llllhboro Independent. D. W. BATH Editor and Prcpnetor. APRIL 17, 190a I have just received a fine new line of ladies' underwear, both In the high grade as well as the cheaper articles, in knit vests and pants, long-sleeved corset : covers and union suits. Mrs. Bath. for sale. modern cottage on Baseline and Fourth, new, for monthly payments, inquire S SdS Hillsboro. Ninth and Baseline. Cimtfwi'i S a White Leghorns that are of ""hop acreage cut down. Prospect of Low Price WW Cbiwb Growers to Let Yards U In the hop district lying around Dallas, the acreage of cultivated yards will be considerably less this season than it has been for several years." Many of the hop growers have already plowed out their vines and are preparing to replace them with some crop which they be lieve will be safer and more pro fitable, while others design mere ly tn lot- iho'ir hoD vards lie idle during the coming year, hoping. From Portland, $y, Jrm pmntt . . arnnnri nn the West iae ina """" ior an increase m " -"TM." 7.;. ' -i. vuA for hona. and consequently abet- " ""- ter price for their products when ts jn Oregon, one and onethtrd they do begin to cultivate their first ciass limited fare for the round ..-..I., Tha orpater Dor- rin not ta. exceea tne riienuu tion of the yards that have been Portland either plowed out or will be ai lowed to Jie Mie during me wm- pinal return ijmit is twenty-nine ing season are located in tne ncn day9 nf hnn land aloni? the Little Stooovers not allowed, continu Luckiamute, while the majority ous passage required in each direc . .. . . t i J tinn. oi tne growers wno au..c0 - chidren fiye yw of nd in me immeumie viuaiy Hntler twelve years, one-halt tare; las, prefer to cultivate them as sufHcient to be added where neces usual. The Koser and Levens sarv to make rate-end in naught or vmvls. both of which are being five. Children under five years of i i t; lace will be carried free it accom uioweu out, are cAi-cpuuua w i - - - j; . . . , panied by parent or guardian. ""8 rule- ... J WM. McMURRAV, It has been estimated mat General Passeneer Agent fullv 25 Der cent of the hop acre- Chas. S. Fee. Passenger Traffic age of this district will be out of . Manager. the r kOT, nf rm tvtie and size. Eescs for hatching. South city park, HUlsboro. Ore. Independent 'phone 325. rMM-atioa at Sm Fraociaco. For the fleet celebration at oan t? ratM will be authorized A 1 MUV- v. . , , to San Francisco and return as ioi Sale dates are May 2nd and May 4th cultivation during the coming post cards, the right kind, can season, and it is said the remain- ke found at Mrs. Bath s. Lankla- der will be cared for in a merely ter building, east of court house. suj)erficial manner. Polk Co. Ob- special Rates to the Greater Norris server. and Rowe Circus Over South Annual Meeting Oregon State San-1 era Pacific Lines. day School Association. For the greater Norris and Rowe For the above occasion, a rate of Circus (which will exhibit ou the one oi)(4 one third fare on the certi- dates and at the stations shown be- Acute plan is authorized to Forest ow) round trip tickets will be sold Grove and return from all points in at rate of one and one-third fare, Oregon on the Southern Pacific Grants Pass, April 29th from sta lines and iroui all points in Oregon Jtions Gold Hill to Glendale, Inclu sive. Roseburg, April 30th from sta tions Riddle to Yoncalla, inclusive. Eugene, May 2nd from stations Cresswell to Ilarrisburg, iaclusiye, and Brownsville to Wendling, in clusive. Salem, May 4th from stations Jefferson to Canby, inclusive, and Wood burn to Silverton, inclusive. Albany, May 5th from stations Halsey to Albany, Inclusive, and Tallman to Aumsville. inclusive. including Lebanon. McMinnville, May 7th from sta tions Independence to North Yam hill, inclusive, and Sheridan to Os wego, inclusive. Forest Grove, May 8th from sta tions Bcaverton to Gaston, inclu sive. Children of half-fare see. one halt of above rates. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Chas. S. Fee. Passeneer Traffic Manager. A tag from a 10-cent plett wffl count TVVL value) ' A U from S-cnt pUc w01 count HALF Save your tafl 'rom HORSE SHOE GRANGER TWIST MASTER! WORKMAN STANDARD WAVY J.T. Old Statesman OMPMOh TkwIsy'sJMi. Spsv Head SaJlort Prfcte Jolly Tar trMtofclt Old Honesty Black Bear If. N. Ttosley tfgFtur Ttnptnny Pick ivy m DELTA H STORE Hillsboro, Oregon. Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many other useful presents as shown by catalog : Oold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Raior Tags Gentleman's Watch 200 Tags French Briar Pipe-50 Tag Leather Pocketbook Tigs Steel Carving Set-K0 Tags Best 8tecl Sbeart-H Tags Lady's Pocketbook-SOTags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tags 60-yd. Fishing Reel 0 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home,, write us for catalog. ; PREMIUM DEPARTMENT ' , fTHE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St Louis, Mo. on the O. R. & N., provided, how ever, fifty or more paying passen gers of not less than fifty cents each have been in attendance. Under these conditions, delegates and members of their families, who have V'u iuU (at (,tRuT" first cese rate) to Forest Grove, will be re turned at oue-third fare, but in no case less than 25 cents, on presen tation ol S. F. certificates Form 1020 to S. P. agent at Forest Grove on or before May 1st, 1908. Certi ficates will lie signed by Theo. Fessler, secretary of the associa tion, nml may be issued on any ot the three ilays prior to or on the opening day. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. Interest in a valuable patent to trade for real estate. Inquire at this olfiee. Oregon Appointments. The Forest Service has just an nounced the following appoint ments on Oregon National For ests: F. B. Herringrton and R. W. Sweetland have been made as sistant forest rangers on the northern division of the Cascade National Forest; W. E. Graham, George R. Ledford, E. C. Owens and Marion Burlingame have been made Forest Guards on the same forest Joseph K. Carper has been ap pointed a forest guard on the Im naha National Forest,- in the northeastern part of the state. He will be assigned to the work of hunting predatory animals on the tracts where the forest ser vice is conducting a series of in vestigations for the improvement of the forage crop of the range." Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sy rup acts promptly ,yet gently on the bowels, through which the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it allays information. Sold by all druggists. That Armory Bill. . Portland, April 23. - (Special) "iWsitpay to have a landlord?" That world-old question of econ omy is being asked by Oreeon National Guardsmen all over the state. Answer that question and 1 1 j w i ae expressed your views i A 1 a m ... ... 01 me Armory bill, which is to be voted on at the June election, they say. t 1 . under the present arrange- meiu me state is m the position of a man who has another's roof over his head," said Adjutant t.enoral . E. Finzer. in an in terview today on the subject of the Armory bill. The state not only .Millers all the inconvenience of being a tenant but is also pay ing out thousands of dollars in rem mat snouid be going into the construction of substantia! state buildings. u-aving aside the patriotic motives which should cause ev cry voter to lend all support pos sible to the National Guard, now a line of national defense, the economic aspect of the Armory bill should carry it at the June election. At present Oregon has rented armories in twelve cities outride of Portland. These arm ories are not suitable for the pur pose to which they are put and they cost the stite exactly $oXX) per year. 'The armory bill appropriates. $23,000 per year for four years for the building of twelve armor ies. Thus the total appropria tion is $100,000. It doesn't take much figuring to show that in a few years the state would be ahead on the deal and that the armory bill, instead of being an expensive necessity, is a good in vestment " Deatli was on His Heels. Jesse P. Morris, ofSklppers, Vs.. bad a close call in the - -r. 1906. He says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a feartul cough that my friends declared consumption had me, and death was on rnv heels Then I was persuaded to try Dr King s New Discovery. It helped me immediately, and after taking two and a half bottles I was a well man again. I found out that New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and lung disease in alUhe world. Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug Store. 50c and $1 Trial bottle free. DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Haz el halve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. Party Rales. Agents along the Southern Pa cific Lines in Oregon are hereby notified that beginning February 20. a round trip .rate of one and "rSleteeenall points .uuiviii i acme tJompany. Oregon Lines, may be made for uy, or more Dona bide mem bers of regularly organized thea trical, operatic or concert com panies. Klee clubs, brass or string bands, base ball clubs, foot ball polo or basket ball teams, travell ing together on one party ticket for the purpose of giving public entertainments. 