were originally named from h. of daitnge caused ny last nigni
ters of the alphabet, will now be frost- Froa "0D,e ,,0tiol," tne "P""
known by horticultural names The tomf thkt lb" P"1'"' Pn"eh'"' en'Tiee
list now reads: Klverslde AddIo nd arl7 ,ruit" Wl11
Bartlett. Centra avenue D'AnJou' loM wLile 11 othf,r Mtion, tne KT0Wer"
r-vergreen. Fir. Grape. Hollv in ,n) " .w mrtu 7 JOT
King. QAkdale avenue. Laurel Mia. aamf they have suffered rrom mis
, 1 ... . ..... . .
ciwo, Mpwiown, orange. Peach, .
tug nope, me East Side
streets are to be known as Walnut,
Almond, Blossom, Cherry and Man-sanita.
Fruit N pped Douglsa
Roseburg Douglas County fruitgrow
Wheat Track prices: Clnb, 84c
iui. V l . r. . 1 a f 9. Iilna.
6 ,w r,"a. stem, 87c: ralley. 5C-
Eugene The Eugene Commercial I Barley fe,d. I24.B0 per ton;
Club tonight decided to have Eu- rolled, tilen- brewing. $28.
if nPT!.. d . l ,n Portland1 Oats N0 1 white. $28.60027
mZ.i , TV.,, 2.Dy 4S n,t'n 'n Per t0: gray $:-
march and drill. Each m.n um. ... 7, hi ka nt ton
faVAnt a V. I "III I I I H (J J B hill 11, f f"
k., .5 rK iult whlte "l"x middlings 127.60; shorts, country.
Xlai n A I h Jaythy, Wll.smet,e..Va,l!y.
Euteno nnrl . Zrt un Tr"1 17 Ppr ton- W lnmeite vaiiey. r-
hri V" ?reat crowd :il at- dinarr. Ii s V.stern Oregon. I17.B0;
nic i-ni UIVII. 1 . z . .if. If. SIS'
"ie.i, 16; clover, Hp -
Free Delivery for Grants Psss.
alfalfa mai tin
r, ' ..... a
nutter Extras, rr
Grants Pass (irnf r fancv . Sc: store. 18Hc
pTI. V'r'e delivery svtem I K" U,s and commission off.
Iw? .v ""'ll Klves fiKUrV. 1 6' 1 7c per doren.
,,he "'f'" for " fl"cal CheePP7rrr cream twins. 1S4c
$11 '2 Vk?"', '-lb. " W pound; crMm brick. 20c; Swiss
12 000 ;..Thl." '""ease of D" 2c; lmhurger. 22Hc.
12000 over last year's business. Tne' roultrvJvixed chickens. 13eper
" n!,ncl1 hns ""''"r mnslderstlon ,b-: 'ncy hens HffHHe: roosters,
n o ' ZT ""'Jl?1" th number- W. r: 2te; broilers. Ib .
X L J7stmPdThh.lK,r,7''n", ,n 22H2Scf Pressed poultry per
the popu atlon ' 'hP lncrPnM ,n PT'1' 1p blsrh-r. , ,n
PPU'atlon. , Potato! siect. selling price. 70c
e - .PT hundred- Wlllsmette Valley.
Eugen Will Own W,t., par(t bnying prw se per hundred; Fast
Eugene -At a municipal elecUon ",""n"m,,l, buying price. oEc:
?wtUria? tn" Proposition to pr7hl : r,apkl,ni'. huyfnt Pr,rP- pPr
.,,-W",:n,,,,, Vn" rompaVvh,,n'lr''l; ew California. 5?5Hc
niTWOrk Mrrl' nT "5 to 12R !PPr rn"B''; sweet. hV,C ontii.
crttIIa k. " m"nlrml water plnnt'n ": fnyng prie.
carried by RS7 t '"""iDer k,...' u nor rtnund.
decisrM nw'7'm '"-"on w
nlcllti ' "rrount OT tech
Senator Oeti Half Million tor Settling
Big Estate.
