Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, May 01, 1908, Image 2

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    Topics of j
the Times g
Anyhow, talk or removing the motto
from our coins didu't cu the lute
w"fnVw surer of 'one 'iiing'ihan
another It U that the Hen Davis apple
is nut a peach.
With elderly psple, having tlie grip
bears no resemblance whatever to any
thing like a good Juke.
While this la a big country, the an
schists should be (Ivrn to uuderstand
that there la no elbow room here for
A California Judge one Just decided
that a man rtoeaii't have to get out of
the way of an automobile, but the man
knows better.
A British statesman say that the
lialkau trouble uienai-e the peace of
luroe. Of course they do. That la
tbelr specialty.
The niore the public reads about that
young man Alfonso of Spain, the inure
convinced la it that be la too good a
nun for the Job.
Koine day we hope to see Smith or
a Johnson nonilnatel ror i-resiueiii,
Just to And out whether the family
would vote for liltn aol Idly.
A young Brooklyn man committed
suicide because he bad atolen --
Possibly lie bad a horror of being call
ed piker by but acquaintances.
under Its own power twnty-nv
thirty feet shove the earth for the re
quired distance at a eed of twenty
four miles an bour, near Paris, It was
In the air about a minute and a half.
Mr. I'armun used a forty-home-power
motor, weighing two hundred and
twenty-five pound, attached to an aero
plane. There were In addition a rud
der, a propeller and some wing, beside
a seat for the driver. The Wright
I I . ..... v. .. .... 1 1 ... in It u mlr hnt
tuey Have uiude no public eiuiomou ut 4
their machine, so It cannot be com
pared with this. The problema before
the man who would operate above the
earth a muchlne heavier than air are
how to overcome the attraction of
gravitation, how to develop sufficient
power to counteract the resistance of
air, and bow to maintain equilibrium.
An automobile manufacturer who bas
studied this subject waa not long ago
discussing Alexander Graham Dell's
I The Firm of
"Tw, indeed. uld Kate, and taraea
with some couraionplac. remark to Mrs.
Wilkinson. jer BMrt ws sore n.v.rth-
lew, and ahe derived little pleasure from
the remainder of the performance. As
to Exra, 0 spite of bis great love for
music, he dosd peacefully in corner of
the bos during the whole of the last act.
None of them were sorry when f'suat was
duly consigned to the aether regions and
Marguerite was apotbeosed upon couple
or wooden clouds. Lira nsrraieo um in
cident of the recognition in the alalia to
throngs ta. Inmcsce Unes whlca leu
from the water aide 10 the outskirts o
Stepney. It was quite dark by the Uui
that they reached long thoroughfjrt
lined by numerous .hops, with grvst ga
flares outside them. Many of ibes be
longed to dealers in marine stores, and th
numerous suits of oilakin. hung up fo
exhibition, swung to and fro in lb. uncer
tain lisht like rows of attenuated pirates
A: every corner waa great public bous.
with alitt.rinc wiudows. and a crowd ol
alatteruly women and Jersey-clao men i-
This episode had occurred about a fort
ilht before Ears' return from Africa,
statement that air ships will soon sail lDlj WM duly retailed to Mm by hi fatb-
at the rate of two hundred mile ail r
hour, and said that the air resistance
la most difficult to overcome. Using the
results of bis experiments with racing
automobiles, he computed that an air
ship with cross section of twelve
square feet cannot be propelled two
hundred miles an hour without an en
gine of twelve bu mired und eighty
"You need not be discouraged by that,'
said. "I can always keep them apart,
ind if ha Is absent and you are present
specially as she bas no Idea of the cause
f his absence she w.ll end by feeling
dighted and preferring you.
"I cannot understand how you ever
ramt to let the matter go so far," bis son
tnswered sullenly. "The girl belongs to
horse jiower. Allowing ten pounds per us She was given to you to look after,
One of the finest things George Wash
ington ever did was to give the Indies
a chance once a year to dress In colo
ulal atyle and dunce the minuet.
A fit. Iuls pastor telle the girls of
his Bock thst they muat not let young
men hold their hands. If some good
men bad their way It wouldn't be any
fun to be young und foolish.
horse power, he found thut the air
ship, motor, gasoline tanks, and such
like things, must weigh more than six
tons. How to keep these six tons In the
air Is a difficult problem. Mr. Far
muu'a motor alone weighs nearly six
pounds for each horse power. Other
aeronauts have used motors of different
ind a nice Job you seem to have made
f it
"Never mind, my boy," replied the mer-
rhnnt "I'll answer for keeping them
part if you will only push the matter
in your own account.