1 Also a one and one-third fare made between the points named atevefortwenty-five (25) ormo?? persons traveling together on one party ticket; this twenfy-fiv! party is not confined to regularly organized companies or troupes, but is open to alL Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent 1 Colonist Rates. Colonist rates will "be in ef fect March 1, 1908. to April 30. 1908, from Eastern points to the Pacific Northwest as follows: From Chicago to Portland, As toria and Puget Sound destina tion, also to points on the South ern Pacific main line and branch es, north of and including Ash land, Oregon, $38. From Mis souri River Common Points, Council Bluffs to Kansas Citv. Mo., inclusive: also St Paul and Minneapolis $30, St Louis $35. 50, and from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, $30. Stop over privileges and other condi tions of sale will be practically the same as prevailed previous ly." P. G. Vickers, Agent S. P. Ry. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a short time strengthen weakened kidneys and allay trou bles arising from inflammation of the bladder. Sold by all druggists. Poultry Wanted I will pay market price in cash for all kinds of chickens, hens, tur keys, ducks and geese. J. Unz Hillsboro, Ore. "K. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, HI. Gentlemen: In 1897 I had a disease of the stomach and bowels. In the spring of iQ02 I bought a bottle ol Kodol and the benefit I re ceived all the gold in Georgia could not buy. May you Hve long and prosper. Yours very truly, C. N. '-"men, Koding. Ga., Aug 1906." Sold by all dmoia,. Plenty ol Trouble is caused by stagnation of the liver and bowels. To get rid of it and headache and billiousness and the poison that brings jaundice, take Dr. King's New Life Pills, the re liable purifiers that do the work without grinding or gripping 25c at the Delta Drug Store. EJUS for setting. Full-blood Buff Orpington for sale. Call and see the stock you are. getting eggs from. Eggs, $1.00 for 15. A few more cock erels for sale. Inquire of C. Rhoades, corner of Ninth and Baseline streets, Hillsboro. Old. mellow and thorouehly matured it possesses every es sential or a genuinely fine, Ken tucky Mquov why I. W. Haroer whiskey is the most pop-1 ular. .Sold by t . z. Cornelius. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. Sold by all druggists. For Sale. Saw mill, logging outfit team of horses, team of mules. For further information address Big Four Lumber Co., Gaston, Oregon, R. R. 1. Full line of apple, pear, peach, cherry and other nice nursery stock; also roses and cabbage plants. Morton's Gkeen House. He Cot What He Needed. "Nine years ago it looked as if my time had come," says Mr. U Farthing, of Mill Creek, Ind. Ter. "I was so run down that life hung on a very slender thread. It was then my druggist recommended Electric Bitters. I bought a bottle and got what I needed -strength. I had one foot in the grave, but Electric Bitters put it back on the turf again, and I've been well ever since." Sold under guarantee at the Delta Drug store. 50c Portland and Return, 90c. From now until further notice round trip tickets from Hillsboro to Portland and return, will be sold at 90 cents, good on Satur day 1:43 p. m. and Sunday trains, and returning on any Sunday or Monday train. WM. McMURRAY, G. P. A. There is nothing better than Kod ol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas and ner vous headache. It digests what you eat. Sold by all druggists. A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cur ed me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, of LeRaysville, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the worst sores boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 25c at the Delta Drug Store. The building season is now at hand and any one contemplating work in this line should call on The Climax Milling Co.. when figuring on material. We have a complete stock always on hand. Both .phones. EfiSs for Hatching. S. C. Black Minorcas and S. C. Brown Leghorns, $1.00 for set- tine of 13. At the Oregon Poul try Show my birds won four firsts, out of a possible five in competition with the best breed ers in the state. R. H. GREER. COFFEE Three-quarters of coffee is such that we can't touch it; we make five grades of the top quarter. Tour rotrrturn roar aoar If T 4oal Ilk Schilling Bt,l: pay him. ROYAL SODA WORKS . Open for business Tuesday, March 17. in the Hcwett building on Main Street, opposite the feed barn Carbonated Drinks of all kinds, Fountain Tanks charged and Liquid Gas for sale O. FROM & CO. 7. EMMOTT BROS. Central Meal Market Fresh Meals and Groceries. Opposiiejhe Shute Bank Your Trade Solicited. We're Riant In It When it comes to the selling of high-grade groceries of all de- SCripilons. 