Seattle, Wash.. April 28. United
Status Senator Samuel Piles, of this
city, yesterday was given possession of
one hair interest of the John Sullivan
estate, valued approximately at $1,000,-
000. This ends a litigation that has ex
tended over a period of eight years snd
which has' been prolific 10 having the
history of theSulJivan family in Ireland
well aired in tbe various courts of this
Eight years ago John Sullivan, a
prominent citir.cn of Seattle, owner of
one of tbe biggest business blocks in the
city, and suburban and rnral properties,
died leaving no will. Claimants sprang
rrom everywhere, although eullivao had
no relatives so far as known in this
Senator Piles, who was a friend of
Sullivan, went to Ireland to investigate.
Oraves were examined, ehurch records
scanned, and finally the true relatives
or Mullivan were locsted. Tbey agreed
ba give Senator Piles one half of the
eetate to defend it sgamst the many
litigants who were endeavoring to se
cure a slice of the valuable property.
Kdward Coreorsn and Johanna C.'hIH-
ghan, since deceased, of Dublin, Ireland,
were declared the rightful neirs. Pun
ator Piles' law firm will also be reward
ed as well as the senator for bringing
this fight, the most remarkable of its
kind in this state, te an end.
Washington, April 28. Two bat
tleshlps a year is whut President
Roosevelt says he has accomplished
through his fight for tie navul pro
gram. Had he been victorious In
having four ships authorized at this
session, the United States could have
dictated terms of disarmament to the
nations of the world.
This ftntewrl, made tonight, fol
lowing the passage by the senate to
day of the naval bill, calling for two
new baltlehhlpa. Is understood to re
veal the president's source of
strength In the naval fight which has
been waged so strenuously.
Furthermore, two ships this year
with the promise of two ships each
year to follow, which the president
has accepted as a bona fide stipula
tion on the part of the senate, means
simply a program which will place
the united States In the front rank
of naval progression, but which falls
to place It In the position of dictat
ing a cessation of naval aggression.
That the president, on tbe wholo.
Is pleased with the result of his ef
forts with congress on this subject,
was made manifest tonight; that he
firmly believes In the ability of the
United States to dictate the naval
policy of the world In the future,
though overwhelmingly outstripping
us In naval construction.
Warns Congress Against Abuses of
Judicial System
Washington, April 28. President
Roosevelt this afternoon sent to
congress a special message setting
Southern Storm Much Worse Than
First Reported.
New Orleans. April 27. Probably
500 lives lost, 100 or nrnre persoss
fatally injured snd many times this
number fatally hurt, together with a
properly loss running up in the uill
linos, is the record so far of a toruads
tt'Mt ir'"in?it-d in the weM two itavs
ago, sweeping lexas, Arkauas, Louis
ana, Tennessee and Georgia. It lias left
a path of death, desolation and want
in its wske, seriously interrupted all
communication between cities mi the
south, and brought about chaotic con
ditions in many smaller towns.
Mississippi, already a sufferer from
moro than one tornado this year, lius
again borne the bruut of the winds snd
rains. Estimates of the number of
tho who lost their lives in that state
place the death list between 1"0 and
173, with a thousand or more injured.
In Toxas, Louisiana, Alabama and
Georgia the death lists are also large,
with serious loss of life in Arkansas
snd Tennessee. Authentie information
is in many instances lacking, owing to
the crippled faeilities for communica
tion and the lack of time to form any
thing like an accurate estimate of tbe
damage done in many sections.
In half a dor.es communities martial
law has been dnelared, so terrible was
the destruction and so helpless were
the stricken poople left by the disaster.
Serious disorders hsve occurred in some
places, including Amite, La. Loot i a if
and other crimes have ben reiKirted,
but those instances have on the whole
been rare.
Several places have issued appeals for
aid and in Mississippi Governor Noel
has been asked to provide tents for tbe
The tornado has lasted in ail a period
of nearly two days. It was Thursday
nignt mat damage by tornadoes travel
ing was first reiwrted from points in
Texas. This was followed durinir tbo
next 24 hours by similar reinirts from
Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and
Tennesseo. Last night Alubama camo
within tbe flight of the storm and to
day reports of serious damnge by the
wind in Georgia have been recorded.
