Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 01, 1908, Image 5

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I!y D. W. RATI I.
No. 2.
a. m
No. 4.
5:'.Mu. m
; i m
tuteul Grove 8:-5
Corneliui) (::)
iltllHUiro ;?i
Iieeiiville 7:00
lleaverton 7;1J
I'ortland 7;55
o. 8 m
1'ortlan.l :(X)
l!eavrtiia 11:44
Heinlvillo 11 :5-
IlillBboro 12:07
('oriibliui) 12:15
Kuret Grove 12:10
l (i. VICKEHS.
No. 1.
. .S:08 p. m
No. 3.
..0:03. m.
No. M p 111 I
1 :42
1 :Fli
Ladies' Home Journal patterns
at Mrs. I. Bath's.
Elder A. A. Beery will preach
at Farmington next Sunday
morning and in Hillsboro in the
evening, ilia evening subject
will be "The Camnbellir
Prayer meeting Friday evening
of Q I. "
at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. L. M. Commons has gone
to Newport for a few weeks' visit
with friends.
Interest in a valuable patent
to trade for real estate. Inquire
at this office.
Phillip Bates, of the Pacific
Northwest, was a Hillsboro vis
itor Tuesday.
The Portland Weekly Oregon
ian and The Hillsboro Indepen
dent one year for $2.25.
Andrew Jack has purchased!
Willis Ireland's residence, Sixth
and Washington streets.
When in town call at Palma-
teer'a Confectionery and try the
famous Hires' Root Beer. Al
ways cool.
Procure your field and garden
seeds and onion sets from R. II
Greer for spring planting. Re-
liable brands.
For up-to-date millinery and
ladies' furnishing goods, go to
Mrs. Bath's, Linklater building,
east of the court house.
Miss Wilma Waggener return
ed last Thursday evening from
Germany where she has been for
the past year studying music.
McMinnvillewill celebrate May
Day today. The whole town wil
take part and it is proposed to
make it an annual occurrance.
"Leadership" will be the topic
for the morning sermon in the
Congregational church next Sun
day. In the evening, "Persona!
Born, on Monday, to Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Talbot, of Cornelius,
a daughter; and on Wednesday,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thiele, of
Farmington, a daughter.
Thos. Tucker is out from Port
land visiting old friends. He
walks about with the aid of
crutches and is rapidly recover
ing from his recent injuries.
The Forest Grove 1 lmes says
that Dr. E. A. Eaton, formerly
of this city, and later of Forest
Grove, is now pastor of a Baptist
church at Arnold, Nebraska.
It comes from a reliable source
that Uncle Sam's "mosquito
fleet" is to be sent to Portland by
mail, and the Rose City boomers
are "wild with excitement"
Tee cream cones this year are
far sujKTior to any yet made, in
asmuch as they are more palat
able, crisper and better to eat
Try them at the Den of Sweets.
Wanted -A boy between 14
and 16 years of age to learn the
printer's trade. A bright, intel
ligent boy will be given a good
chance to learn the business
in this office.
F. R. Dailey is now prepared
to do all kinds of bicycle repair
ing, in his new building opposite
the court house. New 1903 bicy
cles for sale. Next door to Cres
cent Theatre.
The National base ball team
of Portland would like a Sunday
game with some team in the city
averaging nineteen years. For
information write to Jos. F. Mar
ias, Manager, 122 3rd St, Port
land. The building season is now at
hand and any one contemplating
work in this line should call on
The Climax Milling Co., when
figuring on material. We have a
complete stock always on hand.
Both 'phones.
It is pretty safe to class a cir
cus that will pitch its tent at
Forest Grove and make its next
stop at Beaverton. a pretty
"bum" affair. Still, the man
agement may be shy the price of
a license at the county seat
" marriage license was issued
last t nday to Phillip Hertret nnl
Katherine Opi;nlander, both of
U)rnehus, and on Tuesday Will-
2:r0 rtUust v an uyke and Alice
C Evers. of Verhonrt
No. 10 P ra given permission to go in double
The "window sale," conducted
by the Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church will be at Webb
& Hoover's store every Satur
day. Those wishing home-made
pies, cake and bread can get
them there instead of at Dennis'
Miss Margurite Redmond went
to Oregon City, to attend the
wedding of Miss Blanche Ken
dall formerly of Hillsboro, who
was married Wednesday of last
week to Wm. Taylor, a civil engi
neer. Mrs. Taylor is visiting
friends in this city.