111 wa, i-uucvi mwi, butter, cheese, eggs, canned goods, cereals, breakfast foods onH nil kinds of groceries, we the best dual ties, but tne best weight in all cases. And our prices are sucn as cannot be easily matched by any of our competitors when qual ity is consiaerea. PEALEK ix Biiro-Dnigs wul Medicines We carry a complete line of Fine Sundries. If we do not have what you waut in stock, we will cheerfully get it for you. Having been appointed Publisher's Agents, we are now prepared to supply All Your Wants in tho . . School Book Lino We also have a full lino of Tablets, Pencils, Slates, Etc. School Boots will bo sold for NO CREDIT. CASH ONLY. Positively 5vi A LOVELY HEAD OF HAIR is a woman's crown of glory. You may have one with the aid of a bottle of our hair, tonic. . It cleanses the scalp, imparts vigor to the roots and induces luxuri ant growth. It is also absolutely harmless as well. NO INJURIOUS DRUGS enter into its composition. You can use it freely and safely. It is a preparation fully up to the standard of all our drugs and medicsnes. 1 The Hillsboro Pharmacy. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE 'YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH No cnrt-alli. A specific remedy for Oich epeeifie ailment. Only the ectire principle or the condensed eatence of the draf need. Reaults (uirintetd. A k for and try once BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets, or Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerve. Couth. Hay Fever and Catarrh, Blood, General Tonic "For Old People," Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache,' Summer Complaint, Soothin "For Children," Liver, Female Regulator, Quinsy, Bright Sunshine "Sexual Tonic," tablete or BLUE BELL Conga Syrup, Man's Pain Liniment or Pile Remedy. We print the constituents ol each remedy upon the carton, and they comply with all pure dmf laws. Diatributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO.. Incorporated; Capital Stock J0O,0UU.0O; Watertown, South Dakota, U. S. A. Fok Sale by the Delta Dnua Stokk UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER ;, J ' vMMl nyv -'-' I "Star of the First Magnitude,.' FACT Number 19 The Underwood Escapement Is Faster than lite Fastest Operator. The Skilled Mechanic soyst will last a hundred years " UNDtRWOOn TYPt'WHITrn COMPANY New York or Anywhere MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix In feed or salt Proper dott In tablet Makes Your Stock Look Like the Tod Price . A For Horace, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. Thev are made from the active nrWini. h. condensed essence ol the druf. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are lust aa good when 10 years old aa when 10 daya old. They comply with all pure droit laws. Ask lor and try one SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, BUsler, Cathartic Heave. Fever, Hot Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tahlrtsor Louse Powder, Spavin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. DintribuleiTbT THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE Co.. Incorporated! Capital Stock 1300,000.00; Watertown, South Dakota, U, S. A. . For Sale by the Delta Drue Store. Odfttdn arr Three Trains to the East Daily Thmnen Pnl'man standard and tourlft sletn. Int ears dally to Omaha, f'hlragn, 8nkane: Pullman tmirli nurtstsleeplne cars dally to KanaaaCltv: throuxh in aire! y tot bl ellnlne chair ears (m-ai rtsllr) to Kt dully 'Dine ears (nersonallv con. aiwieaj weesiy w i oicaeo ana Kansas l iit; re 70 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No t 'hanire of Cars 70 HKIAIIl Full ( hlr-Hitn Ivrtland ami'iel Wiui via U'llneton Atlantic K x t'r""e Silft p m via lluul. InKlnn St." Paul Faxt Mall :!.' p m via Ppokane I I.VIfc w HHH . KB from Portland. lr. 4alt Lake, Iwnvvr, Kl. ttnrih. omnha, Kan MS city, hi. I.mn. i ul- riin auil Ka-t alt Lake, lipiivpr. ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan a City, Ht. Ixxila, ( ht rego end Kat Walla Walla, lewlatnti ripnkanp, Waller. Pull man, Vdnm aimlla, Ht. I'aul, I Mi I u ! r . Milwmi kee. Chip sn and Kent AKKIVK HtoM f t:O0 p m 7:15 pi (.00 p m For further Information 'ask or wrllo votir ficrnt tlrkct agent, or General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Portland, Oregon Free Delivery Of the best Fish, Game and Meats. Our delivery is prompt and in all parts of Ilillslwro. We have inangerated a new Schedule In Prices and this together with our de livery system makes this Hills boro's popular market. Kuratli Bros. Dealers In Hillsboro Real.Esiaie AND AUCTIONEER. nt Hillsboro, Ore. Corwln & Heidel. Office tooth of Court Houae, Main Money to feasa