Hillsboro independent. (Hillsboro, Washington County, Or.) 189?-1932, April 24, 1908, Image 3

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    Hillsboro Independent.
C. V. EATfl Editor and Proprietor.
APRIL 24, 1908.
Mr. Cake carries Marion coun
ty by 2250.
Multnomah county is 2099.
That endorsement from those
old senators didn't help Fulton.
They need certificates of char
acter themselves. -Salem Capi
tal. Mr. Cake is a Statement No.
1 man, a true-blue republican,
and the people's choice for Unit
ed States senator. There ought
W. M. Jackson is the only man
that ever received a fourth terra
nomination for county treasurer
of Washington county, and tne
vote of 1007 against his oppon
ent, H. G. King, of 570, shows
the esteem the voters of this
county have for Mr. Jackson.
Ana rooenn for 'this is because hei
W - 1 . . -
; ,rni'.i I H.'.vimriuHiaLiiiu aiiut
nerfectly' able to transact the
- . i
business of the office; and an-
nthpr is that when the Union
needed defenders, he went to the
front and stayed there until the
the last shot was fired, and our
people, regardless of politics, do
not forget men with records oi
that kind. Mr. Jackson is truly
thankful to the voters for the
confidence they have placed in
him. He wishes The Indepena
. u r lean vear party adia, In-the countv oi
it, ,i,,,a uir four , North Irelan.l I' iujj
. TJ ,,.l..Iy-I lla?. . auv.a. " 1 ' a, v
M I .XM." - - ,
i i , , . . ;
The four couples all for six years, duriuj &icB c
. . --. ,.i;.:,. i. i . ir ronsoia
,. o the recorders om iu K ..wn,,.. ,cu mm to; ..
tint tn ho a rinnhr flhout his eleC-
tion. If Statement No. 1 is taken ent to say that "this is positively
seriously, the democrats are his last appearance before the
i...,,.i ir. D,miv,t him now nnhliV" as a candidate, and if
t . - . 1 ln tVm
licenses. Tne gins .
but tbe boys paid the bills. We
hope that none of the guli of Pierce
county will ever oe sum;
acts. A man that waits for a girl
I r Ail will
let her make the living after mar-
riaire. Girls, don't ell yourselves
" .. .Ml f.
so cheap. Tbe one tnai win on"
vou a husband worthy of the Dame
will earnestly seek your heart and
hand and ask for them like a man
Pierce City Leader.
gum01 "
but of
Charles R. Skinner, state super
intendent of schools of New York
declared recently that the value of
New York school property had in
creased nearly $2,000,000 la the last
few years, owing to the improve
menr from the trees, shrubs and
flowers Planted by pupils and teach
elected in June he will serve out ers orJ successive Arbor days. The
The total registration for the tne term to the best of his abil- total value ot the state's school pro-
primary election was 3,530; re- ;tv. but will never seek the nom-t)ert v is 88.ooo.ooo. In the state
I If 'J W 9
publicans 2,538, democrats, 607. jnation again. of New York a record was kept be
The total vote cast was 1,720 re-
t iL. -.!. i t the. tween i88o and i8ogofthenum
publican and 116 democratic. Of . of tree8 planted by school child
the latter, Gov. Chamberlain re- ' has iust been re- u aside from those planted during
108 votes for United States scn- wf J h. . Arbor my ceremonies, but owing
ator, and J. J. Whitney 17 votes -- " W to Arbor Day influences.-St. Jos-
lor congress. He says that the experience of eph News-Press.