Peter Johnson, a farmer living
near Centerville, met with a bad
accident last Friday by falling on
an ax. He received a cut about
four inches in length on the left
hand and wrist which penetrated
to the bone. Dr. F. A. Bailey
was called and it required several
statches to close the wound.
It may be a little satisfaction
to the defeated candidate for
nomination to office, who stop.
ped his paper last week because
of an attack of political dyspep
sia, that we added three new
names to our list because of his
action. Besides he is paid up to
September 1st
Remember that Rev. Beery,
witn tne assistance ot Air. and
Mrs. Webb, will give an illus
trated stereopticon lecture, "The
Modern Gateways to Hell," in
Cornelius tomorrow night, May
2. Mr. and Mrs. Webb will sing
several illustrated songs.
For Sale Ice Any Family-
Den of Sweets.
Drake to Bobby
United Evangelical rare.
onage on Third street adjoining
the church, is nearing comple
tion. It will make a splendid
home for the pastor and is nn n,l.
dition to the church property.
Rev. M. J. Ballentyne of Dal
las will preach in the United
ing (tonight) and Sunday even
ing. He will also preach at Lau
rel Evangelical church Saturday
evening and Sunday morning.
Mr. Ballantyne was recently re
elected presiding elder for a
term of four years and was ap
pointed to the Portland district,
to which Washington county be
longs. Don't forget that Webb &
Hoover have in stock white lead,
raw and boiled linseed oil, ready
mixed paints, both inside and
out; roof and floor paint, brushes
and varnish and Korelac and col
ors ground in pure linseed oil.
Also timothy hay and alfalfa,
Acme chops, alfalfa meal, mid
dlings, bran, oats and oat chop,
corn, whole and cracked; roller
barley and wheat flour and stock
Another One Cone Wrona.
Married in Hillsboro, March 21,
so her latest husband says, Mrs.
Lucy J. Jory, the one-armed wo
man for whom her step-father
has been searching, was arrested
this morning, charged with ioly-gamy.
TimorViv F Kdmorxnn the
Interesting Items ol the Past Weed
of the Movement of People
In and About Sherwood.
Said Dolly Drake to
We must have more of that pop
corn flake.
The Den of Sweets make it
Mrs. W. J. Nottage and two
children arrived in this city last
week from Sauk Centre, Minn
and will make Hillsboro their
future home. Mr. Nottage is
foreman of The Independent of
fice and has rented the Greer
residence on Sixth street,
The "Five Hundred Club" gave
a masquerade at the skating rink
last Friday night. There was
large attendance and a good
time. Miss Lucy Weatherred
and Charles Follett were award
ed first prizes for best masquer
ade costume.
Rt Rev. Charles Scudding, D.
D., bishop of the diocese of Ore
gon, win visit tnis city May win
and hold services in the Congre
gational church in the afternoon
at 3 o'clock. He will also admin
ister the Apostles' Right of Con
firmation, or "Laying, on of
lands." Everyone is cordially
invited to this service.
John W. Sewell has sold a 60-
acre tract of land, about one mile
east of town on the Baseline road,
the consideration being $100 per
acre. The new owner, a gentle
man from Salem, will have it
surveyed and laid out into five
acre tracts. The sale was made
by F. M. Heidel, who will have
the agency for the sale of this
If anyone has been in doubt
about the Oregon Electric Com
pany building to Hillsboro, and
that speedily, they can rest as
sured that there is now no doubt
about it From the Sewell farm
ust east of town to Garden
lome hundreds of men have
been put to work and surveyors
are on the ground. It is certain
the road will be built to this city
within the next two or three
months, and from here it will be
extended to Tillamook. Some of
the interested parties say that
we might use the completion of
the track to Hillsboro as a Fourth
of July attraction for the big cel
ebration to be held here.