I tter misery of every sort was found
toilay at Purvis, Miss., by relief parties.
Despite the fact that of the 2.11)0 inhab-
tants which this little town boasted yes-
erday morning, there were only U(KI to
day, still there were not suflieient ac
commodations in tho wrecked village, for
forth In the strongest of terms the
necessity of Immediate legislation ' even the wounded. Negro mammies snd
strengthening the anti-trust law. He 1 littlo black children lay wounded and
SI. 800 to the Pan.
Seattle, April 28. P. T. Rowe, bishop
of the Episcopal church for the territory
of Alaska, who arrived in the city today
from the north on the Yucatan, brings
tho first detailed authentic information
regarding tbe big gold strike nn Nolan
Creek, at tbe bead of tbe Koyukuk
river, liishop Rowe wss in the Nolan
Creek camp whea the strike was msde
and washed out $.500 pans on the Olson
claim with his own hands and saw pans
washed out thst ran as high as $1X00.
Nolan Creek is only about 00 miles
from the Arctic ocesn and there were
only about 123 men in tho camp wbn
Bishop Kowe left for the outside.
The strike was made at a depth of
about 130 feet and about $4000 has been
washed by ernde operations, and it is
estimated the eloan np at the end ef
tbia summer will reach $1,000,000.
Improves Rsploly
raso Eobles Hot Springs, Cal., April
8. Roar Admiral Evans continues to
improve. Today be enjoyed an automo
bile ride to Old Mission San Miguel,
nine miles from Paso Robles Hot
Springs. He was accompanied by Mrs.
Evans, Dr. McDonald snd James Hors-
bnrgh, Jr., general passenger agent of
thft Southern Pacific t lag Lieutenant
C. R. Train, Lieutenant Evans and Mrs.
Marsh, daughter of the admiral, leri
Paso Robles todsy to attend the festi
val at Santa Barbara.
reiterates bis well-known views aS to
the grave danger to free Institutions
from the corrupting Influence of
great wealth suddenly concentrated
In the hands of the few, and urges
the Immediate passage of measures
similar to those be advocated In his
former message on the same sub
Such legislation, he says, will be
In the Interest of both the decent
corporations and the law-abiding
labor unions. In this connection, he
sounds a warning to the labor lend
ers who have objected to the Inclu
sion of labor organizations In the
anti-trust law nmendnient, and snyn
plainly that the exception of the
unions from the operation of tne law
would render the measure Invalid.
A strong effort has been made to
have Inbor organisations completely
exempted from the operations of tne
law. whether or not their operations
are In restraint of trade. Such ex
emption would moke the bill uncon
stitutional. It Is not possible wholly
to exempt labor organizations from
the workings of this law, and they
who Insist upon wholly exempting
them are merely providing thnt their
stotus shall be kept wholly un
changed, and that they shall con
tinue to be exposed to the action
which they now dread.
Obviously an organization not
formed for profit should not be re
quired to furnish statistics In any
way as complete as those furnished
bv organizations for profit. More
over, so far as labor Is engaged In
protection only. Its claims to oe ex
empted from the anti-trust law ere
sound. This would substantially
cover the rlcht of laborers to com
bine, to strike ponceably and to en
ter Into trade agreements with em
nloyers. Hut when labor undertakes
In an unlawful manner to prevent
the distribution and sale of the pro
ducts of labor lt has left the fold of
nrntpctlon and Its action may be
plainly in restraint of Interstate
lelpless under the broiling Southern sun.
Some had broken bones, some were part
ly crushed and others had been wound
ed by sticks and splinters. These unfor
unates were lucky if tbey had a blanket
or a wrecked couch to rest upon.
Thern wss not enough shelter la the
town to protect them from the sun snd
many of the walls which remained
standing had no roofs, and by a queer
freak of the tornado many of the trees
which had not been uprooted had been
snatched off a few feet above tbe
ground. Tbe grove of pines was muti
lated in such a manner that it appeared
as if a gigaotia scythe had swept
through the grove about 23 foet abvve
tbs ground.