Tho Tlnivprsitv of Oroenn of- the past few years with the pres- in a Land of freedom.
f ers to everv bov and eirl in Ore- ent University fund indicates A member of the New York leg
iron, who is prepared for it. a very clearly that a much larger islature says that a Russian citizen
university education free of sum could be used to advantage, of Albany told him that every time
charge, but to do this the school He cites many instances where a he came out of his house he felt
must have money to meet ex- small loan has enabled a student like getting down and kissing the
penses. If you think Oregon to complete his course, and says J very stones in the pavement, he
needs a state college such as you it would be a great thing if the was so very glad to stand upon a
find in every other state vote for University were able to say to free soil and to know that his child
the appropriation. Condon any deserving young man or wo- ren would, have an opportunity to
Times. man that a loan of $100 a year! become American citizens. He
could be depended on for each of said that Americans do not aoDre
Senator Fulton can surely find the four years spent in the Uni- ciate their liberty because they are
no iiuie consoiauon in megreai versity. Such a loan could be born to it, but that he regarded it
majority with which he carried made safe against loss by the as an inestimable boon to have the
nis nome county, Clatsop. At guaranty of a number of men. opportunity to bring his family
ie.iM ma neignoorsana mosewno The money for a large fund will from Russia to this land of freedom
knew him best personally show- have to be secured through gifts and opportunity. We who enjoy
ed how popular he was among from individuals interested in American citizenship do not realize
them. When a man has lived in helping deserving stud en ts what lreedom means to these peo
a community over thirty years, through the University. These pie, who dream of it, perhaps fo,
and been very active in politics gift3 will probably range in years, before they get here.-Suc
nearly all that time, and can poll amount from $25 to $100, and a cess Magazine
about seven votes to another can- fund of m nnnono-bt fnK.rM,k
didarr.'s nnv it- ij nrotMr f-on,T L i . . . Real Estate Transfers.
... eu
a T f I
111 il V.I V I . VV V . ' : I T W . ruu . laiin... v
nroof that h nlt!M ,, ,": V T A,vi,n 1 "w '
, . ni amppeu Denevesthat loans luiiard 4 sec 33 1 1 n 3 w... 1200 00
merit f riendahip and adherents,
Cake carried Washington coun
ty over Fulton by a majority of
11 1. when it was generally sup
posed that Mr. Fulton would at
least win by a small margin.
When Mr. Fulton visited this
city, a week or so ago. he was
met at the deiot by the brass
band and the circuit court, then
in session, was adjourned to give
the judge, jury, witnesses, at
torneys and court house officials
an opportunity to listen to the
speech which the senator deliv
ered at the Crescent. But the
real speech and music came last
r rulay at the polls.
ine recent primary election
wrought a number of surprises.
among them the vote for sheriff.
deorgo G. Hancock received a
majority of 31.1 votes over Bu
chanan and f:lt more than J. C.
rwuraui. or votes more than
l...jl. 1
I'owi nis opixmentu. In the
county his vote was 848. which
is looked upon as phenominal, for
it was conceded by his friends
that the race would le a neck
ami-neck affair at best, and the
result demonstrates the high es-
"'in iur. iiancocK 13
held. In his home town, Forest
1 1 rove, he received 254 of the 281
oiescast, which is certainly a
gram 1, endorsement from the peo
ple w no know him best, and will
undoubtedly discourage the can
didacy of other aspirants for that
particular office.
are better than jjifta for two rea
sons, the first, that the self-re
liance and self-respect of the stu
dent is preserved by the obliga
tion to repay the loan, and the
second, that the loan repaid goes
to help another student through
To the Republican Voters of Wasti-
inston County.
I wish to extend to pach and
all of you my deepest apprecia
tion 01 tne conndence placed in
me py giving me the nomination
for State Senator in the recent
primary election, and my only
endeavor will be that my cam
paign pe conducted so as to merit,
on june 1st, a continuance of the
confidence thusfar bestowed.
Candidate for State Senator.
County Central Committeemen.
Following is a list of the coun
ty central committee, and post
oince address
HMMrdam, Chrti Hchlndler. PortUnd, route
HTerton. Oeorje Thyn. Ileaverton
Bmioo. g. I'ltiej, Hnkt.
lUnki, Henry c. Criten, Rnkl.'
ornllu. J. e. Bnchnn, Cornellm,
lommbla, Chu. w. Lou.lon. ',.H. ,.