"I've ssid that I would do so, and I
will," Esra returned, and events soon
thowed that be waa as good aa Die word
Before hia African excursion the rela-
avf irh t Aflfh snfiMeenttv following a
rule of bis own. The man who Anally J1"" J"i Girdjejton. and his
. . , , fsthers wsrd bad never been cordial,
makes suceeutful air sblp-lf on. Is Kttf.f M bowevrf .nd
to be made will first master the sub- ror(lvlng tmU w impossibl for her
ject er air resistance, ana men me l0 harbor any animosity, and ah greeted
proper relation of power to the work Ear kindly on h.s return from hia trav-
that It has to da
The mini who slips a revolver Into
his pocket before he start away from
homo In the morning should always
take the precaution to kiss the children
good -by as If be were doing it for the
'ant time.
is. Within a few days she became eon
cioua thst remarkable change bad come
ever him a change, aa it seemed to her,
very much for the better. In th past
weeka bad frequently elapsed without his
addressing her, but now be went out of
bis way to make himself agreeable. Borne
time he would sit for a whole evening
lescrJb.ng to her all that be had seen in
John V. Htevens, former chief engi
neer of the I'anama canal. Is so de
npoiident over the future of the canal
that he feels almost like returning the
suliiry he received while there but
not quite.
A Journalist who has been Investi
gating the matter reimrt that almost
any girl cun quickly tlud a good hus
band down at Panama. It Is to be
hoped that he hits not inado thla state
ment merely for the purpose of booming
the huHlucKS of some steamship com
pany. The IhmIoii Chronicle report a list
j( articles left 011 the hand of the
Ionilou and Northwestern Itilllway
t'ompnny by absent-minded passenger
and forgetful t-onslgiieea. On thla Hat
la tine Item which will wrlnij the heart
of the American newspniier man. It
is six tons of wood pulp. But B.MX)
cigar probably deserved their fate.
"Mostly of Chicago," la the way a
man recently ilewTllied his residence.
HI characterization seems reasonable.
When he was six yeurs old he cut off
ouo of his toes with a aeythe. When
he was eight he allot off two Joints of
one of his finger, lie ran away from
home when he waa 14. and the frost of
a winter night took off three more toes
and the tip of hia nose. At 2." he lost
his entire right fst. A drunken half
hrced hit off an ear In the Klondike,
a Dakota corn-shelter took his left fore
srm, and since then he has loat three
lingers, a Joint rrom another linger
slid one eye.
Hundred of yonn womeu are being
trained all over the country for charity
workers. Philanthropy M tM)W ret-og-ni.ed
aa a pmrewtlon, for which one
need a sieclii education as truly aa
for teaching. One ..f the first lenson a
warm hearted uoiuiin needs in dealing
with iH.vertv Is to distinguish (urt rmm
misery. To one aivuHtoiiMd in ,.,n
surrounding, the tlllh In which many
poor p.Mple live seem Intolerable. It
would etit.nll absolute wret. be.ln.-.s on
tlie visitor. Hut. in point of fact, the
families who live emlailded In dirt usu
ally do so because it does not offend
them. The pisir woman whose nc.
are tortured by bad odors ami foul
slk'bls mnuagos that her risnna shall W
dean, no iiintNT how bare they nny
le. or how empty her cupboard and co.il
bin. The friendly visitor who thl-iks
that tidiness Is a aure sl-n of comfort
ami dirty disorder an equally sure ngn
of extreme want Mill make serious mis
takes In h,.r dissMis',nt! of gifis. Hm.,i
a poor woman to sympathetic ,) ox.
iHTleiuvil visitor: "Thank .voii. mis.
for praising my cl.-an rsm and giving
me the coal order In the same brcajh.
You aren-t tike most of the rich folks
who think If you're too .ilrty to fimi-
with a ten-foot pole you must be ,;H.r,
and Hiere's no end to what they'll five
you; but If you're .lean and dei-eul.
tijl III II I f MM ... 1...I II .. ...
" oii n.ure
MKKy iss.ple. ubo want noibing frln
anylsslv." Intelligent philanthropy
l.sika below the surf.uv, und ilico-(.r
that real siifTerlng may have a clean
fai-e and real comfort a dirty one. The
helpful friend Is sympathetic without
lcitig sentimental, and knows ho,T to
seek out the pain whb'h hides t(.;f,
ami how to Ignore the p,.;1 f tMHM, w )lrt
try to appi-ar as dirty and miserable as
Henry Karman. an Kng!lsh aeronaut,
lias lately won a prl of ten thousand
dollars ofTer.,l to the man who should
first "fly" one kilometer, or thirty two
tiundrrd and eighty feet. In a machine
heavier than air. Farmana machine
bad to run three hundred feet on the
ground before it rise, and then It sailed
testate Tkat It Takes Hin rs
taaa Malatala.
It la a pathetic fact that there are
several men In the United Kingdom
who would consider themselve on tbe AlrlcMt ,nd ,ntere,ung ter by hi.
onim or oanxrupicy ir tney were re- account of men aud thing. She, poor
dueed by an evil stroke of fate to a hiss, bailed this new departure with de
mere pittance of 1,000 pound a week light, and did all In her power to enconr
who would find It almply Impossible fo bia better nature, and to ahow that
to ruj along anyhow on the Income of ,0 ppreciated the alteration In bia bear
a almple millionaire, which would be te- , At, th? nm' waa rather
barely sufficient In some case, to paj J"1?, " h'r " cc"ion'
he expense of the lordly Pleasure th. real nature of the man waa nn-
botise which they have Inherited from .jtBred, and that b waa putting an un-
tbelr ancestors. natural restraint upon himself.