Catch Italian Robbers.
H,.no. Nev.. April 2. Servante
Dsvis snd Salvstore Luhano, two Ital
ian confidence men now held in the
county iail for robbing a countryman
of $10110 in gold sfter drugging him, sre
now believed to be the same men woo
ommitted similar crimes in an rran-
ciecn at Twenty ninth and Mission
streets, securing $."; Fan .lose, wcnr
in,? C)0(l: Los Angeles securing
snd Victoris, It. .'., where $!4o0 wan
stolen. L. Dondero, Luhano 's partner,
was tsken to Victoria for the last
crime, but Luhono escaped. The mfor
mation came from San Francisco
Mew Consumption Cue.
Washington, April 28. A prelim
inary report on the treatment of tub
erculosis by the administration of
mercury has been made to the Surgeon-General
by Surgeon Wright, of
the navy, who hns been conducting
Investigations Bt the Naval Hospital
at Fort Lvon. Colo. In commenting
on this report, Medical Inspector C.
T. Hlbbett snld the subject Is en
gaging much attention bv officers on
duty nt the hospital and the treat
ment Is being applied personally by
Trsek Lsld to Oorrl,.
-m S:hi,
er ,0 nnViJ;' rTn,Tn"
'own s Just inntk i .L I' Tnl" nt""
Ending on the k 1 kk . "'""mboat
nlar train service ,T, k r R"
May 1. "1 be established
85 Acres $8,500.
nrv. $2; choice. $1.50; ordlnsry.
Tl aa W
lnted thre mile. . f"rm.
Portervin., ci ..' A KeIs, of
w. m. KeV, V.; J" !'?:0flA Th,
Santa Clara district " "7 ln ,h
'it contained 85 acre. fr ,,5o
fresh r,,.i.. Ornnge. $2.80?J
r'H nc.t steers. 4.7Sff5;
tedium, tiii7 4 75; common,
iS.R0t4; "w, best. $3.75f4:
,,ornmon,'3 253.75; calves, 4fr
Sheen-p,,, wethers. $(tT.oO;
xsh"' ,5356; img lmbn- noml"
linger),. g25; medium,
,5J: fders, $5.25 iff 5 BO
Hopjj07 prim and choice, 4
5Be P' Pound; olds, 101HO Pr
pin rij,
Wooljrrn Oregon, avers ge
115 pir ponnd. according
l2.!?l1"k- Valley. U015C -p42N-cSole."
IOC: 8 HO P"
Struck Gas; Two Desd.
Las Vegas. N. M., April 28 -Mrs.
Zachary Taylor Cooper went out to call
her sons to supper last night n-t ri'"nn
them desd at the bottom of a o f't
well. Digging for water on their dry
land farm, seven miles east of Matrons,
they had struck a flow of natural gas
and suffocated without a sound. A
message wss sent here for s phvsioan.
Jtitqioo p.zit-i m li "i '""" r'ln"n
if Jo;.q p.ii.iUHJ rum 1. - 1
could be d"ne.
8evert Btorm Ina; England.
Indnn, April 2. A remarkable Mi
zsrd. ths worst experienced in the soutn
of Fnglsnd since 181. continued P
ticslly all over the Tnited 'n"r,;'m
throughout Friday night snd 1 f "
until Saturday mi'imgrn. ;
snd rsilwsy trsffle has bees w1?
laved. Enormons aamag -
dose, especially to the young fruit
Cut "stes to Orient.
San Francisco, April 2S. With a
view of driving tramp steamers from
this port a radical reduction of
frelcht rates on flour and craln for
over-sea ports, such ns Chlneso snd
Japanese, Is to be put in effect im
mediately on all principal lines run
nine out of San Francisco. It Is
screed among the ship owners that
tho rate on flour will he reduced
from $3 to $2 for shipment from this
port to Hongkong and Japan, snd
that the rate on flour from this nort
to Singapore will be reduced from
$4 75 to $3.50.