The Two Rivers Tribune, Vol
ume 1. No. 1, has been receiv
ed. It is published at Two Riv
ers, Wash., is a six-column quar
to, eight-page paper, and is a
model of newspaper enterprise,
full of news concerning Two Riv
ers and adjacent territory and a
publication that sjvaks well for
that new town between the Col
umbia and Snake rivers and de
monstrates that its editor and
owner. Irving Bath, as well as
tne promoters of the new Wash
ington town, are pushers of the
first magnitude. The publica
tion starts out with a guaranteed
list of l."00 subscribers and will
be improved from week to week.
The office is entirely new and is
equipiHtl with txwer presses and
the latest up-tivdate printing ma
terial. Success to the new paper
and the new town.
imiej, 1. W. llunhci, Porent Oror. route 1.
V Bulle.c. F. Tlf.rd. H,.rlon. route 1.
Kl(V.Lr. e, H.r.jp., Tu!tln.
li.le. Crk. j. r. rburctalll. Crcrk
""ton, B. r. Punljr, v.uinn.
North llllLboro. ,. w. Conne imuboro.
Nntth L'.. 11
. rDT. b. II. Luhlin. Forpit
Pouth Ilill.tHiro, Benton Bowman. I I-.
...ith For-KiroTe. t:. o. R,.. Flltn
. rDKI0 ,
route i. '
.hlnun. OtU) l.lM.ni.n, lllll.horo
We.t Butie. A. N. !... Be.,eru.n. 'route I
e le.l. Ii. Nlrroun.il. Kherw,.
Kdwanl T.r. r..i. .
Sundav. Ann 10 10,10 ' . .
i nionm ana 17 c ays Hp
K. :I i J J4C
in neimot countv. Ohio
7;u feventh child of a
....i.jr ui iweive Chl ( ren
was a private in Co. K. SfMh n
u-rit I'' in the first man to
write his name on the roll of Co
K. olunteers. After serving
throucrh the unr v, L. mg
ably discharged in April
lie came to Oregon in 1891. hS
wife preceded him to the other
shore Novemhrr 9-i ,,r
eaves three rhil.l' Ile
McGraw and-Xhn 'f: andT
Howard Lee. nil uJTi . v.'
grandchildren and many ?rien
r7e u?JT- Th ' u- Irish.-
vices be 1 . ' KLSA ne 1 bune rentes:
r 1
Win SchenJel et 1 to C V Tho
rn m rt tix 40 a tei 18 1 1 3 w 2XKK) 00
V A llofnaclc et al to Geo Beti
tike e' al 2 a in Iiiclmrdson d
Ict2i2w 1 00
A W JSinitli ct us to (ieo lk'hnke
et al tract in Geo Ricliardaon
dlct2alw.. 100
Sarah McOee et al to Emma
I'itman et al 17.29 a Vm Gei-
ger Jr d 1 c t 1 3 w 1300 00
A W Smith et us to Wm Lind
7.87 a ice 35 1 1 1 1 w 1 00
J N Hoffman et us to J no A
Striphn tract ad S Park add
KG 10 00
A J Kim no et us to E T Fitzpat-
rick tract 1 Fruitful land. ... 500 00
N G McDonald et us to J A Mil
lor 21.82 a sec 7 t 2a I w 709 15
Herbert C Smith et us to Chaa
G Smith pt ol A llinman d 1 c 5000 00
Nancy I Hunks et us to Ren
Harper lot 0 blk 2 Hanki 200 00
J O Klrol et us to Thoa Ctllag
han et al pt John Landeas die loOOO 00
J S Huston et us to F.dward Sy
M a sec 2o & 26 1 1 n 4 w HS00 00
Fred Hood et al to Kaly Buell et
us lot 4 blk 6 Thome's add
llillDboro 125 00
J K Thomas et us to I) II Stow-
ell 40 a aec 6 t 2 o 4 w 2500 00
Henry Frank et ns to John
Frank 41) a J W Wood diet
1 a 2 w
RoWt Steventon et us to EiP
ward C Mulloy n j of ow aec
2t2i3 w 1350 oo
Nancy A Johnson to J as dray
nw of 11 J sec 2! t 2 n 2 w 1000 00
Grenon Ri-al Estate Co to C K
Hedne llk 2 A 4 Bearerton... 1100 00
Thos Council et us to J J Smith
27 a T R Corneliua d 1 c tln3w 17,55 00
tieo W Wescott to T W Morgan
nw J of nw sec 13 t 2 n 3 w. :W7 50
Fred I'trterscn to J..hn Usscn
M 48aIIShacklcf,(rddlct
1 n 1 w
".of l Meelun et tu to Inn 8
tioa in God. Some
trace bis origin tr France
his existence there i but ,lttle
doubt, and it is said that when be
began his missionary orlt re
tin, frv.. M-rJctiin." and
when he died "he left no heathen
He is supposed to hart died in lbe
year 463."