The I Hike of Devonshire, for exam- Aa the days went on and no word or
pie. has no fewer than aeven of these sign cam from Tom, a great fear and
stately homes six In Knglund and one perplexity arose within tbe girl's mind.
In Ireland ench of them fit for the re- Bh bd nMr(1 "o'Mng 0f tbe interview
eeptlon of a king, ami In not one of " 'ach nor bad she any clue
which, as he confessed the other dny. 7" u m'J-
k, , , . . , Uuld it be that Tom bad informed her
has he ived long enough , to exp ore gv-.rdian of their engagement, and had re
thoroughly. Probably he himself d.iea eelved such a rebuff that be bad s ban
not know within l.(a)0 how much these doned her in despair? That waa aurely
palatini homes cost yearly to maintain, hn possible; yet why was it that he had
hut the annual coat has been said to erased to walk through the square? She
make a big hole In 100,000. I ktlew that ne was not 111, because she
In Westworth, Woodhouse, which Is 1 h'rd ner two companions talking of him
only one of his four palace. Lord connect'OI with iHijlneisu What could
K,rnm own. the fg.t private tXTZl JSTJaSx. S
, tliiNiiiiiM, ii nun a iruiiuiKB loan.
?.!!tlV:.lU "::!' " "T."0"""'" '1'" I" m"tim. E.r. gave fresh man
,"'7 ''"" T,,,n" cum o ouiu in- e.utions of the Improvement which
nie it, ami it owner could live In a travel bad wroujrht noon him. Kh. had
different room every day for six week remarked one day that she waa fond of
anl still leave several rooms unseen, moss roues. On coming down to breakfast
The Duke of Portland owns five regal j Bext morning she found a beautiful moss
houses In Kngland and Scotland, the roM avoa fier Plste no: every morning
M fortun.f.'- he exclslmed glee-I mate and Dimsdale now pulled up.
"By working on that idea we might "Captain Miggs Inr asked McPhersoo
ki. ..k 1,. -n.i h ntrf wm- bewiri each other St tbe door. At the
:ffiS"k; rt&'uuivnssrm
full -Km
nw..i . .. A. wi.- th virL I of a rubicund, white-aproned personage.
do you knowr lW ,0 M rw"u' "r" nd
"bom. poor relation, 1 believe, whom he expectin' you. There'e a gent with biin,
... ' ., ir. but h told m to eod you up. This
"W. will find out her nsme and all way, air." and they were aooa ushered
about her. Capital I capital I" criea iionn 1 isw ui vii .w.
Girdlestone. and h. two worthie depart- That worthy wss leaning back
Qaallfr '
The Maine luw regulating tbe sale or
agricultural seeds re(ulres thut gran
eed ahull be sold under a guarantee a
to airily. Bulletin 13H of the Maine
agricultural experiment stutlou, which,
doubtless, many of your reader have
received, give analysts of the seed
which were collected by tbe Inspector
and those sent to the experiment sta
tion by corresitondencw In PJtHL Tu
dealer are very generally conforming
I to the law and the purlfr of most acct
m.wmViW. v w mmm" ill1 wi i'n iwv.. k-s
lrTI-trl Kirmiai. is now giiuruulet-U. 1 be question uat-
Althougli agricultural machinery urally arise la the mind of farmer,
originated la the United States and th 'bould a eed be atrlctly pure, aud. if
la a
American farmer usd patent mowers.
reapers and threshing machine long
before their European contemporaries
la the aame field of labor bud put aside
scythe, rake and flail, the possibility
of Introducing electric power la farm
not, bow nearly pure should It be?
Th purity of seed vsrre greatly
wltb tbelr kind. It la possible to grow
timothy seed so clean that It shall car
ry practically no foreign weed seed.
It la not aa easy to grow any of the
IMjring th weary week whll Tom our old acquaintance, von Miowr. as fart hat tt fariaert of
Dlmsdala, in aeeord.DC with bl promU a nU VVwiifJ 'tLVUZZi tbrlft' n1 hr-"!" recognl.lng tha
avoided Eccleston squsr and everything a Hamburg firm th. Qerman waa throwa reii-hilltT f th, am.ll
which could remind K.t. of hi. exi.t- Into cont with th. shippers of th Af- ! reliability of the atnall
ed to their room, much pleased at this rocking chair with bis feet perched upon work was flrat recognised la tb Old other grassee or clover so clean. There
new card which chsnce bad put Into their in mantelpiece, uppu-.i. , worm. la no need for tbe aower to ever buy
hanus- Uar chair, waa no lesan Individual than TllUj ha, probabI- aat to the tlmothv aeed that I. much lea. h..
Iurin, th. weary week. whll. Tom .ur old ""L ' America. I 90.5 IH.r Wll n,. 8ami)ie. have been
examined by tbe station tbe present
year which contained not a alngle for-
ricaa fleet, and bad contracted a special !' engine, failed to perceive bow any e)gn harmful aeed.
allianc with Migg aaving could be effected by gencratinf rh beat red clover aeed will fre-
"Come In, my hearties, com In I b electric current and distributing to Its I nuently carry aa much aa 1 ner rent
, . . 1.1. 1 . . , 1 . , . . , ... 1 -
cried, nussuy. mt a arai, air. uuur uioior in outlying position.