Post cards, the right kind, can
ho found at Mrs. Bath s, Linkla
ter building, east of court house.
Last Saturday night the pupils
of the Ninth grade of the city
schools gave a box social at
the Grange hall and a splendid
time is reported. Lunch boxes
were sold at auction, the ones re
ceiving the highest price to be
awarded prizes. First prize
went to Miss Lucy Weatherred
and the second to Mildred Mays.
The boys of the Ninth grade re
alized $13.50 from the sale of
boxes, which will go toward the
purchase of uniforms for the
base ball nine.
A house occupied by Jas. Mi
tenberger at Tigardville and
owned by the Catholic" church so
ciety there, was burned to the
ground last Wednesday morning
and totally destroyed. Mr. Mil
tenberger succeeded in getting
out all of his household goods
and his loss is trifling. A cellar
full of fine potatoes were roasted,
however. J. B. Kizer, wife and
child, of South Bend, Ind., had
arrived at the Miltenberger home
the day before and they think
this can be classed as a "warm
reception. Mrs. Kiser is a
daughter of Mr. Miltenberger and
she and her husband will locate
in Washington county. The fire
was caused by a defectiue flue,
Workmen are tearing down the
city water tower which has for
the past fifteen or twenty years
carried a beacon light out into
the country for miles. But dry
rot had taken hold of the big
tanks inside and as a matter of
precaution the city authorities
thought it best to remove the up
per and lower tanks and build a
new one or sunieient size to cio
away with the one at the top of
the tower. Mayor Dennis tells
us that orders for more water is
coming in almost every day and
it was concluded to build a tank
which will supply all demands.
Besides, the timbers which held
the huge tanks, were showing
signs of decay in many places
and then there was danger of it
falling sooner or later.
Jos. Campbell, who last week
drew a revolver on a deputy sher
iff who went out to his mountain
ranch to take a sewing machine
given to Campbell's wife by or
der of the court, is now in dur
ance vile, and will come up for
trial before Justice H. T. Bagley
today. After the deputy came
back from the Campbell domicile
empty-handed last week, a war
rant was issued for his arrest,
and on Tuesday Deputies Kane
and Downs went out to serve it
When their errand was made
known Campbell made a lunge
for his coat pocket but Downs
seized his hand and prevented
him from drawing a gun he had
concealed there. He then sub
mitted to arrest and came to town
without further trouble. Some
years ago Campbell was convict
ed of drawing a revolver on a
man and was given a parole sentence.
Between Portland and Scholia,
the back seat of a hack. Finder
please notify C. R. Adams, of
Scholls, by phone or card, and he
will pay for trouble.
I have just received a fine new
ine of ladies' underwear, both in
the high grade as well as the
cheaper articles, in knit vests and
pants, long-sleeved corset covers
and union suits. Airs. uatn.
if i m i .
van Meens, oi maiatin, and
Pearl White of this place, have
bought the butcher business of
P. T. Meeks. Their shop on
Main street is being repaired and
repainted preparatory to reopen
ing in a few days.
Company C, O. N. G., of Port
land baseball team and the White
Sox of this place will meet on the
diamond field here next Sunday.
uur nome team is mniuing up a
reputation for expert playing
and have defeated all opposition
so far this season. Later Sher
wood wins again, 7 to 3.
A "Temperance Rally" has
been announced to occur in Tual
atin on the 25th and 2Gth instant
Rev. J. R. Knodell being the
principal orator for the occasion
A musical choir from Portland
and a basket dinner are billed for
Saturday the 25, also E. F. Zim
merman's stereopticon views.
Mr. r icKin s lu-year-oid son
met with a peculiar accident
luesday. While attempting to
make a throw, the back of his
hand struck a projection on the
fence in the rear tearing away
the tissues to the bone, which
was of so serious a nature a doc
tor's services were required.
The Derby sawmill at Hood-
view, that has stood so long
without turning a wheel, is said
to have lately passed to the pos
session of the Tualatin Mill Co.,
of Tualatin and will be started
up again in a few days. A lum
ber yard is talked of to be located
here to handle the local trade.