For Sale.
Saw mill, logging outfit, team
of horses, team of mules. , For
further information address
Big Four Lumber Co.,
Gaston, Oregon, R. K- 1
Probate Court.
Letters of fldrninitratKn is
sued to W G. Hard as adminis
trator of the estate of Mary Mead
Anthony Hare.
Estate of Mary Jane Suther
land, deceased; claims of Rowell
& Co. for $20.80 allowed and ap
proved. Guardianship of John E. Suth-
V 1
rreTiuTiuT nfflMTT --.V.TVrw-. t,rn
apiointed guardian; bond, $2,000.
Guardianship of J rank Mayer,
feeble minded; gua -dian author
ized to borrow $778.75 on real es
tate and to execute a mortgage
to secure same.
Bond of guardian of Nelson
Gardner, a minor, filed and approved.
Kegulu Corrrapoodani
The Oswego bras band consist
ing of twenty pieces will give a
dance and band concert at the town
of Wilnvll rr. tt fvenirur . of
the a6th. An orchestra of ten
pieces will furnish dance music on
the occasion.
Tbe Sherwood Wbite Sox hav
ing "annihilated the foe" on the
diamond field here last Sundav,
have scheduled another game for
Easter Sunday with Brun's Bea
vers of Portland, expecting, of
course, to deal out the branu 01
comfort to the visitors. Later :
game won, result 4 to 3.
A son of Rev. E. E. Reed, Con
gregational minister ot Hoodview,
bad the misfortune, while operat-
The Portland Weekly Oregon
ian and The Hillsboro Indepen
dent one year for $2.25.
Interest in a valuable patent
to trade for real estate. Inquire
r- f.Wft ... ...
14V WvU
The building season is now at
hand and any one contemplating
work m this line should call on
The Climax Milling Co., when
figuring on material. We have a
complete stock always on hand,
Both phones.
Reduced Rales to Grand Lodge.
For the occasion of Grand Lodge
A. F. & A. M. and Grand Chapter
R. A. Masons of Oregon to be held
iu Portland, June 8th to 13th,
rate of one and one-tbird tare on
the certificate plan is authorized to
Portland and return from all points
on tue houtcern raciuc lines
in Oregon, provided fifty or
ine a washing morhine on Mondav more paying passengers of not
- 1 . - t
ast, to fracture the terminal bone !es9 luan, ce"ls eacu nave uecn
ot one of hts thumbs, causing a . . (
painful wound which necessitated their lami.ies wuo have paid full
coming to town for surgical assis- fare freeular first class rate) to
). M. II. Scllwood, IMalullir,
B. V. Bunnell, Hsrata A aljt,y. Anna
i.. kvnhilatl W. T. Uuiinoil. J.I .
HuiiKorluril, KJwnl lluiinrfonl,
M. i. Iiunnell, r. I., hunnull, A.
L. liuuuaU, O. I- Uim in-1 1, O. I'.
Bunu.H, A. M, Bunnell, 1. J Hnn
noil, I.. U. BuuiidII, Maltar Huh.
uoll, tilt Bunnell. Allwrl Hiiuiivil,
Uaotin Huuuall, (intrltw Buliuvll,
Kuiiiis Kutilnwu, Amanita I'aiiurr,
Anula ( ramar, 8uala J. lluuutll.