V hen, however, tbe mains from some
large electric power company pass with
in reach of a farm or estate the condi
tions are much more favorable, and
could remind Kate
sue. Esra continued to leave no stone un
turned in his endeavors to steal bis way
Into her affections. Poor Tom s sole com
fort ws th recollection of thst last pas
sionate letter which b had written In th.
Klackwall public bouas, snd which had, as
h. Imagined, enlightened her a. to th.
reasons of his absence, snd hsd prevented
her from feeling any uneasiness or sur
prise. Had h knows th. fat. that had
befallen that epistle b. would hardly hav.
been abl. to continue bis office dutie. so
patiently, or to wsit with so much resig
nation for Mr. Oirdleatona's sanction to
his sngagement. .
dale. And you, Sandy, can t you bring
yourself to your berth without being ask
ed? You should know your moorings by
this tims. This is my friend, Mr. Von
Baumser from Eckermann'a office."
"And this, I think, is Mr. Dimsdale,"
said the Uefman, shaking hands with
Tom. "I bave beard my very root vriend,
Major Clutterbuck, apeak of your name,
'Ah, th. old major," Tom answ.red.
of foreign matter, although these Im
purities r nsuslly comparatively
harmless. It la, however, poor policy
for tbe sower to buy a red-clover seed
that la less than 08 per cent pure. Tbe
thla atate of things must already exist best grades of alslke clover will run
Aa th day paased and still brought no I "Of course, I remember him well."
new, Kate'a face iraw paler and her
heart mor. weary and desponding. That
th. young man wss well was beyond dis
pute, ainc sh. had seea blm with ber
owa .ye at th opera. What explana
tion could ther. bt, then, for nui con-
II. la not so very old, either," said
Von Baumser, la a somewhat surly voice.
11. bss been took by a very charming
In a measure which will be largely ex
tended In the future. Current Uerm.iu
newspaper contain an Intereating ac
count of tbe application of electricity to
a group of farms In Saxony, The elec
tric current Is brought from an adja
cent town by overhead wires carried
on wooden polea. Two receiving at
about 98.S per cent pure on the average.
It la doubtful If tbe purchaser should
buy an alslke whose purity Is lea than
07.5 per cent
Itedtop la tbe most difficult seed ot
all It will, of course, contain mor
or less chaff. It 1 difficult to grow red-
top free from timothy, and the aeed
and entirely pleassnt woman, and th.y tl"UM r arranged, from which the ekc- cleanera find It difficult to aeparate Uln
ar about to b married befor thre. tricity la distributed to the farm bui.d-
months, th on. to th other. Let me tell ,UK and to convenient positions 'n th
duct? Wss it possible that b. bad told I you, sir, I, who have lived with bim so fields for the purpose of driving thresh-
sar. uirdieston. of tbtir engagement, ana l long, tnat 1 nave met no man tor wnom I tng and other machinery.
value of which runs Into millions, and
which, with the attached garden and
estate, keep hundreds of servants em
ployed. At Walbeck lie has more than
thirty aires of kitchen gardens alone;
In the glass houses and garden proper
he employs about seventy men and
boys, and his horticultural bill for this
one bouse Is said to exceed W.OOO a
Blenheim Palace, the Duke of Marl
borough's Oxford seat, la so colossal
that tbe late duke used to declare he
sH-nt Sio a year on putty alone for
his window pane. It actually "oat
Vm,in) to build In duya when money
was more valuable than it Is tiMlav. It
Is :hs feet long, has fifteen stulrcases,
and when It waa repaired some time
ago his grace found It necessary to sell
his pictures snd books to pay the cost,
which amounted to more than Cto.ooo.
The Duke of Northumberland wns
five stately seats, at otie of which
S.von House, Ben! ford a stutT of
thirty or forty men Is kept busy, large
ly in the magiiitloetit kitchen garden
and rrulttiou.s. And yet the duke
spends only a small portion of the
year In this princely home, the rental
value of which probably exeveds the
lord chancellors official Income.
The Martinis of Unttv bas five seats
In Kngland, Scotland and Walca. and
one of them, Mouiitstunrt. Itotheiay.
covers an acre of ground, has l.TO
ris.nis iu! ,as actually cost over
'J.KMt. representing even at a mod
erate 4 per tvnt a value of So.tHl a
year. One can easily understand that
bis lordship's liiiiuue of fio.min
year Is not a penny too much for th
demand of it.
I l Nut Nprll h. tm War,
I cannot spell t he new way,
A onee I 11 hi I t ,. .'
Kor when I try in simplify
I fail to do it well.
If indiirestiiin sei.s nie.
Brought on hy pie or cske,
I can't uplnin the pn.hlen pnin
Is Just a common ake.
I cannot shII the old words
To niati-h th. nnxlern whim
If I should slip and bruise my
I'd bate to rite it Iiln.
And hen a man Is owing me
Twould fill me with regret
To take my pen and ak him wheg
He'll pay tkat little det.