Wm. Buffi ngton, an old timer
of Middleton and vicinity but of
late a resident of Sherman coun
ty, after having becjme involved
in some grave difficuy of a crim
inal nature, is said to hive com
mitted suicide in jail by shooting
Certain parties resiling not
many miles from this place are
strongly suspected of using dyn
amite instead of trout hooks in
killing the festive fish. While
the immediate results of a day's
catch might amount to more in
the aggregate, detection and fine
for the offense must always be
taken into consideration also.
Some fish "cost more" than
Mrs. Frank Lukes while skat
ing at the new rink Monday
night tripped and fell to the floor
alighting on her chest and fore
head, and was rendered uncon
scious for several moments. No
serious damage resulted; how
ever, the chances were greatly in
favor of dangerous injury.
Tuesday morning about 9
o'clock, Fred Larsen, a Swede
residing in a little shack alone.
on a small tract of land he
owned near town, called at the
residemce of Sam Hogan, a near
neighbor and complained of being
very sick. Mrs. Hogan went
over to the nearest neighbor for
assistance leaving Lirsen lying
in the woodshed and on her re
turn discovered the man had died
during her absence. Larsen has
lived here about three years, j
owned the property where he
lived, but unfortunately was ad
dicted to the drink habit, the un
mistakable cause of his sudden
death. He leaves a wife and two
daughters in Sweden, but is said
to have abandoned them several
years ago. His ano was about
54 years. Later-Coroner E. C.
Brown of Hillsboro arrived and
held an inquest on th? remains,
a physician and jury being sum
moned. The decision was that
death resulted from heart failure,
superinduced by the l"ng contin
ued use of alcoholic stimulants.
For Sale.
Five-room, modern cottage on
Baseline and Fourth, new, for
sale on very easy terms or
monthly payments. Inquire of
C. Rhoades, Hillsboro, Ninth and
man she married, was also taken
into custody. He seems to be an
innocent offender, so far as his
intentions are concerned, for he
swears the woman told him she
was already divorced. She be
gan proceedings for divorce in
Forest Grove last month, but the
case is still pending and her sec
ond marriage is therefore in di
rect violation of the law.
J. W. Jory, the husband of the
woman, and her mother appear
ed before John H. Stevenson,
deputy district attorney, this
morning and made complaint
basing their charge upon the ac
count in last Sunday's Journal
of the finding of the woman by
Patrolman Peterson. Jory, an
old soldier, has the weight of ov
er three score years upon his
head, while his wife is but 26
years old. ii,dmondon is em
ployed by the Pacific Hardware
& Steel works. Since the police
man found the pair baturday
evening they had moved to a
scow at the foot of Seventeenth
street but Peterson trailed them
down and brought them to the
police station a few minutes aft
er Jory and the girl's mother,
who had been waiting impatient
ly all morning, left, the station
for a short walk.
Jory displayed a matrimonial
paper containing an advertise
ment of a young woman who
wished to marry. His wife, he
asserted, had inserted this adver
tisement while living with him
at Toledo, Oregon.
Mrs. Jory left her husband six
weeks ago and came to Portland,
stopping at Forest Grove long
enough to begin the divorce suit
She lost the lower part of her
right arm while working in a
aundry. Portland Journal.
After 36 Years.
Forest Grove, April 29. Mrs.
lugh Smith, of this place, after
a separation of 36 years, met her
cousin, Mrs. Henrietta Groman,
of Indiana, in Portland Saturday
and each knew the other. The
two relatives were born near the
same locality in Indiana. Mrs
Smith has a son. Claud Smith, of
'orest Grove, and three daugh
ters, Mrs. Lee Via, of Portland;
Miss Pearl Smith, of Hillsboro,
and Miss Mabel Smith, of this
place. Mrs. Groman has a son
and two daughters, in Indiana.
Mrs. Groman is bz years ot age
and Mrs. Smith is 48. After a
few months' visit here Mrs. Gro
man will return to ner nome in
For Sale.