Mama HiidiifII. l.uila lluuimll.
Kuima Huiiuvll, Nellie M. Bunnell,
Arihur Kulnuaun. Joab I'aliutir. A.
C ( raruar, t. Wuaotteuliuali, l.lllil
Bunnell. irc 111111111-11, Main
Bunnell, Koaa Hiiunell, KmkliiB A.
Huuuall. aud T. H. A. Hellwit. ;
To each an J tTary of tua tiwv nauieil Helen.
You and each u you are lierrliy uotllltNl and
reiUlred to be aud aiprar lu the aMve entitled
Court, on or before May 2Kh VMM, thin ami ttiera
to aniwer tha amendel complaint luuldiutt,
and If you fall ao to apix-ar and annwer, tha I "' Ui.ttli:nnor IwinreMi wreka iron Aril IT
plaintiff will apply Iu Mid Court for tha reltif .... .,....., . ,,
ilemauded In the laid eoinplaliil, U-wlt: Kora
UKUilS H)K AkI11M,10 cot ntv
I.lla AruatrnOK, I'lalutirT
William Noevea, lie fvliilaliV,
iotWiliaui N.evea, tlic loa oaiiied ikfiu l
lu Ilia iianienf Iho Mate of Hreirun, )uil an-ht-rei'y
A-,uiifi to ai'twrar lu Oi atM,e viitiil..!
I'ourt and auawnr the i-iiiitiUint filvl aKaiuat )i,u
lu tlie alove efilltlt-,1 ratlHi on or t'l,,re 1 1, a- eii.
ration ol an wu. k fniiii the ilute f ti,e tlrt ,,1,.
Iliatmu nl llila iiiniiii.iia, the Ural .ul.m ailmi
llieriof l.enax Annl 17. 1, u l u will
IHitlce llial If you l.ul an l ai.(.rar ami an.m r
aald ou,i:nl. ti, . ainlll! mi. I 11, e
,url lor ilia relief piMi, r, i lu hrr r,,ni,M,ii .
M 1 11 I I M I 11.-
e.l real n.Hrty, i.xn: u,e linrlh.a.i ,,ii,ii,r
of llju aouiti(-.iJt jilrl,-r of M-rtluli .'u. J S H
3 W. ol Hi- W iiU.ii.-uo M.rlJian, in W a-luin(tiu
oiinty, Ori Knii. ami that xhi k t,,iiiMl h m i
foitll Hie liaiun-of our rlalui 11 li.l, re-t In hiI
r al proM'rtv ami iiiat you . fun rer haire lai .l
pre linleil irom axerlliiK nr rlaiui or li.li r.-.l
tlnr.ln a.lvc-r- to 11,1. pUiutm, ami ,,r ami,
oilier and lurilier uMt r may lie ioi r lu Hi
Tbla aummona la served iiimui vou I.) 1.11I.II. a
llou hy outer of linn. J. VV. i',,hIiii. ii.uuly
JiulK of W-lilliKl.ili aliinr, Ori-ifim niail,- ai.,1
dnltd at IIHI.lH.1,1. lnK.,ii, April li,, hli li
aid or.ler n iilrea yi.ii to appear ami an-Her.aid
complaint on or In-due tne . xniiaiiou of an
e a from the dale ol il.e urn pui-ln ailmi here-
1 00
4O0J 00
Cliurcli 2i' a a Uiul,.. ,1 1
4 , n
. via.w
K lna Jfii-on to J N lloffmati 15
II lUuton l I c t 1 n 4 w...
F II H mer ct ux to J W Ray.
inofnl 3l a. net H t 2 2 r
Tualatin Aia I.mut a p v t n
Hixle lot 1 blk 0 F O
John C Culmpr tn in... A
' '.iw.l, v
Krutftrer .t of Jot Uuliaer J 1 c
Pl.ri.t t?..l! 1,
I.,,, ,u jo m i, hchAer et
I In a .... ir 1 n
eev a.j . .- n .1 W 1 2.J0 00
27.tO 00
10 00
2;.- oo
two 00
4O0 00
Portland, will be returned at one
third fare, but iu no case less than
25 cents.