I cannot spell the new way
Like Brander Matthews big;
I do not choose I mut refuii
To drop a "g" from ejg.
Perhaps I'm sadly out of data.
If o I can but sih;
I cannot spell the new way
1 will not simplify.
Clereland Plain ler,
raging that will putTnTb7 to tlwp
after , earl ,U Up nd h""
afterwarda a fresh flower appeared in tha
ssm place. Thi pretty little piece of
courtesy, which she knew could only com.
from Ezra, surprised snd pleased her, for
delicacy was the last quality which she
wouia nave given him credit for.
On another occasion she had expressed
a desir. to read Thackeray's works, tb.
books In th. librsry being for tbe most
part somewhat ancient. On entering her
room mai ssm. evening sh found, to her
astonishment, a handsomely bound edition
f tb. novels In question standing on the
senter of her table. For a moment a wild,
unreasoning boe awoke In her that per
haps this wss Tom's doing that he had
- - mi-,m wt suowiDf mat an. was
still dear to him. Kb. soon saw, however,
that th. book, could onlv ha, mm fpAm
th. sam. source a. th. flowers, and sb.
marveled mor. than ever at thi. fresh
prooi ot tb. good will of ber companion.
" sy ner guardian took th. girl
.aide. "Yoor life muat be rather dulL"
h. said. "I hsv. taken a box for you to
night at th. opera, p do not ear. about
such spectacle myself, but I bsv msd.
arrangements for your escort. A chsng.
win uo yoo good.
joor ivat. wa. too sad at heart to b.
Inclined for amusement. Sb endeavored,
BoweTer, io ioo pleased and grateful.
My good friend, Mr.. Wilkinson, Is
cumiug tor you.'- me merchant said, "and
Eira is going, too. II. has a great liking
for music."
Kst. could not help (railing at this last
reman, as she thought how very .ueceis-
uiiy me young man had concealed hi
last, auring tne yesrs that sh. hsd known
She waa ready, however, at the ap
pointed hour, and Mrs. Wilkinson, a prim
Id gentlewoman, who had chaperoned
Kate on tbe rare o-esslons when she went
out. having arrived, tb. tbre. drov. off
The opera happened to he "Kanst." and
he ..,,,., nfry Rni, drensnt
Ishcd Kate, who had hardly ever befor.
tn-en within the walls of . ,,,, ,
JrfenW ""r",H,'l '" bright tinre
of color ..,-. her d.eek. whi.h. with her
st-irkling r.v. made ber look surpassingly
beautiful. Ho ihonaht Kara tirdle,toJ
as he sst In the r,-, 0f the hot and
patched the .vwrM expression, which Hit
led s.nw. her mobile feature.. "She I,
a eH worth h.uing. money or no." h. mi.
end to lom-elf. , r,(1,,H h
ti..i. t h-r dnriiur th. evonj,,.
An in, iil.-nt o,,rr.., between the set,
"""lil .,.,,
""I nen han, M he wit,,.,..,, . Kp
b.d Us- I.,,,,, ,,nwn fr(,n ((
l..eh , ,, lh ,hir(, fl at -of
heart, l-n.-i.ru the,n. Sud lenly .he
"bV fHP
.h"I.",Lt !hVuMf- r,i","'"l' -lo ,hwr
n. aikert c.f her cm(sninn.
"Where V" n.k rrrn ,., hj
t Oh. ye. there he in '
w know hn th Tontig lady is
that he I. lakin K(t a'
I don't know." ia Kira. -'i h.v.
r." lr,,,f "h her . rood dl V.M
hood v'"T 'T d,'lih"" fal
hood. Nt f.,rs ... hi chance of prej.
hc sdded Pre,x, BW , BU
Si cunipsnloa.
that her guardian had found som. means
of dissuading him from continuing hia
suit found som appeal to bia Interest,
perhaps, which wss too strong for hut
lov? All that sh kn.w of Torn aa
ture contradicted such a uppoaitlon,
Again, if Ulrdleaton. had learned any
thing ot their engagement, aurely be
wonld bave reproached ber with It. Hi.
mann.r of lat. had been kinder rather
than harsher. On th other band, could it
hav chanced that Tom had met thi. lady
of th. opera, and that ber cbtrma bad
proved too much for his constancy? When
sh thought of th. honest grey eyes which
had looked dowa into her at that last
meeting la th. garden sh found It hard
to imagine tbe possibility of subc things.
snd yet ther. waa a fact which had to be
explained, Th. mor sb thought of It
the mor incomprehensibl it grew, but
till th. pal. fac grew paler and the
sad bsart mor heavy.
Soon, however, her doubt and fear
began to resolve themselves Into some
thing mor substantial than vagus conjee
ture. The conversation of the Uirdle-
tone used to turn upon their business
colleague, snd slwiys in the same strain.