Here is the best bargain in Hills
boro: i acre of ground, 5 room
house, good cellar under it, wood
shed, good well of water in the
house, barn, pig house, good chick
en yard, orchard and a good straw
berry patch. 1 block from school
house, 2 blocks from Baptist and
Catholic churches. Inquire on the
premises and save real estate men's
commission. Located on the cor
ner of Fourth and Railroad streets,
Session Closed. '
Forest Grove, April 29. Amid
great enthusiasm the twenty
third annual State Sunday School
Convention closed here tonight.
t was the largest and most suc
cessful gathering of its kind ev
er held in the state. The First
Congregational church was filled
to overflowing at every session.
he resolutions committee pre
sented its report, which express
ed appreciation of the earnest
efforts of the convention's lead
ers, Excell, Lawrence, Merritt
and Phipps; declared in favor of
the study of temperance princi
ples and condemned the Reddy
amendment in the following
Whereas. Saloon interests are
proposing to make ineffective our
present local option law by an
amendment to our state constitu
tion, giving cities and towns the
sole right to regulate and control
saloons and kindred interests by
a vote of the few regardless of
the will and vote of the many;
be it
Resolved. That this convention
of Christian workers vigorously
opposes this proposition and urges
every Christian voter to cast his
ballot against this proposed con
stitutional amendment in the ap
proaching state election.
Teachers' Meeting.
The series of local institutes
held at Banks, Dilley and Bea
verton proved an inspiration to
the teachers who availed them
selves of the opportunity of at
tending. The institute at Bea
verton last Saturday was one of
tne larirest local innTiTe-s
held in the county. The first
period was taken by Prof. J. II.
Stanley of Portland, who opened
the discussion of the subject
grammar. Prof. Stanley cited
the fact that the industrial
world had progressed by leaps
and bounds during the past de
cade, and questioned if the teach
ing profession had kept apace.
He then proceeded to discuss
some of the more modern meth
ods of teaching English gram
mar. Dr. Y. C. Yenney, secre
tary of the state board of health
was the next on the program
and his discourse on "Schoo
Sanitation" was listened to with
interest by the teachers as a
Knew tnat Dr. 1 enney s exper
ience made him authority on this
subject He recommended that
the common drinking cup, com
mon towel and common washba
sin be banished from the school
room. He thought it imprudent
for a school board to close school
on account of one or two cases
of contagious diseases in the dis
trict He thought it a better
plan to isolate the persons affect
ed and continue the school, for
pupils out of school would endan
ger their health more than they
would if their school work was
continued. Prof. S. F. Ball,
principal of Couch school, Port
land, was next on the program
and his talk on "Methods of
Teaching" showed him to be
a master of the art and science
of teaching. He is a strong man
and it is hoped to have him with
the teachers of Washington coun
ty again. Miss E. A. Downing
presented a paper on "How to
Teach Spelling," and gave an ex
hibition of work with a class of
pupils from her school. The lit
erary program presented by the
pupils of the Beaverton school
and the hospitality extended by
the citizens in serving free a
feast at the noon hour impressed
the teachers that Beaverton is
alive to the school interests of
the county. In the afternoon
Miss Warden, teacher in the
Highland school, Portland, gave
a model recitation in phonics.
She brought her class of pupils
and showed results that com
mended her methods of teaching
reading. All the teachers who
attended this institute left feel
ing that they had gotten value
received for their time and trou
ble, and that they could return
to their work in the county and
render better service for the pa
trons of their schools.
Two Ttrvers.
The editor of The Independent
had business at Two Rivers,
Wash., last Saturday and Sun
day and was given an opportun
ity to take a look at the immense
irrigating plant just completed at
that point The flume and ditches
ever 1 ar seven rm .'.'t? lentrh and it
has taken three years to com
plete it up to th point of opening
up the big flood gates, which was
to have been done last Monday.