For Sale.
Here is the best bargain in Hills
boro: 1 acre of ground, 5 room
house, good cellar under it, wood
shed, eood well of water in the
house, barn, pig house, good chick
eu yard, orchard and a good straw
berry patch. 1 block from school
house, 2 blocks from Baptist and
Catholic churches. Inquire on the
premises and save real estate men's
commission. Located on the cor
Married, at Ipi residence of bis I tier of Fourth and Railroad streets,
brother. To" "-Jrr. n( Portland, Hillsboro.
April 13th, JosrpA L. Kerr to Mrs.
Jessie Borland,' both bride and
A tramp presumably afflicted
with epileptic convulsions and ot a
'bug house" tendancy created con-
riderable excitement in the Hines
neighborhood Monday. He was
found apparently in a stupor by a
passing mailcarrier on the high
way, was revived, but unmistake
able signs of dementia caused a
phone to be sent into the sheriff of
Clackamas county, who arrived in
the evening and took charge of the
ite mant
1, at t
Notice to Contractors.
... . . ... hJ.C4V.l4 Mill lV. I V.V.VI kJ
bridegroom being well known res.- the Countv Court of Washintrton
dents of Middleton, this county, county, Oregon, up to 2 o'clock
Joe is evidently not "worrying" p. m., April 25, 1J08, for doing
about unlucky "13," as some other about &U0U yards of earth work
uii titc vunicii iuciu. i luiia itiiu
specifications may be seen at the
office of the county judge. By
order of the county commission
ers. J. W. UUUU1N,
foolishly inclined people are very
apt to do even if it is a question of
getting married.
The primary election held here
on the 17th, did not attract much
attention, many voters absenting
themselves from the polls. The re
sult demonstrates one noticeable
fact in the ticket named that "third
termers" are not very popular can
didates with the majority of voters.
Why should they be anyway?
"Pass the pie around" and show
your hospitality, gentlemen.
J. C. Smock, town proprietor and
ex-merchant, has been nominated
as a candidate for justice of the
peace of this precinct, also Fred
Lukes of this piace for constable.
The latter is proprietor of the ton
sorial parlor and is well and favor
ably known here.
The larmers owning land on the
County Judge.
decree of partition and tale of the following de
crlbad prrmlaea, namely: '
"Beginning at the Quarter Hecllon Corner be
tween Section UT. 18. K. 1 W. and Bectlou 3
T. 2 B. K. I W. of the Wlllamctto Meridian.
Ruunlug ilienca Houth 2& degree Kat 4.V NO cnn.
to a auiue at in Suuiuweet' corner ol tha l. L. ('
ot). I.. Illckllnand wife, thence North Mi do
greeaHO mlnulei Kaat 12.6 elialna; thenre North
i minute Eaat 2.90 cha. to tha North line of
th South half of aald p. I,. ('. ; thence with
lb aald Una Houth H9 deireea 41 mlnulea Weal
Si.M ch. ; thence South I denree Wvmt 2.04 ch.
to tha place of betrlnnlng, oniUtliiliig luo acre.
And for a dlxtrlliutlon ainoniit the partlea, ac
cording to their reaiiectlve Intereatn. of th pro.
ceeda of aale, leaa the claim of the I'lalntifl
amounting lo 922.1.&7, puld lor tase and ax.
penaei, totretber with Ih coata aud diaburae.
menu or Ihla auit.
Thliaummon I putilii-lied In tha IlllUboro
Indeiiendent, a weekly newapaper pulillahed In
aald t'ouiity, by tha order ol the Hon. T. A. Mc
Brlde, Jntlge of aald Court, which order la
made and dated thla lal day of April, l'.am, the
date of ft rat publication being April 8.1. l'w.
C. U. & I. V. LATOI'KKTre.
Attorney for I'lalDtlll'.
II. T. IIAiil.KVAJ. N. lluKKMAN.
Altiirneya fo. I'laintiil.