Ther were stray remarks about bis do-
ngs; hints from tb father and laughter
from th son. "Not much work to be
got out of bim not," the old msn would
say. "When a mei'l In love he's not over
fond of a ledgeaV
A nice look iiu girl, too." said Esra
in anawer to sin such remark. "I
thought somethiatwould com of It, We
saw them tocerle opera, didn't
we. Kate?" ,
I have greater respect than for th ma
"A eoupl. of day ago w. hardly hoped
v.r to b yarning here," said Mlgga. "A
nasty aea on, Mr. Dlmsdala, sir, and tb
old ship so full o' wathtr that sh. could
otby aeed from redtop after It bas one
been Introduced. Sample of redtop
carrying as high aa 12 or even IS per
cent of timothy are not unusual. If
one could be aura that the Impurities
were barmlesa Ilk chaff and timothy
It might be safe to buy a redtop evea
aa low a 85 per cent pure. Unless one
Is assured of tha character of tbe Im-
Slxteen fixed electric motors are In
stalled for chaff and root cutting, oat
crushing, pumping and for opera tlcg
machinery used In the manufacture of
potato spirit. In addition to thla pow-
not riae to IL They war. makln' a clean er equipment, alx portable motor aro purities. It Is unwise to buy a redtoo
breach over us, and we lost nigh .very I proviuea, wuicn may he used ror ariv- 1 eM tQan 03 per ceut pure,
imog w. couin lose. - ing pumpa, circular saw, threshing ma
I aunnoa. vou II hav. bar thorouchl I nhlnrw anil .h . ,vnin
renalred nowf Tom remarked ' ' . Ii-a.ae saw
- I w uciv Liia-ir awmnaa a ria rwiii mi. i urn i aw, . . . . .
Both th. .kipper sad th mat. -Unshed k . ... Z'W," " 1, ' . . ... 10 m'" one "w PlM or
n ii w : wo, ana at in same time preserve it
" . . "K"K"T' durability, la tha recent Invention of
iwui i,mmj giow lamps oeuig usea lor
heartily at the observation. "That
wouldn't do, Sandy, would it?" said
Mugs, shaking his head. "W couldn't
afford to hav. our .alary cnt down lik
(To be continued.)
Net Great M
Per so as Tklalc.
The dangers to human Ufa from tb
bltea and Btlnga of poiaonoua reptllel nnnmn am! other onerations
found In the Southwest are very much requiring taiwer tuiis: be In Inded If
overestimated. It la a belief among ' h remilra are tn con, hum fnvor.iblv
the purpose.
It must be pointed out, however, that
this example could only he followed In
tha United State cn a very large es'-ite
or a group of ada -cut fsrms. and It Is
doubtful whether such a scheme could
be made a commercial success for the
operation of farming machinery pure
and almple. It would nptear that wood
" til
many people that the centipede, tb
tarantula, tbe Gila monster, tbe seor-
wltb those at present obtallicd by tbe
use of oil or steni euz nes. Kut the
nil two coots.
an Indiana man.
Every carpenter
Include two saws
tn hit kit one for
cross-cut and on
for cutting with
At t ...
i 1 no grain. lie can
uuw uinp-usv HUH
one saw, aa It la
possible to put tha
two blade baring
different teeth on
tbe one saw, a
plon and a score of other reptiles and 8axon experiment I full of Interest
insecta of varloua long scientific names tnd displaya a curiously progressive
are anre death to those who encounter vrt n a country where 'Mrui fcuce
them. The facta are that about tha re almost unknown, and Hhcplierd and
only really dungeroua things that Arl
sons has are th rattlesnake and tbs
hydrophobia skunk. Tbe former Is
common to almost tne entire v niton
(states, outside of tbe cities, and th
80 they wmid gossip together, and er-1 skunk Is found In many countries be
ery word a. it at to the poor girl. She I aides Arizona,
strove to caiceal ber feelings, and, in
deed, her ange and her pride were strong
er even than her grief, for she felt that
b had been :ruelly used. One day she
found Girdlcson alon and unbosomed
herself to hits
"Is It realh true," sh. asked with a
quick pant ad a catch ot ber breath,
"that Mr. Dionlal. is engaged to b. mar
ried T t
"I beli.v. s my dear," her guardian
answered. "It Is commonly reported so.
When a young tdy snd gentleman corre
spond It is usualy a sign of something of
th. sort"
"Oh. they corieanond?"
"Yes. they certainly correspond. Her
letters sr. .ent to bim at th. office. I
don't know that I altogether lik. that
anangement. It looks aa if he were de
ceiving bia parent!." AH this wss an
unmitigated lie, but Girdlestone hsd gone
too far now to stick st trifles.
"Who Is th. lady?" Baked Kate, wltb a
calm set (see, but a quivering lip.
A cousin of his. Miss Osssry is ner
name, I believe. I am not sorry, for it
may b. a aign that b bas sown all hia
wild oats. Ih von know st one time.
Kats, I feared that he might take a fanry
to yon. Ha baa a suecious way with him.
snd I (lt my responsibility in the mst-
"You need not he afraid on that score,"
Kst said bitterly. "I think 1 can gauge
air. Iilmsdal.s oeoioua manner st III
proper value." With thla valiant speech
sb. marched off. head in sir, to ber room,
snd ther. wept as though ber very besrt
would break.