The huge pump, of 119 horse
power, was all ready for work
and only awaited the hand of
the expert engineer, whose turn
of the wrist will start a great
volume of water from the Snake
river into the pipe that will de
liver it to the large ditch and
from this to smaller ones, and in
this manner reclaim, in this sec
tion alone, over 13,000 acres of
land capable of growing anything
that earth in this latitude can
produce. Two Rivers is located
between the Columbia and Snake
rivers, 27 miles from Umatilla
and five or six from Wallula. On
one side of the town site runs
the O. R, & N. railroad and on
the other the North Bank road,
and a trans-continental line has
been surveyed through the town,
which in themselves is a positive
guarantee for a bright future for
that place. The lack of water
has made that country one of
sage brush, sand and dust, but
now that moisture is at hand and
in plenty, a few years will place
it among the most productive in
the state, dotted with beautiful
homes and peopled with men and
women of energy and pluck.
The town now has a first ' class
hotel which is presided over by
Landlord Richardson and his es
timable wife, whose chief aim in
life seems to be to make their
guests contented and happy. A
postoffice, several general stores
and a modern printing office,
which is issuing weekly the only
real newspaper in the county. '
Adjoining the town is a splendid
nursery in which are growing
thousands of trues, shrubs and
vines, and there are many gar
dens inside the limits which are
growing millions of strawberries
and large beds of asparagus. In
fact the last two named is the
chief crop there at present and
in season large quantities are
sent to the Walla Walla market
daily. Land is now selling at
$100 an acres and something like
250 lots have been sold at from
$50 to $000 each, the owners only
waiting for the water to be turn
ed on to commence building op
erations. That has now been
done, and within nine months
Two Rivers will be a bustling
ittle city of from 800 to 1,000
Notice lo Sprayers.
I have received a large ship
ment direct from the factory at
New York of the celebrated Star
Brand, guaranteed strictly pure
arsenate of lead, guaranteed to
be the best in the world for
spraying purposes. I guarantee
to save you money at wholesale
or retail.
B. Leis, The Sprayman.
One mile east of Beaverton.
The Weather.
During the fore part of the
week the weather was cool and
showery. On Wednesday and
Thursday a severe storm prevail
ed, which was accompanied by
high winds over the entire state.
The rainfall over the district west
of the Cascades was rather
heavy, but was only moderate in
the eastern and southern coun
ties. Hail occurred in many
parts of the state. Clearing
weather with rapidly falling tem
peratures set in on Friday even
ing, and on Saturday morning
frosts were general over the en
tire state accompanied in south
ern and eastern Oregon by freez
ing temperatures. Clear skies
prevailed on Saturday and Sun
day, with temperatures rapidly
rising under the influence of the
uninterrupted sunshine, Tak
ing the week as a whole, the sun
shine averaged much less than
Poultry Wanted.
I will pay market price in cash
for all kinds of chickens, hens, tur
keys, ducks and geese. J. Lenz
Hillsboro, Ore.
Insist upon DeWitt's Witch Haz
el Salve. It is especially good for
piles. Sold by all druggists.
State Committee Resolutions.
The republican state central
committee has adopted the fol-
owing resolutions:
We, the republican state cen
tral committee of the State of
Oregon, believing as we do in
the principles of the republican
party and realizing the desire of
the people to continue these prin
ciples and to keep the republican
party in power, and believing
that this can best be brought
about by the election of Hon.
William II. Taft to the presiden
cy, earnestly recommend tnat
the republican state convention
send to the republican national
convention only such delegates
as are favorable thereto.
We commend and indorse the
able, successful and manly efforts
of Senator Charles W. Fulton in
behalf of the interests of the peo
ple of the state of Oregon, and
we deplore the vicious, untrue
and unmanly assaults that have
been made on the character of
one of the brightest and ablest
men in the state of Oregon.
Whereas, our party has seen
fit to select as our nominee for
the highest office within the gift
of the people of the state Hon.
H. M. Cake, of Portland, Ore.,
we pledge to him our loyal sup
port, believing that he will mea
sure up fully to expectations and
will prove an able and trust wor
thy servant
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
small, safe, sure and gentle little
pills. Sold by all druggists.
The building season is now at
hand and any one contemplating
work in this line should call on
The Climax Milling Co., when
figuring on material. We have a
complete stock always on hand.
Both , phones.