Full line of nnnlo. noar. iwach.
cherry and other nice nursery
Stock'.; or , .. il jr,
Morton s Gkkkn Hol.sk.
Race Record 2:10
Was the fastest horse, either trot-
Administrator Notice.
Nolle I hereby given that tha untlerxiRned,
Benton Bowman, haa beu appointed admlni.
trator of tba eatale of I.ula J. Iiarcnport, liec'd,
and ha qualified an auch, and all peraonhaT-
Ing claim agalnat aald eatate are hereby notified
to preaent them to me, with proier voucher, at
my omc in imuboro, Oregon, within .ix ter or pacer, on the North Pacific
month from thl date. . .
Dated April . im v.ucuit in 1900, and was also the
Admlnlatrator of lbe Katate of I.ula J, Daven
port, Deceased.
8. B. Hl'STON, Atty for Katate.
First pub. April 10. laat. War 8.
3)Votfce I hereby itlven that the nnderafirne
executrix ol the ealate of lndell H. Koater, de.
largest money winner of any horse,
either trotter or pacer, in said year,
pacing two races a week in everv
week throughout the entire circuit
and losing only two heats, nnd is
considered by expert horsemen to
Le One Of the lenilmrr nnif rj in
iwrnuul haa Ihla , lav Hlu,l In llieifjiiitil w 1 ', r I a o g
MaabliiKtou Cnuuiy, Oremm. her final account America. lie IlOt Only ConiCS IfOtU
and rea,rtaancdexecmrix in aain e.tate, and a racinc familv. Juit Is wi'tli.iiir
ha aame haa lMen i.e nor nnai 11. arlnv anil ui. I " J - ..........
tlemeut before aald Court at the Court llmiae In I QUeStlOIl, the greatest tacilie DaCtT
Hllli-boro. tireiron.on April 27. ltmit. al 10 o'eha k I i - ,C r
a. m. or aald day.
l)atd thl Murch Z I'M.
Executrix of the E'tateof Leudell D. Foater. de
M. BAILKY Bl'MP, Attorney for Ealate.
Firat pub. March 27, laat, April 24.
and CURE
: the LUNGS I
. Swing's
w ur. Ring
New Discovery
avv. jl ai nft
OLDS Trial Bottle Free
Edison Home
The price of this outfit, including
is $39.20
hieWiiv south of town
have removed th-ir fences back on ic!' 18 the amo h.ere ,n the Easti vu thui Mve trangportation t liarm-n,
tVi i- . . winch amount! to about H. ou can buy the.e machine! for cash or iiiHlallments.
tue new line of survey and the toad no difference in price, oo interest on installment. Machine! nre pnarutiteed
supervisor with a force of men will
vices being conducted by R
t. Holknap of this city. Tl
ev. K
city. The de-
I . M I rt 11- a
'"ouiic, Aia , writes,
to tue .National Tribune: "What
n an tnis talk about St. Patrick be
ine a Scotchman- ..,... I . ,
To which . the Tri-
"St. Patrick hvrt
K ago that the information
SerS!?rpl;r0UKht UP in the conceTDin,,i9rty fe U very u
WuaKer church. ! satisfactorv. Th, w ...L .
...ij. 1De oest authorities
cm to agree that he was born in
(he oc-oanu. and when 16 years old
Other nations are at liberty to in
1u1ge in a naval voyaee aroun.t ,,.
western Ilemisnhn Kl I 1. - - 111 Vll trif-af lte-ak.1 I. V
nothing to lx V.. . ' "c ,s . " v P'"tes and car-
clean score. iacll,,n a ne? 10 Ire,anJ. "here he was sold
to MU.uc, chieftain of North Dalar.
commence grading and building
bridges at once. Owing to this
contemplated change this road has
been neglected, and in consequence
is the worst in this vicinity.
David Fletcher boueht of Jas.
Crown a tract of land of about 23
acres beintr - ,..v,n nf the old
brick company's nrooertv adjoining
the town on the east, recently, and
is having the same cleared up pre
paratory to platting into town lots.