Tom DImidale's riutiea were far from
light. Not only was be expected to super
vise the clerk's sccnunts and to treat wltb
th. wholesale dealeri. but he waa also
supposed to spend a grest part of his time
Th Gila monster la authentically
credited with quite a number of vie-
time, but It la not a very dangerous ani
mal, for the reason that It seldom
bite anybody unless It Is captured and
teased until It Is made to bite In self-
defense, and then In many cases the
victim Buffers but slightly If th wound
la properly cared for. The turantula Is
said to be aure denth, but who ever
teard of a tarantula biting anybody?
There may be occasional Instances, but
there la none on record In these parts.
The sting of the scorpion la so com
mon aa to excite no comment unless till
victim be an Infant and the Insect gets
nndcr the clothea and etlngs him re
peatedly. In that case death has been
known to ensue In various Instance
that might b referred to. But ther
liave probably been hundreds of peopl
stung by scorpion In this country this
year, and In few ensea has the wound
been aa serious aa a bee sting, and In
no case has It been fatal. Ho far ni
can be ascertained, no mature person
In these parts ever died from the sting
of a scorpion, though In a few cases
where the wound penetrated a large
Idood vessel the patient hna suffered In
The sting of the centipede I rar
and probably not a tlozen bave occurred
In these parts In an many yenrs. and
It la not of record here that anybody
ever died from a eontliede's sting. Th
usual result Is the making of a bad
wound, followed sometimes by a slough
ing of the adjui-ent flesh, and probably
If neglected, blood iolon might ensue.
Itut the wound could scarcely prove fa
tal If given attention, Judging by the
in the docka nM.,.i,in. tb. loadinc of observation of the Incidents of the past.
the outgoing ihim .nd checking the cargo A enso of centipede stinging Is record-
ot tn. incoming ones. This latter portion J by th Florence Ulniie ns roiiows:
cowherds are still
esque realities.
:it in,! amid plctur-
rMiinlln Vmam) Valsm,
An English Journal, The Lancet, In
discussing the comparative food value
of roast beef and turkey, say a that It
may be Bald that, weight for weight,
the flesh of tbe turkey Is more nourish
ing than that of beef; but the latter Is,
generally speaking, cheaper than tbe
former. The moisture lu beef, how
ever, exceed the amount present In
the flesh of the turkey, and the latter
contains a better percentage of proteld
or fleah-formlng substance. In either
case tbe percentage of moisture Is sel
dom less than TO per cent ,
In lean beef the amount of fat Is
much the same as In a not too well-fed
turkey, but It must be pointed out that
tha flesh of poultry differs from that
of beef and mutton In not having It
muscular libera permeated by fat and,
moreover, the fibers In tbe flesh of tbe
fowl are ahort and rarely yield to the
disintegrating action of the digestive
processes. A large amount of fat In
either case Is apt to Interfere with the
digestibility of the meat Tbe fat of
beef 1 more digestible than the fat of
tbe turkey. Tlie fat of birds. In fact
Is harder, and owing to Its tendency to
become rancid, is unsuitable for the
dyspeptic patient.
The Lancet believes that the most
important difference from a dietetic
point of view between beef and turkey
la that, wheresa beef contains a high
percentage of extractive matters, tur
key contains hardly any at all. The ex
tractive matters In beef account largely
fo- Its peculiar and marked flavor, and
owing to their absence In poultry gen
erally, and In the pheasant and part
ridge, the flavor of thesp meats Is deli
cate. Itut there Is no doubt that the
extractives of beef, as well ss mutton,
are vaUioble, for not only are they
Hovering agents, but they also act as
perhaps the most powerful stimulant
to gastric digestion.
shown In tbe Illustration.
Tbe smooth top edge always seen on
sow I changed to a cutting edge, simi
lar to tbe regular cutting edge, tb
saw thus having teeth on the two longi
tudinal opposite edges. Tbe handle la
hinged to the .blade Instesd of being
rigid and csn be reversed ss It becomes
necessary to use either blsde. Thi.
nw Is also an economical saw, aa It
savea tbe expense of purchasing two
Grass Belle laaa Draa.
A famous veterinary surgeon de
clares that grass bents all drugs lu
creation as a cure for sick horses and
mules. Horses should bave a few
quarts of cut grass dally, from spring
until fall. The prevalent notion that
It la harmful la without foundation.
Gruaai Is to horses what fresh vegeta
ble and fruit are to the human family.
of his work waa welcome as taking blm
some hours a day from th. clone counting
house, and allowing bim to get a sniff of
th. sea air. There was s pleasing lif. and
bustle, too. In the broad, brown river,
with Its never-endin Danorama of ves
sels nf every iM ana ihape which ebb
"Jnme Dnvls of Kelvin came down
n week ago rrttiny ror memcm im-
nient, having been bitten by a centipede
tbe evening before. He had gone to
led and some time In the early pnrt of
the evening the centipede had token a
and flow in the great artery of national notion to become James' bedfellow for
me. h. n eht but James goi too rougii sun
All day Tom .1 .1 tha hatchway of the centipede tackled him for revenge.
the Ills, k Kaitie, rbecking th cargo as it ne wfla Id a sort of stupor for a time
was hoisted out of h.r. while Mcl'herson niiwinir the bite, having no power t
and his motley ,jiWnta. dock laborer. jlni ht It lasted only a ehort
seamen and 1!1pW Kroomen from th
oast, worked a a it .,n.rf In the depth be
low. The eiiKiin. rattled and snorted, snd
tbe gr.-ar ehnin chinked as it was lowered
1110 me hod. At ...... oVIix'k there was
time and lie got up and applied am
monia. This was all -he did until b
arrived here.