Sermons Agsirst Racier.
Ran Francisco, April 2S Sermons
voicing a protest against the race
track evil will be preached In more
than 2000 churches of California
Sunday morning. The plan has been
elHborated hv tho AnM-Raprtraek
Lengne, recently organized In Rerke
ev The movenn nt will call If "Rare
track Sunday." which marks the In
ception of a bitter campaign siralnst
th racetrack ln California, the ob
ject of the league being to bring
about state legislation
Antl-GambMrg Oampsign.
Albany, N. Y., April 2S. Govern
or Hughes this afternoon Inaugu
rated what Is believed to be a cam
paign of speech-making In several
of th large cities of the state ln
support of the antl-racef rack gam
bling legislation which will probably
be th feature of th extraordinary
session which 1 to convene on May
Liner St. aul Sirnrji Into Warship
Darius, Coowstotm.
Southampton, April P7. The Ameri
ssn line steamer St. Psnl, which left
Southampton on her ngulsr voyage,
bound for New York, this afternoon, in
a dense snow storm rammed snd de
stroyed the British second class cruiser
Gladiator off ths Isle of Wight.
The flrst report stated thst from 20
to 30 of the Gladiator's crew hsd been
drowned, but later intelligence reduces
Uie number of snsualties. Tho exact
extent of the disaster, however, cannot
be accurately luiown until tomorrow.
No one on the St. Paul was killed or
Injured, but the bodies of Steward Wid
gery. Writer Cowdry and a Maltese
steward, Dchras, all attached to the
eruiser, have been brought ashore; one
otlieer, Lieutenant William O. Praves,
who attempted to swim to land, is miss
ing, snd eight injured hsve been taken
to the military hospital at Golden Hill
for treatment. It Is believed only a few
others are unaccounted for.
The Gladiator was beached and her
crew took to the boats. 8he Is one of
the elsss of vessels designed to serve ss
rams. She is 820 feet long, has a speed
of 0 knots and carries a complement of
430 men.
Accident to Wanhip.
Santa Karbara, April 27. An acci
dent to the engines on the Missouri that
occurred today on the run of tho fleet
from Santa Monica to Santa Rarbara
proved to have been more serious than
at first reported. The high pressure cy
linder of the port engine blew out and
the engine room was quickly filled with
the escaping stesm. No one was in
jured. The supply of steam was cut off
after heroic work by the engine room
force, and all danger soon passed. The
Missouri came into port under tho star
board engine alone.
Cor yict Murderers nt Hirriu.
Oregon City, April 27. After dn-
liberating 13 hours, the iury in the ease
of the Mate of Oregon vs. John M.
Dickenson, William Dickenson. John
Dickenson, Karl Ransier and John
Riley, chnrged with th- murder of liar
nan Singh, a Hindu, near Horing,
brought in a verdict convicting J. M.
Dicki nson and his son, William, of mur
der in the second decree arid the other
three boys of manslaughter. The pen
alty for murder in the second degree in
imprisonment for life and tho pennlty
or manslaughter is from ono to 15 years
in tho penitentiary.
Two MlRhbirdra Killed
Psn Frsnriseo, April 27. Another
highbinder war broke out in Chinatown
tonight, when two gun parties met B a
pitched battln with revolvers st Wash
ington street snd Wsverly Place. In
running battle f two blocks, that end
ed in Ros Alley, ,hre men were .I,,,
two fatally snd snother slightly. Yua
Ying, of the Hop Sing Tong, wss shot
through the right eve and died a few
minutes sfter h reached the Harbor
Kmergency Hospital.
Troops to Centrsl America.
Mexico City. April 27. A persistent
rumor here has it lh k. 11
, ... . 1 11 i-.-r rvi-
imny wmen Is to carry special Ambas
ador Rnchsnsn Knrique C. Cre to Cen
trsl America, is to land armed parties
should conditions is the. southern repub
lic warrant th move. Official eonfir
of tbs report son Id sot b ob-