It will be known as Fletcher's Ad
dition. Harnden II. Eyruan is at home
agaiu here, this time to permauent-
so he savs. He has dis-
tall at my store ana bear them uluv all kind! of inti-ii-. Kvrv a ,,..;..,.
rt-vuiu in Buiva,.
e. l. Mccormick, iiuisboro. ore.
.... y,,. JV , l-r. ,1.;,;
I j.?.,r 1: j!
y remain
The Mortons will sell to close out. two and thre. t-r ai-
ed of his furniture store at Wil- Trees at 15 cts. each; Peach and Pear Trees, 15 cts, each- Lambert
ma, Yamhill where be Vovat Ann T.Ate DiiVp unit TTintieh of unA . , 1. . .
hi 1- . , . . - - - -j uj. cam; graueu tree
nas been doing business for the Roses, 75 cts.; Frau Kael Druschki and Marshamel 35 cts.. and many
past year. "IInm home. SWeetl0her variett'ps at frnra inrfa Innrii aat.. t."t..... t.-.t
, --"i - i - - "j .j. , lunci ovens in papers-
home, there i. i;ir. home." c-.. ti.. j. , ."1-IS.
1 pu1' " ion;. 1 ij i "uia.. 1 mull uuw icauy, cosmos, 20 cts. a loz. ; white
'j p Y tnina a-sier. 15 cts.; ransy, 15 cts.; 30 or 40 thousand Tomato plants,
rll c f nnor S C" nr. 30 cts.; Cauliflower, 5octs.; Kale, when
iu 1 j v r
ever bred in Oregon; he Is the only
horse, either Iroller or pacer, lo
have been bred, raised and raced
in Oregon lo the record ol 2: 1 o.
After being three davs and three
nights iu a car, he was taljen out ot
the car and immediately started in
a race where be forced "Sherlock
Holmes" to race to the record time
of 3.06 in order to beat him. lie
is not only a horse of rctnatkaMe
speed and gameuess, but is fo con
sistent and reliable that he has
I never made but one break in a rac
: ing career of three years; his tlispo
I sition is such that any child or
woman cau drive him.
He is sired by "Lovelace." one
of the greatest three year old trot
ters in America in 1S94, he being
bv "Egotist," be being by "Elec
tioneer," the greatest of all trotting
sires living or dead. "Lord Love
lace's" dam is Mapgie," a full sis
ter to "Rosie C," 2:16. the dam of
"Prince Direct," recoid, 2:07 single,
and 2:05' double. ' Mngpje" is
the. dam of "Lord Lovelace," 2:10,
contending hoise in a race 2:06;
"Portia Knight," 2:i6'4', contender
in a race 2:12. ' Ik-n I'.olt," iccoid
to n wagon, 2:iS, trial, 2:11. ''Mag
gie" is sired by "Duroc Trince,"
second dam, "Frankie" by'Orcgon
Pathfinder." sire of the dam of
"Altao," 2:09, nnd "Pathmont,"
2:09 ,"4 , the sire of "Pathmark," 2:1 1.
"Lord Lovelace" will make a
short season at the home barn of E.
H. Tongue, in Hillsboro, Oregon,
terms, $45.00 for the season.
on it.
inns Ul uuui 1 ,.. . . ,1. 1 r . . .
ircuuv. i iici tuuusttuu. li.ximt in nav it tn inn v,,, ..... rs.i
, I ' ' ' J luvuaauu Idle V.au
uut our name isn i bage plants tn their season at low prices. We also have Walnut Trees
Go bv the name. and maU ltmt nd ornamental shrubbery. We ship to all parts of the
Ladies' t-.ol nnttprns
1. cath'g.
county. Comk ONK, comk au. and sbk vs.
riuck, Tush and Persever
ance are all essential to
financial success. A system
atic system of saving is of
equal importance; and this
often has its beginning with
the opening of a little sav
ings account. Possibly you
would like to talk with us
about the matter. . . .
J. W. Shute