"The doctor bled the wound and an-
break of sn 1 dinner, and then tilled medicine and Mr. Davis was al-
work ipni ... ...til . when II lm tn return me snme naj. hi
'and, struck and went off to their homes .hntters the theory that a centipede In
do the person II
l.t nnl tnbe wh's-
!-- 1 . . 1 ir rKs .tn. i'hii" .-.., -
urea r.y th,P a,)T work prepsred to
accept the captin'. Invitation, and to
eat him 11 n in hi. -,,.rtr. Th mat
lived down into hi. cabin, snd soon re
appeared with hi. . ahininf snd his
ong hair combed Into some sort of order.
"I've been nr. i.. m. ablutions."
h. said, rolling out the last word with
such cases. The centipede was a large
one. being about 8 Inche long." Arl
xona Republican.
A Heal Ble,,l.
"Rlesslngs." remarked Mrs. Peck,
rreat empha.Ui anH nvooalfT. for. lik -usually coma to ua In disguise.
man. O . 1 ' . . I .t. . 1. -1 lha t4mA mw nal
ro-oicnmen, he had the greatest pow
"""renc. for mnorous polysyllable,
The eantaln" in,H "has been
far from salubrlnn. this voTsra. H's
sy. eomplalnln' his bodily Innrmltle."
. iw 84 threaded thlr way
"That being tb case, my dear," re
plied her husband. "Ifa up to yon U
remove your mask."
Ground chestnuts tske tbe place ol
flour la So nil parts of Franc
l.e.raed tr Hard Kaoeka.
80 long as the bono" umrket .a not
fully supplied there ' no jiiln Hi ship
ping away.
As a rule the offspring of Immature
and pampered animals are predisposed
to disease.
A proper rotation and wise tillage
will do much to keep t:i soil supplied
wltb available fertility.
Better methods, better stock and let
ter tools have don 'el tli productions
of more than one farm.
Outs 'contain largely the mineral
prowrtlrs r.iiilslte to form snd grow
bone snd the protein that makes mus
cle and other tissues.
More hay and K-ss grain makes fbo
farm easier 'to hal' and In tbe end
glvea It quite as tutt.-li profit
There Is often more profit In grow
ing little things snd In fine products. In
proportion, than In the great staples.
Without stock there can be no com
plete utilization of the farm products.
With stock thera can be Do wat pro-1 perlment of raising thornles cactus)
News mmd Paras Not..
The profitable line of production la to
maintain good health wltb early ma
turity. More than half a million em 1 gran fa
from Russia bave passed Into Siberia
the past year to engage In wheat rais
ing. A farmer near McEwan, Tenn., ta dis
playing an ear of corn twelve Inche
long, weighing three pounds and con
taining 1,386 grains.
A grain farm at Murray, Iowa, ablp
ped twenty-seven carload of timothy
seed last fall, for which the farmer
received from f 1.50 to 1.75 a bushel.
A Kansas man claims to bave Invent
ed a fence-weaving machine, run by a
two-horse power gasoline engine, which
will weave and aet a mile of fence a
day. ,
Tbe United State produced 14,000,
000 bushel of rice Inst year on a half
million acres. Tbe culture of rice la
gradually creeping north and some very
good grain Is reported In Arkansas.
Holland bas set engineers to work to
pump tbe water out of the famous
Zuyder Zee and turn It Into dry land.
When this work Is accomplished there
will rise where 4,000 fishermen now
sink their nets farms and homes for
50,04)0 Hollanders.
A Washington dispatch says a genlu
has Invented a dojie which when used
as paint for farm machinery will pre
vent rust and decay. This might h
good newa for those farmers who us
th fence corner as storehouses for
tbelr farm machinery, but the proba
bility la they are too laxy to apply the
It. W. Crouse, a graduate of Iowa
agricultural college, bas been appolnl
State lecturer on animal husbandry for
Virginia. Another Iowa boy has gone
to the; Massachusetts agrb-ulfural col
lege as assistant In animal husbandry.
The demand for college graduate In
the high class agricultural lines at lib
arte ranging from $1,000 to $2,000
year Is larger than the supply,
Charles W Trock of Rldgewsy, Ohio,
a 7-yenr-old lad, while wandering In
the fields ant drwn on a little hummock
which contained a bumblebee's newt
Within a moment he? was so badly stuiuf
thst his body swelled to twice Its slz
and death soon followed.
Enterprising men will make an exv
Clover and gTWsea retain mo;ur
In the eoll, render It porous and f.ivor
nitrification whll tilling with regr la
bia matter.
on a commercial scale In Riverside)
county, California. Thla cactus la thst
kind that bas had Its thorns bred off
by Luther Burbank and la said to b
xtretnely valuable as stock food,